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Aug 3, 2022 10:24 PM
Jun 2019
I don't like the change to reveiws. We need to be able to see the score immediately without having to 'read more'.
Aug 4, 2022 12:06 AM

Oct 2018
Lul bitch contrarians with low mean scores on suicide watch.

Aug 4, 2022 12:45 AM
Jun 2019
moozooh said:

pinkhorizon said:
I'm going to use my personal favourite reviewer on this site, SingleH as an example, he probably takes reviewing more seriously than anyone else on this site and boy is he crazy good at it

Not to discredit your point (which I generally agree with), but isn't SingleH a she?

Honest mistake, I never actually thought about it, everybody else refers to them as a he or bro so that made me think that SingleH is a he. That's on me for not being well informed, sorry!
Aug 4, 2022 1:18 AM
Jan 2016
The new review system is terrible. I used to sometimes read MAL reviews to help me decide what to watch, but I won't be doing that any more. It's now really cluttered, and the worst thing is it hides the reviewer's score away at the bottom of the review.
Aug 4, 2022 1:19 AM

Jul 2014
I don't have as strong thoughts on this at most, but I do think this is very much a change for the worse or perhaps a change for the sake of change.

The big thing for me is that replacing the score with "Recommended" or "Not Recommended" is actively unhelpful and disincentivises me from reading reviews entirely, because I have a far more concrete idea of what to expect from a numerical score than from a recommendation or lack thereof: also, isn't that terminology somewhat redundant when there's already a recommendations feature on the site? Recommendations saying "if you like X, you'll probably like Y" are far more useful than a generic recommendation attached to a review. But if you're going to insist on it, why not just display the score below the "Recommended" or "Not Recommended" tag? That just seems like the best of both worlds, as far as I can see.

More to the point, the UI for reviews is now awful: the distinction between different reviews on the anime page is sorely lacking, and it's not immediately apparent how to expand to read the full review because the "button" doesn't stand out at all (as it's just text on the page): rather than messing around with social media reactions, why not make sure the UI is good and accessible? And speaking of that, let people express disagreement with reviews for goodness sake. Or just go back to the simple but effective "Helpful" or "Not Helpful" system.

Perhaps as a more general point, if you really want reviews to be more "visible" and not just let the usual suspects dominate each front page, why not have a dedicated reviews page on the front page for new reviews? Also, maybe a better idea would be to remove reviews from the anime's main page and make it accessible as its own sub-page from the bar at the top (much like how "Stats" is its own sub-page, for example): doing this would allow more reviews to be visible by default, even moreso if you then give people the option to sort the reviews by score, age, recommended status etc. Surely that would be infinitely better for review exposure than a vague algorithm that no one will explain.
Aug 4, 2022 1:29 AM

Feb 2020
Glad those no are removed. Rest I dont care, since I barely read any review
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Aug 4, 2022 1:37 AM
Aug 2019
Please un-hide review score.
These average indicators not really helpful if you are looking at some obscure anime reviews page at glance.
Aug 4, 2022 2:10 AM

Apr 2008
Please at least put the reviewer's rating where it used to be, having to open the review and then scroll to the bottom just to get a quick take is really annoying. Everything else is fine.
Aug 4, 2022 3:33 AM

Oct 2016
This honestly feels pretty useless
Humans only live for a hundred years, it is as unreal as a dream that ends in an instant. What is the point of a person living in this world? No more than just being on a journey, and witnessing interesting things. Although I do not want to die, I do not fear death. I am already on my right path, I have no regrets even if I die.

— Fang Yuan (Reverend Insanity)
Aug 4, 2022 5:08 AM

May 2014
I log on for the first time in weeks and this is what I see...

Well, I respect the mods for their care and desire to implement positive change and improvements to the site. The problem is that I don't like this at all lol. Why is it that updates always seem to take one step forward and two steps back? Though this one just feels like a giant leap in the wrong direction.

A lot of the responses here that I bothered to read already discussed in detail the issues with this update, so I won't go into my thoughts on those. What I really want to ask is will the top reviews and top reviewers pages come back? I enjoyed seeing how many upvotes I had in total plus who else was in the top 50 reviewers. It was my favorite page...and I'll admit it, this is partially because I was high up on it lol.
Aug 4, 2022 6:09 AM

Jul 2012
New review system is awful. I dont even write reviews but i dont wanna scroll through a bunch of angry text just to see the review raiting. Most reviews are just pointless hate anyway. And the emoji's.. what is this? Facebook?

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 4, 2022 6:20 AM

May 2014
Oh, and I see that it says a wider variety of review types will be allowed now. Does this mean that you will no longer delete/ask me to change the score of my reviews deemed to be 'funny'? Because that would be nice.

- In honor of my literally dozens of reviews that have fallen in the line of duty, removed/forcibly edited due to containing humor and sarcasm.
Aug 4, 2022 7:44 AM
Jun 2014
Wehzy said:
New review system is awful. I dont even write reviews but i dont wanna scroll through a bunch of angry text just to see the review raiting. Most reviews are just pointless hate anyway. And the emoji's.. what is this? Facebook?


