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May 11, 2021 11:43 PM

Apr 2020
Source: Avaaz - Save Palestinian homes in Jerusalem

Dear friends,

This is an emergency. Israeli warplanes murdered 9 children in Gaza. The far-right Israeli government is planning to displace over 1500 Palestinians from Jerusalem, starting this month with families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood who are facing the worst kinds of abuse.

Palestinians are bravely protesting in the streets. The Israeli government is responding with maximum cruelty. In Jerusalem, hundreds of unarmed protesters are being attacked, including elderly people and children.

This is just another example of the racist brutality of Israel's military occupation over Palestinians, an injustice that has lasted for decades.

Enough is enough. Palestinian lives, homes, and rights matter.

Human Rights Watch, one of the most respected human rights organizations in the world, and B’tselem, the most respected Israeli human rights organization, both recently concluded that Israel is committing crimes against humanity of Persecution and Apartheid against Palestinians.

Meanwhile, extremist Israeli settlers march in the streets chanting “Death to Arabs”, and have burned thousands of olive trees that many Palestinains rely on to survive. A member of the Israeli parliament has even demanded for Palestinian women to be discriminated against in maternity wards, so they don’t give birth in the same rooms as Jewish women!

This is a vicious downward spiral.

The Palestinian people are not perfect. They have made many painful mistakes in their struggle for freedom. But there is no question that the Israeli government, with the fourth strongest military in the world, is the actor with maximum power on the ground. Israel controls the land, air, water, access to food, and even the freedom of movement of ALL Palestinians. For 70 years, it has been punishing, evicting and discriminating against millions of Palestinians whose lives it controls.

The Israeli government believes it has a green light to continue committing these crimes, and crushing Palestinians - because it believes it can block people around the world from organizing at scale to push their governments to impose sanctions. Let’s prove them wrong by turning this petition into a massive people’s movement that no decision maker can ignore.

Palestinian Rights Matter - Sanction Israel!

Virtually every other tool has been tried, for decades, to encourage the Israeli regime to treat Palestinians better, and they just keep treating them worse. Targeted sanctions, covering things like Israeli blood diamonds, a boycott on arms sales (Israel sells weapons to some of the world's most brutal regimes) as well tech and cultural sanctions (like banning Israel from sporting events and the Eurovision song contest) may finally affect the calculus of the regime.

With hope and determination,

Fadi, Marie, Christoph, Mo, Nax, John, Risalat, and the entire Avaaz team

RealEncoreMay 12, 2021 1:52 PM
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May 12, 2021 12:37 AM
Jul 2018
X1L2E3 said:

Meanwhile, extremist Israeli settlers march in the streets chanting “Death to Arabs”, and have burned thousands of olive trees that many Palestinains rely on to survive. they like eat the bark or what?

May 12, 2021 12:43 AM

Oct 2017
All Israel is doing is literally destroying families and livelihoods of the Palestinians. All that will happen is that these ruined families will be radicalised and seek vengeance of what Israel has done to their own FAMILIES, PEOPLE, LAND, CULTURE. And you know what? 5 years from now Israelis will forget this and continue to blame Palestinians for terrorism acts, DESPITE THEM BEING DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT'S HAPPENED.
May 12, 2021 12:49 AM

Apr 2020
Israeli lives matter . Everybody live matter .
May 12, 2021 12:53 AM

Jun 2016
But a rabbi here in greece said that a jewish soul is worth 100 arabs. Or was it 1000? Can't remember.
May 12, 2021 1:10 AM

Aug 2015
@X1L2E3 - Yawn.... Cant you guys come up with a more interesting rhetoric? I mean its been 70 years

@aightbet - Very emotional speech my friend. Dont forget to mention how Palestinian demography has tripled since 70 years ago, their quality of life rose considerably (check out obesity levels in the west bank lmao) and you can even go and see interviews of Palestinians when asked "under what rule would they prefer to live - Israeli or Arab"...
May 12, 2021 1:19 AM

May 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:

