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Mar 22, 2021 11:59 PM
Feb 2021
Made in Abyss is a complete waste of time
HxH and Jujutsu Kaisen are easily the most boring shounen shows I've seen
FSN: UBW is probably the worst show I've seen in the last 4-5 years
Jojo was better than I expected
One Punch Man season 2 was actually good
Mar 23, 2021 2:09 AM

Oct 2020
Sao is one of my favourite anime and it is amazing i dont care what you say
Demon slayer is one of the most boring things i have ever experienced
One piece has one of the most toxic fanbases out there
Mha is a good show the community is just cringe af

Blyte01Mar 23, 2021 2:13 AM
Mar 23, 2021 2:35 AM

Sep 2015
Dont know if they are unpopular, but they are mine:

FMA the first is better than brotherhood
SAO 1st season was good
One Punch Man is mediocre and nothing more

Mar 23, 2021 2:56 AM

Feb 2021
Demon Slayer has the most basic story ever.

Komi-san Can't Communicate gets boring after the school festival arc (where Manbagi realizes that Komi also likes Tadano).

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is horrendous and is a joke for the comedy genre.

Oreimo is actually more enjoyable than shows nowadays (the only thing that sucks is the ending, not the whole show).

Toradora is not that good, especially Taiga is a bitch.

"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

Mar 23, 2021 3:16 AM
Apr 2020
Midori isn't that bad and the graphical theme is comparable to Perfect Blue (although Midori is more abstract than Perfect Blue)
--Ryu--Mar 23, 2021 3:19 AM
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands
Mar 23, 2021 3:17 AM

Oct 2010
Arthouse and independent short films are severely underrated in MAL. They are not supposed to be consumed like seasonals, they are not aesthetic in the traditional sense, and no, they are not arbitrary. Most of them are purely conceptual and personal explorations by people who dare to explore visual language beyond the standards, and their importance to the development of the medium is consistently glossed over. There's a reason why Atsushi Wada's or Yoji Kuri's works don't look like polished Shaft or KyoAni animations and it's not ineptitude.

smallpox said:
kyoani is a trashy, marketing-oriented studio that went from having an ugly af artstyle in the 00s (thankfully people agree on that these days at least) to a very same-y, annoyingly over-animated, plastic artstyle they have now. everything they make screams "marketing ploy with no real heart behind it", and it always disappoints me to see people continuously fall for it. again and again, for so many years. i would love to say something about the studio fire, but yall not ready for it. but maybe one day.

Don't. Not sure why would you want to step from a reasonable opinion to becoming an asshole to the community. I hate things and I don't want people who make them to die in a fire.
jal90Mar 23, 2021 3:24 AM
Mar 23, 2021 4:19 AM

Sep 2015
Monogatari isn't just not how to do fanservice, Monogatari is outright the antithesis of how to make a good ecchi.

It's not a bad show nor does it have bad fanservice scenes, but quality is not necessarily a substitute for quantity. Having one 5 or 6 minute long highly sexual scene scene every season, if not less, while the rest of the show's runtime is focusing on different types of content is pretty much entirely contradicting how to make something good within that category.

Think of it like this - there's a really popular romance drama that gets really well received by a lot of people. Said romance drama has a couple of comedic pauses that a lot of people find notable and actually funny, but they're few and far between and don't play a major part in the series' overall content makeup. Most of praise is directed at the romantic drama. It's the main thing that draws people to the series in the first place. People then proceed to try to assert it as being the best comedy whenever the conversation for best comedy pops up, and use those comedic pauses to try to justify its place in that conversation in spite of their lack of overall relevance/prominence within the series itself.

Minimizing something's relevance/prominence too much *can* hurt how good that series is at implementing those elements, and just because you like other elements about it a lot doesn't suddenly mean that it's the gold standard for a genre it debatably even qualifies as a part of. Series are not one, undivided entity. They have a multitude of moving parts that come together to make up their holistic identity, and those moving parts have different degrees of prominence.

Hence, for something to be the best ecchi, I say that it needs to actually be a significant part of its overall content makeup. Not just a couple of really eyecatching scenes that come up once in a blue moon while the rest of it is doing something totally different. I think DxD is dogshit at implementing ecchi, but it's at least a prominent enough aspect to that series to where it wouldn't seem totally ridiculous for someone to throw it out there as the best the genre has to offer.

Also, I know a major reason people use to justify it is narrative relevance, but here's the thing - I fucking hate that too. To start, discussing topics like interpersonal relationships doesn't necessitate sponging down your little sister in the bath as that conversation is being held, nor do those scenes hold any significant relevance to the topics that they're discussing. The only significant way that it's interwoven is that they happen as the narrative/conversations move forward instead of acting as a pause. Said sexualization is still completely irrelevant to the theme and the argument could be made that it dampens the severity of the conversations that the characters are having. Hence, it's not relevant to the series thematically in any way, at least no more so than your average ecchi. It just doesn't create a pause in progression because they happen while the conversations about the theme of the given arc are happening, and because the conversations about the theme of the arc *are* the narrative progression in Monogatari, it doesn't interrupt pacing.

