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Mar 16, 2008 4:44 AM
Nov 2007
Why do some people watch like 50 episodes of an anime that they hate, give it a 3/10 or a 4/10, and still have it on their Currently Watching list, and still watch it for the next 3 or 4 years? I see this with so many people and it really is confusing... why do people do this?

mod-edit: please make your thread titles less ambiguous next time
kei-cloneMar 16, 2008 9:28 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 16, 2008 4:49 AM

Jan 2008
Maybe they're bored? Or maybe they forgot about it....why don't you just ask them?
Mar 16, 2008 4:57 AM

Nov 2007
Maybe they watch it hoping for good episodes even though most are crappy? Or perhaps they just follow them to keep up with the fandom and participate in discussion about the series.
Mar 16, 2008 5:00 AM
Nov 2007
Hmmm... I guess... :O
Mar 16, 2008 5:09 AM

Jul 2006
For sake of completing? Least they actually watched the shows before hating. Some people watch 1 episode of some show, rates it low and drops it without even giving it a chance. =/
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Mar 16, 2008 5:29 AM

Dec 2007
If theres an anime I don't particularly like but its broadcasting on TV, chances are I'll watch it anyway. Especially if at some point it was part of an 'anime block' on a TV channel. As an example (I don't hate it, but) I'm not a huge fan of Cowboy Bebop and yet I've still watched it multiple times (it used to be on during one of Cartoon Networks blocks along with Outlaw Star and some other stuff, and recently its been in Anime Central's block, so I've watched it again)
Sometimes theres nothing better on.
Sometimes I might watch something I'm not overly fond of it one of my friends is a rabid fan - after all, it will help me understand what they're talking about at the least (sort of like Soaps on regular TV)
Sometimes it wouldn't even necessarily need to be a friend that was a rabid fan :P
There are occasions when I've watched anime that wasn't really my sort of thing, or read manga that wasn't my sort of thing, just because people were raving about it and I wanted to see why. Then, even if it doesn't grab me straight off the bat, I'll often give it some leeway and watch quite a bit more as I try to work out why people like it so much.
(Some of it could also be hindsight. I mean, there are series that I loved when I first watched them, but if I were to watch them again now theres every chance they could drop in rank. I don't think any of them would drop to 'hated' status overnight though)

And as Kionniko said, sometimes it might be for completions sake.
In my opinion the manga (Yeah, I know we're talking anime, but its close enough) of Gundam SEED is awful. If anything, picking up the second volume recently made me remember why I'd dropped it after the first volume all those years ago. I still plan to finish it (albeit mainly because I liked the anime and I want to believe the manga isn't as bad as I currently feel it is. Had it been another series I'd not heard of, it would probably have been dropped and it would have stayed dropped.)
The majority of the stuff I drop is actually stuff I consider decidedly average, as opposed to stuff I consider bad. If its bad, it means that at the least its memorable. A lot of the stuff I drop is stuff I think wasn't.
Mar 16, 2008 6:09 AM

Nov 2007
Kionniko said:
For sake of completing? Least they actually watched the shows before hating. Some people watch 1 episode of some show, rates it low and drops it without even giving it a chance. =/

Yeah. I've downloaded batches and bought box sets of series (on special) on whims before, and since I have the whole series, I'll watch it all, even if I don't particularly like it. Same goes for series given to me by friends or family. They kind of obligate me to watch them so I can talk about it with them.

Granted the above cases are rare, and why I have so few series 6 or under on my list, comparatively. But I never drop a series I have in full, and even new series, I'll give at least three episodes to decide if it's worth continuing.

