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Can a bad story ruin a game with good gameplay for you?

Dec 25, 2016 8:11 PM

Jan 2013
I used to think not.

I always thought good gameplay always prevails. As long as you have good gameplay, story can hardly matter.

And then I played Yakuza 6.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Dec 25, 2016 8:21 PM

Jul 2013
Depends. Final fantasy XV was fun as fuck despite having one of the worst stories ive ever seen in a game. But then theres your persona 4s and your mass effect threes. I guess it depends on how big an aspect the story is supposed to have. I mean there are a ton of games that dont even have a story that are still solid like titanfall 2 and overwatch and shit
Dec 25, 2016 8:24 PM
Feb 2016
I think gameplay is usually the deciding factor. But if a story is unbelievably bad and it's a big part of the game, then it can affect the quality of the game big time.

Dec 25, 2016 8:31 PM
Jul 2018
Of course not. Most of my favorite games have little to no story. But their gameplay is top tier levels of fun.
Dec 25, 2016 8:39 PM

Jan 2013
I feel like a game that lacks or has a very generic story is a lot better than a game with a story that's just outright bad.
Dec 25, 2016 8:51 PM

May 2015
The Monster Hunter games have almost no story, and look how that turned out...
Dec 25, 2016 8:59 PM
Jul 2018
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
I feel like a game that lacks or has a very generic story is a lot better than a game with a story that's just outright bad.
This is true. Stories that try to be good, but are bad, are usually the worst.
Dec 25, 2016 9:02 PM

Oct 2012
I've probably seen more anime than played games to be honest, so my experience is limited.

Something like Transistor; story I found to be lackluster and somewhat disappointing overall, but the OST and gameplay itself was pretty good, albeit, the gameplay does get repetitive after some time. An alright game, and not really ruined by the story/writing.

Something like Arkham Asylum; addicting and fun gameplay, but horrible, and I mean, dropped the ball hard, story. Can't really see myself coming back to it, so yeah, I guess story soured the experience for me.

Something like Arkham City; an okay story, but even better gameplay elements/exploration! It was nice a Batman simulator, so even if I found the main story pretty lackluster, I could pretend I was just Batman doing Batman things, y'know, stealthy detective crime fighter in a decently sized environment!

So for me, I suppose story isn't that critical to my enjoyment of the game experience, but if the story leaves a lot to be desired, then I'll most likely not return to it, probably because my memories of a shitty story trumps any meaningful gameplay elements it had.

Lord_Sithis said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
I feel like a game that lacks or has a very generic story is a lot better than a game with a story that's just outright bad.
This is true. Stories that try to be good, but are bad, are usually the worst.

This is actually a very good summary imo.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Dec 25, 2016 9:41 PM

Nov 2016
Not for me, I categorize games differently. Some I play for fun and don't care much for the story like League of Legends or Fallout 4. While some games I play to know the story such as The Last of Us or some CoD (I know, people say their stories are repetitive but I can't help being curious!). I might have a bad taste in video games after all ^^
Dec 25, 2016 9:52 PM
Mar 2011
older games like 8 bitt gen games im ok with hoave no story but in a post FFT world i feel a story is more needed than bieng bare bones hence why COD has never been my game
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Dec 25, 2016 10:46 PM

Jan 2015
Tarotist said:
The Monster Hunter games have almost no story, and look how that turned out...

i mean having no story is a little different from having a bad story
i'd rather have nothing than a convoluted mess that throws you into an awful cutscene with characters that you don't care about even after the games desperate attempts of shoving their tragic backstory into your face every 5 seconds
Dec 25, 2016 10:56 PM

Jan 2013
Depends on how much stress there is on the story aspect. If it's so bad it's good, it might end up being actually worth it to play through a game. I'd really rather not have no story in a game unless its gameplay can stand alone.

Tarotist said:
The Monster Hunter games have almost no story, and look how that turned out...

