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Oct 9, 2019 4:45 PM

May 2018
iCanFlyYouNot said:

yue is over 300 years old. there is no pedophilia. according to your logic, if one would marry a woman in real life, who is more slender, smaller in body size and a bit flat, but who is already like.. lets say 28years old, then that man would be considered a pedo? lol

Here we go again. Do I get turned on by girls who look like they're fucking obviously underage and jerk off to them? Well I do, but relax, they're 800yo so it's fine!

Don't lie to yourself. You may not act on it in real life because there is an inherent, reasonable psychological disgust associated with doing such a morally reprehensible thing, but you're attracted to children if you're attracted to loli characters. They look nothing like small women, they look like small children.

Lolis age is merely an excuse by the authors to create a grey area. There's a difference between looking younger than our appearance might indicate, and looking 1:1 like a 12 yo child, don't you think? Like... this subject has already been raised a million times. Anime has a serious problem with the sexuality of children, so please stop justifying pedo tendencies with this handicapped argument with the fictional age of the characters/the way they behave for god's sake

Oct 9, 2019 6:58 PM

Apr 2016
iCanFlyYouNot said:
once again MAL proved me i should not always read reviews or look at the score (well not that i read the full reviews, since they are, imho, way too long, so long, it feels like its longer than the anime i just watched) . i cant believe how so many extremely bad reviews made it to the tops.. the first 5 top reviews on that anime page give that anime overall rating: 1. lol.

first of all i didnt read the manga or novels, but i really liked this anime. the humor was nice, the characters were nice. but they could have completely taken out the fact that they traveld worlds, since it was so not really fitting in there. but to be fair, "overlord" or even "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" are the same in this case, if you look at them. they only show like.. idk.. a few minutes how they were transfered into the world? after that, the anime is all about the ingame and fantasy world - thats actually similar to this anime, with the fact that they barely waste time in showing how they were transfered - since all "transfering into a game world" happen through a really strange event, like magic, death or modern technology as in SAO. lol. so i think it is fine what they did in this anime.

fun thing is, everyone suddenly becomes top class movie experts when it comes to animes and movies xD the way people write their reviews sometimes, i think: wtf is wrong with them. as if they were pros in making animes. the same with soccer world cup, lol. everyone thinks they have to comment and know it better but never played a match/made an anime themselves.
i wonder if these people watch the anime, or just 'watch' it to write down tons of critical notes. if the latter, of course one wouldnt enjoy anything.

but then, i can understand some critics. the animation was kept at a minimum. most of the time it was made very simple, as if they wanted to save budget. but honestly, i think it didnt turn out bad.
especially there are people who hate "transformed into a game" animes, but they still watch them and then give bad reviews. thats what i dont get, lol. i mean.. for example I myself dislike most sport or music animes (there are exceptions though), so i just dont watch them since i wouldnt enjoy them. not because they are bad, but because i wouldnt like the topic. so why should i waste time and watch it, just to write a negative review about it, when i wont like the topic in the first place, which has nothing to do with the anime itself.

well i wrote more than intended. what i actually wanted to say is: i can understand if someone has critics towards this anime, but i cant understand how it has nearly a score of 7 (which is pretty good i think), while it has so many bad and negative reviews at the tops. lol. (dont get me wrong, the score can stay like this, i dont want it do drop down any further. but how the hell are so many negative reviews pushed up? they are totally not helpful and not objective enough. most of the reviews at the top rows have so many hate-sentences and totally manipulate your own opnion if you didnt watch the anime first)

basicaly, if you ask me, the LN readers need a review for themselves, and the ones never read the LN or Manga need reviews for themselves. well of course animes can jump over a few chapters,and that could make them bad. but one really should see the difference between people who read the LN/Manga, and who didnt.
That's because this is a 1/10 anime in mine and many others' view, and I say this as an aspiring writer and someone who actually sees some interesting ideas in this show I want to explore myself. Also, you don't seem to understand the purpose behind reviews and seem to say "oh people suddenly think they know what they're talking about when one little mistake occurs and this thing isn't perfect" without realizing that:

A. Any critic/reviewer, professional or otherwise (hi, I'm an amateur on this website full of amateur reviewers among other types of people) understands that they have the benefit of hindsight and knowing what the finished product is like, which is not a luxury the people making the show have. Of course we're likely to know how a product turns out more than the people making it. That's why things like test screenings in movies exist: to see how their product turned out from a perspective other than "this is how it's looking to me while I'm making it". I know many anime have their premieres screened early in a similar manner, but I don't quite think it works the same way. The point still stands that we only see the finished product, not necessarily how things came to be the way they were.

B. Almost everyone who has torn this show to shreds has seen several, several anime, and have reviewed several anime as well. We're kinda gonna notice patterns and some of the kinds of writing techniques employed, as well as whether or not they and other aspects of production work...or at least we should. Obviously, none of us know everything about the industry or even most of the under the scenes type things regarding how anime generally gets made. However, some reviewers such as myself try to at least learn a thing or two about the industry and sometimes look up information that's available on what factors led to an anime turning out the way it did. For instance, this anime was pushed back around a year because the LN author actively despised the original drafts the Kingdom director and the team at White Fox made. As such, it went over to Asread and over to a completely different director while a Spring 2018 release turned into a Summer 2019 release. Needless to say, combined with the fact that the studio doesn't make many (usually 1 at most) anime a year and they still had Lord of Vermillion to work on that year, you can probably guess that the show was rushed, hence the dismal visuals (especially the CGI) and the soundtrack which doesn't fit the scenes they're in nearly as often as they should.

C. The point of a review is to help influence whether someone watches an anime or not with informed perspectives from those who have seen the work in question. We're SUPPOSED to try to dissuade people if we think the show is utterly terrible and we can properly articulate why in a way that makes sense. Sure, sometimes you'll see a fuck awful review that completely misses the point or relies on a few nitpicks and false expectations to say that the show is horrendous (Hi AstralBread, why is your Vinland review 2nd place?) but then you get...well, my review of this show, where I take a holistic approach to the work in question and highlight any ideas I like and where the anime succeeds (yes, I did levy a few compliments at this show, particularly regarding some of its music) and where the anime fails in our eyes. It's just that in this case, there's quite a lot I think this anime has a lot of problems I felt were worth pointing out. You're just saying "we're not being objective enough" because we're dissing a show you seem to like and because you just disagree, not because we're actively making ridiculous or flimsy points that anyone who actually paid any kind of attention can actively dispute and obliterate.

Is it really that wrong for us to analyze and review this anime, even negatively, when we feel we have something to say just because we aren't "professional critics" and because we're reviewing the show negatively? Sure, if you see someone who just hates all isekai anime (hey, I've liked or at least tolerated a few so you can't point the finger at me, plus I actively DEFENDED Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody from people calling it the worst isekai), you might ask why they're doing this in the first place as they're just going out of their way to watch things they hate, but if we just wanted to watch something that looked like it could be a good time for any reason whatsoever, and we got something we hated instead, are we not allowed to write about it?

