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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Jul 6, 2016 8:37 PM

Jan 2011
FononZero said:
QWERTYFish25 said:

Don't mean to nitpick, but is it possible they executed them as a group and simply set them ablaze? The adults seemed scattered about along with their weapons whereas the children, probably making up the majority ofthe last one left alive being found in a house or a ditch somewhere would be gathered up, executed, and then burned?

Of course. I have no idea who or what has done this. Just making theories for fun while waiting for the next episode. :P

True. I can't really point my finger one what magic Ros uses, it may be a collection of things not necessarily elemental in nature like Emilia and presumably like the girl in the red dress.
Jul 6, 2016 8:52 PM
Apr 2011
QWERTYFish25 said:
FononZero said:

Of course. I have no idea who or what has done this. Just making theories for fun while waiting for the next episode. :P

True. I can't really point my finger one what magic Ros uses, it may be a collection of things not necessarily elemental in nature like Emilia and presumably like the girl in the red dress.

I thought his element was fire (since he uses that huge fire attack in ep11)? But since he's the strongest magic user in all of Lugnica, he probably can use anything. xD
Jul 6, 2016 9:30 PM

Sep 2008
Best episode so far 5/5. Great episode. New OP is worth 5 stars too. This was already my favorite show of last season and now it's probably going to be my favorite of this season too. Rem is best new character of 2016. I'm now thinking that Subaru might end up with Rem. Anyway, looks like another time loop is coming.
Jul 6, 2016 10:22 PM

Jul 2009
...omg Subaru die. RESET DAMNIT! Too much pain. And he's been embarassing himself all over the place. Please learn from your mistakes and grow. I don't blame him too much for making mistakes and looking bad because it sort of fits. He was a normal guy who died so many times and basically has nothing except the relationships he's created. He needs time to cool down properly. But yea, please die. I need a restart. Preferably all the way back to before the election thing.

fst said:
iRels said:

He was emotionally unstable. It's only natural then for him to act erroneously. Even those Shunen anime teach this. That you've to keep a cool mind when making decisions and such.

Right, and this makes him a good character, how, exactly?

Because none of that makes the last 2 episodes any less shitty. I almost had more fun watching the last 5 episodes of Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Don't worry iRels I understand what you're saying. It's unpleasant and annoying seeing Subaru mess up so much but it makes sense. And that DOES make him a good character. Because when he finally learns from all his mistakes and grows it will have been worth the wait.
Jul 7, 2016 1:25 AM
Aug 2014
Let me just say something, Exactly at 24:57 in the episode, Subaru was going to say Emelia, not Rem.
Jul 7, 2016 5:55 AM

Aug 2015
FoxNikeV2 said:
Let me just say something, Exactly at 24:57 in the episode, Subaru was going to say Emelia, not Rem.

Yes he started and stopped, it was obvious enough you didnt need to point it out.
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Jul 7, 2016 7:49 AM
May 2016
Tony_SansNom said:
FoxNikeV2 said:
Let me just say something, Exactly at 24:57 in the episode, Subaru was going to say Emelia, not Rem.

Yes he started and stopped, it was obvious enough you didnt need to point it out.

Some people didn't notice it, no big deal.
Jul 7, 2016 8:13 AM

Aug 2015
Koyomo said:
Tony_SansNom said:

Yes he started and stopped, it was obvious enough you didnt need to point it out.

Some people didn't notice it, no big deal.

I see. It is pretty interesting that some people fail to catch these things. Then again, some people didn't realise the cultists bowed to Subaru so...

Or is it because I "distinguish" what he said, as to me the japanese there "doesn't sound like chinese"?
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Jul 7, 2016 9:37 AM

Feb 2016
Fappa said:
The new OP literally slams into your face "Playtime is over. Your friend Suffering is here".


I felt so sorry for Subaru, being rejected by literally everyone, and then that ending scene, wow, just wow
That show got really dark recently tho
Jul 7, 2016 9:54 AM

Apr 2015
Jagd84 said:
Z4k said:

Exactly. Did people forget that scene where he would rather help Emilia and continue his search for Felt than to help Apple vendor's lost child in episode 1? I always thought it was quite dickish of him when Subaru suggested to ignore the child.

I didn't see him as being much of a dick there than choosing to prioritize more pressing matters. Subaru has always struck me as some who is a good person, but isn't a saint. He's steadfast in protecting people who he cares about or repaying his obligations, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have wants or needs. He's carelessness, rudeness is definitely apparent, but more often then not it's more due to his lack of tact (and/or ignorance) rather then intention.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to get people to realize. Everytime someone is annoyed by Episode 13 and 14 they go "Blabhalh. A change to Subaru's character. What happened to the selfless and perfect good guy Subaru!"