Monster Hunter 3U was the only game I liked in that series, and it's got the strongest semblance of a story. Story is pretty important to some players. I thought the gameplay in that series was garbage, but killing Ceadeus and saving the village made me ignore most of the problems because they were trivial compared to my curiosity towards what comes next. Without story, that game quickly devolves into a "kill this and that" game which places a lot of necessity on clean controls and fair gameplay-- both of which the Monster Hunter series completely lacks.

Mhfags will defend this
Syrup-Dec 25, 2016 11:02 PM
Dec 25, 2016 11:36 PM

Oct 2014
Well, stories are still secondary to gameplay even in this modern era of games unless they're really that good (The Last of Us and The Witcher 3 comes to mind). When people play games like Super Mario Bros, Doom or even Pokemon, they don't usually focus on story as in what made the game such an experience.

A lot of times, games with little to no story at all are outright better than games with actual plots, especially those that do so terribly.
Dec 25, 2016 11:44 PM

May 2010
A bad story is worse than no story at all. Super Mario Bros. 3 is legendary, but it doesn't have a story. Meanwhile Baten Kaitos is a decent game but it's story is terrible and has since been lost to the JRPG void.

And you know how I feel about FFXV. Luckily with FFXV and some other games, since it is mostly gameplay, you can kind of try to forget that the story is even there in the first place.
Dec 26, 2016 12:46 AM

Feb 2010
Is the gameplay is truly truly good then no.

But if the gameplay is really not THAT good then the story can affect my enjoyment of it.
Dec 26, 2016 1:42 AM

Mar 2015
Mass Effect 3 made me very disappointed story wise but I LOVE the gameplay and all the DLC but the main story is just ass. The ending made it worse, the ending was so bad they had to go back and make extended ending which still sucks.

Regardless I have 100% all three Mass Effect games and all the achievements...

Signature & Avatar Designed By: shirakuzo
Dec 26, 2016 2:03 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Lord_Sithis said:
Of course not. Most of my favorite games have little to no story. But their gameplay is top tier levels of fun.
There's a huge difference between a game not having a story and a game actually having one but it sucks. Obviously the former is way better. It's the same reason plotless ecchi anime are generally better than ones which throw in some generic story no one cares about, etc
Dec 26, 2016 3:27 AM

Oct 2015
A good story can usually only be enjoyed once or twice.

Good gameplay can be enjoyed for hundreds of hours.
Dec 26, 2016 3:31 AM

Jan 2013
Lobinde said:
A good story can usually only be enjoyed once or twice.

Good gameplay can be enjoyed for hundreds of hours.
Dec 26, 2016 3:52 AM

Oct 2015
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lobinde said:
A good story can usually only be enjoyed once or twice.

Good gameplay can be enjoyed for hundreds of hours.

erm yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
Dec 26, 2016 4:00 AM

Apr 2015
Not really. I still think that Shadow the Hedgehog has some great gameplay even if the story is a general mess, and I deeply enjoy the game for the gameplay.
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Dec 26, 2016 4:18 AM

Nov 2012
It can make me pretty conflicted, but I wouldn't ever call the game good even though it's gameplay would be good but has a bad story or good story with bad gameplay. The closest thing I'll probably call it is mediocre or decent. But anyways it wouldn't exactly ruin the game for me, latest example would be FFXV for its mediocre story but the game was really fun to play.
RX-782Dec 26, 2016 4:45 AM
Dec 26, 2016 4:40 AM

Jan 2013
Lobinde said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:

erm yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
Name me one (1) good game with a shitty story but good gameplay that can lasts for hundreds of hours.
Dec 26, 2016 4:56 AM

Sep 2014
Depends I guess...
But I kinda join a bad story is worst than no story at all. After It has "ethic" but that's an other....story! HA!
Dec 26, 2016 5:16 AM

Aug 2012
Nope. Skyrim's story strikes me boring but I've had loads of fun playing that.
Dec 26, 2016 5:18 AM

Apr 2011
Not usually, no. Some games can survive purely out of how incredibly addicting they can be.

