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Oct 15, 2008 9:30 PM

Jun 2008
I came across this quiz recently and I was blown away with how well put together it was. For starters it features all six major presidential candidates rather than just the two mainstream clowns. Anyways here is the website (some random military site)

My results:

1. Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) 75.36% match
2. Bob Barr (Libertarian) 63.77% match
3. John McCain (Republican) 46.38% match
4. Ralph Nader (Independent) 39.13% match
5. Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) 31.88% match
6. Barack Obama (Democrat) 24.64% match

If Ron Paul would have been an option I'm sure my match would have been in the 90 percentiles. I'd say my results are very accurate, so for once this is a presidential quiz I feel is worth while. Take the quiz, post your results... they might surprise you! :)
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Oct 15, 2008 9:41 PM

Mar 2007

Ralph Nader (Independant) 87.50% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 75.00% match
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 68.75% match
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 62.50% match
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 50.00% match
John McCain (Republican) - 31.25% match
Oct 15, 2008 9:45 PM

Nov 2007
Ralph Nader (Independant) 74.49%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 67.35%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 53.06%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 40.82%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 38.78%
John McCain (Republican) - 22.45%

I'm not even old enough to vote lol
Still, results turned out how I expected them to overall. Except for Nader being on top :S
Oct 15, 2008 9:46 PM

Nov 2007
Did not get what I thought I would:

Top Match:
Bob Barr (Libertarian)
67.74% match

Ralph Nader (Independant) - 67.74%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 55.65%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 54.03%
John McCain (Republican) - 41.94%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 35.48%
Oct 15, 2008 9:47 PM

Aug 2008

Ralph Nader (Independant)74.07% match
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 66.67%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 66.67%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 55.56%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 48.15%
John McCain (Republican) - 33.33%

lol Like I would ever vote for a 3rd party..psh waste of a vote

v lol thats what its looking like MAL likes Nader v
Oct 15, 2008 9:48 PM

Aug 2007
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 69.30% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 52.63%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 50.88%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 45.61%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 45.61%
John McCain (Republican) - 31.58%

RALPH NADER 08! heh.
Oct 15, 2008 10:03 PM

Oct 2006
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 68.97% match
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 62.07%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 58.62%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 55.17%
John McCain (Republican) - 44.83%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 34.48%
Oct 15, 2008 10:05 PM

Apr 2008
PlateOct 15, 2008 10:31 PM
Oct 15, 2008 10:16 PM

Feb 2008
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 87.18% match
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 82.05%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 66.67%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 43.59%
John McCain (Republican) - 23.08%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 17.95%

Oct 15, 2008 10:16 PM

Jun 2008
How ironic, the third parties are winning. Vote for who you share most ideals in common with, NOT for the lesser of two evils because after all, evil is still evil. However if you share most in common with a mainstream candidate by all means vote for them, no one is stopping you.

If only a third party could get 15 percent of the vote next month, then in 2012 they'd have a chance. Being allowed to be in the major debates and having their primaries receive mainstream coverage would be a huge booster.

An honest vote is never a wasted one.
Oct 15, 2008 10:24 PM

Feb 2008
Apparently both Obama and McCain are the same to me.

Bob Barr (Libertarian) 61.11% match
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 50.00%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 44.44%
John McCain (Republican) - 44.44%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 38.89%
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 38.89%
Oct 15, 2008 10:25 PM

Feb 2008
Plate said:
Huh, as expected I don't have much in common with candidates.

# Mccain - 32.18%
# Obama - 31.92%
# Nader - 17.61%
# Baldwin - 6.64%
# Barr - 6.30%
# Mckinney - 5.35%

LoL. Are you sure you aren't looking at the Top Canidates part to the right of your screen in green?

You're suppose to look at the thing in the middle, not the thing on the right.
Oct 15, 2008 10:31 PM

Apr 2008
Drybananna said:
Plate said:
Huh, as expected I don't have much in common with candidates.

