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Why are most anime lackluster compared to modern TV shows?

Mar 13, 2018 7:57 AM

Feb 2015
It seems that modern TV shows like The walking dead, Breaking Bad are far higher tier than even the greatest anime created. As a fan of Death Note which I was highly impressed by, still does not come close in even the plot. There were far too many loopholes to be exploited and it seems that anime border to the 'silly' line with all the big eyes, the exaggerated emotions and such. Is this the reason?

As a top comment on r/anime beautifully states
Lackluster writing due to the lack of emphasis on quality in general in the industry. This is because anime is a promotional medium, rather than a creative/entertainment medium, to most of its creators. Because of this, we have enormous amounts of adaptations existing only to sell source material, which means we have a shortage of both original content and actual endings. All of these things combine to create an industry in which there is no incentive whatsoever for talented writers to work on original anime.

Furthermore there is an increase in anime plots such as when the MC falls in love with his sister or he goes to school is surrounded by bitches all over. To the average normal person, there is really not much appeal and it goes back to what I was saying when I mentioned silly. Anime can be silly more often than not. Even the best animes have silly plots at times. Is this something ingrained in anime to make it lackluster?

What exactly is the reason
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Mar 13, 2018 8:02 AM

Mar 2017
> Greatest anime ever created
> Death Note

Gods have mercy on your soul tonight because AD won't.
You gave up your freedom of speech when you clicked Agree to the User Agreement
This is not a public platform.
Mar 13, 2018 8:03 AM

Aug 2016
Because normal people don't go out of their way to watch bad TV shows, so they end up forgotten, but otaku do, so we remember them for years to come.
Mar 13, 2018 8:04 AM

Feb 2015
le_halfhand_easy said:
> Greatest anime ever created
> Death Note

Gods have mercy on your soul tonight because AD won't.

If people here bash on my preference that's perfectly okay for me. I have written far more than that to explain my point and any normal functioning man that can comprehend so will respond in an equally comprehensive manner.

There is no problem.
Mar 13, 2018 8:04 AM

Jan 2013
You isnt watching the right anime OP
Mar 13, 2018 8:05 AM

Feb 2015
OmegaSwampert said:
Because normal people don't go out of their way to watch bad TV shows, so they end up forgotten, but otaku do, so we remember them for years to come.

Then one must ask the fundamental question, why are anime fans like this?

It does not sound healthy.
Mar 13, 2018 8:07 AM

Nov 2012
>Better than the greatest anime

Ok, you failed in the first sentence.
Mar 13, 2018 8:07 AM

Sep 2014
You can't really compare anime to western tv shows though, they come from two completely different cultures. Whilst you and many other westerners may think of those examples as superior to anime, what about a Japanese perspective. Do you just assume that they think the same way as you? You're talking as if cultures don't play a part in this.
when ur about to have a refreshing sip of earl grey tea and someone says "traps are gay"
Mar 13, 2018 8:09 AM

Jul 2017
Not really. Throughout all the modern TV shows, I only watched like 2 or 3.
Reason: It seems like the majority of them have a lot of inappropriate scenes which is my biggest turnoff. Also, I'm just simply not interested in the shows.

And what's with the comparison? Almost all shows from different countries are great in their own ways.

Help, I'm hooked into the Fate series (not all) and am obsessed with Shirou x Saber!
Also, forever hoping for a ufotable remake of the Fate route!
Mar 13, 2018 8:09 AM

Sep 2014
Lol, are you really bringing the horrible and uninspired trainwreck TWD is, as an example of a 'great' show? You're kind of countering your point with this, because it's not good in any sense of the word.

But yea, a lot of anime is not very good, being little more than an advertisement hurts them a lot, but some are affected less by this, as not every genre needs closure to be good (slice of life, comedies) and there are also a lot of anime-originals and complete adaptations, that do let the directors and other people behind anime show their talent and present a whole story.
Mar 13, 2018 8:10 AM

Oct 2010
teruu said:
As a top comment on r/anime beautifully states
Lackluster writing due to the lack of emphasis on quality in general in the industry. This is because anime is a promotional medium, rather than a creative/entertainment medium, to most of its creators. Because of this, we have enormous amounts of adaptations existing only to sell source material, which means we have a shortage of both original content and actual endings. All of these things combine to create an industry in which there is no incentive whatsoever for talented writers to work on original anime.

Googled and giggled

Well played sir.
Mar 13, 2018 8:13 AM

Aug 2016
teruu said:
OmegaSwampert said:
Because normal people don't go out of their way to watch bad TV shows, so they end up forgotten, but otaku do, so we remember them for years to come.

