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Crunchyroll Announces the Removal of Its Comment Section Across All Platforms To 'Reduce Harmful Content'

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Jul 9, 12:48 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to 0063873192871
@RobertBobert MAL has already done that before. They removed comments under people and the such.
@0063873192871 I know. But removing the ability to comment on one type of page because of shitposters and closing comments altogether are two different things.
Jul 9, 12:57 PM

Jul 2010
After reading a lot of reviews I totally support it. Episode comment section is usually fine.
Jul 9, 1:02 PM
Feb 2024
Anyhow, pretty hilarious move from crunchyroll. All of that because users were slandering what I assume is an yaoi. Worst crime you can commit in modern society is blasphemi- I mean not being gay enoug- I mean saying bad things about le diversity. Thoughtcrime, so scary! Shut it down! Can't let they realize they're the majority.

If you have half a brain, you shouldn't be using Crunchyroll anyways. It's like asking to be fooled. Straight up giving money to people that hate you. So I don't blame crunchyroll here. We all know they're bad already.
Jul 9, 1:17 PM

Feb 2020
as someone who has been using CR for the past few years, i say that this is a sad change--maybe I might miss it, but im honestly not too sure. since CR popularity skyrocketed, most comments in anime consist of attention seekers, copypastas, and blatant spoilers for future content, while thoughtful notes about the anime/episode were often buried and were much more uncommon. so to be blunt, there was not much lost by removing the comment section

Its a pretty slippery slope, bc from one perspective i can see how the recent bigotry could play a role in the comment section removal, but at the same time noticing how lack of pay for translators, outsourcing work, and the recent use of AI could also relate to this issue, as if CR is using the pretext of discriminatory remarks for the removal.

All in all, i think if i want to continue reading comments about new and old anime episodes, ill probably just read up on MAL discussions, SMS, or on r/anime
Jul 9, 1:24 PM

Jul 2013
Yeah I just checked Crunchyroll. They did actually remove all of the comments on that site btw.
Jul 9, 1:35 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@perseii Are you talking about what Marx described as “the capitalists will even be ready to sell us chains with which we will immobilize them if it is beneficial for them”?
@RobertBobert Nothing so grandiose. I'm just talking about what (little) I've seen of businesses and what I find logical. No business wants to continue delivering a service that costs them money but doesn't make them money (or at least help them make money). And they will change course if and only if they see clear evidence to the contrary.

In this case, that will require a major PR disaster, investors backing out and subscriber count noticeably dropping. But I doubt that will happen.
Jul 9, 1:37 PM

Apr 2020
Can you blame them?

Compare it with the Forums here. Most succesful onse are hateful rants and/or threads about who we dislike the most.
Good decision on their part.
People are self centered idiots who can't behave. So...yeah....tough shit.

MaL has to keep doing this tho, they can't get rid of it, without destroying their site... so don't worry. Your opinion will always be acknowledged by us, unfortunatly.
Merve2LoveJul 9, 1:41 PM
Jul 9, 1:58 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to perseii
@RobertBobert Nothing so grandiose. I'm just talking about what (little) I've seen of businesses and what I find logical. No business wants to continue delivering a service that costs them money but doesn't make them money (or at least help them make money). And they will change course if and only if they see clear evidence to the contrary.

In this case, that will require a major PR disaster, investors backing out and subscriber count noticeably dropping. But I doubt that will happen.
@perseii And do you think it's reasonable for Crunchroll to think that this will gradually die down and people will get used to it?
Jul 9, 2:01 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@perseii And do you think it's reasonable for Crunchroll to think that this will gradually die down and people will get used to it?
@RobertBobert Yes. I feel "removal of comments section on an anime streaming service" ranks pretty low on the online firestorm scale, even within the anime sphere.

Do you believe otherwise?
Jul 9, 2:04 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to perseii
@RobertBobert Yes. I feel "removal of comments section on an anime streaming service" ranks pretty low on the online firestorm scale, even within the anime sphere.

