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Dec 29, 2019 2:09 PM

Jan 2016
Konpurekkusu said:
BNHA has the budget for good animation, and the writing was good, so why does the animation have to be a slideshow? D:

Just one word : Movie
Dec 29, 2019 3:50 PM

Oct 2013
Lots of hype...for this slideshow?

I'm beyond disappointed. BNH needs sakuga in the big moments.
Dec 29, 2019 4:12 PM

May 2018
that shit hurted :(

I loved Toga and Twice at the start. I never really appreciated Twice, I mean I liked him, hes a more kind, funny light-hearted villain especially compared to the others. But I never really had Twice at the centre of my mind, this episode I really liked him, last episode as well... He really goes well with Togal (not in a shipping way but they bounce off each other and balance each other really well). Speaking of Toga I cant wait to cosplay her, I'm cosplaying as her for MCM Comic Con London in May and I'm so hyped, her character design is amazing so I hope I pull it off.

But hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng lets talk about the real beef chunk of this episode. God, I sometimes think to myself that Mirio did deserve One for All a bit more than Deku, I love Deku but Mirio just felt so much more heroic just in one episode compared to Deku the in whole fucking anime. He fought for Eri so hard and didn't give up, he sacrificed his quirk for her and still kept on fighting with a smile when all the odds were against him. He sacrificed his childhood dream of being a hero and all of his gruelling training to control his difficult quirk, all for one girl he barely even knew. He is probably (other than All Might) the most courageous and selfless character in My Hero Academia so far, the most heroic character.

The fight was tense... but people are complaining about the "slideshow" part. I agree it would of been better, more impactful if it was followed by an actual animated fight. It felt like it was preparing itself for sakuga animation. But I dont think it was that big a deal. I dont see the fight to be this episodes main point. It is Mirios character and how he is truly the most heroic of them all. The most important part of this episode was Mirios sacrifice, not his fighting.
SeijatachiiiiDec 29, 2019 5:45 PM
Dec 29, 2019 4:16 PM

Apr 2013
Eri is a hoppu or is it just me?
Dec 29, 2019 5:04 PM
Oct 2019
Mirio is the man but they nerf him. Overhaul is weak asf. The villain is not threatening enough. I hope this villain do not one shot by Deku. 2/5
Dec 29, 2019 5:17 PM
Mar 2019
No questions asked. That was handsdown the best fight of the season, I dare even say better than the Stain fight.
Also; how great is the chemistry between Twice and Toga? The scene where they revealed their quirks to the Hassai group was absolutely brilliant in easing the stiffness of the scene by mixing in some great comedic beats.
Lemillion is a great hero, losing his quirk made this fight all the more epic and will surely impact Deku's path to becoming the world's greatest hero. I'm sure we will be asking "what could have been" in a couple seasons
Dec 29, 2019 5:40 PM
May 2019
This episode was pretty cool, I liked it a lot. But lets be real it kinda sucks when a character like Mirio gets so hyped up since the end of Season 3, and then when he finally gets to shine he gets put into the ground, at least All Might had like... what? 2 fights before he got dumped? Oh well.
Dec 29, 2019 6:22 PM
Mar 2015
Poor Tin Tin Nothing good about Chisaki
Dec 29, 2019 6:53 PM
Dec 2019
Mirio :') he really kept his word. Amazing homie.
Dec 29, 2019 7:09 PM

Sep 2013
Okay, so here's my thoughts on the episode.

- I think that the visuals could have been better, just like some people have said, there were a lot of still frames (not talking about the ending), and I feel like they could've done much more to improve the fight overall visually.

With that being said, as an anime-only fan, the episode personally, was really good. I thought Mirio and Overhaul's voice acting were top-notch, and the music made the moment that much more emotional. Mirio is definitely my 2nd favorite character in the series after this episode, he was an absolute beast and a true hero.

Also, I could see why people were upset with the slideshow at the end, but after checking the manga I saw that the scene was actually anime original, they replaced blank text boxes with the slide show to give some insight on how the five minutes Mirio survived without his quirk. I personally wasn't even bothered by it the first time watching, since the episode was coming to an end, I thought that the transition played in sync with the music in the background, making it that much more intense. I think it was important to end the episode with that last shot of Mirio protecting Eri, making it that much more impactful.

