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Oct 22, 2023 12:43 PM

Dec 2019
im a noob,, any motivational tips or exercises to do or food to eat or habits or anythigng appreciated
Oct 22, 2023 1:05 PM

Feb 2018
A lot of things, really. You can look up tons of exercises, foods, and habits on YouTube but honestly there are only 2 things you really need to focus on. Consistency and diet.

Consistency: You can look up all the exercises you want, but let me tell you what is likely going to happen. You're going to copy the workout of some YouTuber, it's gonna be a great exercise, then you're going to be so sore you can't workout the next few days, and then you won't end up going again for weeks. You're far better off going to the gym, doing some small workouts, and working your way up to harder exercises. You want to get in the habit of just going to the gym multiple times a week, which is the hardest part personally. It's very easy to get in a "I'll just go tomorrow" loop.

Diet: Weightlifting and cardio are good, but if you want changes in your body the diet is really the difference maker. What you should eat, well that depends, tons of different diets out there to explore. But generally the things you should definitely stay away from are fast food, sugary and salty foods, and juices/soda/alcohol. Mainly drink water throughout the day.
Oct 22, 2023 1:11 PM

Jul 2021
Do exercises you like, if you hate something you can probably find an alternative for the same muscle group. That way it won't become a chore.
Exercises... Well, there are a lot... I hired a personal trainer for a while to show me all of them. Trying to copy YouTube exercises is a good way to get injured, learned that the hard way. But if you go that route, anything that looks fancy is probably worthless and/or dangerous.
For food, just generally try to include a lot of protein. No need to over complicate it, like eating chicken for lunch and dinner is probably sufficient. I got protein powder too, but it's entirely optional.
2-3x a week is fine, if your muscles are no longer sore you should be good to go to train that muscle group again.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Oct 22, 2023 2:21 PM

Oct 2012
It really depends on what your goals are. Are you trying to build muscle, lose weight, gain fitness, show off to the ladies, or what?
My subjective reviews:
Oct 22, 2023 2:33 PM

Dec 2015
[I can't promise how accurate my tips will be as I was going to gym almost a decade ago]

First thing is - If you have any back problems, like I do with scoliosis than it is better to avoid dead lift and ask someone for a different exercise which will do the same muscle parts without risking the health of your spine.
Do not overdo, it is better to do more reps with a smaller weigth than do less with too high.
If you're a "noob", it is better to spend money and ask someone from gym/pay someone to take a look at your exercises and correct you + to create a schedule of exercises for each visit in a week + a diet, cause they know their stuff.
It is also good to do exercises in front of the mirror/being in the side, so you can take a look at your reflection and observe if you're not doing any mistakes.

That's all I can do, if you would ask me about it in 2014/2015 maybe I would be able to say way more to help.
Oct 22, 2023 3:06 PM

Oct 2009
Hard to say without knowing more information about what your goals are. My general advice would be to start easy and not be too ambitious. Issue with newbies is they go full ham in the gym (and even on the diet) then quickly burn out. Take it easy. Even it is seems insultingly easy. You can always work harder later.
The first weeks of any gym or diet change should be easy as the idea is to not to get results but to establish the habit of consistently going to the gym and adhering to your new diet. Remember this; when it comes to development consistency is king! It is better to not go all out but go consistency that to go 100% but do so sporadically. Once you have the consistency (and confidence) down then you can think about the next phase.

Outside that if your goal is to build muscle then you will get the best bang for your buck doing compound movements such as the bench press, rows, squats and dead lifts. If you find you are struggling at a certain phase of those compound movements, then you can add accessory exercises but that will come later.

I would also suggest you add some cardio to your workouts as having good all-round health is not just about strength but also building your endurance. It should be noted that cardio is more closely linked to longevity than resistance training. On this regard you really got to pick the type of cardio you enjoy be it cycling, running or even walking (although if you do walking I suggest doing it on an incline). If your goal is to lose weight, then a greater emphasis should be placed on cardio.

In both parts of your gym routine the long-term goal should be to apply progressive overload. That is, you make the exercises slightly harder over time. This point of harder can either be through increased volume (more reps if lifting, longer duration if cardio) or greater intensity (heavier weights if lifting going faster if cardio).