Since mods are being retarded, here's a quick script for Tampermonkey. You can use a match like this // @match*

var recommendations = document.querySelectorAll('.fa-star,.fa-star-half-stroke');
var scores = document.getElementsByClassName("rating mb20 js-hidden");
var i = 0;
for (let recommendation of recommendations) {
recommendation.nextSibling.textContent = scores[i].children[0].textContent;
kemiz4Aug 15, 2022 7:33 AM
Aug 4, 2022 8:15 AM

Jul 2008
Bring the numbers back to the top. Its such as hassle to click on "Read more" to see the score.
Whats the point keeping the score at the very end and hidden.
This update is not user friendly and counterproductive.
Aug 4, 2022 9:37 AM
Nov 2021
I understand the idea behind it, it kinda gives the site a fresh look. But I absolutely don't like that I have to scroll down to the bottom and expand the the review to see the reviewers score, which used to be at the top left corner making it easily visible. I really hope this gets changed back to the way it was because the new one makes no sense.
Argonaut47Aug 4, 2022 9:41 AM
Aug 4, 2022 10:14 AM

Aug 2015
Tiffanys said:
That being said, moving the scores back up to the top for actual usability of the system isn't all you need to do. If there are going to be changes to the review system the single most important change beyond that would be to get rid of the way it currently chooses which are shown on the main anime page. Currently it's the reviews with the most votes which are always the first reviews posted which many a time are even preliminary reviews that didn't even watch the entire show and unfortunately no matter how many hundreds of reviews are posted those same crappy ones are the ones stuck there on the front page forever.

What I suggest is rather than the most voted on reviews for a show instead you have it show one recommended, one not recommended, one mixed. Each chosen randomly out of the pool of all reviews with those scores, if they're available. If they're not then show another of whichever of the other two have the most review types. And if it's only praised or panned then in that case you can just show those types of reviews at random. This method I think would be the most fair to any given series. Though in the spirit of fairness it might actually unfairly give exposure to bad takes.

So if you consider that then perhaps the most truly fair might be to just pull 3 at random every time an anime's page is loaded. Not the top ones, not even any specific type, just three of the total pool of reviews completely at random. This would give the largest possible exposure to the largest possible pool of reviews.

I'd be on board for this.
Aug 4, 2022 10:33 AM

Jul 2012
I honestly wonder if this even appeals to a silent majority. I'm guessing only a few people like me, who never post on the forums, bothered to find the thread about reviews updates to give a feedback.

The previous posts have already said everything. If you're not even going to leave the number at the top then I'm just going to stop checking the review (or the entire website) altogether.

By the way, is that whole thing about a review cartel who raids other reviews true? Is there any documented stuff on these people? That sounds like such a waste of time.
PiramydAug 4, 2022 10:37 AM
Aug 4, 2022 12:50 PM

May 2020
its impressive how MAL staff managed to one up the favorites update with an even more unpopular change. While like 15% of people liked the favorites update, it looks like less than 5% like this new review update. its insane how changes that the people dont want keep happening
Aug 4, 2022 2:07 PM

Oct 2014
Gippy said:
deg said:
i heard there is a reviewers cartel here on MAL lol so they will not like this update at all, no wonder reviews here are monopolize by a few names only

Good. Everyone was getting tired of KANLen09 and RebelPanda pre-writing walls of text, then posting them up 1 second after the show ends to monopolize the main page of each seasonal anime were clearly doing it for the clout.
I do not post reviews for hours, sometimes a day after finishing an anime so I can evaluate the ending. That is a lot more than most seasonal reviewers do. You can check the date and time reviews were posted and compare it to the finale airing time on the forums.
Aug 4, 2022 2:44 PM

Sep 2015
RebelPanda said:
Gippy said:

Good. Everyone was getting tired of KANLen09 and RebelPanda pre-writing walls of text, then posting them up 1 second after the show ends to monopolize the main page of each seasonal anime were clearly doing it for the clout.
I do not post reviews for hours, sometimes a day after finishing an anime so I can evaluate the ending. That is a lot more than most seasonal reviewers do. You can check the date and time reviews were posted and compare it to the finale airing time on the forums.

the fact that someone is unironically trying to say they post their reviews for "hours after it ends, sometimes a full day later" as a self-defense against accusations of rat racing, like this is any amount of time to wait at all, really shows how mental the whole situation surrounding seasonal reviews is on this site

Aug 4, 2022 3:14 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Manaban said:
the fact that someone is unironically trying to say they post their reviews for "hours after it ends, sometimes a full day later" as a self-defense against accusations of rat racing, like this is any amount of time to wait at all, really shows how mental the whole situation surrounding seasonal reviews is on this site

I don't see anything RebelPanda is supposed to defend himself against. Is his review for some seasonal show factually incorrect because of a hasty conclusion? Is it somehow invalidated by the date of posting? Are the points brought up somehow wrong?

If not, then it's clearly not the problem with RebelPanda, but rather with how the review system works. He puts in the work and wants the result to be visible, and catching the time window after the status change is by far the only way to ensure that without doing anything underhanded. He's neither the architect nor a beneficiary of this system; he's just as much of its hostage as the rest of us. Admins are the ones that should defend themselves, not content creators.
Aug 4, 2022 3:25 PM

Sep 2015
moozooh said:
Manaban said:
the fact that someone is unironically trying to say they post their reviews for "hours after it ends, sometimes a full day later" as a self-defense against accusations of rat racing, like this is any amount of time to wait at all, really shows how mental the whole situation surrounding seasonal reviews is on this site

I don't see anything RebelPanda is supposed to defend himself against.

I'm going to stop right here because I don't need to waste seconds of my life skimming through the rest of this post. He was literally defending himself from somebody else saying he was rat racing. Look at the quote he was responding to. Full stop, said and done, don't care what your take is.

