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Oct 19, 2020 8:09 PM
Jul 2020
Turns out I'm a sucker for sappy crap.. Was excited to see the darker route this series was taking around episode 13 but then it all just spiraled outta control and gave me an ending that attempted to cross out every plot hole while balancing out what seemed like a doomed relationship until then.

In the end the series was a mixed bag of Evangelion, Gurren Lag, and countless other mecha series. While the anime had its highs n lows --just like any other-- I left with a smile on my face.
Oct 20, 2020 12:48 PM

Mar 2012
WhiteTheWrong said:
This anime was nothing but NGE in the modern day. 5/10 wouldn't watch again.
I came to say this except I did like the ending but for the most part really disliked this anime for many other reasons. I finally came to finish this stupid show after basically dropping it after episode 4.

Eva is one of my all time favorites and I could see how this tried to be like it but ultimately failed for being a snowflake version of it That said, I did enjoy the ending as sappy as it was. The deaths in this episode made sense unlike series such as Gurren Lagann and Guilty Crown. I'm giving it a solid 5 out of 10.
Nov 5, 2020 3:15 AM
May 2019
10/10 from me. Love this series more than anything. Most series wish they could be this great.
Nov 21, 2020 12:09 AM

Dec 2015
TakamakiJoker said:
Darling in the Franxx more like everything I hate about modern anime in a nutshell.
Seriously Trigger you went from making one of my favourite animes Little Witch Academia TV to this broken piece of shit that doesn't give a fuck about it's own audience.
Beyond awful characters who are tropey as hell.
Pathetic worldbuilding
Shitty writing
Horrible animation in the second half
Garbage series direction
Plot contrivances left and right
Horrendous pacing
Awful character designs that are ripped off from Eureka Seven and Anohana
God awful finale
Terrible English Dub that sounds more like a crappy Hentai production.
This show joins the ranks of Black Clover, The Asterisk Wars, Mirai Nikki, The King's Game and Big Order for being the worst animes I have ever seen period.
Don't do this again Trigger and screw you A1/Cloverworks for screwing up the show even more
If you liked or enjoyed Darling in the Franxx good for you but for me fuck this shit.
Just watch Eureka 7, Gunbuster,.Neon Genesis Evangelion or Gurren Lagann instead.

My fav part of this shitpost was you recommending nge while also saying this has a shit finale. Hahahahaha!
Nov 21, 2020 4:30 PM
Jul 2020
I like thing episode
Nov 22, 2020 10:15 PM

May 2011
Well it went Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in the end there.
Nov 27, 2020 2:09 AM
Dec 2017
Darling in the Franxx was quite the mixed ride. The first 17 or so episodes were amazing, the next couple were a little shaky but still good and then the last few were poorly paced and threw in too many plot twists for the show to handle.

Before watching i had heard rumors of the bad ending and other negative comments on the show. But I will have fond memories of this show as i sat on the edge of my seat watching throughout the first half biting my nails as I knew each episode could be the episode that went downhill. Overall it definitely wasn't as bad as what people say but it certainly didn't live up to its potential.

Still I wouldn't say I wasted my time nor was it not enjoyable, a solid 7/10.
SmoothBruceNov 27, 2020 8:42 PM
Jan 22, 2021 8:19 AM
Jan 2021
Episodes Are Very Good and Loveingly Till Last You Guys Rushed So Bad And Skipped So many Years And after 2 years of Journey For Space To Virm Planet They Died Like Throwing Shit On Someone xD But I Rate This 9/10 For Clover Works They Really Really Did A Good Job They Maked Series Emotional Romantic Interesting Hats Off 🥳 9/10
Jan 23, 2021 2:32 AM
Jan 2015
Amatniki said:
Why are they reborn hundreds of years later? I dont want it like that, they arent the same people so it doesnt matter if they reunite with eachother in the future.

I wanted say "Yet you gave Angel Beats an 8/10", but then I checked...

