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Jun 11, 2020 1:18 AM

Mar 2017
Honestly, I don't have a strong hate for many anime. I feel like, save for a few arcs, Shippuden was a bit of a disappointment on the original Naruto, which had more grit and heart to it imo.

But even more disappointing than that is definitely the Corey in the House anime. I just feel like the manga portrays the side characters in a much better light. The anime makes Corey the central focus, and completely loses the point of the story.

tl;dr Naruto Shippuden and Corey in the House (anime only!!!)
Jun 11, 2020 1:29 AM

Mar 2020
THE-Black-Mage said:
My, my.. it seems the woitists came out in force on this topic. I'm seeing a lot of shitting on popular anime simply because they are popular. I even saw some mention Cowboy Bebop 'because it was boring'. Ain't that a laugh riot.
Seriously though, I understand everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to entertainment, but just because you didn't personally enjoy a given show does not mean its 'trash' or 'garbage' as many are quick to say. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, bit popular shows became popular for a reason. And before anyone starts regurgitating buzzwords like 'weebs', 'normies', 'pleebs', 'casuals' or (my favorite) 'sheep-le,' let me point out that your opinions are just opinions and don't constitute cold, hard facts. Just because your personal tastes don't follow those of popular opinion, that doesn't mean everyone else is wrong. it just means you have a different view on the matter. That's one of the great thing about having free will: you get to formulate your own thoughts and opinions and can differentiate yourself from others. It's like the saying goes: you're unique, just like everyone else.

Yeah i was getting a similar vibe from everyone of the posts in this thread, I felt like some people were treating their personal hates a little bit too harsh
Jun 11, 2020 1:32 AM

May 2018
Hrybami said:
However, this is not even the worse narrator I've seen in anime. To me the worst narrator is in Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi. Honestly the narrator here speaks way too much and say things completely useless or sometimes visibly false ("There's nobody here" while we can clearly see someone hidden in the shrubs). She also speaks while other characters are talking, shut the fuck up.

You are objectively wrong - the narrator is supposed to be crazy an unreliable in this fairy tale parody.
Also Satomi Arai in full swing is epic and the only good thing I remember about Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi.
Jun 11, 2020 1:51 AM

Feb 2020
Ai : I don't really know if it counts as an anime but one thing is sure : I didn't like it. I can more or less see what the creator tried to do but... Nah.

Higashi no Eden : Finishing it was such a chore and it's only 11 episodes. This show had huge potential, but it's like the writers didn't know what to do with it. So I was left with uninteresting/badly written/underdeveloped or even unintentionally unlikable characters I couldn't care less about, a story that went all over the place, a total lack of actual logic, random side-stories appearing right in the middle of the main one for no reason, characters I'm atually supposed to care about despite not even knowing who they are, etc, etc... Honestly if someone asks me what is the show that made me feel like I wasted my time watching it, I'd answer this one.

Kyoukai no Kanata : It isn't awful, but the characters are way too underdeveloped to the point I've forgotten the personality of the majority of them, I only started caring about the two mains in the very last couple of episodes, and the story is so messy I can't even explain what it truly is about. So it wasn't a truly bad experience but it wasn't good either, and I can't even remember half of what happened in the show.

Miss Monochrome the Animation : I kinda like the second season (I even plan on watching the third one, it's not at all a great show but it's quite entertaining), but the first one is just way too random for my tastes. It has a weird charm and is surprisingly addictive though.

Pupa : This show is known for being bad so I'm not going to put salt in the wound.

Utsu Musume Sayuri : Yep I've watched it. Just like for Ai, I don't know if it counts as an anime but if it does, this is definitely the worst I've ever seen. But I can't even get mad at it, it's just so awful it becomes hilarious. I can't explain why it is as bad as it is though, if you haven't watched it you wouldn't believe me.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Quiet Country Cafe : I liked the first OVA, I didn't love it but it was nice and relaxing. But this one... It is fan-made, and well, it shows. The heroine's personality has been modified to the point of shifting from an endearing and unique character to a parody of a shoujo heroine, there are so many shots of her breasts, butt and feet that I sometimes wondered if I wasn't watching an ecchi special, there is even a character who clearly only appeared because she is a naked hot android, and the atmosphere is far from being as good as in the first OVA which makes the show become very boring.

