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Jul 5, 2016 11:54 AM

Feb 2014
IMKZ said:
Thnx4dafood said:
I noticed on the adaptions challenge there are 3 badges saying completed easy, med, hard like usual and then there is this badge

Is this the conquered badge or can I use it for any difficulty I choose to complete.


Any difficulty you've completed. Conquered badge will be labelled 'Conquered' and look pretty awesome in contrast.

Ok thank you.
Maybe someday I'll aim for conquered xP
Jul 5, 2016 1:24 PM

Sep 2011
IMKZ said:
Kuroneko said:
When will Scavenger Hunt #3 be available
[s]I've been looking for it for a few days[s]

Ps. Sorry for the puns

Following how SH#2 was out, SH#3 will be out when there are at least 15 members that have completed SH#2.
Hahaha you read my mind - yeah I was waiting a bit to give people time to complete both. So either when we have 15 completed it or when the mass club message is available again (this Friday) - whichever comes first.

@Kuroneko - I've also been waiting for it or rather wanting to put it out to work on it xD but I was trying to pace them. Loads completed #1, but there were less and seemed slower completing #2, so was giving people time. XD
riho88rihoJul 17, 2016 4:14 PM
Jul 5, 2016 1:52 PM

Apr 2015
riho88riho said:
IMKZ said:

Following how SH#2 was out, SH#3 will be out when there are at least 15 members that have completed SH#2.
Hahaha you read my mind - yeah I was waiting a bit to give people time to complete both. So either when we have 15 completed it or when the mass club message is available again (this Friday) - whichever comes first.

@Kuroneko - I've also been waiting for it or rather wanting to put it out to work on it xD but I was trying to pace them. Loads completed #1, but there were less and seemed slower completing #2, so was giving people time. XD

oh ok then i was just going of off what it says in the rules were they will be released every two weeks
KuronekoJul 17, 2016 4:15 PM
Jul 5, 2016 2:25 PM
Jul 2018
Kuroneko said:
riho88riho said:
Hahaha you read my mind - yeah I was waiting a bit to give people time to complete both. So either when we have 15 completed it or when the mass club message is available again (this Friday) - whichever comes first.

@Kuroneko - I've also been waiting for it or rather wanting to put it out to work on it xD but I was trying to pace them. Loads completed #1, but there were less and seemed slower completing #2, so was giving people time. XD

oh ok then i was just going of off what it says in the rules were they will be released every two weeks

It wasn't up-to-date. Thank you for pointing that out. Updated.
removed-userJul 17, 2016 4:15 PM
Jul 6, 2016 9:30 AM

Feb 2010
I'm still very early in the Special-per-day challenge, but I'd rather ask this right now:

Is there any way I can get the Hard badge (Mushishi Hihamukage) as Conquered? I personally want to have as main display only the highest level badges, and for me Mushishi Hihamukage is THE special. Sadly, I've already watched all Mushishi Specials long before the challenge even existed, and the challenge doesn't permit rewatches.

I would gladly rewatch it as a 41st entry (so I don't break the rules) if necessary, but I'd really love that badge as conquered.

And speaking of which, this is more of a suggestion topic more than a querie, but just like this is happening to me, I'm sure there are a lot of cases right now where people prefer a lower level badge, and I personally think if someone finishes a higher level, he should be able to choose badge. With this I mean, for example, in the Hints Challenge (just a random example) someone who finishes Easy should only be able to choose the Akagi badge, someone of finishes Medium should be able to choose between Akagi and Non Non Biyori, someone who finishes Hard should be able to choose between Uchuu Kyoudai, Non Non Biyori and Akagi and finally someone who conquers the anime should be able to choose between the gif badge (WA2, GB and HE) and the other three. I'm thinking a bit about the official MAL Challenge which always has options for the badge.

Of course, I know that what I said means more work for riho making badges, so I say this always under the assumption is not much of a problem for her doing more badges. I would imagine it'd be easier if it's just changing the difficulty text in the image.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 6, 2016 9:57 AM

Nov 2013
Well, you can also display all of them badges you achieved.

I kinda don't get why people would want badge meant for some difficulty as a badge for another difficulty.
You all need to watch Nami.

Jul 6, 2016 10:01 AM

Jul 2010
abystoma2 said:
Well, you can also display all of them badges you achieved.

I kinda don't get why people would want badge meant for some difficulty as a badge for another difficulty.