With that being said, of course myself and everyone else included would've liked to see Mirio fight. But, I have a feeling that this was done because of the movie they were producing during the same time they were making this season, as well as having to use more budget on the upcoming fight. Based off the previews, and how I think the fight will go, there would be a lot of animation required for the movements of Overhaul's spikes as well as Deku's full cowl.

To me, while the visuals could have been better, it didn't undermine the impact of the episode to me at all, I still felt the emotional aspect and severity of the episode. I've thoroughly enjoyed the last few episodes and hope that the climax in the next two episodes continue to be great.
Dec 29, 2019 7:12 PM

Sep 2013
AwesomeAlfie27 said:
I am going to say something weird

The "Animation" part is just a part of an "animated" show, not the most important one. If people only care about animation then there is no reason for this medium to exist, or to create interesting story/characters who actually *Blend* with the animation style
Gintama doesn't have crazy animation, and it doesn't need it(Crazy Sakuga would ruin it)
Am i trying to be defensive? No, i don't even think i am a huge fan of MHA, i am just tired of people whining about animation, from OPM S2 (negatively) to Demon Slayer(positively)

Were S2 and S3 animated better? Yes
Do i care? No

What about the episode?
Like always, i watch MHA for the writing, world building and storytelling
And, like always, i liked all of it, Mirio is a great character and some consequences will be felt
Animation wise? I thought it was good, especially the slideshow part, a quirkless guy shouldn't fight with cfazy flips or incredible action, he is just a normal dude, the most important part was the meaning behind it

I really liked your points here, I agree as well. I liked the video regardless of the "subpar" animation, which to me was either normal for MHA. I think that for this particular episode, it was less about Mirio's fight with Overhaul but more focused on the dramatic part of the fight. We all know that MHA doesn't have the best choreography when it comes to fights, where animation is required to portray successfully, nonetheless this was still one of my favorite MHA episodes.
Dec 29, 2019 8:08 PM

Aug 2018
TheOmnivert said:
wtf, that great fight was shown in a slideshow manner
how great would it have been, how powerful it have been if the studio decided to bring the old director back and animate that precious fight
i am angry but the emotions were super high in this one
3/5 for not giving us proper animation

I am pretty sure the director for the series didn't change. Seems like he focused more on the movie than the tv series. I wish they would assign different animators for the movie. Then again, they get two pay cheques for it. These slaves... i mean animators need the pay.
Dec 29, 2019 8:14 PM

Aug 2018
Kami_sama_ said:
To any manga readers who may say that they butchered the fight, look at the chapter and you will see that Horkikoshi didn't attach any panels to the fight after he lost his quirk. He simply narrated it instead with a couple of text boxes. Bones added a lot to the end of the fight to add more emotion, slideshow or not.

Also there was no need to put endless sakuga in a fight that emphasizes on pure emotion, look at All for One vs All Might. There was practically no sakuga in that fight.

All in all, it was a good adaptation and it made me tear up. Lemillion saved one person, lets hope if he gets his quirk back that Lemillion can save 999, 999 more. 5/5

i agree. My only complaint was the subtraction of narration through this fight and the mimic guy losing control. I guess the direction was relying on the audience to interpret the scene without being told which is good directing. However, shonen fans aren't the best when it comes to subtlety. then again, the narration would have given more detail into things the audience could not possibly have known, like mirio fighting for 5 mins quirkless.
Dec 29, 2019 8:23 PM

Aug 2018
virg0 said:
Kami_sama_ said:
look at All for One vs All Might. There was practically no sakuga in that fight.

the best and most emotional moment in the fight (united states) was sakuga, and even so, i dont think that with good animation the fights would be better in this season. they just feel emotionless when compared to the previous seasons

please explain why the mha fights were not emotional this season.

i agree mob psycho s2 was gorgeous but the writing was terrible. It had literal friendship power up, villains turning good instantly, irrelevant character growth for reigen, forced emotions from episode 1, etc. MHA does have instances of garbo writing but is superior given that mob and one punch man are incredibly simple, episode series. they have less to juggle than mha. ONE is not a good writer.
Dec 29, 2019 8:31 PM

Aug 2018
Hatsuyuki said:
yellowheartren said:
I really hate it when there's so much emphasis on someone, build-up to get to know them, to create their character, everything, only for them to - end up being "disposable", basically. "Use" once, and that's all, they're gone. And I legit don't know whether this is the better case or the worse, being "only" his quirk, and not his life. x_x

Isn't that the case for most BNHA characters tho ? The author loves introducing a huge cast of characters every arc just to never use them again after said arc ends.

