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do you believe in near term human extinction or NTHE?

do you believe in near term human extinction or NTHE?
May 1, 6:05 AM

Jan 2009
i voted no for now because how near term is maybe at least hundreds of years and i do not consider that near

plus there been unlimited predictions of apocalypse in history that did not happen
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
May 1, 6:11 AM
Oct 2019
I see Desumaiden was able to convince someone you are the second to talk about it.
May 1, 6:19 AM

May 2023
I didn't realize that DesuMaiden's brain disease is contagious...
May 1, 6:21 AM

Sep 2016

"People seriously doubt NTHE in 2024 ... it doesn't matter because it's going to happen. Simple as that."
May 1, 6:42 AM

Feb 2018
Not really. I think it is actually really difficult to achieve total human extinction. Humans are really good at adapting to their environment, even if they are the ones actively destroying it. Even with a complete nuclear war, some humans will survive in the post apocalyptic world. It would take something really extreme like Earth just simply becoming inhabitable completely. That's not gonna happen for the next billions of years after the solar system sun exhausts itself and become a red giant, swallowing the earth in the process. I am sure that humans can even survive a reversal of the earth's poles or even a flood basalt event
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

May 1, 6:49 AM

Aug 2012
No. Not near term. The collapse of civilization might happen. But unless we get something like a massive gamma ray burst near us or a bunch of strange matter hits Earth/the Sun and completely obliterates it or we create a malevolent super AI that kills us all I don't think we'll go extinct in the short term.

Sure, there's nuclear war and environmental collapse. But the first option will always leave some survivors and the latter will take more than just a few hundred years to actually kill all of us off.
May 1, 6:53 AM

Sep 2018
Humanity will likely end with the Earth in a very long time from now. I think space travel and populating other planets is impossible for humans. Earth and our sun has their limit in age despite that taking very long.
May 1, 8:01 AM

Mar 2023
I feel like humanity is to stupid to cause it's own extinction.
May 1, 9:15 AM

Jul 2013
Finally someone brings up this topic...besides me...and yes, it is pretty obvious that we get NTHE...although the exact date when it arrives is still unknown.
May 1, 9:50 AM

Jul 2022
Short Answer: No
Long Answer: Probably

May 1, 10:12 AM

Oct 2009
I tend to be quite pessimistic about the future but near-term extinction is an extreme I cannot get on board with. I think it is feasible that the world's population takes a severe hit due to the calamities of unchecked economic growth but for every human to expire? I cannot envision such a scenario as mankind is everywhere. There will be tribe on some remote place of the planet that will survive and humanity will go on.
May 1, 11:31 AM

Aug 2014
People seriously doubt NTHE in 2024 ... it doesn't matter because it's going to happen. Simple as that.

May 1, 11:34 AM

Jul 2013
No, near term human extinction is most certainly gonna happen...and it will most likely happen much sooner than (almost) anyone could have anticipated. The rising police state survelliance aka NSA's PRISM Project is proof of NTHE...because the governments are trying to imprison as many people as possible to desperately delay NTHE for a few extra years. Which will ultimately be futile because when NTHE inevitably arrives, nobody will survive it. Including those good-for-nothing, ruling-class "elites".
May 1, 11:37 AM

Aug 2014
DesuMaiden said:
Which will ultimately be futile because when NTHE inevitably arrives, nobody will survive it.

The way you worded this reminds me of stuff from Fate anime. heh

May 1, 11:41 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to SmugSatoko
DesuMaiden said:
Which will ultimately be futile because when NTHE inevitably arrives, nobody will survive it.

The way you worded this reminds me of stuff from Fate anime. heh

@SmugSatoko lol thanks for pointing that out...btw the evidence for NTHE is simply overwhelming...just look up Guy McPherson as proof...
May 1, 12:35 PM

Jan 2022
It'll happen in summer. Trust the plan.
May 1, 1:44 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to LenRea
It'll happen in summer. Trust the plan.
@LenRea NTHE is obviously gonna happen, bro. I wonder why the OP made this thread btw???
May 1, 1:49 PM

Mar 2008
I don't really see the sense in assuming there is nothing that can be done. Doing as much as reasonably possible in the moment gives time for more changes to be done in future.
May 1, 2:09 PM

Jun 2019
The internet doomer meme is too old to be taken seriously, but you guys are surely annoying... You should enlist in the army if you are worried about WWIII, but you will do nothing since leaving your couch is already too demanding.
May 1, 2:10 PM