You summed it up best. He's a good person, but he's not a saint. Good people always have flaws but I guess people in anime aren't used to seeing flaws that don't make you look better (Mary Sue Flaws). I reallly don't get this impression of Subaru that people have. Like are they self-inserting or? It's just extremely realistic to me, but hey I guess characters when they develop can only go forward, they can't go backward or anything or react differently depending on the situation.
Jul 7, 2016 10:00 AM
Jun 2016
This episode frustrated me, Subaru's reaction and overall behavior pissed me off, first you're not supposed to be in the castle, so you keep a low profile, he gets spotted by Emilia, instead of making himself as little as possible, he makes sure to put shame over Emilia, he nearly caused a diplomatic incident there. This was painful to watch, espacially the end of the episode
Jul 7, 2016 10:13 AM

Apr 2015
fst said:
iRels said:

He was emotionally unstable. It's only natural then for him to act erroneously. Even those Shunen anime teach this. That you've to keep a cool mind when making decisions and such.

Right, and this makes him a good character, how, exactly?

Because none of that makes the last 2 episodes any less shitty. I almost had more fun watching the last 5 episodes of Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Well, idk. Him being a dumbass right now is the point.
Jul 7, 2016 11:00 AM
Jul 2018
HeIsInTheKitchen said:
This episode frustrated me, Subaru's reaction and overall behavior pissed me off, first you're not supposed to be in the castle, so you keep a low profile, he gets spotted by Emilia, instead of making himself as little as possible, he makes sure to put shame over Emilia, he nearly caused a diplomatic incident there. This was painful to watch, espacially the end of the episode

Umm... wrong episode. The one you described is 13, not 14.
Jul 7, 2016 4:45 PM

Feb 2016
I honestly didn't like 99% of the last two (or three?) episodes at all, at least not as much as the previous ones, simply because Subaru is such a fucking asshole in those... Not just the typical-oblivious-Subaru, but truly an asshole... I hope that'll change. But that last scene was awesome though, finally some action again!
Jul 7, 2016 5:23 PM
Jul 2018
Call-Me-Captain said:
I honestly didn't like 99% of the last two (or three?) episodes at all, at least not as much as the previous ones, simply because Subaru is such a fucking asshole in those... Not just the typical-oblivious-Subaru, but truly an asshole... I hope that'll change. But that last scene was awesome though, finally some action again!

tbh, he hasn't changed. Maybe slightly, but not as much as everyone says he has.
Jul 7, 2016 10:47 PM

May 2013
It's pretty brave for the show to feature such an unlikeable character as its protagonist for such a while (though it's only been really ramped up for the past two episodes, but even so). We get a nice, in-depth look at all of the ugly sides of Subaru's character. It might not make him super sympathetic, but it does make him feel very human. Makes for a compelling if not slightly frustrating watch.

I don't expect Rem or the village to stay dead, but I also hope that the reset, when it inevitably happens, doesn't take Subaru back to before his fallout with Emilia. Re:Zero is walking a tightrope with its premise: how to keep generating genuine tension and not nullifying consequences while still actually utilizing its central schtick: Subaru's ability to return from death. Looking forward to where this goes.
My anime blog
Latest Post: The Zero Requiem (Analysis of the Ending of Code Geass)
Jul 7, 2016 11:18 PM
Sep 2012
Found a really good argument about why Subaru's characterization is not a contradiction and how it was hinted at since the first few episodes.
Jul 7, 2016 11:32 PM

Mar 2010
Yuzuryn said:
fst said:

Right, and this makes him a good character, how, exactly?

Because none of that makes the last 2 episodes any less shitty. I almost had more fun watching the last 5 episodes of Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Well, idk. Him being a dumbass right now is the point.

Man don't bother. I was sent a message awhile back that explains the fst is a known troll who had planned to troll this show apparently. That's why stopped arguing with him, pointless to reason with a clown. No good will come from it. Let him was waste his time, it change what this arc plans to accomplish with Subaru's character's no matter ignorant fst is.
Jul 8, 2016 12:22 AM

Dec 2013
Sarnik said:
Found a really good argument about why Subaru's characterization is not a contradiction and how it was hinted at since the first few episodes.

That was a good read. Thanks for the link.

The article does bring out some interesting inconsistencies with writing up Subaru as a character though. The first part contrasting him as being a hikkikomori in his old world with just 4 contacts on his phone and the gung-ho attitude he has in this world where he can basically chat up a storm with almost any stranger that he feels whenever he wants AND being so good in playing with kids does bring up some questions about just what exactly his character is suppose to be. For someone who has shunned the rest of the world, his trusting, friendly and helpful nature really doesn't seem all that uniform. Especially his trusting nature (which got shat on in the second arc).

