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Do you think the quality of One Piece has gone down since the timeskip?
Feb 8, 2015 12:31 PM

Apr 2010
Now before I get into it, I'd like to say if there is to be a large/lengthy discussion about this, please keep it civil, there's no need for unnecessary insults or abuse for those who do not agree with you.

Now onto the question. My personal belief is that the quality of One Piece since the timeskip is significantly lower. The Fishman Island arc for me is the worst arc in the whole series. The Punk Hazard arc was pretty average but I'm willing to overlook its lack of quality since it was more to set up the current arc. Now, the Dressrosa arc, I feel it started off really well, it got me excited about the series for the first time since the Marineford war, but it's really, really dragged on. So much unnecessary dialogue, too much focus on characters, battles and such in general that aren't important to the story. There's so many panels I sit there and read and think, "the chapter could do without this". It doesn't hurt to add a little extra, it's been a feature of One Piece, it's always been more dialogue heavy than your standard shonen, but I feel he's really overdoing it right now, he could have ended the arc probably 20 chapters ago. I feel extra disappointed about this arc especially because it was exciting at the start, and also reintroduced Sabo, who's practically had no time given to him since his reveal.

Now you can't directly compare post-timeskup with pre-timeskip, since the latter had over 20 story arcs, but as the series has almost 30 arcs, I would never have expected such a drop in quality. And I definitely don't think it's a case of me getting over it, as my excitement at the start of the current arc showed I'm still very much into reading some good One Piece. I guess one thing I can say about the post-timeskip stuff is that with each arc it IS getting better, I can only hope that it's going to lead to better and better arcs, and hopefully the series will get back to its best. At this stage for me, it's gotten to the point where I see a chapter is released and I almost groan at the thought of reading it.

Some of you might say, then why not drop it? Well, if I've read this much One Piece, obviously I'm very much a fan of the series. I've read so much of it that I can't just drop it after a few bad/average/disappointing arcs, it deserves a chance to regain it's former glory, I know how good it can be so I can only hope that it'll get there again. Some of the older arcs were things of beauty, I absolutely loved them, but he's really just dropped the quality and started drag things way too long. I can only assume some of it comes down to, the longer the series is, the more money he gets, but it's still meh!

What do you guys think? More than anything I created this thread to see what everyone else thinks as opposed to going into too much detail myself(plus I'm really tired right now so I can discuss this further when I'm more awake). I'm not hunting for people who agree with me, I just want honest opinions. If there are many differing opinions, as I said, please keep it civil, though admittedly I'm not expecting too much since from what I can see everyone is still really enjoying the series. I wish I could too. :(
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Feb 8, 2015 12:41 PM

Nov 2010
No, it's the same series with the same characters, etc. The only thing I've disliked from the post timeskip was some of the art problems in the beginning and that Punk Hazard felt a little long(talking about the anime here) but they're not problems I didn't have with the series at times before the timeskip.

antonnn said:
I can only assume some of it comes down to, the longer the series is, the more money he gets, but it's still meh!
Whenever anime/manga fans don't like something for some reason they always assume the mangaka is only doing it for the money. This arc feels a little long so he must be dragging it out so he can get as much money as he can, he cannot think that what he wants to show deserves that much time.
Feb 8, 2015 1:27 PM

Apr 2010
Money talks, it's not at all an unreasonable thought, a lot of things across many mediums are influenced by money. Not all, but a lot. I mean look at Naruto, that cow is still being milked like hell and the series is finished. Oda sold 11 million volumes last year, and probably just as many every other year, that's a lot of $$$ after all.
Feb 8, 2015 1:34 PM
Feb 2011
No, it is exactly the same. Most people who think it is worse are people who caught up somewhere during or after Sabaody (maybe Thriller Park) and who have not really read a One Piece arc weekly. There is a little difference that I have observed. The scope gets bigger. There are more secondary, support characters, more simultaneously plot threads and so on but this trend was also there pre timeskip.
Feb 8, 2015 2:17 PM

Nov 2010
antonnn said:
Money talks, it's not at all an unreasonable thought, a lot of things across many mediums are influenced by money. Not all, but a lot. I mean look at Naruto, that cow is still being milked like hell and the series is finished. Oda sold 11 million volumes last year, and probably just as many every other year, that's a lot of $$$ after all.
Never said it wasn't. I was just remarking on how quick people go to the money motive when they don't like something. And if they like it then the mangaka is obviously doing it from the bottom of his heart just to spread around his message and doesn't care about money or fame.

