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What's your opinion on women who don't shave?

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Apr 12, 2013 12:34 PM

Aug 2012
DarChronicle said:
Well, this question is unfair. What if the age demographic of the women I desire naturally do not have body hair?

~Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve
Apr 12, 2013 2:51 PM

Sep 2011
Kind of turn off to me.

Apr 12, 2013 10:24 PM
Apr 2010
I don't mind as long as she doesn't have more hair on her legs and arms than me or a mustache.
Apr 13, 2013 6:45 AM

Oct 2009
How else am I going to leak those pits?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 13, 2013 7:52 AM

Aug 2012
Lots of people don't like body hair on themselves or others. Lots of people don't mind body hair on themselves or others. You shouldn't ridicule someone who shaves, particularly men, as being homosexual, feminine etc or someone who doesn't, particularly women, for being gross, butch etc.

Mind your own business and let people do what they want to do because its their life and their body. Don't hate on people just because you ended up being to darned impressionable by the media.
Apr 13, 2013 8:33 AM

Jul 2008
EternalFusion said:
Lots of people don't like body hair on themselves or others. Lots of people don't mind body hair on themselves or others. You shouldn't ridicule someone who shaves, particularly men, as being homosexual, feminine etc or someone who doesn't, particularly women, for being gross, butch etc.

Mind your own business and let people do what they want to do because its their life and their body. Don't hate on people just because you ended up being to darned impressionable by the media.

I like this. :D
Apr 13, 2013 12:16 PM

Sep 2011
It's pretty damn nasty.
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Apr 13, 2013 12:34 PM

Apr 2010
As long as it's Brazillian then its fine.
Apr 13, 2013 3:05 PM

Jan 2013
EternalFusion said:
Lots of people don't like body hair on themselves or others. Lots of people don't mind body hair on themselves or others. You shouldn't ridicule someone who shaves, particularly men, as being homosexual, feminine etc or someone who doesn't, particularly women, for being gross, butch etc.

Mind your own business and let people do what they want to do because its their life and their body. Don't hate on people just because you ended up being to darned impressionable by the media.

Everyone make choices in life and they have to deal with the consequences. You can't not take care of your body and then expect people to be as impressed with you as with a person who spends their time doing so. Everyone has their own tastes and that's fine but when it's general knowledge that most men prefer women to shave, and then you choose not to shave and then get angry at men because they're "so damn impressionable by the media" is so unreasonable. You're assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would like women with hair.

Basically if you can be happy without other people's approval then more power to ya and do whatever the heck pleases ya. But don't become bitter to others just because their taste doesn't match yours.
Apr 13, 2013 3:23 PM

Aug 2012
it really depends on where your from, your experiences and your preferences, like for example for me. i grew up in england where you have to shave everywhere but the arms, which no-one bothers with to be socially acceptable for women, which i mostly do, only down there when it gets theribly bad though, i am a woman, not a kid afterall but i heard that other places have different things. i cant really kiss guys who have beards either cos it reminds me of some bad experiences from my granddads prickly kisses from when i was younger. ewwww. not really minding hair on guys anywhere else though as long as its not extreme, as is my preference.

as for women shaving in general it really depends on the person, my sister has blonde hair so she doesnt bother as much as me with brown hair because you get this aftershave look if you leave it. bitch. anyway it really depends on what they want to look like and there circumstances. im all for it though it makes me feel dirty if i dont.
"one truth preveils" never was a bigger lie told in all of manga-land...
Apr 14, 2013 5:11 AM

Aug 2012
At first I was like:

DAYYYUUMM Beautiful:

& then

Oh God Whyyy:
Apr 14, 2013 1:34 PM

Apr 2013
It's a pain.
Women have to shave every day, because if they don't they'll be judged & classed as "disgusting", "masculine", "lazy", etc.
I swear that one day I'm going to get a laser treatment that wherever they zap, hair will never grow back. The fact that there are times when women forget to shave & can't wear certain clothes because of it, it's just wrong. Okay, armpits I get. Not shaving them is pretty gross. But legs... are you kidding me? What difference is going to make whether the girl has some NATURAL hairs growing on her limbs?
Plot twist: You don't have to hate on people, just because they have their own opinion which might be different from yours.
Apr 14, 2013 1:40 PM
Dec 2012
Burna said:
DarChronicle said:
Well, this question is unfair. What if the age demographic of the women I desire naturally do not have body hair?