Straw-Nihilist said:
Depends. Final fantasy XV was fun as fuck despite having one of the worst stories ive ever seen in a game. But then theres your persona 4s and your mass effect threes. I guess it depends on how big an aspect the story is supposed to have. I mean there are a ton of games that dont even have a story that are still solid like titanfall 2 and overwatch and shit

Dunno what you're talking about. Persona 4 doesn't have a good gameplay mechanic (neither does 3, for that matter). Unless, of course, you're saying it doesn't have good gameplay.

PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lobinde said:

erm yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
Name me one (1) good game with a shitty story but good gameplay that can lasts for hundreds of hours.

Just speaking for myself, but Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored and Ocarina of Time, just to name a few.
Dec 26, 2016 5:21 AM

Jul 2013
yhunata said:
Not usually, no. Some games can survive purely out of how incredibly addicting they can be.

Straw-Nihilist said:
Depends. Final fantasy XV was fun as fuck despite having one of the worst stories ive ever seen in a game. But then theres your persona 4s and your mass effect threes. I guess it depends on how big an aspect the story is supposed to have. I mean there are a ton of games that dont even have a story that are still solid like titanfall 2 and overwatch and shit

Dunno what you're talking about. Persona 4 doesn't have a good gameplay mechanic (neither does 3, for that matter). Unless, of course, you're saying it doesn't have good gameplay.

PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Name me one (1) good game with a shitty story but good gameplay that can lasts for hundreds of hours.

Just speaking for myself, but Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored and Ocarina of Time, just to name a few.

Eh, as far as handheld games go, thought the mechanics were alright.
Dec 26, 2016 5:26 AM

Apr 2011
Straw-Nihilist said:
yhunata said:
Not usually, no. Some games can survive purely out of how incredibly addicting they can be.

Dunno what you're talking about. Persona 4 doesn't have a good gameplay mechanic (neither does 3, for that matter). Unless, of course, you're saying it doesn't have good gameplay.

Just speaking for myself, but Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored and Ocarina of Time, just to name a few.

Eh, as far as handheld games go, thought the mechanics were alright.

Golden is just a port, tho.
Dec 26, 2016 5:30 AM

Jul 2014
It depends on the amount of emphasis placed on the story. For example, the story in the Tekken franchise is an utter mess but it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the games in the slightest due to the fact that there is very little emphasis placed on it.
Take care of yourself

Dec 26, 2016 6:16 AM

Jan 2013
yhunata said:
Golden is just a port, tho.
No. It added a bunch of features that take the rest of the effort out of the game, such as removing post-battle roulette so you can just select what you want, as well as the addition of a self-insert Hanakana character that literally ruins the story. If it were just a port, there would be nothing to be upset about.

PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lobinde said:

erm yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
Name me one (1) good game with a shitty story but good gameplay that can lasts for hundreds of hours.

Star Ocean 3
Dec 26, 2016 6:46 AM
Jul 2018
Yarub said:
Nope. Skyrim's story strikes me boring but I've had loads of fun playing that.

Funny enough all the side quests/stories are much better than that main storyline, especially since the great enemy of humanity, the dragons, cause less challenge than a bandit lord...

I guess not, I mean, what was the story of Diablo again?

Also necrovision has fun gameplay while its story and pretty much everything else is so bad it's good tier. Actually the gameplay has some bugs as well that make it even better XD
removed-userDec 26, 2016 6:50 AM
Dec 26, 2016 6:48 AM

Apr 2011
Syrup- said:
yhunata said:
Golden is just a port, tho.
No. It added a bunch of features that take the rest of the effort out of the game, such as removing post-battle roulette so you can just select what you want, as well as the addition of a self-insert Hanakana character that literally ruins the story. If it were just a port, there would be nothing to be upset about.

