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‘Obscene’ U.S. Manga Collector Jailed 6 Months

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Feb 13, 2010 10:43 AM

Feb 2009
Monad said:

Your logic is completely non existent. What the hell does piracy has to do with 2d lolis being illegal? Piracy is strictly a matter of economics and intellectual rights.
Stop putting dissimilar things in to the same basket because you look like an idiot.

According to your logic about promoting then when there is a murder in a movie,book,manga,video game we also promote murder and those things should be illegal.
His not promoting fucking anything. His not paying any money for real depictions of such actions so his not promoting any market of real abuse.

Also you fail to understand that a person who might read such a doujin isn't synonymous of being a pedophile. That guy probably was some crazy doujin lover who enjoyed some strange doujins and not a pedophile since if he was they would have found material about real children or even have a record of strange friendliness around children. This guy may very well like only 25 year old real women or not liking real women at all.
So his a completely normal person in the outside world that may even help many. Throwing such a person in prison is completely stupid.

If you make a psychological study of people 99% of them have fantasized of the most sick things you can imagine. That's why i laugh when people try to play innocent and shocked about a guy who orders some loli manga. God knows how much strange fetich's people keep in the closets. But for me, hey in there alone time, they can to whatever the hell they want.

Pretty much, you summed up my entire thought to the situation.

Feb 13, 2010 10:59 AM

Jan 2008
Sukunai said:
Stop pretending it's a victimless crime you retards. If you do it, you promote it, condone it and support it.

Do what? He hasn't done anything.

If the dude had actual child porn or there was proof that he was in any way contributing to it then send him off to prison, I don't have a problem with that. But the reality (as far as we know anyway) is that he just ordered comics depicting sick shit, the only thing he's contributing to is the wallets of Japanese publishers.

It doesn't even matter if you think he would move onto the real thing from his current obsession, you cant go all Minority Report on people without justification, or you may as well just throw in the towel and turn into a dystopic dictatorship.

I mean I don't even have a problem with punishing the dude for having such lousy taste, but to punish him with actual prison time? All that time, effort and money to send a dude into prison for just looking at drawings?

THAT is fucking retarded. Talk about fucked up priorities. There are probably criminals who have done much much worse things and have served way less time, I can almost guarantee it.
BeatnikFeb 13, 2010 11:38 AM
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 13, 2010 11:16 AM

Mar 2007
Might want to fix your quote there, Ci ;P

And as a confirmed 35 year old lolicon, I can definitely say this law is complete nonsense (just like Dubya's term in office, but that's a whole other can of worms).

I've lost track at how much loli porn I've watched and read. And guess what? I still find real children to be smelly, disgusting, annoying little twats.
You've come a long way, baby.
Feb 13, 2010 11:20 AM

Jan 2008
Sukunai said:
Loli never hurts anyone is the same fucked in the head logic that piracy hurts no one.

You know I think it should be illegal for people who do not know anything about logic to use the word. Because I get so irritated when they do. And they are also likely to continue being illogical, and that very provably leads to very horrendous consequences.
Sukunai said:
Stop pretending it's a victimless crime you retards. If you do it, you promote it, condone it and support it.

Which is this 'it'?

One can suppose it means 'child abuse' here, but I think even you would agree that fapping to loli ain't child abuse. So then does it mean that if someone faps to loli they condone fapping to loli? Well, I see no problem with that, and certainly no victim.

What I imagine you did try to say, but failed due to this devious and silly ambiguity of 'it' where you took it to mean two things, is that if you fap to loli, you condone child abuse. Now I'll be durned, but I really cannot see any logical necessity thereof, much like how I do not see how enjoying violent TV shows would imply you condone of violence.

Sukunai said:
My only concern is 'what exactly is 'loli'? by age determination.

How does a drawing have an age?

Well, the drawing itself does have age, and I suppose that implies anyone who masturbates to any drawing drawn less than twelve years ago is a pedophile.

If not, is it then the alleged age of the object in the drawing? Well, then of course you can do the 'really seven hundred years' trick.

Is it how old the person on the drawing looks? Well, in that case, we have some simple problems: first of all, what are the criteria? second of all, then real porn can't have participants who aren't off age either can they? (Australia are doing that right now, go figure). Indeed why should they even be allowed to have sex? That'd just be incitament for pedophiles to rally on the streets, raping children and possibly torching cars.

Sukunai said:
My vote goes to 12 and under. Depiction of or actual photo of actual person I don't feel like making any distinction.

Your vote is irrelevant.

Not to mention what you feel. Who cares what you feel? Facts don't.

What would be relevant is your reasoning, but, well, none of that here.

Sukunai said:
But to sit butt naked emptying one's balls playing with oneself looking at pictures of teenager aged hentai art while good for some serious embarrassment when caught if you happen to be old enough to be a teen's father, is not on par with getting off looking at naked images of persons 12 and under.

Okay what
sukunai said:
As for the bestiality, well the dude is a very disgusting individual indeed. I don't like his chances of being in for 6 months and being safe the entire time. It's going to be a very long 6 months for him. He'd be safer if he'd robbed a bank and killed someone doing it. Of course he'd be in a lot longer for that, but he'd likely not be a target of other inmates. They don't like sick perverts.

Which exacerbates the punishment he recieves for having done nothing harmful at all. Nice.

As for disgusting, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

I think sex in general is disgusting, but I would certainly not hinder people inclined towards it for it. (Beastiality is slightly different since the animals can't really consent, but then the consent of drawings - or anyone - to be fapped over or not is irrelevant).
How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read. | Report rules abuse | Your Panel | Clubs | Messages | Forum | Recent
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Feb 13, 2010 2:18 PM

May 2008
Sukunai said:
Loli never hurts anyone is the same fucked in the head logic that piracy hurts no one.

This is a rather amusing statement considering this event basically makes pirating loli more safe than buying it.