# Mccain - 32.18%
# Obama - 31.92%
# Nader - 17.61%
# Baldwin - 6.64%
# Barr - 6.30%
# Mckinney - 5.35%

LoL. Are you sure you aren't looking at the Top Canidates part to the right of your screen in green?

You're suppose to look at the thing in the middle, not the thing on the right.


I'm sleepy.

Damn it.
Oct 15, 2008 10:32 PM

Aug 2008
FarewellToWords said:
How ironic, the third parties are winning. Vote for who you share most ideals in common with, NOT for the lesser of two evils because after all, evil is still evil. However if you share most in common with a mainstream candidate by all means vote for them, no one is stopping you.

If only a third party could get 15 percent of the vote next month, then in 2012 they'd have a chance. Being allowed to be in the major debates and having their primaries receive mainstream coverage would be a huge booster.

An honest vote is never a wasted one.

False! an honest vote is ALWAYS a wasted vote ^_^ all the crap any of the candidate's spew from their mouths are lies anyways, their true side comes out when they get the job. Voting for the lesser of the 2 evils is the only thing that remotely works when voting. Never will a party apart from a republican and democrat get voted in. its pointless
Oct 15, 2008 10:34 PM

Apr 2008
John McCain (Republican) 54.55% match
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 54.55%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 50.00%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 45.45%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 45.45%
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 36.36%
Oct 15, 2008 10:34 PM

Nov 2007
Ralph Nader (Independant) 84.21%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 68.42%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 67.11%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 44.74%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 28.95%
John McCain (Republican) - 26.32%
Oct 15, 2008 10:40 PM

May 2007
Ralph Nader (Independant) 86.36% match
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 72.73%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 72.73%

FarewellToWords said:
How ironic, the third parties are winning. Vote for who you share most ideals in common with, NOT for the lesser of two evils because after all, evil is still evil. However if you share most in common with a mainstream candidate by all means vote for them, no one is stopping you.

If only a third party could get 15 percent of the vote next month, then in 2012 they'd have a chance. Being allowed to be in the major debates and having their primaries receive mainstream coverage would be a huge booster.

An honest vote is never a wasted one.

My problem is that I have a tendency to vote against the person that I like the least (which usually means voting for the democrat so that the republican doesn't win, even though I have more in common with a third party). However, I have enough in common with Obama to justify voting for him, it's not like I believe that he is the lesser of two evils.

So anyway. I advocate voting based on the issues, as well as political maneuvering.

(+ most of the people in this thread are first-time voters or not old enough to vote o_o)
Oct 15, 2008 10:54 PM

Jun 2008
Razma said:
False! an honest vote is ALWAYS a wasted vote ^_^ all the crap any of the candidate's spew from their mouths are lies anyways, their true side comes out when they get the job. Voting for the lesser of the 2 evils is the only thing that remotely works when voting. Never will a party apart from a republican and democrat get voted in. its pointless

And I completely disagree. It's people like yourself who prevent third parties from having any real chance. Americans in general have a self defeatist attitude when it comes to voting, despite the fact that MOST OF THEM would find more common ground with a third party candidate they still hide behind the contrived and flawed "I must vote for the lesser of two evils" bullshit. With this current mindset we will never see any real improvements in our daily lives, nor in our country, nor in our government.

All it takes is 15 percent of the vote for a two party system to become a three party system, and suddenly that 'little' party that never had a chance now does. Far less than half the people in this country vote anyways, if the other 55 or 60 percent would get off their lazy asses the two party system would be a thing of the past.
Oct 15, 2008 11:03 PM

Aug 2008
FarewellToWords said:
Razma said:
False! an honest vote is ALWAYS a wasted vote ^_^ all the crap any of the candidate's spew from their mouths are lies anyways, their true side comes out when they get the job. Voting for the lesser of the 2 evils is the only thing that remotely works when voting. Never will a party apart from a republican and democrat get voted in. its pointless

And I completely disagree. It's people like yourself who prevent third parties from having any real chance. Americans in general have a self defeatist attitude when it comes to voting, despite the fact that MOST OF THEM would find more common ground with a third party candidate they still hide behind the contrived and flawed "I must vote for the lesser of two evils" bullshit. With this current mindset we will never see any real improvements in our daily lives, nor in our country, nor in our government.