Everything else on the article, I would have to agree with.
L-RyoshiJul 8, 2016 1:04 AM
Jul 8, 2016 12:47 AM

Dec 2012
Argh, I caught up too soon! The tension definitely returned this episode, the slaughtered village was a scene of horror, especially the pile of smoldering corpses. The part that legit freaked me out was when those Ku Klux Klan hooded men surrounded Subaru, bowed to him, and vanished into the night. Somehow I get the feeling that Subaru's descent into madness is helping the witch.
Jul 8, 2016 3:48 AM

Jul 2013
Who killed Rem and the villagers ? I haven't paid close enough attention the past few eps...
Jul 8, 2016 4:12 AM

Aug 2015
L-Ryoshi said:
Sarnik said:
Found a really good argument about why Subaru's characterization is not a contradiction and how it was hinted at since the first few episodes.

That was a good read. Thanks for the link.

The article does bring out some interesting inconsistencies with writing up Subaru as a character though. The first part contrasting him as being a hikkikomori in his old world with just 4 contacts on his phone and the gung-ho attitude he has in this world where he can basically chat up a storm with almost any stranger that he feels whenever he wants AND being so good in playing with kids does bring up some questions about just what exactly his character is suppose to be. For someone who has shunned the rest of the world, his trusting, friendly and helpful nature really doesn't seem all that uniform. Especially his trusting nature (which got shat on in the second arc).

Everything else on the article, I would have to agree with.

No. Not everyone is so unidimensional. Hikikomori aren't all frost queens or jerks in general. You have other factors entering the equation.
"Vaut mieux se suffire à soi que finir assoiffé dans le monde des apparences."

Jul 8, 2016 4:24 AM

Dec 2013
Tony_SansNom said:
L-Ryoshi said:

That was a good read. Thanks for the link.

The article does bring out some interesting inconsistencies with writing up Subaru as a character though. The first part contrasting him as being a hikkikomori in his old world with just 4 contacts on his phone and the gung-ho attitude he has in this world where he can basically chat up a storm with almost any stranger that he feels whenever he wants AND being so good in playing with kids does bring up some questions about just what exactly his character is suppose to be. For someone who has shunned the rest of the world, his trusting, friendly and helpful nature really doesn't seem all that uniform. Especially his trusting nature (which got shat on in the second arc).

Everything else on the article, I would have to agree with.

No. Not everyone is so unidimensional. Hikikomori aren't all frost queens or jerks in general. You have other factors entering the equation.

I never said they were jerks or frost queens, far from it. I'm talking about the fact that Hikikomori's are basically hiding away from the world because they prefer as little social human interaction as possible. This does not fall in line with the way that he acts with the people in this current world.

It doesn't matter whether he has a thing for kids or not (but since he does in this world, it's strange in itself), but the fact that he can happily interact with them and still be a hikikomori by choice.

If he was able to deal with people so easily, then why would he have been a hik in his old world in the first place? And if he was already characterized as a hik in the story, then why would he be so gung-ho about this new world? That is the dissonance I am addressing.
Jul 8, 2016 4:37 AM

Dec 2013
lustinNthrustin said:
Who killed Rem and the villagers ? I haven't paid close enough attention the past few eps...

Probably the people in hoods that bowed to Subaru in this episode.
Jul 8, 2016 5:59 AM
May 2016
G_Spark233 said:
lustinNthrustin said:
Who killed Rem and the villagers ? I haven't paid close enough attention the past few eps...

Probably the people in hoods that bowed to Subaru in this episode.
I think, particularly the leader of the witch cult, the one with creepy appearance and dark hands in the new OP,
Jul 8, 2016 7:36 AM

Dec 2013
Bl4ckR4bbi7 said:
G_Spark233 said:

Probably the people in hoods that bowed to Subaru in this episode.
I think, particularly the leader of the witch cult, the one with creepy appearance and dark hands in the new OP,

Jul 8, 2016 7:56 AM

Dec 2007
btw... preview of episode 15
[center]If you aren't troubling the rest of the world, then there's no harm in being abnormal.
Jul 8, 2016 10:11 AM

Jan 2011
Definately seems like there's a lot going on, there. Maybe it's me but even the preview seemed longer, wonder why? double feature? Extension? I doubt it, perhaps it'll be just fast paced but it felt more like a second season preview rather than a next episode preview. Hopefully things will move at a faster pace.
Jul 8, 2016 10:25 AM
Aug 2013

