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2022 Anime Watching Challenge - Sign Up (COMPLETED)

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Nov 29, 2022 3:06 PM
May 2020
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 12th, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 27th, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 86
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 122

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #2058
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: E, F
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Chronomancer, Collector
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
    []Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

    []Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

    []Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

    []For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  1. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 3:10 PM

Dec 2013

@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 08, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1133
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1272

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #124
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: A, F, H
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Collecter Wizard Ranger Summoner
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Summoner on Quest A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? βœ”
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? βœ”
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? βœ”

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? βœ”
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? βœ”

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? βœ”
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? βœ”

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? ❌
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

"By Depending on others and letting them
Depend on you, people can Exceed what
they can do as Individuals." - Mikoto Misaka

"Rokkon Shojo!"
Nov 29, 2022 3:11 PM
Jan 2018
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 373
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 475

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 357
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, D, E, F, G, I, L, N, R, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard Architect Archivist Chronomancer Collector Rogue Explorer Hunter Diviner Conjurer Bard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Taskmaster
🎲 Quest Restriction: Geomancer Chaotic Watcher Samurai Golem Seeker Armored Dragoon Jester Voyeur Pathfinder

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 3:18 PM

Jan 2020
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,042
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,160

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1607☁
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 4
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, F, H.
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Ranger, Wizard, Architect, Collector.
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

MALoween Mansion Candy 2023:
Nov 29, 2022 3:34 PM

May 2021
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 17 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 162
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 294

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 783☒
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: B
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Barbarian
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 3:56 PM
Master of Cursed

Aug 2011
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 28, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1251
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1410

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #255
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: B, C, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, R
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Cryomancer Aeromancer Pyromancer Geomancer Barbarian Hunter Dragoon Diviner Architect Collector Adventurer Explorer Ranger Chronicler Paladin Artificer Rogue Chronomancer Summoner Conjurer Thespian Evoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: B: Aeromancer, C: Pyromancer, E: Chronicler, F: Dragoon, G: Adventurer, H: Cryomancer, I: Geomancer, L: Artificer, M: Thespian, N: Paladin, R: Summoner

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Maloween 2024


Nov 29, 2022 4:08 PM
Raw Gamer

Apr 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: February 8, 2023

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 105
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 218

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 171
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, D, E, F, H, K, M, N
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Arbiter Evoker Diviner Collector Archivist Wizard Artificer Architect Chronomancer Ranger
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: E: Artificer

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž  Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)

  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

TunesFeb 8, 2023 8:55 AM
Nov 29, 2022 4:16 PM
Oct 2011
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 11, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 358
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 440

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 539
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: D, E, I, L, M, N, Q
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Archivist Chronomancer Explorer Evoker Diviner Hunter Invoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Indomitable, Taskmaster
🎲 Quest Restriction: Watcher Seeker Neutral Voyeur Cryomancer Finder

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 4:16 PM

Nov 2021
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 87
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 124

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1590
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, H, R, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect Archivist Ranger Conjurer Bard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 4:26 PM

Oct 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 05, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 340
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 389

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1240
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: D, J
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Archivist Wanderer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 4:31 PM

Oct 2020
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022 (the date your first anime was watched)
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022) (example: November 30, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 600
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 673

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1873
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form: Sign-Up Link

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Diviner, Invoker, Conjurer, Rogue, Archivist, Barbarian, Wizard, Architect, Chronomancer, Collector, Ranger, Explorer, Wanderer, Arbiter, Hunter, Swashbuckler, Tracker, Bard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Thespian

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 4:42 PM

Mar 2011
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: October 23, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,046
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,172

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 46
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: C, H.
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect Ranger
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 29, 2022 5:17 PM

Sep 2008
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 03, 2022 (the date your first anime was watched)
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022 (example: November 30, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 94
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 181

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1520
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, E, G, M, R
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Evoker Rogue Conjurer Chronomancer-Seeker Architect Archivist
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: E - Seeker