@aightbet - Very emotional speech my friend. Dont forget to mention how Palestinian demography has tripled since 70 years ago, their quality of life rose considerably (check out obesity levels in the west bank lmao) and you can even go and see interviews of Palestinians when asked "under what rule would they prefer to live - Israeli or Arab"...

are you just willfully ignorant or plain stupid i really cannot tell

just take a peek at Gaza and your entire argument falls apart
May 12, 2021 1:26 AM

Aug 2015
BaneofKermit said:
LowOfSolipsism said:

@aightbet - Very emotional speech my friend. Dont forget to mention how Palestinian demography has tripled since 70 years ago, their quality of life rose considerably (check out obesity levels in the west bank lmao) and you can even go and see interviews of Palestinians when asked "under what rule would they prefer to live - Israeli or Arab"...

are you just willfully ignorant or plain stupid i really cannot tell

just take a peek at Gaza and your entire argument falls apart

Exactly! Lets take a look at Gaza and how they sent 1000 rockets at Israeli civilians over the last 2 days. Oops you mean to look at the Palestinian side? Tell me, there, my fellow mal user, if Id replace Israel with, hmmm, lets say China, do you think they wouldnt have flatten Gaza to dust by the first second a single rocket come out? Of course they would. News Flash - Israel retaliates back with airstrike at hamas targets in Gaza, which they often put in civilian areas (like hospitals or school) so that when Israel shoots a school down it gets to the news and people like you denounce Israel. Its very clever and inhumane but sadly it works and people like you buy it all the time
May 12, 2021 1:35 AM

May 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
BaneofKermit said:

are you just willfully ignorant or plain stupid i really cannot tell

just take a peek at Gaza and your entire argument falls apart

Exactly! Lets take a look at Gaza and how they sent 1000 rockets at Israeli civilians over the last 2 days. Oops you mean to look at the Palestinian side? Tell me, there, my fellow mal user, if Id replace Israel with, hmmm, lets say China, do you think they wouldnt have flatten Gaza to dust by the first second a single rocket come out? Of course they would. News Flash - Israel retaliates back with airstrike at hamas targets in Gaza, which they often put in civilian areas (like hospitals or school) so that when Israel shoots a school down it gets to the news and people like you denounce Israel. Its very clever and inhumane but sadly it works and people like you buy it all the time

I wonder why the Palestinians in Gaza, after being blockaded by Israel for the last 15 years, are rocketing Israel... Maybe it was because of their homes in the West Bank being stolen or maybe it was the crackdown on the worshippers at the Al Aqsa Mosque during the holy month... Just to be clear about the casualties, it's very much lopsided towards the Palestinians (Israel has their Iron Dome system which intercepted about 85-90% of the rockets). Idk why you brought up China for some reason but that's not even a correct comparison to make in this case lol.

Yeah like Hamas has the space to have specific military installations in a place as overcrowded as Gaza
May 12, 2021 1:39 AM

Oct 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
@X1L2E3 - Yawn.... Cant you guys come up with a more interesting rhetoric? I mean its been 70 years

@aightbet - Very emotional speech my friend. Dont forget to mention how Palestinian demography has tripled since 70 years ago, their quality of life rose considerably (check out obesity levels in the west bank lmao) and you can even go and see interviews of Palestinians when asked "under what rule would they prefer to live - Israeli or Arab"...

Have you seriously not seen the continuous decline in size of land, the west bank, Palestinians have literally since the foundation of Israel? Have you genuinely not seen the constant berating and abuse they get everyday by authority? Have you not seen that Palestinians are literally being kicked out of their own houses?

Israel has slowly been chipping away at Palestine, now it's a breaking point. I doubt you would understand though. You seem to have no sympathy or empathy for arabs in general.
May 12, 2021 1:50 AM

Jul 2016
LowOfSolipsism said:
@X1L2E3 - Yawn.... Cant you guys come up with a more interesting rhetoric? I mean its been 70 years

70 years of settler colonialism, occupation and ethnic cleansing.

