MenchiK1 said:Wow I'm so surprised this has gone over everyone's head and they are cheering Tomozaki and calling Aoi a bitch. Really? Rewatch two scenes when the blonde confesses to her on the bench and the end where Tomozaki says he doesn't want to be fake any more.
First the bench scene, Aoi pretends to lower her fake persona but in actuality switches to another fake one. Tomozaki notices this, how? He has seen her real personality. Then she explains her basic life philosophy "I think every normal person puts on an act to some extent so we we have to compromise and find that one person we can be our true selves around" (Tomozaki is her one person she is herself around) Blonde guy even says 'I hope someday I get to see it'. That's why she rejected his confession, he only knows "fake" Aoi and she has only known the "fake" him so no point in starting a "fake" relationship. Remember he just confessed he never dates the girls he puts up his act for even though he could since they all fall for it, he's so good at it.
Now go to the bench, Tomozaki tells her I don't want to be fake anymore, and she asks what he means by that and he can't say. She then says "So you're different too" "Your turn is over the second you let go of the controller." Remember her philosophy, she knows everyone puts up a fake personality. When she first met him remember what he did as she was walking away he let loose on how he really felt, she saw he was the "real" Tomozaki he didn't have a fake facade so she decided to help him play "life" by teaching him how to put up that fake personality everyone else does. That's what was holding him back, he was open and honest but mistakenly assumed EVERYONE else was too. Now he comes to her and tells her basically "I don't want to play any more" "I want to be true to myself" basically go back to how he was. You can just see the disappointment in her face that he hasn't learned anything and now she will lose the one person she could be herself around. When she first met him she wasn't looking for someone to play Tackfam with but "life", her being disappointed with him obviously was all part of her act, remember she's always acting, to see if he was someone she could "play" with (not in a manipulative way but helpful and encouraging), and he (and obviously the viewers here too) don't seem to have gotten that. And also that he's fooling himself if he thinks him being "real" will help him with everyone else still being "fake". Remember all the progress he has made so far has been by putting up a fake persona.
I think Aoi is a fascinating character, you often get those characters who "groom" someone into being their perfect partner but I don't think "groom" was the right word with her. You have to use her analogy of playing a game, she was someone at "expert" level tutoring a "noob" and they were both having fun "playing" and just when she thought he was advancing to the next "level" he shuts it all down and quits. I felt really bad for her. She's bored it's like being a chess grandmaster and only people who can play checkers are your only opponents. She saw the potential in him (because of how he played Tackfam) that maybe he could get to her level in life too. I don't find her cynical at all as far as her view on people putting up an act, I'd say she's right for the most part, and as far as the show every character so far has proven her right too. So I don't see how she can be criticized for doing exactly what everyone else is doing.