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? βœ”
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? βœ”
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? βœ”
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? βœ”

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? βœ”
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? βœ”

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? βœ”
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+) βœ”

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? βœ”

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 5:53 PM
Jan 2014
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: Jan 1, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: Nov 29, 2022
πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 235
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 273
βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #561
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:
🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, F, I
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Archivist, Collector, Explorer, Architect
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    — Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    — Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    — Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    — Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    — Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?
  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    — If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Torch948Nov 29, 2022 5:59 PM
Nov 29, 2022 6:07 PM

Sep 2021
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: May 28, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 27, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 44
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 87

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1475
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: A,E,F,H
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Neutral Ranger Wizard Necromancer Chronomancer Collector
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Necromancer : E , Neutral : A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary?  No

πŸ”Ž  Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)

  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Potato-ChhanFeb 19, 2023 6:30 AM
Nov 29, 2022 6:29 PM
Dec 2019
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 18, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 98
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 114

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1539
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: K
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Arbiter
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 7:32 PM

May 2014
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 06, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 387
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 419

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #512
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: A, Q
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard Invoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Pyromancer Armored

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 7:41 PM

Sep 2018
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 22, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 299
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 361

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #751
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 4
🎲 Quests Completed: C, E, F, H, M, P
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect Chronomancer Collector Ranger Evoker Tracker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Ν/Α
🎲 Quest Restriction: Ν/Α

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 7:43 PM

Feb 2015
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: Jan 01, 2022 (the date your first anime was watched)
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: Nov 29, 2022 (example: November 30, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 349 (the day you made your post)
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 380

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1423
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: C
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 8:01 PM

Jun 2017
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 9, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 351
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 390

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1313
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form: Link

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: E, Q.
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Rogue Invoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes
πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 8:06 PM

Sep 2020
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 05, 2022 (the date your first anime was watched)
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022 (example: November 30, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 377 (the day you made your post)
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 470

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #572
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: F G I M R
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Collector Rogue Explorer Evoker Conjurer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 8:07 PM

Apr 2017
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 13, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: February 12, 2023

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 774
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 916

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #663
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, D, H, J, K, L, M, N, Q, R
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard, Archivist, Ranger, Wanderer, Arbiter, Hunter, Evoker, Diviner, Invoker, Conjurer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Illusionist, Warrior, Inquisitor, Jester, Sorcerer, Summoner, Enchanter, Assassin, Thespian

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Mangareader8Feb 12, 2023 1:40 PM
Nov 29, 2022 8:12 PM

Jun 2019
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 30, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 28, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 109
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 154

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1519
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: A, D, P, R, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard Scholar Conjurer Bard Tracker Thespian Archivist
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Thespian (D), Scholar (R)

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
kcmyangDec 2, 2022 11:07 AM
AWC 2024 MRC 2024
Nov 29, 2022 8:57 PM

Aug 2017
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 267
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 332

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 185
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: H, J
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wanderer, Ranger
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 9:00 PM
Jul 2011
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: JANUARY 12, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: NOVEMBER 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 137
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 177

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #627
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: A, B, C, D, E
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard Barbarian Architect Archivist Chronomancer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 9:16 PM
Apr 2019
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: MAY 29,2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: NOV 29,2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 550
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 588

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1504
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, H, N
🎲 Quest Titles Order:Wizard, Archivist, Ranger, Diviner
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Seeker

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
TempestTornadoNov 29, 2022 9:22 PM
Nov 29, 2022 9:18 PM

Aug 2018
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 2, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1035
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1192

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1059
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, D, M, Q
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard, Architect, Archivist, Evoker, Invoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: n/a
🎲 Quest Restriction: n/a

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 10:01 PM

Nov 2012
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 16, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 343
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 511

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1013
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: C, F, G, H, I
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Rogue Architect Ranger Explorer Collector
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Armored Explorer