That just isn't true. Especially given the series still is running. Especially since the reintroduction and use of characters in the manga because it is still running. What you said could be said about half of hxh characters but would be false for the same reasons.
Dec 29, 2019 8:36 PM

Aug 2018
shane_nichols said:
Gj Bones. Ya ruined the best moment in this shitty arc. Quirkless Mirio. This could've been Deku. I would be had much more interest in this show than him just INHERITING the strongest power. Oh well. Guess the wanna save the Sakuga for the gay boy.

Elaborate why the arc is shit. Please give objective criticism for those are what can change or enlighten minds. If your complaints are of pacing, i agree it is irregular. Any other issues?
Dec 29, 2019 8:45 PM
Jul 2017
The real greatest hero.
So fucking sad they had to do it like this. His moment least less than the manga but still showed his POWEER!
Dec 29, 2019 8:58 PM

Mar 2013
dem' goosebumps in the battle between Mirio and Chisaki...
The Episode is really Epic (except maybe the animation is kinda a bit worse than usual I guess). Mirio is such a good character. When Nighteye said He deserves One for All, now I know why. Respect...
Dec 29, 2019 9:52 PM

Apr 2016
A lot of people complaining about the still frames at the end of the episode. I didn't mind it. The Japanese animation industry is stretched thin and overworked. They can only assign so many people so much time to work on those sakuga moments. I'm assuming that they decided to have their best animators work on the next fight.

nanimeanswhat said:
I know I'm supposed to feel emotional but every episode feels the same this season. Some inspirational internal dialogue about the meaning of being a hero (feat. some flashbacks) and yelling about being a hero while fighting with the enemy and repeat.

Same. Also throw in the heavy reuse of the iconic music that played during the All Might vs All For One episode from last season. The music was incredible and was only used that one time, but it begins to lose its impact now that we have been hearing it every episode.

I'm enjoying the story but the arc is dragging its feet. The raid has been going on for five episodes in a row. Five battle episodes in a row. It's starting to remind me of how a Naruto or One Piece battle arc would go on for over a dozen episodes when really the whole battle arc could be told in one or two episodes at most. Really feels like the last five episodes could have been condensed into two or three at most.
Dec 29, 2019 9:55 PM
Feb 2017
Valyrian1124 said:
A lot of people complaining about the still frames at the end of the episode. I didn't mind it. The Japanese animation industry is stretched thin and overworked. They can only assign so many people so much time to work on those sakuga moments. I'm assuming that they decided to have their best animators work on the next fight.

The reason why they are lacking manpower is due to them simultaneously working on season 4 and a movie.
Dec 29, 2019 10:03 PM

Dec 2015
"You mean her."
"Please don't make that mistake again."
Who the hell cares, he's dead.

Amazing episode. Lemillion is dope af.
Dec 29, 2019 10:07 PM

Dec 2015
Valyrian1124 said:
A lot of people complaining about the still frames at the end of the episode. I didn't mind it. The Japanese animation industry is stretched thin and overworked. They can only assign so many people so much time to work on those sakuga moments. I'm assuming that they decided to have their best animators work on the next fight.

nanimeanswhat said:
I know I'm supposed to feel emotional but every episode feels the same this season. Some inspirational internal dialogue about the meaning of being a hero (feat. some flashbacks) and yelling about being a hero while fighting with the enemy and repeat.

Same. Also throw in the heavy reuse of the iconic music that played during the All Might vs All For One episode from last season. The music was incredible and was only used that one time, but it begins to lose its impact now that we have been hearing it every episode.

I'm enjoying the story but the arc is dragging its feet. The raid has been going on for five episodes in a row. Five battle episodes in a row. It's starting to remind me of how a Naruto or One Piece battle arc would go on for over a dozen episodes when really the whole battle arc could be told in one or two episodes at most. Really feels like the last five episodes could have been condensed into two or three at most.

