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Feb 6, 2012 9:35 AM
Sep 2011
So, Marco became victim of his own hybris in the end. If he had overcome his pride which demanded him to humiliate Yuki and destroyed his and Yuno's diaries the outcome would have been different.

It's tragic and even ironic to some degree that he came too late to save his loved one for the second time but this time it was because he deliberately challenged fate.

What Marco said about Yuno sounds plausible. She is quite selfish if you look it that way. Yukki is probably only an instrument to steady her sanity. True love certainly doesn't look like this.
Feb 6, 2012 10:02 AM

Oct 2011
THIS WAS INSANE! I think this episode got me the most out of all the others.
Marco and Ai grew on me after that horrid and sad flashback.
I did not expect her to get raped. I really cried when Marco and Ai died in each other's arms.

And then Yuki's mom dies because of his shit face father, who deserves to die a very painful and slow death.
I don't remember the last time I was so disgusted by a character.
Feb 6, 2012 10:04 AM

Nov 2009
Boring, except for Marco and Ai's flashback.
Feb 6, 2012 10:43 AM

Apr 2007
It's sad to see Marco & Ai go, those two really grew on me in the adaptation. They had a rather nice ending too. So touching ;^;
Feb 6, 2012 10:54 AM

Apr 2009
Best ep of Mirai nikki. Marco & Ai are my fav. characters in this anime now.
Feb 6, 2012 11:24 AM

Feb 2011
Cmon people....we all know Yuki doesn't have the balls to kill his father.
Feb 6, 2012 11:39 AM

Nov 2008
All I can say is that Yukiteru's dad is trash, scum, vermin, that should just die already and rot in hell!!!

I've never hated a character so much...I mean what the hell is wrong with that guy.
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Feb 6, 2012 12:16 PM

Feb 2009
I'm starting to get sick of this series.
Compared to the manga, ok, the anime is so much better with the better drawing and how the timeline and additional plots are adjusted.

But at the same time, turned into a fanservice, excess-blood-and-gore cult, sob story.

I only read some chapters of the manga just to compare and see any differences since I wanna stick with the anime. So I can't tell much .
But as far as I can see, the animators're just trying to add some stupid selling points to it.

I just checked the manga, there's no such thing as rape in Ai's past.
It only showed how Ai and Marco met.

I like how the animators added their schooldays.
But truly hate how they added that damnable scene.

IMAO, the reasons why they added that scene...
1. just to make it more of a sob story.
2. it will surely attract some pervs.
3. and so they could sell the BD.
4. the director or whoever in charge of the plot adaptation ( whom I believe to be male(s) ) doesn't/don't find this disturbing. The person(s) might find it sexually aroused and add it just to satisfy person(s)' sexual desires.

Believe me, from what I've come across, there really are authors/writers who would write sex scenes( or even rape ) like WTF, out of nowhere and completely unrelated to the story just to give themselves a lil j*zz in the pants and share it with the world. The real plots might be damn good , but it's still sick ! Even if there's some good in it, I don't give a f/ck.

AND the reasons why I hate that scene in Ai's past...
1. the animators could have just let Marco save her just in time. OK, it might sound a bit cliche, but at this point, what was IMPORTANT here was that the couple must GET OVER the PAST and grow stronger, by the 'past' I mean, it could be any harsh sexual harassment, doens't need to be a rape.

2. Ai's crying didn't sound much like a scream for help. I don't watch porn( and yes, gonna be a foreveralone 'course I'm not really interested in sexual matters )
But it sounded to me like the voice actress dubbed her to sound 'sexy' while being raped rather than freaking the hell out.

3. There was a noise of the ***, don't know how to explain, but you know, when the screen focused at the pink cellphone on the ground.
There's really no need to add such noise !! MUTE everything would be much more effective if the animators really wanted it to be shocking/heartbreaking.