Aug 4, 2022 3:55 PM

May 2021
Manaban said:
RebelPanda said:
I do not post reviews for hours, sometimes a day after finishing an anime so I can evaluate the ending. That is a lot more than most seasonal reviewers do. You can check the date and time reviews were posted and compare it to the finale airing time on the forums.

the fact that someone is unironically trying to say they post their reviews for "hours after it ends, sometimes a full day later" as a self-defense against accusations of rat racing, like this is any amount of time to wait at all, really shows how mental the whole situation surrounding seasonal reviews is on this site

why is rp even lying about it, he has posted reviews before watching the final episode lmao acting like he has some integrity, everyone does that

Aug 4, 2022 3:57 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Manaban said:
Full stop, said and done, don't care what your take is.

For the record, I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm agreeing with you that this situation is indeed mental and RP shouldn't have to feel guilty over it. I guess I should have clarified that.

But good job with a douchy response regardless. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aug 4, 2022 3:59 PM

Sep 2015
moozooh said:
Manaban said:
Full stop, said and done, don't care what your take is.

For the record, I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm agreeing with you that this situation is indeed mental and RP shouldn't have to feel guilty over it. I guess I should have clarified that.

But good job with a douchy response regardless. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's some people that it's more insulting to have them agreeing with you than to have them disagreeing with you fam

Gween_Gween said:

why is rp even lying about it, he has posted reviews before watching the final episode lmao acting like he has some integrity, everyone does that

idk, maybe he thinks everyone is too lazy and/or stupid to remember it or look into it


@Kineta yo can we talk for a moment about how "Funny" and "Confusing" are very obviously being used as downvote substitutes, leading to situations where reviews are essentially getting downvoted to the top

because this is just something to behold
ManabanAug 4, 2022 4:20 PM

Aug 4, 2022 5:01 PM

Jun 2014
pinkhorizon said:
S5_0014_81 said:
As stated in other posts I fully agree with the changes.


The more you take away the "number" or "score" out of the review the better.

Please, don't pay attention to the loud minority of Twitter/Discord reviewers who are upset about these changes. They don't care about actually reviewing in good faith, just the attention that gives them. Most of the complaints I've seen from them are that some of their reviews are not on top anymore. Garbage people, If they truly cared about making reviews they would be happier than people now have more tools to give feedback to them (Emoji expanded feedback seems great) - But do you want to know why they're upset?

Because by hiding the number you take away the main emotional weapon of the review. It's obviously not the same to have a "Not recommended" than a "1" on top for them to open a trashing review for a seasonal show for example. The number takes part to an emotional level, this is why some people also take reviews they're against -very- personal and why people gloss over numbers to make decisions as well. A number carries more impact, it's more emotional, they know this and they use it to manipulate. By removing this feature or at least taking it out of the center, they are forced to actually make something people will read, which, of course they can't because they mostly write trash updooted by their twitter circle.

While we still now retain some form of "scoring" inside the review, the number has been removed from the top, I believe that this will help in reducing the toxicity and backlash that reviewers receive from readers who disagree, if people don't see a number ( especially on top, like the first thing they see) they won't take it that personal.

Others have pointed out that people will now be less interested in reading reviews, this is good however, as the people who actually care about READING a review will take the time to read it and not just gloss over to see if they agree with an arbitrary number. This is a step in the right direction, however I believe that a numerical number "scoring" in a review doesn't make much sense altogether, a (REC/MIXED/NO REC) system as the one we are heading now is more useful review-wise.

I'm not a reviewer, although my account isn't very old I've been reading MAL reviews for about 10 years now, pretty much since I was 7, this is the first time I'm ever making a forum post because I'm just that peeved. 

I don't care too much about the perspective of the reviewer since they're the minority and although they're being screwed over, I'm mainly focused on my perspective because at the end of the day this inconveniences people like me the most (referring to quantity here, well established, good reviewers are important and are arguably affected more but there aren't that many of them, we're talking about the masses here), the people who might not have a MAL profile picture (or even a MAL account) who use this website to make an anime list to keep track of shows and use the review section to see if a show is worth their time or not and many other equally important things that I'll get into later. 

I overuse parentheses.

I'm going to be addressing literally everything you said here (lmk if I missed anything after you're done reading) but not in the same order of what you've said so please bear with me, I'm terrible at writing but I'm doing my best so this post is going to be disjointed and might not flow very well. I'm singling you out only because I personally think that everything you've said here is the best the people on your side of the argument have to say so take that as a compliment.

Please keep in mind that this is in good faith, if my tone says otherwise just blame it on poor word choice, I know I might come across as overly blunt but I again have to emphasise my inexperience, the target audience for this post isn't even you specifically but everybody who has an opinion on this update in general.

The whole "Recommended/Not Recommended>Score Number" thing you said at the end is actually rubbish, the difference between scoring something a 7 and scoring something a 10 is the difference between Naruto and Monster, the number does a GOOD job at quantifying the enjoyment/satisfaction of the reviewer and this is why literally reviews of every medium be it music reviews or movie reviews all use numerical scoring (most commonly on a scale of 1 to 10 or something equivalent). Ask the average music twitter user what their 10s are and they’ll bombard you with great albums, a numeric score is really common and not exclusive to reviewers, go check out Rate Your Music for example.

I consume a decent amount of reviews, not just anime ones. Literally everybody from the biggest individual (music) reviewer on the planet (referring to Anthony Fantano here though most other individual reviewers are included as well) to Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, Rotten Tomatoes use numbers for their reviews and it's been this way for decades because it’s good, it works and it has stood the test of time, so please understand that you and people like you are ironically the loud minority with no self awareness, the top reviewers are the most passionate ones and have been doing this for years. If they’re unhappy that’s a red flag.