I'm surprised there were so few reviews at the end of the season from the perspective of those familiar with the original material, even though I did at least bring up how many fans were rather disappointed at the anime's strange ideas regarding what it omitted and altered *cough EPISODE 1 cough*. Still, I think I and at least some others are justified in writing these negative reviews.

Also, Stark700 gave it a 2 and xHellLytherx gave it an admittedly sarcastic 10. G O T T E M
Oct 10, 2019 2:06 AM
Dec 2017
Neco_0mical said:
vampire loli's, who could hate it?

That's very disrespectful to midgets. Just because they cannot grow doesn't mean you can disrespect them by calling them loli's when they are clearly NOT. There are many famous little people in the world and you wouldn't dare say that to their faces.


You wouldn't dare call her a Lili, would you be that much of an asshole?
Oct 10, 2019 2:20 AM
Dec 2017
psychopath666 said:
So after a very quick look at some comments the two main reasons why people hate this show are:

1- Show is too edgy, and since I'm too afraid of being labeled an edgy person for liking it... I will hate it.

2- I read the story on a piece of paper with lots of drawings. Even though a lot of other stories that come in pieces of paper with drawings, get animated in a way that readers of pieces of paper with drawings don't like, I still expected it to be animated in a way that I would like. There for, I have to hate it, so I can be part of that 1337 club of piece of paper with drawings readers.

I agree, and it pissed me off to no end that most anime's get judged based on how faithful they are to the manga. I never read manga. So, you can tell how thoroughly I hate the manga reading assholes. I just want GOOD anime's, PERIOD.

The most important thing these asshole manga readers don't consider is the cost vs recoup.; and the risk the studios need to take when making these anime. Imagine if there was a gofundme for making an anime completely faithful to the manga. These douches wouldn't even be able to cover one fourth of the costs to get their "expectations" satisfied.

Honestly, I doubt manga readers could fathom the exponential difference in costs between the two.
Oct 10, 2019 2:22 AM

Jul 2019
It's terrible just like most iseaki. Why can this fad die already, a that's right it's because of money.
Oct 10, 2019 11:40 AM

Nov 2016
FluentLove said:
It's terrible just like most iseaki. Why can this fad die already, a that's right it's because of money.

Because if you find all isekais bad, it doesn't mean everyone do. There is reason why there are more and more animated - it's because it's more and more popular in Japan that's why :) and honestly I'm glad.
I find most of psychological animes terrible and it also doesn't mean they should stop making it :)
hiraishinxOct 10, 2019 11:46 AM
Oct 14, 2019 9:16 AM

Oct 2008
The character's personality is what's annoying me personally. He divides people by enemy and ally, plus he get's violent towards his companions to easily.

A bunny want's to jump him, just prais her from time to time.
A dragon want's to do noughty stuff with you, just do some s & m with her.

To me he seems like he's to afraid to show weakness even in front of his comrades, even though they love him, he needs to lighten up and mellow out a bit.

Also the anime didn't take itself seriously enough to garner his attitude, at times the series was unnecessarily ridiculous.

Oct 19, 2019 4:17 PM

Sep 2019
MAL ratings are worthless, I watched it till episode 7 & for now I give it a solid 9/10, there is nothing wrong with animation quality, those who say the quality is bad are those extrmemely picky people who consider anything below FSN UBW animation quality to be bad, the story is quite good too, I'm anime only watcher & I understand the story perfectly.

the fact that this is getting a second season is an enough evidence at just how detached those negative MAL ratings are from reality, the relatively low rating is most likely just from those who simply come here to give a 1/10 to any thing that is isekai.
objkenkageOct 19, 2019 4:22 PM
Nov 3, 2019 5:38 PM
Jan 2018
What can i say
Story: Not Grate not terable
Animation: Not bad
CGI: :/
Personal Enjoyment: 20/10
Coment: I though it will be just another generic isekai which is not far from truth but its not as bad as i initialy though. Well all i can say i am a bit weak on revenge story and betreyal and i sure hope he will kill that guy at the end but that wont probably happen.
Nov 6, 2019 5:09 AM

Jun 2014
I've read 3/4ths of the first ln volume when I started the show (ended up finishing the first ln after I watched the first 2 episodes) and still loved the adaptation.
A few reasons why:
1) I like the characters and their interactions; it only seems natural for Hajime to act the way he is as how else would you react if someone from a group that you could somewhat trust ended up betraying you (I felt betrayed by someone I felt like I could trust a couple of years prior so I can somewhat relate)
2) The various expressions are great and the characters are usually kept on model (ie the various expressions of Hajime are great)
3) the adaptation did what it had to do, tell the story in a way in a visual medium from a written medium (which btw seems to be hard as heck when thinking about it). The only thing that I noticed was left out was Hajime's background (although I don't think it fully affected the story in any way).
4) one thing that I like about this series compared to some other isekai is that the world building that was presented in this anime is quite impressive, granted it might've been lackluster compared to the original source (will get to reading volumes 2 and onwards eventually, just need to get through a few other things in my large manga backlog) but what we got was great.
The main gripe I had was the CG (except for the bullets, those looked great)
Nov 6, 2019 10:00 PM
May 2019
Why people hate this anime ?
Because they are god.
Haters are god.
That's what they think.
They will never appreciate anything.
Who cares about chara plot graphic etc ?
If the haters dont grasp it then it's bad.

Your opinion matters to you , spread your good opinion , but your bad opinion should never be spread anywhere.
Keep your hate for yourself , let your hate eat you till you die.
That's how you became a human.
Not an idiotic hater.
Nov 7, 2019 4:25 PM

Sep 2014
RamTrinity98 said:
bad source origin.
emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC.
graphics of a PS1.
overrated (again).
revenge porn.
jazz music on battle (lol).
anal dragon scene

Like the thing between your legs?
Nov 23, 2019 10:15 PM
Mar 2015
it was good the first few episodes then it went down the hill with all these cliches story lines
Nov 25, 2019 8:05 PM
Nov 2019
I personally don’t like it because I think that any tension that the story might’ve had dissapeared as soon as they leave the dungeon. Because that tension is gone most of the established appeal of the show gets thrust out the window.

The author decides to force the story to take a shift to a more lighthearted tone which really doesn’t fit what we’ve been shown so far, halting any story progression or character development in favor of giving the mc a harem.
I’d imagine this normally wouldn’t be much of a problem if a dynamic like that was developed earlier (speaking from anime only perspective) but instead we have this uncanny shift in atmosphere that I feel insults the intelligence of the audience by adding new cliche comic relief characters for no real reason but sex appeal (from what I can tell.) It not only clashes with the atmosphere established earlier, but also disillusions the viewers who have already been watching the show for darker plot and character dynamic between mc and Yue.