Who does this bracelet belongs to?
loksfoxJul 8, 2016 10:42 AM
Jul 8, 2016 11:03 AM
Mar 2012
Nice OP, lots of cute faces, troubled Emilia, lol Al feeding apples, black chocobo, Pacman fish?
Black hoodies look like those attackers in Rem/Ram childhood.
Barusu still quite broken & arrogant, but seems to try harder & i get his perspective. That parallel of Emilia discriminated, and Subaru getting rejected for being "useless". Even if the black hoods seems too large for him to handle, it's still better to try than not at all, at least intel gathering.
Crusch interesting character, seems rigid running by the books, used Subaru as a negotiating piece, but still had sincere advice. Felis looks nice...but still a guy.
Rem lap pillow
Rem could've left alone w/o telling Subaru. Unless she planned to void the Crusch contract, since him staying in a random village was pointless compared to sword training & getting healed.
Unsure what butler meant, he gave up getting stronger, did he sense Subaru relies too much on witch power? Or his attitude?
If a reset I'm guessing before they leave Crusch, since there's 2.5 or 0.5 day travel time then to catch up.
Jul 8, 2016 11:03 AM

Mar 2009
loksfox said:

Who does this bracelet belongs to?

The old lady that molested Subaru.
Jul 8, 2016 12:27 PM

Mar 2016
gophercg said:
Nice OP, lots of cute faces, troubled Emilia, lol Al feeding apples, black chocobo, Pacman fish?
Black hoodies look like those attackers in Rem/Ram childhood.
Barusu still quite broken & arrogant, but seems to try harder & i get his perspective. That parallel of Emilia discriminated, and Subaru getting rejected for being "useless". Even if the black hoods seems too large for him to handle, it's still better to try than not at all, at least intel gathering.
Crusch interesting character, seems rigid running by the books, used Subaru as a negotiating piece, but still had sincere advice. Felis looks nice...but still a guy.
Rem lap pillow
Rem could've left alone w/o telling Subaru. Unless she planned to void the Crusch contract, since him staying in a random village was pointless compared to sword training & getting healed.
Unsure what butler meant, he gave up getting stronger, did he sense Subaru relies too much on witch power? Or his attitude?
If a reset I'm guessing before they leave Crusch, since there's 2.5 or 0.5 day travel time then to catch up.

It isn't very clear in the anime, but Willhelm is critical of Subaru's focus on swiftly recovering after being struck, as opposed to not getting hit/retaliating. In the LN, he mentions that, had they been using real swords, Subaru would have died when he was struck, and Subaru's ability to quickly get up after being hit by a wooden blade would be meaningless. Basically, by focusing on recovering from a blow, Subaru's operating under the assumption that he's going to get hit anyway, and that kind of thinking won't help him grow stronger
Jul 8, 2016 12:54 PM
Jul 2018
L-Ryoshi said:
Tony_SansNom said:

No. Not everyone is so unidimensional. Hikikomori aren't all frost queens or jerks in general. You have other factors entering the equation.

I never said they were jerks or frost queens, far from it. I'm talking about the fact that Hikikomori's are basically hiding away from the world because they prefer as little social human interaction as possible. This does not fall in line with the way that he acts with the people in this current world.

It doesn't matter whether he has a thing for kids or not (but since he does in this world, it's strange in itself), but the fact that he can happily interact with them and still be a hikikomori by choice.

If he was able to deal with people so easily, then why would he have been a hik in his old world in the first place? And if he was already characterized as a hik in the story, then why would he be so gung-ho about this new world? That is the dissonance I am addressing.

In this new world, he thought that people wouldn't criticize him. Hikkis are afraid of that, right? But he's no background in this new world. It might be that he thinks he failed in his own world. But now was given a second chance... And felt confident, as much of what was around him, appeared to be what he was familiar with - from games.
Jul 8, 2016 2:30 PM

Feb 2008
Ah, everything got so dark, all of a sudden... God damn it, Rem...
Jul 8, 2016 8:19 PM

Jul 2015
Eeeeeehhhhhh new opening and it starts with flashbacks to what was probably Subaru's worst moment so far. Subaru has been a mess with no decent amount of self control at all, which I can understand, he's not used to these kind of situations after all. I feel so much worse after that end though.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jul 8, 2016 9:25 PM
Jan 2014
Subaru's overdevotion to Emilia is so creeepy. Is it part of the witch's curse?
I wonder where the new "save point" will be. Should be in the capital, otherwise it's too late to do anything.
Jul 9, 2016 2:50 AM

Mar 2016
Jul 9, 2016 5:14 AM

Sep 2014
Can this fucking guy do anything but fucking cry? Like seriously.
Jul 9, 2016 6:29 AM

Nov 2015
Fuck my life, that OP is awesome!