Anyway I think most people have has at least one instance of being sexually attracted to a real life child, animal, or some other thing deemed unacceptable by society. At least once. Or a least a good portion of human beings have.

First of all I don't think sex with animals should be illegal so long as it's not animal abuse. There's a whole lot of horse porn out there that if anyone is in danger of getting harmed by it, it's the human. Not the animal. And I don't think that liking loli and shota translates into liking real kids much less promotes the attraction. I for one, don't register them as children. They don't look and act like real children to me. Now I can't say that I've never been sexually attracted to a child, I've had occasions of this happening since I was 11 or so myself. But as an adult, for whatever reason, this is an incredibly infrequent and passing thing. Probably memetics affecting my sexuality on some level.

But the point is it's more than just morals keeping me from doing this. I can look at loli and shota all day and find it incredibly attractive and interesting, but looking at real life kids doesn't tend to have near the effect. In fact, it tends to not have any effect at all. Again I can't say it's never happened, I would be lying and I've had sexual feelings since I was 11 and I didn't always direct them toward adults, but often schoolkids my age. And it's not like those memories and emotions toward peers immediately died off permanently with each year that I grew.

But certainly I don't go off looking for pictures of real life kids or find them anywhere near as appealing as attractive as loli and shota artwork which seems completely different. I am incredibly into loli and shota. I am incredibly not into real life children. They don't look like little kids. I mean, what little kid look like Lillith Aensland unless they have an INCREDIBLE hormone imbalance? And what little kid acts like Tiger from ToraDora? Or Mina Tepes? Or even some of the literal "kid" characters?

I suppose I'm promoting the rape of children if I focally fantasize about being Demon Lord Etna's slave? If I wouldn't mind having a Siesta pulled on me and become Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière's plebeian concubine and part of a LITERAL "reverse" harem? If I think that Naruto's Kage Bunshin would lead to some very interesting possibilities and situations? If I say Ciel in a dress is the sexiest thing ever?

I think rather not.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Feb 13, 2010 2:58 PM

Feb 2009
It's amazing how fast I was able to read through the replies considering I was able to fully predict what would be said by all you intellectually challenged mental midgets.

Maybe when you're all over 20 you'll have a better grasp of the reality you're going to be dealing with.

Nothing would give me greater amusement, than to see some of you fools defend your positions in a real courtroom as opposed to this forum community.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Feb 13, 2010 3:03 PM

Mar 2007
Sukunai said:
Maybe when you're all over 20 you'll have a better grasp of the reality you're going to be dealing with.

Kimura said:
And as a confirmed 35 year old lolicon

You were saying?

And coming back and insulting everyone instead of actually trying to defend your position makes YOU look like a "mental midget", not us.
You've come a long way, baby.
Feb 13, 2010 3:10 PM

Jan 2008
Sukunai said:
It's amazing how fast I was able to read through the replies considering I was able to fully predict what would be said by all you intellectually challenged mental midgets.

Maybe when you're all over 20 you'll have a better grasp of the reality you're going to be dealing with.

Nothing would give me greater amusement, than to see some of you fools defend your positions in a real courtroom as opposed to this forum community.


None of that are there?

Merely argument to age (why are you so fond of that fallacy?). Besides, I am over twenty; Kimura is over twenty, Beatnik is over twenty, and ukonkivi is over twenty. Monad and Drunk_samurai do not display their ages, so they could be or could not. In other words, even your fallacy is wrong on its own terms. That is... a rather amazing facefault.

Oh yeah and insults :/ Great, really great. Stop that. How childish can you get?
How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read. | Report rules abuse | Your Panel | Clubs | Messages | Forum | Recent
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Feb 13, 2010 3:16 PM

Aug 2007
Sukunai said:
It's amazing how fast I was able to read through the replies considering I was able to fully predict what would be said by all you intellectually challenged mental midgets.

Maybe when you're all over 20 you'll have a better grasp of the reality you're going to be dealing with.

Nothing would give me greater amusement, than to see some of you fools defend your positions in a real courtroom as opposed to this forum community.

I think you forgot to take your medicine, old man.
Feb 13, 2010 3:22 PM

Feb 2009
Sukunai said:
It's amazing how fast I was able to read through the replies considering I was able to fully predict what would be said by all you intellectually challenged mental midgets.

Maybe when you're all over 20 you'll have a better grasp of the reality you're going to be dealing with.

Nothing would give me greater amusement, than to see some of you fools defend your positions in a real courtroom as opposed to this forum community.


I'm only 17 and still feel humiliated to have read this.

Feb 13, 2010 3:22 PM

Jun 2008
Kaiserpingvin said:
Sukunai said:
It's amazing how fast I was able to read through the replies considering I was able to fully predict what would be said by all you intellectually challenged mental midgets.

Maybe when you're all over 20 you'll have a better grasp of the reality you're going to be dealing with.

Nothing would give me greater amusement, than to see some of you fools defend your positions in a real courtroom as opposed to this forum community.


None of that are there?

Merely argument to age (why are you so fond of that fallacy?). Besides, I am over twenty; Kimura is over twenty, Beatnik is over twenty, and ukonkivi is over twenty. Monad and Drunk_samurai do not display their ages, so they could be or could not. In other words, even your fallacy is wrong on its own terms. That is... a rather amazing facefault.

Oh yeah and insults :/ Great, really great. Stop that. How childish can you get?

Am over 20 also. I believe it's quite obvious am not a teenager. Sukunai stop trying to play the adult card all the time it's getting boring. We are not little kids. Many of us are grown-ups.
But i guess you didn't have real arguments against our positions. I would gladly defend my position in a court if i have to. I consider my position a matter of personal freedom.
Feb 13, 2010 5:19 PM

Dec 2007
Heh, Monad already said pretty much everything I wanted to say far, far better than I could have ^^

Which leaves me free to ramble! :P

I honestly think the entire thing took on a life of its own and got blown entirely out of proportion, going far, far further than it had any right to... because how far it had a right to go was effectively nowhere; The only bit I have no issue with about the whole thing really is that they opened his mail, because I'm pretty sure mail checks are standard procedure.
Okay, maybe I can see going around to his house from there if they were a bit iffy about it, but once they found that there was no child porn that should have been the end of it.