Apr 14, 2013 1:43 PM

Jun 2011
That they have more hair than those who do shave.
Apr 14, 2013 2:52 PM

Aug 2012
Aincrad2013 said:
EternalFusion said:
Lots of people don't like body hair on themselves or others. Lots of people don't mind body hair on themselves or others. You shouldn't ridicule someone who shaves, particularly men, as being homosexual, feminine etc or someone who doesn't, particularly women, for being gross, butch etc.

Mind your own business and let people do what they want to do because its their life and their body. Don't hate on people just because you ended up being to darned impressionable by the media.

Everyone make choices in life and they have to deal with the consequences. You can't not take care of your body and then expect people to be as impressed with you as with a person who spends their time doing so. Everyone has their own tastes and that's fine but when it's general knowledge that most men prefer women to shave, and then you choose not to shave and then get angry at men because they're "so damn impressionable by the media" is so unreasonable. You're assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would like women with hair.

Basically if you can be happy without other people's approval then more power to ya and do whatever the heck pleases ya. But don't become bitter to others just because their taste doesn't match yours.

Well for one you're assuming that because I don't agree with people here telling women to shave that I myself prefer not to shave. I was being objective, not subjective. Because being subjective in a conversation really does not work well in my opinion. Now ignoring that fact, I will reply.

First of all I agree that people need to deal with the consequences of their actions. But people also must equally respect the actions of other people...actions that do not cause harm to themselves or others. You cant just tell the victim of bullying to deal with it. You have to address the bullys themselves or it just becomes a never ending cycle.

"You can't not take care of your body and then expect people to be as impressed with you as with a person who spends their time doing so."

Its hair for christ sakes( and a lot shorter and thinner than the stuff on your head...yet I dont see you shaving that hair off because its "unclean"). Its not like you haven't bathed for a week and smell like you just came out of the pits of hell. But seriously, shaving has nothing to do with taking care of your body, unless you're talking about a man who hasn't shaved his beard in a while and lets it get all tangled. It has to do with being presentable as the social norm. The only way it could be unhygienic is when your body hair doesn't stop growing and becomes matted and thats not going to happen because nearly all women have 1. less body hair then their male counterparts and 2. dont have facial hair.

And yet it is socially acceptable to be a hairy man. Double stranded and completely sexist. And for those of you who think " I don't like body hair on men either so your point is invalid" What you personally think really does not matter to me because its what you personally think. Im talking about society as a whole on average. Because I like to discuss the bigger picture.

And as for someone being more impressed with someone who shaves versus some who doesn't, that is simply not true. May it is true when it comes to the double standard. A straight man would probably like a woman who shaves versus a woman who doesn't because this man is so used to seeing hairless women from women on billboards to pornstars. So obviously they will develop this contorted idea that women who shave are cleaner, and more womanly. Women are expected to shave in todays society. And they have only been expected to shave for only about 70 years now.

Moving on

"but when it's general knowledge that most men prefer women to shave, and then you choose not to shave and then get angry at men because they're "so damn impressionable by the media" is so unreasonable"

LOL " general knowledge" Im not sure if you ever opened a history book but there was some pretty disgusting things people thought were once considered "general knowledge". They are completely unacceptable today. So dont shoot this general knowledge BS at me thinking it makes a difference. I believe in common sense, not general knowledge.

Now I know you used myself as an example of a woman getting upset men because I dont shave. Ignoring the fact that I was being objective, not subjective, I shall reply.

Its not unreasonable at all. This issue ties into to the oppression of women by patriarchy. Its just one string issue in a rope of hundreds of other issues like abortion, equal pay, objectification, gender roles etc. Everything ties together and I wish more people would connect the dots and see that its all the same issue with a different mask.

