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Aug 6, 2009 10:05 AM
May 2009
We get a peek into Lotti and Jack (and Glenny B's) past. Did I hear wrong, or is Lotti's real name Charlotte?

Looks like the gags are gonna come back again next episode :D.
Aug 6, 2009 12:57 PM

Mar 2009
W-What? Was Jack actually shot down by the maids? This offends me xD
Nah you heard right, its Charlotte. Speaking of Lotti, doesn't she look cute when she blushes lol.
Aug 6, 2009 6:57 PM

Nov 2007
Yes, Lotti is a nickname Jack named Charlotte.

I believe that's correct, though I don't remember who Jack was murdered by.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 7, 2009 4:52 AM

Sep 2008
By far the best episode so far, in fact, I don't think it can get any better than this.
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Aug 7, 2009 7:03 AM

May 2008
Clarsiso said:
W-What? Was Jack actually shot down by the maids? This offends me xD

Me too :D If I remember correctly he was flirting very well with them in manga xD

Glad they didn't screw up Jack/Glen scene ^^ I was a little afraid they would ruin the mood.

Aug 7, 2009 7:15 AM

Mar 2008
Waa loved Jack in this one. Poor thing...had to kill his best friend :(
God I love his hair. I wanna touch it XD Stupid Lotti touched it >.<
Aug 7, 2009 10:23 AM

Aug 2007
Man, this was kind of an emotional episode, with a weak side of Jack showing and Oz finally realizing his faults. Seriously touching, just as much as those chapters in the manga.

AHHH the next episode is from the most hilarious chapter everrrr. I CAN'T WAIT.
Aug 7, 2009 10:55 AM

Sep 2008
This was my fav chapter <3
I cried when I read it,I cried even more when I watched it..
Totally adorable <3
Aug 7, 2009 10:57 AM

Jun 2009
bwahahachick said:
AHHH the next episode is from the most hilarious chapter everrrr. I CAN'T WAIT.

I was surprised that there were only next episode clips about manga chapter 28. I didn't think there was enough material in that to make a full episode.

I hope when they expand it it will make a little more sense than the manga did. I couldn't get my hands on the raw so I had to read somebody else's scanlation.
Aug 7, 2009 11:45 AM

Apr 2009
Oz is starting to get annoying -.- He feels sorry for himself all the time. Because of his father? Well duh..
Aug 7, 2009 11:51 AM

Jul 2007
bwahahachick said:
Man, this was kind of an emotional episode, with a weak side of Jack showing and Oz finally realizing his faults. Seriously touching, just as much as those chapters in the manga.

AHHH the next episode is from the most hilarious chapter everrrr. I CAN'T WAIT.

Exactly how funny is it ? :D
Aug 7, 2009 12:54 PM

Feb 2009
Awesome episode plot wise. I recently read this chapter and I have to say, it was a pretty faithful adaption. :D I must read the rest of the chapters.

The preview kills me, I can tell next weeks episode is gonna be AWESOME. xD
"Kissing? Oz and I already did that." Oh Alice, your so blunt xD

And more importantly BREAAAK <3 XD

Now I'm going off to read the chapter. :)
Aug 7, 2009 1:32 PM

Oct 2008
Snowflakes said:

And more importantly BREAAAK <3 XD

WOOT! Very much so. xD
Anyways, can't wait for the next episode.
Lotti was adorable all blushy.
Aug 7, 2009 1:38 PM

Apr 2009
And so finally all that pshychological problem stuff is solved. xD Jack <3
Can't wait for next episode...
Aug 7, 2009 4:44 PM

Nov 2008
mmm ... Nothing much happened in this episode, we still don't know who's Jack's friend >.< yet I did enjoy watching it ;)

Can't wait for the next episode ^^
Aug 7, 2009 5:45 PM

May 2008
Gil needs a girlfriend lols

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Aug 7, 2009 6:33 PM

Aug 2008
aww, i liked when jack appears and then the soundtrack started!! soo cool!

the flashback was really nice too! :P
the story is getting more and more awesome!

can't wait for the next episode! go go go!! :D
Aug 7, 2009 7:39 PM

May 2007
Kyaaaaa I love Pandora Hearts so much ;;;;
Memories from a hundred years ago are <3333
I would love to know more about Jack and Glen and what exactly happened there~
[Also what about Vincent? He's friends with the Baskervilles isnt he...]

Next epppp~~

Aug 7, 2009 7:39 PM

Aug 2007
Lironah said:
I was surprised that there were only next episode clips about manga chapter 28. I didn't think there was enough material in that to make a full episode.

I hope when they expand it it will make a little more sense than the manga did. I couldn't get my hands on the raw so I had to read somebody else's scanlation.