Very emotional speech my friend. Dont forget to mention how Palestinian demography has tripled since 70 years ago, their quality of life rose considerably (check out obesity levels in the west bank lmao) and you can even go and see interviews of Palestinians when asked "under what rule would they prefer to live - Israeli or Arab"...

This literally could be said about any colony.
May 12, 2021 2:01 AM

Aug 2015
@BaneofKermit - Israel went out of Gaza in 2004 my dude. Its all Hamas now. Oh and Palestinians can always turn 180 degrees and go to Egypt if they wanted to. Its like that interview with an arab israeli who went to Gaza in disguise and asked Palestinians about their lifes and almost all the civilians said they are tired of it all and just want peace but they are being sanctioned by Hamas all the time and if you go against them then they hurt you in many ways. If you want peace in Gaza you should go against Hamas and all their backers, not Israel.

@aightbet - Israel also destroys many illegal Jewish settlements as well. Theyre both toxic. Its a meme talking point. In 70 years we could've taken all the region millions time by now but its not the case now is it?
Funny thing you brought up sympathy because out of all the anti-israeli posters in this thread I might be the most Palestinian-compassionate unironically since im taking this situation realistically and not crying crocodile tears.

@RuneImperialist - meme talking points. How did you not posted the whole "if someone breaks into your house, knocks down the door and says its my house now would you not resist" argument yet?
May 12, 2021 2:15 AM

Jul 2016
LowOfSolipsism said:
@BaneofKermit - Israel went out of Gaza in 2004 my dude.

They haven't left Palestine yet.

Oh and Palestinians can always turn 180 degrees and go to Egypt if they wanted to.

Why should they leave their homeland? The colonisers have no land claims.

In 70 years we could've taken all the region millions time by now but its not the case now is it?

If Israel did steal all of Palestine, the west would no longer subsidise the state, and pay of Israel's geopolitical rivals such as Egypt, Jordan & Saudi Arabia. This would lead to the dissolution of Israel, just like Rhodesia or Aparthied South Africa.

@RuneImperialist - meme talking points.

Dont forget to mention how Palestinian [Indian, Nigerian] demography has tripled since 70 years ago, their quality of life rose considerably (check out obesity levels in the [South Africa, Amerindians, Australian Aborginals] lmao) and you can even go and see interviews of [Zimbawean] when asked "under what rule would they prefer to live - [British/French] or [Native]"...
May 12, 2021 2:37 AM

Aug 2015
ProfessionalNEET said:
Palestinians have been in a very unfortunate situation for the past 70+ years, and things seem to get worse for them every year. Unfortunately, I do not have much hope that things will get better for them anytime soon. Israel has some very powerful allies, most notably the United States, that provide them with lots of money, weapons, and intelligence. Palestine, by contrast, has no powerful allies. Getting the United States to break its ties with Israel would extremely difficult given how close the relationship is and how advantageous it is to both sides. It would require a massive social movement to pressure the United States government to break this 70+ year alliance. I honestly doubt that such a movement could be put together any time soon. Perhaps other countries may get tough with Israel, but even that seems unlikely when even Arab countries increasingly turn a blind eye to the Palestinian situation.

Ill solve your conundrum bucko! Instead of doing the impossible and breaking US ties with Israel somehow and then Israel somehow gets weaker so that Palestinian can
somehow fight back fantasy you can do the possible thing that is denounce Hamas on with a social movement so that itll lose power, Palestinians can get a more peaceful, less violent ruling government and actually aim at a compromise with Israel since both sides are tired of this conflict. Here, 70 years of conflict solved in a matter of seconds, youre welcome
May 12, 2021 2:55 AM

Jul 2015
Just because one side is more competent at slinging rockets, doesn't mean the losing side is oppressed, right, or justified. Both sides are being idiotic. And blaming this solely on Israel is even more so.
If the advantage had been reversed, I doubt the Palestinian side would be as patient or forthcoming, as we've already seen with the wars initiated against Israel in the past. It would literally be the holocaust all over again if that were the case.
This conflict is just an extension of a long string of conflicts where Palestine and their allies lost every time. Now we're seeing the losers crying oppression over the bed they've made. Losers are in no position to be making ridiculous demands like denying Israel's statehood. A two-state solution had been proposed ages ago, and yet this issue never gets resolved because no comprises are being made. It's all too tiring.