As for being angry, I am not angry at men. There are lots of women who believe other women should shave too. Thats known as internalized sexist viewpoints. And Im not angry that them either. Am I frustrated? Yes of course. I should be. In a world where women are constantly told what they should and shouldn't do, what they should and shouldn't wear, how they should and shouldn't act, its incredibly frustrating when they are ridiculed for having a little bit of body hair. Just goes to show how much people dont care about a womans right to choose. How a womans worth is how loyal they are to men, how much they want to please men, how submissive they are to men. To patriarchy, to internalized sexism.
So yes, please continue to tell me how unreasonable I am being. Please. You just help me prove my point. Silence to women who dont care about making men happy! /eyeroll/ Ill stop myself here before I throw too much at you.

"You're assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would like women with hair."

I'm not assuming, I know for a fact. Prior to the 1930s ( before a man decided women should shave... and yes, a man decided) men and woman had no problem with woman having body hair. It was normal. Nothing wrong with it. Women are already naturally predisposed to having less body hair then men, if you haven't noticed, and the man back then had no issue with it. It was just like having eyelashes, eyebrows, head hair, arms, legs, fingernails. and IT STILL IS LIKE THAT. Yet people today fail to understand that body hair is normal on woman. So yes, people fell in love, had sex with, marries, had children with, cuddled with, were the sons and daughters of women who......... didnt shave! Is your mind blown yet?

Only after the industrial revolution did Americans in the 1930's invent shaving and mass media and advertising exploded because of the boost in the American economy after WW1 and WW2 and only after that company paid models and other big female figures to start shaving, did it turn into a thing. What person doesn't want to do what their favorite idols are doing? But today its not just a style, its a requirement if you want to impress "men". But even thats exactly not true. There are plenty of men who don't care about body hair on women because they realize everything I have said.
So if the media is what started the shaving thing, and the media is keeping this behavior as strong as ever, and that prior to shaving, men didnt care about body hair, how exactly am I wrong for assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would not let body hair get in the way of judging whether or not they were attracted to women?


"Basically if you can be happy without other people's approval then more power to ya and do whatever the heck pleases ya. But don't become bitter to others just because their taste doesn't match yours."

Your first sentence is spot on!
And your second sentence makes no sense because I never once stated my tastes and if you think just because I am defending the right to choose to shave or not that I must be someone who doesn't shave is the same as say as someone supporting gay rights and you claiming that they must be gay if they support gay rights. You don't have to be the oppressed to fight for those who are oppressed.

Its called being a decent human being.

Sorry for this being so long, could have been longer though but im trying to stay on topic lol
Its just I disagreed with nearly every idea you were trying to put out there.
Apr 15, 2013 12:29 AM

Aug 2012
^writing so much just because of a thread makes me sad. :((
Apr 15, 2013 4:45 AM

Aug 2012
Hair is natural, and you should only shave it if you want to.
Apr 15, 2013 5:41 AM

Aug 2012
Rinkadoshimo said:
^writing so much just because of a thread makes me sad. :((

Why? Don't be sad. This is what forums are for. I've written much longer things about anime love interests lol.
Apr 15, 2013 6:15 AM

Aug 2012
EternalFusion said:
Aincrad2013 said:
EternalFusion said:
Lots of people don't like body hair on themselves or others. Lots of people don't mind body hair on themselves or others. You shouldn't ridicule someone who shaves, particularly men, as being homosexual, feminine etc or someone who doesn't, particularly women, for being gross, butch etc.

Mind your own business and let people do what they want to do because its their life and their body. Don't hate on people just because you ended up being to darned impressionable by the media.

Everyone make choices in life and they have to deal with the consequences. You can't not take care of your body and then expect people to be as impressed with you as with a person who spends their time doing so. Everyone has their own tastes and that's fine but when it's general knowledge that most men prefer women to shave, and then you choose not to shave and then get angry at men because they're "so damn impressionable by the media" is so unreasonable. You're assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would like women with hair.

