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Apr 1, 2022 3:03 AM
Dec 2014
ShaggyZE said:
Junelovesanime said:

honestly the best comment I've read so far lol. at this point people will leave because an extension can only do so much, and what if it breaks? you gotta keep looking for another one.

One of the reasons Ive switched over to Anilist, plus Anilist doesn't have annoying ads plastered all over the website, Using an adblocker on here just creates ugly white patches on the site. MAL is dinosaur and it will stay a dinosaur.
if you learn CSS the extension can do everything you program it to do and you can always fix what breaks.

SentiOnikawa said:

MAL is a joke. A website in 2020 not having dark mode or a theme that mimics it is in denial. A website in 2022 without dark mode is basically declaring its staff too incompetent to keep up with the times. Hell, go try to leave a review on a show. They remove it with the most idiotic reason.

"As it stands, your review doesn't do much more than provide a general commentary of the work. A review should provide some level of critical evaluation of the work at hand in relation to how you personally feel about it."

Do they not know what a "review" is? What if I have nothing but praise and want to express that publicly? What better place than a REVIEW PAGE?

MAL is run by either out-of-touch boomers or a bunch of hikikomori.
if you are not capable of writing a good enough review, simply click edit details of the anime and write a comment, or use tags incorrectly like everyone else, you can even write a blog not that anyone would really read it unless you kept spamming it.
also making dark mode is not as simple as just making a switch and flipping it, MAL has gone through several owners and prioritized security and QoL features over dark mode because of the complexity.

I've seen worse reviews on MAL than the stuff I've written, and those have managed to stay untouched. We have one on Sabikui Bisco that opens with the worst interpretation of how min/max builds are run, which wouldn't be so cringe except it gave the show an 8 while insisting that a 1:20 preview is sufficient insight as to whether a show is worth the viewer's time or not. I'm fine with people liking what they like, but when a review section has a revolving door of standards that is subject to whatever mood a moderator is in, it's inherently bad. Let's not even talk about how bad the rating system is.

The fact that the site has gone through several owners already and is in this bad a shape is a huge red flag. Also, a competent IT team can work on multiple projects at once. It's actually a bad look when the IT team is so incompetent that QoL updates have been so lackluster (do we even want to talk about how the notifications button is still broken, and we're using 2003 bbcode system rather than the more modern ease-of-use system that 99% of the internet has adopted?) and dark mode is still a distant dream. Also, it's not that hard for a competent team to implement dark mode. Facebook messenger got dark mode in what, 2018? Earlier than that? You're adding a script to the user settings section to alter a display setting. That's less complicated than rewriting the notification button's script to display dancing catgirls every time someone's review gets nuked.
"Thorkell has no resistance to getting kicked in the f-in head. To be honest, neither do I." -Captain Mack

"You've faced many life-and-death situations. But that does not make you an adult. Finding more fallen-out hairs on your pillow, watching your favorite stuffed-bread disappear from the convenience store... the accumulation of those little despairs is what makes a person an adult."-Nanami Kento

"When a piece of media is bad, it's much easier to nitpick the less significant things because they're seen as a part of the problem. Alternatively, it becomes more difficult to nitpick something like a masterpiece because even the flaws are seen as contributing to the overall quality of the media." -Paraphrasing Mauler
Apr 1, 2022 1:34 PM

May 2010
SentiOnikawa said:

I've seen worse reviews on MAL than the stuff I've written, and those have managed to stay untouched. We have one on Sabikui Bisco that opens with the worst interpretation of how min/max builds are run, which wouldn't be so cringe except it gave the show an 8 while insisting that a 1:20 preview is sufficient insight as to whether a show is worth the viewer's time or not. I'm fine with people liking what they like, but when a review section has a revolving door of standards that is subject to whatever mood a moderator is in, it's inherently bad. Let's not even talk about how bad the rating system is.

I haven't as I use a script that minimizes reviews because MAL users are not critics so they never word things good enough for me to value their opinions.