Those are the only ones I've completed that I really disliked. There are some others that I didn't appreciate that much but I really can't put them on the same level as those above.
FafetteJun 11, 2020 5:33 AM
Jun 11, 2020 1:57 AM

Oct 2019
I'm not really bothered to go through my list and pick the 10 I hated most but I know for sure that the #1 spot for the shittest show I've ever seen goes to Amnesia

There wasn't one single good thing about it (except maybe the op). The mc had the personality and decision-making abilities of a plastic bag, the character designs were wack, none of the ml's were interesting, and the story was literally made up of a bunch of plot holes thrown together and never explained.
RudeRedis said:

However you've got quite a few in list, including Fairy Tail, Cowboy Bebop, Terror In Resonance, Code Geass (Series) and Bakemonogatari. Shouldn't be taken as an offense, of course...

I agree with you about Zankyou no Terror. The first episode was interesting but it just slowly got worse and worse.

Bakemonogatari was kinda bad too imo but at least I could understand why people like it.
marinara-sauceJun 11, 2020 2:00 AM
Jun 11, 2020 2:04 AM
Jul 2018
RedVelvet930 said:

7. My Roommate is a Cat - 7/10 Cute and wholesome but, yeah, I HATE cats so... the cat segments (which took up 30-40% of the show) were unfunny and boring imo.

Ah sorry, but that's like going to a Greek restaurant, although you already know beforehand that you hate Greek food and then writing that their food was bad.

However all of you name mostly quite decent or good anime that you just didn't enjoy personally, all of you need to watch hyperviolent and plain terrible 80s and 90s OVAs. They are like the anime version of trash horror movies. xD
That's what I wanted to say if it were for more reasonable reasons. But my first instinct is to say Dragonball (Z). That's the most awful anime I have seen on a personal level, not the "it's a b-movie level."
Jun 11, 2020 2:11 AM

Nov 2014
Keijo-stupid plot for stupid audience,virgin alert
Killing bite-vvants to be some kind of action horror then transform in porn,terrible.
Shuumatsu no izetta-screams clichee
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka-cringe graphic,design,story,characters. i never gave 1 to an anime vvith so much passion in my life.
Otome game-the story is fine but the protagonist its so fucking stupid and horrible it ruins all the fucking story
the 8th son ? are you kidding me ? - isekai,thats all i need to say
aho girl-hurts my brain but vvas fine
Hagura yuusha no aesthetica-terrible lol
and i have some more but dont remember novv
Jun 11, 2020 2:15 AM

Nov 2014
Kaasfondue said:
I despise everything in the MAL top 100 anime cause I'm not a fucking pleb
actually you're a fucking pleb for your reason of hating those,silly.
Jun 11, 2020 2:18 AM
Apr 2017
In no particular order

School days: has to be the absolute worst. One of the worst pieces of media I've ever consumed, hateful and disgusting to its core.

Clannad after story: clannad is flawed as a series. Goes from treating death and pain as real and meaningful to being as stupid as your usual cartoon for toddlers "just wish it true and it'll happen because that's what life is about, being so EASY". It's frankly insulting, to put it mildly. Add to that the fact that the only character worth a lick of salt wasn't present in AS and that Okazaki is one of the worst MCs I've ever seen and there you go. Shockingly horrid.

Island: just so stupid. So boring. So forgettable. I guess it's worse than the vn since they must have cut so much stuff to make it a 12-ep series but it still remains awful.

Byousoku 5 cm: laughably pretentious bs, the type of anime that says "look at me I'm artistic and I mean stuff, that means I'm good". No, you're not. Next.

Yami Shibai 4: yami shibai is mediocre as a series but it's watchable, so long as one knows what to expect. YS4 managed to ruin even that much by making tiny super short episodes absolutely unbearable due to the newly introduced narrator describing everything and ruining what little the series had going for itself.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next: the first had ended in such a nice way, s2 managed to ruin quite literally everything. Characters in s1 weren't that amazing but they all became basement-level in s2. Sena in particular has to be one of the worst female characters I've seen; beautiful, intelligent yet dumb as a stump, popular, mega rich, selfish, snot-nosed and in the end always gets what she wants: and yet the viewers are supposed to see her as the heroine and an incredibly amazing person. I don't know what the writers were smoking.

Oreimo s2 specials: want to learn how to ruin 2 seasons of a series in 3-4 episodes? Here's the perfect guide for you.

Death note: boring, pretentious, plothole-ridden edgy pile of bollocks.

Dr.stone: good enough premise that could make for an interesting series, ruined by literally everything else which ranged from mediocre at best to the characters, which were appalling.