Stuff like Naruto, I follow because I love a couple of the characters and have to sit through the majority of it to see them, though Bleach I dropped (again) because there are no chars in it I'm particularly attatched to and the story has gone nowhere since the soul society arc ended. >.<

At the moment I'm forcing myself through Kannazuki no Miko, even though I dislike it, and I dropped it after three eps when it first aired, I was recently given the whole series, so now I have to finish it... though I'm taking my time =p

Everybody has different reasons, though. Everybody scores differently, too. If I had to give Shippuuden a score atm (though I don't rate incomplete series) it'd probably only get a 4 or 5. Points for some pretty animation, and good fight scenes, but the pacing is horrid. But I keep watching because I know what's to come, and I want to see it in pretty colour and with epic Yasuharu music. :D
Mar 16, 2008 6:36 AM
May 2007
Don't forget that for some long series the first X amount of episodes are great, then it gets worse and worse... By then watching it has become habit or it's nearing the end and they just want to complete it. That's what I tried to do with Naruto but failed at episode 182. =

There are many reasons for watching a series one does not like, sometimes they are popular shows and you need to watch them in full so you can accurately point out what is bad about them to others--if you have only watched the first few episodes of a series many people will just ignore your ideas completely.

As for giving them a rating of 3/4, don't forget that a 5 means "average". Now can you tell me what's so special about the average of something is? Yes, that's right: Half of all anime shoud be given scores under 5. A 3 or 4 just means "below average", or in other words "it's not good but it's still perfectly watchable". Now when you put that into the perspective of the opening post's question, there's absolutely nothing strange of watching a series that's below average.

If we ignore this "below average" stuff and go by the definition of "hate" being a 1/10 then there is a slight problem. Nobody in their sane mind would watch something that they absolutely despise, so chances are they don't actually hate the series by the definition of the word but rather watch it for reasons other than entertainment such as the ones previously mentioned in this thread and my second paragraph. These reasons are on a per-person basis for the most part however so the only real way to answer the question is to ask them themselves--assuming they have the mentality to be able to sum up their thoughts in a coherent fashion for communication (Lots of people, especially teens and young adults, do not have this ability)--and try to place yourself in their shoes.
Mar 16, 2008 6:55 AM

Nov 2007
Zarin said:
As for giving them a rating of 3/4, don't forget that a 5 means "average". Now can you tell me what's so special about the average of something is? Yes, that's right: Half of all anime shoud be given scores under 5. A 3 or 4 just means "below average", or in other words "it's not good but it's still perfectly watchable". Now when you put that into the perspective of the opening post's question, there's absolutely nothing strange of watching a series that's below average.

Another very good point. Personally if I dislike something enough to give it less than a 5 (ie I find it below average) I won't continue watching it, generally. Aside from with the above exceptions; when I get the entire series. I have a bunch of 5s and 6s on my list which is stuff I wouldn't recommend to people, but isn't generally terrible. (Hentai aside, but few people watch hentai for the story, so scores are probably different there.) anything 7+ I'd be happy to recommend to people as a whole, but I'd only ever suggest things I rate 6 or below to people looking specifically for things in the respective genres.

I'm quite liberal with my scores, though. I also have very broad tastes and will watch almost anything. Almost 10% of my list I rate 10. Another ~20% I rate 9. Then about 50% is 8-6. So there's ~80% of my completed list that I have to choose from to generally recommend to people. Obviously I'd work my way down my list, but it just goes to show, there's roughly 20% of series I've seen that I wouldn't openly recommend to people unless they were specifically after something of their nature. I try to make this known to people when discussing anime, and I've received more than a few 'omg u rate so hi' type comments, but the fact is, I don't watch crap, I don't list dropped series, I only rate stuff I complete, and I only complete stuff I like, generally, so... it's fair enough, neh?
Mar 16, 2008 6:58 AM

Feb 2007
Hm...does anyone think MAL users are more likely to put themselves through a bad series than others who don't use MAL or keep track any other way?

And I never rate lower than 6...apparently :P
Mar 16, 2008 8:02 AM
Nov 2007
Zarin said:

As for giving them a rating of 3/4, don't forget that a 5 means "average". Now can you tell me what's so special about the average of something is? Yes, that's right: Half of all anime shoud be given scores under 5. A 3 or 4 just means "below average", or in other words "it's not good but it's still perfectly watchable". Now when you put that into the perspective of the opening post's question, there's absolutely nothing strange of watching a series that's below average.