I wanted to see how bad the new review system was so I checked out the front page review section of "Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai" since I remember the front page reviews on that were on the negative side and boy was I shocked when the front page reviews were incredibly positive, I'm all talking 8s and above and they all had an ok amount of likes, a couple hundred to 1k. I then sorted the reviews by most helpful and that's where the familiar, based reviews with way more most helpfuls, (like a few thousand more) and they came in with WILDLY different scores. I tried this for a few other shows and I noticed that all the front page scores were so much more positive and I quickly realised why.

Either the algorithm is biased towards pushing positive scores to the front page or it failed to take into account that not as many people make negative reviews unless they're super passionate. It's definitely one of them and that's a fact. Most people literally just give the reviews they like a helpful and call it a day. Think I'm making shit up on the spot? No, I tested this. I went back to Bunny Girl, filtered the reviews to show recommended reviews only and there were 20 pages. I then filtered the not recommended ones and there were only 3 pages. If this isn't typical corporate indifferent incompetence then I don't know what is because I, a layman, knew this would be a bad idea yet the people who made these changes are disconnected enough to actually go through with it. I think they've reverted the changes for now, the front page is back to being sorted by most helpful but just understand that reviewers and review readers alike both had a very good reason to be mad, saying they don’t while dismissing them as a “twitter circle” isn’t right. I hate the changes and I don’t use twitter or interact with anyone on this site so here’s your first (of many) exceptions.

This paragraph might seem a bit off topic but I'd just like to say this moving forward, it's relevant. I'm paraphrasing stuff I've heard before. Reviewing is neat but it's more than just helping people curate and have an easier time figuring out whether something is worth their time or not (which is very important). A review doesn't tell people what to think but helps give them pause and make people actually think about why it is they like or dislike the things that they like and dislike and it's also an expression of oneself through taste, reviews can be very creative, passionate and again make you think about things you might not have thought about the show otherwise. This is why individual reviewers can be popular, because they treat it as a craft and are really good at it.

I know I said that I don't plan on focusing on the perspective of the popular reviewer too much and a part of that is because I'm not a reviewer myself but despite that it is important and relevant to address them because this update is demoralising for them and that's bad for me because that means the talented, well established reviewers might quit or just care less which means a drop in overall MAL review quality.

Perhaps there are some twitter circle reviewers but even then you are completely dismissing the extremely talented, passionate and meticulous reviewers on this site who are getting screwed over for no reason. I'm going to use my personal favourite reviewer on this site, SingleH as an example, he probably takes reviewing more seriously than anyone else on this site and boy is he crazy good at it (check out his deleted Psycho Pass 3 review for example, it's on his profile page). Here's what he had to say about the changes:

"Trying to dismiss and discredit the current state of the reviewing community on MAL in an attempt to justify these changes just makes you look sad. Over the course of the last six months especially, the mods have been extremely diligent about punishing cheaters who use bots and sock accounts to boost their numbers. Anyone who has a personal following or a consistent record of high “Helpful” counts did not cheat these things into existence. They worked for months—or in my case years—with little recognition, purely to improve their craft and slowly but surely earn a reputation like real adult men and women. No one who writes reviews seriously or with any semblance of effort does so solely out of a desire for blind self-satisfaction. They do it to reach others and to show themselves, and removing any competitive means of reaching the top fundamentally destroys any reason to expend effort. This notion that anyone would be as genuinely satisfied with themselves seeing their review on the front page based on a partially random algorithm that filters out all dissenting opinion as they would had they actually earned their place among the top four in a free marketplace of ideas is completely dystopian and psychotic to me. “If you’ve got a problem with the world, change yourself. If that’s a problem, close your eyes, shut your mouth, and live like a hermit.” -Motoko Kusanagi. If you get no attention, and you’re sick of those who do, then write your own reviews. Prove your own arguments. Galvanize support. Fight back. Don’t just go b*tching and moaning to Mommy and Daddy, who I guess in this case are the MAL mods. The removal of competition is something only a privileged, sheltered, immature child would desire."

He's based, god bless his soul.

Having scores moved to the end of the review is OK, I kinda agree with you on this a little bit but only if the "Recommend/Mixed/Not Recommended" bit is removed from the front and used strictly for filters, it's really unneeded and draws too much attention away from scores and I've already established that scores are important, it's not just a trick weebs specifically use in anime reviews for shock factor. Trying to reduce backlash and toxicity from reviews is actually pointless, if people go to your page and whine about your review you, whether you deserve it or not, that's just how reception works, literally every reviewer/publication regardless of size or medium has to deal with this. If they're being toxic and taking it too far/personal, the MAL rules exist and although I haven't read them recently, I'm sure cyberbullying and being overly hurtful are against the rules so that's what the Mods are paid to take care of.

Haters who spew nonsense while being hyperfocused on scores are always going to exist, not everyone has basic decency and although we can't stop them we can ban them when they break the rules. Backlash is important even if you think the reviewer is in the right because that's how opinions work, the people who unironically think Demon Slayer is a 10 exist and we must simply deal with it.

Finding out who liked a review is nice, good feature, 10/10 although for some reason the feature is unavailable for me. Botting is cringe.

Now about reactions. The people who're unhappy with this change don't focus on them much because of how bad everything else is but I'll talk about it here. I think they're actually kinda cool, it's a good feature conceptually but I think they could tweak it a bit, it has some pretty glaring flaws and the Facebook aesthetic looks bad, they gotta beautify this. On to bigger issues with it. The "Love it" reaction is useless, the "Nice" reaction needs to be renamed to Helpful or something that isn't "Nice" and the, "Well-written", "Funny" and "Creative" options are good ideas but need to be done differently. Not too sure about "Informative" since well written exists and "Confusing" seems like a dumb idea.