Most of my problems with the anime (aside from the occasional bad cgi) come from the forest arc onwards. The forest is never established to have a place in the world and really just irrelevant to the world around it. Also, the timing of the forest arc is very poor. What I assume to be the comic relief character gets introduced like immediately after the mc has casual sex with Yue. This kills any momentum the story could’ve had coming out of rhe first arc. Also, the awkward progression of the forest arc (the content they cut) ruins bunny girl’s character by undercutting her developers halfway.

It gave me the impression that the author either stopped giving a shit past the first arc or was terrible at writing a well-paced story from the beginning.
Nov 25, 2019 9:34 PM

Dec 2008
Haha, I'm only wondering how it's able to maintain a 6, almost 7 scoring with so many 1s of user scores.

But I wonder if people are just tired of isekais. I know I'm feeling the burnout.
Eye 'em so lolicon!
Nov 25, 2019 10:18 PM

Oct 2019
I haven't read the source material so this is an anime-only perspective don't come at me

I really liked the first episode I think it was presented in a really cool way with how it was flashbacks and all. They even had an actual reason that made sense for him to become so op. If we accept that eating monsters gives you the abilities they had everything makes sense. The only reason other people haven't done it or couldn't do it was because monster meat is poisonous, regardless of the abilities it could potentially give you, but that special crystal-water he found stopped him from dying.
The next four episodes were also pretty good, they were basically him just clearing the dungeon and I liked Yue.

I think it became a bit of a let down after that. Don't get me wrong I still enjoyed it, but it was nowhere near as good as those first episodes and basically just became every other generic isekai with an op protagonist and his own harem.

I'm trash for that kind of show but lots of people aren't so I understand why it got so much hate, especially since the start of it was so good
Nov 26, 2019 2:32 AM

Jul 2019
Because people have their own preferences and no one should force them to like anything you like.
Nov 26, 2019 1:30 PM

Sep 2012
fun entertaining anime 8/10

WrngHoleOniiChan said:
iCanFlyYouNot said:

yue is over 300 years old. there is no pedophilia. according to your logic, if one would marry a woman in real life, who is more slender, smaller in body size and a bit flat, but who is already like.. lets say 28years old, then that man would be considered a pedo? lol

Here we go again. Do I get turned on by girls who look like they're fucking obviously underage and jerk off to them? Well I do, but relax, they're 800yo so it's fine!

Don't lie to yourself. You may not act on it in real life because there is an inherent, reasonable psychological disgust associated with doing such a morally reprehensible thing, but you're attracted to children if you're attracted to loli characters. They look nothing like small women, they look like small children.

Lolis age is merely an excuse by the authors to create a grey area. There's a difference between looking younger than our appearance might indicate, and looking 1:1 like a 12 yo child, don't you think? Like... this subject has already been raised a million times. Anime has a serious problem with the sexuality of children, so please stop justifying pedo tendencies with this handicapped argument with the fictional age of the characters/the way they behave for god's sake

for a love of god who cares its fiction and anime logic, ic just sweet teen romance nothing something dirty she is not mentally a child well not younger then him so who cares what she looks like cause its fiction, get use to it or u can't enjoy good animes that have that element in

also he is 17 so there is nothing pedo there

also bedo is some1 who is 18+ and attracted to ppl below 12 to real kids, just attraction to smaller body with smaller chest doesn't make him pedo ask a psychologist (i have learned a bit of this stuff from documentaries) in EU cause us ones can be politically motivated (some straight out are pedo apologist) so they may try to sugar goat it, seen 1interview where one expert hinted that we should give them what they want but not in a direct way just a child xxx dolls i could not believe my ears ofc he didn't say this directly hinted it, this guy should be fired for that suggestion but back to the point a neutral psychologist would say same thing that attraction to smaller body with small chest is not bedo specially if one side is below 18

its in this video about child xxx dolls idea somewhere in the middle of the video or near end, what are the experts thinking, this is crazy and sick to

also what face she has? a child's? hell no!!! she has a face of a teen that proves u wrong

sure author tries to confuse the sick ppl with pedo bait (so its meant as pedo bait but that doesn't mean chars are pedo, bait is trick of the mind to make sick mind think its pedo) that's why they create chars like this but ppl who are not sick see trough it that its not a kid just person with smaller body, and u know some ppl are bothered by it cause what u even mentioned cause how world sees pedos so they feel shame of being attracted to what they see as a child's body (who consciously and who subconsciously) when its not (char face betrays it) so that cause them to hate on the show author coal is to fool sick minds to watch it so pedos would be drawn to it, i just see 2teens in love

final nail in ur coffin: pedos are always attracted to kids body but mc became effected by Yue's body when he fell in love with her after falling for her he started to see a woman in her and that changed hes view on her body as well and yue looks like 12 at best i mean not younger

u just want to hate

Sugram22Nov 27, 2019 3:59 AM
Nov 27, 2019 1:04 AM

Sep 2012
CodeBlazeFate said:
iCanFlyYouNot said:
once again MAL proved me i should not always read reviews or look at the score (well not that i read the full reviews, since they are, imho, way too long, so long, it feels like its longer than the anime i just watched) . i cant believe how so many extremely bad reviews made it to the tops.. the first 5 top reviews on that anime page give that anime overall rating: 1. lol.

first of all i didnt read the manga or novels, but i really liked this anime. the humor was nice, the characters were nice. but they could have completely taken out the fact that they traveld worlds, since it was so not really fitting in there. but to be fair, "overlord" or even "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" are the same in this case, if you look at them. they only show like.. idk.. a few minutes how they were transfered into the world? after that, the anime is all about the ingame and fantasy world - thats actually similar to this anime, with the fact that they barely waste time in showing how they were transfered - since all "transfering into a game world" happen through a really strange event, like magic, death or modern technology as in SAO. lol. so i think it is fine what they did in this anime.

fun thing is, everyone suddenly becomes top class movie experts when it comes to animes and movies xD the way people write their reviews sometimes, i think: wtf is wrong with them. as if they were pros in making animes. the same with soccer world cup, lol. everyone thinks they have to comment and know it better but never played a match/made an anime themselves.
i wonder if these people watch the anime, or just 'watch' it to write down tons of critical notes. if the latter, of course one wouldnt enjoy anything.

but then, i can understand some critics. the animation was kept at a minimum. most of the time it was made very simple, as if they wanted to save budget. but honestly, i think it didnt turn out bad.
especially there are people who hate "transformed into a game" animes, but they still watch them and then give bad reviews. thats what i dont get, lol. i mean.. for example I myself dislike most sport or music animes (there are exceptions though), so i just dont watch them since i wouldnt enjoy them. not because they are bad, but because i wouldnt like the topic. so why should i waste time and watch it, just to write a negative review about it, when i wont like the topic in the first place, which has nothing to do with the anime itself.