Then one must ask the fundamental question, why are anime fans like this?

It does not sound healthy.

Agreed. I can't speak for most people, but my reasons as an individual vary. Sometimes I watch a series that I'm unsure about the quality of, and it ends up bad. Sometimes I watch a series knowing it's bad, because it's easier to learn from failures than from successes, or sometimes just to have fun picking it apart. Sometimes I'm just curious about what went so wrong to cause such poor reception. And in one really odd case, I got my brother to watch Sound! Euphonium in exchange for me being required to watch Eromanga-sensei.

Meanwhile, said brother, for reasons that I can't comprehend, feels the drive to never drop any series, regardless of how bad it is.

In the case of general anime fans, perhaps the combination of an emphasis on critical reviews in certain corners of the community, the convenience of a handy list that keeps track of everything they've watched, and the added convenience of a database containing information of virtually every anime in existence may play a part in that sort of mentality.
Mar 13, 2018 8:14 AM

Nov 2014
teruu said:
It seems that modern TV shows like The walking dead, Breaking Bad are far higher tier than even the greatest anime created.
I'll probably be hung for this or something, but I'll admit I've never watched Breaking Bad. Yet.

To a certain extent The Walking Dead isn't really my thing, but I did kinda get sick of it. Also, hasn't it got it's own set of issues with plot armour?

teruu said:
As a top comment on r/anime beautifully states
Lackluster writing due to the lack of emphasis on quality in general in the industry. This is because anime is a promotional medium, rather than a creative/entertainment medium, to most of its creators. Because of this, we have enormous amounts of adaptations existing only to sell source material, which means we have a shortage of both original content and actual endings. All of these things combine to create an industry in which there is no incentive whatsoever for talented writers to work on original anime.
"Lackluster writing"? That's not to say that no writing is needed when adapting a manga or light novel into an anime, but most aspects of the story and the series progression has been laid out in the source material. More often than not I find the lackluster writing stems all the way from the source material.

teruu said:
Furthermore there is an increase in anime plots such as when the MC falls in love with his sister or he goes to school is surrounded by bitches all over. To the average normal person, there is really not much appeal and it goes back to what I was saying when I mentioned silly. Anime can be silly more often than not. Even the best animes have silly plots at times. Is this something ingrained in anime to make it lackluster?
Meh, the number of anime per season has only increased. Sure it just means more unimpressive stuff gets made, but overall still we get a handful of standout anime every year.

Put it this way, there could be 50 imouto loli gang bang anime or whatever utter pile of steaming garbage added to every season of anime and it wouldn't change a thing for me. What defines every season has always been a handful of core standout anime. That number has stayed relatively constant.
BurningSpiritMar 13, 2018 8:25 AM
I'm not a lolicon, you're just projecting your tendency to lewd 2D characters.

If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Mar 13, 2018 8:15 AM

Mar 2012
why do people ask these questions as if its objective and not just an opinion?

if you feel that way you can always go back to your modern TV shows
Mar 13, 2018 8:17 AM

Feb 2015
Menzo- said:
You can't really compare anime to western tv shows though, they come from two completely different cultures. Whilst you and many other westerners may think of those examples as superior to anime, what about a Japanese perspective. Do you just assume that they think the same way as you? You're talking as if cultures don't play a part in this.

There is fan clubs of the famous tv shows in Japan. They also have comic con with TV show cosplays.
Mar 13, 2018 8:19 AM

Aug 2012
That's why I primarily read manga instead of watching anime these days. I am just not the target audience anymore, I guess? Manga has a lot of mature, thought-provoking stories that probably wont ever receive a anime adaption.

Mar 13, 2018 8:21 AM

Feb 2015
Monster said:
That's why I primarily read manga instead of watching anime these days. I am just not the target audience anymore, I guess? Manga has a lot of mature, thought-provoking stories that probably wont ever receive a anime adaption.

It could be so but the exaggerated reactions and the often times over the top expression of those exaggerated emotions can ruin the plot a lot of times, even a serious one; making it look silly. It is almost guaranteed at this point for any anime to have such tools instilled. All adaptations seem to have this tone

Why do you think that is? Is this what appeals to anime fans/otakus?
Mar 13, 2018 8:22 AM

Oct 2014
teruu said:
It seems that modern TV shows like The walking dead, Breaking Bad are far higher tier than even the greatest anime created. As a fan of Death Note which I was highly impressed by, still does not come close in even the plot. There were far too many loopholes to be exploited and it seems that anime border to the 'silly' line with all the big eyes, the exaggerated emotions and such. Is this the reason?