Basically if you can be happy without other people's approval then more power to ya and do whatever the heck pleases ya. But don't become bitter to others just because their taste doesn't match yours.

Well for one you're assuming that because I don't agree with people here telling women to shave that I myself prefer not to shave. I was being objective, not subjective. Because being subjective in a conversation really does not work well in my opinion. Now ignoring that fact, I will reply.

First of all I agree that people need to deal with the consequences of their actions. But people also must equally respect the actions of other people...actions that do not cause harm to themselves or others. You cant just tell the victim of bullying to deal with it. You have to address the bullys themselves or it just becomes a never ending cycle.

"You can't not take care of your body and then expect people to be as impressed with you as with a person who spends their time doing so."

Its hair for christ sakes( and a lot shorter and thinner than the stuff on your head...yet I dont see you shaving that hair off because its "unclean"). Its not like you haven't bathed for a week and smell like you just came out of the pits of hell. But seriously, shaving has nothing to do with taking care of your body, unless you're talking about a man who hasn't shaved his beard in a while and lets it get all tangled. It has to do with being presentable as the social norm. The only way it could be unhygienic is when your body hair doesn't stop growing and becomes matted and thats not going to happen because nearly all women have 1. less body hair then their male counterparts and 2. dont have facial hair.

And yet it is socially acceptable to be a hairy man. Double stranded and completely sexist. And for those of you who think " I don't like body hair on men either so your point is invalid" What you personally think really does not matter to me because its what you personally think. Im talking about society as a whole on average. Because I like to discuss the bigger picture.

And as for someone being more impressed with someone who shaves versus some who doesn't, that is simply not true. May it is true when it comes to the double standard. A straight man would probably like a woman who shaves versus a woman who doesn't because this man is so used to seeing hairless women from women on billboards to pornstars. So obviously they will develop this contorted idea that women who shave are cleaner, and more womanly. Women are expected to shave in todays society. And they have only been expected to shave for only about 70 years now.

Moving on

"but when it's general knowledge that most men prefer women to shave, and then you choose not to shave and then get angry at men because they're "so damn impressionable by the media" is so unreasonable"

LOL " general knowledge" Im not sure if you ever opened a history book but there was some pretty disgusting things people thought were once considered "general knowledge". They are completely unacceptable today. So dont shoot this general knowledge BS at me thinking it makes a difference. I believe in common sense, not general knowledge.

Now I know you used myself as an example of a woman getting upset men because I dont shave. Ignoring the fact that I was being objective, not subjective, I shall reply.

Its not unreasonable at all. This issue ties into to the oppression of women by patriarchy. Its just one string issue in a rope of hundreds of other issues like abortion, equal pay, objectification, gender roles etc. Everything ties together and I wish more people would connect the dots and see that its all the same issue with a different mask.

As for being angry, I am not angry at men. There are lots of women who believe other women should shave too. Thats known as internalized sexist viewpoints. And Im not angry that them either. Am I frustrated? Yes of course. I should be. In a world where women are constantly told what they should and shouldn't do, what they should and shouldn't wear, how they should and shouldn't act, its incredibly frustrating when they are ridiculed for having a little bit of body hair. Just goes to show how much people dont care about a womans right to choose. How a womans worth is how loyal they are to men, how much they want to please men, how submissive they are to men. To patriarchy, to internalized sexism.
So yes, please continue to tell me how unreasonable I am being. Please. You just help me prove my point. Silence to women who dont care about making men happy! /eyeroll/ Ill stop myself here before I throw too much at you.

"You're assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would like women with hair."

I'm not assuming, I know for a fact. Prior to the 1930s ( before a man decided women should shave... and yes, a man decided) men and woman had no problem with woman having body hair. It was normal. Nothing wrong with it. Women are already naturally predisposed to having less body hair then men, if you haven't noticed, and the man back then had no issue with it. It was just like having eyelashes, eyebrows, head hair, arms, legs, fingernails. and IT STILL IS LIKE THAT. Yet people today fail to understand that body hair is normal on woman. So yes, people fell in love, had sex with, marries, had children with, cuddled with, were the sons and daughters of women who......... didnt shave! Is your mind blown yet?