Hmm, well, they still have to have the scene between Gil and Elliot. And also, some more Gil and Oz angst. Some things lead up to the craziness, so it might work out as a full episode.

Yeah a lot of the scanlations kinda suck, but I read a pretty good one on OneManga. Still, good scanlations are still few and far between.

neverless said:
bwahahachick said:
Man, this was kind of an emotional episode, with a weak side of Jack showing and Oz finally realizing his faults. Seriously touching, just as much as those chapters in the manga.

AHHH the next episode is from the most hilarious chapter everrrr. I CAN'T WAIT.

Exactly how funny is it ? :D

Very funny! hehe, it was one of my favorite chapters in the manga. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but it's just a great mix of hilarity and well-staged seriousness as well (if they keep everything the same which they hopefully will). If you're really curious, I believe it was chapter 28 in the manga. :)
Aug 7, 2009 7:50 PM
Jul 2009
KeroroGunsou said:
Oz is starting to get annoying -.- He feels sorry for himself all the time.

You said it. That ending had wayyyy too much self pity.
Aug 7, 2009 8:23 PM
Mar 2008
Lotti is cool and Oz is like some sort of Yugioh or something.
Aug 7, 2009 8:51 PM
May 2008
Glen is an interesting guy and Oz is finally overcoming his self pity crap... that shit was getting really annoying.
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Aug 7, 2009 10:54 PM

Apr 2009
Meh...this episode was okay, but since I've read the manga and spoiled it for myself I'm really looking forward to the next few episodes to come. ^___^ If they do them right they're going to be AWESOME.
Aug 8, 2009 1:12 AM

Apr 2009
Ozuuuuuuuu~ You can do it! Believe in me who believes in you!
I like Elliot more and more everytime he opens his mouth.
Im curious why Glen wanted everyone to be killed and why Jack had to kill him..
Maybe i missed it somewhere..

Next episode looks good. :3
Aug 8, 2009 1:57 AM

Jul 2008
i wonder what made glen go psycho that he ordered the massacres in the first plkace?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Aug 8, 2009 6:16 AM

Jan 2009
would lotti be considered a tsundere from this episode >_> ?

next episode has BREAK-SAMA appearance yay 8D!!!!!!!!!
Aug 8, 2009 10:14 AM

May 2008
I like how it showed more of Jack's past <3 It's so interesting.

Aug 8, 2009 10:59 AM

Feb 2009
Oh lord, I just read chapter 28, and it's amazing. :)

Break <3 XD

Yet again, I can't wait for next episode.
Aug 8, 2009 1:15 PM

Jul 2009
That was a cool episode...

can oz now use b.rabbits powers without alice being there now? b'cus afterwards when they started walking again alice wasn't there which was odd

oh and glens profile sorta looks like gil :o
Aug 8, 2009 3:39 PM

Jul 2008
I love, love this adaptation.

Aug 8, 2009 10:22 PM
Feb 2009
Gucia said:
Clarsiso said:
W-What? Was Jack actually shot down by the maids? This offends me xD

Me too :D If I remember correctly he was flirting very well with them in manga xD
lol,when jack flirt, somehow it remind me of oz...

Shancakeschan said:
Im curious why Glen wanted everyone to be killed and why Jack had to kill him..
Maybe i missed it somewhere..
initailly i think Glen kill everyone as it is the requirement to open the path to abyss, but i read in manga n found that that massacre wasnt really needed in order to drag sabrie down to abyss... so i dont know anymore...
oblivious is a bliss
Aug 8, 2009 10:44 PM

Apr 2008
I loved the episode even though it needed more Gil time. ^_~ There was quite a bit of Jack so it was okay. :P

Maybe it was just me wanting more Gil but Glen kinda looks like Gil to me.
Aug 9, 2009 10:14 AM

Feb 2009
duotrouble said:

Maybe it was just me wanting more Gil but Glen kinda looks like Gil to me.

Ahaha, don't worry I thought he looked like Gil too ^^

Although I love Gil as well. xD
Aug 11, 2009 1:39 PM
Aug 2009
does anyone else like the pairing elliot x lotti
Aug 12, 2009 1:32 PM

Apr 2009
Yay, Jack 's past revealed :D (picture below)

What the hell, maids? What's wrong with THAT? o.o

Too little Gil, I say. But there'll be plenty in the next episode.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Aug 15, 2009 5:29 AM

Feb 2009
NeloDeath said:
Glen is an interesting guy and Oz is finally overcoming his self pity crap... that shit was getting really annoying.

So true. Hopefully he's gonna stop after finally realising it himself.