But, more importantly, trying to deny the existence of stuff like ecchi scenes, comedic pauses, or any other element within the series that doesn't directly contribute to the narrative progressing from point A to point B is an incredibly bland, utilitarian approach to storytelling. I'm going to argue that the overall experience of the journey from beginning to end is something that's more important to its quality than how much everything contributes to reaching a conclusion. Life has pauses. Irrelevant bullshit happens in journeys. You don't set out to become a pro footballer and never make friends and goof off with them, even if you have a very strict training regimen. If art is to imitate life to a degree, then things that don't have directly contribute to reaching the conclusion will still have their place in narrative oriented series. It helps gives it a type of personality and identity that it couldn't otherwise possess if it took a strictly utilitarian, "hardtack" approach to narrative progression - and this would be applicable even if ecchi content *was* hypothetically that hardtack approach to narrative progression.

As such, I view trying to argue narrative relevance for what makes a good ecchi to be complete bullshit right out of the gate. Narrative relevance isn't relevant in of itself when we're talking about how to implement these scenes and how to implement them well. They don't even tend to throw off the pacing as much as people act like, with the given responses tending to make it sound like the entire narrative got put on a Berserk Boat because of a 2 second long panty shot. What probably happens is that people get irritated with them because they dislike this type of content - which is fair - and then try to justify that dislike in a way that is more grand than it could actually uphold, i.e. narrative utility. Saying "I just don't like ecchi" is too hard for some people, I guess.

So take all of those things and compound them; I think that it's not a very prominent part of the series' overall content makeup, and therefore not an especially prominent part of the series' identity. I don't think narrative relevance has any bearing on proper implementation of ecchi. I find why people say that Monogatari's fanservice *is* relevant to the narrative to be very suspect.

It's a fine series. It's just not a good ecchi. Call it the best drama, the best supernatural, the best whatever. But I'm going to argue it doesn't even belong in the conversation for best ecchi.

And yes, if you think Monogatari is the best ecchi and that its way of implementing ecchi scenes should become the norm, then eat shit. I do not respect you or your opinion. Taking it a step further, I *hate* your opinion and what it represents. I find using that as a gold standard to be one of the worst things that you could push for when talking about ecchi as a whole, because of how it's implicitly siding with relegating this content's prominence in favor of other elements entirely. It's implies calling for some weird kind of content gentrification, for a lack of a better metaphor. I am wholeheartedly against sidelining ecchi for other elements.
ManabanMar 23, 2021 4:59 AM

Mar 23, 2021 5:03 AM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:
smallpox said:
kyoani is a trashy, marketing-oriented studio that went from having an ugly af artstyle in the 00s (thankfully people agree on that these days at least) to a very same-y, annoyingly over-animated, plastic artstyle they have now. everything they make screams "marketing ploy with no real heart behind it", and it always disappoints me to see people continuously fall for it. again and again, for so many years. i would love to say something about the studio fire, but yall not ready for it. but maybe one day.

Don't. Not sure why would you want to step from a reasonable opinion to becoming an asshole to the community. I hate things and I don't want people who make them to die in a fire.

that part was tongue-in-cheek lmao
i don't blame you for taking it seriously though since i've seen people post worse things on these forums unironically
Mar 23, 2021 5:14 AM

Jun 2020
konosuba is not funny in any way, its annoying as fuck
Mar 23, 2021 5:22 AM

Oct 2010
smallpox said:
jal90 said:

Don't. Not sure why would you want to step from a reasonable opinion to becoming an asshole to the community. I hate things and I don't want people who make them to die in a fire.

that part was tongue-in-cheek lmao
i don't blame you for taking it seriously though since i've seen people post worse things on these forums unironically

Ah, sorry, yeah I took it a little too literally.

I've seen people here actually say that seriously, so in a way I can't help but expect the worse xD
Mar 23, 2021 5:43 AM

Sep 2015
Oh, speaking of the KyoAni fire, I have an unpopular opinion on that too - I really disliked a lot of the community responses to that. Like, the supportive ones.

I think the most common annoying response for me was how it felt like a lot of people made it their own tragedy and kind of centered it around themselves, which is Like, I work as a funeral director. I see a lot of tragic shit. Yet, there's a reason one of the most basic rules of working in my field is not to shed tears during a funeral, no matter how fucked up it is. It's rude. It's fine to express sympathy and be supportive. But it's not your tragedy. You're there to be supportive and try to help give some sense of closure, not to cry alongside the mother who lost her child. It's a tragedy you're watching from a distance.

I do think some stuff related to some people's - I'm not going to mince words here - overwrought reactions, like the taboo of saying anything negative about KyoAni (even if it wasn't related to the tragedy and being critical of their works) subsided in like, a week, but come on, man. People were saying stuff and acting like they had grief comparable to how I see people feel after losing a family member. There is just no way you felt that strongly, I'm sorry, I just absolutely cannot believe it wasn't usually self-serving/very egotistical in the cases of the stronger responses to the KyoAni fire, considering what I *have* seen in my line of work. And I found that so, so distasteful. It's not your grief. It's a horrible tragedy, absolutely, but responding to something you can only really truly watch from a distance like that is uncalled for - not the mention, straight up rude to the people most directly affected.

Maybe that's me having a stick up my ass about protocol that's been drilled into my head, iunno, but I didn't respond positively to that.