Too many that are equally bad for the 10th position...koi to uso/ashura/yoake tsugeru/satsuriku no tenshi/samurai champloo/high score girl/dragon ball gt/blood the last vampire...just pick one, they were all garbage.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Jun 11, 2020 2:24 AM

Apr 2020
I don't think all anime are worst but o don't like those with incent and unnecessary Echhi and of course those I find boring
1.Sword Art Online (no word s)
1.1.Yasoga no sora (sora solitude) twins having s*x with each other and questions the society that they aren't wrong
2.Ore imo: Good start and idea but I overestimated it .I thought it will be a good brother-sister relationship but was all romance
3.Fate series: I felt bored watching 4 episodes and don't have any interest to watch I don't hate it but I not like it.
4.Your lie in April: Overrated crap , the most beautiful thing is it's music and everything else is trash , used idea , ia have seen much better movies in Hindi than these it had nod have unnecessary teenage drama and romance
5.angel beats : it's crap , interesting idea but boring, dropped after 2 episodes another overpopular crap
6.Hensuki: Another trashy harem wich sucks to maximum and maybe a fav of hentai perverted geeks who are into highschool girls
7.Masamune kun Revenge:I thought it was a interesting idea of taking revenge on a girl who betrayed him in past but it proved be disastrous later and felt like ith dumped it's potential in gutter
8.Nozaki Ana : it's just perverted trap to catch semi porn addict in the world of semi hentai
9.Madoka Magika : Very disappointed!it's anime series was average bit the movie made it more trash .Uttterly disgusting.
10......BNHA s1 trash, S2 good ,s3 allmight fight -very good S4 Appalling
Tristar_ShinobiJun 11, 2020 2:30 AM
Jun 11, 2020 2:29 AM

Feb 2014
In no particular order, limited to only completed anime
1 - MSG 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer: It lacks the hot mech on mech action that I love so much.1 - Gundams vs the dark heart was a tremendous let down

2 - Vexille: The plot made itself redundant. That made it stupid

3 - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within: It had nothing to do with any of the games. The plot was boring, cliche and predictable. Plus it's really long

4 - Diabolik Lovers: The first five episodes into our hunky vampires, then there's a recap episode; why not make that episode 1? Then something about her being their mom. Garbage writing. Like I said in my review just as many people liked as hated it, but I couldn't envision who those people are.

5 - Gundam: G no Reconguista: It's gundam for little kids. It lacks the depth and drama of the Build series.

6 - Amazing Stranger: Who exactly wishes their figurines would come to life and fall in love with them?

7 - DBZ: Just watch DBZ: Kai instead. Honorable mention to the censored dubbed version existing

8 - Noein: to your other self: Two episodes before the big reveal I deduced the identity of Noein. Again the plot then made itself redundant

9 - A Town Where You Live: The second half of this makes no damn sense to an adult

10 - H2O: Footprints in the Sand: One conversation could've prevented all of this
We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one brief moment, you did. For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered. *That* is the exploration that awaits you. Not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
Jun 11, 2020 5:04 AM

Sep 2014
alshu said:
Hrybami said:
However, this is not even the worse narrator I've seen in anime. To me the worst narrator is in Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi. Honestly the narrator here speaks way too much and say things completely useless or sometimes visibly false ("There's nobody here" while we can clearly see someone hidden in the shrubs). She also speaks while other characters are talking, shut the fuck up.

You are objectively wrong - the narrator is supposed to be crazy an unreliable in this fairy tale parody.
Also Satomi Arai in full swing is epic and the only good thing I remember about Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi.

What? The narrator is a parody of a narrator from a fairy tale? Are those narrator crazy and unreliable as well? I don't get it.
Jun 11, 2020 5:15 AM

May 2018
Hrybami said:
The narrator is a parody of a narrator from a fairy tale? Are those narrator crazy and unreliable as well?

Only the parody version.

Hrybami said:
I don't get it.

Part of the point tho.
Jun 11, 2020 6:09 AM

Sep 2017
Yikes, that's one salty thread

For my part I won't make any enemy because I'll just pick bad anime everyone despise :

1 - Pupa
2 - Special 7
3 - Azur Lane
4 - Highschool of the Dead
5 - Tokyo Ghoul:re S2
6 - Gunjou no Magmell
7 - Assassins Pride
8 - Fairy Gone
9 - Domestic na Kanojo
10 - Fairy Tail Finale Series

Jun 11, 2020 6:23 AM

Jul 2016
In no particular order:

1. Nanatsu no Taizai/Seisen no Shirushi (Worst Anime ever).

- RerideD
- Keijo
- Clockwork Planet
- Hatsukoi Monster
- Dungeon ni Deai
- Akiba's Trip
- Kenka Banchou Otome
- Granblue Fantasy
- Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism
Jun 11, 2020 7:20 AM

Feb 2020
Syureria said:
I don't like anime that has too many ecchi elements.