Maybe revert the changes back to how it used to be with Helpful and make it so that if you found a review helpful, you could optionally pick one of "Well-written", "Funny" etc. This would only help with filtering and I think that's good enough, I know I'll often sort by creative or funny since I like the poems and other fun reviews. Making most voted count solely on helpful is logical and makes sense, the Mods destroying this and covering it up with cool reactions doesn't stop it from being a bad idea, they can make the reactions work without messing everything else up, the shift from Most Helpful to emojis is wild.

Now on downvotes. I know you didn't mention them but others did so I'l quickly gloss over them. They're a bad idea, anyone who's used reddit for a reasonably long amount of time knows that that place can be a cesspool, the best arguments can be downvoted to hell just because people disagree or don't like what you're saying or just general stupidness. Try mentioning questionable Chinese history in r/sino or go to the pro Russia subreddits and just read the stuff they're posting or just think about why MAL removed downvotes in the first place. Face it, weebs are far from the first things that come to mind when I think of decency and wit, especially on the internet. Downvotes don't make sense because they're DEFINITELY going to be abused, if you want to disagree with a review just give a Helpful to a review you think is good and let the most voted reviews get to the front page as god intended.

"Others have pointed out that people will now be less interested in reading reviews, this is good however, as the people who actually care about READING a review will take the time to read it and not just gloss over to see if they agree with an arbitrary number."

The number isn't arbitrary but this is 100% a good point. Maybe just keep scores at the end of the review permanently? I get where you're coming from 100% but the weight of "recommended" and "not recommended" vary greatly and it's annoying if that's the first thing people see, we're better off without it and just keeping scores at the end anyways. My opinion on whether the review is at the front or back is honestly really weak since this doesn't affect me, I just the reviews and as long as the scores are there somewhere, I'm happy. Do note that reviewers could also start the review off with something like “2/10, anyways…”. I don't support that though, mods could remove those reviews, score placement isn't the biggest issue here and if people do think it that it's absolutely devastating to their reviews, you're right, they are garbage reviewers.

I'm not a reviewer and I'm mad that the scores aren't at the top anymore because it inconveniences me and uselessly messes up competition. If some reviewer has a well written wall of text ready to be posted the moment an anime has finished airing then good on them.

To the mods: The intent behind this update might be good but the execution is hurting existing reviewers and readers alike. Figure something else out please. I don't know how flawed the previous Helpful system was but I am 100% sure that it's better than what we've getting now, ya'll managed to make SingleH quit, crazy.

If you have read everything, I just want you to know that I appreciate you taking the time to read my haphazard but passionate rant. Thanks.

I think this is well writen and i more or less agree with what you wrote.

Btw it is funny is no button here where i could use it like a tumb up ;D
TharnokAug 4, 2022 5:05 PM
Aug 4, 2022 5:13 PM

Jun 2014
--Kaori-- said:
While i can appreciate the effort MAL, this was a giant downgrade. This should've been done better and while am not on the forums, it sounds like ya'll didn't even bother to ASK the reviews and readers what WE wanted. You pride yourself on your site, but how can you say you truly care about us if you don't even bother to ask us for our input on features WE use? For the record, I like ya'll are trying to randomize the reviews on the anime main page, but how u went about it was imo, not as well implemented. It can be better. The rest? Not great and is just awful.

Recommended → Placeholder: Overall 7-10
Mixed Feelings → Placeholder: Overall 5-6
Not Recommended → Placeholder: Overall 1-4

^ This is imo, THE worst part of this update for me. I have PLENTY of anime I'd not rec that I've rated a 7.0 or 7.5, becus they're just average at best or there's other anime mroe worth ur time. I also find it VERY IRONIC one of the guide lines YOU MAL have set up is to NOT tell someone NOT to watch an anime (If that was done away recently my apologies) yet its OK for this system to put words in our reviews and our mouths by saying "Recommended" or further put words in our mouth with "mixed feelings" when there likely isn't any or FLAT OPUT SAY DON'T WATCH by this tag saying "Not recommended" when we might not actually be saying that (E.g. a short 5 or less min series such as a picture drama might get this rating but be serviceable and ok and not bad at all, but its short, not much to it so it gets a lower rating)

As it stands, the reviews and searching for reviews and trying to find outr if an anime is worth watching now is BROKEN... a LOT of people look to the score (Numbers) to help them determine if its even worth watching and I mean in the reviews themselves. OFC they'll also use other info from the review but still, those numbers are important and having to click (and scroll) each review is not ok just to see that number... I also include the number near the bottom anyway so this makes my reviewed look even less professional now (Not that I cared much about that but still, I DID try)

MAL, am not gonna waste anymore of my time on this post but PLEASE A) Change the system back and B) Ask everyone what WE want. Please even send a notification on our accounts on MAL so everyone will know about it and give it a month of feedback. Take it all into consideration. Hold polls, require forum posting if need be to keep bot spam down for the voting but tzake the feed back, then SLOWLY emplement the changes and adjust accordingly, vs. all at ocne so we can have the best exp on MAL.

Sincerely, someone who cares about MAL, occasionally reviews anime, and may not do any more reviews unless the system is VASTLY improved from what its now at or if it goes back to how it was b4 this recent change...

p.s. Forgot to say, remove the funny and confusing and related tags, those are basically gonna be the BOO button (Dislike button) and used by trolls and bots to down vote reviews' confidence, heck, just remove that altogether please as its not a good idea... I personally don't bother with stuff that has a down vote button...

Completly agree
Aug 4, 2022 7:58 PM
Mar 2016
MAL just following the world trend of dumbing down everything, MAL's leads/devs think it requires too much IQ to pick a score from 1 to 10 and then fixed by dumbing it down to only 3 choices, Bad / OK / Good.