I think the worst responses that people gave were the ones I remember seeing where they made it about KyoAni's hiring practices and treatment of their workers. Like, darted straight to that, rather than being presented as a tertiary element at play, if it was even relevant enough to warrant being a tertiary element. I remember one post clearly because it got attention in our discord server that said something like "Oh, this is especially tragic when you consider that KyoAni is one of the few studios that treat their employees well" and pretty much nothing else, and I also remember the person who made that post being someone who had outright used the fire to try to silence someone who was critical of KyoAni's works in another, later thread. And yes, I did go off at them for it because their response felt especially sickening/self-serving, and the only response they mustered up after I wrote my lengthy piece against them and what they were saying was more or less "Y u so mad bruh?"

Like, dude, what the fuck. I know that's a common point of praise for KyoAni and that's great that they do, but like, is people dying suddenly less tragic if it happened to a studio like Pierrot or J.C. Staff or something? Are you so utterly trapped within stuff like that to where good working conditions supercedes the value of human life itself? Granted, with the way a lot of the responses seemed to lean, I feel like it probably would've been to them, but still.

And I think that's kind of representative of the underlying sentiment with my annoyance. It felt like it was fronted/presented like the fire was the tragedy - which is what I think it should've been - whenever it felt more like it was that the fire happened to KyoAni that was the *real* tragedy. It was because it was KyoAni that people got all up in arms and began outpouring support, that some people would go into other threads and begin using that as reasons to try to prevent the criticism of KyoAni works that I remember having to discuss around, et cetera. Nobody would've given a fraction of a shit if it happened to, iunno, .feel. There wouldn't have been a giant crying session within the community that us people who didn't really care about their works were very much met with pressure to abide by, in ways that weren't even really expressing assholishness. Just because someone died doesn't mean you have to take like, a week long period of abstaining from criticizing their work. The same applies to a tragedy happening to a studio. That, and if it wasn't a studio like KyoAni, MAL wouldn't have lifted a finger, neither would have Sentai or Funi. Their lives mattered more because they worked at KyoAni. Corporations could take advantage of it for their self-gain easier because it was KyoAni, too. All of that left a bad taste in my mouth.

I think to Duke in American College Basketball. They used to have a player who got a lot of extremely vulgar hate from opposing fans named J.J. Redick - but when he did, a sports network made a short that came off as very sympathetic to him. The issue is that, to many people, there were other big name college players who got shit on by fans to the same extent, if not worse, because American College Basketball has extremely toxic fans like that. But the guy from Duke got the sympathy and special treatment for it - the guy from the rich, private school that's traditionally associated with privilege, whereas no attention was given to the people from the poorer state university players that got showered in similar abuse.

I think it's a similar situation. KyoAni is just Duke in this case. The KyoAni "player" would've gotten that special treatment trying to make them seem sympathetic while the other studio's "players" would've gotten ignored. They're not as valuable. And while obviously no other studio suffered through that (thankfully) that made the giant attempt at response and support leave a rather bad taste in my mouth as well. People seemed to treat it like it was about an anime studio being burned down by a mentally unstable fella, but it felt like wasn't about an anime studio getting burned down by a mentally unstable fella. It was about KyoAni getting burned down by a mentally unstable fella. The lives of KyoAni workers just seemed to be treated as a lot more valuable when the supposed tragedy was presented about a loss of life to begin with, and that's kind of the undertone I felt a lot of responses carried. Especially the pricks who acted like the biggest tragedy of this was because KyoAni was good to its workers and it happened to them. They were few in number but I remember names because I found basing why this was a tragedy around that so incredibly distasteful.

Not to say it wasn't tragic. It was. I'm not bitching about people expressing sympathy after a tragedy like that. But I really did not appreciate the way it felt like people carried themselves in the immediate aftermath. The support tended to come off as very two-faced and just overall being in poor taste.
ManabanMar 23, 2021 6:20 AM

Mar 23, 2021 5:54 AM
Oct 2020
Your lie in April is the best Shounen slice of life/romance anime.

Not all manga are better than anime. AOT and Hunter×Hunter for example
Mar 23, 2021 6:22 AM

Feb 2019
Blyte01 said:
Sao is one of my favourite anime and it is amazing i dont care what you say
Demon slayer is one of the most boring things i have ever experienced
One piece has one of the most toxic fanbases out there

Can you tell me why do you think that op fans are toxic?

Are you saying this because you hate one piece?
Mar 23, 2021 6:23 AM

Jan 2021
-Cowboy Bebop is mediocre.
-The second arc of Death Note is better than the first arc.
-I enjoyed both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul: re just as much as Tokyo Ghoul.
Mar 23, 2021 6:24 AM
Jul 2018
Black Clover isn't a fairy tail copy.

Although Black Clover is 1000000000000000000000000000% better than fairy tail imo.
Mar 23, 2021 6:42 AM
Jul 2018
Bibliophile715 said:

-The second arc of Death Note is better than the first arc.

Now this is truly an unpopular opinion, coming from a death note fan.
Mar 23, 2021 6:52 AM

Oct 2019
naruto wouldnt be a shit if some of the characters werent perfect.
bnha fandom is toxic as fuck. (actually its not unpopular i guess)
aot fandom is getting more toxic everyday more.
bnha isnt really good its just a typical anime i dont know why its so famous.
thats it i guess.
Mar 23, 2021 6:53 AM

Oct 2019
Buttershooter said:
PiyushSan said:
Noragami, No Game No Life, Overlord, Code Geass R2, Tsuki Ga Kirei, Weathering With You, 5 centimeters per second, Your Name and Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl are all mediocre shows / movies and people need to stop hyping them up.