Only after the industrial revolution did Americans in the 1930's invent shaving and mass media and advertising exploded because of the boost in the American economy after WW1 and WW2 and only after that company paid models and other big female figures to start shaving, did it turn into a thing. What person doesn't want to do what their favorite idols are doing? But today its not just a style, its a requirement if you want to impress "men". But even thats exactly not true. There are plenty of men who don't care about body hair on women because they realize everything I have said.
So if the media is what started the shaving thing, and the media is keeping this behavior as strong as ever, and that prior to shaving, men didnt care about body hair, how exactly am I wrong for assuming that if the "media" didn't exist men would not let body hair get in the way of judging whether or not they were attracted to women?


"Basically if you can be happy without other people's approval then more power to ya and do whatever the heck pleases ya. But don't become bitter to others just because their taste doesn't match yours."

Your first sentence is spot on!
And your second sentence makes no sense because I never once stated my tastes and if you think just because I am defending the right to choose to shave or not that I must be someone who doesn't shave is the same as say as someone supporting gay rights and you claiming that they must be gay if they support gay rights. You don't have to be the oppressed to fight for those who are oppressed.

Its called being a decent human being.

Sorry for this being so long, could have been longer though but im trying to stay on topic lol
Its just I disagreed with nearly every idea you were trying to put out there.

wow, that's one heck of a reply to a less than 30 sentences, 2 paragraph post.

Anyway,yeah, I agree. I personally don't care about girls not shaving and that kind of stuff, but for me I think it's more of a personal choice. I have met on more than one occasion girls who generally find auxiliary hair growing on their body disgusting, especially armpit hair (don't know about how they feel down there though, obviously), so I think it depends from person to person. If they find it disgusting, then shave. If not, then fine.

btw, congrats on having successfully derailed the thread from a "women who don't shave" to "Sexism and objectification of women" thread.
What do you think? The meaning of our existence. Why do we continue to live?
~Iris Rain Umbrella, my favorite robot
Apr 15, 2013 6:26 AM

Aug 2012
JustinNateal said:

btw, congrats on having successfully derailed the thread from a "women who don't shave" to "Sexism and objectification of women" thread.

Haha well it was bound to pop up sometime. Same shit, different name.
Apr 15, 2013 6:35 AM

Mar 2013
EternalFusion said:
JustinNateal said:

btw, congrats on having successfully derailed the thread from a "women who don't shave" to "Sexism and objectification of women" thread.

Haha well it was bound to pop up sometime. Same shit, different name.

Totally different. I shave, thank you very much, and I am proud of my appearance.

If having a good body-image is equal to being objectified, then screw you.
Apr 15, 2013 7:11 AM

Aug 2012
Sweet_Love said:
EternalFusion said:
JustinNateal said:

btw, congrats on having successfully derailed the thread from a "women who don't shave" to "Sexism and objectification of women" thread.

Haha well it was bound to pop up sometime. Same shit, different name.

Totally different. I shave, thank you very much, and I am proud of my appearance.

If having a good body-image is equal to being objectified, then screw you.

Urg. That's not what I meant at all. And no, having a good body image is not equal to being objectified. Maybe you should read someones previous posts before saying something rude like " screw you" to them

Im defending a womans right to CHOOSE whether or not she wants to shave. Jesus christ.

What I meant was that the issue of whether or not women should shave or not all ties into the issue of sexism. I only mentioned objectification as an issue of sexism, not an issue of whether or not you yourself choose to shave.
Apr 15, 2013 8:26 AM

Mar 2013
EternalFusion said:
Urg. That's not what I meant at all. And no, having a good body image is not equal to being objectified. Maybe you should read someones previous posts before saying something rude like " screw you" to them

Im defending a womans right to CHOOSE whether or not she wants to shave. Jesus christ.