Well not everyone wanna do all difficulties and it kinda makes sense that you wanna do the hardest difficulty and be done with the challenge so of course you would want the "best" looking badge for it.
If there wasn't a point system I would also do only the highest difficulty and leave the rest be.
Jul 6, 2016 6:23 PM

Feb 2010
abystoma2 said:
Well, you can also display all of them badges you achieved.

I kinda don't get why people would want badge meant for some difficulty as a badge for another difficulty.

Because I don't want to simply inflate my badge collection. I don't want 4 badges for the same thing. Maybe, just maybe, I might leave the lower level badges inside a spoiler, but I want my main display to be the hardest levels I've achieved.

Just like Dan, I wouldn't even bother attempting easier levels if not for the point system (and the 2x badges, which I think are a fantastic idea). And even with this, I don't really put much priority in them. I prefer to aim for multiple challenges rather than multiple badges. I do want to have every Aired Challenge, every Genre Challenge, every Exposure Challenge, etc... but I don't really care about Easy level if I already have the Conquered Badge.

Using a random real life example, I wouldn't bother trying to get a KET Certificate (Cambridge's most basic english certificate) if I have a CPE Certificate (Cambridge's most advanced english certificate), and I wouldn't even bother putting the KET on my CV if have the CPE.

I'm not trying to force my preferences on others of course. It's not like my proposal is an impedement for people who display every badge and prioritize doing every level for different challenges, it just opens the door for me and other people... and of course, like I said before, this is always assuming it doesn't mean a lot of work for Riho, as I don't want to increase her workload more than what it is already.

This is mostly a decorative suggestion.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 7, 2016 7:20 AM

Sep 2011
@Akai_Shuichi I don't mind making you a Mushishi Conquered badge.

For the every badge every level issue - the reason I originally started making different series for different levels was to give the other levels a purpose. Otherwise everyone would only do hard (ignoring points of course) and not do or care about Easy/Med. Heck, a lot of the original challenges are like that (Sports and World Tour for example are the same image just different lighting).

I understand wanting the hardest level to display only - I can see how too many of the low levels might create a cluster f*ck kind of look too XD (though I personally enjoy displaying all of them).

Making the badges isn't too hard or time consuming once I've found the images and picked the font (I'd say it takes a rough 10-20 minutes per challenge to make all the badges/images from start (searching) to finish (uploading) - the problem I struggle with is making it agreeable for both sides. I understanding wanting to display only one badge and not every single one, but I also understand wanting to display them all. The problem is the overlap - if I used the same image for each difficulty and only changed the text, it kind of becomes the Sports/WT situation where I might as well only use one image anyway.

I agree having a lot of options is nice, but I don't have the time to do that for all the challenges already existing and it will add a bit of extra time for future challenges. As it is, I still haven't made hardly any x2 badges >.<;;

If people want to donate alternative badges for challenges, I'll add them (like I did for the July Challenge), just that not many have seemed interested or offered XD
Jul 7, 2016 7:57 AM

Feb 2010
First of all, thanks then for agreeing to the Mushishi badge. We'll get back to it in August... I'm just 5 or 6 out of 40 anyways, lol

I am not trying to stop people from displaying every badge. Please do not misunderstand that. I think you're all in your right to do it. And I don't want to be the selfish guy who wants things changed at the cost of others. I'm not asking for the same model for every difficulty (which wouldn't be a problem for me, actually) precisely because I understand a lot of people like displaying multiple badges and that obviously looks better with a variety of badges.

What I am proposing is just being able to choose between the pre-established series for the difficulty levels, not making everything like Conquered. That's a right you earn by finishing the hardest difficulty.

Example: Adaptions Challenge... I'm willing to bet there's a lot of people like me that think One Punch Man is easily the worst anime among the three options (Tatami, Bebop and OPM). I actually think Tatami Galaxy > Cowboy Bebop > One Punch Man, while the badges are the exact opposite.

I think that someone who completes Hard should be able to choose between Tatami Galaxy, Cowboy Bebop or One Punch Man. Let's say someone chooses Tatami Galaxy for their Hard Badge, then he can have One Punch Man as the Easy Badge if he makes a second run.

In this situation, I -the person who only likes displaying the highest difficulty- would be happy because I get to have my Tatami Galaxy badge displayed for my hard Adaptions achievement.