Jul 2013
How did the OP learn about NTHE??? Let me guess, from reading my comments on this site???
May 1, 2:11 PM

Jun 2014
Sounds unreasonable so no I do not believe in it.
May 1, 2:12 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to _tiramisu
Sounds unreasonable so no I do not believe in it.
@UncreatedSong you are pretty delusional to think NTHE won't happen...because it totally will happen...
May 1, 2:18 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to DesuMaiden
No, near term human extinction is most certainly gonna happen...and it will most likely happen much sooner than (almost) anyone could have anticipated. The rising police state survelliance aka NSA's PRISM Project is proof of NTHE...because the governments are trying to imprison as many people as possible to desperately delay NTHE for a few extra years. Which will ultimately be futile because when NTHE inevitably arrives, nobody will survive it. Including those good-for-nothing, ruling-class "elites".
@DesuMaiden: Can you name me a scenario where all of humanity perishes? Even if the major superpowers have the biggest possible nuclear attack imaginable there will be some people in some jungle who will remain unaffected.

The same is true for even the worst case scenarios of runaway global warming/resource depletion. There will be some region somewhere in the world that is livable and isolated enough not to get caught up in the calamity in question. Sure, there are scenarios where the human population takes a battering but it is another kettle of fish to see humanity being wiped out completely.
May 1, 2:28 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to monsta666
@DesuMaiden: Can you name me a scenario where all of humanity perishes? Even if the major superpowers have the biggest possible nuclear attack imaginable there will be some people in some jungle who will remain unaffected.

The same is true for even the worst case scenarios of runaway global warming/resource depletion. There will be some region somewhere in the world that is livable and isolated enough not to get caught up in the calamity in question. Sure, there are scenarios where the human population takes a battering but it is another kettle of fish to see humanity being wiped out completely.
@monsta666 you are seriously delusional if you think NTHE won't happen...just wait for the global supply chains to collapse...and everyone on this planet will be dead very quickly. I can guranatee it.
May 1, 2:34 PM

Jul 2013
If you don't believe that NTHE will happen, this article will prove otherwise...

This following paragraph totally nails it...

""Or it may prove impossible for even a few survivors to subsist on the meager resources left in civilization's wake. The children of the highly technological society into which more and more of the world's peoples are being drawn will not know how to support themselves by hunting and gathering or by simple agriculture. In addition, the wealth of wild animals that once sustained hunting societies will be gone, and topsoil that has been spoiled by tractors will yield poorly to the hoe. A species that has come to depend on complex technologies to mediate its relationship with the environment may not long survive their loss."""

The end of humans...coming very soon...
May 1, 2:39 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to DesuMaiden
If you don't believe that NTHE will happen, this article will prove otherwise...

This following paragraph totally nails it...

""Or it may prove impossible for even a few survivors to subsist on the meager resources left in civilization's wake. The children of the highly technological society into which more and more of the world's peoples are being drawn will not know how to support themselves by hunting and gathering or by simple agriculture. In addition, the wealth of wild animals that once sustained hunting societies will be gone, and topsoil that has been spoiled by tractors will yield poorly to the hoe. A species that has come to depend on complex technologies to mediate its relationship with the environment may not long survive their loss."""

The end of humans...coming very soon...
@DesuMaiden: I have had lengthy debates about this sort of thing in the past and whilst I can see some merit in the argument of a population bottleneck I can't see this resulting in the death of humanity. People are literally everywhere in the world. There will be sufficient survivors to carry things on especially if the collapse is not a flash crash.

The article you linked to is an interesting one. I have read things similar to this in the past and even was part of a forum that made this the focus of discussions. I could go on and on about this topic actually but well I don't think this is a subject that would interest many people on MAL.
monsta666May 1, 2:43 PM
May 1, 2:45 PM

Jul 2013
Reply to monsta666
@DesuMaiden: I have had lengthy debates about this sort of thing in the past and whilst I can see some merit in the argument of a population bottleneck I can't see this resulting in the death of humanity. People are literally everywhere in the world. There will be sufficient survivors to carry things on especially if the collapse is not a flash crash.

The article you linked to is an interesting one. I have read things similar to this in the past and even was part of a forum that made this the focus of discussions. I could go on and on about this topic actually but well I don't think this is a subject that would interest many people on MAL.
@monsta666 it will happen abruptly and catastrophically...and this species will go extinct rather suddenly, relatively soon...widespread geographic distribution means absolutely nothing when the global supply chains completely collapse since literally nothing can be produced or distributed without such supply chains. There will be no bottleneck for humans...we get complete extinction relatively soon.
May 1, 2:57 PM

Oct 2009
Strategically critical "too big to fail" companies WILL be bailed out. The powers that be will not allow a flash collapse to occur. It behooves the elites and government to maintain business as usual. That is my two pennies worth.