And yet you decide to watch the most well known hentai.
Rest in Piece, Miura.

Jun 11, 2020 7:23 AM

Apr 2014
couldnt keep track at this point
for some few standouts pupa and vampire holmes for being shorts that i expected would be full series
arjuna for just being underwhelming since i had higher expectations for it.
clannad and afterstory since again my expectations were higehr though this was based on how well people told me it was going to be
violet evergarden for the same reason as clannad/as
Jun 11, 2020 7:23 AM

Feb 2018
Kanedgy_ said:
And yet you decide to watch the most well known hentai.
Because if watch ecchi it feels bearable, I want an NTR genre that results in betrayal or rape.
Jun 11, 2020 7:39 AM

Feb 2020
Shizokami said:
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?

That one sounds awful just by the title.
Rest in Piece, Miura.

Jun 11, 2020 7:57 AM

Feb 2020
1Kyo said:
7. Chaos;Head

Chaos Head as well as the other Science Adv. Anime with the notable exception of steins;gate are know to have been horribly adapted from the VNs, so maybe you'd enjoy it a lot more if you checked the source material.
Rest in Piece, Miura.

Jun 11, 2020 7:58 AM
May 2014
Ankoku Shindenshou Takegami
Boku no Pico
Diabolik Lovers
Hajimete no Gal (dropped)
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! (dropped)
Netzusou TRap
Okane ga Nai
Ookami Shoujo to kuro Ouji (dropped)

And the worst abomination of all goes to:
Hatsukoi Monster
Jun 11, 2020 11:59 AM
Jul 2016
1. Fairy Tail(1/10)
2.Guilty Crown(1/10)
3. Kaze No Stigma(2/10)
4. Shield Hero (2/10)
5. Zetsuen No Tempest. I dont remember much about this other than it being shit that made no sense.(2/10)
6. Medaka box (3/10) Nisioisin cant write for shit.
7. Elfen Lied(3/10).
8. Ao No Exorcist(3/10) One of the most boring Shounen out there
9.My Boku No Piko Akademia(3/10) One of the worse shounen out there
11.Fate Stay Kitchen(3/10)
12.Psycho Pass 2(3/10)
13. Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki(3/10)
14.Naruto The Last.(3/10)
15. Cowboy Beebop(3/10) Utter Garbage made for br41nd3ad americans who like shit like The Godfather ,Reservoir Dogs and Bacano. Empty shows with no substance, just "fake cool"
SinOfSlothKingJun 11, 2020 12:19 PM
Jun 11, 2020 12:13 PM

Jul 2019
RedVelvet930 said:
I was actually just thinking about this like a week ago! Perfect timing. :)

(From worst to best)
1. Conception - 5/10 Ridiculous idea, stupid plot, dull (yet likable) characters, and so close to hentai that it should be one instead of being censored so much.
2. First Love Monster - 5/10 Ludicrous idea, annoying characters, and filled with potty humor but in a few rare cases it was mildly funny.
3. Glitter Force - 6/10 Fun, cute, and filled with sweet characters, but very simple and extremely repetitive.
4. Cowboy Bebop - 6/10 Well animated and dubbed but kind of boring and had almost no cumulative goal plus nearly every extra character ends up dying. Ed was why I kept watching tbh. Not my cup of tea (hate westerns and crime films).
5. Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - 6/10 Fun series with deep and interesting themes/symbolism but ruined by a weak/forgettable cast and some anti-Christian undertones towards the end.
6. Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody - 7/10 Very generic isekai with a loser “nice guy” lead surrounded by cliched anime babes. Worst isekai I’ve seen. Lulu was literally the best part up until like the last two episodes where it turns a little better.
7. My Roommate is a Cat - 7/10 Cute and wholesome but, yeah, I HATE cats so... the cat segments (which took up 30-40% of the show) were unfunny and boring imo.
8. Haibane Renmei - 7/10 Relaxing, nice soundtrack, and interesting themes but didn’t really care for the cast, animation, and aesthetic.
9. Gurren Lagann - 7/10 Entertaining yet stupid. Defined by over-the-top action and an obsession with manliness, I found it hard to take it seriously. The cast was polarizing as well (loved Yoko and Nia but hated Kamina and “Fore-head boy”). Good opening theme though.
10. Clockwork Planet - 7/10 Nifty setting and cool/unique ideas but so-so cast and too much unnecessary and unfunny sexual content.