well i wrote more than intended. what i actually wanted to say is: i can understand if someone has critics towards this anime, but i cant understand how it has nearly a score of 7 (which is pretty good i think), while it has so many bad and negative reviews at the tops. lol. (dont get me wrong, the score can stay like this, i dont want it do drop down any further. but how the hell are so many negative reviews pushed up? they are totally not helpful and not objective enough. most of the reviews at the top rows have so many hate-sentences and totally manipulate your own opnion if you didnt watch the anime first)

basicaly, if you ask me, the LN readers need a review for themselves, and the ones never read the LN or Manga need reviews for themselves. well of course animes can jump over a few chapters,and that could make them bad. but one really should see the difference between people who read the LN/Manga, and who didnt.
That's because this is a 1/10 anime in mine and many others' view, and I say this as an aspiring writer and someone who actually sees some interesting ideas in this show I want to explore myself. Also, you don't seem to understand the purpose behind reviews and seem to say "oh people suddenly think they know what they're talking about when one little mistake occurs and this thing isn't perfect" without realizing that:

A. Any critic/reviewer, professional or otherwise (hi, I'm an amateur on this website full of amateur reviewers among other types of people) understands that they have the benefit of hindsight and knowing what the finished product is like, which is not a luxury the people making the show have. Of course we're likely to know how a product turns out more than the people making it. That's why things like test screenings in movies exist: to see how their product turned out from a perspective other than "this is how it's looking to me while I'm making it". I know many anime have their premieres screened early in a similar manner, but I don't quite think it works the same way. The point still stands that we only see the finished product, not necessarily how things came to be the way they were.

B. Almost everyone who has torn this show to shreds has seen several, several anime, and have reviewed several anime as well. We're kinda gonna notice patterns and some of the kinds of writing techniques employed, as well as whether or not they and other aspects of production work...or at least we should. Obviously, none of us know everything about the industry or even most of the under the scenes type things regarding how anime generally gets made. However, some reviewers such as myself try to at least learn a thing or two about the industry and sometimes look up information that's available on what factors led to an anime turning out the way it did. For instance, this anime was pushed back around a year because the LN author actively despised the original drafts the Kingdom director and the team at White Fox made. As such, it went over to Asread and over to a completely different director while a Spring 2018 release turned into a Summer 2019 release. Needless to say, combined with the fact that the studio doesn't make many (usually 1 at most) anime a year and they still had Lord of Vermillion to work on that year, you can probably guess that the show was rushed, hence the dismal visuals (especially the CGI) and the soundtrack which doesn't fit the scenes they're in nearly as often as they should.

C. The point of a review is to help influence whether someone watches an anime or not with informed perspectives from those who have seen the work in question. We're SUPPOSED to try to dissuade people if we think the show is utterly terrible and we can properly articulate why in a way that makes sense. Sure, sometimes you'll see a fuck awful review that completely misses the point or relies on a few nitpicks and false expectations to say that the show is horrendous (Hi AstralBread, why is your Vinland review 2nd place?) but then you get...well, my review of this show, where I take a holistic approach to the work in question and highlight any ideas I like and where the anime succeeds (yes, I did levy a few compliments at this show, particularly regarding some of its music) and where the anime fails in our eyes. It's just that in this case, there's quite a lot I think this anime has a lot of problems I felt were worth pointing out. You're just saying "we're not being objective enough" because we're dissing a show you seem to like and because you just disagree, not because we're actively making ridiculous or flimsy points that anyone who actually paid any kind of attention can actively dispute and obliterate.

Is it really that wrong for us to analyze and review this anime, even negatively, when we feel we have something to say just because we aren't "professional critics" and because we're reviewing the show negatively? Sure, if you see someone who just hates all isekai anime (hey, I've liked or at least tolerated a few so you can't point the finger at me, plus I actively DEFENDED Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody from people calling it the worst isekai), you might ask why they're doing this in the first place as they're just going out of their way to watch things they hate, but if we just wanted to watch something that looked like it could be a good time for any reason whatsoever, and we got something we hated instead, are we not allowed to write about it?

I'm surprised there were so few reviews at the end of the season from the perspective of those familiar with the original material, even though I did at least bring up how many fans were rather disappointed at the anime's strange ideas regarding what it omitted and altered *cough EPISODE 1 cough*. Still, I think I and at least some others are justified in writing these negative reviews.

Also, Stark700 gave it a 2 and xHellLytherx gave it an admittedly sarcastic 10. G O T T E M

didn't read all but seems good critique but i still enjoyed this 8/10 from me fun entertaining show

RamTrinity98 said:
bad source origin.
emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC.
graphics of a PS1.
overrated (again).
revenge porn.
jazz music on battle (lol).
anal dragon scene

Dumb argument
graphic better then ps1 so ur being just hater
No porn just ecchi humor what is the most funniest
another dumb argument
get over urself
grow a pair snowflake

Hrybami said:
RamTrinity98 said:
bad source origin.
emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC.
graphics of a PS1.
overrated (again).
revenge porn.
jazz music on battle (lol).
anal dragon scene

Like the thing between your legs?

he/she is just whiny snowflake

Sugram22Nov 27, 2019 3:55 AM
Nov 27, 2019 5:20 AM

Oct 2017
[quote=Sugram22 message=58719395]
CodeBlazeFate said:
iCanFlyYouNot said:
once again MAL proved me i should not always read reviews or look at the score (well not that i read the full reviews, since they are, imho, way too long, so long, it feels like its longer than the anime i just watched) . i cant believe how so many extremely bad reviews made it to the tops.. the first 5 top reviews on that anime page give that anime overall rating: 1. lol.

first of all i didnt read the manga or novels, but i really liked this anime. the humor was nice, the characters were nice. but they could have completely taken out the fact that they traveld worlds, since it was so not really fitting in there. but to be fair, "overlord" or even "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" are the same in this case, if you look at them. they only show like.. idk.. a few minutes how they were transfered into the world? after that, the anime is all about the ingame and fantasy world - thats actually similar to this anime, with the fact that they barely waste time in showing how they were transfered - since all "transfering into a game world" happen through a really strange event, like magic, death or modern technology as in SAO. lol. so i think it is fine what they did in this anime.

fun thing is, everyone suddenly becomes top class movie experts when it comes to animes and movies xD the way people write their reviews sometimes, i think: wtf is wrong with them. as if they were pros in making animes. the same with soccer world cup, lol. everyone thinks they have to comment and know it better but never played a match/made an anime themselves.
i wonder if these people watch the anime, or just 'watch' it to write down tons of critical notes. if the latter, of course one wouldnt enjoy anything.

but then, i can understand some critics. the animation was kept at a minimum. most of the time it was made very simple, as if they wanted to save budget. but honestly, i think it didnt turn out bad.
especially there are people who hate "transformed into a game" animes, but they still watch them and then give bad reviews. thats what i dont get, lol. i mean.. for example I myself dislike most sport or music animes (there are exceptions though), so i just dont watch them since i wouldnt enjoy them. not because they are bad, but because i wouldnt like the topic. so why should i waste time and watch it, just to write a negative review about it, when i wont like the topic in the first place, which has nothing to do with the anime itself.