I think the big acid test would be how the debt based monetary system handles a constrained and contracting energy supply. When we get year on year declines in global oil production then the cost of living would be bad enough that more and more people fall out of the system. Once a critical mass is reached you could reach a tipping point in the global economy. At that point all bets are off. I still maintain that extinction is an unlikely event even in the worst case scenario but they do say complex systems are unpredictable by their very nature. As they say: never say never but I just think it is an extreme outlier scenario.
May 1, 3:16 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to monsta666
@DesuMaiden: I have had lengthy debates about this sort of thing in the past and whilst I can see some merit in the argument of a population bottleneck I can't see this resulting in the death of humanity. People are literally everywhere in the world. There will be sufficient survivors to carry things on especially if the collapse is not a flash crash.

The article you linked to is an interesting one. I have read things similar to this in the past and even was part of a forum that made this the focus of discussions. I could go on and on about this topic actually but well I don't think this is a subject that would interest many people on MAL.
Anything that can wipe out either all life or at least all surface life will wipe out people too which there is a few scenarios for this including massive volcanic eruption and a very large nuclear strike or multiple nuclear strikes globally (which is possible because these systems sometimes are automated to attack). You also need a certain size of population or at least they all have no bad genes to avoid problems inbreeding.
May 1, 3:38 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to traed
Anything that can wipe out either all life or at least all surface life will wipe out people too which there is a few scenarios for this including massive volcanic eruption and a very large nuclear strike or multiple nuclear strikes globally (which is possible because these systems sometimes are automated to attack). You also need a certain size of population or at least they all have no bad genes to avoid problems inbreeding.
traed said:
Anything that can wipe out either all life or at least all surface life will wipe out people too which there is a few scenarios for this including massive volcanic eruption and a very large nuclear strike or multiple nuclear strikes globally (which is possible because these systems sometimes are automated to attack). You also need a certain size of population or at least they all have no bad genes to avoid problems inbreeding.

Stuff like big volcanic eruptions, massive asteroids or other natural events are things I don't consider happening in the near-term future i.e. the next few hundred years. I don't believe nuclear warfare would wipe all of humanity either. There will be people who will avoid the fallout of the blasts and the theory behind nuclear winter is based on weak science that I don't subscribe too. The human bottleneck, I feel, will contain enough breeding pairs to prevent an extinction level event in the nuclear war scenario.

Again never say never but highly unlikely.

I can see long-term scenarios where humans go extinct though. In about one billion years time the luminosity of the Sun would have increased by 10%. This will lead to an average world temperature of just under 50C (127F). More importantly this will likely lead to water rising up to our atmosphere resulting in a "moist" greenhouse effect. It is likely that there would be runaway global warming which would eventually lead us to the same fate as Venus. I don't see humans surviving this unless we left planet Earth. But a billion years is not exactly near-term...
May 1, 3:52 PM

Sep 2016
traed said:
Anything that can wipe out either all life or at least all surface life will wipe out people too which there is a few scenarios for this including massive volcanic eruption and a very large nuclear strike or multiple nuclear strikes globally (which is possible because these systems sometimes are automated to attack).

2nd part is a popular misconception, no military would ever launch their nuclear weapons at lowly populated rural areas just to kill a few country people, worst case scenario would be the destruction of cities and breakdown of modern civilization, but there would always be a few survivors.
May 1, 4:06 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to monsta666
traed said:
Anything that can wipe out either all life or at least all surface life will wipe out people too which there is a few scenarios for this including massive volcanic eruption and a very large nuclear strike or multiple nuclear strikes globally (which is possible because these systems sometimes are automated to attack). You also need a certain size of population or at least they all have no bad genes to avoid problems inbreeding.

Stuff like big volcanic eruptions, massive asteroids or other natural events are things I don't consider happening in the near-term future i.e. the next few hundred years. I don't believe nuclear warfare would wipe all of humanity either. There will be people who will avoid the fallout of the blasts and the theory behind nuclear winter is based on weak science that I don't subscribe too. The human bottleneck, I feel, will contain enough breeding pairs to prevent an extinction level event in the nuclear war scenario.

Again never say never but highly unlikely.

