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Feb 8, 2022 11:10 AM

Feb 2019
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Feb 8, 2022 11:15 AM

Jun 2020
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

born a slave live a slave die a slave
This anime shit is addictive
Feb 8, 2022 11:21 AM
Dec 2021
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

There will be an answer at the end of the show. I don't know you'll like it though.
Feb 8, 2022 11:22 AM
Feb 2021
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

She did not know anything about standing up for herself, she only knew the pain of being a slave
Feb 8, 2022 11:26 AM
Jan 2022
Dont worry guys u will get ur answers in future chapters..
Feb 8, 2022 11:36 AM
May 2011
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

I'm not watching the series, but that sounds a lot like love to me...
Feb 8, 2022 11:41 AM
Nov 2019
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face
Feb 8, 2022 11:44 AM

Jun 2016
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

When you are a slave and get tortured and all, you develop this kind of threat attraction call it stockholm sydrome but worse she was attached to fritz even to he was the ass in her life but whatever she was getting is by only that person in a way she doesn't know the difference, like suppose you are eating the only ramen from a shop and you never ate any other ramen from different shop so you can't tell the difference between bad and good, same way ymir was getting abused and all from only one person and there was no one else so there is no way for her to realise what she want, simply no one gave her hope except ass person fritz so she chose to cherish what she got. You need to realise many a times a person is locked in a situation where they will try to protect the abuser and be abused than have nothing there are actual real life stories like that.
2023 might be the year where I will be happy. This year is not happy year.
Feb 8, 2022 11:49 AM
Dec 2020
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face

Stockholm Syndrome is real but to base Ymir's entire character and personality on that one aspect is, in my opinion, a laziness in writing. She had the power and ability because of she is the origin of the Paths to foster an "Eren-like" character over the 2000 years but she didn't which leads me to believe her so-called Stockholm Syndrome must be pretty strong, right? So why does it take Eren only a few nice words to break out her of it? It seems there too many plot conveniences but I hope my questions will get answered in the future episodes. Thanks
Feb 8, 2022 11:58 AM

Aug 2013
She was a kid. A traumatized kid that didn't know any better.

Yeah, it's absurd, but mythology is often absurd and Ymir is just that. Personally I thought it was one of the few pangs of brilliance of the story, to make the mother of titans a mere scared kid that spent 2000 fucking years building titans each time her people transformed into one -- in fact I didn't expect the first few episodes of part 2 to be so good after the lukewarm mid to end episodes of part 1. It's probably going to get worse in a few episodes but welp, I'm enjoying it so far.
Satyr_iconFeb 8, 2022 12:02 PM
Feb 8, 2022 12:09 PM

Sep 2021
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?
she was a 10yr old with Stockholm syndrome

Feb 8, 2022 12:09 PM
Sep 2020
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

isnt she similar to mikasa ,isnt she similar to eren,isnt she similar to reiner ,isnt she similar to all the characters in this show where they all have cruel lives and bound by something that keeps them to move forward

they can just not fight and end the show there only

ymir is best girl ,she deserves to be treated nicely by someone ,and that someone is eren

what will the poor girl do she has been told to continue the titan and war legacy of her beloved idotic king
Mack_YeagerFeb 8, 2022 12:13 PM
Feb 8, 2022 12:20 PM

Sep 2011
I swear every argument against Ymir reads like

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Feb 8, 2022 12:21 PM
Jan 2021
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face

Bruh Stockholm syndrome doesn't work like that , the explanation that actually goes with the themes of aot is that ymir was so much tortured that she lost the will to live which we get to see ( because shifters can regenerate and heal according to their will of living)
The "love" thing goes opposite to what we saw and felt
We felt sympathy for her , As if we know her and we feel the pain when her tongue was cut and she was raped but ackshully she was a girl In love with a rapist and because she didn't move on she started this cycle just so that mikasa can kill her lover and ymir can be convinced to move on .

And now compare this to " ymir started it so that she could connect with someone , in this case her subjects , the only way to free her is to eradicate those who hate her subjects and free them , she connects to them so she is freed too "

The"lobu story UwU " cheapens the story
Feb 8, 2022 12:23 PM
Jul 2016
as for the answer only ymir know why
Feb 8, 2022 12:36 PM
Apr 2021
DestroyrOfDemons said:
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face

Stockholm Syndrome is real but to base Ymir's entire character and personality on that one aspect is, in my opinion, a laziness in writing. She had the power and ability because of she is the origin of the Paths to foster an "Eren-like" character over the 2000 years but she didn't which leads me to believe her so-called Stockholm Syndrome must be pretty strong, right? So why does it take Eren only a few nice words to break out her of it? It seems there too many plot conveniences but I hope my questions will get answered in the future episodes. Thanks

Exactly. Its extremely lazy and unsatisfying from a writing and character standpoint. It seems like a cheap way to justify her actions. Not only it doesn’t make sense that it would be stockholm syndrome. If it was why did she let herself die from the spear
Feb 8, 2022 12:41 PM
Jan 2019
I am not trying to convince anyone to agree with what happens in the story, but my point of view is that we have to judge the characters based on the world they live in and, to be honest, this is really difficult with AOT... our world is too different compared to theirs, so some decisions seem irrational to us.