SentiOnikawa said:

The fact that the site has gone through several owners already and is in this bad a shape is a huge red flag. Also, a competent IT team can work on multiple projects at once. It's actually a bad look when the IT team is so incompetent that QoL updates have been so lackluster (do we even want to talk about how the notifications button is still broken, and we're using 2003 bbcode system rather than the more modern ease-of-use system that 99% of the internet has adopted?) and dark mode is still a distant dream. Also, it's not that hard for a competent team to implement dark mode. Facebook messenger got dark mode in what, 2018? Earlier than that? You're adding a script to the user settings section to alter a display setting. That's less complicated than rewriting the notification button's script to display dancing catgirls every time someone's review gets nuked.

red flag to what? who cares, this site is in descent shape IMO and i'd rather have bbcode then the crap they use nowadays, the notifications button is working fine for me, this site was built by one person who wasn't perfect and didn't think everything in advanced so he didn't add class names and id names to everything or have them organized in a way to change them all at once so that someone years later could just add a dark theme switch and change everything to dark colors.

some dark mode themes for MAL are over 10,000 lines of code, and if MAL had thousands of programmers I'm sure they would have many nice features by now (they added a ton last year so things are improving), I've been looking more forward to phase 2 of the genres/themes overhaul since the dark mode theme I already use is better then whatever they end up coming up with.
Apr 2, 2022 1:58 AM

Nov 2018
Day 3 billion of waiting for MAL dark mode
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Apr 2, 2022 8:52 PM
Dec 2014
ShaggyZE said:

I haven't as I use a script that minimizes reviews because MAL users are not critics so they never word things good enough for me to value their opinions.

I mean, user reviews are generally more honest and sincere because there isn't the possibility of someone Joe Nobody being bought by a studio to give a positive review. You're right that they seldom word things correctly, but I would probably excuse their lack of insight into technical terms if the review at least gives me a general sense of what a show is about. Then again, I believe the 3-episode rule is also the best indicator of if a series is to my liking, and the mods in the review section seem to believe 3 episodes is not sufficient enough to make a call either way.

ShaggyZE said:
]red flag to what? who cares, this site is in descent shape IMO and i'd rather have bbcode then the crap they use nowadays, the notifications button is working fine for me, this site was built by one person who wasn't perfect and didn't think everything in advanced so he didn't add class names and id names to everything or have them organized in a way to change them all at once so that someone years later could just add a dark theme switch and change everything to dark colors.

The site barely operates as it should. Hell, the forums section doesn't even do post quoting as competently as most other forums. Also, the bbcode on the site is over a decade old. Most sites have it where you just need to remember ctrl+key ("key" being the letter/symbol to indicate the intended function), which is not just objectively superior, but also more user-friendly. Using bbcode should not be a thing you gate-keep.

Dark mode shouldn't change the entire site's design, and I think you have no clue what you're talking about. The whole point of dark mode is that it's easier on the eyes and doesn't make the site feel like some void of nothingness. People prefer it because it makes picking up certain details easier, makes reading posts easier, and isn't going to require a trip to the optometrist every 10 minutes because of how blindingly-bright it is.

ShaggyZE said:
some dark mode themes for MAL are over 10,000 lines of code, and if MAL had thousands of programmers I'm sure they would have many nice features by now (they added a ton last year so things are improving), I've been looking more forward to phase 2 of the genres/themes overhaul since the dark mode theme I already use is better then whatever they end up coming up with.

This is the part that confirms it that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Here's a walkthrough that provides Dark Mode in a single line of code:

You don't even need 100 "programmers" (so good of you to out yourself as an idiot talking out his butt, btw) to handle an entire company. I know of 3 IT professionals who, between their combined teams, have maybe 30 members across 3 companies who handle all the tech support, maintenance, etc. It is far more difficult to write net-code for an entire network, manage exceptions and handle issues, all while making weekly trips to the regional office (and bi-annual trips to the head office) to make sure servers are maintained and the security net is doing what it should. We're talking one website that runs code older than most anime fans. That none of the features you claim exist are widely known to most users should tell you that they're doing a piss-poor job.