Ah I rate a different way, I like the school way better where everything below a 5/10 is a fail (crap), and then 5/10 is a D- (bad), 6/10 is a C- (decent I guess), 7/10 is a B- (pretty good with some flaws), 8/10 is A- (great), 9/10 is A (amazing), and 10/10 is A+ (flawless).

What you said makes sense though if they're rating it that way.
Mar 16, 2008 8:22 AM

Dec 2007
unless its really bad i will complete anything for the sake of completing
Mar 16, 2008 8:28 AM

Jul 2007
death919 said:
Zarin said:

As for giving them a rating of 3/4, don't forget that a 5 means "average". Now can you tell me what's so special about the average of something is? Yes, that's right: Half of all anime shoud be given scores under 5. A 3 or 4 just means "below average", or in other words "it's not good but it's still perfectly watchable". Now when you put that into the perspective of the opening post's question, there's absolutely nothing strange of watching a series that's below average.

Ah I rate a different way, I like the school way better where everything below a 5/10 is a fail (crap), and then 5/10 is a D- (bad), 6/10 is a C- (decent I guess), 7/10 is a B- (pretty good with some flaws), 8/10 is A- (great), 9/10 is A (amazing), and 10/10 is A+ (flawless).

What you said makes sense though if they're rating it that way.

Because making up our own rules are better than following the ones set in place.

Sam is my sweet peach
Mar 16, 2008 8:45 AM
Nov 2007
TheWestExit said:
death919 said:
Zarin said:

As for giving them a rating of 3/4, don't forget that a 5 means "average". Now can you tell me what's so special about the average of something is? Yes, that's right: Half of all anime shoud be given scores under 5. A 3 or 4 just means "below average", or in other words "it's not good but it's still perfectly watchable". Now when you put that into the perspective of the opening post's question, there's absolutely nothing strange of watching a series that's below average.

Ah I rate a different way, I like the school way better where everything below a 5/10 is a fail (crap), and then 5/10 is a D- (bad), 6/10 is a C- (decent I guess), 7/10 is a B- (pretty good with some flaws), 8/10 is A- (great), 9/10 is A (amazing), and 10/10 is A+ (flawless).

What you said makes sense though if they're rating it that way.

Because making up our own rules are better than following the ones set in place.

That spectrum assumes that half of the animes one watches are Bad. For me the average anime that I watch I find to be very good. Thus "average" for me would be about an 8. Furthermore, I consider Bad animes to be unwatchable, since why would someone watch something they think is bad? I find that spectrum does not comply with my opinion so I use the letter grade system that I use when rating video games on gamespot (only at gamespot they let you do 0.5 incriments, which is better), because I dislike the system in your picture there. :P
Mar 16, 2008 9:11 AM

Dec 2007
I think you'll find that it doesn't refer to the 'average anime that you watch' but rather to the 'average of all anime' (to put it very roughly).
'The state of being average', common or unremarkable. ("Being intermediate between extremes", "Usual or ordinary in kind or character", "lacking exceptional quality or ability")

Something that doesn't stand out as being especially great, but it doesn't stand out as being especially bad either. Its the middle ground.
Watchable but (maybe) not especially memorable.

(Not the average of all the stuff you watch, which might be higher in quality (in your opinion anyway. And in any case, if the 'average' anime you watch is better described as 'good' or 'high quality' by you, then you can just rank it as that instead. There is a 'good' and 'very good' option after all...). Even if the majority of the anime that you watch is very good, you've also surely seen in passing some really bad anime that would bring the average (or rather, the mean) of the anime that you've watched down, if you use the word the way you're trying to)
EphidelMar 16, 2008 9:16 AM
Mar 16, 2008 9:29 AM

Jan 2007
Completing a show gives you full right and credibilty to say it sucks.
Faust721Mar 16, 2008 10:22 AM
Mar 16, 2008 10:10 AM

Jun 2007
Faust721 said:
completeling a show gives you full right and credibilty to say it sucks.