5,6,7 for worst anime, really? what the other scores that less than 5 for?
Jun 11, 2020 12:18 PM
Jul 2016
_HEDI_ said:

5,6,7 for worst anime, really? what the other scores that less than 5 for?

Hahaha , agreed. Tho again, this is mal......a place with people who think a 7/10 is a low score....... (tho, to be fair, they are kind of right, since most shows under an average of 7 are bad usually, but ofc this is circular logic at this point)
Jun 11, 2020 12:33 PM

Oct 2019
10. Anohana movie - Objectively it's not that bad but it's a shameless money grabbing scheme that is literally 85% reused scenes from the anime and the rest is useless dialogue where nothing happens

9. Godzilla cgi movies - Just very ugly, bad characters, bad fights

8. Grisaia - Ecchi af. There's some moments where you can see some light but overall it's just a badass guy and panties

7. Aho Girl - Just wrong

6. Isekai Maou - Tired ecchi isekai

5. Nanatsu no Taizai Kamigami no Gekirin - The worst non cgi animation ever

4. Gakusen Toshi Asterisk - Bad, forgettable and very boring

3. Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica - Same thing as above but with much grosser ecchi

2. Arifureta - This is just wonderful, it's a must watch

1. Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita - Like Hagure Yuusha but 2x worse
Jun 11, 2020 12:39 PM
Apr 2020
I haven't watched much anime yet:

Oreimo: I thought it was really boring, and I disliked the characters. I couldn't get past the 2nd episode.

Highschool of the Dead: The amount of fanservice in this show was nauseous. I thought I was going to throw up at the end of each episode, so I dropped it by the end of the 3rd episode.

Angel Beats! (Spoilers): The plot was less than abysmal. At the end of each episode, I kept asking myself: so is this when the good part will start? I'll admit, the first and second episodes drew me in, but completely lost me at the end of the fourth.
I could honestly go on and on about how much I hated this show.

No Game No Life: Some episodes were okay, but others were demeaning and downright boring.

Hentai prince and the stony cat.: I have to admit, the first two episodes were great. After that was a downward spiral. Yokodera completely loses his charm that he had in the first two episodes which made them so great, but once it lost it, the series became hard to watch. The story was also really bad, the idea of a god granting any wish and cancelling them at the wisher's demand may be a good idea, but the execution is completely butchered here.

Mars of Destruction: lol
Jun 11, 2020 12:49 PM

Jan 2011
Ashita no Joe
Carole & Tuesday
Ousama Game
Hachimitsu to Clover
Eureka Seven
No game no Life
Urusei Yatsura
supreme master of the godtaste
Jun 11, 2020 1:21 PM

Dec 2008
@Eladriel, damn, man. So much hate for ONE PIECE, makes me laugh and feel butthurt in the same time.
Genrou said:
one piece is the has the most disgusting animation the most annoying voices i think i have ever heard, it continues to destroy its own community with filler episodes and boring arcs in general. Sorry i just had to rant. It takes all ten of the spots on my list. 100%

Disgusting animation is subjective, so is your view on voice-acting and arcs, but filler episodes? I believe looking at +900 episodes, ONE PIECE filler episodes take about 10% of the whole anime episodes. I dunno how you came up to this conclusion that the fillers destroy its community.
Jun 11, 2020 1:45 PM

Jun 2019
_HEDI_ said:
5,6,7 for worst anime, really? what the other scores that less than 5 for?

This is addressed to another user, but I'll answer since I have all the same listed ratings (mostly 6s, one 7, and one 5) for my "worst" listed series. Everyone has a different personal metric for what the numerical scores represent, which is why it's completely useless to try to even attempt to get a consensus from a rating or ascertain a show or film's quality from a rating. Not only is everyone's viewing experience subjective, but how they rate it in correlation with their viewing experience is equally so.

For me, a "5" rating is just average and a 6 slightly above that - decent but with some glaring flaws which start to detract from the overall experience; certainly not terrible, but an anime doesn't need to be terrible to be among the "worst I've ever seen" because I only carefully select stuff I imagine will meet my standards of like and interest in the first place and usually succeed.