4. In fact, the scene where those sc*ms were 'doing it' should never have been made. There're so many ways to imply the rape, like pan the camera up high, looking from a very far away distance and only see blurry things IDK, but then they decided to make it close and censored it by blackpainting, only to uncensored things in the BD version.

Well, and I kinda have the same feelings when watching 6th being raped, though, I didn't leave my comments here.
So why complain now?
Because I think one rape is more than enough, actually, none is best.
There are thousand ways to make a story a sob, dramatic , etc. So why this way? I tried to ignore it once but not gonna do it again.

If you ever wonder, yes, I'm a feminist.

Sorry for the long post.
Feb 6, 2012 12:17 PM

Apr 2011
Show is getting so meh.

Highlight of this ep is Marco yelling @ annoying main characters.
Feb 6, 2012 12:36 PM

May 2011
onedaysnotice said:
I reckon this was the best episode since like ep 10 O.o

Yuki better let Yuno loose on his dad =_=

Screw that, i wanna see YUKI get set loose on his dad.
Feb 6, 2012 12:39 PM

Jun 2011
That was a nice episode. After all that fight, will Yukki finallt fight for Yuno, and stop being a scaredy cat? I hope so, that would be awesome.

His father was always an ass, but that? I really want Yukki killing that bitch... I hate him
Feb 6, 2012 1:04 PM

Aug 2009
DAMNIT! T______T

They were such a perfect couple.. T______T

and Yuno is a little physco fuck! -___-
Feb 6, 2012 1:13 PM

May 2010
dunno why everyone's so mad about the rape scene.. i didn't know anything about 7th since i haven't read the manga and did want to know a little bit more about the love that marco shared and stuff. honestly thought they were programmed to love each other or something before i saw this episode lol.. but yeah.

i thought the flashback of them was delivered really well. much better than some of the other diary holder's background stories. changed my sense of them dying from, "oh... they died. next?" to.. "wtf. hold on, i actually liked them. WHY'D THEY HAVE TO DIE!?" whereas i didn't that way for most of the other diary holder's deaths.

meh, maybe it's just me but watching seventh having to cope with something as traumatizing as rape and murder and all that stuff really left a bad taste when they died, especially because they were killed off by a moron and his pet girlfriend..

b> remake of mirai nikki feature Marco and Ai as the new main characters!~
Feb 6, 2012 1:36 PM

Oct 2009
Darn ninjas cutting onions in my room T.T
Marco and Ai story is so sweet yet depressing. RIP Marco & Ai
Yukki's father is chicken shit and he kills his ex-wife! Dafuq dude!
Anyways amazing episode.
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Feb 6, 2012 2:02 PM
Jul 2011
Feb 6, 2012 2:27 PM

Dec 2009
benevolentfather said:
Cmon people....we all know Yuki doesn't have the balls to kill his father.

That is why Yuno will do it for him ^_^
Feb 6, 2012 3:04 PM

Jul 2010
Wow, his dad took their parachute right under their noses and bolted. After that he killed his mother. What an asshole.

This was a pretty messy episode. People were enemies, then cooperated, then were enemies again. Besides that three people died.

Feb 6, 2012 3:15 PM

Feb 2011
Was Ai raped in the manga too? I don't remember that part, if not I guess they just made that up for the anime.
Feb 6, 2012 3:16 PM

Oct 2010
Queen_Stars said:
MorningGlory said:
Can someone just make Marco as the new main character?I can't find a better MC in this Anime...

Marco and Ai remind me a bit of a very stable version of Ladd and Lua from Baccano (a series that doesn't have a single main character), and they without a doubt qualify as interesting (I liked their characters too).
^This! Totally reminds me too except I have so much animes in my head it never crossed me.