Totally agree. I do really like this season and I think the battles are pretty good and fun, but I'd enjoy it more if they explored the meaning of what a hero is through the existing dialogue and fights instead of wasting time explicitly explaining their motivations and what they've learned about themselves. Symbolism should not be overlooked but shounen anime almost always does. If they toned down the "why I'm a hero" monologues they could have definitely trimmed down this raid to nearly half its length.
Dec 29, 2019 10:09 PM

Dec 2015
JustOppais said:
Old_School_Akira said:

There was CGI backgrounds in some parts of the previous seasons too and don’t call me the N word. 🤦‍♂️
oh spear me.............. 🙄

Careful, there are a lot of overly sensitive people on MAL. I'm not particularly a fan of the word either, but I yeah.
Dec 29, 2019 10:30 PM

Dec 2015
BlakexEkalb said:
ttcchen said:
no. Just go google "transgender".

Ah so it’s like believing they are something they are not? It’s like cosplaying but you actually believe you’re that thing.

Lol don't even try to fight the crazies here on MAL. They won't listen to reason or accept reality. It's best to just ignore them.
Dec 29, 2019 10:31 PM
Nov 2019
JustOppais said:
Thesaurust said:
Mirio is the man but they nerf him. Overhaul is weak asf. The villain is not threatening enough. I hope this villain do not one shot by Deku. 2/5
yea, he's not moving at lightspeed and breaking planets.

And he do not have =>3 final forms and can't drag a fight for atleast 7 episodes, so... 1/5 villain
VitorLeiteAncapDec 29, 2019 10:55 PM
Buy Bitcoins and others cryptos(like Monero), the great crisis is coming!
Also don't forget, taxation is theft!
Dec 29, 2019 11:27 PM
Oct 2019
Hyack said:
Rip Mirio's quirk ;-;
Its gone forever? Cause in Tamaki's (one of the big three) case, he got his quirk back in a short amount of time and was able to fight back against those three of the eight bullets.
Dec 30, 2019 12:48 AM
Jul 2011
Nobody5464 said:
Gen2K_ said:
Mirio's moment at the core was still strong and emotional but that power point slideshow scenes in the fight was a extremely bad look for the show. Guess it would be a stretch to hope for them to fix that in the Blu-ray release but as it stands this episode was embarrassing for the series.
how they were drawn well and we didn’t even get the rest of this fight in the manga the anime team designed those frames themselves so we’d get the see the rest of the fight. I like them myself and I feel they fit the dramatic mood they had going

They animated Endeaver vs. Nomu fodder which was anime original too and gave way more love in animating it, even used a special lyrical version of a common theme from the soundtrack. Was completely unnecessary.

I mean is wife beater Endeaver killing some fodder more worthy of quality, fluid animation than Mirio's true heroism moment vs. the main villain of an arc? Literally repping everything All Might stood for and more. It shouldn't be imo but here we are.
Dec 30, 2019 12:53 AM
Sep 2017
I really struggle with this season for some reason. The first half of s3 was the best of MHA imo, the second part was boring except for the Deku vs Bakugo confrontation. This season is just ok. I remember liking it more in the manga because it felt like a not rushed MHA arc for once, but this feels really fast somehow.

My second problem is that I’m slowly getting sick of Deku always coming in to the rescue. Too predictable. Mirio is a more interesting character with a much more interesting quirk which requires a lot of skill to use. And the big three was hyped so much at the end of s3 and the beginning of this season, yet they have one fight and get disposed of so Deku can come in and punch the enemy while saying ”I’ll save this kid” for the 100th time.
Dec 30, 2019 1:03 AM

Aug 2017
amperevenon said:

please explain why the mha fights were not emotional this season.