From looking at his personal history over at ANN, he sounds like he was quite a normal guy; graduated, time in the navy, a degree, long term employment... one of those 'contributing members of society' folks that people normally look upon quite favourably. At least until all this started. Played games and read comics in his spare time. Wow, how dangerous.
He just also happened to have a manga collection containing lots of stuff, from lots of genres. Who the hell cares if some of it was hentai, and if some of that was lolicon hentai?
Whoever it is that should care, the courts isn't it. The courts shouldn't because its completely irrelevant.
I guess at least the courts threw out the obscenity charges ¬_¬

Even the sentence is a joke.
If you think he should never have been charged in the first place, its too long.
Taking it from the other angle though, if the courts really thought he really was some sort of danger to others because of this then sentencing him to six months is pointless. What good would six months actually do if that were the case?

If the guy had real bestiality and/or child porn in his collection, I would say by all means go and lambaste the guy's taste, morals, or lack thereof, and throw the book at him if thats what you so desire. He would have deserved it.
As it stands, he didn't. There was nothing to throw the book at... and yet somehow they seem to have managed anyway.

Children are harmed by child porn.
Nobody is harmed in the making of loli hentai manga. Or shota hentai. Or the Kemono for whatever animal sex anthology.
Nobody is harmed in the owning of it, and nobody is harmed in the shipping of it across state lines unless it happens to be in a rather large box that falls on someones head along the way.

That whole "psychological evaluation" as part of a "treatment programme" for his deviancy though? Eugh. That bothers me more than I'd have expected it to.
The "we'll polygraph you until we think you're normal like the rest of us" implication is an entirely separate very dodgy kettle of fish and I don't really know where to start on it :|
(Not to mention that the "although honest with what he reported, [he] was not disclosing enough to gain a complete picture of the nature and extent of [his] sexual deviancy … The main finding from the testing results is that Mr. Handley produced a guarded, defensive, and evasive profile. His test taking behavior suggests there is likely more to know about him than he is willing to disclose at this time" part either.
The way I'm reading it, that reeks of 'guilty until proven innocent' x_x)

Over on The Yaoi Review's article on the subject the comments suggest that all the polygraphing gender identity crap is because his fantasies were about being the manga girls, rather than watching things happen to them.

Does it make me strange that I don't actually consider that to be that strange? :x
Have I just become entirely too comfortable with the fact that if I read a book of any type, I am probably going to identify myself with a character, or multiple characters? The fact I might be reading a trashy bodice ripper or some yaoi or some hentai isn't really going to change that most of the time, regardless of what gender the characters may be :|

I just... dislike the idea of him being tested to make him normal. What is normal? For that matter, what is deviancy?
People have all sorts of fantasies about all sorts of kinks. Some of them sure as hell aren't for me, but I don't care if they have them. What people do behind closed doors is their own business so long as it isn't harming anyone :|

Meeeeeh, I guess I just find the entire thing very, very iffy.
All the outrage people seem to have against some of it seems laughable to me as well.
Omg, he read loli/shota/whatever!

I honestly doubt many people who've dabbled in reading hentai haven't. Even if they weren't looking for it (sure, the ones with the "I love my mummy and my mummy loves me" story names might give the game away, just maybe but theres plenty with less obvious names too :P)

Or even going towards the more 'normal' hentai, in which a large number seem to take place in schools (how old are people in schools again?)

Even ignoring the generic "All characters are of age of consent" warning, even some of the manga (hentai and non-hentai) published in the US has the token "I'm over 18. Really. Really. Even though I look about 13 and as flat as a board. I'm even older than that buxtom older looking girl over there! I'm just... vertically and hormonally challenged!" characters.
Does 18, 22, 30 or 300 really make a difference when I assume its the visual cue which matters?

Then doujinshi comes along and throws another spanner into the works for good measure.
If you've ever read doujinshi based on series, any series, most of what gets scanned is hentai.
Sailor Moon... Gundam SEED... Haruhi... F/SN... Naruto... Nanoha...
If you take a look at those doujinshi you might have read 'more critically' just how old were that anime's cast...
EphidelFeb 13, 2010 5:23 PM
Feb 13, 2010 6:42 PM

Oct 2009
=\ It seems that in this day and age if your sexual preference include anything other then normal sex you need treatment and a mental evaluation...
GogettersFeb 13, 2010 6:54 PM
Feb 13, 2010 10:40 PM

Dec 2008
It's an injustice because you just know that attempting to explain the concept of sublimation to a judge and his or her courtroom would be an exercise in laughable futility. The idea of art (using the term loosely as the case may be) as an outlet that harmlessly channels people's desires in their own privacy, affecting no one else, is probably going to draw little more than blank stares. Viewing such material — drawn material, involving no real children or animals — is a world of difference from acting out sexual aberration (and I personally do feel that an adult having sex with a child younger than about 16 qualifies as an aberration, even if a person 13-15 years old expresses consent (though grey areas can arise; it's probably not such a big deal if an 18 year old has sex with a 15 year old, while a 25 year old having sex with a 15 year old seems a bit worse, and a 30 year old wanting to fuck a 10 year old is simply vile — but I'm still talking about how I personally feel more than anything)).

I can't really abide by bestiality or sexual objectification of children (anyone below, again, about 16), and the one ostensibly good point Sukunai makes is that sexual desire for a person in his or her teens is quite different from sexual desire for children (or animals) — and I do think a person should start to question himself even when looking at drawings of children around 14 years old or younger (but again, this is simply my feeling/opinion). That said, a person who has not committed a crime harming anyone else should not be thrown in prison or treated as a "sick pervert" who deserves unchecked punishment at the hands of cellmates. They should be left well alone, or at the very worst ordered to undergo counseling/therapy.