For example, a kid who also happened to be a slave 2000 years ago, won't judge a situation the same way we would nowadays from the comfort of our own rooms. Our thoughts are the product of a society that kept evolving for 2000 years...

Obedience (or even slavery) were a common trait everywhere, east to west, north to south. She lived in a time when probably many felt no remorse after killing someone; living in fear that you might not live to die another day was probably something that people felt every day. This was the reality of the world she lived in, she didn't know there could be other ways... even if there were other ways, the society had to accept it.

This is why Armin was never able to talk it through, although some people were ready to talk: the society was not. Ymir and us lived in different times, so it is only natural we might disagree with what she did, but saying that her actions made no sense... I, at least, can't be too judgmental on this topic.
Feb 8, 2022 12:47 PM
Dec 2020
Poisonx2 said:
DestroyrOfDemons said:

Stockholm Syndrome is real but to base Ymir's entire character and personality on that one aspect is, in my opinion, a laziness in writing. She had the power and ability because of she is the origin of the Paths to foster an "Eren-like" character over the 2000 years but she didn't which leads me to believe her so-called Stockholm Syndrome must be pretty strong, right? So why does it take Eren only a few nice words to break out her of it? It seems there too many plot conveniences but I hope my questions will get answered in the future episodes. Thanks

Exactly. Its extremely lazy and unsatisfying from a writing and character standpoint. It seems like a cheap way to justify her actions. Not only it doesn’t make sense that it would be stockholm syndrome. If it was why did she let herself die from the spear

I believe she lost the will to live and did not want to serve the king anymore but wasn't prepared for the fact that she would still be serving him even after her death which is where the line gets real blurry.
Feb 8, 2022 12:52 PM
Sep 2021
Fail_Man_X said:
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

I'm not watching the series, but that sounds a lot like love to me...
#spoiler (idk how to use the spoiler tag😭)

That's the exact explanation given in the manga😭
Feb 8, 2022 1:21 PM

Sep 2016
Her situation reminds me of abusive relationships where the victims ends up trapped in the relationship because the abuser is a figure of authority. Also, in fact, I have seen a couple of people who related to her character background (in the sense of not realize that it wasn't love, but a toxic and abusive relationship)

Also the fact Ymir was always a slave, and mostly a kid growing in this environment... She most likely developed a wrong perception of what is love, based on few glimpses she saw here and there. Actually, it must have been quite a childish view of it, like marriage and having kids. So as it was said that Ymir was a "gente kid who wanted to help and mostly important wanted to be loved"... I can only assume that behavior is the result of her growing in such a fucked up environment with a very simplified sense of what is love. In other words Ymir projecting this wish in the only figure she had to absolutely please (otherwise she would be punished or killed), the figure of authority and her owner, in other words King Fritz.

It's Stockholm Syndrome. But in this case I do see Ymir more like another big victim of war, like many characters in this story.

Do I think it was perfectly written? No, It definitely could have used better work, especially with such complicated topic, but I think Isayama has put enough clues to make it reasonable.
Armins2Feb 8, 2022 1:44 PM
Feb 8, 2022 1:23 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?
If we go by the manga ending, "Only Ymir knows" lmao

Some ending defenders like to say that its Stockholm but its not that either
Feb 8, 2022 1:29 PM
Jun 2009
A man chooses, a slave obeys.
Feb 8, 2022 1:48 PM

Nov 2020
A lot of Ymir's backstory and character seem to be up for interpretation, which I'm not entirely convinced is a good thing considering how important she is to the overall story and history of AOT. My guess would be that she sought out love above all else, considering that scene where she was watching the couple get married. And with her environment and upbringing, the closest thing she had to love was her twisted relationship with King Fritz. Call it Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, but she clearly cared about him despite all he had done to her and she died a broken human being. It would've been nice if the anime had made this stuff more clear, like perhaps showing us the moment where she decides to continue serving King Fritz after getting her power, or how she came to realize she needed to build titans in the Paths. Hopefully we'll get answers to all this.
Are ya winning, diners?
Feb 8, 2022 1:55 PM
Feb 2021
The answer is in a future chapter and it’s unbelievably stupid IMO literally the only part I dislike about the ending
Feb 8, 2022 2:39 PM