Shows I forgot to add: Jujutsu Kaisen, Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season, Kakegurui, Darling in the Franxx, Fire Force, Classroom of the Elite, Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo, Spirited Away

5 centimeters is close to a masterpiece

stay mad

s e r i o u s l y ?
5 centimeters is really bad in my opinion. not worthwatching.
Mar 23, 2021 6:56 AM

Oct 2019
AquamarineNT said:
Remember, it's just MY OPINIONS:

-3-gatsu, Mushishi, Ashita no Joe and Clannad are very boring.
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (and any fighting shonen) don't deserve to be in the top 100.
-Comedy in fighting shonens is not funny.
-Code Geass is overrated.
-Made in Abyss movie is sh*t.
-Fate/Zero is the ONLY good thing about the fate franchise.
-Evangelion I do not consider it bad, but it is overrated by the community.

doesnt deserve to be in the top100? i agree with some
of the things u say but fmab really deserves to be at the top10.
Mar 23, 2021 6:56 AM
Jul 2018
UBW > Zero seems to be an unpopular opinion so I say that.
Mar 23, 2021 6:58 AM

Mar 2019
School Days anime is really good. It serves as good lesson for people who are in relationship.

I play BanG Dream! Girls Band Party

Garupa EN ID: 10759829
Garupa JP ID: 36753163
Mar 23, 2021 7:27 AM

Jul 2015
Ex-Arm is the greatest anime to come out in recent years.
Mar 23, 2021 7:27 AM

Aug 2020
Aot is so overrated.
Devilman Crybaby is dreadful and was one of the worst anime I have ever seen.
Trigun > Cowboy bebop.
Sao s1 is actually pretty good enjoyment wise, if i was to rate sao s1 just by enjoyment it would be a 9/10.
Most ecchi anime suck like Shimoneta.
High score girl is the best romance (imo).
Trigun is the best shonen and HxH is the 2nd best shonen.
Gunbuster is overrated.
Hetalia is good its just the people that dislike it don't have the same sense of humor.
Domestic is a mediocre anime but its not bad, people only say its bad because the romance is weird and unaccepted in society but thats the tragic and cruel side of the story.
Spirited Away is def not the best ghibli film.
Hotarubi no mori e really wasnt that sad, People that cried to that are just very sensitive lmao.
Danganronpa is terrible like dmcb.
A silent voice is one of the only amazing anime films.
Mar 23, 2021 9:41 AM

Jun 2020
Here are some of my opinions that I guess are fairly unpopular:

- AOT is overrated. It's mediocre at best. Its characters are unlikeable. The action carries the show.

- Anohana is bad and boring.

- I didn't find Konosuba or Nichijou funny (albeit, I haven't finished Nichijou yet. I think I smiled a whole 1 time.)

- Shinkai movies are overrated and aren't good. Namely: Your Name, Weathering with You, A Garden of Words, etc.

- Hyouka is the best KyoAni anime

- Bunny Girl Senpai is hot garbage. Its pseudo-science is uninteresting/surface level and is used to just explain away things. How can people like Sakuta? He's a shit character.

- Locking yourself to specific genres(psychological, sol, etc)/demographics (josei, seinen, shounen, etc) is stupid
Eb4nMar 25, 2021 10:22 AM
Mar 23, 2021 11:19 AM

Oct 2020
Sakuta002766 said:
Blyte01 said:
Sao is one of my favourite anime and it is amazing i dont care what you say
Demon slayer is one of the most boring things i have ever experienced
One piece has one of the most toxic fanbases out there

Can you tell me why do you think that op fans are toxic?

Are you saying this because you hate one piece?
I think the anime is alr but i cant even remember how many times ive been told to “kill myself” because i said i didnt want to watch one piece
Mar 23, 2021 11:23 AM

Oct 2020
Bibliophile715 said:
-Cowboy Bebop is mediocre.
-The second arc of Death Note is better than the first arc.
-I enjoyed both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul: re just as much as Tokyo Ghoul.
I agree about the tokyo ghoul part but yu-gi-oh>pokemon? Thats illegal
Mar 23, 2021 11:24 AM

Feb 2021
Sayali567 said:
Mine Unpopular opinions -
1) Stein Gate isn't a masterpiece.
2) Your Name is overrated as hell.
3) Sao is not the Worst anime.
4) I agree Digimon is better than Pokemon.
5) Hating on the anime just because it's popular or has worst fanbase is pretty dumb.
6) Konosuba isn't funny, it's irritating.
7) Naruto, One piece, Dragon Ball and all the so called Big are nothing great, they are popular because of nostalgia shit, it is many people's first anime or the one that made them anime fan.
8) Rezero is the Best isekai and all others are shit, it's the only one that I like otherwise I despise isekais so much.
#7 is just a big generalization though.
b00m BooM, like BOOM b0om
Mar 23, 2021 11:29 AM

Feb 2021
The sexualization of young children in anime is still weird asf. I honestly don't understand the argument of "it's just a drawing". So? Drawing children in a sexual manner is detestable. I'm not talking about teenagers necessarily.