May 12, 2021 2:59 AM

Aug 2015
ProfessionalNEET said:
LowOfSolipsism said:

Ill solve your conundrum bucko! Instead of doing the impossible and breaking US ties with Israel somehow and then Israel somehow gets weaker so that Palestinian can
somehow fight back fantasy you can do the possible thing that is denounce Hamas on with a social movement so that itll lose power, Palestinians can get a more peaceful, less violent ruling government and actually aim at a compromise with Israel since both sides are tired of this conflict. Here, 70 years of conflict solved in a matter of seconds, youre welcome

I'm not super knowledgeable about Hamas, but last time I checked, it wasn't Hamas that keeps evicting Palestinians from their homes, builds settlements in West Bank, and created an apartheid state. Additionally, Israel actually helped start Hamas in order to weaken the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

Did you not read anything I wrote in this thread? Why do I have to repeat myself all the time?

--- it wasn't Hamas that keeps evicting Palestinians from their homes
yea illegal Palestinian homes. Palestinian have their own personal areas in the west bank where they rule, when they build on land that doesn't belong to them Israel destroys it, just like when Israel destroys illegal Jewish settlements as well (but for some reason you never heard of that on the media lmao)
--- and created an apartheid state
Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.

--- Israel actually helped start Hamas in order to weaken the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
yes and?
May 12, 2021 3:00 AM
Apr 2021
I find it so funny that there is a need for a person to say "X's life matters". This should be common sense and people should know better.
May 12, 2021 3:01 AM

Mar 2016
The situation in Palestine gets more dire year after year, and it’s disgusting how nothing can be done.
This is the shit Palestinians have to deal with and idk how one can excuse it. Currently many families are threatened with being evicted from the very houses they lived in for generations in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. The Israeli provocations never end.

May 12, 2021 3:01 AM
Apr 2021
I find it so funny that there is a need for a person to say "X's life matters". This should be common sense and people should know better.
May 12, 2021 3:01 AM
Apr 2021
I find it so funny that there is a need for a person to say "X's life matters". This should be common sense and people should know better.
May 12, 2021 3:02 AM

Jul 2015
Looks like someone's agenda bot is broken.
May 12, 2021 3:06 AM

Jul 2016
LowOfSolipsism said:

yea illegal Palestinian homes. Palestinian have their own personal areas in the west bank where they rule, when they build on land that doesn't belong to them Israel destroys it,

You are literally describing an apartheid state, this is exactly what South Africa did, X black to neighbourhood is illegal, and then they got expelled from their homes.

--- and created an apartheid state
Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.

The country is Palestine, and there is a settler colonist faction and Indigenous faction competing for control.

Palestinians have historically been persecuted by Israelies.
May 12, 2021 3:08 AM
Jan 2019
LowOfSolipsism said:
ProfessionalNEET said:

I'm not super knowledgeable about Hamas, but last time I checked, it wasn't Hamas that keeps evicting Palestinians from their homes, builds settlements in West Bank, and created an apartheid state. Additionally, Israel actually helped start Hamas in order to weaken the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

Did you not read anything I wrote in this thread? Why do I have to repeat myself all the time?

--- it wasn't Hamas that keeps evicting Palestinians from their homes
yea illegal Palestinian homes. Palestinian have their own personal areas in the west bank where they rule, when they build on land that doesn't belong to them Israel destroys it, just like when Israel destroys illegal Jewish settlements as well (but for some reason you never heard of that on the media lmao)
--- and created an apartheid state
Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.

--- Israel actually helped start Hamas in order to weaken the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
yes and?

Except they dont for example a Non Jew cant marry a Jewish person in Israel or Palestianians front have the same freedom of movement.Even Ethiopians Jews face discrimination by both the goverment and the public in that state.
Also those homes are illegal yes but most of them are because of how hard it is for Palestinians to become the legal owners of the land.
May 12, 2021 3:11 AM

Aug 2015
@RuneImperialist - You are literally describing an apartheid state
Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.