I'd read that Golden made the fusion easier, didn't know they changed much else.
Dec 26, 2016 6:53 AM

Jan 2013
yhunata said:
Syrup- said:
No. It added a bunch of features that take the rest of the effort out of the game, such as removing post-battle roulette so you can just select what you want, as well as the addition of a self-insert Hanakana character that literally ruins the story. If it were just a port, there would be nothing to be upset about.

I'd read that Golden made the fusion easier, didn't know they changed much else.
You can't really call that a port, man. A port is a non intrusive kind of thing mostly because they want to reap as much money as possible with the least amount of effort. They redrew the UI, extended the story, added a new dungeon, a set of new personas, added at least 8 original songs to the OST, redrew characters several times, paid for new voice actors, and went to the effort of adding new features to improve quality of life. Honestly the original doesn't even hold a candle to it. It's a shame that it actually made the game easier than ever though.

Title of the thread should be "can one character ruin an entire game for you, even if it's better than the original?"
Syrup-Dec 26, 2016 7:01 AM
Dec 26, 2016 6:54 AM

Dec 2011
If the story is given a large focus then yes it can. See MGS4 and Star Ocean 4 for the most notorious examples. Most games have shit stories anyway, but it's easier to overlook in games with little emphasis on the story.
Dec 26, 2016 7:01 AM

Apr 2011
Syrup- said:
yhunata said:

I'd read that Golden made the fusion easier, didn't know they changed much else.
You can't really call that a port, man. A port is a non intrusive kind of thing mostly because they want to reap as much money as possible with the least amount of effort. They redrew the UI, extended the story, added a new dungeon, a set of new personas, added at least 8 original songs to the OST, redrew characters several times, paid for new voice actors, and went to the effort of adding new features to improve quality of life. Honestly the original doesn't even hold a candle to it. It's a shame that it actually made the game easier than ever though.

Then I'm just gonna ask this; is the gameplay (as in, combat mechanics) better, worse or still the same?
Dec 26, 2016 7:09 AM

Jan 2013
yhunata said:
Syrup- said:
You can't really call that a port, man. A port is a non intrusive kind of thing mostly because they want to reap as much money as possible with the least amount of effort. They redrew the UI, extended the story, added a new dungeon, a set of new personas, added at least 8 original songs to the OST, redrew characters several times, paid for new voice actors, and went to the effort of adding new features to improve quality of life. Honestly the original doesn't even hold a candle to it. It's a shame that it actually made the game easier than ever though.

Then I'm just gonna ask this; is the gameplay (as in, combat mechanics) better, worse or still the same?

I'd honestly say it's better. The original game's "gameplay" revolved around shuffling personas until you got a decent combination. Streamlining it was a better choice, considering the battle system and dungeon crawling are the weakest part of the game.

Combat mechanics aren't the entirety of the gameplay. I can kind of tell by the emphasis on that point that you probably don't consider Visual Novels games. A lot of the game's atmosphere and flow are centered around time management outside of the TV world, which can directly influence how difficult things might be in the combat system. The Golden added a custom difficulty feature so you can set it as hard or easy as you like.

But yeah I never really got the impression that combat was the most important feature of that game. It probably leans towards story and atmosphere at a rate of 66% or more. This is probably why your opinion of the story would influence how much you like the game, considering it's more story focused than most games.
Dec 26, 2016 7:35 AM

Apr 2011
Syrup- said:
yhunata said:

Then I'm just gonna ask this; is the gameplay (as in, combat mechanics) better, worse or still the same?

I'd honestly say it's better. The original game's "gameplay" revolved around shuffling personas until you got a decent combination. Streamlining it was a better choice, considering the battle system and dungeon crawling are the weakest part of the game.

Combat mechanics aren't the entirety of the gameplay. I can kind of tell by the emphasis on that point that you probably don't consider Visual Novels games. A lot of the game's atmosphere and flow are centered around time management outside of the TV world, which can directly influence how difficult things might be in the combat system. The Golden added a custom difficulty feature so you can set it as hard or easy as you like.