Darling in the FranXX: 9/10

No offense, but are you actually trying to become Taiga? lol
Feb 2, 2021 9:46 PM
Feb 2021
There should be a second season for DITF... cuz VIRM IS STILL ALIVE AND ALSO ZEROTWO AND HIRO'S SOULS HAVE BEEN REINCARNATED... so I think there should be a second season...
Feb 9, 2021 7:47 AM
Feb 2021
Feb 9, 2021 7:48 AM
Feb 2021
Mar 16, 2021 6:27 AM
Mar 2021
I know some people would not agree with me, but it is just my personal opinion about anime...

As a weeb, i like watching romance and action animes. This anime is one i would put in top 10 on my anime list.

Why? Because i like the animation, the storyline, also a character development.
First 16 episodes i liked the most because of Hiro and 002's love story.

Last 8 episodes, i would not call trash or garbage, they were good in my opinion, a little bit rushed, and the end was kind of unexpected for me.

Not gonna lie, i dropped some tears down my cheeks, because im kind of emotional person and i got PADS (Post Anime Depression Syndrome).

The end was a bit unexpected as i said and very emotional, because they promised they will come back alive and continue their lives as a lovers but instead of that they got reincarnated...

So that is all wanted to say.

For me 9/10 (9 because of the rushed ending).

Thanks for reading, take care and goodbye :)
Ryuu__kunMar 16, 2021 6:31 AM
Apr 4, 2021 4:32 PM

Jul 2015
Well, this was a wild ride. Not a perfect ep, and certainly not the best of the show. Not that it stood a chance against episode 15.
I'm going to cut the show some slack regarding the ending. Some parts of it were a hit, some parts of it were a miss. The animation got really janky which didn't help with having an OTT ending. "Blabla plotholes how did they cure the aging thing" Yeah who the hell cares about that sh!t when there's giant mechas and klaxosaurs? Go look for plotholes somewhere else.
What I'm not going to overlook is how absolutely insane and audacious this show was. 2 minutes in and you know it, the writers don't care about the mechas, they're not here for the mechas, they're here to talk about something else completely and the dialogues aren't even hiding it.
And it delivered on that aspect. Why care about aspects the writers didn't really care about? Where they here to tell a story about mechas and lots of cool fights, or where they here to deliver a modern romance anime an adult can watch without wanting to poke his eyes out because of the cringe?
Because that's Darling in the Franxx. It's a pretty good representation of what it is to be a teen, discover sexuality, the initial awkwardness, the things you haven't been taught... then getting over your insecurities and learning to do things together, as a couple. Understanding that the other isn't here for you to use, but here to live with you as an equal.

Solid 9/10 despite a cunjunction of factors that made the last third weaker than the first ones, leaving somewhat of a slightly bitter feeling on the tongue when the last ED rolls in.
Prophetess of the Golden Era
Apr 4, 2021 11:07 PM
Jan 2021
Overall it was sad, yet I personally didn't like the ending that much, but that might just be me. I was hoping for there to be more of Hiro and 02. I admit it did make me deeply sad for a while.

And idk how I felt about the reincarnation thing, though it didn't feel right. I imagined the tree as the actual Hiro and 02, and it felt like the reincarnated ones were just different people. Especially knowing that those are the kids (or grandkids) of the previous squad Hiro was in, which felt weird.

Though I guess I didn't hate the ending, just I didn't feel right about it.
Apr 4, 2021 11:10 PM
Jan 2021
Pls if any moderator sees this I want to be able to change the vote I made. I didn't mean to press "disliked it," I meant to press it was "ok"
Apr 18, 2021 12:14 PM
Mar 2021
amei mais não gostei do final pós eles morreram eu sou do Brasil e muitas pessoas do Brasil se apaixonou também pelo anime nós queremos 2 temporada por favor 😣
May 9, 2021 1:26 PM

Jul 2016
I really wished they could come back to Earth and finally be happy in their lives with each other. Such endings always hit me strong and it wasn't different this time. I just can't accept people going through such a pain and sadness in life sometimes can't get a little bit of peace, relief and joy. Hiro and Zero Two's smiles while they were watching blooming sakura trees was one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen in anime or movie industry in general. I hoped they could finally be together and spent the rest of their lives exploring the real image of the planet they'd never had an opportunity to learn more about before. I also feel really sorry for their friends who certainly waited for them until they died, I feel sorry there were less and less hope every next day. That must've been really tough. Hiro and Zero Two showed them what life is, but they couldn't experience it themselves anymore. I'd like to cry, but I can't for some reason. I just feel emptiness inside me, my soul is torn apart. All I can hope for now is they somehow regained their memories. It seems impossible, but I really want them to remember all that time they spent together. And if that's not possible, I wish they met on the other side and could finally rest and smile
ThingolnMay 9, 2021 3:03 PM
May 12, 2021 11:00 AM
May 2021
Please Chapter Two
May 12, 2021 11:02 AM
May 2021
May 16, 2021 2:35 PM