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 10:15 PM
Aug 2017
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: Jan 05, 2022 (the date your first anime was watched)
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: Nov 29, 2022 (example: November 30, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 113
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 149

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1444
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: E, H
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Chronomancer Ranger
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 29, 2022 10:19 PM

May 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 21, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 453
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 479

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: ##760
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: A
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard, Archivist, Collector, Ranger, Evoker, Invoker, Conjurer, Bard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Estellia_StellaNov 30, 2022 4:40 AM
Nov 29, 2022 10:28 PM

Jul 2013
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 807
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 864

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #334
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, E, F, M
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect Archivist Chronomancer Collector Evoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 1:13 AM

Nov 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:
πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1179
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1234

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 1415
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, F, H, J, M
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard Architect Collector Ranger Wanderer Evoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 1:28 AM

Dec 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 08, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: October 26. 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 858
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 935

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 388
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: F
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Collector
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

(Optional) Grab a completed banner from our Banners List and show it off on your profile/forum signature.
You can use them as soon as you post your sign-up/turn-in forms. To donate, please check the Help/Discussion thread.

(Optional) Complete our [url=]inspections feedback form[/url] and let us know how we can improve this process.
Will be available later on during January/February, depending on the first ones to turn in.
DianaIceflameFeb 11, 2023 8:20 PM
Nov 30, 2022 3:00 AM

Oct 2017
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 225
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 245

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #474
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, E
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Chronomancer, Archivist, Architect
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Apple_TwinkleDec 2, 2022 1:59 PM
Nov 30, 2022 3:48 AM

Mar 2021
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: February 03, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 119
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 206
βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1080
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form: MSGID_LINK

🎲 Difficulty Level: 2
🎲 Quests Completed: C, F
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Collector
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 30, 2022 4:22 AM

Jun 2015
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 28, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 838
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 905

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #37☒
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: A, D, E
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard, Archivist, Chronomancer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Nov 30, 2022 6:02 AM
Jul 2017
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: December 01, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 314
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 397

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #762
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form: Link

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, R
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Chronomancer, Explorer, Archivist, Collector, Conjurer, Wanderer, Wizard, Barbarian, Architect
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 30, 2022 6:35 AM

May 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 15, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: August 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 474
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 671

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #294
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, D, F, G, H
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Rogue Ranger Collector Architect Wizard Archivist
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Taskmaster
🎲 Quest Restriction: Enchanter, Gondolier, Warrior, Scholar, Trailblazer, Dragoon

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format? Yes
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used? Yes
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used? Yes

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages? Yes
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages? Yes

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them? Yes
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+) Yes

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title? Yes

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team? No
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

forum set by k3ti
Nov 30, 2022 6:42 AM

Oct 2011
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2022 (the date your first anime was watched)
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022 (example: November 30, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 750 (the day you made your post)
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 815

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 95
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 4
🎲 Quests Completed: A, C, D, H & Q
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Wizard Architect Archivist Ranger Invoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nanashi_x3Nov 30, 2022 6:48 AM
Nov 30, 2022 7:14 AM
Mar 2021
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: April 03, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 26, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 71
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 102

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1635
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 3
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, R
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect Archivist Conjurer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 7:16 AM

Sep 2009
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 870
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 945

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #13
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 4
🎲 Quests Completed: C, F, G, I, N, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Rogue Collector Explorer Diviner Bard Architect
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 7:18 AM

Jan 2018
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 07, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 892
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 983

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #292
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: C, E, F, H, M
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Evoker Ranger Collector Architect Chronomancer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 7:33 AM

Jun 2009
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 03, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 988
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1,111

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #47
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, I, J, P
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Tracker Archivist Architect Explorer Wanderer
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Almighty Watcher
🎲 Quest Restriction: Armored Neutral Evil Aeromancer Thespian