No matter how much I dislike something I usually don't assume they're only after the money, I just think that it isn't right for me or it was a bad choice. I don't make assumptions about a mangaka's state of mind that I know nothing about.

Hint hint, they're always doing it for money and they're always doing it because they like manga and want to put out a story that's enjoyable and that they're proud of. Being a mangaka is too hard and unrewarding for most of a job to do it only for money.
IntroverTurtleFeb 8, 2015 2:23 PM
Feb 8, 2015 2:25 PM
Oct 2011
It's obvious, the quality is shit since the timeskip until now, but fanboys will always deny that because well, they're fanboys. Ignore them.

It's honestly the same as any longrunner like Conan or Bleach or Naruto, it's selling so the author will eventually run out of ideas and just repeat the same shit again and again because why not? it's selling, millions of copies. Interesting new things/themes/events? Where would he come out with them? There's a limit to everything, and the author reached his limit in writing a story that should last for another decade or so.
Candor123Feb 8, 2015 2:28 PM
Feb 8, 2015 3:16 PM

Nov 2010
A little bit.

But it's not a problem with the story, themes, ideas or characters, but structure and necessities.

Necessities are things like gladiators in Dressrosa arc. They seem irrelevant and filler at first, but in reality are allies and future army that will aid Luffy either during a fight with yonko or during the final war. It's something that has to happen and, for better or worse, is happening now.

Structure is the problem with handling all those necessities, the standalone story of the arc, and parts of overarching story at the same time. Everything became much more complex after timeskip and Oda has trouble handling both overarching and standalone stories simultaneously, hence the pacing issues. Constant breaks don't help much too. Thankfully it's a problem of present day really, because in the future, when the whole arc is done, the pacing won't be much of a problem for marathoners.

There are some pointless subplots like Kids on PH or (at least so far) dwarves on DR that seem to be just a sad excuse for some emotional moments.

All in all, though, I don't think it's as big of a hit to quality as some make it out to be. The most important part of Dressrosa, which is Law/Doflamingo plot, has been amazing so far. Doflamingo is a great villian and his crew is a colorful bunch like no other before. There are some awesome supporting characters like Kyros, Barto and Cavendish, lots of humour, great worldbuilding and plenty of cool moments to pick from. It's still the same epic, funny and touching One Piece I know and love, and those faults all mentioned are not enough to hinder my reading experience.
Feb 8, 2015 3:23 PM

Nov 2010
Dahaka_ said:
There are some pointless subplots like Kids on PH or (at least so far) dwarves on DR that seem to be just a sad excuse for some emotional moments.
That's where that theory I was talking about kicks in.

Candor said:
It's obvious, the quality is shit since the timeskip until now, but fanboys will always deny that because well, they're fanboys. Ignore them.
Self fulfilling prophecy much?
Feb 8, 2015 3:35 PM

Nov 2010
IntroverTurtle said:
Dahaka_ said:
There are some pointless subplots like Kids on PH or (at least so far) dwarves on DR that seem to be just a sad excuse for some emotional moments.
That's where that theory I was talking about kicks in.

I kinda expect those gigantism experiments to come back later in the story one way or another, but still, those kids sucked ass.
Feb 9, 2015 6:11 AM

Apr 2008
Dahaka_ said:
A little bit.

But it's not a problem with the story, themes, ideas or characters, but structure and necessities.