I wish they would be immortal. D: I wrote something as a last sermon towards Ai and Marco. I wish Ai would have last kissed Marco before they pass away. It would have been most amazing directing if they did. I should so work as a director in anime if only my profession could and my Japanese would be at 100%.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 6, 2012 3:16 PM

Mar 2011
This was a good episode, I feel sorry for the Sevenths. I don't remember their past being so detailed in the manga, but it's good that they've added more background information, also just to fill the time. Ai's and Marco's love was real and I am happy that they got to die together.

I don't really like Yukkii's father, the look on his face when he took the parachute made me laugh, but he is just selfish and I hate what he did to Yukkii's mother! Ahhh after next episode, things will get seriously good, can't wait!
As it turns out, living was a punishment...
Feb 6, 2012 3:18 PM

Oct 2011
Epic, love it. I wonder how Yukki is going to think about his dad now; D
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Feb 6, 2012 3:49 PM

Jan 2012
Omg. I was so sad when Ai and Marco died. T__T

I wanna fucking kill Yukki's dad. Like wtf, what a dick.
Feb 6, 2012 4:08 PM

Nov 2011
awesome episode

Also sad one too for me at least for 7th

and now yuki's mom is dead i think it obvious because of the dad
Feb 6, 2012 4:46 PM

Dec 2011
Ugh...rape...hate rape in general, so wrong. But Yuki's dad is such a fucking douche, I mean c'mon, just how low can you go?
Feb 6, 2012 5:07 PM

Apr 2008
Ah, so the backstory was added? Thought I was just forgetting everything from however many years ago I read the manga. I rather liked it, really. It was neat to have diary users who weren't just douches, and I also like what it says about the series that the only people who arguably deserved it lose. I thought it helped with the emotion. I don't know what manga you read if you're not expecting things to be over the top.

Yumekichi11 said:
They explained things as to why would their parents throw them away. Simple, the girl lost her innocence and got raped while the guy it’s because he killed people. In the manga it was only stated that the parent gave up on them. As to why? Now it’s explained in a indirect way I guess.

Er, little off there. The big trauma clearly happened several years after an already abandoned Marco found her in the tower. You can see that they're younger and, you know, don't know each other yet.
Feb 6, 2012 5:16 PM

May 2011
Another character with the history of being raped, ugh sad. Respect to Seventh! They're both good persons, really liked watching their past and seeing how they became so in love. Really started liking the two but oh well it was not meant to be and they're still together forever. Was great seeing them give lessons to Yuno and Yukki what a couple is all about. RIP

Yeah there shouldn't be anymore sympathy to that piece of dirtbag dad. Was already unthinkable that he just ran in there and stole the parachute. Then he actually stabbed and killed his ex-wife just because he wanted to get away!? Fuck him, I hope Yuno slices him up.

Yukki's tried his best reenactment of Yuno's eye lol, looking forward to see how he's gunna react to this.
Feb 6, 2012 5:20 PM

Aug 2010
omg what a sad ep :c the back story of 7th made me so sympathetic for them and I actually didn't want them to die. However.. it had to be done I guess. And Yuki's dad just needs to die like right now.. HIS MOM WAS THE ONLY NORMAL PERSON.
Feb 6, 2012 5:29 PM

Jul 2009
I don't give a fuck, that backstory is what made me feel the symathy I had for 7th. Yuki is as annoying as ever, it must stem from his father's shitty personality. Blood is thick my friends.
KurogashiFeb 6, 2012 5:34 PM
Feb 6, 2012 5:38 PM

Nov 2010
Sir_Lexa said:
benevolentfather said:
Cmon people....we all know Yuki doesn't have the balls to kill his father.