What I meant was that the issue of whether or not women should shave or not all ties into the issue of sexism. I only mentioned objectification as an issue of sexism, not an issue of whether or not you yourself choose to shave.

Err, I'm sorry I meant that as rather off-hand, didn't mean for someone to take it so seriously.
Apr 15, 2013 7:20 PM

Aug 2009
I'd probably like eating a hairy pussy. After all, you don't know unless you try. I might end up liking the texture.

Apr 15, 2013 8:09 PM

Mar 2009
JustinNateal said:

btw, congrats on having successfully derailed the thread from a "women who don't shave" to "Sexism and objectification of women" thread.

Well someone needed to say it eventually. I would be disappointed if MAL didn't go there (though I'm always disappointed in MAL, regardless).
Apr 15, 2013 8:30 PM

Oct 2012
i dont care if they dont shave but i prefer that they do
Apr 15, 2013 9:17 PM

May 2012
I think a good rule of thumb is that they should have less body hair than the guy they're with lol. At the same time I don't expect them to shave every part of their body either(unless they're especially hairy) So long as they get those pits, naughty parts and ANY facial hair, I'm cool.
Apr 16, 2013 1:51 AM

May 2010
I'm a woman and yes, I shave. I find it more hygienic and I feel more comfortable that way. As for the fellow women who don't, honestly, I couldn't care less. Their body not mine. If shaving is not their thing then so be it.

Apr 16, 2013 7:02 AM
Mar 2012
I don't really care, I have no preference either is good for me, because I care more of the beauty inside a person rather than their outward appearance.
Apr 16, 2013 7:23 AM

Apr 2013
Yeah. No. Please shave. It's not that I won't think any less of you for having body hair, ladies, but don't expect me to get frisky if you won't at the very least trim the hedges.
Apr 30, 2013 8:15 PM

Mar 2012
Envy, please change your avatar. You're making me want to delete Brand New from my iPod.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 30, 2013 8:31 PM

Oct 2012
Full disclosure: I'm still a virgin. So while I have no first hand experience, I find the idea of hair on a women's body (pretty much anything but facial hair; so legs, arms, armpits, legpits, bush, etc. are all fair game) undeniably attractive. I can't explain it but something takes control of me. And if it has weird or unusual color, thats even better! I sincerely hope that my first girlfriend (whenever I get one) will grow her body hair out for me.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Apr 30, 2013 9:52 PM

Mar 2012
RIP Brand New
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 30, 2013 9:59 PM

May 2010
As long as they shave common places, I'm all good. More importantly they have less hair but heck does it even matter...

envy, please quote me
Apr 30, 2013 10:01 PM

Oct 2011
Looks like we have a very hairy situation here.

I don't care if a woman is shaved or not. Attraction is a whole different thing though.
Apr 30, 2013 10:14 PM

Oct 2012
Iasuru said:
Looks like we have a very hairy situation here.


I see what you did there.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Apr 30, 2013 10:43 PM

Oct 2012
Wait a second, 3nvy.. you quote treed everyone else, deconstructing their arguments but not my mine about loving the hairy ladies? What gives?
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Apr 30, 2013 10:48 PM

Oct 2012
livingdeadkat said:
If you don't want to shave, I couldn't care less. It's none of my business. And I'm not sure why people are so afraid of hair. Everyone has it. It's just put into your head by society that certain people shouldn't have it in certain places.

A hairy women usually implies that she doesn't give a damn about hygiene... Not always the case though. But It's not only that, shaved is more aesthetically pleasing... or you're telling me you preffer chicks with some hairy armpits?
Apr 30, 2013 11:33 PM

Oct 2012
3nvy said:
NickyCharisma said:
Wait a second, 3nvy.. you quote treed everyone else, deconstructing their arguments but not my mine about loving the hairy ladies? What gives?

I like to pretend you people don't exist tbh. Honestly, the reason I hate body hair so much is my ocd. I'm obsessed with removing it and it makes me want to throw up. Also the "natural=good" argument is awful. People should be required to read up on logical fallacies before engaging in internet arguments.