Necessities are things like gladiators in Dressrosa arc. They seem irrelevant and filler at first, but in reality are allies and future army that will aid Luffy either during a fight with yonko or during the final war. It's something that has to happen and, for better or worse, is happening now.

Structure is the problem with handling all those necessities, the standalone story of the arc, and parts of overarching story at the same time. Everything became much more complex after timeskip and Oda has trouble handling both overarching and standalone stories simultaneously, hence the pacing issues. Constant breaks don't help much too. Thankfully it's a problem of present day really, because in the future, when the whole arc is done, the pacing won't be much of a problem for marathoners.

Pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.

Something I've always found that really differentiated One Piece from other shonen series was its scope. Oda tends to plan quite a bit further in advance than many mangakas out there, and I commend him on it. It also means that his arcs tend to take a little longer to get off the ground. Personally, I'm still really enjoying Dressrosa, and I haven't felt like I wasted any time reading a chapter yet.
Granted, I'd probably enjoy it quite a bit more if I was marathoning it, but he has managed to keep me excited at each of the major reveals that've occurred during this arc so far.
Feb 9, 2015 3:26 PM

Jun 2012
It has some problems like somewhat worse pacing, a bit of flanderization for some SHs (which Oda seems to realize and is fixing) and arcs feeling too stuffed but other than that it's fine, the Pirate Alliance Saga has the potential to be one of the best in the series and it can really only get better after Dressrosa. Most complaints just seem come from people who only pay half-attention while watching/reading or over-exaggerate all the negatives and ignore all the positives
Feb 10, 2015 8:25 AM

Nov 2013
Story is still good but it's damn slow.

Dressrosa will be 90 chapters long in the end ...

During the first half of grand line we never spent so much chapters in an island. Even during Robin arc there were 2 islands, Water 7 and Enies Lobby.

I understand Oda needs to introduce lots of characters but I'm confident he could do it faster. There have been tons of useless panels during the current battle. The whole arc could have had the same content with roughly 10 chapters less.
Feb 10, 2015 9:33 AM

Jun 2014
antonnn said:
Do you think post-timeskip One Piece is of lower quality?

Yes, I believe the quality has seriously degraded. Both FI and PH were terrible but Dresrossa has been fairly good so far. I believe the main problem of One Piece right now is that quantity is valued more than quality. For example,

-There are like a gazillion characters that no one cares about and they get so much screentime (tontattas being the worst contenders). Fewer better written characters with more focus would have been better(especially the strawhats themselves).

-Each of the arcs of the time skip have been like 50+ chapters and Dresrossa will probably be like 100+ chapters. Now obviously, length is not inherently a problem but it definitely becomes one when the content doesn't match with length which is definitely the case right now.

Oda should really reduce the scope and try to deal with fewer characters and plot lines at a time since clearly all that we've got so far from the increase in scope is just a greater percentage of uneventful scenes and canonized fillers as well as a generally slow pace.

Of course, there are other things like the lack of emotional investment in most of what is happening or how unfunny the humour has become, the lack of adventure compared to Pre-Ts (in favor of fights, uninteresting and unimportant ones at that) but I'll just leave those for now.

Edit: Oops, I thhough this was the anime subforum.
AgafinFeb 10, 2015 11:11 AM
Feb 10, 2015 10:47 AM

Apr 2014
It's the same old One Piece.
the pacing felt a bit slow at time though, and Oda constant break didn't help at all.
Feb 10, 2015 11:01 AM

Oct 2008
Idk about that one, any longer running series always has its ups and downs "roller coaster" parts and OP is no exception,it had issues long before the time skip took place.
Usually whats longer than ~100-150 episodes and doesn't do major changes in terms of characters and story progressions encounters the risk of dealing with the same issues over and over again.
The anime series "Major" for instance was a great example of a series that actually warranted its number of episodes while dealing with the progression of its main character throughout the years.However if in a series times skips occur but doesn't change anything to said series dynamic,then the time skip doesn't feel warranted at all.
Feb 10, 2015 5:47 PM

Apr 2010
Agafin said:
antonnn said:
Do you think post-timeskip One Piece is of lower quality?