As a top comment on r/anime beautifully states
Lackluster writing due to the lack of emphasis on quality in general in the industry. This is because anime is a promotional medium, rather than a creative/entertainment medium, to most of its creators. Because of this, we have enormous amounts of adaptations existing only to sell source material, which means we have a shortage of both original content and actual endings. All of these things combine to create an industry in which there is no incentive whatsoever for talented writers to work on original anime.

Furthermore there is an increase in anime plots such as when the MC falls in love with his sister or he goes to school is surrounded by bitches all over. To the average normal person, there is really not much appeal and it goes back to what I was saying when I mentioned silly. Anime can be silly more often than not. Even the best animes have silly plots at times. Is this something ingrained in anime to make it lackluster?

What exactly is the reason

Well you gave one good reason.

Well another good reason might be how economically well the Anime industry seems to be in comparison to the western modern tv.

Anime is still niche in comparison to Modern tv and thus doesn't make as much money.
And due to there being less money, the industry takes less risks which leads to many shows looking like each other instead of having distinct styles like Shinbo or Yuasa and led to so much pandering and save playing just to get money from existing fans instead of expanding.
Another thing is the animation being cost aversive.

TWD and Breaking Bad on the other hand took risks just like Black Mirror and Bojack Horseman and are also unique.
Mar 13, 2018 8:25 AM

Aug 2012
teruu said:
Monster said:
That's why I primarily read manga instead of watching anime these days. I am just not the target audience anymore, I guess? Manga has a lot of mature, thought-provoking stories that probably wont ever receive a anime adaption.

It could be so but the exaggerated reactions and the often times over the top expression of those exaggerated emotions can ruin the plot a lot of times, even a serious one; making it look silly. It is almost guaranteed at this point for any anime to have such tools instilled. All adaptations seem to have this tone

Why do you think that is? Is this what appeals to anime fans/otakus?

Because unlike regular TV-shows, anime is a expressive medium. A lot of the story is conveyed through emotions which anime takes fully advantage off. This might be a plus or minus for some people, but that's what anime inherently is. It's always been like that. Although some are much more overexaggerated than others.
Mar 13, 2018 8:27 AM

Feb 2015
Bourmegar said:
teruu said:
It seems that modern TV shows like The walking dead, Breaking Bad are far higher tier than even the greatest anime created. As a fan of Death Note which I was highly impressed by, still does not come close in even the plot. There were far too many loopholes to be exploited and it seems that anime border to the 'silly' line with all the big eyes, the exaggerated emotions and such. Is this the reason?

As a top comment on r/anime beautifully states

Furthermore there is an increase in anime plots such as when the MC falls in love with his sister or he goes to school is surrounded by bitches all over. To the average normal person, there is really not much appeal and it goes back to what I was saying when I mentioned silly. Anime can be silly more often than not. Even the best animes have silly plots at times. Is this something ingrained in anime to make it lackluster?

What exactly is the reason

Well you gave one good reason.

Well another good reason might be how economically well the Anime industry seems to be in comparison to the western modern tv.

Anime is still niche in comparison to Modern tv and thus doesn't make as much money.
And due to there being less money, the industry takes less risks which leads to many shows looking like each other instead of having distinct styles like Shinbo or Yuasa and led to so much pandering and save playing just to get money from existing fans instead of expanding.
Another thing is the animation being cost aversive.

TWD and Breaking Bad on the other hand took risks just like Black Mirror and Bojack Horseman and are also unique.

While I agree on the idea that anime is a successful market which makes their producers less innovative. It still isn't a niche market. Most people have watched anime in their life.

This goes to my second point which is that, if anime is such a highly successful business perhaps the best marketing strategy would be to be even more innovative as the greatest anime got quite good worldwide reception. "Dragon Ball Z" "Byakugan' 'Crush gear'
Mar 13, 2018 8:27 AM

Sep 2014
teruu said:
Menzo- said:
You can't really compare anime to western tv shows though, they come from two completely different cultures. Whilst you and many other westerners may think of those examples as superior to anime, what about a Japanese perspective. Do you just assume that they think the same way as you? You're talking as if cultures don't play a part in this.

There is fan clubs of the famous tv shows in Japan. They also have comic con with TV show cosplays.