i'm going to put it all into the new director's fault. he looks like a good guy to make emotional scenes, but when it comes to fights, he just can't. he lacks the creativity to innovate, they just looks like bland copys of the manga, and that's bad when you don't have the epic animation of previous seasons. that's why I said that if they are under his management, they would look as bland as they are right now, but more fluid.
when it comes to mha, jojo and shingeki, i don't even need to watch the anime to know that they are going to surprise us, because they have managed to bring us beautiful things, so when i knew about the director change, i thought that would be okay because bones huh, and i was wrong. the hardest punch for me was kirishima's fight, because this moment is one of my favorites in the manga, i really had high hopes for it, and when i saw this video, i just couldn't hype more, but i was really disappointed with the anime one.
there's some things that works good in a manga, one of them that i can use as a example is the size of balloons in a page. when there's a really small balloon in contrast with a really big, you aren't supposed to give much attention to the small one, and that happens here, when fat gum is screaming "you wanna know why you're gonna lose?! because all of us, including me, underestimated him! the hero called red riot, and his chivalrous spirit". his speech is real fucking good that you pass the page almost with light speed to read the next line and don't even mind the small interrupment of the villains, because it is unnecessary for the actual moment (this is something that the guys doing the manga animated video that i linked earlier knew, and removed it), but the director just copy pasted the manga and kept that moment, breaking the speech with such a useless cut for the villains, specially when you dont have sized balloons or the freedom of the manga panels to show the audience what they have to give focus, and have to change all thats going in the screen... i just don't know why.
i think that i used a really small detail but it's a good way to explain my point, he just doesn't know when add or remove things for the purpose of improving the fight.
also, i should note that copypasting the manga isn't a terrible thing, but when you had the taste of amazing things that improved the manga in the previous seasons, the actual ones just look... emotionless.

i agree mob psycho s2 was gorgeous but the writing was terrible. It had literal friendship power up, villains turning good instantly, irrelevant character growth for reigen, forced emotions from episode 1, etc. MHA does have instances of garbo writing but is superior given that mob and one punch man are incredibly simple, episode series. they have less to juggle than mha. ONE is not a good writer.

i don't know why you mentioned mob here, but if there's something that you can't bad talk mob is the creativity put in the fights, and all the anime in general. i could stay here all the day showing how they did amazing things and innovated, but i'll choose this fight. the camera angles, the fps gun pov, the way that the teleport is done by changing the background,, it all blows my mind. of course there's moments without fights thats really worth mentioning, and what comes into my mind now is when reigen is being interviewed and mob uses his psychic powers to move all the cameras, and one of them turns out to be what we are using to watch, so we witnesses a really cool effect of floating. the staff just used and abused mob as his sandbox tool, and i'm grateful for it.
na_1Dec 30, 2019 2:29 AM
Dec 30, 2019 2:16 AM

Nov 2019
Pretty good episode 4/5
Le's fight was cool until it turned into a slideshow but it didn't ruin the episode
Dec 30, 2019 2:17 AM

Nov 2019
Lmao I think Overhauls in the wrong anime I thought I was watched fmab when he first started earth bending
Dec 30, 2019 2:42 AM

Jul 2017
Despite the massive backlash that is the Mirio vs. Chisaki slideshow of an animation, the episode was still good, but not as great as it could be.

HAH, even Twice and Toga can't run away from Chisaki's Shie Hassaikai band of criminals with the collaboration, but then again, their free-spirited selves aren't liable towards their loyalty.

And as for Togata, facing the Hassaikai head-on was overwhelming presence he could not bear, but on front of Eri, he realized Izuku's intention that time, and acted on it in full force.

And the fight between the next generational good vs. evil was as expected. Alas, Eight Bullet Nemoto cleared one shot of the Quirk-erasing bullet onto him. To compensate for the black bar frame in the manga, Bones added in original content in context for mangaka Kohei Horikoshi's dialogue of quirkless Togata fighting Chisaki at the expense. Still, I'd wish that dialogue was there to amplify the experience.

Izuku's here to save both Mirio and's hoping that MHA would hold its greatness.

Anime-onlys will definitely experience the same overhyped emotions with it whilst manga-readers still reeling in over the major singularity issue.
Dec 30, 2019 3:41 AM
Jul 2018
Manga Readers: "Damn you anime watchers have no idea what is to come, get some tissues and prepare to cry."
Anime Watchers: "Hmmm I don't know."

Episode is released -
Anime Watchers: "Damn you were right, that was such an emotional episode it nearly made me cry."
Manga Readers: "WTF is this shit.", "Where is the sakuga.", "MHA was never good.", "This episode is a disgrace to the anime."