My main example is Shiro from NGNL. The panty shot in the first episode immediately set off red flags. I kept watching and it kept getting weirder. Needless to say, I haven't gotten past episode 1.
b00m BooM, like BOOM b0om
Mar 23, 2021 12:08 PM

Aug 2019
Bibliophile715 said:
-Cowboy Bebop is mediocre.
-The second arc of Death Note is better than the first arc.
-I enjoyed both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul: re just as much as Tokyo Ghoul.

Can you elaborate a bit over Death Note part?
Not hating, just curious what people found interesting in second arc.
Imo it had two characters which tried to be as good as first arc's cast, but just couldn't handle it due to shorter screen time.
Mar 23, 2021 12:13 PM

Oct 2018
Anime (outside of OVA's and films) needs to be longer than 20-22 minutes. That's too little for most episodes to develop because of the amount that needs to be achieved in that small time frame; leading to many issues with the pacing, cutting large amounts of content from source material etc.

It wouldn't be so bad if most shows weren't also restricted to being 12-24 episodes because they're 'seasonal' which makes this even more of a downside. 30 minutes should be the standard.
Mar 23, 2021 1:23 PM

Dec 2017
Death note and code geass are Ok.

I find One piece to be simply a case of "growing up" with the anime just like dragon ball, it's not that amazing.

“There is something in this world which no one has ever seen.
It is soft and sweet.
If it is spotted, I'm sure everyone will want to have it,
Which is why no one has ever seen it.
For this world has hidden it quite well, so that it is difficult to obtain.
But, there will come a day when it is discovered by somebody,
And only those who should obtain it will be able to find it.
That is all.”

Yuyuko Takemiya
Mar 23, 2021 3:40 PM
Sep 2012
PiyushSan said:
mijnster said:

- The harem genre is admittedly not my favourite, but I don't mind it eiher. That something can be seen as 'fanservice' or that it is aimed at a male demographic, doesn't make it less sexist. Not all fanservice is sexist. I don't think Shokugeki for example is sexist. Honestly, if the Monogatari series would only be the stellar animation, cool fight scenes & prolonged conversations without Araragi molesting young girls and actively hitting on and saving every woman he encounters, I would probably love it.
- I didn't say anything about it being a romantic or a platonic crush, I also think it could be interpreted both ways, but am personally leaning more towards the romantic crush. Togashi mentioned in a note included in volume 1 of Yu Yu Hakusho that he wanted to write a sports manga, called The Trouble Quartet, where basically all the characters are gay. Togashi said he based it off his own interests as a writer, and that while it was refused by Shonen Jump, he got deeply attached to the project and that he would love to explore this project in a different shape once he made a name for himself. In short, Togashi has always had interest in queer matters, and was always interested in putting queer representation in his work. After YYH and Level E (the latter also being quite queer, for if you haven't seen it), he managed to snatch a contract that basically allows him to do whatever he wants with HxH. A more obvious example of a queer character in HxH, which is not seen as an unpopular opinion, is Alluka who is seen as a great representation of the transgender experience. I also want to elaborate some more on “心中” (shinjuu). As stated in the video, shinjuu is when two people die out of love, by the same method, because there’s a belief that this’ll allow those two people to spend eternity together. Why would a writer, who is expressively pro LGBTQIA+ and has always freely stated he likes to write about it, deliberately choose to use a word like that and mean nothing with it? The same with the "you are light" scene, there is just a lot to merely call it coincidence. I own the volume myself, but if you're looking for evidence, I found a Tumblr post where some sections are photographed

1. Alright, I'm too lazy to explain everything to you so just watch these two vids. You'll get what I mean.

2. Okay, I looked into it a bit more and I think there might be a small possibility that Killua has a romantic crush on Gon. But the shinjuu thing you mentioned which Killua stated in Chimera Ant arc is being taken out of context. What he actually meant was that Gon and Killua may die while fighting Neferpitou. In which case it would be quite similar to shinjuu as both of them would refuse to abandon each other and die. Similarly, when Killua refers Gon as the light, he does not mean it in a romantic way. Killua was brought up as a cold hearted assassin. He considers Gon as his only friend. He shares a deep bonding with Gon. In the scene he doubts whether he is worthy of Gon's friendship. The message behind Gon and Killua's relationship can be interpreted in many ways.