well i wrote more than intended. what i actually wanted to say is: i can understand if someone has critics towards this anime, but i cant understand how it has nearly a score of 7 (which is pretty good i think), while it has so many bad and negative reviews at the tops. lol. (dont get me wrong, the score can stay like this, i dont want it do drop down any further. but how the hell are so many negative reviews pushed up? they are totally not helpful and not objective enough. most of the reviews at the top rows have so many hate-sentences and totally manipulate your own opnion if you didnt watch the anime first)

basicaly, if you ask me, the LN readers need a review for themselves, and the ones never read the LN or Manga need reviews for themselves. well of course animes can jump over a few chapters,and that could make them bad. but one really should see the difference between people who read the LN/Manga, and who didnt.
That's because this is a 1/10 anime in mine and many others' view, and I say this as an aspiring writer and someone who actually sees some interesting ideas in this show I want to explore myself. Also, you don't seem to understand the purpose behind reviews and seem to say "oh people suddenly think they know what they're talking about when one little mistake occurs and this thing isn't perfect" without realizing that:

A. Any critic/reviewer, professional or otherwise (hi, I'm an amateur on this website full of amateur reviewers among other types of people) understands that they have the benefit of hindsight and knowing what the finished product is like, which is not a luxury the people making the show have. Of course we're likely to know how a product turns out more than the people making it. That's why things like test screenings in movies exist: to see how their product turned out from a perspective other than "this is how it's looking to me while I'm making it". I know many anime have their premieres screened early in a similar manner, but I don't quite think it works the same way. The point still stands that we only see the finished product, not necessarily how things came to be the way they were.

B. Almost everyone who has torn this show to shreds has seen several, several anime, and have reviewed several anime as well. We're kinda gonna notice patterns and some of the kinds of writing techniques employed, as well as whether or not they and other aspects of production work...or at least we should. Obviously, none of us know everything about the industry or even most of the under the scenes type things regarding how anime generally gets made. However, some reviewers such as myself try to at least learn a thing or two about the industry and sometimes look up information that's available on what factors led to an anime turning out the way it did. For instance, this anime was pushed back around a year because the LN author actively despised the original drafts the Kingdom director and the team at White Fox made. As such, it went over to Asread and over to a completely different director while a Spring 2018 release turned into a Summer 2019 release. Needless to say, combined with the fact that the studio doesn't make many (usually 1 at most) anime a year and they still had Lord of Vermillion to work on that year, you can probably guess that the show was rushed, hence the dismal visuals (especially the CGI) and the soundtrack which doesn't fit the scenes they're in nearly as often as they should.

C. The point of a review is to help influence whether someone watches an anime or not with informed perspectives from those who have seen the work in question. We're SUPPOSED to try to dissuade people if we think the show is utterly terrible and we can properly articulate why in a way that makes sense. Sure, sometimes you'll see a fuck awful review that completely misses the point or relies on a few nitpicks and false expectations to say that the show is horrendous (Hi AstralBread, why is your Vinland review 2nd place?) but then you get...well, my review of this show, where I take a holistic approach to the work in question and highlight any ideas I like and where the anime succeeds (yes, I did levy a few compliments at this show, particularly regarding some of its music) and where the anime fails in our eyes. It's just that in this case, there's quite a lot I think this anime has a lot of problems I felt were worth pointing out. You're just saying "we're not being objective enough" because we're dissing a show you seem to like and because you just disagree, not because we're actively making ridiculous or flimsy points that anyone who actually paid any kind of attention can actively dispute and obliterate.

Is it really that wrong for us to analyze and review this anime, even negatively, when we feel we have something to say just because we aren't "professional critics" and because we're reviewing the show negatively? Sure, if you see someone who just hates all isekai anime (hey, I've liked or at least tolerated a few so you can't point the finger at me, plus I actively DEFENDED Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody from people calling it the worst isekai), you might ask why they're doing this in the first place as they're just going out of their way to watch things they hate, but if we just wanted to watch something that looked like it could be a good time for any reason whatsoever, and we got something we hated instead, are we not allowed to write about it?

I'm surprised there were so few reviews at the end of the season from the perspective of those familiar with the original material, even though I did at least bring up how many fans were rather disappointed at the anime's strange ideas regarding what it omitted and altered *cough EPISODE 1 cough*. Still, I think I and at least some others are justified in writing these negative reviews.

Also, Stark700 gave it a 2 and xHellLytherx gave it an admittedly sarcastic 10. G O T T E M

didn't read all but seems good critique but i still enjoyed this 8/10 from me fun entertaining show

RamTrinity98 said:
bad source origin.
emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC.
graphics of a PS1.
overrated (again).
revenge porn.
jazz music on battle (lol).
anal dragon scene

Dumb argument
graphic better then ps1 so ur being just hater
No porn just ecchi humor what is the most funniest
another dumb argument
get over urself
grow a pair snowflake

Hrybami said:
RamTrinity98 said:
bad source origin.
emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC.
graphics of a PS1.
overrated (again).
revenge porn.
jazz music on battle (lol).
anal dragon scene

Like the thing between your legs?

"ECCHI HUMOR" HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Oh well... Nothing to discuss bye FANBOY of this OVERRATED generic isekai
Dec 9, 2019 8:22 AM

Feb 2019
Actually i love this anime
Dec 13, 2019 6:11 AM
Oct 2018
Jack931 said:
I honestly think if you don't like it then read the damn manga i love this anime.
it does have bad visuals sometimes and for once the MC is not a dumbass and thinks.
overall i would give it a 8 but people tell me besides all your hate because its EXACTLY not like the manga what else is wrong? is it bad that the anime skips over chapters i mean i read it and it was boring to be honest.

Do you seriously think someone is gonna waste their time on manga when they hate the anime?
Dec 13, 2019 6:48 AM
Oct 2012
Personally, I didn't like it. This was because I felt the pacing was off and the protagonist felt like a Naofumi wannabe. I didn't care about any of the characters and there were so many of them (classmates and all) I wasn't even sure who was who.

The visuals didn't help tbh.
Dec 18, 2019 10:07 PM
Sep 2018
Nik03178 said:
Jack931 said:
I honestly think if you don't like it then read the damn manga i love this anime.
it does have bad visuals sometimes and for once the MC is not a dumbass and thinks.
overall i would give it a 8 but people tell me besides all your hate because its EXACTLY not like the manga what else is wrong? is it bad that the anime skips over chapters i mean i read it and it was boring to be honest.

Do you seriously think someone is gonna waste their time on manga when they hate the anime?