Mar 2019
Wth was with the pacing from the last 3 episodes... gonna leave this series without rating anything/bad cause I liked the ending of this episode where the Sakura tree was shown growing old
Also, I don’t have much thoughts on how are mecha anime or whatever but this one didn’t feel fun... (basically I saw this cause somewhere I saw it’s an ecchi... so.. LoL )
HEIWA_NO_SENSEIMay 16, 2021 2:39 PM
If there was no one else within a 5-kilometer radius from Shimamura, and she was in a deep sleep and an all-knowing deity just happened to reassure me that she wasn’t going to wake up the next 24 hours, maybe I’d get bored after 23 hours and I might kiss her once to relieve some boredom...
Jun 9, 2021 3:48 PM

Mar 2020
Garbage bullshit waifu bait anime ever with cringe romance, suck ending with trash plot. I'll call this copy of Eva but worst shit. Wasted so much time on this trash.
Story: 0.3/10
Character: 0.2/10
Animation: 2/10
Soundtrack: 0.5/10
Overall: 1/10
Jun 11, 2021 4:02 PM
Aug 2015
Loved it, still crying about the ending. 9/10
Jun 22, 2021 2:03 PM

Jun 2017
Last few episodes had plenty of random events. Zero two becoming the mecha and Hiro going there to fight came out of nowhere. The aliens never really got much development. Some questions are left out such as why -
1) the aliens didn't outright attack humans and instead guised themselves as members of research group
2) Klaxosaurs never communicated with humans before the aliens came back.
And of course if you dig deeper many things don't make sense such as how an explosion light years away can be seen from earth immediately or how "cloning" makes you have different appearances from the original and lose certain Klaxosaur traits.
However the development until 19th episode was well done and I particularly liked the struggle and growing up of the cast outside of Hiro and Zero two. It had an extended epilogue and that was nice too. They should have kept the ending identical but the villains should have been different and better built up. The dystopian plot was really great until it was sidelined. Overall I would give this a generous 8/10.
Jul 1, 2021 1:20 AM

Apr 2021
Well so that was it huh...I really thought they would come back but anyway the others back on earth have all grown up and have become adults...they seem to be doing good in their lives....As for Hiro and Zero Two both of em died but their souls were together(I thought they were alive but still...)...good to know they managed to come back to earth...It was a bummer knowing all those years passed by and all the others moved on.....Kinda felt sad
Jul 1, 2021 7:53 AM

Jun 2020
Everyone's just slowly developing in the meantime while Hiro and Zero Two is fighting off VIRM

This episode has a slow start for an ending, Glad that they're slowly building up civilization and finally rebuilt the place that they lost

Looking at everyone so grown up makes me happy and sad but at the same time, I felt satisfied with the fulfillment that they achieved from all these years and made the world a better place.

This was a fun ride especially Hiro who achieved something far greater than any human that asked for and how he makes his decisions to benefit himself or others.
Jul 20, 2021 7:27 AM
Jul 2021
It's hurts man, get them back as their old form not in new life 😭😭😭
Aug 1, 2021 8:45 AM

Feb 2021
The series was so awful and the worst part is that it had potential!

Anyway the ending was pretty satisfying tbh. Seeing the gang as adults and seeing the next generation flourish mad me feel kinda happy.

Through all the obstacles they have grown a lot <3

Had a lot of plotholes and shit but had some good, warm moments too so I'll be generous and give it a 5/10.
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Aug 18, 2021 11:18 PM

Nov 2013
Seemed a bit rushed toward the last few eps. The good part was everyone on earth finding out how to live as humans again. But this stuff of Hiro and Zero Two becoming spirits traveling through space was a bit "out there".