- You probably won’t believe me, but I’ve actually searched for analysis videos like these in the past without finding them. I’m not saying that fanservice is the devil here, it’s the (seemingly non)consensual groping and the fact that the females can’t solve their own problems (from what I’ve seen). I am very aware of the fact that a large portion of the monogatari fanbase claim that the fanservice is commentary on the medium as a whole. I do however want to add that I haven’t watched Kizumonogatari, as I dropped the monogatari series in the second season, so the part about Hanekawa was just a spoiler hahahaha. All the examples given in the first video you linked are from later seasons, the one with the shibari snakes (yes, I will call it that) the sole exception, but one that the guy from the video notes is further expanded in later seasons. So, maybe I will have to change my unpopular opinion to “the monogatari season comes off as so sexist, I had to drop it”, but arguments like “the fanservice does indeed have narrative value” or “the women all simp for Araragi and can’t fend for themselves because it’s a harem” don't really defend the case of it not coming of as sexist. Nonetheless, I really liked the part about humanizing a female character through the flipping of a skirt, so thanks for sharing. Your second vid had a spoiler warning in the beginning so I refrained from watching, sorry :). I watched the two first parts back when I was 16/17, I do intend to watch it to completion one day.
- Again, I agree that it’s up to interpretation if he truly has a romantic crush on Gon, only stating that I lean towards romantic. I don’t agree with your statement about the shinjuu thing though. I know that Killua doesn’t mean he will kill himself & Gon or something. He tells Meleoron that if Gon fight Pitou, worst case scenario being that Gon will die, he will die with Gon. So Killua clearly says that he is prepared to die with Gon, using the term Shinjuu, which has the subtext of being a lovers suicide. Google the word. All the translations contain exact that. And it’s not like there aren’t any other words to use to refer to dying with someone, or being prepared to die with someone either. A few chapters/episodes later, Ikalgo comes to the conclusion that Killua and the rest are intending to die with Gon. Ikalgo does not use the word shinjuu here. He says 共に死ぬ (tomo ni shinu) which means literally “(to) die together”. There is no subtext here. Why would Killua use a word with clear romantic subtext, while Ikalgo would not? That would imply that, for Killua, this act means something more. Togashi chose to make a distinction. I get that the “you are light” scene doesn’t persé have to be romantic. Gon is reassuring Killua since he feels guilty for leaving Kite. Killua is basically blinded by his optimism in contrast to his own pessimism. But, if you add all the little scenes like this up. Killua expressing that he is the one that is thankful for meeting the other, him later questioning in the “you are light” scene if it’s okay that he will stay by his side, expressing his want to stay with him always, using the word shinjuu when telling another character that he is willing to die with him, following Gon and his date around when he is vulnerable (nen-less) and Killua yelling a “who the hell are you” when Palm comes up looking all nice, the Palm scene where Killua is crying saying that he can't do anything to help Gon and Palm reassuring him that he's the most important person to Gon. Now, imagine if Killua were a female character, doing allll the same things, do you think the opinion of Killua having a crush on Gon would still be regarded as such an unpopular (outrageous) one?
mijnsterMar 23, 2021 3:47 PM
Mar 23, 2021 4:04 PM
Jul 2018
1) Most anime characters are not interesting.

I don't think giving a character one or two personality traits, makes them interesting. I don't think every anime character should be Walter White (Breaking Bad) levels of complex, but should strive to at least feel a bit more like real people, and/or more complex and entertaining. If I can sum up an anime character entirely in like, 1-2 sentences, then I don't think that character is (usually) interesting.
I think Hayao Miyazaki said it best: most anime creators are otaku who do not study actual people. Granted, I feel this is a bit self-contradictory, seeing as Miyazaki's characters tend to be so focused on being grounded that they themselves aren't very interesting.

For me, a character is interesting if they're:

A) Very likeable.
B) Entertaining.
C) Layered.

2) Light novel adapted anime dialogue is cringe

Light novel anime like Re: Zero, I feel, are the biggest offenders; the characters constantly go on these monologues where they analyze and point out how each other behaves, and just talk in ways that normal people just don't talk. Not to mention, they often ruin any potential subtext by pointing out the subtext.

Kayleah said:
Death note and code geass are Ok.

I find One piece to be simply a case of "growing up" with the anime just like dragon ball, it's not that amazing.

I agree that a lot of One Piece's appeal, particularly in Japan, seems to be from childhood nostalgia.
Code Geass for me is a weird case: when I first watched and finished the anime, I thought it was amazing. But then I read about some of the plotholes, thought of the weird logic of the premise of the anime (ie a high schooler with 0 battle experience leading a rebellion), how it tries to appeal to everyone through its weird art style despite being dark, and now my opinion of it

Death Note is another weird one for me: I only managed to watch the first 25 episodes when I was a much younger teenager, I think. I remember finding it boring, and uncomfortable because of how serious it was, as well as its anti-hero protagonist. But I think now, as an adult, whose tastes have evolved, I think I may enjoy it a lot more if I watch it today.

Xsadersadd said:
UBW > Zero seems to be an unpopular opinion so I say that.

It's definitely not an opinion I've seen often. Right now, I'd disagree and say Zero > UBW. But it's been a long, LONG time since I last watched UBW, while I rewatched Fate/Zero a few years ago.
removed-userMar 23, 2021 4:11 PM
Mar 23, 2021 4:24 PM

Jan 2021
kayakatoo said:
Bibliophile715 said:
-Cowboy Bebop is mediocre.
-The second arc of Death Note is better than the first arc.
-I enjoyed both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul: re just as much as Tokyo Ghoul.

Can you elaborate a bit over Death Note part?
Not hating, just curious what people found interesting in second arc.
Imo it had two characters which tried to be as good as first arc's cast, but just couldn't handle it due to shorter screen time.