I really don't understand why you've mentioned this, of course they have those. Are you supposed to be rebutting what I've said by stating that? I don't get it. I never said that those don't have an audience in Japan, it's the same as anime having an audience in the west. But they will never be as popular as anime cons are in Japan, just how anime cons will never be as big as comic cons in the west.
when ur about to have a refreshing sip of earl grey tea and someone says "traps are gay"
Mar 13, 2018 8:30 AM

May 2014
I'm gonna take a crack at this bit by bit:
First let's address the pandering shit. Simple answer, anime is a medium hurting for money, so they constantly put out the most profitable shows. This is also why it's also brimming with mediocre adaptations.
Alright so now that we've tackled why anime is shit let's tackle why it's good.

The core difference between anime and live-action is exactly what it's made out of, animation and actors. Each form has it's own strengths and weaknesses and which medium you enjoy more depends on those strengths. A good live-action show will usually be the more realistic ones, using the advantage of having real people with good acting skills to pull you into real drama. This can catch the nuances of real life in a way no animation can. But on the other end of the stick animation benefits from not being realistic, it can more naturally do some strange and amazing things without being held back by being photo-realistic, this is why a lot of the best anime are known for their stylization and willingness to go crazy with their animation. This is why Masaki Yuaasa gets praised a lot, not only for his ability to tell a good story but to show a good story. So while you may not ever come across an anime that feels as real as a top of the line TV drama, you'll never come across a TV drama that can hold a candle to how a top of the line anime can build imaginative worlds.

So essentially, when you watch a lot of stuff aimed at kids (see: Shounen, Shoujo) you're going to get stories that are served up for kids, the best anime are usually those made by creative minds with a vision that can't quite match up with reality.

Sorry if this is incohesive and ramble-y, I just woke up and didn't edit this at all.
Mar 13, 2018 8:33 AM

Feb 2015
The only modern TV series I've watched is season 1 of the Walking Dead, and don't see how it's in any way better over your average anime show. In fact, I'd prefer to watch anime over it, lol.
Mar 13, 2018 8:37 AM

Feb 2015
TheJaceX said:
I'm gonna take a crack at this bit by bit:
First let's address the pandering shit. Simple answer, anime is a medium hurting for money, so they constantly put out the most profitable shows. This is also why it's also brimming with mediocre adaptations.
Alright so now that we've tackled why anime is shit let's tackle why it's good.

The core difference between anime and live-action is exactly what it's made out of, animation and actors. Each form has it's own strengths and weaknesses and which medium you enjoy more depends on those strengths. A good live-action show will usually be the more realistic ones, using the advantage of having real people with good acting skills to pull you into real drama. This can catch the nuances of real life in a way no animation can. But on the other end of the stick animation benefits from not being realistic, it can more naturally do some strange and amazing things without being held back by being photo-realistic, this is why a lot of the best anime are known for their stylization and willingness to go crazy with their animation. This is why Masaki Yuaasa gets praised a lot, not only for his ability to tell a good story but to show a good story. So while you may not ever come across an anime that feels as real as a top of the line TV drama, you'll never come across a TV drama that can hold a candle to how a top of the line anime can build imaginative worlds.

So essentially, when you watch a lot of stuff aimed at kids (see: Shounen, Shoujo) you're going to get stories that are served up for kids, the best anime are usually those made by creative minds with a vision that can't quite match up with reality.

Sorry if this is incohesive and ramble-y, I just woke up and didn't edit this at all.

Let me say it like this

If an anime had the plot of breaking bad, it'd be rated much higher over any anime created and be a huge hit. Do you agree?
Mar 13, 2018 8:45 AM

Feb 2010
For once there is someone who doesn't shit on western TV without knowing what he's talking about, but then ofc he has to go down the other extreme. Can't anyone have balanced opinions on anime and western television?

It's funny that TWD gets mentioned because that's an adaption from a comic just like a lot of anime are manga adaptions, and it doesn't have an ending yet because it was conceived as a long-runner that goes on endlessly from the start, like many battle shounen. It also changes the script of the comic into something, well, worse - like many anime adaptions. I love the comic, but don't really like the TV Series very much. Wouldn't say it's a good example for great television tbh, unless we're talking in terms of mainstream success only. Breaking Bad is good, but not close to being the best either and a lot of it's greatness is due to the actors. The script isn't even that spectacular, not to say it's bad but it's overrated imo.