I can see long-term scenarios where humans go extinct though. In about one billion years time the luminosity of the Sun would have increased by 10%. This will lead to an average world temperature of just under 50C (127F). More importantly this will likely lead to water rising up to our atmosphere resulting in a "moist" greenhouse effect. It is likely that there would be runaway global warming which would eventually lead us to the same fate as Venus. I don't see humans surviving this unless we left planet Earth. But a billion years is not exactly near-term...
Yellowstone in the US and Campi Flegrei in Italy have supervolcanos both have shown signs they could erupt. The problem isnt simply cooling the problem is plants need light to live and other animals rely on those plants.

Im not sure what the minimum required population size is setting aside random chance of getting all good genes. That is hard to figure out since after enough generations mutations occur which can be good or bad mutations.
May 1, 4:14 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Zarutaku
traed said:
Anything that can wipe out either all life or at least all surface life will wipe out people too which there is a few scenarios for this including massive volcanic eruption and a very large nuclear strike or multiple nuclear strikes globally (which is possible because these systems sometimes are automated to attack).

2nd part is a popular misconception, no military would ever launch their nuclear weapons at lowly populated rural areas just to kill a few country people, worst case scenario would be the destruction of cities and breakdown of modern civilization, but there would always be a few survivors.
No, I'm talking about the deadhand systems and computer malfunctions.
May 1, 4:26 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to traed
Yellowstone in the US and Campi Flegrei in Italy have supervolcanos both have shown signs they could erupt. The problem isnt simply cooling the problem is plants need light to live and other animals rely on those plants.

Im not sure what the minimum required population size is setting aside random chance of getting all good genes. That is hard to figure out since after enough generations mutations occur which can be good or bad mutations.
The Yellowstone event I am aware of happened 2.1 million years ago. According to Wikipedia the number volcanic eruptions that measure an 8 on the volcanic explosivity index is 40 in the last 132 million years. That works out at 1 every 3.3 million years. They do say the Toba eruption that occurred 72,000 years ago may have reduced the human population to a few 10 tens of thousands resulting in a genetic bottleneck. That theory is disputed however and the genetic variation (or lack thereof) could have come for other reasons. In any case, the occurrences of these major volcanic eruptions are so rare it seems highly unlikely we get one big enough to threaten humanity within the next 1000 years.

I think for this discussion what is more plausible is a scenario where life as we know it (civilisation) ends rather than the complete death of the human species. I think an end to business as usual can be covered with a nuclear war event you previously described along with a bunch of other scenarios. That I could believe.
May 1, 8:12 PM

May 2019
Anyone who thinks it will should make a bet with me. If humanity goes extinct in 30 years, I'll pay out one million dollars.
May 1, 10:21 PM

Aug 2012
Reply to traed
Yellowstone in the US and Campi Flegrei in Italy have supervolcanos both have shown signs they could erupt. The problem isnt simply cooling the problem is plants need light to live and other animals rely on those plants.

Im not sure what the minimum required population size is setting aside random chance of getting all good genes. That is hard to figure out since after enough generations mutations occur which can be good or bad mutations.
@traed You gotta think bigger than just a supervolcano erupting. Sure if Yellowstone erupts most of North America is screwed and there'll be a so called mini ice age causing crops to fail worldwide and supply chains to collapse. It'd be devastating for our modern civilization, but it wouldn't be enough to kill off every single human.

If you're talking volcanic eruptions, the only thing that might be possible to kill us off are massive flood basalts. Similar to the eruption of the SIberian Traps that caused the end Permian extinction 250 million years ago and the eruption of the Deccan Traps that might've greatly contributed to the K-Pg extinction event 66 million years ago. Thing with flood basalts is that they're not one single big eruption, they keep eruptiong for thousands of years at a time, causing massive changes to the climate, so even if one would start now it's not really something you could call "short term".
May 1, 10:29 PM

Mar 2008
Dracowyn said:
You gotta think bigger than just a supervolcano erupting. Sure if Yellowstone erupts most of North America is screwed and there'll be a so called mini ice age causing crops to fail worldwide and supply chains to collapse. It'd be devastating for our modern civilization, but it wouldn't be enough to kill off every single human.

If you're talking volcanic eruptions, the only thing that might be possible to kill us off are massive flood basalts. Similar to the eruption of the SIberian Traps that caused the end Permian extinction 250 million years ago and the eruption of the Deccan Traps that might've greatly contributed to the K-Pg extinction event 66 million years ago. Thing with flood basalts is that they're not one single big eruption, they keep eruptiong for thousands of years at a time, causing massive changes to the climate, so even if one would start now it's not really something you could call "short term".