Do you believe otherwise?
@perseii I haven't used comments on this site since the late '10s, so it's hard for me to appreciate how personal it and reviews are for people.
Jul 9, 2:09 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love
Can you blame them?

Compare it with the Forums here. Most succesful onse are hateful rants and/or threads about who we dislike the most.
Good decision on their part.
People are self centered idiots who can't behave. So...yeah....tough shit.

MaL has to keep doing this tho, they can't get rid of it, without destroying their site... so don't worry. Your opinion will always be acknowledged by us, unfortunatly.
@Merve2Love i cannot wait the day you quit this site for good youre my number 1 hater here
Jul 9, 2:10 PM

Oct 2013
I never paid attention to comments or reviews posted on Crunchyroll. I didn't post any comment there as well, so I don't care about this change, to be frank. Too bad that, at least from what I understood, many valuable comments are no longer available. For sure there were some.
Jul 9, 2:13 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love i cannot wait the day you quit this site for good youre my number 1 hater here

I know you do^^

What you're failing to realize is that I often don't even know that these Threads are made by you.
I just answer them.

But if "Having a Hater" is something that makes you feel good. By all means: Continue^^ You do you.
Merve2LoveJul 9, 2:16 PM
Jul 9, 2:15 PM

Apr 2015
And i thought it was just my browser not loading the comments today when i watch Spice & Wolf episode lol.

Well, i don't know how are in the other countries, but i didn't think it was that bad or toxic on the Portuguese side, There was some really funny comment sections and some appreciation on very underrated titles.
Jul 9, 2:17 PM

Feb 2021
SwordBreaker36 said:
I will say I watch new anime in the not so cool way but I still support in buying DVD/and Blu-ray
Most blu-rays are released by Crunchyroll anyways...

SwordBreaker36 said:
what I would love to see is studios some how host it them self or get something that will be more beneficial for a studio.
I mean that kinda already exists, it's called Crunchyroll and they are owned by the biggest anime company in Japan (the same company that also owns A-1 Pictures and CloverWorks)

0063873192871 said:
If you have half a brain, you shouldn't be using Crunchyroll anyways. It's like asking to be fooled. Straight up giving money to people that hate you. So I don't blame crunchyroll here. We all know they're bad already.
I mean it's ironic for you to say that when you have anime produced by CR on your favs...
Jul 9, 2:17 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

I know you do^^

What you're failing to realize is that I often don't even know that these Threads are made by you.
I just answer them.

But if "Having a Hater" is something that makes you feel good. By all means: Continue^^ You do you.
@Merve2Love you keep on hating on thread makers thats what you do calling us troll attention seekers
Jul 9, 2:18 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love you keep on hating on thread makers thats what you do calling us troll attention seekers

Sure do^^
You win.

Sorry for answering your Thread.
Jul 9, 2:20 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

Sure do^^
You win.

Sorry for answering your Thread.
@Merve2Love ye one day the moderators will finally ban you for attacking thread makers constantly
Jul 9, 2:22 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love ye one day the moderators will finally ban you for attacking thread makers constantly

Fooooor.......answering your Threads, you think?
Yeah, that will happen.
Jul 9, 2:23 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

Fooooor.......answering your Threads, you think?
Yeah, that will happen.
@Merve2Love your answering with ad hominem or personal attacks
Jul 9, 2:26 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love your answering with ad hominem or personal attacks

I do?
Well report it.
I feel like Im asnwering your questions and you're responding overly sensitive^^
Jul 9, 2:28 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

I do?
Well report it.
I feel like Im asnwering your questions and you're responding overly sensitive^^
@Merve2Love nope youre passive aggressive and the moderators said there is no rules against passive aggressive yet so your exploiting that rule
Jul 9, 2:30 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love nope youre passive aggressive and the moderators said there is no rules against passive aggressive yet so your exploiting that rule

Thats a shame?