I think the problem isn't that the direction of the episode was bad, but that Manga readers (and some anime viewers) wanted a more epic fight e.g.

xZabuzax said:
This fight was BAD. This is the fight that needed to deliver this season and it was crap.

shane_nichols said:
Gj Bones. Ya ruined the best moment in this shitty arc. Guess the wanna save the Sakuga for the gay boy.

dc22 said:
I'm beyond disappointed. BNH needs sakuga in the big moments.

Gen2K_ said:
That power point slideshow scenes in the fight was a extremely bad look for the show. As it stands this episode was embarrassing for the series.

Whereas the episode director was going for a more somber and heartfelt moment. This is partly the reason why I enjoyed this episode, since I never really thought that Overhaul vs Mirio was the aspect that made the fight entertaining but more the emotional core of his sacrifice.

Not to say that the animation was perfect, there was less clean animation then usual, but the slide-show at the end wasn't the problem, as creating a fight from scratch (the fight in the manga blanked out once Quirkless-Mirio punched Overhaul) that also fits Horikoshi's art style would be quite the costly especially if they wanted to maintain high quality designs, art and animation for the remaining episodes.

However, I don't get how manga readers are up-in-arms about a scene that wasn't in the manga anyway while saying that they were hyped about seeing that certain scene. When I first read the chapter I was disappointed by the fact that Horikoshi just put in three text-boxes to explain what happened during his final stand. The anime went and created multiple images that detailed his fight, while I can understand anime viewers for getting annoyed at this fact, manga readers knew everything that happened in the chapter but got annoyed when scenes were added onto the already adapted fight. This would conclude that the 'fight' in the manga is not as superior as many would like you to believe, as many manga-readers were expecting the animation to fix it's mistakes.

I at least hope that they put their all into one of the upcoming fights, which fits perfectly into an epic fight compared to the somber moment that was Mirio's sacrifice. So I am expecting some Sakuga there.
removed-userDec 30, 2019 4:20 AM
Dec 30, 2019 4:04 AM
Jun 2015
Darklycan51 said:
Mirio > midoriya just fucking get rid of fucking shitty ass deku already, also the constant disrespect to mirio is annoying by bones, first they use mirios theme and show it first with kirishima and now they do him a slideshow, fuck you bones
And this saturday hes gonna rub his dick in our faces once again as the fanbase sucks off to his fuckin sakuga.
Dec 30, 2019 4:07 AM
Jun 2015
amperevenon said:
shane_nichols said:
Gj Bones. Ya ruined the best moment in this shitty arc. Quirkless Mirio. This could've been Deku. I would be had much more interest in this show than him just INHERITING the strongest power. Oh well. Guess the wanna save the Sakuga for the gay boy.

Elaborate why the arc is shit. Please give objective criticism for those are what can change or enlighten minds. If your complaints are of pacing, i agree it is irregular. Any other issues?
Because of the useless fuckin fights that no one gives a shit about and the flashbacks interrupting EVERY SINGLE FIGHT just to rehash the shit that you already know because Horikoshit is a great writer. Honestly, Season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>Trash 4.
Dec 30, 2019 5:42 AM

Oct 2009
Mirio made me believe he should’ve gotten One For All, sorry Deku>.<
Dec 30, 2019 6:27 AM

Apr 2017
Damm...what an episode. Mirio is easily my favorite char. I do feel like if he died there it would be even more epic. At this point I feel like he's going to get his quirk back.
I don't typically read manga so if I get anything right please don't tell me.
Dec 30, 2019 7:46 AM

Apr 2011
As an anime only viewer I was sensing that something would happen to Mirio from the plot structure but I am really disappointed that they only decide to erase his quirk.I liked him a lot as a character. His backstory and presentation made him an important existence in the lore of the series, and that is exactly why, they should have killed him in a heroic way to rise the dramatic tension to unparalleled heights.