Well it's thought the cloud would cover the entire earth carried by the wind if I recall right. I could be recalling wrong possibly.
May 1, 11:16 PM

Feb 2020
It's gonna happen sooner or later. Nothing lasts forever.
May 1, 11:29 PM

Aug 2014
Meusnier said:
The internet doomer meme is too old to be taken seriously, but you guys are surely annoying... You should enlist in the army if you are worried about WWIII, but you will do nothing since leaving your couch is already too demanding.

Who here aside from Desu actually believes humanity will go extinct within our lifetimes?

DesuMaiden said:
btw the evidence for NTHE is simply overwhelming...just look up Guy McPherson as proof...

btw, the evidence for NTR is overwhelming...just look up School Days as proof... :P

Anyway, there is no proof for NTHE; only wild speculation. If you really had credible evidence, you would explain what would happen that would cause the death of every human in the next hundred years.

Of course, you can't, because it's silly nonsense. Even global nuclear war wouldn't kill everyone. Humans are smart and resourceful. Even in a post-apocalyptic scenario, they would figure out solutions to survive.
May 1, 11:57 PM

Apr 2013
No, we are good for about 2 billion years.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
May 3, 8:14 AM

Jun 2019
SmugSatoko said:
Meusnier said:
The internet doomer meme is too old to be taken seriously, but you guys are surely annoying... You should enlist in the army if you are worried about WWIII, but you will do nothing since leaving your couch is already too demanding.

Who here aside from Desu actually believes humanity will go extinct within our lifetimes?

A lot of people actually if you extrapolate from the reasons why people are not having children today:

Out of those 2.1% of people who do not want to have children in fear of global warming, I believe that it is reasonable to think that a significant part of them believe that the extinction of humanity is near. In lack of a proper statistical study on this exact question, it is difficult to estimate how widespread this belief has become though.
May 3, 8:29 AM
May 2012
At first men will use and then abuse genetic engineering to eliminate genetic defects, diseases and choose eye color, height, hair color, delay and then erase cellular aging.
Being born "naturally" will become illegal because it is considered harmful to the community. Having children will be considered illegal because when and how an individual is born will be decided by the government in fact all will be sterilized and men will be grown in laboratories in artificial wombs.
Subsequently, people will opt to partially convert their body into a machine, their brain merged with AI, the advantages will be increasingly evident as many will opt for this choice so as not to remain behind on a socio-economic level.
In the end man will completely convert into a machine losing its humanity, the human race will not be extinct however it will continue to exist in zoos and parks and nature reserves both on earth and on other planets, some individuals will be cultivated in research laboratories science that will be strictly regulated.
May 3, 12:31 PM

Jul 2013
It will most certainly happen. There is no doubt in my mind that NTHE will happen. This is why I don't take our society seriously. It is all just one big farce. Industrial civilization is all just a big farce...

So who cares if you are rich and famous? It is all pointless when there won't be anymore humans on this planet in the relatively near future.

I am sick and tired of those fools denying the reality of NTHE...the evidence for NTHE is overwhelming. What kind of groundbreaking tech is being invented these days? Almost nothing, except for "smart"phones...which actually really, really suck.

And now, the governments are trying to remove all privacy online, in a last desperate attempt to control the masses via a survelliance police state...this desperation is because they know that NTHE is quickly arriving. So the governments are trying to enslaves the masses to delay NTHE for a few extra years.
May 3, 1:05 PM

Oct 2015
Reply to DesuMaiden
@LenRea NTHE is obviously gonna happen, bro. I wonder why the OP made this thread btw???

Why not bet someone on it? That's what Eliezer Yudkowsky did. You are paid x in advance, by the time your specified cut-off point, if humanity has not gone extinct, you pay 2x back. Although to be fair, given how certain you are of it, as it sounds more than fifty-fifty in your mind, you should give odds, at least 2:1.

Although given you have no reputation to lose by not fulfilling your end of the deal and running with the money, I suggest you do so with someone you know irl, rather than on the internet where you can just get an alt.

It's pure profit for you, if it ends you won't have to pay shit back. You can just enjoy double your money for as long as you think we have got left.

Good deal eh?
May 3, 1:23 PM

Aug 2012
Reply to Meusnier
SmugSatoko said:
Meusnier said:
The internet doomer meme is too old to be taken seriously, but you guys are surely annoying... You should enlist in the army if you are worried about WWIII, but you will do nothing since leaving your couch is already too demanding.