Yes, I believe the quality has seriously degraded. Both FI and PH were terrible but Dresrossa has been fairly good so far. I believe the main problem of One Piece right now is that quantity is valued more than quality. For example,

-There are like a gazillion characters that no one cares about and they get so much screentime (tontattas being the worst contenders). Fewer better written characters with more focus would have been better(especially the strawhats themselves).

-Each of the arcs of the time skip have been like 50+ chapters and Dresrossa will probably be like 100+ chapters. Now obviously, length is not inherently a problem but it definitely becomes one when the content doesn't match with length which is definitely the case right now.

Oda should really reduce the scope and try to deal with fewer characters and plot lines at a time since clearly all that we've got so far from the increase in scope is just a greater percentage of uneventful scenes and canonized fillers as well as a generally slow pace.

Of course, there are other things like the lack of emotional investment in most of what is happening or how unfunny the humour has become, the lack of adventure compared to Pre-Ts (in favor of fights, uninteresting and unimportant ones at that) but I'll just leave those for now.

Edit: Oops, I thhough this was the anime subforum.

You've pretty much summed up all my grievances with post-timeskip OP.

Don't get me wrong guys, I don't believe that all of the Dressrosa arc is bad, and I'm not half reading it or anything, but it's almost undeniable that there are so many useless panels right now, it's definitely going for quantity over quality right now. There have definitely been good moments, but with the current dragfest that's going on he's almost undoing a decent portion of his good work by including too much focus on characters and situations that just don't need that kind of focus. Sabo's return was such a big and awesome moment, now it's all, "Sabo, what??"

I agree with amatuer to an extent, all the series has ups and downs, I mean FT had several poor arcs but then this most recent one ended up being one of the best in the whole series. I have in no way lost faith in the series, but with all the unnecessary things going on right now he should have just finished the arc by now and moved onto the next, and what will probably be better, arc. Only time will tell if all this additional stuff that he's been putting in will end up coming back in some form later on and end up making an impact, I'd like to hope so.
Feb 12, 2015 5:19 AM

Mar 2013
Pretty much , the arcs post timeskip are way longer than they need to be with alot of pointless panels , way too many characters, and overall oda trying to juggle too much in one arc , and it doesn't help that hes really been dragging out the arcs which leads eventually makes them a bit uninteresting over time.

The humor has been a bit of a miss lately as well , cant say I feel that charm the series has always had though I suppose oda is still trying.

Hopefully the next arc he'll go back to making the arcs a bit smaller in scale and only making them big when the time calls for it .
Feb 12, 2015 5:21 AM

Apr 2010
Yeah that's the other thing, I'm not laughing like I used to. Good comedy would help A LOT with these drawn out arcs.
Feb 12, 2015 5:23 AM

Aug 2008
Fishmen arc and Punk Hazard are not that good but Dressrosa arc is brilliant. I will say I still like it overall. Dressrosa is very dragging though.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Feb 12, 2015 12:49 PM

Apr 2011
One Piece is still the same as ever. Some chapters, like today's, aren't as fulfilling. It all depends on which characters you've grown attached to. I feel like Oda put just the right amount of focus on all those other characters he's introduced. They are all extremely important, even if it isn't obvious at this time. If you haven't realized it, everything comes back. Oda plants 100 seeds at once, and peeps get angry when he does because all they see is excessive nothingness. But then all of a sudden the flowers blossom all over the place, and everyone is in awe. It takes a while, but it'll pay off if you're patient enough.

For me, my favorite part of One Piece is from Shabody to Shabody. That entire span of episodes, from when the crew meets up with the supernovas etc. to when they get back together... that's a roller coaster ride. One helluva one really. And one of the best parts about it for me was the fact that it was Luffy almost 24/7.