I don't understand how could those maids resist Jack's charm? His hair and stuff <3 Lovely :D

P.S. Poor Lion King :c
Aug 15, 2009 5:38 AM

Nov 2008
I miss Alice, seriously.
Aug 15, 2009 8:07 PM

Apr 2008
it was a good episode =]

Aug 16, 2009 11:28 AM

Apr 2009
Wonderful episode. Jack returns and doesn't disappoint, I especially loved the flashbacks and getting to see the origins of the pocketwatch. He's such a great character it's nice to see him doing something other than being a ghost. Cracks me up to think of him as an unimportant son in a third-rate noble family. As usual getting a glimpse at the past just makes me want to see more, in particular how he and Glen met and how their friendship started (not to mention all the huge plot points.)

I also thought Oz dealing with his inner issues was handled really well, especially with Elliot yelling some sense into him and pulling him up. Only disappointing thing was not getting to see B-Rabbit and Jack lay the smackdown on the Baskervilles, but I"ll live.
Aug 18, 2009 3:04 AM

May 2008
Oz is starting to get annoying -.- He feels sorry for himself all the time. Because of his father? Well duh..
Sep 25, 2009 4:21 AM

Sep 2008
Yay for more backstory! I want to know more~ Since we obviously haven't gotten even close to the whole story on anyone yet...I'm wondering if they'll be able to tie it up alright in the end.
& lol, I love Elliot :D
Sep 27, 2009 12:34 PM

Aug 2009
Aww little Ozzy's self revelations make me happy <3

Looks like next episode's a romance filler. I am content with this <33

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
Dec 25, 2009 2:00 PM

Aug 2009
Oooooohh, very nice episode. Wonder how Lotti is still alive after 100 years.

Oz realized his own weakness and mistakes. Wonder if that'll change him. Also, I wonder what really happened to Glen and Jack in the past. It's still surrounded with mist.

Plus, Jack, 100 years ago, was mad funny, lol. He's the player type but fails at getting girls, lmfao.
Dec 29, 2009 1:32 AM

Sep 2008
Such a good episode! I love how Oz's character continues to develop over the course of this series. I'm so glad he's finally taken the time to think about all this stuff. All this time he's held these feelings in, his positive and laid-back attitude always keeping them hidden for the most part.
I liked that we got to learn more about what happened 100 years ago. But why did Glen want to kill everyone, I wonder?
And I still wonder how Gil and Vincent fit into these events as well. And Alice. Kind of crazy how interconnected everything appears to be...
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May 24, 2010 6:24 PM

Sep 2009
I'm glad that Oz is getting more developed as we move on. But does anyone else think that Elliot is a little pretentious? I mean he just met Oz and already he's preaching to him like his way of doing things is better(they are IMO).

Then again like I said they just met, if Gil was the one to say those things to Oz I probably wouldn't have been irritated at all. I mean Gil's been there with Oz the entire time and his circumstances have been rough too.
Jun 17, 2010 9:02 AM

Jan 2010
I'm grateful to Elliot for kicking Oz out of emo-mode. -.-'
Jack was awesome though! <3
Lack of Giru? O.o
Jack is making the choice hard on me.
This anime is forcing me into polygamy! D8
Jul 3, 2010 7:58 PM

Mar 2010
Somethings are just missing. I dunno. I just get the feeling that there are a lot of plot holes that still need to be filled up.
Oct 17, 2010 3:22 PM

May 2010
Okay, I loved this episode. And only one thing was going through my mind this ep.

"God damn Lotti is HOT."
Yes, my mind was somewhere in the gutter this ep. Stupid distracting sexy baskervilles. ;)

I love the backstory though, I'm obsessed with finding out what fully happened 100 years ago. SO ONWARDS WITH THE WATCHINGS. :D
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Dec 23, 2010 6:37 AM
Jul 2010
Shancakeschan said:
I like Elliot more and more everytime he opens his mouth.


Anyway, great episode. One of the best so far. I like how Oz is developing as a character and I loved the background information about Jack and what happened 100 years ago. But still, how is Lottie alive? What made Glen go psycho? What exactly happened in the present when B-Rabbit appeared? I mean, Alice was never there physically, right? Kinda wired...
Jan 8, 2011 4:03 AM
May 2010
I'm surprised some people found Oz annoying. Maybe it's only because I had a similar revelation earlier in my life (minus the magic and Chains and life threatening situations and... Well, everything that makes it cool) but for people who choose the self-sacrificing route in life to put others ahead of themselves, to run from their problems without realizing it, it's a conflict that really does happen. Well, at least it happened to me and as a person who helps others I've seen several other people go through it. Don't think of it as annoying that he's down, think of it as a more realistic portrayal and him having a resolution about himself.

I haven't been commenting on the episodes but have been loving the series so far, it's right up in my territory and honestly something I've been enjoying a lot. Might be because I can relate to it in several ways, including the direction and design choices they make. Right into the direction I love.
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