As for diet, again like gymming I think the mistake people make is going to hard at the start. I personally found it was better to ease into a diet. So, if you are eating too much junk food reduce one item of bad food per day for a week and add something good for the new diet. Keep doing this until you settle into your target diet but I would always recommend a cheat meal here or there to ensure you can sustain the diet. Always remember the diet should be a lifestyle change and not a temporary measure, so you need to consider how sustainable it is. On this regard I would try and include foods you like in this diet.
This point is especially important if you want to be in calorie deficit as being in a deficit will suck somewhat. Least you can do is make sure the meals you do eat are enjoyable as if that is the case you are much more likely going to succeed. General advice here is to eat low calorie dense foods plus foods rich in protein as those types of foods will keep you full for longer.
Oct 22, 2023 5:18 PM

Jun 2020
Wipe down all the sweat you leave on equipment

Lucky you, lucky you
must be nice to have everyone love you

"No, I've always been alone."
Oct 22, 2023 5:19 PM

Jun 2023
Not sure what your goals are but if just assuming you just want to put on a little bit of muscle then there are a few things you can do.

The main thing you want with exercising is to get into a routine that you can keep up with regularly. You don't have to work out every day but just find a schedule that will work for you. A few times a week for even just 30 minutes can show results as long as you keep it up consistently. If you have access to a gym then it's even better.

Next is dieting. I won't provide any specific diet but you should at least keep track of what you eat daily. This will be the easiest way for you to visualize what you need. Especially if one of your goals is to put on or take off size.

My last bit of advice is to not start off with too heavy of weight or strenuous of exercises. Just try to understand the form or movement of whatever exercise you are doing. If you are lifting weights then use a light weight to get the form down. The main goal of this is to mitigate the risk of injury from working out.

Hope you have a good time getting into exercising!
Oct 22, 2023 6:13 PM

Jul 2022
Take a photo of your current physique.
Do a 60-day project training hard 6 times a week, dieting, studying a little nutrition and exercise techniques so you understand what you are doing. 60 days later, review your photo from the beginning and take another one to see your progress!

Nothing is more motivational than seeing results in your goals.
> Hi! I'm Levi from Brazil
Oct 22, 2023 6:38 PM

Dec 2021
Biggest recommendation is to find friends to go to the gym with. i just started bouldering with a couple of friends and we're looking to do it all winter long, and we're hoping to go twice a week. Just seeing people You know and can talk to makes things a lot easier - i'd never go this often if i was going by myself.

Alternatively, i have recently learned of some people willingly allowing themselves to be locked up or blackmailed by another person, and then have to continue working towards that goal or they won't be freed or their friends learn some embarrassing secret about them.
Oct 22, 2023 6:50 PM

Mar 2008
No idea. I havent figured out what to do for myself at home because I cant figure out exactly what shape I want my body in other than not bulky.
Oct 22, 2023 8:13 PM

Jan 2011
just another gym bro here, do not ego lift
Oct 23, 2023 6:09 AM

Feb 2012
Just do the GOMAD (Gallon of milk a day) diet and routine and follow a guy named Scooby on youtube and his advice if you want to make it in this harsh world of gymrats.
Oct 23, 2023 6:38 AM

Feb 2020
Mike Mentzer's High Intensity Workout is my favorite.

Oct 23, 2023 8:12 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to irlLevi
Take a photo of your current physique.
Do a 60-day project training hard 6 times a week, dieting, studying a little nutrition and exercise techniques so you understand what you are doing. 60 days later, review your photo from the beginning and take another one to see your progress!

Nothing is more motivational than seeing results in your goals.
@irlLevi Very much not recommended, as a beginner I could barely move for a week after 1 gym session, training 6 times a week is a good way to burn out, just consider that he did 0 per week previously.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Oct 23, 2023 11:24 AM

Jul 2022
Reply to JaniSIr
@irlLevi Very much not recommended, as a beginner I could barely move for a week after 1 gym session, training 6 times a week is a good way to burn out, just consider that he did 0 per week previously.
@JaniSIr Muscle pain is normal for both beginners and more advanced people, especially beginners because their muscles are not used to this routine, if you can train 6 times a week, I recommend it. And you can leave one day of the week as a rest day, if you are a beginner it's best if you don't work too hard in the first 16 days.
> Hi! I'm Levi from Brazil
Oct 23, 2023 11:24 AM

Jul 2022
Reply to JaniSIr
@irlLevi Very much not recommended, as a beginner I could barely move for a week after 1 gym session, training 6 times a week is a good way to burn out, just consider that he did 0 per week previously.
@JaniSIr Muscle pain is normal for both beginners and more advanced people, especially beginners because their muscles are not used to this routine, if you can train 6 times a week, I recommend it. And you can leave one day of the week as a rest day, if you are a beginner it's best if you don't work too hard in the first 16 days.
> Hi! I'm Levi from Brazil
Oct 23, 2023 11:26 AM

Aug 2022
Just go work for a farm lifting hay barrels. You get a workout and get paid instead of paying.
Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Oct 23, 2023 1:47 PM

