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Mar 19, 9:00 AM

May 2023
How tall are you? Are you satisfied with how tall you are? Do you think your life would be easier if you were a different height?

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rohan121 said:
If you are a man who spun low height, you are playing on the highest difficulty confirming getting bullied for life and being a inkwell.
Mar 19, 9:06 AM

Sep 2018
I am around 5"9. Not a good height though it could have been much worse. I do not think height is even an urgent factor on women since even an autistic short women can still easily find a man whenever she wants to. I do believe height is a vital factor in life difficulty for men though. Being taller makes you more likely to even land a good job.
Mar 19, 9:08 AM

Aug 2021
5'11 / 180cm

im on the fence, on one hand i like the fact that im tall and it makes me stand out, and i feel powerful and cool and sometimes even attractive exactly because of my height, especially when i wear platforms to be even taller
on the other hand, there are some places and situations where id rather be inconspicuous and be able to blend in with other women, but most of the time im destined to stand out, cuz i also dress pretty loud
yeah so its mostly concerns of safety that id want to be shorter sometimes
and theres this conflict, cuz i do like to stand out sure, i like attention, but my height is something that i cannot change, and since im taller than an average woman i sometimes struggle to feel "normal" and i begin to think that theres something wrong with me when there really isnt; insecurity i guess

and goddamit why do i always have to be the big spoon bitches think thats my default preference but what if i wanna be the small spoon sometimes my back is cold i wana feel tiny and be cute and coddled too mmmkay
elgatosaikaMar 19, 9:19 AM
Mar 19, 9:12 AM

Feb 2020
I'm 190cm tall. I wish I was a little taller.
Mar 19, 9:13 AM

Mar 2019
I can guarantee that being tall is not as great as people make it out to be. For reference, I'm 6'1 which is tall but not ridiculously NBA size type of height. Since I was 13 I've been suffering from Chronic back pain issues from a mixture of sports and generally lacking any decent posture at my height. Started with a herniated disk in my lower back and a hairline fracture that went unnoticed for years. I'm not saying that you can't have these issues if your short, but being tall felt like it exasperated it. Even more so, if you're tall and play any sport they chuck you into that position and then when people begin to catch up to you in height your done. For example, I played Australian Rules Football since i could walk and growing up I was considerably taller than other kids. With that being said I played the Ruckman position (it's like the center position in basketball). When competition gets stiffer and the physical differences become more leveled kids who played roles one dimensionally lack the skill required to play at higher levels. This only became apparent when I was 17 playing for Rising stars program. Anyway, all this is to say that I definitely didnt make the AFL and lost any hope of making it as a pro athlete at all.

The benefits tho however, Needless to say I don't really have to explain the benefits. It is nice being tall in the dating world and certainly helped me out a bit with that. So yeah it helps there but that kinda feels like it.

Mar 19, 9:41 AM

Jan 2023
I´m 188cm tall.

It's good for concerts.
Mar 19, 9:41 AM

Jan 2009
158 cm or 5 foot 2 inches well my height is average where i live so im fine
Mar 19, 10:01 AM

Dec 2011
172cm tall it’s a fine enough height
MitsukiHimekaMay 18, 5:19 PM
Mar 19, 10:06 AM

Sep 2016
185cm, sometimes it's kind of a pain using things that are designed for the average Joe, especially chair and table heights, so I would like to be shorter.

ZarutakuMar 21, 2:48 PM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 19, 10:12 AM

Dec 2022
6'3" (190cm)

Think it's a decent height. I'm not inadvertently slamming my head on the top of any doorways, but I don't struggle to reach high shelves or cabinets either.

Shaded Horizon

Mar 19, 10:16 AM

Feb 2022
5 feet 8 inches

kinda short, but not too bad i guess. Life might be a bit easier if I was taller but I am fine with my height.
Mar 19, 10:25 AM

Jan 2021
A lot of you are capping about your height and there is maybe some sample bias going on, only tall people want to post in this thread

I don't think short people have it so bad

Mar 19, 10:26 AM

Mar 2008
I am not sure my exact height because apparently they don't bother measuring your height at the doctors unless you're a kid. I am no less than 6'1" though. I often intentional give the lower number but I'm probably no taller than 6'4"

Archean-Return said:
6'3" (190cm)

Think it's a decent height. I'm not inadvertently slamming my head on the top of any doorways, but I don't struggle to reach high shelves or cabinets either.