Well I mean everyone thinks that the light novel is great and so is the manga and they think that the anime sucks so yeah I do and if not that, why are you wasting your time in here? Just move on instead of hating on it because it didnt follow the exact pages of the book.
Dec 22, 2019 1:26 PM

Jan 2015
Why do people hate Arifureta? I think I'm late to the party but
You asked why people hate a typical isekai trash that has the most generic plot line ever, revenge is just a plot device to move the story forward like rape is in sao, characters have nothing of a personality but are there just to fulfill the basic archetypes, with a protagonist that is the greatest edgelord the world has ever seen, without sufficient world-building, his character all over the place (for one second he's IMMA GET MY REVENGE SO I GOTTA EAT THIS SHIT MEAT to the next Imma fuck this loli vampire cause she cute), the pacing is so off the charts, even light has trouble catching its drift, and with arcs that are so generic, future moms will make their children watch this to sleep instead of singing lullaby. SO ya there you go.
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
Dec 22, 2019 3:57 PM
Sep 2018
StellarIceberg said:
Why do people hate Arifureta? I think I'm late to the party but
You asked why people hate a typical isekai trash that has the most generic plot line ever, revenge is just a plot device to move the story forward like rape is in sao, characters have nothing of a personality but are there just to fulfill the basic archetypes, with a protagonist that is the greatest edgelord the world has ever seen, without sufficient world-building, his character all over the place (for one second he's IMMA GET MY REVENGE SO I GOTTA EAT THIS SHIT MEAT to the next Imma fuck this loli vampire cause she cute), the pacing is so off the charts, even light has trouble catching its drift, and with arcs that are so generic, future moms will make their children watch this to sleep instead of singing lullaby. SO ya there you go.

Just because its genetic and its "isekai trash" don't mean it's bad, most people hate this anime because the LN is better but just to shit on it because the audience is not you? I mean come on man some people like this like how people like super hero movies, they are stupid but fun to watch and all of them are almost the same.
Dec 22, 2019 3:57 PM
Sep 2018
StellarIceberg said:
Why do people hate Arifureta? I think I'm late to the party but
You asked why people hate a typical isekai trash that has the most generic plot line ever, revenge is just a plot device to move the story forward like rape is in sao, characters have nothing of a personality but are there just to fulfill the basic archetypes, with a protagonist that is the greatest edgelord the world has ever seen, without sufficient world-building, his character all over the place (for one second he's IMMA GET MY REVENGE SO I GOTTA EAT THIS SHIT MEAT to the next Imma fuck this loli vampire cause she cute), the pacing is so off the charts, even light has trouble catching its drift, and with arcs that are so generic, future moms will make their children watch this to sleep instead of singing lullaby. SO ya there you go.

Just because its genetic and its "isekai trash" don't mean it's bad, most people hate this anime because the LN is better but just to shit on it because the audience is not you? I mean come on man some people like this like how people like super hero movies, they are stupid but fun to watch and all of them are almost the same.
Dec 22, 2019 4:02 PM

Apr 2019
Because the adaptation sucks. Period.
Dec 22, 2019 4:06 PM
Sep 2018
Agent_Redacted said:
Because the adaptation sucks. Period.

That logic sucks. Period.
Dec 22, 2019 4:30 PM

Apr 2019
Jack931 said:
Agent_Redacted said:
Because the adaptation sucks. Period.

That logic sucks. Period.

Sorry to trigger you with such an absurd logic, Mister. I will add one more thing into my statement in hope that you won't overheat your brain. ;)

Isekai is trash. Yes. No. You're probably triggered just by seeing the word "trash" right now but don't take it too personally. I'm referring to stuffs like McDonald's. You see, in my opinion, I think that McDonald's sucks balls because everything there tastes like crap plus they're unhealthy. However, that doesn't mean that I will not eat McDonald's for the rest of my life. I do eat them sometimes, once per months or so. Most of the time from my mother and sometimes from my friend's birthday party. Believe it or not, but McDonald's does actually taste pretty fine sometimes.

I won't make this long so I'll just explain to you what I'm trying to say right now. I think of Isekai like McDonald's. It fucking sucks, but it's consumable. So, you could say that I think that Arifureta is a shit burger whilst something like Cautious Hero is actually not that bad. And if there's ever anything good about Arifureta then that would be the burger McDonald's made for me a few years back ( The LN ).

To summarize everything I've said above: I "dislike" isekai and I hate the adaptation of Arifureta. With just two of these. It is already enough for me to give the anime itself 3/10.
Dec 22, 2019 4:40 PM
Sep 2018
Agent_Redacted said:
Jack931 said:

That logic sucks. Period.

Sorry to trigger you with such an absurd logic, Mister. I will add one more thing into my statement in hope that you won't overheat your brain. ;)

Isekai is trash. Yes. No. You're probably triggered just by seeing the word "trash" right now but don't take it too personally. I'm referring to stuffs like McDonald's. You see, in my opinion, I think that McDonald's sucks balls because everything there tastes like crap plus they're unhealthy. However, that doesn't mean that I will not eat McDonald's for the rest of my life. I do eat them sometimes, once per months or so. Most of the time from my mother and sometimes from my friend's birthday party. Believe it or not, but McDonald's does actually taste pretty fine sometimes.

I won't make this long so I'll just explain to you what I'm trying to say right now. I think of Isekai like McDonald's. It fucking sucks, but it's consumable. So, you could say that I think that Arifureta is a shit burger whilst something like Cautious Hero is actually not that bad. And if there's ever anything good about Arifureta then that would be the burger McDonald's made for me a few years back ( The LN ).

To summarize everything I've said above: I "dislike" isekai and I hate the adaptation of Arifureta. With just two of these. It is already enough for me to give the anime itself 3/10.

man are you sure your not triggered? you just made a whole rant attacking me.
Dec 22, 2019 4:48 PM

Nov 2008
MAL hates everything. Lol

But this is getting so much hate, I'm morbidly curious at this point to see just how "bad" it is...

@Sugram22 There's no point in arguing with SJWs/ Fandom Police like WrngHoleOniiChan. They are delusional brick walls who have decided everything with a youthful look is "child porn" and everyone who likes them in any way for any reason should be condemned and burned at the stake. This behavior normally results from being CSA survivors or someone who knows someone who knows someone who is. But since taking action against actually harmful people IRL requires more effort than bitching about drawings on the internet, they'd rather just bitch about drawings on the internet and cyber-bully anyone who disagrees so they can feel better about themselves. "PROTECT THE FICTIONAL CHILDREN REEEEEEEEE!!!"

It's pathetic. Also very hilariously hypocritical of WrngHoleOniiChan whose username indicates they're into big brother-little sister incest. I've never seen someone complain about "pedo" stuff and then turn around and say "incest is good". Lmao.
ChiibiDec 22, 2019 5:03 PM

Dec 22, 2019 5:40 PM

Apr 2019
Jack931 said:
Agent_Redacted said:

Sorry to trigger you with such an absurd logic, Mister. I will add one more thing into my statement in hope that you won't overheat your brain. ;)

Isekai is trash. Yes. No. You're probably triggered just by seeing the word "trash" right now but don't take it too personally. I'm referring to stuffs like McDonald's. You see, in my opinion, I think that McDonald's sucks balls because everything there tastes like crap plus they're unhealthy. However, that doesn't mean that I will not eat McDonald's for the rest of my life. I do eat them sometimes, once per months or so. Most of the time from my mother and sometimes from my friend's birthday party. Believe it or not, but McDonald's does actually taste pretty fine sometimes.