I'm pretty sure I just extremely liked the additional character development in the second arc especially with the addition of Near because he's one of my favorite characters in the series. For me, this is due to the psychological evaluations on things he did as I really am interested in that element of crime dramas. There was indeed a shorter screen time but that didn't bother me much as I'm glad I got to learn about their back stories as I've seen many characters handled far worse.
Mar 23, 2021 8:27 PM

Jan 2020
I personally think Oyasumi punpun was the most sappy take on manifested depression and whatever symbolism it had going on. I dropped it about 50 chapters in. Super boring, and I hated the writing.
Mar 23, 2021 8:34 PM

Sep 2011
Most recent one:

I just started watching Jujutsu Kaisen. 5 episodes in and it's an easy 3/10 so far. Garbage characters, writing, and world-building. The jokes are terrible, the script feels like it was written by a child. The single saving grace is the animation, but that can only carry it so far.

I'd say that one's pretty unpopular.

"They escaped the weight of darkness,
to forge a path into the marrow of the spirit.
They chose to drown in a deeper vacancy,
an emptiness that quells the null,
a pool for the forgotten..."
Mar 23, 2021 9:03 PM

Dec 2019
Black Clover is on its way to becoming the next One Piece

MHA continues to get worse with each arc / season. The raid arc was atrocious and the arc that will be adapted for this new season is crap. I don't hate it, I think it's a pretty fun anime and the creator enjoys making it, but my god it's really bad.

MHA has the worst anime related fandom. Yes, it even tops the JoJo fandom.

Hunter x Hunter is overrated, despite this, it's still one of the greatest anime of all time.

Interspecies Reviewers, despite the memes, is actually really good. Not just by ecchi standards, but by anime standards as a whole.

Redo of Healer isn't some sort of "antifeminist incel bait" as some people call it. It's a glorious, over the top, majestic abomination not to be taken seriously. Also looking at it critically, it isn't shit. It definitely isn't good, but it isn't shit either.

Ichi The Killer deserves a full adaptation.

There should be a hentai adaptation for Nekopara.

Kengan Ashura should get an adaptation that's 2D.
Mar 23, 2021 9:15 PM
Jul 2017
Unpopular Opinion: I prefer Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress more than Attack on Titan
Re Zero Season 1 is better than Re Zero Season 2
Mar 23, 2021 10:00 PM

Apr 2015
Hunter X Hunter's Chimera Ant Arc was too fast paced. I would have loved another 15 or so episodes more. Those extra episodes could have been used to further explore the stories and pasts of the other hunters, and some of the ants. Furthermore, Hunter X Hunter (2011) was overall too fast paced. I much prefer the slower pacing in the original Hunter X Hunter.

High-Rise Invasion is one of the more "original" isekai of Winter 2021. Unlike most other Winter isekai, the setting is a urban skyscraper maze world.

Most ecchi in anime are awful due to the how it is employed. In most shows, the ecchi is accidental or not intended by the person being sexualized. In contrast, there are characters who wield their sexiness as a weapon. This is most exemplified by Fujiko Mine from the Lupin the Third series. Ecchi should move towards this direction of proactive eros, instead of accidental eros. The most recent example is Vanessa from Black Clover.
Mar 23, 2021 10:27 PM

Sep 2020
Taiga is a great female lead and is one of the best tsunderes out there
Mar 24, 2021 12:57 AM

Aug 2012
1) Your Name is overrated.
2) Demon Slayer is Naruto with just better graphics.
3) While I liked Violet Evergarden, I initially picked it up assuming it'd be set in WWI and would feature the Battles of the Somme, Ypres, Passchendaele, etc.
4) In This Corner of the World > Graveyard of the Fireflies
Mar 24, 2021 1:38 AM

Aug 2020
Blyte01 said:

One piece has one of the most toxic fanbases out there

I have never experienced this ever yet I hear this all the time

I've only ever heard about how scummy the mha fanbase is
Mar 24, 2021 1:45 AM

Aug 2020
Graumann said:
Hunter X Hunter's Chimera Ant Arc was too fast paced. I would have loved another 15 or so episodes more. Those extra episodes could have been used to further explore the stories and pasts of the other hunters, and some of the ants. Furthermore, Hunter X Hunter (2011) was overall too fast paced. I much prefer the slower pacing in the original Hunter X Hunter.

are you sure you were watching the same arc its 60 episodes long sure its not a one piece arc but it makes

up almost a half of the series length shows how long it is plus theirs the tons of setup of characters and setting and foreshadowing heavy fights and building of tension to say its fast paced is just out of this world have your rewatched the arc as of late cause its anything but FAST in a lot of senses which is the point cause its meant to A. be a tone shift and B. a necessary arc for the series that foreshadows a lot of future manga arcs as well as be the most dynamic in development in the series for characters

I respect your opinion tho

it probably felt short cause of a lot of the initial necessary setup so when the finale stream of episodes of the palace invasion portion started it felt like it went by really quick
Mar 24, 2021 1:50 AM

Aug 2020
relgoul said:
I personally think Oyasumi punpun was the most sappy take on manifested depression and whatever symbolism it had going on. I dropped it about 50 chapters in. Super boring, and I hated the writing.

can you elaborate further what do you mean by "manifested depression" and what did you find sappy about it not that its my favorite take on the subject but I felt like the writing was very personal and such it felt sappy when its supposed to be real and subtle especially when pun pun talks to himself in his head

I do think its over the top at some points and would've preferred a shorter more concise story it felt to long probably because its supposed to be a build I think but still
Mar 24, 2021 2:00 AM

Aug 2020
Xaeveax said:
Most recent one:

I just started watching Jujutsu Kaisen. 5 episodes in and it's an easy 3/10 so far. Garbage characters, writing, and world-building. The jokes are terrible, the script feels like it was written by a child. The single saving grace is the animation, but that can only carry it so far.