May 2018
You're gonna love the reason xD
Feb 8, 2022 3:04 PM
Jul 2021
Being a slave can have a deep psychological impact on a person, sort of like Stockholm syndrome in this case, where even though she probably despised Fritz for how he treated her deep down, she developed a dependency to him because of all the psychological trauma she endured over all those years.
Feb 8, 2022 3:11 PM

Jul 2019
It's not that hard to understand, tbh. Especially in her case since she was abused since as a child.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Feb 8, 2022 3:13 PM

Oct 2020
People are different, not everyone has the will or want to fight back.
Feb 8, 2022 3:35 PM
Jun 2021
Let me explain you something. What you said she could've done is basic human knowledge, but even basic human knowledge you have to see and feel for yourself to get it. Ymir never did she only knew to follow the king
Feb 8, 2022 6:19 PM

Jan 2020
I think she has a form of Stockholm syndrome.
Feb 8, 2022 6:41 PM
Feb 2021
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face
She doesn’t have Stockholm syndrome. She just didn’t know anything other than being a slave.
Feb 8, 2022 6:51 PM

Jul 2021
it gets explained later I think.

Feb 8, 2022 6:59 PM

Jul 2017
I don't think the reason that we eventually get will leave you satisfied at all lmao

Feb 8, 2022 6:59 PM
Jul 2021
it wont get better.
Feb 8, 2022 7:01 PM
Nov 2020
The only right answer is "Only Ymir Knows" xD But aot ending fans will say stockholm syndrome(like that makes it better) to cope hahaha
Feb 8, 2022 7:01 PM
Jul 2021
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face

yeah she must have really
the mental gymnastics go strong
Feb 8, 2022 7:07 PM
Dec 2021
SenbeiPan said:
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face

Ah yes, the face of the girl who is in love:

I don't think she was in love, she doesn't want to be a nobody anymore ig , atleast she has a porpose when king fritz used her 🤷.
Feb 8, 2022 7:09 PM
Nov 2019
SenbeiPan said:
JJ_jose said:
It's like this fandom has either never heard of Stockholm syndrome or refuse to believe it's a real and serious thing. Christ people it's obvious as fuck and is thrown right in your face

Ah yes, the face of the girl who is in love:

Stockholm syndrome doesn't always require the victim to love, genius, ya'll are just proving my point more, either you don't actually know what it means or never seen it's affects irl. "feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor." Ymir is naive, she doesn't know what relationships are or how they work, but it was clear she was seaking some form of validation. With no where to turn to, she latched onto the only possible thing she's ever known, to her, her abuse and slavery was normal. But still, no one acknowledged her than anything more than a slave, a tool, a weapon, a demon. Eren was the first one ever to acknowledging her humanity and give her a choice on what she actually wanted to do, how is it so foreign to ya'll that she'd side with eren over someone basically doing exactly what the king did? It was enough to make her snap out of it and realise that the shit she was put through wasn't the norm. Dunno about anyone else, but telling someone that they're worth more than some assholes play thing and showing kindness is usually enough to make them, you know, thankful and come to their senses. Now usually it happens a lot slower for normal cases, but there was basically no other option for her
JJ_joseFeb 8, 2022 7:24 PM
Feb 8, 2022 7:25 PM
Nov 2019
SenbeiPan said:
JJ_jose said:
Stockholm syndrome doesn't always require the victim to love, genius, ya'll are just proving my point more, either you don't actually know what it means or never seen it's affects irl. "feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor."

Hahahaha, don't act like you don't know what happens in the final, you completed the manga.

I'm avoiding it as I'm waiting to re experience it again in the anime for a clearer opinion, thank you. I'm speaking clearly form an anime only side since you know, these aren't manga discussions are they?
Feb 8, 2022 7:27 PM
Jul 2018
caioworld said:
I know this was most certainly answered already in discussions but help an anime-only out. Ymir did have the power to fight back against King Fritz and could easily kill the people that turned her in if she wanted, but why serve Fritz, have his kids, fight for him and sacrifice her life for him in the end? Why start a 2000 years cycle of disgrace for simply not stand up for herself?

She didn't, because she never had any sense of self-worth. Some people, who grow up with a lot of abuse and others always stepping on them and kicking down on them, lose the sense of being a person on their own at all.