In retrospect, this series took a good stab at some deeper metaphysical and moral issues and the cerebral nature of that aspect made it a pretty interesting series, though in stark contrast to the "cartoonish" Franxx mecha. Gawd those were cheesy and seemed out of place with what the story was striving for.
Aug 20, 2021 12:11 PM
Mar 2020
Ahh finished watching it and feel like there's hole in my heart. I don't know how others felt but i really loved and i mean really really loved their love story .and i made me really sad that they died in the end.. i wanted to see their future.overall really good anime.
Aug 27, 2021 1:04 AM
Aug 2021
Sad ending that they died 💔😢
But they could use the reincarnated vision of them to reinvent it
Something like boruto. Naruto the next generation
Sep 1, 2021 3:43 AM

Feb 2021
I didn't expect this type of ending,idk what happened to them but the storyline for the past 3-4 episodes wasn't great

Started off fine, in the middle episodes it was so good everything is going fine,the character development was also started and it's going great the storyline was also on track.then they started by showing the past earth and how this whole disaster has started,so it's coming to make sense but all of a sudden it changed, everything was rushed there are still many doubts,so atleast i expected a nice ending but nah! It's not nice

It may be selfish but I wanted hiro and zero two to be alive and meet their squad mates but anyway they have been reincarnated but who cares! They won't have their old memories they can't meet their's frustrating
So it was clear that storyline was bad
And in character development man!at start it was going great but at last it was poor
The soundtrack was great and the songs are great too
While coming to animation it was okay

Expected more from this series but overall it was fine
Sep 1, 2021 1:10 PM
Sep 2021
Quero 2 temporada de Darling in the flaxxx esse anime ele mer ajudou muito eu agradeço de coração 💓🤩
Sep 14, 2021 8:48 AM

Dec 2020
Yes, lost potential. As a viewer with relatively low expectations and that gives good scores easily (gave 8 to this), even I could find many ways to improve this without even thinking about it too much.

But hey, did I enjoy the whole ride? Yes. And the first half was actually quite good to me. If someone would remaster this in a well-made way, this can be a very good series. So I don't regret watching this.

I'm especially happy about witnessing the relationship between the motherly and kind girl Kokoro and the relatively mature boy Mitsuru. I actually liked them more than Hiro X Zero Two.
Forum avatar: Lu, from Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Sep 23, 2021 5:25 AM
Jul 2018
What, the, man they go to space and die? The entire anime ended here and it was awful, i was expecting something a lot better...
Oct 14, 2021 7:08 PM
Feb 2021
They shouldn't have died.
Oct 26, 2021 8:39 PM
Aug 2021
It was good until the last mission, then it was just over the top and unrealistic.

Kokoro and Mitsuru's wedding and how they had their memories wiped was emotional and dramatic, and then the last mission completely undercut all the emotion with the VMIR and the threat of the planet blowing up.
Dec 28, 2021 8:00 AM
Feb 2019
This show doesn't deserve the hate it gets. I found it to be one of the better love stories within mecha anime, and the wierd aliens/world they lived was interesting and atleast entertaining. It has a bunch of different aspects and some very good moments
Feb 3, 2022 7:54 AM
Dec 2021
Dont like ending story
Manga story is perfect or ok
But what the f* why you make another ending story
I really like stating eps but why the hell is you include space story
Feb 17, 2022 7:17 AM
Feb 2022
Ay fell in love whit this show it was so interesting and new to me and it really hit me different and ay em not gona lie that ay cry at the end it was really something
Mar 20, 2022 12:31 PM

Jun 2020
Man. This show had a great potential but the makers polluted it.

> The first half of the episode was full of relentless innuendos. Especially, Episode 4 was the sickest episode.

> Then came the banger of a backstory in the form of episode 13, which had brought my attention and rejuvenated my hope on this show back right away.

> As we move to episode 19, the the makers started trolling us with backstory bonanzas which they could have segmented and propagated throughout the show to make this a classy series. But no LOL! They just dumped the backstories one after another with those non-uniform revelations and just lost the steam again.

> The final episode somewhat tried its best to salvage the show. But the damage was already done.

