During September 2024, our Anime Guild commemorated its 10th Anniversary๐
To continue on such a festive mood, we would like to reminisce about our allies and friends.
To revive our our old alliances together and bring radiance upon all of us!
As such, we bring you this collaboration event with one if our Royal Marriage partners: The Anime Watching Challenges Club.
Pick your Challenge: Tournament Edition Part 1 - Tournament Phase
ใThe idea of this collaboration event is to showcase the best sides of both clubs:
ใใ— Voting Tournaments and Rankings, from us at the Anime Guild
ใใ— Challenges based on different themes, from our friends at the Anime Watching Challenges Club
ใWe decided to combine our best points as a large event, which will be done in two parts.
ใThe first part will be hosted here at the Anime Guild. It will consist of two tournaments running simultaneously, during which we will be voting on what we want to watch during second part.
ใThe second part will be hosted over at the Anime Watching Challenges Club and it will consist of a two sections challenge. On the first section, you will watch a set of limited series. On the second section, you will need to find series that fit the provided requirements. Both will be decided from the tournament on the first part of this event (the one hosted here at AG).
ใSimply speaking, its entirely up to the participants to form our own custom challenge!
ใWe strongly encourage you to participate in both of them for the best experience.
Both tournaments will consist of an 8-contender bracket format.
ใ— Contenders being either a series-based category or items-based set.
Both tournaments will have matches posted daily (24 hours approx.).
ใ— Most of the time there will be matches overlapping, so you will see two at a time.
The daily matches for both tournaments will last for 48 hours (approx.) before votes are counted and the matches are closed.
ใ— The matches will have one from from each tournament, the series-based categories and the items-based sets.
ใ— The Daily Matches will be hosted on individual threads. They will be linked in this post under the "Matches" section.
As a tournament participant, you will vote on each daily match for the one you are more inclined to participate in and/or complete.
ใ— You will receive just one vote per daily match.
To vote on each Daily Match, you will need to post on each individual thread.
ใ— Clearly state the option you are voting for, with a new reply on said thread.
The Second Part rules will be explained in detail after the first part tournament here is over. They will be shared on the thread that will be hosted at the Anime Watching Challenges Club side!
Tournament #1 - Series-Based Challenges
This tournament will use categories from AWCC that are focused on watching a defined listing of series. These listings are usually based on a particular Franchise, Creator, Studio or Custom Collections from affiliates. For example, our very own AG Collection.
Participants (Right click on the category/challenge and open on a new tab to check details)
Themes + Miscellaneous (limited to: listed below)
--- Themes: Award-Winning, Battle Royale, Cyberpunk, GAR, Mafia, Steampunk, Superhero, Theme Tags
--- Miscellaneous: Critics and Connoisseurs, MAL Staff Favorites
Statistics (limited to: 100 URLs, all Scums, all Tops)
--- Scums: Movie Scum, ONA Scum, OVA Scum, Scum of the Scum, Special Scum, TV Scum
--- Tops: NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 Music, Top 100 ONAs
This tournament will use curated sets from among the challenges that, instead of providing you with a defined listing of series, provide you with a list of requirements. Those requirements, or items, are what you will use as a guide to find and watch a series that fits that description. These curated sets were prepared by your hosts. (Please note that not all items will have to be completed)
Set #1 - Aired Dates
[X] Watch a TV-type anime that started airing in Winter
[X] Watch a TV-type anime that started airing in Spring
[X] Watch a TV-type anime that started airing in Summer
[X] Watch a TV-type anime that started airing in Fall
[X] Watch an anime that aired on the 10th day Any month/year
[X] Watch a series that aired in the 10th month October, any year
[X] Watch an anime that started airing in 1999 or before
[X] Watch an anime that started airing between 2000 and 2009
[X] Watch an anime that started airing between 2010 and 2019
[X] Watch an anime that started airing in 2020 or later
Set #2 - Statistics
For the following items: screenshots are suggested.
[X] Watch an anime with less than 50,000 members
[X] Watch an anime that has between 50,000 and 100,000 members
[X] Watch an anime with more than 100,000 members
[X] Watch an anime rated 6.50 or higher
[X] Watch an anime rated lower than 6.50
[X] Watch an anime ranked with 0 in it For example: #100
[X] Watch an anime with a popularity that has 0 in it For example: #930
[X] Watch an anime favorited 1,000 to 1,099 times For example: 1,088 favorites
[X] Watch an anime with the most number of votes in 10 Under Score Stats
[X] Watch an anime with the least number of votes in 10 Under Score Stats
Set #3 - Types & Favorites
[X] Watch a TV Series
[X] Watch a Movie
[X] Watch a Special or TV Special
[X] Watch an OVA
[X] Watch an ONA
[X] Watch five Music-type, PVs and/or CMs
[X] Watch a stand-alone anime Does not have any series listed under "Related Entries", "Adaptation" are okay.