I mean generally I gotta say there is a point to what OP says. Lot less room for original writing in anime because so many are just adaptions (regularly of source material (LN) written by authors who can't write either) so there is a lot less incentive for an aspiring writer to get into anime. I definitely feel like anime is a bit shorthanded in that department, unlike for example directing, animation or music, where there is an abundance of talent in the anime industry. Even the Netflix money couldn't make B or AICO be well written :>

So while I love anime and definitely know there is some amazing writing in anime as well, more often than not I'm enjoying anime for reasons that aren't very related to the writing/plot itself. Characters, directing, atmosphere, comedy, visuals, music, set design, any combination of those. I probably have more western shows where I appreciate the writing/plot in particular, although that might just be because there is more western television overall. Definitely also a lot of sub-par stuff on there, but also a lot of greatness.

Although the incompletedness and lack of an ending is definitely as much of a burden to western TV than it is to anime. Sure, if you only get into the handful of super mainstream shows that get 5+ seasons (which brings its own problem of most shows declining/going crazy after ~3 seasons but being forcefullyy prolonged because of success), but in my experience most of my favorite TV shows have been cut short, abandoned and left unfinished without a proper conclusion. Just look at:

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Freaks and Geeks
My Name is Earl (literally ended in the middle of a two-parter that never delivered the second part...)
Bored to Death
Better Off Ted

I feel in anime there is a higher chance of the really good shows getting more seasons. Or at least the stuff I love. It's also nice that the option never completely dies. Seasons can come 10 years after the last installment, or even longer. In Live action, once it's cancelled it's almost guaranteed to be dead. Cases like Arrested Development are an exception unfortunately. I'll never see any of the shows above ever again, that's almost a guarantee :/.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 13, 2018 8:49 AM

Feb 2010
Menzo- said:
teruu said:

There is fan clubs of the famous tv shows in Japan. They also have comic con with TV show cosplays.

I really don't understand why you've mentioned this, of course they have those. Are you supposed to be rebutting what I've said by stating that? I don't get it. I never said that those don't have an audience in Japan, it's the same as anime having an audience in the west. But they will never be as popular as anime cons are in Japan, just how anime cons will never be as big as comic cons in the west.

idk about where you live but here there isn't really much of a difference between anime and comic cons. You get the same people on both, a wild mixture of cosplays from all areas (anime, games, comics, movies etc..), maybe slightly leaning towards whatever the convention is named after.

I feel like it's only on internet sites like MAL that there is such a compartmentalization/tribalization that draws a definite line between liking anime and liking comics or western nerdy stuff. I've always been into both and my impression from live events is that more people are just general nerds than there are people who only like one or the other.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 13, 2018 8:50 AM

Feb 2015
Pullman said:
Menzo- said:

I really don't understand why you've mentioned this, of course they have those. Are you supposed to be rebutting what I've said by stating that? I don't get it. I never said that those don't have an audience in Japan, it's the same as anime having an audience in the west. But they will never be as popular as anime cons are in Japan, just how anime cons will never be as big as comic cons in the west.

idk about where you live but here there isn't really much of a difference between anime and comic cons. You get the same people on both, a wild mixture of cosplays from all areas (anime, games, comics, movies etc..), maybe slightly leaning towards whatever the convention is named after.

I feel like it's only on internet sites like MAL that there is such a compartmentalization/tribalization that draws a definite line between liking anime and liking comics or western nerdy stuff. I've always been into both and my impression from live events is that more people are just general nerds than there are people who only like one or the other.

Was going to say this. Anime conventions and comic conventions are more or less the same. Just a different medium to the same attraction of people.
Mar 13, 2018 8:51 AM

Feb 2010
teruu said:
TheJaceX said:
I'm gonna take a crack at this bit by bit:
First let's address the pandering shit. Simple answer, anime is a medium hurting for money, so they constantly put out the most profitable shows. This is also why it's also brimming with mediocre adaptations.
Alright so now that we've tackled why anime is shit let's tackle why it's good.

The core difference between anime and live-action is exactly what it's made out of, animation and actors. Each form has it's own strengths and weaknesses and which medium you enjoy more depends on those strengths. A good live-action show will usually be the more realistic ones, using the advantage of having real people with good acting skills to pull you into real drama. This can catch the nuances of real life in a way no animation can. But on the other end of the stick animation benefits from not being realistic, it can more naturally do some strange and amazing things without being held back by being photo-realistic, this is why a lot of the best anime are known for their stylization and willingness to go crazy with their animation. This is why Masaki Yuaasa gets praised a lot, not only for his ability to tell a good story but to show a good story. So while you may not ever come across an anime that feels as real as a top of the line TV drama, you'll never come across a TV drama that can hold a candle to how a top of the line anime can build imaginative worlds.