Also, the notification button doesn't properly dismiss the number of notifications current or past. The square the number appears in is faded, but the number itself doesn't disappear as it should. That's a broken feature. You can't tell me that that is a welcome one.
SentiOnikawaApr 2, 2022 8:57 PM
"Thorkell has no resistance to getting kicked in the f-in head. To be honest, neither do I." -Captain Mack

"You've faced many life-and-death situations. But that does not make you an adult. Finding more fallen-out hairs on your pillow, watching your favorite stuffed-bread disappear from the convenience store... the accumulation of those little despairs is what makes a person an adult."-Nanami Kento

"When a piece of media is bad, it's much easier to nitpick the less significant things because they're seen as a part of the problem. Alternatively, it becomes more difficult to nitpick something like a masterpiece because even the flaws are seen as contributing to the overall quality of the media." -Paraphrasing Mauler
Apr 2, 2022 10:38 PM

May 2010
I also think the 3 episodes rule is not sufficient enough, but it depends on the person as some are more patient or less decisive than others.

Apparently you didn't read the "walkthrough" as it's quick and dirty ie a dumb approach, it's you who has little to no idea what you're talking about, the fact you've now resorted to name-calling proves that as I am not trolling you, or trying to argue with you, and I am a programmer so I'm not talking out my ass, it was you who brought up Facebook which was a horrible example as they have a shit ton of programmers and MAL does not.

you can't do dark mode with one line of code, inverting is not the same as dark mode as some colors inverting will be out of place and hurt your eyes even more, those who use it either have a simple website with monochrome colors or end up having a shitty dark mode, also I could care less about dark mode because my eyes are fine and a white background doesn't hurt my eyes so I'm not going to cry about it.

just doing root:invert is going to change all the image colors too, so you have to only use it on certain classes and id's and it would make things easier if this site reused the same names for all the correct sections, which if you knew anything about this sites code and CSS you would understand what I'm talking about (they don't reuse class and id names as much as they should), plus blue to yellow is just horrendous..

furthermore, I prefer dark themes because they actually look good instead of everything being white and black which is the typical boring dark mode versus

a solution was posted in the comments, but even it looks like crap since some elements will always need to be addressed individually. (I added a and input to get rid of the yellow, not sure if you know anything about CSS)
html {
  filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg)
a, input, img, picture, video {
  filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg)

these look like a void of nothingness, I'm not saying to change the design, but using different shades of grey and blue is better IF it was easy, but MAL will not have to redesign the site, just name elements better so it can be applied across the whole site.

SentiOnikawa said:
Also, the notification button doesn't properly dismiss the number of notifications current or past. The square the number appears in is faded, but the number itself doesn't disappear as it should. That's a broken feature. You can't tell me that that is a welcome one.
not sure what you are talking about, when I click mark all as read in notifications it dismisses everything.

SentiOnikawa said:

That none of the features you claim exist are widely known to most users should tell you that they're doing a piss-poor job.
again dunno what you are talking about.

you seem like you're just mad they don't like your reviews.
ShaggyZEApr 3, 2022 4:04 AM
Apr 3, 2022 12:25 AM

Jul 2021
I doubt they gonna update the layout or page system, they need fix ninja things first
Apr 3, 2022 4:55 PM
Dec 2014
ShaggyZE said:]Apparently you didn't read the "walkthrough" as it's quick and dirty ie a dumb approach, it's you who has little to no idea what you're talking about, the fact you've now resorted to name-calling proves that as I am not trolling you, or trying to argue with you, and I am a programmer so I'm not talking out my ass, it was you who brought up Facebook which was a horrible example as they have a shit ton of programmers and MAL does not.