All it takes is 15 percent of the vote for a two party system to become a three party system, and suddenly that 'little' party that never had a chance now does. Far less than half the people in this country vote anyways, if the other 55 or 60 percent would get off their lazy asses the two party system would be a thing of the past.

Why this is true, in theory.

Do you honestly think that those 60% are going to get up and vote thought? Older people are the ones who vote on a regular basis, I have voted every year in every catagory, from school boards to pres elections. But I am not going to throw a vote to a party that has no chance in hell to win and we all know it. As great as their ideals may seem, it wont happen in my lifetime where I see a candidate that I think is the best suited for the job win. So, ya, I will take the cop out and vote for the one I think wont fuck up this country and other countries as much as the guy running next to him.
Oct 15, 2008 11:06 PM
Oct 15, 2008 11:26 PM

Jun 2008
Razma said:
Why this is true, in theory.

Do you honestly think that those 60% are going to get up and vote thought? Older people are the ones who vote on a regular basis, I have voted every year in every catagory, from school boards to pres elections. But I am not going to throw a vote to a party that has no chance in hell to win and we all know it. As great as their ideals may seem, it wont happen in my lifetime where I see a candidate that I think is the best suited for the job win. So, ya, I will take the cop out and vote for the one I think wont fuck up this country and other countries as much as the guy running next to him.

It's depressing to hear such garbage from others, especially after reviewing your quiz results. Face it, both mainstream candidates will fuck things up the same amount only in slightly different areas, but over all the results will be the same... Iraq, Iran? what's the difference right? the majority of the American public seem to think so...

Point being, vote for you feel is best suited for the job. It doesn't matter if you feel they have little to no chance of winning, that isn't what's important, what is important is knowing you made a sound and informed decision which is a hell of a lot more than most American's can claim after voting.

In truth, a 'wasted voting' is knowingly voting for someone who you feel IS NOT as qualified as the other choices available. That is a wasted vote, because despite having the chance to vote for the candidate you feel was most qualified you choose the lesser of two evils instead. And as I already stated, evil is still evil no matter how you look at it.

BTW, people WILL vote if they are introduced to a candidate they believe in. I went door to door for Ron Paul back when he was still running and after passing out information, and just through the simple act of talking to people, over 50 people I talked to who otherwise wouldn't have bothered voting made it a personal statement to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. These were people of all different ages and all different political backgrounds. Out of the hundreds of people I talked to I also managed to sway at least 100 undecided voters into supporting Ron Paul. Although Ron Paul run as a Republican, he actually represented traditional conservative values, something the Republicans haven't done in ages... Ron Paul is even quoted as saying he's a life long Libertarian, and after all he ran as a Libertarian in 88.

So don't give me this crap, if you don't like things change them. Every little bit helps, no effort goes wasted. If I can convince 50 or so people who otherwise couldn't be bothered with voting to go out and vote, and moreover vote someone the MSM says "has no chance of winning" then apparently with some effort on our part third parties and 'underdogs' do have a chance.
Oct 15, 2008 11:58 PM

Aug 2008
FarewellToWords said:
Razma said:
Why this is true, in theory.

Do you honestly think that those 60% are going to get up and vote thought? Older people are the ones who vote on a regular basis, I have voted every year in every catagory, from school boards to pres elections. But I am not going to throw a vote to a party that has no chance in hell to win and we all know it. As great as their ideals may seem, it wont happen in my lifetime where I see a candidate that I think is the best suited for the job win. So, ya, I will take the cop out and vote for the one I think wont fuck up this country and other countries as much as the guy running next to him.

It's depressing to hear such garbage from others, especially after reviewing your quiz results. Face it, both mainstream candidates will fuck things up the same amount only in slightly different areas, but over all the results will be the same... Iraq, Iran? what's the difference right? the majority of the American public seem to think so...