If someone were to ask what the numbers under 5 are for then, I would say that they're for stuff which is much more on the negative side of average (4) down to outright abysmal (1), but I rarely (4s and 3s) or never (2s and 1s) use those ratings because I tend to avoid watching junk in the first place which I can tell well enough will be junk based on a combination of synopsis, legacy and reviews (not as simplistic as seeing their popularity or that other people like or dislike something, because other people aren't me, but seeing what they like or dislike and why and how it relates to me as a flurry of negative reviews criticizing aspects of a show which either aren't a problem for me at all or actually net positives can induce me to watch it, and similarly for people praising it for things I'm not interested in or actively detest), aesthetic from animation and art style, etc. So if those ratings are truly reserved for the genuinely bad stuff, many folks like myself probably just know to avoid something that low-level to begin with from knowing our own minds and tastes well.
WatchTillTandavaJun 11, 2020 1:50 PM
Jun 11, 2020 1:50 PM
Anime Emperor

Jan 2019
It's interesting how no one mentions Boruto. Like it's so bad and it's so well-known that it's bad that it isn't even worth mentioning. Or just that it's so bad that people are trying their best to even forget it existed.
Jun 11, 2020 2:01 PM
Jan 2020
Ranking from Worst to Best:
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya (0/10): It just pained me to watch it. The lesbian loli thing is overly sexualized and they were all annoying. I love the Fate Series, but this was horrible.

Sword Art Online II (1/10): I enjoyed the first episode kind of...After that, it was so random and painful to watch.

Itsudatte Bokura no Koi Wa 10 cm Datta (3/10): I love the first 2 episodes. However, they started avoiding each other because they thought they were "no good". The girl ignored him after finding out something about his brother and then made it all about her like it's her problem. The guy became depressed and started becoming a d*ck to everyone.

Sakura Quest (3/10): It's such a random show, I just can't deal with it. The main character is so stuck in her ways about the city and I hate her.

These 4 anime are all the anime I've watched that I hate, others are just mediocre.
Jun 11, 2020 2:04 PM

Jan 2016
Let's see here......

10. B: The Beginning
9.Tales of Zestiria the X
8. Ito Junji Collection
7. Gangsta
6. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (For the record, I adore the games, that's why I hate the anime)
5. Yami Shibai Season 4
4. Big Order
3. Seraph of the End
2. Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace
1. Evangelion: Death and Rebirth

I'll freely admit about half of these I haven't finished, but I at least watched far enough into most of them to know I hated them.
You have shit taste, and then I have taste so shit it makes your taste look good
Jun 11, 2020 2:13 PM

Mar 2019
not including drops or so bad they're good shows;
10. Carole and Tuesday - so many sub plots, so few resolutions. Felt like no one edited the script and it was just a huge missed opportunity cause some of the songs were actually good
9. Shield Hero - Naofumi is a pathetic excuse for an anti-hero
8. Your lie in April - Characterization missed the mark so bad it was funny rather than tragic
7. Akito the Exiled - great animation everything else was dog shit
6. Clannad - Character interactions feel like a elementary school teacher trying to get his 2nd grade class to participate (yet to see after story)
5. Ninja Scroll - Brutal but there's nothing else
4. Berserk (2016) - Who would've though skipping 2 arcs would make the story disjointed
3. FLCL Proggressive - everthing but a few of the songs was unsatisfying Hide and head phone girl and both fuck off
2. Mizu no kotoba - complete waste of 9 minutes
1. Liz and the Blue Bird - most tedious shit I ever watched, was bored out of my mind after 10 minutes, finished over the course of like 3 days so I can have the right to talk shit about it
_underscore_830Jun 11, 2020 4:05 PM
Jun 11, 2020 3:02 PM

Mar 2020
(Recently started watching anime in 2020 jan, so you might not see titles like : Mars of Destruction and others)

1. Haruchika - Its just a disgrace to anime. The mysteries are made so convienently for
the characters to solve. It barely focuses on music. Characters are forgotten and
there is barely any character development. The only decent thing about it is
animation thats all. It's just pathetic nothing else to say.
2. Gamers - I hate how people said this would save romcom anime, its garbage. The
comedy is made purely for people with a sense of humor of 10 year olds. The
romance is just well.. nothing really, the characters fall in love but they never do
anything. It fails what its supposed to be. Its just another shitty romcom anime.
3. Senryuu Shoujo - Basically a romcom you know a romcom where the main duo
never goes far in their relationship and the comedy is just a joke. The show never
goes anywhere and it just leaves the characters as they were from the first episode.
4. The Asterisk War - This is just oh my goodness. To critisize this show I would need
more sentences but I am not gonna do that. It's really boring nothing really changes
in the romance or comedy both unbelievably trash. Plus it was supposed to get a
season 3 but they dropped it so... if you look stories that dont end this is your cup of
5. Oreshura - Another shitty romcom. This list is just gonna be full of shitty romcom
tbh, romance and comedy suck nothing new. Its just a shitty romcom nothing is
unique or special in any way, if you have watched shitty romcom's you would know
where this is going.
6. Domestic Girlfriend - Well there's really nothing new to say here its just pathetic and
everyone knows it.
7. Blend S - AYYY A ROMCOM
8. Tokyo Ghoul:re (both seasons) - Its just so sad I really liked the 1st season and then
it just went to one of my most least favourite anime.
9. Keijo!!!!!!!! - Nothing really to say here. Not saying its bad cuz of ecchi its just it
does everything poorly as you would expect soo yeah..
10.Date a live - It makes me so mad that this shit gets 4 seasons, while masterpieces
mostly dont get sequels. Every season its they are just adding more girls to the
harem of Shidou. Comedy is as basic as romcom and obviously there is no romance.
This was the 3rd anime I ever watched and even back then I knew it was shit.