I think a lot of people read these sort of doujinshi (along with the incest ones and those where the kid fucks his mom, or the girl fucks her dad, etc.) simply because they're taboo, and taboo is arousing. It doesn't mean they want to go act these things out in reality. Comparing this to piracy is fucking retarded and irrelevant; comparing it to playing a violent videogame or watching a violent movie would be more fitting. Most people do not go and act out the things they enjoy in fictional media.

I'm 29 years old, by the way, Sukunai. You're not as smart as you think you are.
Feb 13, 2010 10:52 PM

Jul 2008
antitype said:
It's an injustice because you just know that attempting to explain the concept of sublimation to a judge and his or her courtroom would be an exercise in laughable futility. The idea of art (using the term loosely as the case may be) as an outlet that harmlessly channels people's desires in their own privacy, affecting no one else, is probably going to draw little more than blank stares.

While I mostly agree, the issue is more complicated than you're letting on.

Yes, there's definitely sublimation, but there's also sexualizing certain stimulus (in this case, children and animals) and normalizing it, also. So it works both ways, and there have been roughly thousands of studies, some indicating that sublimation is the stronger of the two, and others indicating the opposite.

Frankly, no one really knows, and I imagine it varies from person to person considering how unique one's psyches are.

antitype said:

I think a lot of people read these sort of doujinshi (along with the incest ones and those where the kid fucks his mom, or the girl fucks her dad, etc.) simply because they're taboo, and taboo is arousing. It doesn't mean they want to go act these things out in reality. Comparing this to piracy is fucking retarded and irrelevant; comparing it to playing a violent videogame or watching a violent movie would be more fitting. Most people do not go and act out the things they enjoy in fictional media.

Regarding this, I completely agree. I don't look at cartoon porn, but I've seen/enjoyed some pretty fucking violent real person porn, with face slapping, choking, etc.

It doesn't translate to my own sexual relationships with girls, and most of the time, I have a strong aversion to seeing it, but every so often...

antitype said:

I'm 29 years old, by the way, Sukunai. You're not as smart as you think you are.

A 48 year old dude with a Sailor Moon avatar calling himself smart and everyone else retarded is pretty hilarious, you have to admit.
Feb 13, 2010 11:25 PM
Oct 2009
That's stupid he shouldn't get in trouble for it. I better go hide my adult doujinshi then.
Feb 14, 2010 1:06 AM

Apr 2007
While I certainly don't blame the fellow for going ahead and taking the plea deal, it would have really been fascinating to see how this would have played out from a legal perspective.

TL;DR observations:
Feb 14, 2010 2:53 AM

Jun 2008

Couldn't agree more! You definitely phrased everything very nicely. I really laughed when you mentioned Naruto. Really how many people have seen at least one doujin with Sakura or Hinata? And this are girls of 12 and 15 years old. Does that make them pedophiles? It's ridiculous. And am certain there must be a doujin with one of the girls and Akamaru out there.

antitype said:
The idea of art (using the term loosely as the case may be) as an outlet that harmlessly channels people's desires in their own privacy, affecting no one else, is probably going to draw little more than blank stares.

Although i agree with the main point of your post i have to disagree with the phrasing of this. Doujins DO NOT channel peoples desires. I read doujins and although am not in to loli doujin(but i admit i have read a few out of curiosity) i have other strange things i like. For example i find doujins with a big gang rape(one girl many men) amusing. I also like tentacles. I find it amusing for some reason. Does that mean i want to gang rape a real girl or see her getting raped by a huge tentacle monster? HELL NO!! Actually even as a live action porn movie i would be disgusted if there where tentacles. That shit is for 2D drawings only.
This is what many people fail to realize. If some guy reads loli or bestiality doujins doesn't mean he actually has any desire for the real thing. Put people in there puritan little outcry see a loli drawing and quickly assume that the guy likes kids and start wanting his head on a plater. I find this brainless people very annoying.
When i saw a loli doujin although not very interesting to me i didn't had any desire to throw up for seeing it but if you show me some video with a real child being forced to do such things i will certainly throw up and the only feeling am gonna have is pity for the child and anger against those bastards. I would want to cut there heads of.
But i see the difference between those doujins and the real thing. How in the world can you see Sakura getting fucked by some strange ninja in a doujin and a real video showing a child like the ones you see on the street being abuse in such manner as the same thing is beyond me. There is nothing similar. It's something very very different.

Is that really all the arguments he could find? As a famous Hollywood lawyer he isn't much is he? I would have made those courts go crazy with the shit i was gonna throw them.
Also i couldn't stop laughing at the advertisement argument. That's so easy to make a ridicule of at the court. All i will have to do is call a very well respected member of society most probably a woman and show her a newspaper that she bought. Then asked her why did she bought such a newspaper that has inside some strange adds to certain strange sexual staff. Well you probably understand how it will proceed from there.
MonadFeb 14, 2010 6:17 AM
Feb 14, 2010 3:47 AM

Oct 2009
Solanio said:
Does everyone here also support legalization of all drugs? It's the same thing, isn't it? The only person involved is the user?

oh honey, if only that were true.

i work as a social worker for child protection services and i have plenty of contact with drug users. Far too much contact in some cases. i can tell you right this second, that when a person uses drugs, they are never the only one involved. there are parents, kids, brothers, sisters, neighbours, friends and just random people involved.