Also, in this situation, Riho -who likes displaying every badge- is still happy because she still gets to display Tatami Galaxy, Cowboy Bebop and Tatami Galaxy. Even better, she gets to choose which series would go with which difficulty.

The only con I see here is the possible increased workload, but if you say it's not much of a problem, then I only see added value here.

Again, I'm not asking for completely new badges. Of course that'd be fantastic, but even I know that would mean a lot more work. I mean, just choosing the images would take time. This could only work, like you proposed via donations. I do think that it would be a good idea trying to ask for badge donations a bit more. Maybe sometimes add it on those updates you usually do in the club comments, for example.

There's another thing I wanted to propose, but I'll leave that for the Suggestions Topic. I'll continue there.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 7, 2016 5:01 PM

Feb 2010
Does the Alpha-OVA need to be 20+ minutes per episode or 20+ minutes total?

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 8, 2016 4:27 AM

Sep 2011
Akai_Shuichi said:
Does the Alpha-OVA need to be 20+ minutes per episode or 20+ minutes total?
Total, I'll go update that
Jul 8, 2016 2:34 PM

Jan 2011
Treasure hunt #3

-- [X] ... that has snakes in it

Is that a real snake? Like what we would find IRL?

Or can it be snake-like?
ex. Nadeko from the -monogatari franchise is afflicted by a snake monster, Renji from Bleach and his zanpakutou is half snake half baboon, Miia from Monster Musume who is snake from the waist down.
Jul 8, 2016 2:40 PM

Sep 2011
lanblade said:
Treasure hunt #3

-- [X] ... that has snakes in it

Is that a real snake? Like what we would find IRL?

Or can it be snake-like?
ex. Nadeko from the -monogatari franchise is afflicted by a snake monster, Renji from Bleach and his zanpakutou is half snake half baboon, Miia from Monster Musume who is snake from the waist down.
A bit of both, real snakes but I'll accept very-snake like (can't just be like eyes and tongue but an least a strong enough resemblance it's obvious part snake)

Doesn't have to be a character either, could literally just be where they walk through the forest and a snake is shown for a few minutes/seconds xD lol
Jul 9, 2016 8:16 AM

May 2009
Quick question regarding the Seasonal Challenge, specifically the OVA one. If a two episode OVA started in March 2010 and ended in September 2011, which season can it be used for? The season in which it started (Winter), only the seasons in which an episode aired (Winter and Summer), or any season between the air dates? Which in this case would be all of them.

Oh also, can the Seasonal OVA Challenge overlap with the other OVA challenges (Exposure and Genre)?
SunflowerDaishoJul 9, 2016 9:50 AM
Jul 9, 2016 12:56 PM
Jul 2018
SunflowerDaisho said:
Quick question regarding the Seasonal Challenge, specifically the OVA one. If a two episode OVA started in March 2010 and ended in September 2011, which season can it be used for? The season in which it started (Winter), only the seasons in which an episode aired (Winter and Summer), or any season between the air dates? Which in this case would be all of them.

Oh also, can the Seasonal OVA Challenge overlap with the other OVA challenges (Exposure and Genre)?

Just Winter.

You can use other OVA challenges' items (since this seasonal OVA allows previously seen due to meeting season criteria), but don't use items from this challenge for other OVA challenges.
Jul 12, 2016 9:28 AM

Mar 2013
For the studio challenge, do sub-studios towards the requirement of the main studio (i.e if I watch something by Pierrot + does that satisfy the Studio Pierrot requirement)

AudioTsunamiJul 14, 2016 8:14 AM
Jul 12, 2016 7:09 PM

Feb 2014

On the Adaptions challenge I wanted to watch Ragnastrike Angels because I saw quite a few of others had it and I was having trouble finding game/visual novel based anime.

Ea. ep is only 30 sec long and there are 12 episodes, so would it not count because its not at least 15 minutes total?

Jul 12, 2016 11:01 PM

Jul 2010
Thnx4dafood said:
Ea. ep is only 30 sec long and there are 12 episodes, so would it not count because its not at least 15 minutes total?

Yes it won't count unless it's over 15 minutes long. The rule about 15+ minutes duration was added later so some people might have used it before this rule. It won't count for them too of course.
Jul 13, 2016 8:09 AM

Feb 2010
Any chance I can use Gintama for the Bingo Challenge 100 episodes requirement? It kinda bugs me a lot the fact that the challenge came out when I was midway through Gintama, Ginga Tetsudou 999 and Lupin III Part 2. I can understand not using Ginga Tetsudou 999 (I was about 85/113 when the challenge came out, I believe), but I think I was like 50/201 at most with Gintama, which means I'll have watched 150 episodes of the series from that point, which is actually a lot more than a 100 episodes.