[X] Watch an anime with one of your favorite voice actor/actress in the cast The voice actor/actress must appear listed on your profile. State the VA and character used. Character can be main or supporting.
[X] Watch an anime with one of your favorite people in the staff list The person used must appear listed on your profile. State the person and their role (director, band, etc.). Voice Actor/Actress are excluded.
[X] Watch an anime by one of your favorite studios The Studio must appear listed on your profile. On the anime used, it must appear listed as "Studio".
Set #4 - Episodes & Sources
[X] Watch an anime with exactly 10 episodes
[X] Watch an anime that has between 20 to 39 episodes
[X] Watch an anime with 40 episodes or more
[X] Watch an anime with episodes that are 15 minutes or less each Must have more than one episode.
[X] Watch an anime with 30 minutes or more per episode Must have more than one episode.
[X] Watch an Original anime
[X] Watch an anime adapted from a Manga Does not include 4-koma Manga or Web Manga.
[X] Watch an anime adapted from a Novel, Book, or Light Novel Does not include Visual Novel, Web Novel or Picture Book.
[X] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel Does not include Card Game, Novel, Web Novel or Light Novel.
[X] Watch an anime adapted from another source not mentioned above
Set #5 - Characters
[X] Watch an anime where all of the main characters are male
[X] Watch an anime where all of the main characters are female
[X] Watch an anime with only children/teens as the main cast Every character listed as Main is 19 years old or younger.
[X] Watch an anime with only adults as the main cast Every character listed as Main is 20 years old or older.
[X] Watch an anime with a main character that has an unusual hair color State the character used; Unusual colors like: blue, purple, pink, cyan, green.
[X] Watch an anime where all of the main characters have a natural hair color Natural colors like: black, brown, yellow, red, white/grey on an elderly.
For the following items: State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X] Watch an anime with an Athlete character Alternative listing.
[X] Watch a series with 10 in the main title Can be numerical (cardinal or roman meant as a number) or alphabetical (English or Japanese; If the title is Korean or Chinese, those can be used)
[X] Watch an anime with a main title starts with any of the letters in "S-H-E-Y" OR "J-O-K-O-B-O"
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that has 3 words or less The words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more The words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that contains a Japanese honorific Honorifics that can be used: chan, kun, san, sama, tan, bou, senpai, kouhai, sensei, hakase, dono. The word used must appear as an honorific on the title and not just as a part of the word.
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that contains "The Animation"
[X] Watch an anime with "koi"/"suki"/"love" in the main title The word used can be alone or as part of another word.
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that has the name of a color State the color used. If the color used is in a language other than English or Japanese: state the language used.
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that has the name of a location The location/place can be a real one (from our Earth) or fictional. If using a fictional location/place: state the location used and state/link to a source (if it's not stated on its synopsis).
[X] Watch an anime with a main title that has a repeated word at least twice The words used must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
Request the Tournament role on our AWCC discord. After expressing your interest to participate on this thread (or voting for the first time),
go to the #roles-claiming-area channel and post the following with the link to your post:
**@SheyCroix I will do my best to vote and won't yell about the daily pings :trophy:
post: <LINK>**
Any question, please use the event channel on discord or just mention @Jokobo or @SheyCroix on this thread.
Once the voting ends, turn-in on this thread.
You will have until January 13, 2024, at 11:59 PM (UTC+1), to post your turn-in.
Copy and paste the provided code into a new reply in this thread.
ใ— Don't change the form's color when posting.
Edit your post to replace the text in capital letters (LIKE THIS) with your information.
To get MSGID_LINK, click the post # (top right of the blue bar) of your sign-up post, and copy the URL.
[color=#b5554a][center][size=110]โ [b] TURNING IN MY VOTES[/b] โ[/size]
[/center]@SheyCroix @Jokobo
๐ซ [b] Username: [/b] USERNAME
๐ซ [b] Link to the posts with your votes: [/b][list=1]
[*] MSGID_LINK (optional)
[*] MSGID_LINK (optional)
[*] MSGID_LINK (optional)
๐ซ [b]Feedback about the event? [/b] (optional)