Half-baked design, anime/manga still has an overall score, but singular reviews have the dumbed down score.

Just revert it back, don't fix what it ain't broken.
Aug 4, 2022 11:32 PM
Sep 2018
I thought something was broken.

I thought I accidentally hit a stripped-down mobile version.

I thought maybe there were newly released customizations that I had just to reconfigure from their awful default values back to some more readable version.

I ended up just being flabbergasted this was an intentional change. Burying the reviewers' scores, making an arbitrary "recommend-or-not" based on unseen scores, and basically undermining the CHOICE of the reviewer as to whether they would recommend something regardless of the quality of different aspects.

Want to add an option for the reviewer if they would recommend it? Great!
Want to add useful fields as comments on the quality of the review? Great!

This is not the way to do it.
Aug 4, 2022 11:40 PM
Apr 2014
Can we please have reviewer ratings at the top like before

Moves score to top but only once you click read more, paste code into something like Stylebot that lets you change custom css
div.rating.mb20.js-hidden {
  order: -1;

div.body {
  display: flex; 
  flex-direction: column;
DjsogekinekoAug 5, 2022 12:20 AM
Aug 5, 2022 2:36 AM

Jun 2019
Do not complain too much, ladies and gentlemen, for those reactions are soon coming to the forums...

Another cosmetic update, whilst the main issue of reviews is that people write some very positive or very negative hasty prose after three episodes to gather votes, which prevents sensible people who only write after having judged the whole series—I am thinking of anime, and more precisely, of sub 27 episodes series—from attracting attention to their work.

It feels that this update was made by people who have no idea how people rate on MAL. For most people, a 7/10 is a low score, and you can find that something has some quality... and not recommend it.

We just need the "not helpful" button back, those emoji are disgraceful.

"Writers can edit their existing reviews to adjust the tag (as necessary) without needing to modify their score." Most reviewers have either stopped using MAL, or will not bother editing hundreds of reviews. Therefore, one can expect that those arbitrary tags will be largely inaccurate for a very long time.

I also love that we are explained what "informational," "well-written," "funny," or "creative" mean. Also, I must say that what is called the "confusing" emoji rather looks like the face of someone hostile, and indeed, it is mainly used—on Discord—to express hostility if not hatred...

There is a also a troubling point that was not made clear: what is the function of the seven variables that gives the score allowing one to decide if a review is deemed superior to another. Hopefully, the good people of MAL have not decided to only take the number of "likes" into account...

Last, but not least summing up all reactions does not give one a meaningful quantity... I would therefore suggest that one only mentions the numbers of "likes" in this part (other emoji are just a nuisance).

Aug 5, 2022 4:40 AM
Jan 2013
Is there no one on the staff of this site who is smart enough to be able to comprehend that a review "rating" system without a clear negative option is completely pointless?
Aug 5, 2022 5:39 AM

Jan 2014
This update treats people like dumdums that dont know how to interpret 1-10 scoring system. Just put the scores at the top instead of this "recommendation" tag. Giving something 4/10 doesnt mean that reviewer wont recommend this to anyone ever.
Aug 5, 2022 6:18 AM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
thecescshow said:
This update treats people like dumdums that dont know how to interpret 1-10 scoring system. Just put the scores at the top instead of this "recommendation" tag. Giving something 4/10 doesnt mean that reviewer wont recommend this to anyone ever.

It's mainly a problem for old reviews with inactive reviewers, though. You can edit your existing review and put any recommendation label on it regardless of the score.
Aug 5, 2022 7:40 AM

Feb 2021
As a completely nobody whose opinion probably doesn't matter, I just have to say that I very much dislike this "update" and I hope it gets reversed soon. Until then, I'm not even gonna look at reviews anymore, it hurts my eyes.
Aug 5, 2022 8:10 AM

Jul 2016
Colour me surprised when I came back in a while to update my list to see my carefully crafted review rating scores be banished to the shadow realm and that I have "Mixed feelings" on Shield Hero when I wouldn't recommend it to my greatest enemy. Putting a "strongly recommended" to "strongly not recommended" scale would be nice and add another dimension to the review because sometimes even bad anime can be enjoyable but the new format is terrible. I hope they back-peddle this and put the reviewer rating up first.
Aug 5, 2022 10:57 AM

Apr 2013
And 4 days later counting today and MAL hasn't responded to all the valid criticism about this change... I am very disappointed in MAL. And each day that passes without them addressing it is another day i feel MAL doesn't care about us review writers, readers and those looking for anime to watch who use reviews and their once but now lost, easily displayed number score and now has to jump through hoops just to even try and due to the changes to the system its no longer feasible to know whats a good anime or not... I am speaking from exp. as now i can't find anime i believe are worth watching... sure I have a bunch of plan to watch on my list but maybe I wanna prioritize certain anime with higher or lower score numbers aqnd then read reviews and use their scoring numbers to better help me determine if I wanna read a review and watch the anime and yet this is too many hoops to jump through, now hard to judge, and on top of that, the other changes have hurt finding an anime to watch... I've used this site longer than I've had my account, so I know what am talking about here, as do the others yet it seems MAL doesn't feel like addressing it, if they even do... p.s. If they did, its buried in all these posts hence why they need to update their 1st post or create a new thread (Which neither has been done as I checked b4 typing this post)

moozooh said:
thecescshow said:
This update treats people like dumdums that dont know how to interpret 1-10 scoring system. Just put the scores at the top instead of this "recommendation" tag. Giving something 4/10 doesnt mean that reviewer wont recommend this to anyone ever.