Who here aside from Desu actually believes humanity will go extinct within our lifetimes?

A lot of people actually if you extrapolate from the reasons why people are not having children today:

Out of those 2.1% of people who do not want to have children in fear of global warming, I believe that it is reasonable to think that a significant part of them believe that the extinction of humanity is near. In lack of a proper statistical study on this exact question, it is difficult to estimate how widespread this belief has become though.
@Meusnier While I do admit that the current rate of climate change is more than alarming and I don't want kids myself (partly for that reason but moreso cause I just don't want any), extinctions very rarely happen so fast to call them near term.

If you look at almost every major extinction event in the Earth's history, of which there were 5 of them so far, every single one had climate change as a factor. And while in geological timescales these were super fast, most still took thousands or tens of thousands of years if not more. So can you really call that near term?

Yeah, major climate change would devastate our current globalized and industrialized world. But I'm pretty sure humans as a species could still continue to exist in small communities/tribes like we've done for almost 300 000 years before. Not forever though but still for a long time.
May 3, 2:21 PM

Oct 2009
Reply to DesuMaiden
It will most certainly happen. There is no doubt in my mind that NTHE will happen. This is why I don't take our society seriously. It is all just one big farce. Industrial civilization is all just a big farce...

So who cares if you are rich and famous? It is all pointless when there won't be anymore humans on this planet in the relatively near future.

I am sick and tired of those fools denying the reality of NTHE...the evidence for NTHE is overwhelming. What kind of groundbreaking tech is being invented these days? Almost nothing, except for "smart"phones...which actually really, really suck.

And now, the governments are trying to remove all privacy online, in a last desperate attempt to control the masses via a survelliance police state...this desperation is because they know that NTHE is quickly arriving. So the governments are trying to enslaves the masses to delay NTHE for a few extra years.
@DesuMaiden: I wouldn't deny there is a big farce about having a growth based economy that relies on continuous growth. Heck I was an admin to a forum called the Doomstead Diner and even interviewed Guy McPherson in one of my podcasts. However despite all that it is important to distinguish the difference between the end of BAU and the extinction of the human race. In the former scenario the current paradigm is not sustainable so we shift to an alternative economic/monetary system. This shift will create a lot of drama and perhaps even result in a population decline.

As bad as that is that is nothing when compared to the latter scenario as here you are suggesting things are so messed up that literally no one in the entire planet will survive. That scenario of total destruction seems unlikely to me as there will be some region that is habitable for survival. This applies for any scenario you throw out from nuclear warfare to runaway global warming or some horrific pandemic. In any of those situations there will be pockets of survivors that get over the hump. You also got to consider that in the face of an existential threat people will innovate more than what we think is possible.

As a final point it is important to not think in absolutes. We can never be certain about anything so it is not a good habit to say anything with absolute confidence. Got to keep an open mind.
May 3, 5:04 PM

Aug 2014
Meusnier said:
A lot of people actually if you extrapolate from the reasons why people are not having children today:

Oh, I meant people posting about it unironically on this forum. (I know that plenty of people believe in NTHE in general.)

DesuMaiden said:
I am sick and tired of those fools denying the reality of NTHE...the evidence for NTHE is overwhelming.

Produce said evidence or be silent.

monsta666 said:
As bad as that is that is nothing when compared to the latter scenario as here you are suggesting things are so messed up that literally no one in the entire planet will survive. That scenario of total destruction seems unlikely to me as there will be some region that is habitable for survival. This applies for any scenario you throw out from nuclear warfare to runaway global warming or some horrific pandemic. In any of those situations there will be pockets of survivors that get over the hump. You also got to consider that in the face of an existential threat people will innovate more than what we think is possible.

Yeah...and even the asteroid(s) that killed the dinosaurs didn't take out all of them. Some evolved into birds, after all.
May 3, 10:45 PM

Oct 2022
I mean it's impossible to know for sure but I don't think it's anything to worry over. Although I don't like the fear mongering involved around NTHE it is good to prepare yourself and your family for an emergency similar to that with stuff like food storage and basic survival skills.
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"Oh no"
May 4, 7:28 PM

Aug 2014
No, but I do believe God will return at some point before humanity verges on anything of the sort (be it in my lifetime or later).
May 5, 10:58 AM

Jul 2013
The evidence Guy McPherson and Michael Ruppert presents for NTHE is very overwhelming btw...this evidence comes from peer-reviewed scientific journals. Not some nutjob conspiracy theorist on the Internet.
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