Informal fallicies aside, you can't use rational arguments when talking about personal preferences. That falls squarely inside the realm of non rational (emotions). And where did I equate that because it was natural it was sexy? You're mixing up arguments...
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
May 1, 2013 2:14 PM

Aug 2012
I think that people should choose if they want to shave any area of their body, so.
May 1, 2013 3:43 PM

Jul 2008
QueenJenny said:
So I was surfing across the interwebs yesterday when I came across this facebook site, which was a sort of ''campaign'' to get women not to shave off their body hair. In this group, women could upload pictures of their hairy pits for the world to see. Some saw it as a sort of protest against the patriarchy, and this outrageous idea that women are expected to take care of themselves if they wanna shag.


The true freedom is choice. If someone likes being hairy, more power to em. If they shave, great, go for it! Just don't tell me how to groom my body. I firmly believe if someone demands of their partner to keep certain body parts hair-free and that is not the partner's original preference, they should pay for their hair removal. Compromise!

MellowJello said:
livingdeadkat said:
If you don't want to shave, I couldn't care less. It's none of my business. And I'm not sure why people are so afraid of hair. Everyone has it. It's just put into your head by society that certain people shouldn't have it in certain places.
Because it's rough, and no one likes friction.

Also, I believe the Greeks were first.

The worst friction comes from stubble, though...

I am the senpai that notices you.

May 1, 2013 3:45 PM

Apr 2013
Well I shave so if women dont shave SHAME ON THEM.
May 1, 2013 4:10 PM

Feb 2010
there choice if women are force to shave then men should be to.
also i can't blame a person for not wanting to shave there with a sharp object as it would be vary bad if you cut your self there
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 1, 2013 4:27 PM

Dec 2012
When a woman does not shave, it is almost always a turn off for every one of us men.
my avatar is the bus driver from Rosario + Vampire
May 1, 2013 5:21 PM

Dec 2007
hazerddex said:
there choice if women are force to shave then men should be to.
also i can't blame a person for not wanting to shave there with a sharp object as it would be vary bad if you cut your self there

How old are you? 8? And besides if we ignore the deadly dangerous blades there are plenty of other ways for hair removal.

It's creeping me out when I see a man and his legs are silky shiny shaved.
And it's extremely bothering to see a girl with hairy armpits.
I don't really care who does it or not, but personally I don't feel comfortable being hairy on certain places. Also for every train, there's passengers so if a woman doesn't shave and feels fine with that then I guess she'd have a partner who wouldn't care or dislike it.
May 1, 2013 8:17 PM

Jun 2012
monster7foot6 said:
When a woman does not shave, it is almost always a turn off for every one of us men.

Nope. Speak for yourself.

I like girl's with armpit and pubic hair.
May 1, 2013 8:19 PM

Oct 2011
I prefer bearded women who can cut down mighty oaks with only one swing of their axe.
May 1, 2013 8:21 PM

Jun 2012
I prefer bearded women who can cut down mighty oaks with only one swing of their axe.

That's pretty gay.
May 1, 2013 8:28 PM

Dec 2012
Nika-senpai said:
The worst friction comes from stubble, though...

That's why you shave the stubble. This ain't rocket science.

hazerddex said:
there choice if women are force to shave then men should be to.
also i can't blame a person for not wanting to shave there with a sharp object as it would be vary bad if you cut your self there

This is a joke right?

Caze said:
I prefer bearded women who can cut down mighty oaks with only one swing of their axe.

That's pretty gay.

Says this guy:

Caze said:
monster7foot6 said:
When a woman does not shave, it is almost always a turn off for every one of us men.

Nope. Speak for yourself.

I like girl's with armpit and pubic hair.
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
May 1, 2013 8:57 PM

Oct 2011
Caze said:
I prefer bearded women who can cut down mighty oaks with only one swing of their axe.

That's pretty gay.

Go to sleep, little boy.
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