But coming back to that beeing overly sensitive - point I think there's nothing to it?^^
Jul 9, 2:30 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to RobertBobert
@perseii I haven't used comments on this site since the late '10s, so it's hard for me to appreciate how personal it and reviews are for people.
@RobertBobert I don't know how Crunchyroll commenters and reviewers feel, actually. As a user, I did like the comments section, since they usually had a few good jokes and some takes that I really connected with. I did not care for the review section at all; most of them were written after the first episode and not very informative.

I've been looking at this and talking about this from the "corpo" perspective, mostly. Comparing them to other recent service/policy changes in other sites, like Reddit changing their API pricing last year, leading to many apps shutting down and some of the biggest subreddits going private in protest (nothing got changed in the end, as far as I know). Or Netflix cracking down on password-sharing (as far as I know, this led to an uptick in subscriber count, so worth it, I guess). Or Crunchyroll's parent company Sony shooting itself in the foot by requiring PlayStation accounts from Helldivers 2 PC players (they did roll that one back).

From what I've seen, corporations, once they get large enough, seem very comfortable introducing changes that directly inconvenience their customers. They know for a fact that things tend to blow over and most people will still stick around.
Jul 9, 2:31 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

Thats a shame?

But coming back to that beeing overly sensitive - point I think there's nothing to it?^^
@Merve2Love i hate passive aggressive people like you but i will try to ignore you from now on and just report you funny you keep telling us we are attention seekers when you do attention seeking yourself like here with me
Jul 9, 2:31 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love i hate passive aggressive people like you but i will try to ignore you from now on and just report you funny you keep telling us we are attention seekers when you do attention seeking yourself like here with me

I know you do.

Again, Im just answering these Threads, tho.
Nothing personal^^
Jul 9, 2:33 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

I know you do.

Again, Im just answering these Threads, tho.
Nothing personal^^
@Merve2Love nope its definitely personal for you to attack thread makers that you do not like
Jul 9, 2:35 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to deg
@Merve2Love nope its definitely personal for you to attack thread makers that you do not like

Don't know what to tell you. It's just this:

Merve2Love said:
What you're failing to realize is that I often don't even know that these Threads are made by you.
I just answer them.
Jul 9, 2:37 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

Don't know what to tell you. It's just this:

Merve2Love said:
What you're failing to realize is that I often don't even know that these Threads are made by you.
I just answer them.
@Merve2Love we all know that is a lie youre not fooling anyone any thread maker you constantly attack in the forums will know
Jul 9, 2:41 PM

Mar 2008
Didnt they also previously have a forum they down? Sounds like they shut it down so users cant complain about their subs.
Jul 9, 2:44 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to traed
Didnt they also previously have a forum they down? Sounds like they shut it down so users cant complain about their subs.
@traed well, I used to post on the Crunchyroll forum before it was shut down. You can still find some of my posts indexed on Google images (even though the forums has already been taken offline).
Jul 9, 2:46 PM

Aug 2019
that really sucks since honestly I have been reading the comments on Crunchyroll over the episode discussions on here because the comments on MAL are a bit toxic in comparison, plus it is a lot easier to just scroll down after an episode than going to this site and opening the forum topic
Jul 9, 2:51 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to snowykevin
that really sucks since honestly I have been reading the comments on Crunchyroll over the episode discussions on here because the comments on MAL are a bit toxic in comparison, plus it is a lot easier to just scroll down after an episode than going to this site and opening the forum topic
You use different device than what you watch on i find easiest.
Jul 9, 2:57 PM

Jul 2013
Why would they remove comments, unless people were posting links to illegal content? I would assume that some people were posting links to anime torrenting websites on Crunchyrolls. Which was why they had to remove the comments section.
Jul 9, 3:01 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to MadanielFL
SwordBreaker36 said:
I will say I watch new anime in the not so cool way but I still support in buying DVD/and Blu-ray
Most blu-rays are released by Crunchyroll anyways...