Jeez I have watched too many romcom's
Jun 11, 2020 3:58 PM

Dec 2015
i cant think of a top 10 because i feel like if i didnt enjoy it then thats fine because it obviously wasnt meant for me/someone else will enjoy it so i only have three.

silver spoon - i know of a few people who enjoy this but.. i hated it. i could barely get through it and still havent finished it. as a (previous) animal care and land student, this anime was awful. the care of the animals was awful and the handling of things, it was just all so bad. please dont watch this anime.

blood lad- i hated this one purely for the animation but i LOVED the manga, its still one of my top favourites. it has an amazing story and characters but the animation was so bad and choppy im convinced its the reason it didnt get a fanbase or another season despite plenty of manga to work from.

corpse party- the same as blood lad, the game itself was amazing and i loved the concept but they were so rough on the animation and it was so poorly done and they left out so much in the anime that were important pieces of the game/information you needed to understand the scene(s) that it would leave you confused and wondering wtf was going on
Jun 11, 2020 4:29 PM

Sep 2018
I see most of replies, looks like they're hyperventilating with their buzzwords xD

I don't quite remember shows I think are worst or bad, since most of those I didn't finish. The one's I remember are Divine Gate, it has eye bleeding animation, the color pallette and lighting is such a sore in my eyes, because of that can't follow well the story. Also, that chinese anime Bloodivores, low production, I remember it having potato animated characters and the story and it's characters aren't remarkable either. Most of seasonal isekai range from worst to average shows since almost all of them follow the isekai template (Neet/otaku/loser MC got transported/reincarnated/summoned in another world, got a power, become important to that world, gets a girl/or 2/harem, needs to save the world/defeat a demon lord), sprinkling something original but in the end is still a forgettable seasonal isekai.
Jun 11, 2020 4:57 PM
Aug 2016
i think you hate isekai genre but that 's not all ,i recognize your taste from your opinion about these shows, i assume that you hate shows with slow pace but looks like you love romantic stuff since no romance anime was mentioned
Jun 11, 2020 4:59 PM
Apr 2020
Forgive me people:

10. Deadman Wonderland: Its an ok anime but the manga is beter.
9. Mob Psycho 100: I hate the artstyle.
8. Soul Eater: Boring.
7. D.Gray-man: Boring
6. One Punch Man: Hate the art.
5. Skelter Heaven: You know.
4. PuPa: Why?
3. SAO: boring.
2. Kings Game: Manga is better.
1. Mars of Destruction: Yes..

Honorable Mentions:
MHA: Overrated
Gleipnir: I thought it will be good but no.
Jun 11, 2020 5:08 PM
Dec 2017
In no particular order

Death march

Isekai cheat magician

Infinite stratos


Kenja no mago

Rail wars

Maou sama retry
Jun 11, 2020 5:09 PM
Aug 2016
@Eladriel you hold huge grudge against (Eichiro Oda) One Piece Creator
,like you can say that you hate it however i think this a misconception for the idea of the shows
Jun 11, 2020 5:35 PM
Aug 2016
i love your way of threatening for avoiding Super Lovers,looks like you have a dark past with this show - i won't watch diabolok lovers of course i 'm not into shoujo anime or specifically (shoujo fanservice) also vampire knight , but there are things i don't get right like
1-plastic memories : this show is just heartbreaking , i cried in the ending despite acknowledging the path to the story end, i accept it from you btw you won't love violet evergarden if you didn't like plastic ,both shows are pretty similar
2- BNHA : It 's just overrated & The idea of the show is simple but its application is a bit interesting,As you said it 's the old fashion classical shounen with good animation
3-Angel Beats : I 'm not a huge fan of it like i gave it 8 out of 10 so i don't consider it as my favorite but the characters were interesting ,there was something wrong with the story i think it 's the goal of the story but everything else was good
4-SAO: A normal selection trash lists for everyone
5-NGNL: Okay,here you made a mistake becz this show is distinct among isekai series for its challenges ,Art Style, Maybe The world is normal but i think NGNL offers a variety of elements in one story
Jun 11, 2020 5:44 PM
Aug 2016