I mean, we're talking about 100 episodes here... it's not exactly a walk in the park.
Akai_ShuichiJul 13, 2016 8:19 AM

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 13, 2016 8:28 AM

Jul 2010
Akai_Shuichi said:
Any chance I can use Gintama for the Bingo Challenge 100 episodes requirement? It kinda bugs me a lot the fact that the challenge came out when I was midway through Gintama, Ginga Tetsudou 999 and Lupin III Part 2. I can understand not using Ginga Tetsudou 999 (I was about 85/113 when the challenge came out, I believe), but I think I was like 50/201 at most with Gintama, which means I'll have watched 150 episodes of the series from that point, which is actually a lot more than a 100 episodes.

I mean, we're talking about 100 episodes here... it's not exactly a walk in the park.

As for me I would allow it since you will still watch over 100 episodes in the end if you were at 50 episodes when the challenge was introduced.
Jul 13, 2016 11:13 AM

Sep 2011
@Akai_Shuichi - I agree with Dan, I'll allow it. It's still 100+ episodes watched lol
Jul 14, 2016 7:37 AM

Feb 2010
There's a couple of challenges that among their criterias there's a "Watch an anime that has at least 3 separate seasons". Do I have to watch all three seasons or by just watching the first one is fine?

For example, I believe I used Nanoha on the Magical Challenge (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, A's and Strikers). Just to be sure, and because I could, I didn't use A's or Strikers anywhere else on the challenge. But could I have uses them on other criterias if I wanted to?

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 14, 2016 8:37 AM

Jul 2010
Akai_Shuichi said:
There's a couple of challenges that among their criterias there's a "Watch an anime that has at least 3 separate seasons". Do I have to watch all three seasons or by just watching the first one is fine?

No you just have to watch one of those series, not all of them. As long as you watch one and there are at least 3 of them in total, you can use the show for the criteria.
Jul 14, 2016 12:40 PM

Sep 2011
AudioTsunami said:
For the studio challenge, do sub-studios towards the requirement of the main studio (i.e if I watch something by Pierrot + does that satisfy the Studio Pierrot requirement)

Yes, it does =)
Jul 17, 2016 1:03 PM

Feb 2010
Would you guys consider Nube (Jigoku Sensei Nube) as a character that would qualify as a demon? (People Challenge). He's not completely a demon, but his arm is.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 17, 2016 3:53 PM
Jul 2018
Akai_Shuichi said:
Would you guys consider Nube (Jigoku Sensei Nube) as a character that would qualify as a demon? (People Challenge). He's not completely a demon, but his arm is.

If his conscience isn't affected and only his arm takes the demonic form then no.

Jul 17, 2016 4:00 PM

Feb 2010
Ok, thanks!

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 19, 2016 10:25 AM

Jul 2010
I have a question about People Challenge. More precisely about this particular rule "Related series cannot be used more than once."

Does that mean that to finish this challenge on Hard, I have to use anime from 105 different franchise ? If yes, it's pretty insane considering that over the course of 15 years I have been watching anime, I have seen anime from slightly over 500 franchise, yet I have to watch 1/5 of that for this challenge ? And thats only for one difficulty.

Sounds quite ridiculous to be honest. I would understand not using the same character more than once but to not use any other character from any of the related series except the first one doesn't make any sense.
Jul 20, 2016 8:16 AM

Feb 2010
I personally don't think it's that ridiculous, though I don't see any particular reason not to use, for example, Illya for white hair (after completely watching Fate/Illya) and Shirou for orange hair (after completely watching Stay Night). I don't think it's that ridiculous because, besides that, the challenge only asks for 15 or more minutes.

While not as much as you, I've seen my fair share of franchises, but I'm pretty sure standalone movies, OVAs and stuff like that don't really count towards franchises (if so, I'm pretty sure you'd way more than 500).

But again, I don't really see a reason not to use two things of the same franchise. I think using the same character twice would be wrong, but using two different characters should be fine.

Also, there's two things I think should be clarified on the rules:

1. What happens with characters who change hair/eye/whatever colors (for example, Goku going into SSJ or Ranma changing between man and woman). Some of them spend quite some time in more than one hair color (Goku is just a step away from a rainbow-colored hair in Super and Ranma is constantly changing through the whole series). Some characters might gain mechanical parts, start using glasses (though it's usually the other way around), start wearing some jewel or whatever midway through the series.

