Chinese Manga-Inspired Internet Police
The Chinese government has decided to use two police officers, one female and one male, drawn "manga-style" to patrol computer screens of Internet users to make sure they are abiding by strict censorship rules.
The man and woman cartoon crime-fighting duo will patrol the screens of Chinese Web surfers, sometimes on foot, sometimes on motorcycle, sometimes in a patrol car and sometimes -- in true Chinese style -- on bicycles.
The government appears to be using these images to remind users not to deviate from chinese internet use restrictions, and to encourage them to rat out potential violators.
Source: Spiegel Online
8 Comments Recent Comments
Zel said:
Wow, wtf...? Are they going to force all web users to have this installed on their computers? If it is required, I have a feeling that it will work on Windows only, making it where you have to use Windows in order to use the internet or something...
Wow, wtf...? Are they going to force all web users to have this installed on their computers? If it is required, I have a feeling that it will work on Windows only, making it where you have to use Windows in order to use the internet or something...
No, it's their internet as a whole that's regulated, not the individual computers.
Sep 2, 2007 12:33 PM by accela
Chibi cops to remind you not to be a naughty boy, or it's off to the labour camps for 10 years or so. Man, that's horrible. Politically, I don't really know what to think about china in general, but their attitude to the internet and freedom of speech and so on is completely bewildering to me.
Sep 2, 2007 12:01 PM by YourMessageHere
so223 said:
do i detect a hint of sarcasm
Sep 2, 2007 6:52 AM by The_Asch
Sep 1, 2007 12:35 AM by saizo6
things is selective the government there dosen't enforce communist issues unless they have to. or so says my friend who lives there, so if they want to enforce this they can.
Aug 31, 2007 11:28 PM by The_Asch
China. Oh god. That is all I can say.
communism fails, not that China is even really communist anymore.... well, in the rural areas they are communist.. x_x
that is all I can say..
China. Oh god. That is all I can say.
communism fails, not that China is even really communist anymore.... well, in the rural areas they are communist.. x_x
that is all I can say..
Aug 31, 2007 9:43 PM by SY_IS_DEAD_IRL
Wow, wtf...? Are they going to force all web users to have this installed on their computers? If it is required, I have a feeling that it will work on Windows only, making it where you have to use Windows in order to use the internet or something...
Aug 31, 2007 8:23 PM by Zel
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