That is why Yuno will do it for him ^_^

indeed even IF he had the nuts he would just shoot him... yuno however will make it nice and excruciating :D
Feb 6, 2012 6:12 PM
Jul 2011
Poor bystander mother killed. Hating this show for killing off the non crazy people, and keeping the abnormal ones. Now, I just hope that Detective doesn't die, he's my other favourite next to Akise Aru. <--Probably one of the few most normal characters in MN. + I really hope Yuki becomes badass.
Feb 6, 2012 6:18 PM
Mar 2011
i havent read the manga so my prediction will be off, but did yuki wish everyone back to life when he won? or something along the line
"....i am the villain in this story"
Feb 6, 2012 6:39 PM
Jun 2008
oh my look like could this be finally be boiling point for yuki finally to snap to man up already?!

this week ep

more detail past of sevenths from first met on tower, high school life, tower again with female seventh went a tower wedding, til we whole "oh no" for female sevenths got "attack".
til male seventh to the rescue with blood on hand yet to "slice" himself but female seventh stop him so they be together.
fast forward right now yuki got yuno's hand while sevenths grab his dad.
meanwhile young cop heard tower boom get yuki's mom & no finding on big headed person area (any bets it might inside the hat really look at the desgin).
on the elevator sevenths wonder to plan give chute to escape & yet they got what they want tower wedding.
open elevator hero yuno with yuki on speakers unleash the yuno.
yuno vs male seventh with lead male grab the knife with his BARE TEETH!!!!
but it was all distraction cause here come yuki to dart but missed oh there yuno to slash female seventh neck.
then here come yuki's dad grab the chute go like so like run like i got.
til here come your wife & panic to do ugh...
while yuki & yuno under the debris with female seventh then male seventh going all digging to get his woman.
during which yuno & yuki lift the block cause male seventh just want his woman.
after which yuno & yuki take the chute both seventh go together in death on same tower they first met.
after all that here the ugh/big NO yea yuki's mom got "NO!!!!".

now what next now indeed will yuki finally go MAD & take the hate?
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Feb 6, 2012 6:52 PM

Jul 2010
Damn Yuki's dad is a piece of shit.
Feb 6, 2012 6:57 PM

Apr 2010

Episode had like only two or three moments of epicness while the rest was kind of dull.Why do we need to develop characters that would obviously die this episode? The explosion of the tower looked pretty dull, for some reason. Though the ending of the episode was devastating with the mom, she was actually pretty likeable.

I did like how Yuno had that voice change, I love when that happens to really unlikable characters and they change their voice and demeanor and get epic, reminded me of Fear in C3 for a moment. And Yuki for top dart thrower in all anime, that was cool although it missed.

<img src="" />
Feb 6, 2012 7:03 PM

Oct 2010
Bio said:
Yumekichi11 said:
They explained things as to why would their parents throw them away. Simple, the girl lost her innocence and got raped while the guy it’s because he killed people. In the manga it was only stated that the parent gave up on them. As to why? Now it’s explained in a indirect way I guess.

Er, little off there. The big trauma clearly happened several years after an already abandoned Marco found her in the tower. You can see that they're younger and, you know, don't know each other yet.
Yeah I know but I was thinking there could be a vague connections as to why kids/teenagers might be given up on. The relation is there but it's really vague. I understand it and I am starting to feel with loads of family issues in this series that the author also had a shitty childhood life or knows people who did and represents those as of this episode and previous ones.

Call it deep thinking of this series at this point.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 6, 2012 7:31 PM
Apr 2009
Zfish9 said:
7th is now my favorite(s) out of all the diary holders. I wish they won the game.

Who's the ass who came up with "Family Discount" as a title...

Well, the literal meaning is "family discount" i suppose, but looking at the actual kanji, it's more alluding to the fact that the family is split up/broken up.
Feb 6, 2012 7:53 PM

Mar 2011
Sayonara 7th ! .. feel bad for the mother tho . :\
Feb 6, 2012 8:13 PM

Mar 2008
Good god the mindfuckery this show produces is astounding. It continues to deliver for me.

Ai's past is very sad, particularly the rape, the classic "I should have been there, it's my fault you died/raped/were mugged/etc" is one of the saddest things I see in anime, in my personal opinion.

Yuki's dad is a complete scumbag, Yuki's mother did not deserve whatever he did to her.