If a person is using drugs they are never on their own. It always hurts someone.
Feb 14, 2010 4:12 AM

Dec 2007
As an addition to my previous comment:
Examples of underage hentai and loli/shota that people might stumble across and read was easy. Very easy, even.
Bestiality was harder. I was trying to think of a good example of something people might have stumbled across and failed, today I guess I'm feeling more "inspired"; Bondage Fairies, in which the fairies have sex with "birds, animals and insects".
It's was officially released in the US by Eros/Studio Proteus (who mention that "Our Eros line is by far what gets pirated the most." - and I know I've seen bondage fairies on varied upload sites, so chances are quite a few people have read it).
According to wikipedia it was even the first hentai manga to be published in the US, although according to the AN article it links to, and Jason Thompson's "Manga: The Complete Guide", that was via Antarctic Press in the "early 1990's", and Eros picked it up and reprinted it afterwards. Either way, its been around for quite some time now.
I wonder what those courts would think of it? :P

Late Edit:
I don't recall anything ever happening, but that weird story in the Robot anthology about the little girl and all the weirdly huge balled animals who follow her around attempting to get close to her because they want to mate with her could sort of tie in, maybe.
The content of Robot is varied, but I know I wasn't expecting to see that there :P
EphidelFeb 14, 2010 5:57 AM
Feb 14, 2010 4:38 AM
Nov 2008

Seriously the example with driving a car is just ridiculous. I mean car is a weapon unlike a manga. In the case of driving a car you might even kill somebody even if you've followed the law. It's the case when someone has suddenly ran out on the road while I was driving. Id' like to see how you could kill somebody with a comic book. papercut somebody until he dies?

Also obviously your argument concerning positive correlation between reading such materials and actually doing things depicted in them is outright ridiculous. So if I've been watching movies about serial killers I will almost certainly turn into a serial killer at one point? I don't think so.
I'd like to read that study of yours since those claims are surely justified, because no one would ever make such assumption out of your own beliefs.

Apparently the concept of catharsis is not known to most of the people. This is the problem with the USA. Always believing they're right and have the right to do what they want as long as it's in the interest of their population.

Bestiality and such aren't accepted by our modern society and concerning bestiality I completely agree with them, same with pedophilia.

But if this allows him to avoid to actually do such things as those and allow them to stay only on imaginary level why shouldn't those thing be then legal to a certain extent?
Feb 14, 2010 4:45 AM
Nov 2009
Veeerry interesting :)

I'm not sure. On the one hand, many of you are right, it is a victimless crime. Six months in jail is a long time for no harm done.

But on the other hand, a person who is sexually interested in beastiality or having sex with children is obviously psychologically unsound, and may even be capable of acting on those sexual impulses. So it could be like...catching a paedophile before he/she begins offending?

But I'm certainly not a psychologist :) Maybe people who read about/watch this kind of thing are not likely to act on it in outside of their own minds, in which case he should absolutely not have been arrested.

:) ♥
Feb 14, 2010 4:53 AM

Jul 2008
Hard_Sir said:

Seriously the example with driving a car is just ridiculous. I mean car is a weapon unlike a manga. In the case of driving a car you might even kill somebody even if you've followed the law. It's the case when someone has suddenly ran out on the road while I was driving. Id' like to see how you could kill somebody with a comic book. papercut somebody until he dies?

Well, aren't you the smarmy little wise ass.

A car is indeed a weapon, but when I drive on a completely empty freeway, with NO OTHER cars, while going completely straight, driving at 80 or even 100 mph is not appreciably more dangerous than 65 mph.

And telling a cop to fuck himself is no more dangerous for anyone else than being polite to the bastard.

Well, except for myself, as they would beat the everloving shit out of me.

Also obviously your argument concerning positive correlation between reading such materials and actually doing things depicted in them is outright ridiculous. So if I've been watching movies about serial killers I will almost certainly turn into a serial killer at one point? I don't think so.

Christ, at least learn the fucking difference between correlation and causation before you spout out a malformed, juvenile opinion.

Here, I even found an educational link for you;

Yes, there is a correlation between looking at pedophilia and committing sex crimes against minors.

However, it's not clear whether looking at pedophilia causes criminal behavior or not.

Hard_Sir said:
This is the problem with the USA.

Nothing more amusing than teenagers decrying the evil Satan that is the US of A.
Feb 14, 2010 4:55 AM

Jan 2008
I just want to say that if there is such a thing as a hentai doujinshi of Yotsuba, then may whoever reads it burn in hell!!!
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 14, 2010 5:05 AM

Jan 2010
6 month for Loli + bestiality?
well that's not weird enough but stil......l

well you can find some person that into Shota + GURO here
and you're right he's jailed now.......

for his death........
Feb 14, 2010 6:28 AM

Jun 2008
Lilah said:
Veeerry interesting :)

I'm not sure. On the one hand, many of you are right, it is a victimless crime. Six months in jail is a long time for no harm done.

But on the other hand, a person who is sexually interested in beastiality or having sex with children is obviously psychologically unsound, and may even be capable of acting on those sexual impulses. So it could be like...catching a paedophile before he/she begins offending?

But I'm certainly not a psychologist :) Maybe people who read about/watch this kind of thing are not likely to act on it in outside of their own minds, in which case he should absolutely not have been arrested.

:) ♥

I believe you should read my posts. Again why to you assume that he is interested in real life life bestiality or children? Actually it's pretty safe to assume that he isn't because there is no way he wouldn't have some real material of such things if he was interested. The guy has no need for psychologist what so ever.
As i said before i like tentacle hentai, to you assume that i want to watch a real woman getting raped by a huge tentacle monster? It's absolutely ridiculous. If i saw such a thing for real i will want to cut my eyes out in the hope to unsee such a thing.
Stop judging people by jumping to your own conclusions.
This guy is a perfectly normal man that just likes to read strange doujins, nothing more.
Feb 14, 2010 7:21 AM

Jan 2009
Monad said:
Lilah said:
Veeerry interesting :)

I'm not sure. On the one hand, many of you are right, it is a victimless crime. Six months in jail is a long time for no harm done.

But on the other hand, a person who is sexually interested in beastiality or having sex with children is obviously psychologically unsound, and may even be capable of acting on those sexual impulses. So it could be like...catching a paedophile before he/she begins offending?