I read the walkthrough fine. I didn't mention anything besides the intended outcome, which it does do. Color inversion in images and the like is a fixable flaw that shouldn't require more than an afternoon, if that. You aren't a programmer, either. You barely qualify, if you think having a huge team is the only way things get done. Facebook has 250 software engineers currently. That's not "thousands", as someone like you would suggest. I know you're not a programmer because someone who is one would know that writing script and coding isn't some kind of incomprehensible operation requiring 2 million+ hours. It requires understanding the language you're working with and operating within the limitations of said language. Even then, we call talk about how Toby scripted Undertale despite the rpgmaker engine being pretty stiff in terms of developer "freedom."

ShaggyZE said:
you can't do dark mode with one line of code, inverting is not the same as dark mode as some colors inverting will be out of place and hurt your eyes even more, those who use it either have a simple website with monochrome colors or end up having a shitty dark mode, also I could care less about dark mode because my eyes are fine and a white background doesn't hurt my eyes so I'm not going to cry about it.

Inverting is as close as you can get without writing the entire script out, assuming you're not inclined to make a pretty standard feature available on your site. There is actual medical research that confirms dark text on white background causes eye strain. Despite what your limited understanding of basic biology might be, the retina needs to focus before you can look at something. Because white backgrounds produce glare (due to absorbing ever colour on the spectrum), it produces a significant amount of glare which in turn forces the retina to constantly need to re-focus. Nobody is immune to this either. You might think your eyes are fine, but I can guarantee you that they are straining due to the white background.

ShaggyZE said:
just doing root:invert is going to change all the image colors too, so you have to only use it on certain classes and id's and it would make things easier if this site reused the same names for all the correct sections, which if you knew anything about this sites code and CSS you would understand what I'm talking about (they don't reuse class and id names as much as they should), plus blue to yellow is just horrendous..

It makes no sense why you wouldn't ever have all classes and id's for any one section be the same. The only difference should be user titles and permissions, which is an id thing already. If the developers are so incompetent that they didn't revert that mistake, then that further demonstrates my point. They're not competent. They're below the lowest conceivable margin for even incompetence, full-blown into the xkczd strip about bad code. Hell, they probably read that strip and thought it was an unappreciated genius being BTFO'd by a sheeple rather than an idiot flailing about and his friend "kindly" informing him that, in fact, his code was so disorganized and unsightly that anyone who knew what they were doing would have likely bricked all his devices in an attempt to send a message about not attempting coding ever again.

ShaggyZE said:
not sure what you are talking about, when I click mark all as read in notifications it dismisses everything.

You shouldn't need to manually click a button to dismiss everything. Messages should auto-dismiss once you've read them. It's a fairly standard function, so any site that possesses an irregularity this atrocious needs to have its developers look at what is causing this issue. But then again, MAL developers have proven themselves incompetent beyond the minimal standard for incompetence.

ShaggyZE said:
again dunno what you are talking about.

you seem like you're just mad they don't like your reviews.

I have yet to see captcha on this site, or protection by cloudflare. For the record, both are bare minimum security features that serve the purpose of being a first line of defence against bot spam. When you dive deeper, most sites and even forums have scripts that deter fuckery of a limited variety (because even anti-virus software can't account for every variation of attack or hostage malware). Also, nice non-sequitor. The only allusion I made in my last post to the reviews section is that their staff shouldn't be allowed to do as they desire on a whim. If your only rebuttal is to produce a nonsensical distraction from the initial argument, then I see dialogue with you as wholly pointless, since you don't actually know how to argue your position competently. Then again, you're out here praising MAL's developers as unsung heroes fighting an impossible fight when, in reality, their efforts would have them failing a beginner IT course at some community college.
SentiOnikawaApr 3, 2022 4:59 PM
"Thorkell has no resistance to getting kicked in the f-in head. To be honest, neither do I." -Captain Mack

"You've faced many life-and-death situations. But that does not make you an adult. Finding more fallen-out hairs on your pillow, watching your favorite stuffed-bread disappear from the convenience store... the accumulation of those little despairs is what makes a person an adult."-Nanami Kento