Now, I did read the series weekly way back when Thriller was airing, so I know how this works, but nothing was ever better than seeing a good portion of every chapter focused on the one character I adore most. Now... we barely see him. Though the chapters are so full of content and characters, I realize that it's all going to culminate into something much more epic. Right now this very chapter that came out today was boring. Kyros and Diamante, Robin and Rebecca, all doing their thing. Hooray? It was nice to get a conclusion but I didn't actually care about that particular event. And that's okay. It was a decent chapter, but it wasn't my cup of awesome. But again, I know that this is plot progression, and the characters introduced are all to help with the plot progression.

Imagine, all these characters that were introduced in this arc are major players in the New World. There's 2 Yonkou involved and an admiral. There's the revolutionaries and a royal family. There's also CP0 and the celestial dragons. There's a lot of strings in this arc (pun intended Doffy lmao), and we aren't really seeing any progression with them... but we will.... we will... and just imagine it. Luffy having an f-ing armada! There's so many ways this series can progress from here. And it starts with Luffy beating the shit out of Doffy. (Which I sure as hell can't wait to see). Just smiling cheek to cheek thinking about that final confrontation (or any other plot twist that might entail). Ugh so excited.

But see, even if the current chapter wasn't perfect, or even great, I know there's some phenomenal shit coming soon. Might take a year, might take longer, but after following this series for around 7 years... and experiencing Ace's death in its most unspoilered form.... seeing Zoro take Luffy's pain or seeing the Straw Hats broken up... All that... and more... not expecting that stuff and filled with anticipation knowing more of that stuff will be happening on even greater proportions...

Yes I'm an OP fangirl. Well, no. I'm a Luffy fangirl more than anything, but anyway, I KNOW it's going to get better. And these chapters aren't crap, so there's nothing for me to complain about. I'm still hyped over big mom and Kaidoh. I'm hyped so badly and seeing a chapter like today's just makes me more excited cause I know we're one step closer to pure badassery. That's how that's handled. Put it into perspective. That's all.

Rant end./
Feb 12, 2015 6:45 PM

Apr 2010
Its of a much much lower quality.
Feb 14, 2015 2:04 AM

Dec 2013
I love One Piece but yet it has gone down. I still enjoy it but not as much as I used to.
Feb 15, 2015 5:01 AM
Dec 2013
I still enjoy it but post OP is definitely of lower quality

what I don't like is the lack of focus on the Strawhats their stories and chemistry is the best part of OP for me
instead we have countless new and pointless characters and the three post time skip arcs have just been dragging (even in the manga)
Feb 18, 2015 9:06 PM

Sep 2011
Nope, and to the people that think it has: Welcome to One Piece, seems like you have caught up!

Every single time there's a new arc in this manga. The droves of newly caught up fans come in to the forums everyday whining about the pacing. This has always been the modus operandi for Oda. This is just how he writes. He likes to take his time building the world up, slowly moving the characters to the climax. The manga has literally always been this way. It's just that the vast majority of fans don't realize this until they catch up.

You guys should be thankful this isn't Hunter x Hunter or Berserk. Not only would you get slow pacing but you would have to deal with the dreaded hiatus.
Feb 18, 2015 9:33 PM

Jun 2012
Fullmetal89 said:
Nope, and to the people that think it has: Welcome to One Piece, seems like you have caught up!

Every single time there's a new arc in this manga. The droves of newly caught up fans come in to the forums everyday whining about the pacing. This has always been the modus operandi for Oda. This is just how he writes. He likes to take his time building the world up, slowly moving the characters to the climax. The manga has literally always been this way. It's just that the vast majority of fans don't realize this until they catch up.

You guys should be thankful this isn't Hunter x Hunter or Berserk. Not only would you get slow pacing but you would have to deal with the dreaded hiatus.