But I'm certainly not a psychologist :) Maybe people who read about/watch this kind of thing are not likely to act on it in outside of their own minds, in which case he should absolutely not have been arrested.

:) ♥

I believe you should read my posts. Again why to you assume that he is interested in real life life bestiality or children? Actually it's pretty safe to assume that he isn't because there is no way he wouldn't have some real material of such things if he was interested. The guy has no need for psychologist what so ever.
As i said before i like tentacle hentai, to you assume that i want to watch a real woman getting raped by a huge tentacle monster? It's absolutely ridiculous. If i saw such a thing for real i will want to cut my eyes out in the hope to unsee such a thing.
Stop judging people by jumping to your own conclusions.
This guy is a perfectly normal man that just likes to read strange doujins, nothing more.

Here is your real life tentacle rape

Feb 14, 2010 7:33 AM

Feb 2009
antitype said:

I think a lot of people read these sort of doujinshi (along with the incest ones and those where the kid fucks his mom, or the girl fucks her dad, etc.) simply because they're taboo, and taboo is arousing. It doesn't mean they want to go act these things out in reality. Comparing this to piracy is fucking retarded and irrelevant; comparing it to playing a violent videogame or watching a violent movie would be more fitting. Most people do not go and act out the things they enjoy in fictional media.

That is a very good point. It's the same as saying I'm going to go run out and make a robot to smash up shit because I watched mecha anime.

Lilah said:

But on the other hand, a person who is sexually interested in beastiality or having sex with children is obviously psychologically unsound, and may even be capable of acting on those sexual impulses. So it could be like...catching a paedophile before he/she begins offending?

I completely disagree. Many have strange interest, many much more outlandish than looking at a loli manga. Because someone has a peculiar fascination does not mean they will begin to act out in criminal ways. We all have morbid fascinations, because I read the entire Wikipedia article to watch old news reports on the Columbine school shooting doesn't mean I'd run out and shot anyone.

I think the dude isn't really odd. I mean, I bet we'd find many like him on the very site we're on.
MissytalkerFeb 14, 2010 7:41 AM

Feb 14, 2010 8:18 AM

Apr 2008
I always found topics like these hilarious because they're usually pointless. But then, they can lead to rather humorous and somewhat intellectual statements{or not, I guess}. What I find funny about these sort of topics is that I always know what people are going to say in them.

Here's how it goes:

Some guy decides to start up the topic for whatever reason {maybe for attention, lolz, or whatever} and states some sort of statement or smartass response.

Everyone agrees with said guy and/or states they're own opinion in a similar nature.

Because of this, the topic dies off because there is a large consensus among the members of the forum.

The only way it survives is if some guy says something contrary to what everyone else is saying or flames them. In which case everyone contradicts his statement and the topic survives longer.

Sometimes the topics existence can also be prolonged by the existence of member who points out the fallacies and weaknesses in people's opinions, or someone makes a statement which leads to another somewhat extraneous discussion/argument.

Honestly, I'd like to see this sort of topic brought up on a board where everybody isn't on the same level as everyone else{Well, not entirely but more or less}. Being a sociology student, I've come to found that people have a very wide array of opinions
and thoughts which derive from personal experiences and lifestyles. I think the post to this sort of topic would be VERY different if it weren't posted here on MAL or a community like this one. There are many people, I think, that would actually think that this sort of punishment is justifiable. However, how they'd go about this is a variable all in itself. Though personally, I think that I'm more for people who can defend and stick with their opinion more than the people who have "good" or "right" opinions.

Really, the thing with America{Among other countries like Canada and Britain} is that they're much more sensitive to the issue of sexuality than other countries{in this case Japan}. It doesn't really surprise me that America really feels perturbed by the conception of pedophile media. So no doubt would this guy get in trouble for holding such items.

As far as the age thing goes, all I have to say is lol. You're still prone to say retarded things no matter what age you're at.
Feb 14, 2010 8:31 AM

Dec 2009
Well that's just stupid.
What's the alternative for these pedophiles, it's not like they are just going to settle for someone they find unattractive simply because she is of age. How do they find the sexual outlet they need?
Childporn, going out and raping a child, ending up on dateline msnbc?

They should be actually cracking down on the enormous amount of child porn on the web instead of just targeting some silly drawings.
Feb 14, 2010 8:36 AM

Jan 2009
DrewTheDude said:
I always found topics like these hilarious because they're usually pointless. But then, they can lead to rather humorous and somewhat intellectual statements{or not, I guess}. What I find funny about these sort of topics is that I always know what people are going to say in them.

Here's how it goes:

Some guy decides to start up the topic for whatever reason {maybe for attention, lolz, or whatever} and states some sort of statement or smartass response.

Everyone agrees with said guy and/or states they're own opinion in a similar nature.

Because of this, the topic dies off because there is a large consensus among the members of the forum.

The only way it survives is if some guy says something contrary to what everyone else is saying or flames them. In which case everyone contradicts his statement and the topic survives longer.

Sometimes the topics existence can also be prolonged by the existence of member who points out the fallacies and weaknesses in people's opinions, or someone makes a statement which leads to another somewhat extraneous discussion/argument.

Honestly, I'd like to see this sort of topic brought up on a board where everybody isn't on the same level as everyone else{Well, not entirely but more or less}. Being a sociology student, I've come to found that people have a very wide array of opinions
and thoughts which derive from personal experiences and lifestyles. I think the post to this sort of topic would be VERY different if it weren't posted here on MAL or a community like this one. There are many people, I think, that would actually think that this sort of punishment is justifiable. However, how they'd go about this is a variable all in itself. Though personally, I think that I'm more for people who can defend and stick with their opinion more than the people who have "good" or "right" opinions.

Really, the thing with America{Among other countries like Canada and Britain} is that they're much more sensitive to the issue of sexuality than other countries{in this case Japan}. It doesn't really surprise me that America really feels perturbed by the conception of pedophile media. So no doubt would this guy get in trouble for holding such items.