But yeah I never really got the impression that combat was the most important feature of that game. It probably leans towards story and atmosphere at a rate of 66% or more. This is probably why your opinion of the story would influence how much you like the game, considering it's more story focused than most games.

I specified combat mechanics since you'd already mentioned the improvements on the other areas of gameplay. While I'm not an avid VN reader, I do love 999 and the Ace Attorney series though neither is exactly for the gameplay (999 for the story and AA for the characters).

With JRPGs, I find that gameplay isn't as important as the feel of the game.... though, the grinding shouldn't feel tiring. Pokemon somehow manages to make it work though.

Also, what the fuck? They seriously did that for the difficulties? The fuck was wrong with the normal difficulty system of "Easy - Normal - Hard - Very Hard".
Dec 26, 2016 7:38 AM

Jan 2013
yhunata said:
Syrup- said:

I'd honestly say it's better. The original game's "gameplay" revolved around shuffling personas until you got a decent combination. Streamlining it was a better choice, considering the battle system and dungeon crawling are the weakest part of the game.

Combat mechanics aren't the entirety of the gameplay. I can kind of tell by the emphasis on that point that you probably don't consider Visual Novels games. A lot of the game's atmosphere and flow are centered around time management outside of the TV world, which can directly influence how difficult things might be in the combat system. The Golden added a custom difficulty feature so you can set it as hard or easy as you like.

But yeah I never really got the impression that combat was the most important feature of that game. It probably leans towards story and atmosphere at a rate of 66% or more. This is probably why your opinion of the story would influence how much you like the game, considering it's more story focused than most games.

I specified combat mechanics since you'd already mentioned the improvements on the other areas of gameplay. While I'm not an avid VN reader, I do love 999 and the Ace Attorney series though neither is exactly for the gameplay (999 for the story and AA for the characters).

With JRPGs, I find that gameplay isn't as important as the feel of the game.... though, the grinding shouldn't feel tiring. Pokemon somehow manages to make it work though.

Also, what the fuck? They seriously did that for the difficulties? The fuck was wrong with the normal difficulty system of "Easy - Normal - Hard - Very Hard".
It's still present, but you can tailor it completely to your needs now. Maybe you want to receive no EXP but keep money, or increase damage taken and given but keep retries.

There's still some grinding but it's not nearly as hard as before. Remember those card you could get where it increases stats and levels, and sometimes even evolves your skills? Those can be freely chosen. There's really no reason to level in the Golden whatsoever. They even put the Wand/Cup/Coin/Sword cards from P3 in there so you can choose those too. It's literally faceroll mode. It's obvious that they didn't want you to focus too hard on the gameplay outside of time management and scene viewing.
Dec 26, 2016 8:01 AM

Aug 2014
A good story is what makes you feel immersed and part of the world the game takes place in. If the story is shitty, imo it's hard to enjoy the game to the fullest but still possible.
Dec 26, 2016 8:04 AM

Apr 2015
Depends, i mean some games we really dont care about the story, like Versus fighting games and stuff. But if i'm playing a RPG for example, even if the gameplay is awesome i want to have a good story with it, and it can ruin my mood playing this game.
Dec 26, 2016 8:37 AM
Jul 2018
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lobinde said:
A good story can usually only be enjoyed once or twice.

Good gameplay can be enjoyed for hundreds of hours.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. In fact, most of my favorite games are like that.

PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lobinde said:

erm yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
Name me one (1) good game with a shitty story but good gameplay that can lasts for hundreds of hours.
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. Crimzon Clover. eXceed 3rd, Ikaruga, Ketsui. Basically the entire shmup genre. That's a lot of games.
Dec 26, 2016 12:17 PM

Jan 2013
yhunata said:
Just speaking for myself, but Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored and Ocarina of Time, just to name a few.
Syrup- said:
Star Ocean 3
Lord_Sithis said:
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. Crimzon Clover. eXceed 3rd, Ikaruga, Ketsui. Basically the entire shmup genre. That's a lot of games.
Let me repeat that again.