SwordBreaker36 said:
what I would love to see is studios some how host it them self or get something that will be more beneficial for a studio.
I mean that kinda already exists, it's called Crunchyroll and they are owned by the biggest anime company in Japan (the same company that also owns A-1 Pictures and CloverWorks)

0063873192871 said:
If you have half a brain, you shouldn't be using Crunchyroll anyways. It's like asking to be fooled. Straight up giving money to people that hate you. So I don't blame crunchyroll here. We all know they're bad already.
I mean it's ironic for you to say that when you have anime produced by CR on your favs...
@MadanielFL Oh no... he lives in a society and complains about society... such irony...
Grow up.
It was also Licensed, not Published by Crunchyroll, if you're talking about Youjo Senki.
Jul 9, 3:02 PM

Jun 2014
Such a stupid thing to remove.

I'm glad we got MAL not that I comment on those sections but stupid to remove.
Jul 9, 3:03 PM

Jul 2013
To the above poster...why would you have a random string of numbers as your username? Instead of an actual English word lol? Just wondering, no offense.
Jul 9, 3:05 PM

Feb 2021
0063873192871 said:
It was also Licensed, not Published by Crunchyroll, if you're talking about Youjo Senki.
No, I'm talking about DimensionW, just look what it says on the "background" section on MAL for that show.
Jul 9, 3:11 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to MadanielFL
0063873192871 said:
It was also Licensed, not Published by Crunchyroll, if you're talking about Youjo Senki.
No, I'm talking about DimensionW, just look what it says on the "background" section on MAL for that show.
@MadanielFL "Dimension W was first announced to be in production at Anime Expo 2015 in Los Angeles. Studio 3Hz is responsible for animation production, while the studio Orange is responsible for CG production. North American distributor FUNimation Entertainment is also a member of the production committee."
Mind telling me where is the word "Crunchyroll" at? Crunchyroll was only bought by Sony (Funimation) in 2020, and they were only merged in 2024. Even if it was a Crunchyroll production, I wouldn't consider it any less good because of it.
Jul 9, 3:16 PM

Aug 2020
Censorship is getting stronger and stronger, it's like when Mal closed the comments in People section.

Jul 9, 3:22 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to Kobota
Censorship is getting stronger and stronger, it's like when Mal closed the comments in People section.
@Kobota well, censorship is only increasing of anti-capitalist media online. Censorship only applies to what the elites don't want the masses to hear! The elites, who make the laws, only censor things that criticize the status quo of capitalism. Anything that supports capitalism never gets censored lol.
Jul 9, 3:25 PM

Sep 2018
Reply to DesuMaiden
@Kobota well, censorship is only increasing of anti-capitalist media online. Censorship only applies to what the elites don't want the masses to hear! The elites, who make the laws, only censor things that criticize the status quo of capitalism. Anything that supports capitalism never gets censored lol.
A lot of this "capitalism" runs on tax money. I call it communism/socialism like dei.
Jul 9, 3:31 PM

Mar 2009
Reply to MadanielFL
SwordBreaker36 said:
I will say I watch new anime in the not so cool way but I still support in buying DVD/and Blu-ray
Most blu-rays are released by Crunchyroll anyways...

SwordBreaker36 said:
what I would love to see is studios some how host it them self or get something that will be more beneficial for a studio.
I mean that kinda already exists, it's called Crunchyroll and they are owned by the biggest anime company in Japan (the same company that also owns A-1 Pictures and CloverWorks)

0063873192871 said:
If you have half a brain, you shouldn't be using Crunchyroll anyways. It's like asking to be fooled. Straight up giving money to people that hate you. So I don't blame crunchyroll here. We all know they're bad already.
I mean it's ironic for you to say that when you have anime produced by CR on your favs...
MadanielFL said:
Most blu-rays are released by Crunchyroll anyways...
Well in Sweden they are not sold by CR so I know i´m not giving them jack shit. They got their dirty money for Swedish distributors but not mine.

MadanielFL said:
I mean that kinda already exists, it's called Crunchyroll and they are owned by the biggest anime company in Japan (the same company that also owns A-1 Pictures and CloverWorks)

You mean Sony Pictures studios and Aniplex yeah they are not beneficial what so ever when it comes to smaller studios. Also thanks to these giants allot of artists are over worked to the point of want to un-alive them self.