As far as the age thing goes, all I have to say is lol. You're still prone to say retarded things no matter what age you're at.

I believe the vast majority of us hold very libertarian views. In short, he should do what he wants.About the only thing the forum splits up on are economic views.

Feb 14, 2010 9:33 AM

Apr 2008
daddysgirl said:
Well that's just stupid.
What's the alternative for these pedophiles, it's not like they are just going to settle for someone they find unattractive simply because she is of age. How do they find the sexual outlet they need?
Childporn, going out and raping a child, ending up on dateline msnbc?

They should be actually cracking down on the enormous amount of child porn on the web instead of just targeting some silly drawings.

But yet, the problem is also that they don't want to support pedophilia which leads to this action.

But then, correlation isn't causation I guess. Heh.
Feb 14, 2010 9:55 AM

Jun 2008
DrewTheDude said:
daddysgirl said:
Well that's just stupid.
What's the alternative for these pedophiles, it's not like they are just going to settle for someone they find unattractive simply because she is of age. How do they find the sexual outlet they need?
Childporn, going out and raping a child, ending up on dateline msnbc?

They should be actually cracking down on the enormous amount of child porn on the web instead of just targeting some silly drawings.

But yet, the problem is also that they don't want to support pedophilia which leads to this action.

But then, correlation isn't causation I guess. Heh.

Again the assumption that this guy is a pedophile is ridiculous. You are both acting completely stupid. You can't lapel someone as a pedophile like that. You must realize that this specific lapel has a very strong stigma in our society and it's very unappropriated to be thrown at a guy that very probably has no such attraction to real children and there's certainly no proof of such attraction.
MonadFeb 14, 2010 10:08 AM
Feb 14, 2010 9:57 AM

Aug 2007
daddysgirl said:
Well that's just stupid.
What's the alternative for these pedophiles, it's not like they are just going to settle for someone they find unattractive simply because she is of age. How do they find the sexual outlet they need?
Childporn, going out and raping a child, ending up on dateline msnbc?

They should be actually cracking down on the enormous amount of child porn on the web instead of just targeting some silly drawings.

Jesus Christ. How many times do people have to say this ignorant shit? Liking lolicon does NOT make a person a pedophile.
Feb 14, 2010 10:21 AM

Apr 2008
Monad said:

Again the assumption that this guy is a pedophile is ridiculous. You are both acting completely stupid. You can't lapel someone as a pedophile like that. You must realize that this specific lapel has a very strong stigma in our society and it's very unappropriated to be thrown at a guy that very probably has no such attraction to real children and there's certainly no proof of such attraction.

Hence "correlation isn't causation."
Feb 14, 2010 11:58 AM

May 2008
Last post didn't go through, possibly might not go through.

Lolicon and shotacon isn't the same as paedophilia because most lolis and shotas don't look or act like children.
They've basically become analogous to "DFC" and "Twink" in usage.

I hate to make myself an example in a thread that most people people aren't, even twice, but I read lots of yaoi with shotas. I look at lots of loli and shota art. And I do it for the DFC and the Twinks, if I were to look for a real life version of what I'm going for there, I'd look at Twink pictures and flat chested adult women. I wouldn't be interested in going and looking for a kid. And it's not the legality I'm worried about. I'm just not into kids. Even though I'm not adverse to some shota yaoi and ect.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Feb 15, 2010 4:29 AM

Jan 2008
DrewTheDude said:
I always found topics like these hilarious because they're usually pointless. But then, they can lead to rather humorous and somewhat intellectual statements{or not, I guess}. What I find funny about these sort of topics is that I always know what people are going to say in them.

Here's how it goes:

That's ok, you don't have to tell us how it goes. It goes like rule #2 as outlined in this thread. Congratulations.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 15, 2010 1:07 PM

Jan 2009
gunner00 said:
I personally don't like lolis, but drag the man out of his house and trial him for having DRAWINGS is just wrong for me.

Iowa is just a conservative state where nothing happens, so they mess with people lifes to show service.
there, said it...

First off, they aren't that conservative, or at least they legalized gay marriage already. That's more than most states can say. I don't see how loli has anything to do with conservative or liberal. Both sides are filled with moralfaggotry.

Feb 15, 2010 6:43 PM

Aug 2009
Child Sex and bestiality is indeed sick, even in manga. But to give him 6 months of prison?
Feb 15, 2010 7:45 PM
Feb 2008
we should complain to the goverment they will wait.
Feb 15, 2010 8:29 PM

Aug 2007
gunner00 said:
Gunther75 said:

First off, they aren't that conservative, or at least they legalized gay marriage already. That's more than most states can say. I don't see how loli has anything to do with conservative or liberal. Both sides are filled with moralfaggotry.

Have you ever gone there? my friend got his club closed in Des Moines because some people with power there thought that the uniform of the waitress there was against "the good moral of the family" -- yeah, the judge said that in the audience --(their skirt were just a bit above their knees)

Thank God that i only lived for six months in that place

That judge deserves to be shot.
Feb 15, 2010 8:29 PM

Oct 2009
Wilio said:
Child Sex and bestiality is indeed sick, even in manga. But to give him 6 months of prison?
Inuboshi, Hoshino Fuuta and Ujiie Moku make it look quite good but outside of manga i would have to agree
Feb 16, 2010 2:13 AM

Jun 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
gunner00 said:
Gunther75 said:

First off, they aren't that conservative, or at least they legalized gay marriage already. That's more than most states can say. I don't see how loli has anything to do with conservative or liberal. Both sides are filled with moralfaggotry.

Have you ever gone there? my friend got his club closed in Des Moines because some people with power there thought that the uniform of the waitress there was against "the good moral of the family" -- yeah, the judge said that in the audience --(their skirt were just a bit above their knees)

Thank God that i only lived for six months in that place

That judge deserves to be shot.