Name me one (1) game with a terrible story and GOOD (emphasis on good) gameplay that can lasts for oved 200 hundred hours.
Dec 26, 2016 12:28 PM
Jul 2018
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
yhunata said:
Just speaking for myself, but Final Fantasy XII, Dishonored and Ocarina of Time, just to name a few.
Syrup- said:
Star Ocean 3
Lord_Sithis said:
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. Crimzon Clover. eXceed 3rd, Ikaruga, Ketsui. Basically the entire shmup genre. That's a lot of games.
Let me repeat that again.

Name me one (1) game with a terrible story and GOOD (emphasis on good) gameplay that can lasts for oved 200 hundred hours.
Let me repeat again:
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. Crimzon Clover. eXceed 3rd, Ikaruga, Ketsui. Basically the entire shmup genre. That's a lot of games.
Dec 26, 2016 12:34 PM

Jun 2014
In some cases, yes.

I won't name the game, but I played a game for the Xbox 360 several months back that I really enjoyed. I loved the characters, and the storyline was great.

......Until near the end, when something completely unexpected in the storyline "Bothered" me. I then quit the game right after instead of going to the final area of the game.

Dec 26, 2016 12:48 PM

Jan 2013
Lord_Sithis said:
Let me repeat again:
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. Crimzon Clover. eXceed 3rd, Ikaruga, Ketsui. Basically the entire shmup genre. That's a lot of games.
If you think navigating a small dot among a wall of color-coded dots is your idea of fun and good gameplay, I'll reserve a spot in the rubber room just for you.
Dec 26, 2016 12:57 PM

Apr 2011
Don't think so, I care about good gameplay more often than not.
Dec 26, 2016 1:14 PM
Jul 2018
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lord_Sithis said:
Let me repeat again:
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. Crimzon Clover. eXceed 3rd, Ikaruga, Ketsui. Basically the entire shmup genre. That's a lot of games.
If you think navigating a small dot among a wall of color-coded dots is your idea of fun and good gameplay, I'll reserve a spot in the rubber room just for you.
Maybe if you actually played them instead of criticizing everything you don't like, then I would consider it.
Oh, right. Too hard for you. My bad.
Dec 26, 2016 1:22 PM

Jan 2013
Lord_Sithis said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
If you think navigating a small dot among a wall of color-coded dots is your idea of fun and good gameplay, I'll reserve a spot in the rubber room just for you.
Maybe if you actually played them instead of criticizing everything you don't like, then I would consider it.
Oh, right. Too hard for you. My bad.
I already played them. And I find them boring as fuck tbh.

Again, there's really no fun in navigating a pixel through a wall of different color-coded pixels.

If that's your idea of fun and good gameplay, something's wrong.

Dec 26, 2016 1:24 PM
Jul 2018
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Lord_Sithis said:
Maybe if you actually played them instead of criticizing everything you don't like, then I would consider it.
Oh, right. Too hard for you. My bad.
I already played them. And I find them boring as fuck tbh.

Again, there's really no fun in navigating a pixel through a wall of different color-coded pixels.

If that's your idea of fun and good gameplay, something's wrong.

There's no fun eh? You've probably never played one. And if you have, you have never completed one. Because you know, criticizing a game (an entire genre, better that way) without completing it is always a good idea. But it was probably too hard for you, I understand.
Dec 26, 2016 1:32 PM

Jan 2013
Lord_Sithis said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
I already played them. And I find them boring as fuck tbh.

Again, there's really no fun in navigating a pixel through a wall of different color-coded pixels.

If that's your idea of fun and good gameplay, something's wrong.

There's no fun eh? You've probably never played one. And if you have, you have never completed one. Because you know, criticizing a game (an entire genre, better that way) without completing it is always a good idea. But it was probably too hard for you, I understand.
Pffft, LOL


Here you go, one size fits all.

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