So essentially, when you watch a lot of stuff aimed at kids (see: Shounen, Shoujo) you're going to get stories that are served up for kids, the best anime are usually those made by creative minds with a vision that can't quite match up with reality.

Sorry if this is incohesive and ramble-y, I just woke up and didn't edit this at all.

Let me say it like this

If an anime had the plot of breaking bad, it'd be rated much higher over any anime created and be a huge hit. Do you agree?

I very much doubt it. The anime fandom is pretty toxic and would probably shit on it for being too edgy, and the whole slice of life crowd wouldn't like it at all either. I think as an anime Breaking Bad would come across as sillier too, it'd probably get a very bad score and reputation.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 13, 2018 8:54 AM

Feb 2015
Pullman said:
teruu said:

Let me say it like this

If an anime had the plot of breaking bad, it'd be rated much higher over any anime created and be a huge hit. Do you agree?

I very much doubt it. The anime fandom is pretty toxic and would probably shit on it for being too edgy, and the whole slice of life crowd wouldn't like it at all either. I think as an anime Breaking Bad would come across as sillier too, it'd probably get a very bad score and reputation.

Well sure now it would sound like that because you know what Breaking Bad is all about.

Lemme give another example, a guy in a psychiatric ward falls in love with a girl who then disappears. (Legion plot). Pretty good plot

Fight Club series adapted into anime - top hit for sure

Animes plot whether due to cultural, the anime appeal, or otaku general taste, is corroded to some degree. It's now become more of a cult thing where people mindlessly adapt to it without questions.
Mar 13, 2018 8:54 AM

Aug 2015
That's just your opinion/ From my point of view 95% of modern TV shows (especially TWD) are garbage.
I liked western tv about 5 years ago but now I just watch a few shows I like (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Rick and Morty, GoT, Stranger Things, Ash vs Evil Dead).
Mar 13, 2018 8:55 AM

Aug 2013
I don't watch much TV shows, but The Walking Dead feels pretty dragged out. The plot isn't necessary unique and interesting. I prefer Death Note's plot over that.

What's the problem with big eyes? Exaggerated emotion isn't a problem either when books would spend pages to describe a person's emotion.

Incest and Harem might not be attractive to average normal person, but is it necessary for an entertainment to appealing to the majority?

Whether anime is lackluster to TV shows is up to one's opinion. There is no exact reason.
Mar 13, 2018 8:56 AM

Oct 2015
Obligatory watch better anime answer.

I mean, I find a lot of TV shows lackluster as well. What can you do about it, that's like the reason why I left my placement in watching TV shows and movies, I used to be a huge movie geek and would spend all of my day staring at my TV. At some point, I just couldn't like it anyway more.

I'll even exchange those pandering shit for watching TV shows.

𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥 𝔶𝔬𝔲,
𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫' 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔪𝔶 𝔪𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

Mar 13, 2018 9:07 AM

Oct 2014
teruu said:
Bourmegar said:

Well you gave one good reason.

Well another good reason might be how economically well the Anime industry seems to be in comparison to the western modern tv.

Anime is still niche in comparison to Modern tv and thus doesn't make as much money.
And due to there being less money, the industry takes less risks which leads to many shows looking like each other instead of having distinct styles like Shinbo or Yuasa and led to so much pandering and save playing just to get money from existing fans instead of expanding.
Another thing is the animation being cost aversive.

TWD and Breaking Bad on the other hand took risks just like Black Mirror and Bojack Horseman and are also unique.

While I agree on the idea that anime is a successful market which makes their producers less innovative. It still isn't a niche market. Most people have watched anime in their life.

This goes to my second point which is that, if anime is such a highly successful business perhaps the best marketing strategy would be to be even more innovative as the greatest anime got quite good worldwide reception. "Dragon Ball Z" "Byakugan' 'Crush gear'

Anime is succesfull but not succesfull enough.
Actually they are less innovative because it is still not as succesfull as Modern tv.
And if An Industry is in a more risky place, they tend to play it safe until they can innovate/take risks.

Try getting an Anime movie to international Cinemas. They can't or can only do it for a few days because distributers are still small in comparison to others but the likes of Disney or other Animation studios like dreamworks can easily do that.
And that is also why most shows aren't even worldwide, they are not rich enough to make shows go worldwide on legal platforms.
Only netflix does that with the originals.