Here is the genius judge. A God damn conservative hired by Bush. Why am i not surprised. Probably some male version of Sarah Palin. The kind of man that will be happy if you had enough weapons in your home to destroy a small third world country but will freak out over drawings.

Here are the transcripts of the case.
MonadFeb 16, 2010 2:41 AM
Feb 16, 2010 6:52 AM

Sep 2009
I-I dunno how to react to all of this, but I'll say this.

What really disturbs me is the lack of discernment between fiction and reality. These laws were made to protect children from sexual cases. The principle of the law is, if there is real child porn, a real child is hurt, and by watching, you also hurt this child by watching his/her pain. But with fictional characters, who am I hurting? Who was hurt? A figment of the imagination?

I know laws can't be changed. I can understand why laws were made to protect the children. But this man didn't do anything to harm a child. Would he have hurt a real one? I don't know. Come to think of it, if he wanted to see children in sexual situations, wouldn't he just have done it himself or better yet, watch real ones? But no, he got drawn ones. I don't see who in these fictional depictions are protected by the law. They practically don't exist.

Some laws I really don't get sometimes. -_- I'm not against the law, it's just that some parts of it kinda bug me.

Feb 16, 2010 7:02 AM

Nov 2009
Nice to see such a wasted effort when they could work on getting people who do actually abuse of children.
Feb 16, 2010 9:29 AM

Feb 2005
Seera said:
Nice to see such a wasted effort when they could work on getting people who do actually abuse of children.
*Link to news about the recently unveiled Catholic priest pedophilia ring goes here.*

Moral of the story; being a priest makes you immune to the law.
Feb 16, 2010 9:44 AM

May 2009
Baman said:
*Link to news about the recently unveiled Catholic priest pedophilia ring goes here.*

Moral of the story; being a priest makes you immune to the law.

Eh, nothing was done to them?
Musushi-Tamago said:

I know laws can't be changed.

Sure, they can. Twisted logic and bribe money always work. And of course, there's the legal way, too, when parliament or government decide to change it. But it's often tweaked to suit the perpetrator and/or victim.

I'm guessing this is effectively the answer to my first question.
Feb 16, 2010 10:22 AM

Feb 2005
Athena said:
Eh, nothing was done to them?
Apparently they managed to keep it under wraps for years. The church protects it's own, huh?
Though I hear the Pope just condemned the whole thing, so hopefully they won't wriggle out of it this time.
Feb 16, 2010 10:39 AM

May 2009
Baman said:
Apparently they managed to keep it under wraps for years. The church protects it's own, huh?
Though I hear the Pope just condemned the whole thing, so hopefully they won't wriggle out of it this time.

Wow. Men who "serve" God sure have it different than the regular hentai-reading perverts.

Seriously, I just read the news on BBC. For some reason, I get the impression that the church is more concerned about restoring its "moral credibility" rather than actually punishing the perpetrators. Four of the bishops handed in resignations, with only one approved so far. I mean, seriously, why wait for them to resign? I know God's supposed to be merciful and everything, but those bishops have committed crimes. Clearly they're just scared people will no longer take the church's authority. I feel awful for the lolicon-reading man.

And you know what I love? When politicians and higher-ups 'condemn' certain acts, be it terrorism or something like this. Gee, thanks.
Feb 22, 2010 1:09 PM
Nov 2008
YoungVagabond said:

Well, aren't you the smarmy little wise ass.

A car is indeed a weapon, but when I drive on a completely empty freeway, with NO OTHER cars, while going completely straight, driving at 80 or even 100 mph is not appreciably more dangerous than 65 mph.

Well sorry for my late reply I didn't have time to post on MAL at all so let's take a look. Hmm, apparently a weapon and a harmless item you can hardly use to kill somebody are on exactly the same level for you. It actually doesn't matter whether there are other cars on the road or not. A weapon is still a weapon unlike a comic book. A weapon has the potential to kill.

Well but apparently that doesn't change a thing does it? It's like an atomic bomb as long as we dont kill anybody in our direct vicinity it doesn't matter if we use it or not.

YoungVagabond said:
And telling a cop to fuck himself is no more dangerous for anyone else than being polite to the bastard.

Well, except for myself, as they would beat the everloving shit out of me.

so apparently if they stopped you there was indeed another car. Also apparently police in the USA are partly psychotic. I don't really think so unless you're lying then the USA are one of the most dangerous countries in the world since police can freely ignore human rights. This was a good way to get you point across.

YoungVagabond said:

Christ, at least learn the fucking difference between correlation and causation before you spout out a malformed, juvenile opinion.

Here, I even found an educational link for you;

Well you used the term "positive corrrelation" instead just the term "correlation". I am aware of the fact that correlation does not imply causal relationship but just a link between them. It would however imply that there is indeed a common cause between those elements and presence of one of those elements could signify the existence of the other element.

It lets me conclude that those watching pedophile materials are indeed more often than not those who commit them due to the term "positive correlation" you used.

YoungVagabond said:
Yes, there is a correlation between looking at pedophilia and committing sex crimes against minors.

However, it's not clear whether looking at pedophilia causes criminal behavior or not.

This sadly isn't the same as what you said previously. I do agree with this statement. But then again we're not talking about pedophilia but lolicon and bestiality, as long as lolicon isn't classified as pedophile it isn't right to call it that way.

YoungVagabond said:
Nothing more amusing than teenagers decrying the evil Satan that is the US of A.

I never said that the USA are "satan" and I believe that it is indeed amusing seeing by whom was it written. I never attacked the country directly I attacked people like you who are part of this country. Don't be so full of yourself. Indeed in your case ignorance must be a bliss.

I don't agree with a lot of USA policies and double standards which are pretty evident if you have lived in different countries in different continents. Especially to what happened in Georgia and Afghanistan. There is nothing more irritating than those one-sided pieces of information that the average USA citizen receives, and yet I don't dislike America or Americans.

I am a bit tired so there might be some grammar errors and stuff but whatever.
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