I won't make this long so I'll just explain to you what I'm trying to say right now. I think of Isekai like McDonald's. It fucking sucks, but it's consumable. So, you could say that I think that Arifureta is a shit burger whilst something like Cautious Hero is actually not that bad. And if there's ever anything good about Arifureta then that would be the burger McDonald's made for me a few years back ( The LN ).

To summarize everything I've said above: I "dislike" isekai and I hate the adaptation of Arifureta. With just two of these. It is already enough for me to give the anime itself 3/10.

man are you sure your not triggered? you just made a whole rant attacking me.

No, no. I just love explaining things regarding isekai and comparing it to something like McDonald's. It's just perfect. Sorry if you misunderstood that as an "attack". And no, I'm not triggered.
Dec 23, 2019 12:28 AM

Sep 2012
Chiibi said:
MAL hates everything. Lol

But this is getting so much hate, I'm morbidly curious at this point to see just how "bad" it is...

@Sugram22 There's no point in arguing with SJWs/ Fandom Police like WrngHoleOniiChan. They are delusional brick walls who have decided everything with a youthful look is "child porn" and everyone who likes them in any way for any reason should be condemned and burned at the stake. This behavior normally results from being CSA survivors or someone who knows someone who knows someone who is. But since taking action against actually harmful people IRL requires more effort than bitching about drawings on the internet, they'd rather just bitch about drawings on the internet and cyber-bully anyone who disagrees so they can feel better about themselves. "PROTECT THE FICTIONAL CHILDREN REEEEEEEEE!!!"

It's pathetic. Also very hilariously hypocritical of WrngHoleOniiChan whose username indicates they're into big brother-little sister incest. I've never seen someone complain about "pedo" stuff and then turn around and say "incest is good". Lmao.

so @WrngHoleOniiChan is SJW nutjobs? didn't know, ye ur right its pointless to arguge with nutjobs sins cause of delusions they cant see and never accept truth and facts and male fake feminists are the worst (sjw are fake feminist i have seen real feminist spoke up against this crazies), virtue signaling just to get laid cause they are pathetic loosers who can't get laid any other way but news flash this fake feminist still won't give it to him :D

how about

are they normal or sjw nutjobs as well?
Sugram22Dec 23, 2019 12:39 AM
Dec 23, 2019 1:21 AM

Jan 2015
iCanFlyYouNot said:
ScienceFiction97 said:
Besides the terrible CG fights, boring progression, easy leveling, pedophilia, skipping the entire transportation part of an isekai, extremely edgy shallow characters, and a character design of a 13 year old?

yue is over 300 years old. there is no pedophilia. according to your logic, if one would marry a woman in real life, who is more slender, smaller in body size and a bit flat, but who is already like.. lets say 28years old, then that man would be considered a pedo? lol

Dude do some research before commenting on a topic. Yue is 300 years of age. But is she the only person in IFORGOTHISNAMECAUSEHETRASH's want the D squad?
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
Dec 23, 2019 1:30 AM

Jan 2015
Jack931 said:
StellarIceberg said:
Why do people hate Arifureta? I think I'm late to the party but
You asked why people hate a typical isekai trash that has the most generic plot line ever, revenge is just a plot device to move the story forward like rape is in sao, characters have nothing of a personality but are there just to fulfill the basic archetypes, with a protagonist that is the greatest edgelord the world has ever seen, without sufficient world-building, his character all over the place (for one second he's IMMA GET MY REVENGE SO I GOTTA EAT THIS SHIT MEAT to the next Imma fuck this loli vampire cause she cute), the pacing is so off the charts, even light has trouble catching its drift, and with arcs that are so generic, future moms will make their children watch this to sleep instead of singing lullaby. SO ya there you go.

Just because its genetic and its "isekai trash" don't mean it's bad, most people hate this anime because the LN is better but just to shit on it because the audience is not you? I mean come on man some people like this like how people like super hero movies, they are stupid but fun to watch and all of them are almost the same.

I never mentioned being bad cause its generic and isekai trash. I mentioned how it took generic tropes and made it look bad. The writing is bad, the animation is bad, the fight scenes look like FGO shit on them, the characters look like they were imported from the cast of The Master of Ragnafock and Blesser of Trash. No personality, no meaningful interaction. "Hey there girl, I'm Hajime so won't you come suck my dick?" This basically sums up the entire storyline of Arifuckreta. And the fact that the show doesn't even try to hide it, that's what makes it funny. Like seriously how out of ideas do you have to be for one of the maincast to have a M' for a personality. Even trashes like Highschool DxD are better than this shitshow of a series that's called Arifureta.
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
Dec 23, 2019 8:11 PM

May 2018
@Sugram22 I also didn't know 'bout that, but hey, it is never too late to learn. You're right, there's no point in even trying to argue with some1 like me. I will "win" this "conversation" no matter what cuz I say so. So, instead of even trying to prove me wrong, it's better to call me a pathetic loser. Lowest of the low.

Also your previous response to my comment is kinda funny. On the one hand, you develop my thoughts without literally contributing anything to the discussion, stating later that I was partly wrong, and then you say that I just want to hate. What?>

"also what face she has? a child's? hell no!!! she has a face of a teen that proves u wrong"

for sure

"as well and yue looks like 12 at best i mean not younger"

Do you see any connections? Didn't feel like responding to your previous comment cuz I thought that you were high, but fine.

Of course, trying to explain to people who are not fit to live in society what they're doing wrong is definitely baaad. "you just want to hate" hell yeah, I do. I really don't dream of anything else. I have nothing better to do with my time than trolling and hating on MAL's forum

+1. All we're doing here is complaining about everything. I was hoping you'd make a few sensible points tho.

Imagine chastising someone by over-interpreting the premise of their comment and then doing it yourself a few lines below. I'm curious to know how your logic works, or rather the lack thereof. "pathetic". It is, indeed

You could also @ me so that we could discuss about your problems, although it probably wouldn't make any sense if we took your last lines of brainless "argumentation" seriously. I really don't dream of anything but fucking my little sister. But hey, it's christmas time, so I'm not going to explain to you why does chimps have 24 pairs of chromosomes

Following your handicapped argumentation (xd), if I'd set myself username "adolf gasman", it would prolly indicate that I support uncle Adolf's actions, even if I try to deny that in comments section. It can't be otherwise. Or even more interestingly, I for sure have a concentration camp in my backyard and I'm gassing Jews, am I right? Exaggeration, huh?
Dec 24, 2019 10:02 AM

Nov 2008
WrngHoleOniiChan said:

Imagine chastising someone by over-interpreting the premise of their comment and then doing it yourself a few lines below.

I never "chastised" you. Did I say it was "wrong" to like fictional incest? No, I didn't because it's not. But I find it weird you'd deliver a speech on why lolicon "is bad" when you have a username that implies you like incest.