Exactly, if you watch 4 episodes of a series andfully give it a 2/10 score and ttry and rag on it and whenever it comes up, you're an idiot who doesn't have a right to sayanything until it's finished, you can still hate it all you want, butyou need to realize you have nothing on it.

For currently watching for years, it says something similat in the About Me part of my profile, that I don't ever drop anything nor put it on hold, and thus if I have started it, I inted to finish it at somepoint, athe fact that there is crap load of animeis what keeps me from finishing some things for a LONG time.
Mar 16, 2008 10:27 AM

Mar 2008
Of course there's something to be said about that person who constantly demeans a long running series but still spends the time to watch every episode. I'm not saying it's right for them to watch a few episodes and say it sucks, but if a person has watched 225 episodes out of a 500 epesode series and hates every second of it... well there either complaining just to complain, or their masochists.
Mar 16, 2008 10:35 AM

May 2007
I kinda rate it the letter way too. A 10 - 9 for me are like my favorites, 8-7s are decent, 6-5s are ugh and I don't think I've rated anything under that .. because technically, if its been made an anime series it probably shouldn't be below average anyways in the eyes of the majority. Or so my misguided logic tells me. Skewing MAL results ftw?

In response to the actual topic, I agree with people changing the scores with time. Although in my case, I rarely drop the score of an anime as I progress, the only exception being Shippuuden which started as a 9 I think, and dropped to a 7. It's bordering on the 6 mark but hey, I love naruto T.T. Normally I raise my scores as I watch the anime more and become more attached to it.
Mar 16, 2008 11:10 AM

Oct 2007
for me personally, a lot of the shows i didnt like i watched simply because i started them. Once i start something it takes a lot for me to stop watching it (especially if i have all the episodes downloded because then its like a marathon to me.) but that happens with TV too. i get sucked into watching trashy shows like i love new york, and flavor of love, just because there are marathons of it.... lol

sometimes i've watched series hoping they get better. Kiminozo comes to mind. The first episode got me hooked and i was really excited to watch it, but it just got worse and worse with each episode. School days was similar, but the end made it worth it.

oh and for rating, i think it does depend on how they choose to rate their shows. for me most of the anime i watch is "fine" (6)or "good"(7) because its entertaining so i rate it as such. also, people do change their rate as they get further into the show. i know i do.
Mar 16, 2008 11:25 AM

Feb 2008
I feel the same way.
Mar 16, 2008 11:28 AM

Feb 2008
Whenever I watch a series, I always complete it, even if I don't like it, and I don't rate it until I've seen every episode.

There are a few series I didn't complete, but they're not exactly notable, so I didn't bother adding them to my list. I could list them as "dropped" if I wanted to, but I don't remember the details, such as the number of episodes I watched.

As for my method of rating, 10-9 are for my favourites, 8-7 are good, 6-5 are average, and anything lower is bad. I gave some series a 10, not because they're perfect or "masterpieces", but because it's simply the highest score I can give.
SubstanceDMar 16, 2008 11:33 AM
Mar 16, 2008 12:52 PM

Dec 2007
In response to the original question (get this back on topic), many people are completists. I, for example, have nerves of steel and can sit through almost any kind of crap (I managed things like S.I.C.K. & Titanic, and I've found no non-hentai anime I despise as much as those). And once I start something, I have this desire to finish it, even if I'm not too thrilled. If nothing else, I have more credibility as a detractor, and can always get a group of friends together and MST3K it. Really, I rarely find a title, anime or otherwise, than I can't find something to like about. In the end, you can get entertainment value from just about anything if you actually TRY. Yes, I firmly believe that "I couldn't watch it" and similar excuses are merely cop-outs.