As far as the anime goes, I can say that mangaka always plays safe and is not brave enough to take risks to elevate the story. As long the series continues this way, it will always be a generic shounen with some pretty good moments.
Dec 30, 2019 8:21 AM
Dec 2016
Gen2K_ said:
Nobody5464 said:
how they were drawn well and we didn’t even get the rest of this fight in the manga the anime team designed those frames themselves so we’d get the see the rest of the fight. I like them myself and I feel they fit the dramatic mood they had going

They animated Endeaver vs. Nomu fodder which was anime original too and gave way more love in animating it, even used a special lyrical version of a common theme from the soundtrack. Was completely unnecessary.

I mean is wife beater Endeaver killing some fodder more worthy of quality, fluid animation than Mirio's true heroism moment vs. the main villain of an arc? Literally repping everything All Might stood for and more. It shouldn't be imo but here we are.

So for the record the theme they used is literally endeavors theme. And yes they added a bit original material for him and it was animated very well but we don’t know the situation going in the studio for one and for two they added scenes showing him killing or severely wounding enemies we already knew he beat from the manga But didn’t see how meaning they had the lIberty to make it up mirio doesn’t beat overhual and so it’s a lot riskier to animate more of their fight
Dec 30, 2019 8:38 AM

Jun 2017
SatanicAlpha said:
AwesomeAlfie27 said:
I am going to say something weird

The "Animation" part is just a part of an "animated" show, not the most important one. If people only care about animation then there is no reason for this medium to exist, or to create interesting story/characters who actually *Blend* with the animation style
Gintama doesn't have crazy animation, and it doesn't need it(Crazy Sakuga would ruin it)
Am i trying to be defensive? No, i don't even think i am a huge fan of MHA, i am just tired of people whining about animation, from OPM S2 (negatively) to Demon Slayer(positively)

Were S2 and S3 animated better? Yes
Do i care? No

What about the episode?
Like always, i watch MHA for the writing, world building and storytelling
And, like always, i liked all of it, Mirio is a great character and some consequences will be felt
Animation wise? I thought it was good, especially the slideshow part, a quirkless guy shouldn't fight with cfazy flips or incredible action, he is just a normal dude, the most important part was the meaning behind it

I really liked your points here, I agree as well. I liked the video regardless of the "subpar" animation, which to me was either normal for MHA. I think that for this particular episode, it was less about Mirio's fight with Overhaul but more focused on the dramatic part of the fight. We all know that MHA doesn't have the best choreography when it comes to fights, where animation is required to portray successfully, nonetheless this was still one of my favorite MHA episodes.

I agree on the choreography part
Mha fights are more about emotion than actual choreography

Also please go away, a civil discussion on MyAnimeList? It can't be
May our sweet and Merciful Madoka be with you
Dec 30, 2019 9:07 AM
Jul 2018
Brilliant character development for Mirio.
Dec 30, 2019 9:10 AM

Aug 2018
shane_nichols said:
amperevenon said:

Elaborate why the arc is shit. Please give objective criticism for those are what can change or enlighten minds. If your complaints are of pacing, i agree it is irregular. Any other issues?
Because of the useless fuckin fights that no one gives a shit about and the flashbacks interrupting EVERY SINGLE FIGHT just to rehash the shit that you already know because Horikoshit is a great writer. Honestly, Season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>Trash 4.

I said to give objective critique. I and many others care but you don't. That is subjective. If you just don't like it, fine but because you have no objective complains your just bitching. All the fights were useful. All flashbacks introduce new info. In this episode we learned via flashback they have acheived PERMANENT quirk erasing bullets, We learned and/or confirmed: that twices clones are not has durable as the original and the criteria for making them, toga can consume many bloods at once any change in any and also she doesn't have permanent use of the dna. We learned the yakuza boss doesn't condone overhauls inhuman methods, etc. Mirio flashback was the basic writing technque of milestone usage. Bones played his life story to build drama. Good writing.

I am pretty sure you got these complains from theanimesnob. I saw a recent video he made and you just REHASHED his invalid claims. He is just a bitter greek who bitches about cartoons and anitubers cos no one cares for his opinions. I await your rebuttal.
Dec 30, 2019 11:28 AM
Nov 2019
syts said:
As an anime only viewer I was sensing that something would happen to Mirio from the plot structure but I am really disappointed that they only decide to erase his quirk.I liked him a lot as a character. His backstory and presentation made him an important existence in the lore of the series, and that is exactly why, they should have killed him in a heroic way to rise the dramatic tension to unparalleled heights.