This too. Fishman Island and Punk Hazard are much more enjoyable when read in one go via volume format, I guarantee there were plenty of people back in 06/07 complaining about all the extended fights, distractions, delays, etc. during Enies Lobby just like people currently do regarding Dressrosa and that arc is praised as one of the best in the manga today
Feb 18, 2015 9:45 PM

Nov 2010
Fullmetal89 said:
Nope, and to the people that think it has: Welcome to One Piece, seems like you have caught up!
That does make sense. A lot of people love Marineford and don't even mention its pacing but it wasn't much faster than post timeskip.
Feb 19, 2015 8:23 AM

Sep 2011
Kaimon said:

This too. Fishman Island and Punk Hazard are much more enjoyable when read in one go via volume format, I guarantee there were plenty of people back in 06/07 complaining about all the extended fights, distractions, delays, etc. during Enies Lobby just like people currently do regarding Dressrosa and that arc is praised as one of the best in the manga today

Exactly, One Piece is one of those mangas/anime that is better enjoyed when you read the arcs after they are finished or reread an arc once it's complete.

IntroverTurtle said:
That does make sense. A lot of people love Marineford and don't even mention its pacing but it wasn't much faster than post timeskip.

Yup, everyone always loves Marineford. I remember reading that arc as it was unfolding. It literally played out exactly like this one. With a lot of back and forth between characters. Not to mention that the only main crew member that was in that arc was Luffy. Yet, most fans seem to praise that arc as the pinnacle of One Piece (though I would disagree). Oda hasn't really changed his pacing, this has been the way he's done big arcs since Arabasta. He even brought back the victory announcements from Arabasta; "Smile Factor Victor: Franky."

Honestly, I think Dressrosa has been the best arc since the timeskip. There's a lot of big plot developments in this arc. Not to mention a lot of really good back stories like Kyros, Law and hell even Sr. Pink.
Feb 19, 2015 8:30 AM

Mar 2012
On average, it was average, but now it's plain terrible. Except for about chapters I can count with 3 hands.

But yeah, it's worse now than ever before. This is Davy Back/Enies Lobbybad
End Zionazism
Feb 20, 2015 2:11 PM

Apr 2010
Gotta love those who think OP is still top quality generalising about people who aren't happy with an arc. Maybe people just have different opinion? Maybe, just maybe.

I mean, I caught up on OP a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago, nowhere near newly caught up, but I feel the way I do because I genuinely think OP isn't as good as it once was. As a matter of fact, I think reading week by week is easier than in one big go. Sure you have to wait between each chapter, but I personally don't think it adds to the drag as much as some people suggest. If something is boring, has useless panels with unnecessary dialogue and focus on characters that don't need it and all, reading it chapter after chapter will bore me even more so than waiting weekly, even if I know that by persevering it'll end sooner. Low/lower quality is low/lower quality, regardless of waiting or not.

But that's just my opinion, it's different from certain people's opinions so therefore it must be wrong, I must have just caught up to OP 6 months ago.

Feb 20, 2015 9:47 PM
Jan 2014
It's not. On the contrary, I think its better than ever seriously.
Feb 21, 2015 6:01 AM

Jun 2014
antonnn said:
Gotta love those who think OP is still top quality generalising about people who aren't happy with an arc. Maybe people just have different opinion? Maybe, just maybe.

I mean, I caught up on OP a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago, nowhere near newly caught up, but I feel the way I do because I genuinely think OP isn't as good as it once was. As a matter of fact, I think reading week by week is easier than in one big go. Sure you have to wait between each chapter, but I personally don't think it adds to the drag as much as some people suggest. If something is boring, has useless panels with unnecessary dialogue and focus on characters that don't need it and all, reading it chapter after chapter will bore me even more so than waiting weekly, even if I know that by persevering it'll end sooner. Low/lower quality is low/lower quality, regardless of waiting or not.

But that's just my opinion, it's different from certain people's opinions so therefore it must be wrong, I must have just caught up to OP 6 months ago.