On the other hand, a lot of us actually support the industry (GASP!), and I'm sure there are plenty of others like me who graciously watched anything that popped up on TV simply to show support. It didn't matter if we didn't like it - the point was to let the networks know that we watch anime.
ErwinJAMar 16, 2008 12:55 PM
Mar 16, 2008 2:32 PM

Oct 2007
Kionniko said:
For sake of completing? Least they actually watched the shows before hating. Some people watch 1 episode of some show, rates it low and drops it without even giving it a chance. =/
That's it for me there. I didn't really like how Eureka Seven started off, but it was pretty decent after I watched the whole thing.
Mar 16, 2008 2:38 PM

Aug 2007
They're stupid darling, that's why.

I have many Currently Watching, but I will continue to currently watch them and then if I realise that they suck, I DROP them with the lowest score of 4. Never lower. I think.
Mar 16, 2008 7:05 PM

Oct 2007
yeah....i agree
Mar 16, 2008 9:33 PM
May 2007
death919 said:
Ah I rate a different way, I like the school way better where everything below a 5/10 is a fail (crap), and then 5/10 is a D- (bad), 6/10 is a C- (decent I guess), 7/10 is a B- (pretty good with some flaws), 8/10 is A- (great), 9/10 is A (amazing), and 10/10 is A+ (flawless).

Note: This is all off-topic from the opening post.

Now that's one way of rating that never came to mind and going by the majority of websites that seems to be what most people are doing. Now that you point that out I finally see the flaw with the system I described: The "average" anime changes every season, it's never constant. Because of this if you strictly use the average rating system you will need to change your scores around once a year so that they are consistent. When using what you called the "school system" the scores are not relative to anything so they do not need to be changed over time.

The problem with the school system is that eventually you get an inverse logarithmic graph (Or whatever it's called) where the majority of your scores are bunched up between 7 and 10. When using integers for scores this method is limiting so to actually do the rating system properly half digits or even quarter digits are required so that you can also see which is a better series compared to others on the graph (For example I found that I used to have around 40% of my seen series with the score of 7, but I knew myself that some were actually better than others with the same score but were not good enough to be an 8).

I personally countered this by stretching my scores so that 5 became 2, 7.5 became 5 and then made slight rating adjustments so that the results formed a bell-curve with an average near 5~6. This roughly converted the "school system" (Seriously what is it called?) to the global average one and has allowed me to make finer ratings.

To be completely fair the words in the MAL rating drop-down box do not accurately reflect the global average idea as "4" is apparently "bad" instead of "below average". The only real change that needs to be done to the drop-down is to change the words for 4 down to 2 if the global average is to be endorsed. However as almost nobody reads it and just votes using the "school system" I guess the few of us that use the other methods should really change back to the majority's method.
SarixMar 16, 2008 9:39 PM
Mar 16, 2008 9:39 PM

Jan 2008
I watch a lot of stuff that I think isn't so great, even some shows I would even consider bad. I usually continue with them because I hate dropping shows, and that I hope they'll become better.

As for other people, everyone is different, and some people are more objective than others. Some people may consider a show to not be of the greatest quality from an objective standpoint, but still enjoy watching it.
Mar 16, 2008 11:48 PM
Oct 2007
i rate on the 1 - 10 scale but ignore the words next to it...i feel the number should give enough explanation

as for watching bad stuff i think the main reason is it was free because i borrowed it off other people and wanted to be able to give an opinion of the whole series when i gave it back...i've also moved stuff down to give higher definition to the top of the might look different if MAL allowed for halves
Mar 17, 2008 12:00 AM

Mar 2008
I will usually watch about 20 episodes of a long series before making up my mind. The reason for me is because the first 12 episodes of Sailor Moon are horrible, but from then on they get better (except for most of SuperS in my opinion.). So maybe they just want to give it a chance.

Or...there is also the fact that a lot of people want to watch a whole anime people talk about all the time, even if they don't like it, just so they know what people are talking about.
Mar 17, 2008 12:22 AM

Sep 2007
I know people who don't believe in dropping series; why people would ever think this way is beyond me. I know I've downloaded some mediocre series, KNOWING they were mediocre, for various reasons. i.e. Pita Ten because it's a happy-go-lucky show that acts as depression medicine when used in small doses.
Mar 17, 2008 12:23 AM

Apr 2007
Optimism, perhaps thinking that hopefully it'll get better as it goes along, which may or may not be the case for a lot of anime out there that start off slow but get progressively stronger as they develop.