Jun 2022
if you're an absolute beginner, you can get decent results just doing bodyweight push ups and squats. just make sure to do squats properly (knees behind toes, weight on heels) to avoid damaging your knees. and pull ups if you can find a pull up bar.

when you need more results then you can do dumb bell bench presses and squats at the gym.
Oct 23, 2023 2:02 PM

Aug 2021
among boys this is popular for some reason

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 23, 2023 3:02 PM
Jul 2018
Reply to Ramkec
Just do the GOMAD (Gallon of milk a day) diet and routine and follow a guy named Scooby on youtube and his advice if you want to make it in this harsh world of gymrats.
Do you follow that diet? Isn't gallon a day too much?
Oct 23, 2023 4:27 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to removed-user
Do you follow that diet? Isn't gallon a day too much?
@Onaniu I bet this guy gets constipation from the lack of fiber.

Studies have also shown that adults drinking more milk is linked to cancer, especially in the Asian population.
My subjective reviews:
Oct 23, 2023 4:28 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to JaniSIr
@irlLevi Very much not recommended, as a beginner I could barely move for a week after 1 gym session, training 6 times a week is a good way to burn out, just consider that he did 0 per week previously.
JaniSIr said:
@irlLevi Very much not recommended, as a beginner I could barely move for a week after 1 gym session, training 6 times a week is a good way to burn out, just consider that he did 0 per week previously.
That's because you're over-training and risking injury. You could do 6 sessions if you do it right.
My subjective reviews:
Oct 23, 2023 8:47 PM

Dec 2019
Experiment with equipments to see how they function and which ones you're comfortable with, it's ok to train different muscle groups in the beginning. Visit the gym before afternoon or weekends if you're afraid of crowds, but believe me nobody pays attention to you.. maybe if you dislocate your neck

if you actually wanna gain muscles, then do 8-heavy reps that're slow, add a few half-reps. It's more efficient than 10-12-reps in comfortable weight.

oh and don't get tricked into buying unnecessary bs like fat burners or tiktok workout programs, it's fine to substitute pre-workout & protein for coffee & actual food.
Oct 24, 2023 6:05 AM

Feb 2012
Reply to removed-user
Do you follow that diet? Isn't gallon a day too much?
@Onaniu It is too much indeed and no I don't. It's a joke around the fitness forums.
Oct 26, 2023 4:20 AM

Oct 2012
Reply to YanYan
among boys this is popular for some reason

@yaawwwwnnn My brother just called me to mention this guy. I'm so disappointed, he's so predictable these days. Like you could draw an intersection between Andrew Tate, passport bros, and shit like this, and that's basically what he consumes.
My subjective reviews:
Oct 26, 2023 4:58 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to katsucats
JaniSIr said:
@irlLevi Very much not recommended, as a beginner I could barely move for a week after 1 gym session, training 6 times a week is a good way to burn out, just consider that he did 0 per week previously.
That's because you're over-training and risking injury. You could do 6 sessions if you do it right.
@katsucats So like are you suggesting to use very low weights or what?
For proper training the general consensus is that you need to strain the muscle close to muscular failure, so where you can't do another rep no matter what.
That's very different from ego lifting for 1 rep max with poor technique.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Oct 26, 2023 9:12 AM

Apr 2023
Just make sure you have good form. Dont train (only) front shoulders at the bench press.
Oct 28, 2023 3:57 PM

Jul 2022
How was your first week at the gym? What kept you going, if you did? @Rivermind
> Hi! I'm Levi from Brazil
Oct 28, 2023 5:03 PM
Dust collector

Sep 2021
Just keep it calm and don’t be ashamed for being a noob, nobody is going to mock you for not lifting heavy weight or getting tired to easy. And don’t forget to stay hydrated and stretch before exercise.
Oct 29, 2023 7:32 AM

Nov 2009
My advice is... Turn up... Thats it... Oh and use the showers... with shower sandals... And dont force through the pain when its bad pain that doesnt go away after 2-3 days after youve done something.