It's mainly a problem for old reviews with inactive reviewers, though. You can edit your existing review and put any recommendation label on it regardless of the score.
I'm certainly not inactive (Well, till this update...) and if you think I''m going to bother going through 31 of my reviews just to edit each and every one just to change the tag it says then u'r very mistaken. That's another thing (The new system's tags and such) I'd have to THEN consider and I ain't got time to consider each and every one of them, much less IF I remember how i felt about each and every single one as u can't always write down how u feel about something, and sometimes u might recommend but also have mixed feelings or so on so if am not mistaken others have said u can only select 1 tag which is dumb but the tag itself is dumb to begin with and needs to be done away with. I also won't be playing by MAL's new rules for how reviews work. If I wasn't clear in my last post (I think 2 pages back) then, i am DONE with reviews for anime, unless MAL changes it back or GREATLY improves the system in a way I am ok with continuing to write reviews. And this is coming from someone who writes knowing most won't even see her reviews, not to mention isn't in it for the up votes, praise etc. that the old and new system have. I just wanna help others find a good anime to watch, and sometimes I review anime I feel others should stay away from, but the old system for reviewing was saying "Don't tell someone not to watch" which funny the 180 with this new system where it flat out says not to watch just in the form of "not recommended". But I digress, the point is I'm not even going to bother to edit and use the new tags/system to change my reviews, becus as stated, I may not recall exactly how I felt and don't want to tarnish my reviews but also becus this is MY stand against this new system. I refuse to use it, its bad. P.s. Its also not mostly a problem for old reviews, feel free to read what i said (and what others have said) about why its affecting many, if not most...
--Kaori--Aug 5, 2022 11:02 AM
Aug 5, 2022 2:21 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
--Kaori-- said:
I'm certainly not inactive (Well, till this update...) and if you think I''m going to bother going through 31 of my reviews just to edit each and every one just to change the tag it says then u'r very mistaken. That's another thing (The new system's tags and such) I'd have to THEN consider and I ain't got time to consider each and every one of them, much less IF I remember how i felt about each and every single one as u can't always write down how u feel about something, and sometimes u might recommend but also have mixed feelings or so on so if am not mistaken others have said u can only select 1 tag which is dumb but the tag itself is dumb to begin with and needs to be done away with.

Honestly, that sounds like a "you" problem. I've written more reviews than you have, on top of creating a bunch of fully annotated interest stacks, and I remember how I feel about everything I've reviewed; furthermore, I routinely check some of my existing reviews to fix wording or mistakes. It took me roughly 15 minutes to check whether the new labeling makes sense on all of them, and IIRC there was only one where I changed it manually. If you can't tell whether you would or wouldn't recommend something at a glance of your own review, wouldn't the readers then have an even worse problem with it? If you care about your readers, maybe that should be fixed in the reviews themselves; I don't know, make it more obvious, perhaps?

I'd be more considerate if you had 200+ reviews to go through, but 31 isn't as big of a problem as you make it sound. I mean there's a lot of valid criticism towards this change for sure, and I've personally contributed to it, but this crosses into the temper tantrum territory in my opinion.

--Kaori-- said:
the old system for reviewing was saying "Don't tell someone not to watch" which funny the 180 with this new system where it flat out says not to watch just in the form of "not recommended". But I digress, the point is I'm not even going to bother to edit and use the new tags/system to change my reviews, becus as stated, I may not recall exactly how I felt and don't want to tarnish my reviews but also becus this is MY stand against this new system. I refuse to use it, its bad. P.s. Its also not mostly a problem for old reviews, feel free to read what i said (and what others have said) about why its affecting many, if not most...

Not recommending something isn't the same as telling someone not to do it. This should be understood literally. "Don't watch" is phrased in an imperative mood which has a meaning of imposing your decision on the reader. By phrasing something like this you're commanding them to do as you say, which is very inconsiderate and could get you in hot water in a business context if you address a higher-up in such manner. "I don't recommend" makes yourself the subject (you are within your freedom to endorse or not endorse something), leaving the reader with the agency to make their own decision based on (the lack of) your recommendation.
Aug 5, 2022 2:48 PM

Apr 2013
@moozooh Yeah, if by "you" problem you mean a condition someone was born with that means they're forgetful than most. I can't tell you how much I dislike it when someone says "its a you problem" when it might not even be the person's fault. Plenty of people with or without my condition aren't as blessed as you to remember in detail so much about whatever in their life. And it sounds like you didn't bother to read my reviews either (Which is fine) as it sounds like you misinterpreted what i was trying to say about my reviews and recommended or not but I see no point in trying to explain further.

While thats true (Not rec'd vs. don't watch), let's be honest, many people when they say "not rec'd" they actually mean "don't watch" which is what i was trying to say is an issue with the labels and rules.
Aug 5, 2022 3:07 PM

Oct 2018
Hi everyone, I'm joining this discussion as someone who is unable to understand simple numbers. Can anyone tell me what a review score of '1/10' means? Does that mean the reviewer doesn't recommend what they watched? I'm such a dunce that I don't understand numbers that go from 1 to 10, and instead I need a text overlay straight out of a shitty website like facebook to ignore all nuance and to tell me exactly how to feel about a particular show.