Point being, vote for you feel is best suited for the job. It doesn't matter if you feel they have little to no chance of winning, that isn't what's important, what is important is knowing you made a sound and informed decision which is a hell of a lot more than most American's can claim after voting.

In truth, a 'wasted voting' is knowingly voting for someone who you feel IS NOT as qualified as the other choices available. That is a wasted vote, because despite having the chance to vote for the candidate you feel was most qualified you choose the lesser of two evils instead. And as I already stated, evil is still evil no matter how you look at it.

BTW, people WILL vote if they are introduced to a candidate they believe in. I went door to door for Ron Paul back when he was still running and after passing out information, and just through the simple act of talking to people, over 50 people I talked to who otherwise wouldn't have bothered voting made it a personal statement to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. These were people of all different ages and all different political backgrounds. Out of the hundreds of people I talked to I also managed to sway at least 100 undecided voters into supporting Ron Paul. Although Ron Paul run as a Republican, he actually represented traditional conservative values, something the Republicans haven't done in ages... Ron Paul is even quoted as saying he's a life long Libertarian, and after all he ran as a Libertarian in 88.

So don't give me this crap, if you don't like things change them. Every little bit helps, no effort goes wasted. If I can convince 50 or so people who otherwise couldn't be bothered with voting to go out and vote, and moreover vote someone the MSM says "has no chance of winning" then apparently with some effort on our part third parties and 'underdogs' do have a chance.

Why I think you are right, I really do. In reality it isnt going to do a lick of good no matter if you go door to door for a day, a week or even the 4 years between the elections. You are never going to gather the votes that you need to bring in a 3rd party candidate into office. I know I am sounding like a negative nancy but shit, its the truth man.

I would love it if we had another choice that would actually have a chance to win in an election but face it, we dont. It is like placing a bet on the dog you know is going to lose the race, but he seems like the most loyal one out on the track. Its a damn shame.

I was the same as you, it would be wonderful if a handful of people could change the way the majority feels, but frankly the majority is pretty static in their views, you look at the dedicated voters out there, you will not find many that will change their mindset from being either dem, or rep. And you sure as hell wont find many people willing to take a chance voting for a third party, let alone change their vote from one of the 2 primary groups to a third party.

Thats just life, you will be choosing the lesser of 2 evils for the rest of your life. Trying to change the world is a great goal, your ideals are in the right place, but you are going to run into people like me every day wanting to change your mind and make you settle for the lesser of two evils. Hats off if you stay with this mindset throughout your life. I gave up on those dreams, or else I would be a miserable person day in and day out, seeing how the world is only drifting further in the oppisite direction that what I was hoping for.

And on a side note, I am from Iran, so this election is really important to me. But because it is important is the reason why I will not vote for a third party, but a party I believe has the chance of winning and i believe wont fuck up my country as much as they did my neighbors
Oct 16, 2008 12:14 AM

May 2008
1. Ralph Nader (Independant) 78.72% match
2. Barack Obama (Democrat) - 74.47%
3. Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 74.47%
4. Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 46.81%
5. John McCain (Republican) - 42.55%
6. Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 29.79%

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 16, 2008 12:49 AM

Aug 2007
My results. . . .
Ralph Nader -90.91%
Barack Obama -86.36%
Cynthia McKinney -77.27%
John McCain -18.18%

Not really that surprising.
Oct 16, 2008 9:27 AM

Mar 2005
You planned to vote for Obama. Based on your responses, your top candidate for 2008 is below.
Ralph Nader (Independant)
85.19% match
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 62.96%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 62.04%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 40.74%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 38.89%
John McCain (Republican) - 22.22%

LOL wtf this quiz is Ralph Nader rigged. no way all of MAL is pro-Nader

eh... I don't really like the Yes/No format of this quiz. Some question like the Patriot Act, I answered "No", but that's not cuz I don't think it shouldn't exist, but because there's some parts of it I find unacceptable.