Jul 9, 2016 8:55 AM
Jun 2016
My (rhetorical) question is why Roswall backs Emilia when Crusch has a goal that is more in sync with his. She wants to destroy the convenant between the city and the dragon and Roswall wants to kill the dragon. It seems that both have animosity towards the dragon for some reason. They should be working together. Maybe by having Emilia distributing power and making everyone equal, that will somehow weaken the dragon, making it easier to kill. I know this question kind of belongs to the last episode but I just thought of it so...
PraiseThe1Jul 9, 2016 9:03 AM
Jul 9, 2016 9:01 AM
Jun 2016
Does anyone else feel really bad for Emilia when she is shown in the opening all depressed and alone, sprawled out on the desk while the candidates before her were all happy-go-lucky with their friends? And when she was getting consumed by those dark hands, she looked so desperate and relieved that at least Subaru was there for her. I wanted to give her a hug, no joke.
Jul 9, 2016 11:42 AM

Jan 2011
alimr313 said:
My (rhetorical) question is why Roswall backs Emilia when Crusch has a goal that is more in sync with his. She wants to destroy the convenant between the city and the dragon and Roswall wants to kill the dragon. It seems that both have animosity towards the dragon for some reason. They should be working together. Maybe by having Emilia distributing power and making everyone equal, that will somehow weaken the dragon, making it easier to kill. I know this question kind of belongs to the last episode but I just thought of it so...

He probably feels he can manipulate her afterwards. Whereas Crusch appears to be more autonomous.
Jul 9, 2016 1:06 PM

Nov 2012
Fu*k emilia, she is starting to piss me off and Rem is a way more interesting and cuter character x3


Jul 9, 2016 2:14 PM
Jul 2013
All I can say about this episode is WOW. It was so good compared to all other episodes. It was fast paced, very dramatic and very intensive. Hope it will keep going like that.
Also, the flashbacks really helpful, hope they will keep them in the next episodes.
Jul 9, 2016 2:32 PM
Jul 2018
I was browsing the list of characters and found:

And I was like:

Since the appearance of the pretty cat boy Felix, I've been wanting to see a cool wolf dude... and there he is! His name is Ricardo Welkin! Hahahah...
removed-userJul 9, 2016 3:04 PM
Jul 9, 2016 2:55 PM

May 2016
matan7890 said:
All I can say about this episode is WOW. It was so good compared to all other episodes. It was fast paced, very dramatic and very intensive. Hope it will keep going like that.
Also, the flashbacks really helpful, hope they will keep them in the next episodes.

well, it was fast paced and some scene was cut out unfortunately.
Jul 9, 2016 2:56 PM

Mar 2010

You first picture is a huge spoiler for 2nd half of this arc. Label it properly please.

EDIT: Well that's better.

alimr313 said:
My (rhetorical) question is why Roswall backs Emilia when Crusch has a goal that is more in sync with his. She wants to destroy the convenant between the city and the dragon and Roswall wants to kill the dragon. It seems that both have animosity towards the dragon for some reason. They should be working together. Maybe by having Emilia distributing powiRelser and making everyone equal, that will somehow weaken the dragon, making it easier to kill. I know this question kind of belongs to the last episode but I just thought of it so...

The premise of your question based on assumption that Roswaal knew about Crusch intentions prior to election to begin with which he didn't. Even if he did Crusch has no desire to kill the dragon anyway, so their interests don't really align and considering that she is a Duchess from a high ranking family he'd get far more than bargained with her.
Iron_MawJul 9, 2016 3:18 PM
Jul 9, 2016 3:28 PM
Feb 2015
What? Does barusu think he's super-man that's gonna save the day?! No! You're f#%*ing weak!!! Go kill yourself atleast.
Jul 10, 2016 7:24 AM

Jan 2016
Poor Subaru Fucking walked right in the mess of it all..

What the fuck did the KKK clan do there?! the suffering is real for subaru, its really painful to watch all the misery he is being throu

And Amazing new OP! The music (very techno ish touch too is) was incredible,and the visual was brilliant, got a glimpse of little bit of everything there. the witch maybe as well. might be expecting some new view of the candidates as well. let wait n see about that tho.
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Jul 10, 2016 5:15 PM
Aug 2015
Dang, Subaru is starting to become like Hayato in Mayoiga.

only I can save Emilia blah blah
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