That's not Stockholm Syndrome per se like most people's understanding of it, it's just like she might never thought of being worth of standing up for herself.

She's the one, who's much less guilty imo. She never had any logical thoughts and actions about this.
Feb 8, 2022 7:32 PM
Nov 2019
SenbeiPan said:
JJ_jose said:
I'm avoiding it as I'm waiting to re experience it again in the anime for a clearer opinion, thank you. I'm speaking clearly form an anime only side since you know, these aren't manga discussions are they?

If you are "speaking clearly form an anime only side" why did you bring up the Stockholm Syndrome? There was no traces of that "syndrome" in the episode 5. Only a backstory with bunch of emotionless face, then the angry face of a tortured girl.
nearly every person that I've watched this episode with, a long with reactions, discussions, have all come to the conclusion that it is Stockholm syndrome as all the evidence points towards that. What else would it be other than that? If I'm correct, I don't remember the manga ever directly saying it was Stockholm syndrome so I don't see how me reading the manga has anything to do with it
Feb 8, 2022 7:52 PM
Nov 2020
JJ_jose said:
SenbeiPan said:

If you are "speaking clearly form an anime only side" why did you bring up the Stockholm Syndrome? There was no traces of that "syndrome" in the episode 5. Only a backstory with bunch of emotionless face, then the angry face of a tortured girl.
nearly every person that I've watched this episode with, a long with reactions, discussions, have all come to the conclusion that it is Stockholm syndrome as all the evidence points towards that. What else would it be other than that? If I'm correct, I don't remember the manga ever directly saying it was Stockholm syndrome so I don't see how me reading the manga has anything to do with it

Lol you’ll only know about the stockholm cope if you’ve read the manga xD why lie on an anime forum lmao hahaha you’re telling me you thought of stockholm syndrom just from episode 5? HAHAHHAHA
Feb 8, 2022 7:54 PM
Nov 2019
Roger1 said:
JJ_jose said:
nearly every person that I've watched this episode with, a long with reactions, discussions, have all come to the conclusion that it is Stockholm syndrome as all the evidence points towards that. What else would it be other than that? If I'm correct, I don't remember the manga ever directly saying it was Stockholm syndrome so I don't see how me reading the manga has anything to do with it

Lol you’ll only know about the stockholm cope if you’ve read the manga xD why lie on an anime forum lmao hahaha you’re telling me you thought of stockholm syndrom just from episode 5? HAHAHHAHA
I mean plenty of other people did sooo the evidence is very clearly there 🤷‍♂️, and how am I coping? I literally said I don't remember much from the manga and I'm watching the anime to experience it again, so how the fuck can I cope with something I barely remember? I haven't even read the extra pages. do ya'll not fucking listen? Clearly not so this whole thing is pointless, expected nothing less from MAL tbh
JJ_joseFeb 8, 2022 7:59 PM
Feb 8, 2022 7:54 PM
Nov 2015
you know this post exacly a bait, the aswer was in anime.

this guy literally not waching attack on titan at all. just bait post or this guy was has no brain / degenerate cannot think and prosses anything.
Feb 8, 2022 8:00 PM
Nov 2020
JJ_jose said:
Roger1 said:

Lol you’ll only know about the stockholm cope if you’ve read the manga xD why lie on an anime forum lmao hahaha you’re telling me you thought of stockholm syndrom just from episode 5? HAHAHHAHA
I mean plenty of other people did sooo the evidence is very clearly there 🤷‍♂️, and how am I coping? I literally said I don't remember much from the manga and I'm watching the anime to experience it again, I haven't even read the extra pages. do ya'll not fucking listen? Clearly not so this whole thing is pointless, expected nothing less from MAL tbh

You coping so hard hahaha everyone who said stockholm syndrom read or heard about the manga xD
Feb 8, 2022 8:06 PM

Jul 2020
Stockholm syndrome is a real thing bruh. Look it up.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Feb 8, 2022 8:24 PM

Oct 2020
I'm guessing if it's becouse she was born a slave ?
Feb 8, 2022 8:26 PM

Feb 2019
this guy literally not waching attack on titan at all. just bait post or this guy was has no brain / degenerate cannot think and prosses anything.

oh yes, i'm a degenerate, i even had my mom watch this fucking episode out of the blue just to figure out what was in Ymir's head
Feb 8, 2022 8:27 PM

Feb 2019
If you think she's this stupid already, you'd be scratching your head off once her intentions get revealed later on. It's just common Shingeki no Kyojin writing L, don't be bothered by it too much and enjoy the show for what it is.
Feb 8, 2022 8:34 PM

Jan 2021
Logic does not work when you are in love
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