Then there is also the animator shortage that seems to be going on. They are underpaid and there are more leaving than there are in training. It got so bad that Dynamic chord got Fully outscourced so badly.
So if the Industry is succesfull then why is that happening?

Plus how many pll outside the medium do know The anime legal streaming sites? Not many and that is due to Marketing.

Plus the likes of DBZ got big because channels in the 90's decided to just get their hands on anime because that was easy at the moment.

So Modern TV is huge now, does that mean that they aren't innovative anymore?
Mar 13, 2018 9:09 AM

Feb 2010
teruu said:
Pullman said:

I very much doubt it. The anime fandom is pretty toxic and would probably shit on it for being too edgy, and the whole slice of life crowd wouldn't like it at all either. I think as an anime Breaking Bad would come across as sillier too, it'd probably get a very bad score and reputation.

Well sure now it would sound like that because you know what Breaking Bad is all about.

Lemme give another example, a guy in a psychiatric ward falls in love with a girl who then disappears. (Legion plot). Pretty good plot

Fight Club series adapted into anime - top hit for sure

Animes plot whether due to cultural, the anime appeal, or otaku general taste, is corroded to some degree. It's now become more of a cult thing where people mindlessly adapt to it without questions.

Just throwing around synopsis doesn't really accomplish anything tbh. That doesn't tell us anything about the writing, just about the concept. Whether it's a good series depends on how it's written and directed more than the general idea behind the concept.
Also naming two things that basically just milk existing franchises (X-Men and Fight Club) definitely doesn't make it feel so much more original than anime.

Not to mention that in terms of cool and unique concepts/ideas anime definitely has a lot to offer. It's just a different kind of uniqueness. Some things work in one medium but not in another. I just don't see any gritty drug stories like Breaking Bad working in anime even half as well as in live action. At the same time a lot of the anime genres don't work as well in live action (battle shounen, sports, visual comedy, ecchi etc...).

Different mediums offer different things and I don't see a point in wanting them all to do the same kind of stuff. I like both because they give me different things that I enjoy and I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't need one medium to take over what I consider the strengths of the other medium.

There's also the cultural aspect people have mentioned already. Some things will just be executed more believably, more relatably by people from the culture that spawned it. I'd trust the west more to adapt any kind of superhero comic, including something like Legion. At the same time I would trust japan more to make an anime stories about Youkai and Kamis, for example.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 13, 2018 9:11 AM

Aug 2014
Pullman said:
unrelated to debate, but sense8 is actually getting its last season right about now
Mar 13, 2018 9:12 AM

Apr 2012
I've read descriptions of Breaking Bad, and I don't understand why any human being would want to watch something like that.

In general, live-action American television is virtually never any good in my experience. British live-action is better due to its theatrical background, but as good as stuff like some of the Plays for Today, I Clavdivs, Sapphire and Steel or McCoy or Eccleston era Doctor Who are, put them against something like Utena or Shinsekai Yori and there's no contest. Animation is a better storytelling format than live-action, and anime is where you see this fact repeatedly proven.
Mar 13, 2018 9:15 AM

Feb 2010
Hanamuke said:
Pullman said:
unrelated to debate, but sense8 is actually getting its last season right about now

Not really, it just gets a rushed movie that will try to wrap up plotlines that were conceived to last another few seasons in less than 2 hours. Very much like the Firefly movie. The Season 2 finale basically felt like the series was just about to start getting series and now it'll end in 2 hours? I can't see that being not frustrating. I mean it's better than nothing, don't get me wrong, but it's far from a satisfying conclusion/run for the show.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 13, 2018 9:28 AM

May 2014
teruu said:
TheJaceX said:
I'm gonna take a crack at this bit by bit:
First let's address the pandering shit. Simple answer, anime is a medium hurting for money, so they constantly put out the most profitable shows. This is also why it's also brimming with mediocre adaptations.
Alright so now that we've tackled why anime is shit let's tackle why it's good.

The core difference between anime and live-action is exactly what it's made out of, animation and actors. Each form has it's own strengths and weaknesses and which medium you enjoy more depends on those strengths. A good live-action show will usually be the more realistic ones, using the advantage of having real people with good acting skills to pull you into real drama. This can catch the nuances of real life in a way no animation can. But on the other end of the stick animation benefits from not being realistic, it can more naturally do some strange and amazing things without being held back by being photo-realistic, this is why a lot of the best anime are known for their stylization and willingness to go crazy with their animation. This is why Masaki Yuaasa gets praised a lot, not only for his ability to tell a good story but to show a good story. So while you may not ever come across an anime that feels as real as a top of the line TV drama, you'll never come across a TV drama that can hold a candle to how a top of the line anime can build imaginative worlds.