2. What happens with human-esque animals. By that I mean those animals that have hands, use shoes and clothes, speak, live in society just like humans, or even with humans, and seem to be human, except they're drawn like animals (more common in western animation, but still happens from time to time in anime. I think it's perfectly arguable to consider them as "people" (I personally think they are), though admittedly, it's hard to consider them "humans". But that said, the challenge, while it suggests it's about humans only, it's not exactly a rule. Also, you could make a case cyborgs, angels or demons are not human.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 20, 2016 8:49 AM

Sep 2011
As for the related franchises - I'll adjust to allow as long as you're using two different characters (I also don't think it'd be hard to watch 105 different franchises considering its only 15+ minutes, but I also agree that it does add a degree of difficulty that isn't necessary since you're still watching two separate MAL entries).

Next, Characters who change, you can use the character that has a change occur, but 1. the change must take place within the series you're watching (aka you can't use blue hair Goku for Dragon Ball Z nor Gold-Hair Goku for Dragon Ball).
2. The change has to happen either often, or last more than half the series (such as getting mechanical body parts added to them, has to happen either early or half way, can't be at the end)

Human-esque can count as people under the following conditions:
1. must "speak" or understand human speech
2. is NOT treated like a pet (aka no parrots)
3. fur does not count as hair unless the fur is drawn in such a way that it is obviously meant as hair
For example, Chopper can be used since he speaks and is not treated like a pet. However, Chopper doesn't have hair, so can't use for the Hair category. I personally instead used him for the "Wears a hat" options.

Any others? I'll go add these clarifications/adjustments to the actual challenge as well.
Jul 20, 2016 9:44 AM

Feb 2010
That's exactly what I expected from the two things I mentioned. Just thought they should be clarified. So... yeah, I agree with those measures.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 20, 2016 10:09 AM

Apr 2008
Treasure hunt #3
-- [X] ... that has snakes in it

Can I use a snake toy? toy snake?
Or it must be a living creature?

_____________"The Baseball team is here to f~ck you up" - Wakana
Jul 20, 2016 11:50 AM

Sep 2011
Dr_Tokami said:
Treasure hunt #3
-- [X] ... that has snakes in it

Can I use a snake toy? toy snake?
Or it must be a living creature?
As long as it's an obvious snake, a toy is fine.
Jul 20, 2016 12:16 PM

Apr 2008
riho88riho said:
Dr_Tokami said:
Treasure hunt #3
-- [X] ... that has snakes in it

Can I use a snake toy? toy snake?
Or it must be a living creature?
As long as it's an obvious snake, a toy is fine.

Oh, great :D

_____________"The Baseball team is here to f~ck you up" - Wakana
Jul 21, 2016 9:52 AM

Apr 2015
For The Series-Per-2Days Challenge, can I start a new series the day I completed one ?
For example, I completed a series on the morning of Day 2, can I start a new series then (I will complete it on Day 3, ofc), or I cannot start before Day 3?
Jul 21, 2016 1:22 PM
Jul 2018
-Eien- said:
For The Series-Per-2Days Challenge, can I start a new series the day I completed one ?
For example, I completed a series on the morning of Day 2, can I start a new series then (I will complete it on Day 3, ofc), or I cannot start before Day 3?

Going by the rules, you cannot start before Day 3.

If you start before Day 3, this will turn into a series-per-.5day.
Jul 21, 2016 2:29 PM

Nov 2013
You should be able to start a series on day 2 if you finished the first one on day 1, but not one series finished and another one started on the same day.
You CAN finish this challenge early. If you finish a series in a single day you may CHOOSE whether you "skip" day 2 OR watch another/next series. Meaning, you can finish this challenge in as little as 10 days (easy), 15 days (med.), or 20 days (hard).
You all need to watch Nami.

Jul 21, 2016 8:49 PM

Mar 2013
For the Male main cast and Female main cast categories in the Bingo challenge, does the entire main cast have to be said gender or just a majority of it?
Jul 22, 2016 5:36 AM

Feb 2010
Anyone knows where can I find the GitS Logicoma Specials? I don't care if they're raw but I've had no luck finding them.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 22, 2016 7:08 AM

Jul 2010
Akai_Shuichi said:
Anyone knows where can I find the GitS Logicoma Specials? I don't care if they're raw but I've had no luck finding them.