---- The country is Palestine
Palestine was never a country

--- Palestinians have historically been persecuted by Israelies
Very general statement dont really understand the point youre making so heres one in return: Theres a reason for everything.
May 12, 2021 3:12 AM

Jul 2016
A_cheeky_Cunt said:
LowOfSolipsism said:

Did you not read anything I wrote in this thread? Why do I have to repeat myself all the time?

--- it wasn't Hamas that keeps evicting Palestinians from their homes
yea illegal Palestinian homes. Palestinian have their own personal areas in the west bank where they rule, when they build on land that doesn't belong to them Israel destroys it, just like when Israel destroys illegal Jewish settlements as well (but for some reason you never heard of that on the media lmao)
--- and created an apartheid state
Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.

--- Israel actually helped start Hamas in order to weaken the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
yes and?

Except they dont for example a Non Jew cant marry a Jewish person in Israel or Palestianians front have the same freedom of movement.Even Ethiopians Jews face discrimination by both the goverment and the public in that state.
Also those homes are illegal yes but most of them are because of how hard it is for Palestinians to become the legal owners of the land.

The majority of Israelis have racial supremacist views.


PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians.

So Bantustans and regular states.
May 12, 2021 3:17 AM

Aug 2015
@A_cheeky_Cunt - Except they dont for example a Non Jew cant marry a Jewish person in Israel

you can just not under Rabbi marriage officiant which is understandable, Israel is a Jewish state after all

Palestianians front have the same freedom of movement - well duh, plenty of places in Israel where Israeli citizens cant enter as well. Its all working under a very tight ship.

Even Ethiopians Jews face discrimination by both the government and the public in that state - pretty much head cannon. Yes there are plenty of discrimination internally in Israel but those are unrelated issues which we constantly work on.

Also those homes are illegal yes but most of them are because of how hard it is for Palestinians to become the legal owners of the land ---- Finally, first good point in this thread jesus christ. True that but commiting a crime is still no answer. "I dont have money so I must rob others" logic.
May 12, 2021 3:22 AM

Jul 2016
LowOfSolipsism said:

Also those homes are illegal yes but most of them are because of how hard it is for Palestinians to become the legal owners of the land ---- Finally, first good point in this thread jesus christ. True that but commiting a crime is still no answer. "I dont have money so I must rob others" logic.

It was their ancestors living on that land prior to 1946.
May 12, 2021 3:23 AM

Aug 2015
@RuneImperialist - The majority of Israelis have racial supremacist views.

Bad boy Israel! Very bad! Naughty naughty Israel!

---So Bantustans and regular states.

Why are you so persistent with that point lmao. Is it so hard for you to except that there's no apartheid in Israel?
May 12, 2021 3:26 AM

Aug 2015
@RuneImperialist -
It was their ancestors living on that land prior to 1946

Meme argument once again but even if: There were Israelites in Israel before Islam was even a thing my man
May 12, 2021 3:27 AM

Aug 2015
@Yangire - people don't know it because its a coping head-cannon you guys invented to justify hate
May 12, 2021 3:27 AM

Oct 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
@BaneofKermit - Israel went out of Gaza in 2004 my dude. Its all Hamas now. Oh and Palestinians can always turn 180 degrees and go to Egypt if they wanted to. Its like that interview with an arab israeli who went to Gaza in disguise and asked Palestinians about their lifes and almost all the civilians said they are tired of it all and just want peace but they are being sanctioned by Hamas all the time and if you go against them then they hurt you in many ways. If you want peace in Gaza you should go against Hamas and all their backers, not Israel.

@aightbet - Israel also destroys many illegal Jewish settlements as well. Theyre both toxic. Its a meme talking point. In 70 years we could've taken all the region millions time by now but its not the case now is it?
Funny thing you brought up sympathy because out of all the anti-israeli posters in this thread I might be the most Palestinian-compassionate unironically since im taking this situation realistically and not crying crocodile tears.