I agree. The funny thing is that I believe that I've been watching One Piece for longer than most of the people who make that generalisation. This arc is definitely dragged imo. The latest chapter(777) for example brought absolutely nothing new to the table and was just an excuse for padding.
Feb 21, 2015 9:11 AM

Sep 2011
I was generalizing with my comment because a lot, and I mean a lot of people that come into these forums have either recently caught up or caught up during Marineford.

I'm not saying everyone has to agree with me and it's obvious some don't. I personally think, since catching up during Ennies Lobby, that Dressrosa is no more lower quality in terms of pacing than the other arcs. I mean a lot has happened in this arc, and as some have said already it's the longest arc in One Piece so far.

*** Major Spoilers ***

Here's what we got during Dressrosa so far:

- First real challenge for the Straw Hats since the time-skip. Arguably one of the strongest and most cunning characters in the series as the main villain.

- The reveal of one of two new Admirals: Fujitora. Including the reveal of his DF power.

- First tournament arc in One Piece, introducing several new characters. Many of which are likely to play a big role later in the series. Bartolomeo, Cavendish, Hapo army guys.

- First time since Jaya that we see Bellamy. A minor character that most never expected to see again. Let alone have a significant role in the series.

- CP-0 revealed.

- First Blackbeard crew member to be shown post-timeskip, Jesus Burgess.

- A major character which was thought to be dead, revealed to not be dead: Sabo. He also wins and eats Ace's fruit.

- First time since Sabody that the crew is split up in a significant way.

- Doffy's past, including his Tenryuubito origins.

- Law's past, including his full name having a 'D' in it.

- Several other character's past arcs: Kyro's, Sr. Pink etc.

Also a few minor things:

- Another one of Usopp's many lies being shown to be true. He finds a tribe of little people.

- Several new possible contenders for crew members.

I probably forgot a few things.

My point here is that there has been a ton of new developments in this arc. I don't think we have seen this many since Marineford/Post-Marineford. Which is why the pacing may feel slower. It's a huge arc. It also doesn't help that Oda has been taking breaks every 3 weeks or so for about a year now.

I think once this arc is over and done with, people will see it in a better light.
FullmetalRaikouFeb 21, 2015 9:21 AM
Feb 21, 2015 7:26 PM

Apr 2010
I personally think the better parts of this arc have actually been of pretty good quality, but with all the unnecessary panels and all that's been added has kinda killed the good vibe. I guess it doesn't help that this arc started off great, it raised my expectations, especially after how disappointing the last 2 arcs were. Well, the good thing is that I won't be raising my expectations for the next arc even if it starts well, so if it's good, then awesome, if it's not too good then I guess I'll be less disappointed.
Feb 21, 2015 7:49 PM

Sep 2011
antonnn said:
I personally think the better parts of this arc have actually been of pretty good quality, but with all the unnecessary panels and all that's been added has kinda killed the good vibe. I guess it doesn't help that this arc started off great, it raised my expectations, especially after how disappointing the last 2 arcs were. Well, the good thing is that I won't be raising my expectations for the next arc even if it starts well, so if it's good, then awesome, if it's not too good then I guess I'll be less disappointed.

That's usually how I start every arc of every manga lol.

I can definitely see were you are coming from with your comment about unnecessary panels. While I think it's to be expected from a manga as long as this one. It's still annoying. Last chapter, for example, didn't do all that much to project the story forward. Again, that's just Oda being Oda in my opinion. At least it's not as bad as Bleach in that regard. I can read 30 chapters of Bleach and feel like I got about 2 chapters worth of plot progression.

*Sorry for the blatant jab at Bleach, for any of the fans out there. I actually like the series for what it's worth. That said no series is beyond criticism including One Piece.*
FullmetalRaikouFeb 21, 2015 7:54 PM
Feb 22, 2015 11:21 AM

Apr 2010
Yeah I usually start most arcs with lower expectations also, but since I know the level OP can be and how Dressrosa started pretty well, I got sucked in. The latest FT arc is a good example, I had no expectations for it as it hadn't been good for a number of arcs but then the latest one was good so I was pleasantly surprised.