HOTD was the official king of ecchi , i didn't invest my time in a single minute of it but this is what people had told me about it

Assassins pride story was a poor mediocre so no much talk can make it greater,
Jun 11, 2020 5:54 PM
Aug 2016
You summarized all the replies in a short powerful explanation
Jun 11, 2020 6:00 PM
Aug 2016
you brought justice to weebs' society by doing this but eventually you failed to express your own taste
have you heard of a quote saying (don't judge a book by its cover)
Jun 11, 2020 6:22 PM
Jul 2018
theres not really a lot i didnt like or hated, but these 3 always irk me when i hear their name.

3 - black butler. the whole concept of the show is kinda weird, didnt like it that much. 3/10 plus sebastian is a complete pedophile.
2 - poputepipikku. ???? huh. 1/10
1 - DEMON SLAYER. i cannot explain how horrible this show is. its generic, bland, boring, and too predictable. the characters filled me with unexplicable rage. id rate it 0/10 if i could
Jun 11, 2020 6:30 PM
Jul 2019
In no particular order:
Clannad s1: cringe, boring and stretched out

Kenja no mago: cliche af and shallow plot

Kiss him, not me: mc going back and forth with no particular plot and a bad ending that proves a waste of time for watchingthe show.

Hyouka: ok good animation but wtf is with the annoying and repetitive quotes. Plus, theres no actual romance.

Time of eve: no plot whatsoever

Paprika: wtf was going on

Suzumiya haruhi: some deep bs about time travel and shallow relationships

Fairy tail: do i even need to explain?

Working!!: Boring and basic ass characters that i don't know how ended up there. Doesn't deserve a comedy tag

Tsuki ga kirei: took 20 episodes just for mc to hold his crush's hand. Epic choice for virgins. Annoyingly slow paced.
Jun 11, 2020 6:31 PM

Aug 2016
Mirai Nikki
Domestic na Kanojo
Tsui no Sora
Ousama Game
Aldnoah Zero
Apocalypse Zero
No Game no Life
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Jun 11, 2020 7:44 PM
Jul 2018
1. Plunderer: Other than Jail, the other characters are either annoying, useless, or annoying AND useless. Bad animation ( just look at Doan's eyes), way too many plotholes and unbelievably stupid plot twists.

2. Shichisei no Subaru: Like a lot of people have said, this anime is basically a very bad mash up of SAO and AnoHana. Generic characters, a plot that leads to nowhere, also the main guy and girl are really annoying. The only positive I can see in this series is the red haired girl, she was somewhat enjoyable to see, too bad she got rejected by the main guy for ripoff Menma.

3. Assasin's Pride: Honestly, the first episode wasn't bad. I thoroughly enjoyed it (except for the end of the first episode when the kirito knockoff acted like a damn pedophile), however it all just went downhill from there. Unnecesary plots were added, the animation got considerably worse, and everything just felt so rushed.

4. Byousoku 5cm: The only thing that I enjoyed about this movie was the breathtakingly beautiful animation, I didn't really get attached to any of the characters, except for the surfer girl. It doesn't help that most of the time I didn't get what was going on in the MC's head, (the inner monologue in the novel was way better than what we get in the movie). The 3 part story felt really rushed, well maybe it's because of the 1 hour and 6 min runtime. It had a nice theme of moving on and not getting stuck in the past, but the execution was subpar at best.
Jun 11, 2020 8:55 PM

Jan 2019
not in order :
isekai wa smartphone no tomo ni
captain tsubasa(2018)
masou gakuen hxh
ssss gridman
isekai maouto shoukan
nanatsu no taizai s3
sword art onlline
Jun 11, 2020 9:50 PM
Dec 2017
1. Black Clover
2. Tokyo Ghoul:re
3. Violet Evergarden
4. Dies Irae
5. Fate/Extra: Last Encore
6. Jigoku Shoujo
7. Black Lagoon
8. Nisemonogatari
9. Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden
10. Juushinki Pandora
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