As far as the anime goes, I can say that mangaka always plays safe and is not brave enough to take risks to elevate the story. As long the series continues this way, it will always be a generic shounen with some pretty good moments.

Killing Mirio actually would be a very generic move because it would be very predicable giving its situation, quirkless Mirio holding his own against Overhole and surviving is much less generic than just straight killing him.
Buy Bitcoins and others cryptos(like Monero), the great crisis is coming!
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Dec 30, 2019 12:14 PM

Aug 2016
Finally, Mirio is gone, Sych a relief. He was most irritating character in the show, even more than Deku himself, he was like super-Deku with his unmotivated goal to protect everyone.
Too sad i know that villains are doomed to lose.

About the episode: more of the goddamn exposition, please, no more, sick to death of it. Why this season has so much of unnecessary talking? Is this how it was in manga?

Anybody who loves Mirio, please explain your reasons, i really dont understand his generic character at all.
SilentNoxDec 30, 2019 12:17 PM
Dec 30, 2019 12:39 PM
Jul 2018
SilentNox said:
Finally, Mirio is gone, Sych a relief. He was most irritating character in the show, even more than Deku himself, he was like super-Deku with his unmotivated goal to protect everyone.
Too sad i know that villains are doomed to lose.

About the episode: more of the goddamn exposition, please, no more, sick to death of it. Why this season has so much of unnecessary talking? Is this how it was in manga?

Anybody who loves Mirio, please explain your reasons, i really dont understand his generic character at all.

A little curious myself, he was pretty amazeballs when they first showed him kicking everyones ass in class... but since that bit with Chisaki tbh made me dislike him a little.

On topic, hearing Overhaul talk about torturing that little girl. Heartbreaking. Can't wait to see him get his.
Dec 30, 2019 2:34 PM
Jul 2011
Nobody5464 said:
So for the record the theme they used is literally endeavors theme. And yes they added a bit original material for him and it was animated very well but we don’t know the situation going in the studio for one and for two they added scenes showing him killing or severely wounding enemies we already knew he beat from the manga But didn’t see how meaning they had the lIberty to make it up mirio doesn’t beat overhual and so it’s a lot riskier to animate more of their fight

That instrumental theme was used before Endeavor had moments in the series and still used afterwards with him even off the screen for other character moments. It only becomes "his theme" with the lyrical version. We know what's going with the studio, there is a divide of attention between the movie and TV series so obviously something has to give.
Dec 30, 2019 3:32 PM

Oct 2011
Best episode after the two best All Might episodes. I know what would happen and it still felt super impactful and made me care

Dec 30, 2019 3:33 PM
Dec 2019
Mirio is my man! But I gotta say that they were pretty lazy with that fight. Im mean slideshow with music? It hit the heart nevertheless but Bones can do that better than this. Hope the will budget the shit out of them for midoriya vs overhaul.
Dec 30, 2019 5:27 PM
Sep 2017
SilentNox said:
Finally, Mirio is gone, Sych a relief. He was most irritating character in the show, even more than Deku himself, he was like super-Deku with his unmotivated goal to protect everyone.
Too sad i know that villains are doomed to lose.

About the episode: more of the goddamn exposition, please, no more, sick to death of it. Why this season has so much of unnecessary talking? Is this how it was in manga?

Anybody who loves Mirio, please explain your reasons, i really dont understand his generic character at all.

I think the next season the arc of '' my villain academia '' will adapted, we'll have more focus on the league of villains
Dec 30, 2019 9:50 PM
Nov 2019
SilentNox said:
Finally, Mirio is gone, Sych a relief. He was most irritating character in the show, even more than Deku himself, he was like super-Deku with his unmotivated goal to protect everyone.
Too sad i know that villains are doomed to lose.

About the episode: more of the goddamn exposition, please, no more, sick to death of it. Why this season has so much of unnecessary talking? Is this how it was in manga?

Anybody who loves Mirio, please explain your reasons, i really dont understand his generic character at all.

Mirio is a epic character, he is like a mega-Deku with a motivated goal to protect everyone, just like Shirou! :D
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