"When a piece of media is bad, it's much easier to nitpick the less significant things because they're seen as a part of the problem. Alternatively, it becomes more difficult to nitpick something like a masterpiece because even the flaws are seen as contributing to the overall quality of the media." -Paraphrasing Mauler
Apr 3, 2022 5:06 PM

May 2010
@SentiOnikawa just about everything you said is wrong, so I'm just going to ignore you instead of replying to all of that.
ShaggyZEApr 3, 2022 5:10 PM
Apr 4, 2022 8:10 AM
Apr 2022
Dark mode is the best idea ever invented by humans, I love it especially if you have AMOLED screen.
Apr 5, 2022 5:59 AM

Feb 2010

Wow wtf! This bot isn't even trying!!!! 😳😳😳

Apr 5, 2022 6:14 AM

Feb 2017
I agree with SentaOnikawa about dark mode and eyestrain.
I like dark mode+variation text color not because it's cool or anything but because it's reducing my eyestrain and more easy to read/focus whatever in coding or reading.
Jul 5, 2022 2:24 AM

Jul 2016
~Just bumping this thread
Jul 5, 2022 3:10 PM

May 2020
AlexKoyomi said:
~Just bumping this thread

bumping this does nothing, its been a concept floated around by the MAL staff for years and its clearly says its in progress
Jul 13, 2022 5:52 AM

Feb 2021
Idk if it's really a good idea. Some profile layouts will look kinda wack but the image @Luc36 posted, looks kinda nice. I would accept it if the the text wasn't so 'neon'
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Jul 14, 2022 2:50 AM

Dec 2015
I think there are more important things to do ... that is why they focus on other stuff first. (Can't do everything at the same time if manpower is limited.)

While a few people might enjoy it ... personally I prefer the normal mode. Feels better for the eyes. Only maybe at the smartphone in the middle of the night ... a darker mode could be okay. (But I am just too used to the normal colors. After changing color temperature at my screen from 9300K (which I used to have for a long time) to 6500 years ago ... everything feels better. (Took me a bit to get used to it though.)

A color scheme like in the example pic from Luc36 ... would be the worst though. Would totally ruin the point of having darker colors - when the text is that annoyingly green and bright.

If ... then not totally black. More like a greyish-black background and a white-greyish text - that would be best I guess.

Until they implement it I'd suggest using user mods and styles. (Some people even suggested this in older threads about more important stuff - sorting of the voice actor's works where they participated for example - which now officially has more options).
Jul 14, 2022 6:09 AM

Feb 2017
Luthandorius said:

A color scheme like in the example pic from Luc36 ... would be the worst though. Would totally ruin the point of having darker colors - when the text is that annoyingly green and bright.

That's because it's filled with link.
I separate each info by different color, i just edit it to suit my taste and for me it's not pointless.

It will just black and white if there's no link in it.
Luc36Jul 14, 2022 6:28 AM
Oct 15, 2022 4:58 PM

Jan 2019
At the moment you need an extension for that, you can use Stylish and add my theme:
Oct 15, 2022 5:23 PM

May 2010
oGian said:
At the moment you need an extension for that, you can use Stylish and add my theme:

you should switch to you can install more than two userstyles without having to pay and publish it straight from Stylus which is the better version of Stylish.
ShaggyZEOct 15, 2022 5:26 PM
Oct 15, 2022 5:26 PM

Jan 2019
ShaggyZE said:
oGian said:
At the moment you need an extension for that, you can use Stylish and add my theme:

you should switch to you can install more than two userstyles without having to pay and publish it straight from Stylus which is the better version of Stylish.
Looks cool I'll check it out, but I'm able to install multiple themes on Stylish, seems they've changed their minds
Oct 15, 2022 5:34 PM

May 2010
oGian said:
ShaggyZE said:

you should switch to you can install more than two userstyles without having to pay and publish it straight from Stylus which is the better version of Stylish.
Looks cool I'll check it out, but I'm able to install multiple themes on Stylish, seems they've changed their minds

yea, Stylish lets you install multiple for free, but does not (1 style for guests and 3 for registered).