I agree though, Bleach right now is quite poor compared to older arcs. I mean Bleach was never text heavy like OP but in the last 2 years chapters have gone by in literally 1 minute of "reading" and practically nothing happening.
Feb 23, 2015 8:24 AM

Sep 2011
antonnn said:
Yeah I usually start most arcs with lower expectations also, but since I know the level OP can be and how Dressrosa started pretty well, I got sucked in. The latest FT arc is a good example, I had no expectations for it as it hadn't been good for a number of arcs but then the latest one was good so I was pleasantly surprised.

I agree though, Bleach right now is quite poor compared to older arcs. I mean Bleach was never text heavy like OP but in the last 2 years chapters have gone by in literally 1 minute of "reading" and practically nothing happening.

Agree on both those accounts. I've actually given FT a lot of flack over the years but I have to admit I'm really liking the most recent development. Especially fond of Charle's new look. It's a pity about Bleach, I like the cast and the Quincy arc isn't completely terrible. The problem is that god awful pacing. The most recent chapter shows some promise at least,
Feb 23, 2015 1:13 PM

Dec 2014
I too think the Fishman Arc is just aweful. I don't like the arc. Still I don't think the quality is lower. I like the Punk Hazard Arc and even though the Dressrosa Arc is sometimes dragged out too much. It's a pretty awesome arc.
Feb 23, 2015 10:37 PM

Dec 2012
No. I KNOW post-timeskip One Piece is of lower quality. Still love it, but it's gone downhill. I think it's getting better though, and it will continue to do so until it reaches its former heights.
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Feb 27, 2015 12:34 AM

Aug 2007
No. Oda's writing is still as great as ever.
Feb 27, 2015 2:00 AM

Jun 2012
the funny thing about marineford is that shit felt like a side trip even oda said it himself.
Feb 27, 2015 1:29 PM

Mar 2014
Lemme put it this way
One Piece pre timeskip is an absolute 10 for me. As bad as the pacing is, everything is so emotional and its almost a different style of story telling. Instead of having good chapters/episodes or good arcs, One piece has great moments

One Piece post timeskip (other than Return to Shabondy, that was the best thing ever) is a crappy, quickly thrown together shonen that is at best a 7 and at worst a 2
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Mar 11, 2015 8:00 AM

Mar 2010
I would prefer thread like Diamante vs Captain Kuro or [spoiler]Diamante vs shit
Do pop-up headlights really endanger pedestrians that much?
Mar 11, 2015 8:01 AM

Apr 2013
Unfortunately yes, I don't enjoy it as much anymore.
Mar 11, 2015 8:33 AM

Mar 2010
Honestly? Nothing really changed. But if you read as fighting manga like me then it sucks donkey balls. Villains are suppa lame, they're not a threat at all. And it all started at Marineford. So, there is no drop of quality after time skip.
Do pop-up headlights really endanger pedestrians that much?
Mar 11, 2015 8:41 AM

Mar 2010
I bet Zoro could take out entire Donquixote family by himself.
Do pop-up headlights really endanger pedestrians that much?
Mar 12, 2015 10:27 AM
Jan 2014
YareYareJii-san said:
I bet Zoro could take out entire Donquixote family by himself.

Mar 12, 2015 7:55 PM

Apr 2010
It's so dragged out and it doesn't help that the series can barely go a few chapters now without having to take a break.
Mar 12, 2015 8:28 PM

Sep 2011
scabab said:
It's so dragged out and it doesn't help that the series can barely go a few chapters now without having to take a break.

I'm just thankful it's only a week break and not a dreaded hiatus.
Mar 12, 2015 8:30 PM

Nov 2010
I thought Oda was now on a once a month break schedule.
Mar 12, 2015 8:40 PM

Jun 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
I thought Oda was now on a once a month break schedule.

He is. The longest he went without a break during Dressrosa was 6 weeks iirc
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