So essentially, when you watch a lot of stuff aimed at kids (see: Shounen, Shoujo) you're going to get stories that are served up for kids, the best anime are usually those made by creative minds with a vision that can't quite match up with reality.

Sorry if this is incohesive and ramble-y, I just woke up and didn't edit this at all.

Let me say it like this

If an anime had the plot of breaking bad, it'd be rated much higher over any anime created and be a huge hit. Do you agree?

Not really, I don't think it'd even work as well in animation. If that were what it took to sell anime in japan, that'd be being made en masse. There's similar manga that have decent success but those don't get adapted for a reason.

Also Breaking Bad is a hard one because drugs are a bigger taboo in japan than they are here.
Mar 13, 2018 9:39 AM

Jul 2016
Breaking Bad is your only example that any of us are taking seriously.

A big part of why I watch anime isbecause of it’s cliche’s.
Mar 13, 2018 9:41 AM

Jul 2016
But wait you’ve given three anime a 10.
Mar 13, 2018 9:43 AM

Oct 2017
It all comes down to one's opinion...
Mar 13, 2018 9:45 AM

Feb 2016
> Watching Hollyweird
> Citing eddit
> DAE le generic waifu bait anime sux XD

It's now safe to remove your brain. Brain disconnected successfully.
Mar 13, 2018 9:45 AM

Feb 2018
In my opinion this entire question is kinda stupid because anime is a medium a way to tell a story so if you think many animes lack story wise then that's not an inherent problem of the medium but more of the current/overall anime industry
Mar 13, 2018 9:48 AM

May 2015
TV shows are usually written by several people, and the best ideas are picked in the process, while anime is adapted from manga or novels which is mostly a solitary work of an author, who has to worry about drawing quality as well.
Mar 13, 2018 9:50 AM

Feb 2016
I would say it’s he opposite which is why I stopped watching TV shows.
Mar 13, 2018 9:52 AM

Apr 2012
ten said:
TV shows are usually written by several people, and the best ideas are picked in the process,

That process leads to worthless soulless conformism. You don't get the best ideas, you get the most mainstream ones. All the best stories are written by individuals or pairs of people, that applies to live-action television just as surely as anywhere else.
Mar 13, 2018 10:08 AM

Jan 2018
Death Note, like seriously?

"Furthermore there is an increase in anime plots such as when the MC falls in love with his sister or he goes to school is surrounded by bitches all over. To the average normal person, there is really not much appeal and it goes back to what I was saying when I mentioned silly. Anime can be silly more often than not. Even the best animes have silly plots at times."

As an average person, I found silly to be entertaining for me. I think you're just not the target audience anymore. "Being grumpy about young people is a prove that you're an old man", said the fat cop in Terror in Resonance anime.
Mar 13, 2018 10:09 AM

Oct 2014
ten said:
TV shows are usually written by several people, and the best ideas are picked in the process, while anime is adapted from manga or novels which is mostly a solitary work of an author, who has to worry about drawing quality as well.

And has to play safer when it comes to WSJ.
If you don't get enough votes, you get the axe there and then it is DONE.
Mar 13, 2018 10:15 AM

Aug 2010
Walking Dead? Really? Really? (笑)

Don't worry, I know you are trolling, I mean, comparing AMC shows to anime is absurd in itself, of course you are trolling haha
BTW the plotline of walking dead and breaking bad were both too childish for me.
I mean, at least most anime do not even try to take themselves serously, as compared to american shows in which at least 2 of the 3 has to be in order to be consumed by the evil americans:
-violence (lots)
Mar 13, 2018 10:20 AM

May 2015
logopolis said:
ten said:
TV shows are usually written by several people, and the best ideas are picked in the process,

That process leads to worthless soulless conformism. You don't get the best ideas, you get the most mainstream ones. All the best stories are written by individuals or pairs of people, that applies to live-action television just as surely as anywhere else.

It depends on a story, I guess. For long running shows with episodic route having more authors can be refreshing, but if the story needs to be told as a whole then this approach can become troublesome, especially when producers are more worried with ratings and prolonging to another season.
And I didn't say that anime is lesser than TV shows, they are just different. One person can make outstanding things too but for more refined and mass produced product you'd want more people working on it. That's why anime as a media has it's on quirks that can be viewed as simplified storytelling, but they work just fine if you just get used to them and don't apply the same demands as to other media.
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