Its better to start small and then work your way up if you deal with pain stuff... People have said to me. So you dont get an avoidable injury. Xp
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Oct 30, 2023 6:30 PM

Dec 2019
Thank you all for the thoughtful messages. What I have gathered is:
- Diet: Mainly Fiber and Protein
- Cardio in the beginning (I do 3km on the treadmill in the beginning). I should stretch perhaps.
- Consistent / Frequent training in the beginning, incremental increase in intensity over time.
- Create a routine, ie sets and reps, focus on different muscle groups over time.
- Go with an acquaintance occasionally.
- Do not ego lift, let the river take its course.
- Do not over-train, have some rest days, do your best while in the job.
- Form is important, practice form in the beginning
- Eyes on yourself, focus on your own performence (I'm in the zone.).
- Keep calm and carry on

@irlLevi Third week now, first week I went three times, was there one hour, treadmill, testing out machines, starting to plan diet and changing spending habits.
Second week I went thrice again, same schtick, getting accustomed to going and seeing what works and what does not.
Now during the third week, I went yesterday (monday), treadmill and machines and benchpress, lightweight stuff, I am now at the stage where I will create some form of game plan, do this then this then this then this then break and redo or whatever. I eat better atleast.

If I work on adjacent aspects of life such as reading and mindset I am sure to make progress. Gymming does not exist in a vaccum. Goal is to get some muscle and get a better belly, gotta do more core exercises and eat more porridge. And watch sum anime as reward.
Oct 31, 2023 9:23 AM

Jul 2022
Reply to Rivermind
Thank you all for the thoughtful messages. What I have gathered is:
- Diet: Mainly Fiber and Protein
- Cardio in the beginning (I do 3km on the treadmill in the beginning). I should stretch perhaps.
- Consistent / Frequent training in the beginning, incremental increase in intensity over time.
- Create a routine, ie sets and reps, focus on different muscle groups over time.
- Go with an acquaintance occasionally.
- Do not ego lift, let the river take its course.
- Do not over-train, have some rest days, do your best while in the job.
- Form is important, practice form in the beginning
- Eyes on yourself, focus on your own performence (I'm in the zone.).
- Keep calm and carry on

@irlLevi Third week now, first week I went three times, was there one hour, treadmill, testing out machines, starting to plan diet and changing spending habits.
Second week I went thrice again, same schtick, getting accustomed to going and seeing what works and what does not.
Now during the third week, I went yesterday (monday), treadmill and machines and benchpress, lightweight stuff, I am now at the stage where I will create some form of game plan, do this then this then this then this then break and redo or whatever. I eat better atleast.

If I work on adjacent aspects of life such as reading and mindset I am sure to make progress. Gymming does not exist in a vaccum. Goal is to get some muscle and get a better belly, gotta do more core exercises and eat more porridge. And watch sum anime as reward.

You are doing very well.
It's good to meet persistent people who really want to change.

In a few months, come back to MAL to tell us about your progress and how it's going.

If you have any questions when you are at the gym, don't hesitate to ask the teacher, he is there for that.
> Hi! I'm Levi from Brazil
Oct 31, 2023 10:17 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Rivermind
Thank you all for the thoughtful messages. What I have gathered is:
- Diet: Mainly Fiber and Protein
- Cardio in the beginning (I do 3km on the treadmill in the beginning). I should stretch perhaps.
- Consistent / Frequent training in the beginning, incremental increase in intensity over time.
- Create a routine, ie sets and reps, focus on different muscle groups over time.
- Go with an acquaintance occasionally.
- Do not ego lift, let the river take its course.
- Do not over-train, have some rest days, do your best while in the job.
- Form is important, practice form in the beginning
- Eyes on yourself, focus on your own performence (I'm in the zone.).
- Keep calm and carry on

@irlLevi Third week now, first week I went three times, was there one hour, treadmill, testing out machines, starting to plan diet and changing spending habits.
Second week I went thrice again, same schtick, getting accustomed to going and seeing what works and what does not.
Now during the third week, I went yesterday (monday), treadmill and machines and benchpress, lightweight stuff, I am now at the stage where I will create some form of game plan, do this then this then this then this then break and redo or whatever. I eat better atleast.

If I work on adjacent aspects of life such as reading and mindset I am sure to make progress. Gymming does not exist in a vaccum. Goal is to get some muscle and get a better belly, gotta do more core exercises and eat more porridge. And watch sum anime as reward.
@Rivermind You can eat anything you want as long as you get in enough protein, carbs give you energy to lift stuff, so like last time I ate Nutella before going to the gym, and that worked well.

Also eating in calorie surplus is needed to build muscle if you get lean enough. Don't know if you have excess fat or you are very skinny, so figure out if you want to lose weight or not, it's just a matter of calories in calories out.

Don't need to eat a meme diet of chicken rice and broccoli.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 1, 2023 6:19 PM

Dec 2013
Be careful if it has sauna room, don't be alone with another gym looking normal (but not) guy for too long.

My nips were suddenly pinched last year when I closed my eyes for a while in sauna room. I could report him for harassment, but I didn't, coz I was too tired with my chronic pain for looking for trouble

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