It makes me sad that this series is drawing to a close in a few short weeks.
Feb 6, 2012 8:29 PM

Nov 2011
I loved Episode 17. It had all the action I felt like the last few were missing (even if they had a bit of it). Even if it was interesting to know more about the seventh's past, it was aslo very sad. I just absolutely loved how Marco beat the shit out of everyone. Both the 7ths are for sure one of my favorite diary owners. Their past was tragic, and it feels like Marco never really forgave himself for not being there to help Ai before "it" happened, and the strenght of their love is just touching.

Also, I think Yukiteru learned something important from Marco. At least I hope so, I have no idea as I don't read the manga, but I'd like Yukiteru to try harder to trust Yuno and at least try to protect her, not just leaving everything always up to her. This was one of my favorite episodes, even if it's sad.
「レミ咲が今日のティータイム。」- RemiSaku ga kyou no tea time!
Feb 6, 2012 8:55 PM

Jun 2011
Citizeninsane said:
I find rape to be absolutely disgusting, get's me emotionally involved O_o.

Same, makes Mirai Nikki much more dramatic for me >.<
Feb 6, 2012 10:05 PM
Feb 2012
If you guys want to really dive deep into this episode, I suggest that you guys consider the lighting and angle of the episode as well, I personally thought the artistic direction in episode 17 was amazing, it contributed a lot more than you'd think, you probably just won't notice it.

look at how Ai is looking up to the camera when she was held by Yuno, makes her feel helpless and under control. Also notice how Yuno and Ai was in the very deep end and the darker part of the hole. Yuno was being portrayed as the "bad guy" of the episode while Ai was helpless and of course, dying. Yuno was also DARKER than Ai here, Yuki however was higher up and more lit.
Going back a bit, after Ai announced victory for Marco, Marco was in a brightly lit space(outside), but you can only see his figure, without any details. Even the next scene you see him backlit, so his face is still in shadows, though not drowning out his features. Throughout the last part, Marco was constantly in the shadow, in a sense foreshadowing his wound/death. The camera angle is also a low angle most of the time on Marco, giving him the "powered" look. Especially after he lifted that boulder, he stands highest and most lit, then Yukiteru is lit up completely. Yuno and Ai still in the shadows. The scene when Yukiteru holds out his hand with the light shooting in after him and him wanting to trust Yuno. The light got brighter slightly as well after Yukiteru grabbed Yuno's hand. Lots of symbols in this episode I have to say.

I'm sorry I'm just typing a huge wall here and the fact that I even made an account just to post this, but I just think that this episode deserves more credit than what some of you are thinking of, if you really go that deep in. I'm obviously all for Marco+Ai here, but good guys never live long.

even the people watching it on Nico Nico was saying things like
"change the main characters!"
"Which side is the good side now!?"
Feb 6, 2012 10:33 PM

Feb 2011
Kill 'em all, Ai & Marco.

Screw First and Second; the Sevenths are so much better.
Feb 6, 2012 10:59 PM

Nov 2011
...I don't care anymore, by now I just want to see how this deathmatch will end. I hope it ends in this season. >_< I don't think it will but I hope so...

Yumekichi11 said:
Bio said:
Yumekichi11 said:
They explained things as to why would their parents throw them away. Simple, the girl lost her innocence and got raped while the guy it’s because he killed people. In the manga it was only stated that the parent gave up on them. As to why? Now it’s explained in a indirect way I guess.

Er, little off there. The big trauma clearly happened several years after an already abandoned Marco found her in the tower. You can see that they're younger and, you know, don't know each other yet.
Yeah I know but I was thinking there could be a vague connections as to why kids/teenagers might be given up on. The relation is there but it's really vague. I understand it and I am starting to feel with loads of family issues in this series that the author also had a shitty childhood life or knows people who did and represents those as of this episode and previous ones.