Gotta look out for bus doors though.
Mar 19, 10:32 AM

Dec 2015
180cm - pretty average when it comes to my country

my late father and many of my relatives from my French side of family were 190+ but I didn't inherit the heigth so I ain't 190-195+.

I ain't feelin bad with my current heigth, aswell as I ain't being very proud or happy, as I feel about myself I am just average.
Mar 19, 12:07 PM

Sep 2023
I'm 5'4 (~162cm). My whole life my family have always called me tall, cause I genuinely was taller then them. But as I think about it, I'm a short ass motherfucker. I really do not care that am I short, however I can feel that its gonna have its ramifications in the future.

Be safe and well travels,
Mar 19, 12:26 PM
Handler One

Jan 2023
5’9” / 179-ish

Within my family, I’m one of the tallest but it’s an average height though I don’t really care in the end.

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Mar 19, 12:28 PM

Jul 2017
My driver's license says I'm 5'8", but when I measured my height at my doctor's place, they said I'm 171 cm, which I believe is around 5'7 1/2", so I guess I'm somewhere between 5'7 1/2" to 5'8". I do wish I could be taller at the end of the day, but oh well lol 🤷‍♂️
Mar 19, 12:55 PM
Jul 2018
167cm, kinda wish I were a inch or two taller. my height has always been weird.
Mar 19, 1:18 PM

Jun 2023
6'4". There are pros and cons, just like with everything. I can reach things pretty well, but also have a tendency to smack my head on things at work if I'm not paying attention. Also, unless they're large talls, shirts are always too short. Lol.
Mar 19, 5:02 PM

Jul 2021
182cm or 5'11" as a 22/M, so about average. I'd like to be taller but I don't think I have any room to complain.
Mar 19, 5:48 PM
Apr 2022
5'5, it's convenient for stealth and dodging bullets
Mar 19, 5:56 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to wizdom224
182cm or 5'11" as a 22/M, so about average. I'd like to be taller but I don't think I have any room to complain.
@wizdom224 same age and same height. I'm never called tall but I'm never called short. 5'10/5'11 is like the height where anyone shorter than you is short but anyone taller is tall
Mar 19, 5:57 PM

Jun 2022
5'5ft/166cm, I'm cool with my height and gf likes it¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓭 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒾𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊"

✩ [TATTOO ARI -Number Girl] ✩
0:00 〇────── 3:26
↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡

Mar 19, 7:09 PM
Dec 2022
Just a woman between 150 cm and 160 cm. Being tall would suck for me.
Mar 19, 11:45 PM

Apr 2021
Last time I checked my height in 2023 I was 170cm. For me I think it's an alright height, not really bothered by it although seeing people taller than me sometimes could be intimidating.
Mar 19, 11:54 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
186 CM

Wouldn't mind be shorter and thinner :D Would be easier to climb into machinery at work or be more convenient to reach into some spots. And bang my head against places less.

Not the 2M giant, but eh, fairly tall fat fuck so has it's inconveniences.

Only pro for me at least at least can reach stuff at higher places...
Mar 19, 11:58 PM

Jul 2021
175 cm. depressed I didn't get my mum's 183 cm, I'm tryna be a goddess amongst women. I love being taller than men <3
Mar 20, 5:10 AM

May 2014
Haven't measured for a while, but I have 172cm in my head. Think I'm the same height as Risa from Lovely Complex. I don't feel strongly about my height either way.
Mar 20, 10:30 AM

Oct 2018
5'8". Not too upset about being on the shorter side.
Dreaming 'bout long gone things;
Days, on end, repeating infinitely.
Like the inside of a never-ending dream,
Whilst looking for the endless morn...
Only to return to the dream again
Mar 20, 10:42 AM
Jul 2018
im 4'11(125cm ish)

i use to be very insecure about my height but now i adore it !! .. it is hard looking for clothes at times >.<
Mar 20, 11:22 AM

Oct 2012
I'm 164 cm tall and I'm happy with that as a woman.
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke
Then why am I dead?
Mar 20, 7:23 PM

Apr 2023
6'1" or 186. Forever banished to the back of group photos :(
Mar 21, 7:31 AM
Mar 2021
I'm 163cm (I think 5'4?) and I don't feel short or tall tbh. Pretty average height of a woman in my country I guess.
Mar 21, 8:26 AM

Oct 2021
I'm 5'9" (~176cm). I wish I would be a bit taller, but it could've been worse tbh.
Mar 21, 9:28 AM

Mar 2016
5.7 OR 173 CM
i'm asian so i guess this is average for us? tbh idk sometimes i feel taller than average people here in my area
Mar 21, 10:39 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007

Grass is always greener on the other side though. Short people want to be taller (more respect, more strength, better chances with ladies). Tall people though will tell you it's not worth being tall, since everything in this world is designed for average-height people.