But anyway voting for a third party candidate is lame because unless you dislike both the main candidates, you're just giving up a vote for the candidate you're more aligned with, and giving the other candidate a better chance to win and thus making you more disatisfied with your government for the next 4 years.
Oct 16, 2008 10:27 AM

Dec 2007
Ralph Nader (Independant)
72.41% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 65.52%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 48.28%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 44.83%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 37.93%
John McCain (Republican) - 20.69%

I am, officially, a Blankist. I don't really care about who would I vote because I'm not American (and probably, blank votes are illegal there, as anything that satisfies your political freedom xD) but if the Independant is cool, let him be.

p.s. My political compass says that I am a bombastic mix between Ghandi and Stalin so, besides a Blankist, I'm also an Anarchist Dictator.
ladyxzeusOct 16, 2008 10:35 AM
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Oct 16, 2008 11:08 AM

Apr 2008
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 85.00%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 70.00%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 65.00%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 45.00%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 30.00%
John McCain (Republican) - 20.00%

As i expected.
isnt it independent instead of independant?
Oct 16, 2008 11:16 AM

Jul 2007
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 81.40% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 62.79%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 56.98%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 55.81%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 48.84%
John McCain (Republican) - 6.98%

I don't really know a lot of his views tbh. LOL that the only two relevant candidates there are are at the bottom.
Oct 16, 2008 11:17 AM

Apr 2008
is it me or are all MAL members radical liberals (for american standards)? XD
Oct 16, 2008 11:20 AM

Jul 2007
radical liberals (for american standards)

Lol. America is such a conservative country.
Oct 16, 2008 11:22 AM

Apr 2008
url_elf said:
radical liberals (for american standards)

Lol. America is such a conservative country.

definately, where im from Obama would still be a far right conservative XD
Oct 16, 2008 12:00 PM

Jan 2008
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 92.31% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 74.62%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 61.54%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 44.62%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 40.00%
John McCain (Republican) - 10.77%

Where the hell are my delicious socialists? BRIANNNN? Ah well, Nader is a likeable fellow too.

Oh, and on the political compass I'm -10 economical and -9.44 social. So go me.
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Oct 16, 2008 12:13 PM

Jul 2008
Ralph Nader (Independant) 80.00% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 75.00%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 65.00%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 60.00%
John McCain (Republican) - 35.00%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 30.00%

Cant really vote but fun to see anyway.

Image made by codezeror.
Oct 16, 2008 12:14 PM

Apr 2008
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 90.00%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 80.00%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 68.89%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 44.44%
John McCain (Republican) - 33.33%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 28.89%
Oct 16, 2008 12:16 PM

May 2008
Cant really vote but fun to see anyway.

lol same here

Barack Obama (Democrat) - 84.21% match
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 78.95%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 63.16%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 42.11%
John McCain (Republican) - 36.84%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 36.84%
Oct 16, 2008 12:29 PM

May 2008
Barrack Obama(Democrat) 59.09% match

John McCain (Republican) - 54.55%

Ralph Nader (Independent) - 50.00%

Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 45.45%

Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 36.36%

Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 31.82%
Oct 16, 2008 12:41 PM

May 2008
Ralph Nader (Independent) 78.95%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 64.91%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 57.89%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 49.12%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 38.60%
John McCain (Republican) - 17.54%

Not surprising that Nader would be at the top of mine. Also not surprising that John McCain is the last person running that I would vote for.
Oct 16, 2008 12:54 PM

Dec 2007
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 69.84%
Ralph Nader (Independant) - 63.49%
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 61.90%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 55.56%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 50.79%
John McCain (Republican) - 46.03%

And I plan to vote Libertarian. No surprises there.
Oct 16, 2008 1:08 PM

May 2008
Left wing candidates, as I expected. Surprised that Obamahad only 59%.