Oh, I forgot to mention something; I think what myanimelist really needs is a bunch of emoticons so I can, for example, mark reviews I don't like as 'funny'. That's what those buttons are for, right? Screw responding to legitimate criticism with 'arguments'. What I need is a laughing emoji to tell the reviewer that I think they're a clown, and the same goes for those who I agree with. Let me spam that 'like' button for them real quick...
Ghost-HardwareAug 5, 2022 3:16 PM
Aug 5, 2022 4:48 PM
May 2019
If you want proof of abuse of the review and ratings system then look no further than Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 2. Should be a way of axing the people rating it low and giving bad reviews for baseless or manga related reasons with only half the season being completed.
Aug 5, 2022 5:21 PM

Aug 2013
Funny how most people supporting this change are the ones that are constantly mad at reviewers for criticising their favourite shows and go as far as badmouthing and slandering them and inventing conspiracies such a "review cartel" (lmao). All just for daring to have their own opinions.

Sad that the website is being run for these kind of attitudes.
Aug 5, 2022 5:47 PM

Sep 2015
Satyr_icon said:
Funny how most people supporting this change are the ones that are constantly mad at reviewers for criticising their favourite shows and go as far as badmouthing and slandering them and inventing conspiracies such a "review cartel" (lmao). All just for daring to have their own opinions.

Sad that the website is being run for these kind of attitudes.

You don't even know. The review cartel is using children as mules to deliver contraband upvotes to other members, knowing full well people are less likely to harm an innocent child. It's sickening

Aug 5, 2022 5:59 PM

Aug 2016
ah yes I absolutely love having to expand every single review and search for the bottom just to see the bloody score

Ghost-Hardware said:
Hi everyone, I'm joining this discussion as someone who is unable to understand simple numbers. Can anyone tell me what a review score of '1/10' means? Does that mean the reviewer doesn't recommend what they watched? I'm such a dunce that I don't understand numbers that go from 1 to 10, and instead I need a text overlay straight out of a shitty website like facebook to ignore all nuance and to tell me exactly how to feel about a particular show.

Oh, I forgot to mention something; I think what myanimelist really needs is a bunch of emoticons so I can, for example, mark reviews I don't like as 'funny'. That's what those buttons are for, right? Screw responding to legitimate criticism with 'arguments'. What I need is a laughing emoji to tell the reviewer that I think they're a clown, and the same goes for those who I agree with. Let me spam that 'like' button for them real quick...
lmfao perfect
Aug 5, 2022 6:01 PM

Aug 2013
Manaban said:

You don't even know. The review cartel is using children as mules to deliver contraband upvotes to other members, knowing full well people are less likely to harm an innocent child. It's sickening

Hmmm so that's why Karhu disappeared. His mule scheme got found out, and the cartel quickly got rid of him to prevent anything from leaking. It all makes sense now.
Aug 5, 2022 7:47 PM

Dec 2012
Don't listen to the people seething here. Changes are a step in the right direction for sure. The review section of anime pages were literally useless since it was always the same three or four clout-chasing accounts (and to them I say: lmao, RIP Bozos.) so it's nice to see more diversity there.

Of course there's things that need tuning, but otherwise, again, a step in the right direction.

And if you didn't like the changes, cope harder.
Aug 5, 2022 8:04 PM

Jul 2021
What does it mean now for a review to be "Most Voted", after the update? To me it looks like "the highest number of emoji's of ANY kind". If this is true, then I can't think of a use for this metric for readers. If anything, it makes finding useful reviews harder now.

As of now, the front page for the currently-airing "Call of the Night" has 2 reviews with a total of ~350 emoji's each, of which 150-200 are "Confusing" emoji's; one of them only has 29 "Nice" emoji's. Checking the review page, I see a review with 51 "Nice" and 0 "Confusing" emoji's in 4th place, because its total number of emoji's is only 53.

Supposing I take the emoji's at face value, and even ignore the possibility that readers are (mis)using "Funny" and "Confusing" as downvotes, I would not want to see confusing reviews above others that are better-received, just because more people read and reacted to the former.
Aug 5, 2022 9:01 PM
Feb 2021
Huge fan of the new look but it'd be better if you could see the given score without expanding the review
Aug 6, 2022 1:40 AM

Feb 2013
I look at reviews on occasion, especially if I'm dubious of whether I want to take the time to watch an anime/read a manga. But by the same coin, I'll also sometimes use it as a confirmation bias to check whether or not I'm seeing things through rose-colored glasses. Granted this way of thinking isn't too deep, since I won't go beyond the first few featured reviews.

Now with that out of the way, I find this new review update to be confusing. A standard reader may be looking to quickly glance at a score or evaluate whether something is recommended, and then depending on their interest level, they may delve deeper and skim or actually read the review. Having the score hidden away does not make things easier, but actually harder, forcing them to click in for the expanded view, scroll down to the bottom of the text, all just to find out how the reviewer scored the anime, manga, etc. At that point, an average reader may just find it easier to leave the site entirely and find a different site that allows for easier viewing, driving traffic away from MAL. So, if at minimum, restore the score to the top of review in addition to the recommendation tag.

As far as the emotes go, I find the written word to be stronger, but I guess if simplification is the aim, then it is what it is. I think the topmost emote should be featured with its associate number (of votes) rather than a collection of them, since it becomes confusing what that number ends up referring to, before clicking "read more" for the expanded view. Alternately, reminiscent of Discord, having a hoverable, popup window that breaks down what number is associated with what emote before clicking in could work.

Given how much customization is allowed within MAL, from just a reader's homepage or profile to start, perhaps there could be an option in the account settings for the viewing of the old vs. new style (read: classic vs. modern), further giving confirmation of how many prefer one or the other (at least those that go through the effort to switch between one to the other).
Aug 6, 2022 4:44 AM

Apr 2012
Why can't I see how many episodes/chapters the reviewer has seen? Why? Whywhywhywhywhyyyyyyyy also if you're not gonna add any way to dislike reviews then just turn this site into Facebook already.
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