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 7:35 AM
Oct 2019
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: March 03, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 148
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 167

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1362
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 1
🎲 Quests Completed: H
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Ranger
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 8:11 AM

Oct 2021
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 84
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 156

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #456
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A,D,F,H,I
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Explorer Wizard Ranger Archivist Collector
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

BELIEVE you deserve it and the universe will serve it.
Nov 30, 2022 8:24 AM

Jan 2019
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 373
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 474

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #326
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: C, D, F, G, I, J, L, N, O, R, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Architect Archivist Collector Explorer Wanderer Diviner Rogue Swashbuckler Hunter Conjurer Bard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Taskmaster & Indomitable
🎲 Quest Restriction: C (Jester), D (Armored), F (Artificer), G (Chaotic), I (Summoner), J (Illusionist), L (Scholar), N (Neutral), O (Evil), R (Necromancer), S (Gambler)

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.

Nov 30, 2022 8:46 AM

Feb 2018
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 12, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1796
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1983

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 122
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, P, S
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Artificer, Wizard, Seeker, Archivist, Neutral, Chronomancer, Sorcerer, Ranger, Explorer, Crusader, Chaotic, Wanderer, Arbiter, Minstrel, Hunter, Adventurer, Tracker, Pathfinder, Enchanter, Bard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: Indomitable
🎲 Quest Restriction: Artificer, Seeker, Neutral, Sorcerer, Crusader, Chaotic, Minstrel, Adventurer, Pathfinder, Enchanter

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 8:59 AM

May 2020
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 09, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 228
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 242

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #1919
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form:

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: D, E, H, I, J, M, Q
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Archivist, Chronomancer, Ranger, Explorer, Wanderer, Evoker, Invoker
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? No

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 9:09 AM
Sanzo Party

Apr 2015
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 06, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2022

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 360
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 451

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: 344
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form: MSGID_LINK

🎲 Difficulty Level: 5
🎲 Quests Completed: A, B, D, E, F, G,H I, J, O
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Barbarian, Swashbuckler, Wizard, Wanderer, Rogue, Ranger, Collector, Explorer, Chronomancer, Archivist
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: N/A

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
Nov 30, 2022 9:21 AM

Jan 2016
@AWC_mod Victory!
πŸ•οΈ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2022
🏰 Challenge Finish Date: November 23, 2022)

πŸ“œ Link to your completed anime list:

πŸ—ΊοΈ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 682
🌐 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 761

βœ’οΈ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #703☒#
πŸ”— Link to your sign-up form: MSGID_LINK

🎲 Difficulty Level: 4 πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ—‘οΈβš—οΈβš”οΈ
🎲 Quests Completed: A, D, O, P
🎲 Quest Titles Order: Tracker Swashbuckler Archivist Wizard
🎲 Full-Challenge Restriction: N/A
🎲 Quest Restriction: Avant Garde (Inanomancer) for the Quest P

πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes
πŸ“ Do you want your challenge inspected as Legendary? Yes

πŸ”Ž Turning-In CHECKLIST (don't remove once it's done)
  1. Have I entered all dates correctly following the provided format?
    γ€€— Are they in a consistent format throughout my sign-up and turn-in forms?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Start Date match the start date of the very first anime I used?
    γ€€— Does my overall Challenge Finish Date match the finish date of the last anime I used?

  2. Do all of my anime titles match the official title on their MAL pages?
    γ€€— Do the anime links I've provided lead to the correct pages?

  3. Have I provided all necessary screenshots and extra information for the items that need them?
    γ€€— Do the screenshots I've taken show my username somewhere on-screen? (if they are on MAL/Anime+)

  4. For all items where a screenshot or extra information was needed, did I put it in square brackets on a separate line below the anime title?

  5. Have I modified the format of the item list provided by the challenge team?
    γ€€— If so, please view the original sign-up code to make sure your list follows the exact same format.

When posting this form I'm confirming that
I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and
that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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