I'd say that one's pretty unpopular.

probably my biggest problem with the series is that the jokes seem really forced and kinda outlandishly cringe while playing it off as a couple friends just messing around but it doesn't work I'd day its going for something like Daily Lives of High School Boys but it doesn't go far enough to get a laugh out of me it tries to be cool whereas Daily Lives of High School Boys is more about awkward boys acting like legit over the top dumbasses and being awkward

the rest is fine an average for me If this was my first battle manga or shonen I would love it so I gotta give it credit for that

the fights are cool and feel like fights the scene of mahito literally being jumped is fucking hilarious and awesome cause he's getting the shit beat out of him but like realistically which I appreciate

Mar 24, 2021 2:06 AM
Jul 2018
Sakamoto Desu ga? is not that funny.
Mar 24, 2021 2:10 AM

Aug 2020
Bibliophile715 said:
-Cowboy Bebop is mediocre.
-The second arc of Death Note is better than the first arc.
-I enjoyed both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul: re just as much as Tokyo Ghoul.

hell yes I love pokemon a lot but yugioh just resonates with me and its a much better card game in my opinion although the pokemon manga is much better whereas the yugioh anime is much better than the pokemon anime

yeah it kind of is kinda isn't its got great technical animation like amazing angle shots and great choreography I do think something that turns me off is that every episode is essentially for the most part sad and depressing which is the point but it doesn't entertain me that much its essentially a slice of life space western

can't say despite watching death note 3-4 times I always stop because the first time I watched all of death note I just forgot everything that happened it was pretty forgettable and I didn't like nearly as much as the pacing of the first season and the rivalry of L and Light I will say that the ending as stuck with me forevor and near is a pretty cool replacement for L essentially its L but even less actually social and human since the concept of near and mello is that they both represent different aspects of L essentially why they both need to work together to defeat Kira but that means that even though they're both "like" L they both have something that keeps them from being "L" in Nears case its his robotic and utterly cold and methodical puzzle-piecing demeanor of simply putting a puzzle together without concern or any emotion and this lack of emotion is further enhanced by the fact that he has similar shaggy and long hair like "L" yet its completely white almost bleached like his emotions great character design almost like "L" but just different enough
Mar 24, 2021 2:18 AM

Aug 2020
Buttershooter said:
Tendo_GM said:
Jojo part 7 is one of the worst manga ever written

AOT is overhyped as fuck and only mediocre at best

Code Geass season 1 is pure trash, a story that prides itself by being “intelligent” is actually extremely dumb and is written with so many plot conveniences and plot holes. One of the cringiest written plot ever.

A 4/10 (for a manga you haven't finished btw) is not saying its one of the worst manga ever written lol

#1 you dont have to have to read a story all to get a firm grasp and judge it but you could care to elaborate more if you don't mind what parts did you find to be mediocre

#2 Code Geass does have plot conveniences but the show isn't meant to be intelligent the entertainment value comes from the high stakes and tension and multiple character drama that builds up the strategies that lelouch comes up with are usually plot conveniences but never are they plot Breaking to the story as for plot holes im not sure what plot holes you found explain more

chances are if your not invested to see how lelouch is going to defeat brittannia or slightly interested in any way your probably not going to like the show tbh
Mar 24, 2021 2:28 AM

Aug 2020
TheAngryNerd said:
Black Clover is on its way to becoming the next One Piece

MHA continues to get worse with each arc / season. The raid arc was atrocious and the arc that will be adapted for this new season is crap. I don't hate it, I think it's a pretty fun anime and the creator enjoys making it, but my god it's really bad.

MHA has the worst anime related fandom. Yes, it even tops the JoJo fandom.

Hunter x Hunter is overrated, despite this, it's still one of the greatest anime of all time.

Interspecies Reviewers, despite the memes, is actually really good. Not just by ecchi standards, but by anime standards as a whole.

Idk about Black Clover it seems like it will end within a year or two the world has been built and it seems like its in its final stretch of arcs idk I'm not a person who praises the god of manga one piece to high heaven but its a 20 something years long serialization of a story with foreshadowing and a world pretty epicly built with questions that still haven't been answered and pretty meticulously crafted yet. Black Clover is a solid shonen manga to binge like One Piece but I highly doubt it'll live long enough to outshine One Piece although the anime is sure popular rn so maybe

yes it does mha does the fans don't deserve Horikoshi and his love of comics and heroes

yeah I've watched it so many times to appreciate it a lot but its still just a really really good shonen to me and it ended pretty well I honestly don't think it could ever have a better ending than the 2011 version

Much better than Monster Musume I have to say the characters aren't bland and have really bro dialogue and tons of sex jokes to find funny it embraces itself and the different monsters are really interesting episode to episode like a room full of succubus that you have to sign a consent form to go in is really funny or the fairy **** joke about how short you have to be is also amazingly funny and pretty logical

Mar 24, 2021 2:33 AM
Jul 2018
attack on titan is really bad and overhyped same goes for my hero academia
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