Ralph Nader (Independant)
91.30% match
Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 76.09%
Barack Obama (Democrat) - 58.70%
Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 54.35%
Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 34.78%
John McCain (Republican) - 13.04%
Oct 16, 2008 1:44 PM

Feb 2007
kei-clone said:
LOL wtf this quiz is Ralph Nader rigged. no way all of MAL is pro-Nader

It really is, because I got him (at about 61%) and I am NOT left-wing economically like he is AT ALL.
Oct 16, 2008 10:07 PM

Jun 2008
So, after 26 votes I decided to work the calculator a bit and I came up with the following numbers.

Popularity Contest: This is factored by using the following scoring system: 8 points for 1st, 4 points for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd, 1 point for 4th, 0.5 points for 5th, and 0 points for 6th. All rankings scored on the outlined point system are added together to create a total score.

1st: Ralph Nader
-points: 159

2nd: Cynthia McKinney
-points: 76.5

3rd: Barack Obama
-points: 68.5

4th: Bob Barr
-points: 57.5

5th: Chuck Baldwin
-points: 23.5

6th: John McCain
-points: 18.5

Average Candidate Ranking: This is based on the candidate's rank in each quiz result. All rankings are added together then divided by the number of quiz results, in this case 26.

1st: Ralph Nader
-average ranking: 1.8

2nd: Cynthia McKinney
-average ranking: 2.7

3rd: Bob Barr
- average ranking: 3.0

4th: Barack Obama
-average ranking: 3.1

5th: Chuck Baldwin
-average ranking: 4.8

6th: John McCain
-average ranking: 5.2

Relate-ability: Scoring is based on the total number of 5th and 6th place rankings subtracted from total number of 1st and 2nd place rankings, scoring works as follows, 3rd and 4th place rankings are worth 0 and are seen as 'neutral,' 1st place rankings are worth 2 points, 2nd place rankings are worth 1 point, 5th place rankings subtract one point from the total, and 6th place rankings subtract 2 points from the total.

1st: Ralph Nader
-1st/2nd place rankings: 22
-5th/6th place rankings: 2
-raw score: 35

2nd: Cynthia McKinney
-1st/2nd place rankings: 13
-5h/6th place rankings: 3
-raw score: 11

3rd: Bob Barr
-1st/2nd place rankings: 6
-5th/6th place rankings: 2
-raw score: 6

4th: Barack Obama
-1st/2nd place rankings: 7
-5th/6th place rankings: 4
-raw score: 5

5th: Chuck Baldwin
-1st/2nd place rankings: 2
-5th/6th place rankings: 19
-raw score: -23

6th: John McCain
-1st/2nd place rankings: 2
-5th/6th place rankings: 22
-raw score: -34

Number Of Votes And Total Percentage Of Votes: A vote is a 1st place ranking. In the event of a tie, which ever candidate has the least amount of 6th place rankings will be given the higher ranking; if each have the same number of 6th place rankings it moves on to amount of 5th place rankings and etc.

1st: Ralph Nader - 65.4%
-times ranked 1st: 17
-times ranked 6th: 2

2nd: Bob Barr - 11.84%
-times ranked 1st: 3
-times ranked 6th: 1
-times ranked 5th: 1

3rd: Barack Obama - 11.84%
-times ranked 1st: 3
-times ranked 6th: 1
-times ranked 5th: 3

4th: Cynthia McKinney - 3.84%
-times ranked 1st: 1
-times ranked 6th: 0

5th: Chuck Baldwin - 3.84%
-times ranked 1st: 1
-times ranked 6th: 7

6th: John McCain - 3.84%
-times ranked 1st: 1
-times ranked 6th: 15

Overall Candidate Average: This is based on the average of each candidate's finishing orders in the 4 areas examined , with a score of 1.0 being the best and a score of 6.0 being the worst.