@RuneImperialist - meme talking points. How did you not posted the whole "if someone breaks into your house, knocks down the door and says its my house now would you not resist" argument yet?

You're the most Palestine compassionate? LMAOOOOOO SAYS WHO????? Have you seen your comments in this entire thread?!?!

Mate it's clearly evident you are very misinformed about Palestine, why aren't you commenting on Palestines evicted from their own houses? their houses are bulldozed. And then Israelis build their own houses on the sites they bulldozed... Buddy, the area of the West Bank HAS BEEN SHRINKING. fr you either just don't know OR you're Israeli yourself. It's okay though, foreign media is covering it quite well, perhaps listen to other sources rather than just Israeli TV.

Stop justifying racism, stop justifying discrimination, stop justifying forced evictions. Just stop my guy, What are you? Propaganda Agent?
May 12, 2021 3:29 AM

Mar 2016
LowOfSolipsism said:
@RuneImperialist -
It was their ancestors living on that land prior to 1946

Meme argument once again but even if: There were Israelites in Israel before Islam was even a thing my man

“Hey man. You know this house you’ve been living in for generations. Well sorry buddy, jews were here 2000 years ago. Out you go”. Dumb.
May 12, 2021 3:31 AM

Aug 2015
@aightbet - Nope! Im just a simple Israeli who stands for whats right. I talked about the settlements in this thread already you can go read it I dont like repeating it over and over. You think its all black and white while in reality its too complicated for people who dont live here to talk about. Sorry not sorry.
May 12, 2021 3:35 AM

Oct 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
@aightbet - Nope! Im just a simple Israeli who stands for whats right. I talked about the settlements in this thread already you can go read it I dont like repeating it over and over. You think its all black and white while in reality its too complicated for people who dont live here to talk about. Sorry not sorry.

But you're straight up wrong about the settlements. There are cases where Palestinians unlawfully take areas not in their jurisdiction. But that is NOT the case happening now. It is the opposite, and on a GRAND scale. Please, open your eyes.
May 12, 2021 3:42 AM

Aug 2015
@Shishou_23 - YASSSSSSS FINALLY THANKS I was waiting for this argument to come. Finally lol. @RuneImperialist you can go rest now the meme argument was made!

nah, ppl don't know it cuz they are just ignorant morons :> ---

Most or all of the evictions I'm aware of are done to make room for Israeli settlers, not to enforce some sort of law --- thats not true at all. As Ive already said, if Israel really wanted that areas we would already gotten them a million times by now. I dont blame you for not knowing but it is simply not true.

Besides, there are Palestinians who have lived in their current homes for decades that face eviction---- Until they lost the war, right after they decline a two state solution, that is.

Yeah but those areas keep shrinking. I'm sure you've seen those maps - Meme maps, see the first point I made. Again I dont blame you youve just fallen for all the memes my friend, shit happens.

Lots of Israeli settlements still stay up though. Hence why Palestinian territory keeps shrinking - yes it takes time to destroy them, its not that simple, I personally participated in helping police evict some of those Jewish settlments.

In apartheid South Africa, they had what were known as "Bantustans", which were territories that black people were forced to live in and often forbidden to leave. - Blame PLO or Gaza as ive already said, not Israel. Also Palestinians arent forced to stay in the west bank, they actually can travel in Israeli cities as well.
May 12, 2021 3:45 AM

Aug 2015
@aightbet - As youve seen where? CNN? BBC? AL Jhazira? What biased site have you seen it from? Theres plenty of Israeli groups which makes sure non of what you said can happen. Please read the replies I wrote in this thread as I dislike repeating myself
May 12, 2021 3:47 AM

Jul 2016
LowOfSolipsism said:
@RuneImperialist -
It was their ancestors living on that land prior to 1946

Meme argument once again but even if: There were Israelites in Israel before Islam was even a thing my man

People treading on the land thousands of years ago and then leaving it, does not give them the right to claim that land (in a world order where ethnic based states is immoral and conquering land is illegal according to International law) thousands of years later, and displace those peoples.

