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LunyRem Jul 16, 7:12 AM
Hey man, sorry for replying late. Not enough time for MAL lately.

I took 2 screenshots of your anime list with my custom-made Rem-rin style CSS from Takana_no_Hana's original one.

Here is the first one when I was logged off from MAL:

And here's the 2nd one when I was already online in MAL:

The results are the same. I've been thinking, what if the Akarin~♪ image was rehosted into a different image-hosting site or something? Maybe the source of the Akarin~♪ image was unavailable for my browser or my ISP.
LunyRem Jul 13, 7:14 AM
I have opened your anime list and tonight was the 2nd time. First time I checked it, I wasn't logged in on MAL, and Akarin's image shows up censoring the covers of the hentai entries. When I checked it tonight while logged in, I don't see Akarin's image and all I see from the hentai entries is a blank space for the grid which was similar to the screenshot I showed you when I used the long import CSS that hides the hentai covers. I can't post a screenshot of your list right now as I'm in a hurry atm. ^_^;
LunyRem Jul 11, 6:39 PM
Oh I see. Still needs time to refresh. No problem, that's cool. And thanks for all the help with the CSS. Really appreciate all of it. Maybe we can fix this CSS issue somehow with the missing Akarin image but if it still doesn't work for my anime list then that's alright with me too. :)
LunyRem Jul 11, 6:32 PM
Hey! Thanks. I copied the entire CSS and replaced the names from the 3 imports with my own username. Hopefully I did it right as all the usernames are at the top of the CSS anyway.

I tried browsing my list while I'm not logged in and this is what it looked like where the Akarin covers are supposed to be:

If it worked for you, then it's really odd that it wasn't working for me. 🤔 Are the cover imports the same as the one which Shishio-kun provided from the club? I think some of the smaller covers looked a bit blurry again from the grid, so I'll try to switch the main cover imports back just as before, for now.
LunyRem Jul 11, 6:30 AM
Ok I tried copying the full code and pasted it just right below the main import link of my anime covers. It does work and it breaks all links to each individual hentai entry. However, Akarin's image isn't showing up for me. I don't know what went wrong.

I approve of the Akariiii~n♪ pic and I'd love to troll any pervert who wants to look for hentai from my list with this CSS, lol. The only thing that won't work for me is the Akarin pic. Once it shows up for me on my browser then this CSS is all set. Thanks!
LunyRem Jul 10, 5:36 PM
I guess I'm still a bit confused on how to do this. I tried following the instructions if I understood it correctly. I copied the long import link and pasted it at the top, right below the main import link. After that, I copied the bottom code and pasted it.....wait, do I paste this at the very bottom of my CSS or do I have to paste this just below the long import code? I'm fairly certain I did something wrong. All my covers got pushed to the right. So in the grid display, it's like my anime covers are "peeking" from the right, hereby leaving a blank space on the left. It's like 40% of the grid on the left is blank, whereas 60% of the grid on the right is where the anime covers are, but they're peeking instead.

It looked weird so I kinda panicked at what just happened so I cancelled it instead of taking a screenshot before doing that, hehe..
LunyRem Jul 8, 6:32 AM
Hiya! Oh, that looks cool. And it's looking great from your screenshot too. I might test it out. Thank you for the import link! I haven't used any other browsers when browsing MAL and I think I might do so in order to see how my list covers display from other browsers.

I've encountered other list layouts that successfully filtered/censored any hentai entries from their lists. Like, if a cover of a hentai entry shows up when browsing someone's list, the cover gets completely blurry. Something that censors all Rx entries from the anime/manga list. I got the idea when I checked your thread from the Creative Corner. It's an interesting idea which I never bothered looking up before so I've never tried it yet on my lists. So do I just copy that import link and add it somewhere in my list CSS? Then type my username into the import link, right? I might try something new for my list once in a while, haha!
LunyRem Jul 6, 3:24 AM
Greetings! I've tried the solution, and it works 100% Thank you so very much! All covers are now appearing in my list! It might be just me but the covers' quality looks crisper and better than before.

Maybe the Malscraper azurewebsite has been experiencing technical difficulties for a while now.
hacker09 Jun 11, 4:02 PM

My only main concern that is something that I hate about this script is how huge it is just for the forum pages, I added a bunch of lines of code to mimic the old quotes behavior, so I hope that this whole code block can be deleted when I/you work on this part in the future
hacker09 May 27, 5:11 PM
No worries, now I am no longer busy for a while, but I am still feeling lazy and not really willing to do anything haha

That makes sense.

Thanks for trying anyway
hacker09 Mar 16, 11:27 PM
hope you are doing well

In case you have time.

You could play with my endless mal script, I gave up on updating it just because it got issues...

You could try fixing a few simple things or just a few pages, or adding support to new pages like interest stacks or anything else.
RapidCream Nov 17, 2023 8:12 PM
Happy Birthday!!!
hacker09 Mar 10, 2023 9:47 AM
hmm yeah that is one way to make it work, but I believe that some users would be annoyed by not being able to reply on the top, and having my script make it auto scroll all the page down to the bottom text box I guess.

Let's see if I will have time to make it work on both in the future hahaha
hacker09 Mar 9, 2023 11:45 PM
I did find out what the problem for the mentioner text box not showing up on forums was


that has to be used to work on the second BOTTOM text box on forums,

document.querySelectorAll(".topic-reply-box,form.form-club-user-comment")[0] is the first top text box that shows up when you click on the top blue new reply button


works only for the first top new reply text box...

So all we need is a simple function or maybe for each loop to add the event listener to both elements ro something like that.

But then we have to either add 2 autocomplete div input boxes, or make it somehow look good on both text boxes, the top and bottom on.

Not hard, but making sure it shows up on both in the proper place with CSS will take more time than doing an [i] loop
hacker09 Mar 7, 2023 11:04 AM
"it's an at-rule, not standard CSS so anything inside gets ignored."

That would make sense

yeah I get it you are right, I will just check it there

That is an interesting bug too hsahha
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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