1st: Ralph Nader
-overall average: 1.0

2nd: Cynthia McKinney
-overall average: 2.5

3rd: Bob Barr
-overall average: 3.0

4th: Barack Obama
-overall average: 3.5

5th: Chuck Baldwin
-overall average: 5.0

6th: John McCain
-overall average: 6.0

I'd really like for this to reach 100 results, the math would become a lot easier haha.[
FarewellToWordsOct 16, 2008 10:15 PM
Oct 16, 2008 10:09 PM

Apr 2008

I'm the only one who got McCain.
Oct 16, 2008 10:09 PM

Jun 2008
selective_yellow said:
kei-clone said:
LOL wtf this quiz is Ralph Nader rigged. no way all of MAL is pro-Nader

It really is, because I got him (at about 61%) and I am NOT left-wing economically like he is AT ALL.

I highly doubt a military based website would rig their quiz to favor Ralph Nader of all people. Bottom line, the quiz is not rigged, the results are a direct reflection of your answers.
Oct 16, 2008 10:19 PM

Aug 2008
What Kei-clone said is right though, the quiz is so cut and dry. Its either your for or against, theres no in between ground I mean even if they added a 'some-what for' 'some-what against' it would make the quiz way more accurate than just clumping them into 2 catagories.

I mean the question are you for the war in Iraq, thats not a yes or no answer. I picked no, but that doesnt mean I think we should just pull out and say "Fuck you" to a country we just leveled.

That quiz was made in like 10 minutes by a lazy lazy man.
Oct 16, 2008 10:22 PM

Apr 2008
Razma said:
What Kei-clone said is right though, the quiz is so cut and dry. Its either your for or against, theres no in between ground I mean even if they added a 'some-what for' 'some-what against' it would make the quiz way more accurate than just clumping them into 2 catagories.

I mean the question are you for the war in Iraq, thats not a yes or no answer. I picked no, but that doesnt mean I think we should just pull out and say "Fuck you" to a country we just leveled.

That quiz was made in like 10 minutes by a lazy lazy man.

If your answer is "somewhat" or "in the middle" set it to low importance.
Oct 16, 2008 10:23 PM

Aug 2008
No that is not what I am talking about, something may be of high importance, but it still is not a cut and dry yes or no, it needs more of a scale to choose from.
Oct 16, 2008 10:24 PM

May 2007
FarewellToWords said:
selective_yellow said:
kei-clone said:
LOL wtf this quiz is Ralph Nader rigged. no way all of MAL is pro-Nader

It really is, because I got him (at about 61%) and I am NOT left-wing economically like he is AT ALL.

I highly doubt a military based website would rig their quiz to favor Ralph Nader of all people. Bottom line, the quiz is not rigged, the results are a direct reflection of your answers.

lol XD

You also hate unicorns. Right?


oh yeah and the gays
ScrumYummyOct 16, 2008 10:27 PM
Oct 16, 2008 10:29 PM

Aug 2008
ScrumYummy said:
FarewellToWords said:
selective_yellow said:
kei-clone said:
LOL wtf this quiz is Ralph Nader rigged. no way all of MAL is pro-Nader

It really is, because I got him (at about 61%) and I am NOT left-wing economically like he is AT ALL.

I highly doubt a military based website would rig their quiz to favor Ralph Nader of all people. Bottom line, the quiz is not rigged, the results are a direct reflection of your answers.

lol XD

You also hate unicorns. Right?


oh yeah and the gays

um...unicorns and gays dont exist, they are make believe
Oct 16, 2008 10:36 PM

May 2007
Razma said:
ScrumYummy said:
FarewellToWords said:
selective_yellow said:
kei-clone said:
LOL wtf this quiz is Ralph Nader rigged. no way all of MAL is pro-Nader

It really is, because I got him (at about 61%) and I am NOT left-wing economically like he is AT ALL.

I highly doubt a military based website would rig their quiz to favor Ralph Nader of all people. Bottom line, the quiz is not rigged, the results are a direct reflection of your answers.

lol XD

You also hate unicorns. Right?


oh yeah and the gays

um...unicorns and gays dont exist, they are make believe

but RAINBOWS! do!
Oct 16, 2008 10:44 PM

Nov 2006
Bottom of the Barrel
John McCain (Republican) - 22.45%

hahaha yes
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