My car seat doesn't support my shoulders, and the head rest is way too low. I can't rest my back in it comfortably. I've driven various cars throughout the years and all of them are not suited to tall people.

Office chairs - same problem. They don't reach the top of my back, and they don't reach the top of my head either.

Beds - I have a king size bed, and when I fully straighten myself, my feet are in the air. I have the biggest sheets and they don't fully cover me. I have to sleep in a Yamcha pose to fit in the bed.

Cooking and cleaning the dishes is harder since if you're tall, you have to be slightly bent to reach the kitchen appliances. Shorter people can use them while fully straight, so it doesn't put strain on their backs. Doing stuff while slightly bent forwards puts a strain on your back.

Buying clothes was always a nightmare. If I find clothes that are good in length, they're usually extremely baggy, since they're made for obese people.

Buying shoes is hard. I have a 48 size foot, and most shoe stores cap out at size 46. My parents had to drive me to a bigger city in hopes of finding a store that had shoes my size. Nowadays I have to order shoes online, since the local store caps out at 46/47.

Fitting in the airplane seat or in bus seat is a nightmare. My knees are hitting the seat in front of me, and I have to sit kinda sideways to remedy this. When the guy in front of me wants to extend their seat, there's always arguments.

People in the cinema or during lectures always complain they can't see because of me. Fuck them.

You spend more money on food and protein supplements, while you don't earn more because of your height.
Mar 21, 11:07 AM

Oct 2013
Fuck you and your question. I'm tall enough to be called short. Thanks.
Mar 21, 4:57 PM

May 2021
I'm same hight as this anime character :3
Mar 21, 5:02 PM

Apr 2012
(Comes across this thread whilst watching the Monty Python "Archeology Today" sketch.)
Mar 21, 5:24 PM

Nov 2019
Too small—only 160 cm for an Asian.
Mar 22, 12:25 PM

Sep 2021
i'm pretty comfortable with my height, i'm 1.64m/5'3
Mar 22, 2:44 PM

Jul 2010
188cm. Still I find it irrelevant. Don't understand why 170-175cm men are always so angry.
Mar 22, 4:29 PM

Feb 2020
I haven't been measured in forever, but I think I'm either 5'7 or 5'8.
I don't come from a tall family unlike my nephew and brother-in-law, who both tower over me, I was the tallest of my immediate family though.
I can reach what I need for myself and others, so it's fine, if I was any taller it would be no doubt cause me issues, as I'm very clumsy and absent minded.
Mar 24, 12:51 AM

Mar 2014
I am exactly 6 foot 2 and a half inches or 189.23 cm.
Mar 24, 3:07 PM

Jun 2016
I'm 6'2'' (187cm for you Euros), it's the perfect height in my opinion. I'm tall but not so tall to have to have special clothes or bump into things too often.
Mar 25, 4:09 PM

Jan 2017
I'm 5.6 and with my preferences in a partner I'm pretty grateful I look short and youthful, it works out well in my case lol
Mar 25, 5:47 PM
Jul 2018
Reply to DigiCat
I'm same hight as this anime character :3

He's just 5 cm taller than me. xD
That's quite hard to imagine, but it's like that.

Guys here are complaining about their height and nobody will think of them as attractive because of their height... while there are thousands of Levi-fangirls out there.
A friend of mine is not much taller than him, he still got a great girlfriend.
Mar 25, 5:54 PM

Nov 2022
I'm 5'7"ish. It's been a bit since I've been measured.

I'm happy with my height.

@BigBoyAdvance have you tried a California King? My partner is pretty tall too and their feet hang off a king sized bed as well.
56709Mar 25, 5:58 PM

Mar 26, 10:26 AM
Jul 2018
i am 1.68-1.70! i love how tall i am, i think it suits my body and face <3

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