I personally used to do it for completion's sake; but later realized that I was wasting my time on a lot of shows that never got better. Though nearly everything I've dropped (the few exceptions on the list are only because I never got back to them, not because I didn't enjoy them) I've followed after with blogs and realized that I wouldn't have enjoyed it regardless, saving myself a load of time that is then better spent on more quality shows and the like.
Mar 17, 2008 12:37 AM

Nov 2007
In my case, when I started watching anime, I didn't really know what was good and what was bad, so I watched everything I got my hands on. As I got exposed to more anime, I realized how much some of the shows sucked, so my opinion (and scores) of them changed.

As for completing shows you know you're not going to like, I have finished watching a series just because one of my favorite fansubbers worked on the project and I downloaded the batch torrent before previewing the show. Since I had already downloaded them, I kept watching, hoping the show would get better. Once I got past the halfway point, I was too far in to drop it =).

Nowadays, if I go through 3 or more episodes and I'm unimpressed, I'll put the series on hold and just keep up with story developments through anime bloggers. If I don't get interested within a month, I just drop the show completely.
Mar 17, 2008 1:12 AM

Feb 2008
i have watched a long 2-5 anime.. i hate not seeing the end:D
-= Quote of the week=- "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." -Isaac Newton
Mar 17, 2008 1:27 AM

Feb 2007
it's simple. I don't rate things I've dropped at such a small amount.... I just drop it. :P

and as for rating.. our rating system is kind of fucked up... everything is around a 7/8 for everyone. Those who try to use the full spectrum get messed up compatibility and then others are like "why do you rate so harshly".

Thus, I go with the school system.

back on topic: after watching 100 eps of naruto, I feel I am allowed to rate it :P (unlike most I have dropped)
Mar 17, 2008 1:45 AM
Nov 2007
selective_yellow said:
Those who try to use the full spectrum get messed up compatibility and then others are like "why do you rate so harshly".

Honestly, those that need to use the whole spectrum could probably stand to be a bit pickier about what they watch.

The reason why my mean rating is around 7 is because I know what I like, and if a series doesn't look like something that could likely earn at least a 7 from me, I don't bother with it. I value my time too much to waste it on anything less. Of course, sometimes I'm disappointed anyway.

In any case, a 5 might be "average," but I don't think average is worth watching. I don't have time for mediocrity.
RetiredMar 17, 2008 4:35 AM
Mar 17, 2008 1:54 AM

Nov 2007
I think a better question is why do people drop series that they rate > 7? Seen it on numerous people's lists now.
Mar 17, 2008 6:48 AM

Jul 2007
I dunno, ask my friend, he watches all kind of crap and says it alright. :S I once tried to complete X tv but it was too horrible.
Mar 17, 2008 7:14 AM
Nov 2007
Personally I stop watching if I don't like a show... No matter how far I watched it. :P Even dropped LoveCom just before the last two episodes. >.>
But if a series is SO bad it turns out funny, I'll keep watching... Some sort of morbid fascination I guess.

One of my friends doesn't drop any shows. Ever. He'll still watch it even if he doesn't like it...
Mar 17, 2008 8:07 AM

Jul 2007
I did that with "Tsubasa Chronicle" and "Tsubasa Chronicle second season" they were complete and utter crap, and I could tell that before I finished. Still, since Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE is my favorite manga I kept thinking "maybe it'll get better." It didn't, but I finished the entire series. I still stand by my rating. Utter crap.
Mar 17, 2008 8:13 AM

Apr 2007
iwatch2muchanime said:
Faust721 said:
completeling a show gives you full right and credibilty to say it sucks.

Exactly, if you watch 4 episodes of a series andfully give it a 2/10 score and ttry and rag on it and whenever it comes up, you're an idiot who doesn't have a right to sayanything until it's finished, you can still hate it all you want, butyou need to realize you have nothing on it.