Overall a 6/10 anime for me for poor structuring of story sequences.

PS: I fogot to add the final innuendo they had in store for us. Here it goes:

RKASHYAP621Mar 20, 2022 12:44 PM
Jun 11, 2022 10:34 AM

Jan 2020
Yeah I'm just gonna say it:
Darling in the Franxx has surpassed Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Mad yet? Good. Now I'll make you even more mad by explaining why it's better:
1. It has a story that reaches an end. Unlike the convoluted mess of NGO that still hasn't figured out what it wants to be, despite multiple OVAs, Movies, and other media. Darling reaches a satisfying conclusion in just 1 season, and doesn't leave room for unnecessary sequels.
2. The ending makes sense, is sweet and doesn't leave any open questions. It doesn't involve theorycrafting or headcanon to be understood. It doesn't leave room for interpretation.
3. The ending doesn't go into nonsensical ideologies, religion, spirituality, humanity's shared conciousness, and other metaphysical bullshit.
4. It has a great love story.

Overall I give it 7/10. Could have been 8/10 if the first half of the show didn't drag on, if the mecha designs weren't so lame, and if the backstory wasn't dumped all at once in just 1 episode.
fatbastard69Jun 11, 2022 10:37 AM
Jun 20, 2022 3:45 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Coming in very late to the whole debacle this anime started so many years ago I can definitely understand the reactions now. So many things happened to shift the plot and the characters in the span of a few episodes that it was astounding to witness.

Personally I didn't really like how the story turned into a fight against aliens. To my knowledge the final boss was gonna come from either Klaxosaurs' side or the centre of the Earth after seeing the exposition about the magma energy (which had its own set of problems and inconsistences about how it came about). Turns out the enemy was looming from a galaxy far far away or something with an odd name. Plus the way they went to space and that portal really needed some fleshing out in a non-existent season 2. Otherwise I consider that if they ended with what was established in episode 21 chaing a few things and adding an epilogue the result would have been much better.

In terms of the characters, I'm torn on how to feel about them. Their spicy relationships certainly played a part in the first half of the show, not so much in the second one aside from Hiro and Zero Two's. Gotta say, Ichigo really didn't end up being as much of a factor in hindsight and her change of heart came almost too fast, making her fade into the background. She didn't even developed her relationship with Goro that much, rather it was him who kept it alive in the finale. I feel kind of bad for him, more so considering how he reacted after Hiro's statement of going back to space. An understandable reaction that was might have been seen as selfish to some.

The other relationship that went on full force in rapid pace was Mitsuru and Kokoro's. Her being not that interested in Futoshi was to be expected from how they acted towards each other. But her breaking that promise so easily didn't paint her into a good light, and then leaning so forward into Mitsuru was something I certainly didn't expect nor did him. Too bad those feelings died temporaily afterwards so that the focus was put again on the plot progression. The rest of the characters didn't leave me that much of an impact, not even the crazy aetheist Dr Frank.

Despite all of that, the show did have a lot going for, at least for a while. Not only the sakuga fights but the mystery and the relationship changes made me want to watch the next episode to see how it would be resolved. At the end it wasn't that satisfactory and it's hard to say how recommendable this is, but it's not as bad some as I expected it to be from what I'd heard.
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Jul 20, 2022 6:45 AM
Jul 2022
So sad it makes me cry 😭why hiro and zero two can't come back to meet their friends and i wish darling in the franxx have season 2
Jul 21, 2022 7:18 AM

Jan 2020
Hirocode015 said:
So sad it makes me cry 😭why hiro and zero two can't come back to meet their friends and i wish darling in the franxx have season 2

Why? The story is finished. There's no justification for a sequel.
Jul 21, 2022 7:07 PM
Jul 2022
We all want season 2 please we all waiting for 4year now that is the best anime forever
Jul 23, 2022 2:08 PM
Sep 2020
The story is not that good, the characters are great and the ending is acceptable
Aug 16, 2022 9:29 AM
May 2022
começçou bom mas esse final
Aug 18, 2022 12:27 PM
May 2021
Really loved the ending ❤❤. 8/10 score for me
Aug 24, 2022 7:17 AM
Aug 2022
I think it is good anime and it needs season 2.
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