ShaggyZEOct 15, 2022 5:37 PM
Oct 15, 2022 5:39 PM

Jan 2019
ShaggyZE said:
oGian said:
Looks cool I'll check it out, but I'm able to install multiple themes on Stylish, seems they've changed their minds

yea, Stylish lets you install multiple for free, but does not (1 style for guests and 3 for registered).

Oh, yes, I forgot being registered allows yu to install more than one. Will be uploading the theme to Stylus in the next couple of days
Oct 24, 2022 1:29 PM
Jul 2018
does anyone knows how to fix the forum issue? all dark themes I found make the forum unreadable for some reason
Oct 24, 2022 1:59 PM

Feb 2020
approx42015 said:
does anyone knows how to fix the forum issue? all dark themes I found make the forum unreadable for some reason
Have you tried using Dark Reader?
Oct 25, 2022 2:40 PM
Jul 2018
mazuchi said:
approx42015 said:
does anyone knows how to fix the forum issue? all dark themes I found make the forum unreadable for some reason
Have you tried using Dark Reader?

yes but I want a smoother UI, all the options available mess up the text on the forums
Oct 25, 2022 3:27 PM

Feb 2020
approx42015 said:
mazuchi said:
Have you tried using Dark Reader?

yes but I want a smoother UI, all the options available mess up the text on the forums
Ok well that shouldn't be happening. Your browser or other extensions are probably the problem. Can you try it in a different browser?
Oct 25, 2022 4:08 PM
Jul 2018
mazuchi said:
approx42015 said:

yes but I want a smoother UI, all the options available mess up the text on the forums
Ok well that shouldn't be happening. Your browser or other extensions are probably the problem. Can you try it in a different browser?

I tried using MAL DeepDark in Chrome, same issue
Oct 25, 2022 11:59 PM

Feb 2020
approx42015 said:
mazuchi said:
Ok well that shouldn't be happening. Your browser or other extensions are probably the problem. Can you try it in a different browser?

I tried using MAL DeepDark in Chrome, same issue
As far as I can see MAL DeepDark was last updated five years ago. Try Dark Reader again (without other extensions). If it still doesn't work, you should probably ask their support.
Oct 27, 2022 8:37 AM

Jan 2018
as of today the latest update that i get from recommended dark background is a black quote box but still our normal post box is still in white. so please, bestow us with dark background

Apr 12, 2023 9:21 AM

Jan 2009
lol finally a done suggestion
Apr 12, 2023 9:36 AM
Aug 2017
How to return to white ?
Apr 12, 2023 9:39 AM

Mar 2018
CafeAlpha said:
How to return to white ?

If you have Dark Theme enabled in your System Settings (e.g. Windows 10 or Windows 11), then the site should already be in dark theme!
You can select Dark (or Light) Mode in your User Preferences.
For more information:

☆  PlayStation: KoitoTV
☆  Discord: Koito
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☆  @Koito91
Apr 12, 2023 9:42 AM
Aug 2017
Koito91 said:
CafeAlpha said:
How to return to white ?

If you have Dark Theme enabled in your System Settings (e.g. Windows 10 or Windows 11), then the site should already be in dark theme!
You can select Dark (or Light) Mode in your User Preferences.
For more information:
Yesterday, my color was white but I don't saw the color white or dark in my user preferences. I used black or white color on Opera but no changes at all.
Maybe because I use about me classic ?
Apr 12, 2023 9:44 AM
Aug 2017
Edit : it changed the color with opera setting. Maybe just a time to update.
Apr 13, 2023 12:51 AM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Please share any feedback you have about the newly added Dark Mode with us in the announcement thread.

Thread locked.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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