ProfessionalNEET said:

In apartheid South Africa, they had what were known as "Bantustans", which were territories that black people were forced to live in and often forbidden to leave. Living conditions in Bantustans were poor, and greatly inferior to the living conditions in the places whites lived in. The modern-day Palestinian territories are basically Bantustans for Palestinians.

All Israel has done is externalise the Bantustans (Gaza & West Bank) and uses that as an excuse that they are not a segregationist apartheid state. And Gaza and the West Bank are routinely occupied by IDF and Israeli air forces violating their airspace.
May 12, 2021 3:49 AM

Mar 2016
@LowOfSolipsism Glad to see you enjoyed that “argument” although I was merely mocking you. Just an average Israeli with terrible take here people. I hope that dumb Netanyahu is giving you some shekels for your job here. Welp, Nothing worth seeing.
May 12, 2021 3:50 AM

Oct 2017
@LowOfSolipsism Honestly I feel sorry for you having to take dreaded misconstrued false propaganda as fact. Must be tough man.
May 12, 2021 3:51 AM

Aug 2015
@RuneImperialist - People treading on the land thousands of years ago and then leaving it - They didnt "leave" they were expelled. Sounds familiar? And its still doesnt matter regardless.

And Gaza and the West Bank are routinely occupied by IDF and Israeli air forces violating their airspace -- Only where there's a security reason for it and only in the west bank. We haven't been to Gaza in a long time

May 12, 2021 3:53 AM

Oct 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
@RuneImperialist - People treading on the land thousands of years ago and then leaving it - They didnt "leave" they were expelled. Sounds familiar? And its still doesnt matter regardless.

And Gaza and the West Bank are routinely occupied by IDF and Israeli air forces violating their airspace -- Only where there's a security reason for it and only in the west bank. We haven't been to Gaza in a long time

So what are the "security reasons" to occupy someone else's territory may I ask?
May 12, 2021 3:55 AM

Aug 2015
@Yangire - also "evictions" are ethnic cleansing --- oh so when were evicting illegal Jewish settlements were cleansing them ethnically? Sure, got it mate, thanks

@Shishou_23 - Glad to see you enjoyed that “argument” although I was merely mocking you - Thats why I was mocking you right back, bucko.

Just an average Israeli with terrible take here people -- ironic

@aightbet - the "I dont have any arguments left" response. Why do you guys think government issues are all black and white? Its almost always gray

May 12, 2021 3:57 AM

Jul 2016
aightbet said:
@LowOfSolipsism Honestly I feel sorry for you having to take dreaded misconstrued false propaganda as fact. Must be tough man.

His views are not based on propaganda, but ethnocentrism. He knows what is in his ethnic's groups interest, and having a country in "their sacred land" has been a concern for over a century.

LowOfSolipsism said:
They didnt "leave" they were expelled. Sounds familiar? And its still doesnt matter regardless.

Expelled thousands of years ago, that is not a valid or reasonable to retake that land thousands of years later.

Only where there's a security reason for it and only in the west bank. We haven't been to Gaza in a long time

That is always the "justified" reason another country dominates another.

the "I dont have any arguments left" response. Why do you guys think government issues are all black and white? Its almost always gray

It's not 2005 anymore, noboyd believes the narrative of Israel-Palestine is gray and complicated, the dialectic has moved on. People recognise Israel for the entity it is.
May 12, 2021 3:59 AM

Oct 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
@Yangire - also "evictions" are ethnic cleansing --- oh so when were evicting illegal Jewish settlements were cleansing them ethnically? Sure, got it mate, thanks

@Shishou_23 - Glad to see you enjoyed that “argument” although I was merely mocking you - Thats why I was mocking you right back, bucko.

Just an average Israeli with terrible take here people -- ironic

@aightbet - the "I dont have any arguments left" response. Why do you guys think government issues are all black and white? Its almost always gray

You just can't answer my very simple question? Inside even YOU know there is no justification to occupy another person's land for "security reasons" that happen every month.

I've made my arguments, HELLA people have made their arguments. YOU refuse to take them in, empathise, rather simply disregard as 'false information'.

Please don't give me a politicians answer to questions. You are not one.