MadanielFL said:
I mean it's ironic for you to say that when you have anime produced by CR on your favs...

Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu is not made by crunchy only licensed
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Also not made by Crunchy but licensed
Leadale no Daichi nite Also not made but licensed.

It´s a huge fucking difference between being made by or got a license to sell the shit. And I trust Wiki more than I trust MAL when it comes to information and when it clearly sates Licensed by Crunchyroll, SA/SEA: Medialink.

While Crunchyroll previously co-produced anime titles, Which only includes those that Crunchyroll themselves officially place under the label. Following Sony's acquisition of Crunchyroll, the brand was quietly discontinued alongside the closure of the in-house production studios.

The company was acquired by Sony Pictures Television in 2017 their in house production was closed when Sony acquired them so they did not make any of my favorites because they could not if they had no studio for it.

Ironic how you want to piss on me but barely knows jack shit a simple fucking google also can tell ya. So how about maybe not sniff your own farts and lay of the shrooms.

I don´t like EA I don´t Like Crunchy I don´t like Ubisoft and nothings gonna fucking change it but the fact is sadly I still have to deal with them if I want to keep enjoying my hobby but I will try my hardest to not support them if I can.

If you don´t like that people are not fan of Crunchy well maybe climb of Crunchy´s dick for 2 minutes and ask your self does it relay matter what other people think if I like their dick up my ass or not ?
Jul 9, 3:36 PM

Oct 2010
Merve2Love said:
Can you blame them?

Compare it with the Forums here. Most succesful onse are hateful rants and/or threads about who we dislike the most.
Good decision on their part.
People are self centered idiots who can't behave. So...yeah....tough shit.

MaL has to keep doing this tho, they can't get rid of it, without destroying their site... so don't worry. Your opinion will always be acknowledged by us, unfortunatly.
At least we can count on your positivity, so it's not all bad
Jul 9, 3:39 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to rohan121
A lot of this "capitalism" runs on tax money. I call it communism/socialism like dei.

Oh and how much money did Crunchyroll get and when? Where is the documentation?
Jul 9, 3:40 PM

Feb 2021
0063873192871 said:
Mind telling me where is the word "Crunchyroll" at? Crunchyroll was only bought by Sony (Funimation) in 2020, and they were only merged in 2024. Even if it was a Crunchyroll production, I wouldn't consider it any less good because of it.
"If you have half a brain, you shouldn't be using Crunchyroll anyways. It's like asking to be fooled. Straight up giving money to people that hate you. So I don't blame crunchyroll here. We all know they're bad already." Giving money to the people that hate you, more like giving money to the people that helped produce the shows you like.
How awful...
Jul 9, 3:49 PM

Mar 2021

I would just give it up. CR is just "THE" Boogie Man company when it comes to Anime no matter what you keep pointing out to other Users.

The irony is 147 companies in the world that own everything... Even if CR didn't exist Users would simply find a new Boogie Man company to complain about.
Jul 9, 3:52 PM

Jul 2013
Whoa, this thread got nearly 150 replies within a single day...
Jul 9, 3:59 PM

Jan 2013
Man fuck Crunchyroll, just give us the comments on people’s pages back on MAL. Like ok u cant comment anymore but they hid the section altogether lol.
Jul 9, 4:02 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to MadanielFL
0063873192871 said:
Mind telling me where is the word "Crunchyroll" at? Crunchyroll was only bought by Sony (Funimation) in 2020, and they were only merged in 2024. Even if it was a Crunchyroll production, I wouldn't consider it any less good because of it.
"If you have half a brain, you shouldn't be using Crunchyroll anyways. It's like asking to be fooled. Straight up giving money to people that hate you. So I don't blame crunchyroll here. We all know they're bad already." Giving money to the people that hate you, more like giving money to the people that helped produce the shows you like.
How awful...
@MadanielFL Grow up, piss for brains.
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