Call it deep thinking of this series at this point.

The only connection I see here is that their parents abandoned them for an unknown reason and them society abandoned them in that situation where they lost their innocence. Author was just trying to build a tragic past to justify why are they so close to each other I guess. That's more important to build the feel of "kill'em all" of the anime than an actual sign the author had a terrible childhood I guess... Even because I think it's handle with not enough subtly. Also, after the cult to use rape in a backstory again to me it's... "too much".
Feb 7, 2012 12:05 AM

Oct 2010
TBOkmph said:
...I don't care anymore, by now I just want to see how this deathmatch will end. I hope it ends in this season. >_< I don't think it will but I hope so...

Yumekichi11 said:
Bio said:
Yumekichi11 said:
They explained things as to why would their parents throw them away. Simple, the girl lost her innocence and got raped while the guy it’s because he killed people. In the manga it was only stated that the parent gave up on them. As to why? Now it’s explained in a indirect way I guess.

Er, little off there. The big trauma clearly happened several years after an already abandoned Marco found her in the tower. You can see that they're younger and, you know, don't know each other yet.
Yeah I know but I was thinking there could be a vague connections as to why kids/teenagers might be given up on. The relation is there but it's really vague. I understand it and I am starting to feel with loads of family issues in this series that the author also had a shitty childhood life or knows people who did and represents those as of this episode and previous ones.

Call it deep thinking of this series at this point.

The only connection I see here is that their parents abandoned them for an unknown reason and them society abandoned them in that situation where they lost their innocence. Author was just trying to build a tragic past to justify why are they so close to each other I guess. That's more important to build the feel of "kill'em all" of the anime than an actual sign the author had a terrible childhood I guess... Even because I think it's handle with not enough subtly. Also, after the cult to use rape in a backstory again to me it's... "too much".
Agree, there is just the notion of brutal trauma feeding and that is why I like about the series. I guess you don't see the connections I make in my way so it's all cool. The parents thing should have been more clear.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 7, 2012 12:16 AM

Dec 2010
Good episode but... i didn't think the extended back story was needed because unless I'm having a memory lapse it didn't happen in the manga and for it to happen to Ai like Tsubaki (granted it was once, not over and over again..) didn't sit well for me, it kind made their "sweet" death bitter; but in any case i liked the way they died in the manga and it was well done here as well, Well at least on the bright side the turn around everyone was wondering would ever happen should happen next episode, the episode after at the very latest, so people will finally see Yuki do something for a change.
Feb 7, 2012 12:55 AM

Nov 2010
Ive come to a conclusion that the creator of Mirai Nikki has a rape fetish.
Feb 7, 2012 1:25 AM

Jan 2008
I did like 7th in the manga, but... DAMN! They're even more likeable in the anime. Too bad they had to die, but survival games are srs bsns as we all know.

Oh, and fuck Yukki's dad!

Also: the throat slice scene by Yuno could have been better, but nah, this episode was surely a god-tier one.
Use your brain before using your keyboard!
Feb 7, 2012 2:03 AM

Sep 2011
One of the best episodes imo. Nice 7th's backstory, a few heartwarming scenes here and there. 5/5
Feb 7, 2012 2:17 AM
Aug 2011
I am not to fond of the new addition, I would rather not have the rape scene. Honestly if feels like they just added it so they could entice weirdos to buy the blu-ray. I don't feel it really adds enough to the story. Might just be me but eh either way could of done without it. I love 7th though they were one of the best. I'll miss them.
Feb 7, 2012 2:20 AM

Oct 2008
What an episode, I guess I would've cried if I wouldn't have watched it with a friend.
The rape-scene made me gasp...
Gah, if someone would do this to my GF I would hunt down and kill those bastards and have no regrets. I would also kill the other girls who planned this fuck

Same thing for Yukkiis father. I hope Yukkii grows some balls.
Hunt down and kill, people. Hunt down and kill.
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