People like you CLAIM that 'anime sexualizing children is a problem' but nobody's ever been able to provide proof that it is, let alone a legitimate reason besides "it's uncomfortable". And while I agree it can feel uncomfortable, as long as REAL children are not harmed, I fail to see why it's "a problem" and why people who consume it only in 2D form are "unfit for society".

That's just a stupid thing to say. I hate seeing people demonized for having hobbies that are harmless, the same way I hate seeing artists being censored because some people are just "oh too sensitive' to grow a pair and accept that art doesn't have to conform to their 'safe spaces', nor should it.

ChiibiDec 24, 2019 10:32 AM

Dec 24, 2019 2:43 PM

Sep 2012
WrngHoleOniiChan said:
@Sugram22 I also didn't know 'bout that, but hey, it is never too late to learn. You're right, there's no point in even trying to argue with some1 like me. I will "win" this "conversation" no matter what cuz I say so. So, instead of even trying to prove me wrong, it's better to call me a pathetic loser. Lowest of the low.

Also your previous response to my comment is kinda funny. On the one hand, you develop my thoughts without literally contributing anything to the discussion, stating later that I was partly wrong, and then you say that I just want to hate. What?>

"also what face she has? a child's? hell no!!! she has a face of a teen that proves u wrong"

for sure

"as well and yue looks like 12 at best i mean not younger"

Do you see any connections? Didn't feel like responding to your previous comment cuz I thought that you were high, but fine.

Of course, trying to explain to people who are not fit to live in society what they're doing wrong is definitely baaad. "you just want to hate" hell yeah, I do. I really don't dream of anything else. I have nothing better to do with my time than trolling and hating on MAL's forum

+1. All we're doing here is complaining about everything. I was hoping you'd make a few sensible points tho.

Imagine chastising someone by over-interpreting the premise of their comment and then doing it yourself a few lines below. I'm curious to know how your logic works, or rather the lack thereof. "pathetic". It is, indeed

You could also @ me so that we could discuss about your problems, although it probably wouldn't make any sense if we took your last lines of brainless "argumentation" seriously. I really don't dream of anything but fucking my little sister. But hey, it's christmas time, so I'm not going to explain to you why does chimps have 24 pairs of chromosomes

Following your handicapped argumentation (xd), if I'd set myself username "adolf gasman", it would prolly indicate that I support uncle Adolf's actions, even if I try to deny that in comments section. It can't be otherwise. Or even more interestingly, I for sure have a concentration camp in my backyard and I'm gassing Jews, am I right? Exaggeration, huh?

i didn't call u pathetic...

i asked him so hes a sjw nutjob? and that its pointless to argue with this type of nutjobs... (that is if ur 1of them not that u are)

what connection? i meant her body and also guy is young as well, some ppl take fiction way 2seriously
Dec 26, 2019 8:10 AM

Mar 2010
Just finished watching it. It was enjoyable. Not great that's for sure but the hate is unnecessary. Also if you hate an anime, watch all its episodes, write a book long review and flood the forums with comments of how much you hate it then, I really pity you lol.
Jan 5, 2020 12:23 PM
Mar 2019
I don't know, it's really not bad. The delusional people reviewing it actually rating it a 1 need to watch an actual terrible anime before being allowed to give out rating numbers again.

By no means am I saying should you rate this anime a 10, but if you think this belongs among the talks of the worst anime of all time which is what scoring a 1 indicates, you have never seen bad anime.
Jan 8, 2020 4:46 PM

Dec 2018
ummmmm, as quoted from the mc "you sexy bloodsucking space cadet". This anime is pretty terrible but it is not the worst thing. I guess people overhate on it but there's nothing i can say in defense of this anime, its pretty boring and bad. and 6.53 is a decnt score for this, defnitely thought it woudl be a lot lower
Jan 9, 2020 5:07 AM

Oct 2018
Even if it's a terrible anime or whatever people like to pretend like it's sheer torture to watch it. "Like watching burning garbage".
They just watched some piece of crappy entertainment they hated, and by creating drama they get more people to read their reviews...

Not my first day on the internet, but come on.. I'm tired of this cliche.
Apr 23, 2020 4:21 PM

Aug 2017
Story was dumb and didn't care about the characters.
Apr 30, 2020 7:38 AM
Dec 2015
RamTrinity98 said:
bad animation,bad source origin and overrated,emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC,CGI from graphics of a PS1,generic loli vampire and overrated (again),generic story of revenge porn,horrible adaptation,jazz music on battle (lol),anal dragon scene, more answers?
RamTrinity98 said:
bad animation,bad source origin and overrated,emo edgelord kirito-kaneki MC,CGI from graphics of a PS1,generic loli vampire and overrated (again),generic story of revenge porn,horrible adaptation,jazz music on battle (lol),anal dragon scene, more answers?
true😂 the main character is the most edgy character I ever saw , The cringiest thing was when he was talking to monsters like “ yeah , did you ever got punched in the stomach” like wtf
Apr 30, 2020 7:54 AM

May 2018
Because its another mediocre isekai anime with mediocre characters and mediocre animation, done by another mediocre studio. Fuck... calling it mediocre is too lenient, its not even average, its just plain bad
May 4, 2020 6:24 PM

Nov 2008
I tried the first two episodes. Let's just say I've seen worse xD

Not a good show, writing-wise...or even animation-wise...but I could see this turning into a guilty pleasure.

And yeah, I WILL ship Hajime with his loli; y'all got a problem with that; you can f*ck right off. :)

May 26, 2020 2:09 PM

Jun 2014
I think it was pretty good. I don't really agree with some of the bad points said in this thread.

Him being too edgy? That is a character flaw just like most characters and he is still 17 so I expect him to mature and have some character development. I have dropped other shows when characters flaws were too much for me so I can understand that some find it bad and drop the show.

It failed to adapt the novel properly? I think I perfectly understood everything(I'll have to read the novel to know for sure) but if the LN were supposed to start as light-hearted and then turn dark then I can understand some of that criticism.

Him being overpowered too early? I think that is just necessary for the enemies he will have to face soon enough(gods/demons) and it was explained how he got those powers.

Bad cgi? I kinda got used to it and didn't bother me at all after the dragon fight. I know why they resort to cgi for those things.

Only thing I don't like is the fanservice. I usually never do for shows unless it serves a purpose for the plot but I can ignore it.
May 30, 2020 7:36 AM

Jul 2014
Anime watcher only here..
The reason i hate it because it's bland and generic, the characters are boring (I don't like the mc because he is so edgy, i adore op mc sometimes but with better personality which i don't see it at all with this mc), the animation (Especially the cgi part) is really horrendous, have a lot fanservice and bland jokes that almost destroying my limit, and the story isn't that engaging either.
The only plus point i can give is for the music only, also the opening and ending are pretty nice i guess..
Jun 3, 2020 11:25 AM

Apr 2011
The BD came out recently, anyone saw them? Any changes to visual?
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