I sent you PM about them.
Jul 22, 2016 1:04 PM

Sep 2011
AudioTsunami said:
For the Male main cast and Female main cast categories in the Bingo challenge, does the entire main cast have to be said gender or just a majority of it?
Those listed as "Main" needs to be one gender.
Jul 27, 2016 8:08 AM

Feb 2010
When the People Challenge states "Full Male/Female Cast" does it have to literally be the whole cast (including supporting characters)? As a random example, K-ON wouldn't count just because of Ritsu's brother (I think he's the only male that makes an appearance there, even if just a couple of times)?

Or is it just main characters?

"Full" makes me think it's the whole cast, but the rules state this challenge only considers main characters, creating a bit of a contradiction.

On another, note, I think those criterias kinda have nothing to do with the challenge, as every single criteria is about single characters and not about the cast itself. This is more for the suggestion thread, but to continue the line I'll do it here:

I think those two criterias should be changed to something more appropiate for the challenge. Some ideas:

A character who:

- is and looks like a kid (has to be a kid and look like a kid. A kid that looks like he's 30 or those adult lolis would not count)
- is and looks like eldery (elves, gods, aliens and all those things that live forever and look young wouldn't count. Has to look like a grandpa, so to speak)
- is bald (self explanatory)
- uses a beard or moustache (any kind of facial hair)
- has a scar (any scar would count)
- is constantly sick (doesn't have to always be sick, but it has to be common in the series/OVA/movie/Special/ONA)
- is clearly taller than most (would have to be noticeable, he'd have to be described as someone tall or big. For example, one of the many tall characters from Slam Dunk or Kuroko or Risa from Lovely Complex... etc)
- is clearly shorter than most (again, has to be noticeable. Ed from FMAB, Otani from Lovely Complex, Toshiro from the Harlock saga, etc... kids wouldn't count)
- is fat (again, would have to be noticeable)
- is usually with his eyes closed (Xellos from Slayers, Brook from Pokemon, Gin from Bleach, etc)

Those would just be some examples, there are endless possibilities, but I think "full cast" by itself (be it the complete cast or the main cast), it's kinda different to the rest of the challenge... also, would I have to actually name every single character that appears on whatever I watch? (the challenge asks to name the character, after all).

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 28, 2016 9:37 AM

Dec 2015
For the horror challenge:

"Watch a Series that aired the same you joined MAL"

Does that mean watch a series that aired the same year/season/both as when you first joined MAL?
Jul 28, 2016 9:50 AM

Feb 2010
I was going to highlight that same thing Kreyul mentioned.

Also... about asking for an ONA, there's almost no horror ONA that qualifies for the challenge:

There's just 4 Horror ONAs that actually qualify for the challenge (15+ minutes) and out of them, just one has subs (Si Ling Bianma: Zhi Shijie Caozong Zhe). With so little options, I think the category should be OVA/ONA, OVA/Special/ONA or whatever... even three-cour+ series sounds more reasonable (Hard badge is one of those, after all).

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 28, 2016 10:39 AM

Jul 2010
It would be easier to just make an exception for Specials and ONA requirements that the duration doesn't matter for those.
Jul 28, 2016 12:01 PM

Feb 2010
Could also be an option. There's a decent amount of ridiculously bad Horror ONAs that are less than 5 minutes long.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 29, 2016 7:27 AM

Feb 2010
@riho88riho, I summon thee to look at the last posts from this topic, as I'm pretty sure you didn't notice them before. I still have doubts about the couple things I mentioned (which I added a couple suggestions).

PS: Starting from post #198.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Jul 29, 2016 8:43 AM

Sep 2011
I did see the posts and had actually written a response, just never posted it XD oops...

@Akai_Shuichi - full cast meant only the main characters since all the requirements are only directed at the main characters. You also wouldn't have to list them because it's assumed it's all the characters listed as main. I could see ya side for changing it, but I don't really have the time to tweek it and technically it's still targeted at characters, gender specifically.

For the horror challenge, I like Dan's suggestion and shall go with it ^-^ I'll update the challenge now

@Kreyul - I've updated it "same season" since it has more options than year lol
Jul 29, 2016 9:22 AM

May 2015
how do you vote for the August challenge or whatever?
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
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650 by is_peque »»
7 hours ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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