May 12, 2021 3:59 AM

Aug 2015
@aightbet - This one terrorist drives his truck into Israeli civilians killing them then drives into Palestinian village for hiding. Israeli army goes into village to find him. for example
May 12, 2021 4:03 AM

Oct 2017
LowOfSolipsism said:
@aightbet - This one terrorist drives his truck into Israeli civilians killing them then drives into Palestinian village for hiding. Israeli army goes into village to find him. for example

So it boils down to one or a few people committing an atrocity, leading to the entire nation of Israel to come along with their trucks and grenades into Palestinian territory, cause grief for millions of innocents, for a terrorist who was bred by acts just like this. Is that not the reality?
May 12, 2021 4:05 AM

Aug 2015
@RuneImperialist - That is always the "justified" reason another country dominates another --- sighhh how tiresome. Those Pesky Israelis and their desire to always dominate ARRRRRRGGGG

Expelled thousands of years ago, that is not a valid or reasonable to retake that land thousands of years later --- its valid for Palestinians but not Israelis /sage

@aightbet - Is it wrong to go defend our country when theres a threat to it like wtf is wrong with you people? You wanted an example I provided you with one. It happens all the time here in Israel do you want me show you examples?

YOU refuse to take them in, empathise, rather simply disregard as 'false information' --- all your arguments are meme talking points that people spew on social media. Non of it is based on reality. I gave you counter reasons as to why your logic is skewed but you just pivot into a general point or just move the goal post.
May 12, 2021 4:06 AM

Jul 2016
aightbet said:
LowOfSolipsism said:
@Yangire - also "evictions" are ethnic cleansing --- oh so when were evicting illegal Jewish settlements were cleansing them ethnically? Sure, got it mate, thanks

@Shishou_23 - Glad to see you enjoyed that “argument” although I was merely mocking you - Thats why I was mocking you right back, bucko.

Just an average Israeli with terrible take here people -- ironic

@aightbet - the "I dont have any arguments left" response. Why do you guys think government issues are all black and white? Its almost always gray

You just can't answer my very simple question? Inside even YOU know there is no justification to occupy another person's land for "security reasons" that happen every month.

The best strategy to arguments, is not saying too much. You have overextented your argument, there is obviously justify reasons to occupy another's territory (Serbia 1914, Iraq 90s).

Those Pesky Israelis and their desire to always dominate ARRRRRRGGGG

They even dominate outside of Israel, such as APAC, ADL, SPLC, massive overrepresentation in American politics. They have become the new "WASPs".

its valid for Palestinians but not Israelis /sage

Because they have resided/still residing there in recent history.
RuneRemMay 12, 2021 4:11 AM
May 12, 2021 4:06 AM

Jul 2015
LowOfSolipsism said:
@RuneImperialist - You are literally describing an apartheid state
Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.Def of Apartheid - a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race under a state for two people in it. PLO controls west bank Palestinians, Hamas controlls Gaza Palestinians Israel controls Israeli civilians. If Israel would treat arab Israeli citizens different then yes, it would be an apartheid state but its is not true, Arabs have the same rights just like Jews and Christians in Israel.

---- The country is Palestine
Palestine was never a country

--- Palestinians have historically been persecuted by Israelies
Very general statement dont really understand the point youre making so heres one in return: Theres a reason for everything.

Are you saying there's a reason for jews being put in ovens? Yes you are.

Dumbass zionists don't even realize the shit they type lmao. There's a reason why everybody with a working moral compass hates israel, and it's not antisemitism.
Prophetess of the Golden Era
May 12, 2021 4:08 AM

Aug 2015
@Yangire - youre the one who said ethnic cleansing = eviction not me. We evict both Jewish and Palestinian ILLEGAL settlements.

what about the 7.2 million palestinian refugees who are denied their legal right to return?
--- Homie when you start a war and lose you lose your "right to return". Should we let all the other tribes and people who have been conquered a right to return? Natives back to America? Ffs mate meme talking points

as you keep saying: ironic :> --- equating me to a terrorist - YIKES!
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