If your stupid enough to watch something you dont like. I dont think you have much of a right to bitch about the series either, because no one forced that person to be that stupid.
Mar 17, 2008 8:15 AM

Oct 2006
I disagree that a person's average rating ought to be a 5. For me, 5 denotes an average show, but if it doesn't have more substance than that it probably won't hold my interest. If it's any worse, chances are I won't finish it unless it's really short. So while 4 and 5 aren't bad, rating-wise, they aren't usually good enough for me to watch and enjoy.

The way people use the rating system here bothers me a bit though - beyond not making sense, considering 5 and even 6 a "bad" score really throws off the averages. It's incredibly rare to see a show below a 6 or much above an 8... the average score range is so compressed that they're a lot less useful than they should be for gauging a show's quality.

Anyway, I guess that's all kinda off-topic. I don't really understand watching a show you don't like, but that's because I always have so much else waiting for me - I'm not lacking in other things to entertain myself with, so time spent on something I don't enjoy would be a waste.
Mar 17, 2008 11:09 AM
AhMeiZing #1000

Sep 2007
because when you run outa things to watch animes like digimon and maple story are fun to watch ... lol i just looked back and i wonder why did i watch all 3 seasons of beyblade.
Behold a work of art made in Paint on Windows XP in 2007

too lazy to update these
Mar 17, 2008 4:19 PM

Nov 2007
Asako said:
I think a better question is why do people drop series that they rate > 7? Seen it on numerous people's lists now.

I've dropped animes I've thought were fairly good, just because I don't have any time and don't see myself seeing them anytime in the near future, considering my on hold section is pretty filled up.

Sometimes, I might just choose an anime I rated 6 over an anime rated 7 just because I feel it has more potential than the other as a whole series or if it's a genre I don't have too much in my list (like choosing an action anime over a shoujo anime)
Mar 17, 2008 6:31 PM

Jun 2007
Sandgolem said:
iwatch2muchanime said:
Faust721 said:
completeling a show gives you full right and credibilty to say it sucks.

Exactly, if you watch 4 episodes of a series andfully give it a 2/10 score and ttry and rag on it and whenever it comes up, you're an idiot who doesn't have a right to sayanything until it's finished, you can still hate it all you want, butyou need to realize you have nothing on it.

If your stupid enough to watch something you dont like. I dont think you have much of a right to bitch about the series either, because no one forced that person to be that stupid.

But they do have the right to do so, they can bitch about it all they want if they finished it, they're not complaining about them having to watch it, they're complaining about how much they hate it, and if they finished it they can say how much they hate it all they want. IF they're complaining about having to watch it, then your point becomes true.
Mar 17, 2008 7:31 PM
Mar 2008
Why do people go to McDonalds??
Mar 17, 2008 7:38 PM

Jun 2007
TheBastid said:
Why do people go to McDonalds??

It's high class food.
Mar 17, 2008 7:42 PM

Sep 2007
Some people might not be very fond of dropping anime, no matter how much they might suck. They will force themselves to finish it (I had to do that with some, but I am a bit more lenient with my ratings).

Mar 17, 2008 7:52 PM

Apr 2007
emrfish6 said:
Some people might not be very fond of dropping anime, no matter how much they might suck. They will force themselves to finish it (I had to do that with some, but I am a bit more lenient with my ratings).

That's my friend in a nutshell. He's seen every single episode so far of Naruto. He's come to hate it after all the filler and drawn out episodes but whenever I ask why he doesn't drop it he says he's basically forcing himself through it since he's invested so much time into it already.

I can't do that personally. I do drop series but there are some that I'm able to see all the way through if it's not a ton of episodes. If a bad series drags on 40, 50 60+ episodes, chances grow higher that I'll drop it.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Mar 17, 2008 7:57 PM

May 2007
Most of the stuff I've rated low were 1 episode OVAs or something, but there is a series I saw through to the end (okay, 13 episodes..but still) which I still think sucked.

I just didn't want to drop it because I felt like I was dropping a lot.
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