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Things you find problematic/annoying/weird with the story so far? (not a bait)

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Jul 7, 2019 3:24 AM

Nov 2013
This is a work of fiction so it is meant to be unrealistic. I don't watch anime looking for realistic stuffs so I have no problem with this one.
Let's take Death Note as an example. It's a work of fiction with death-gods and a notebook that kills people - you don't question it since such is the reality of the universe of the "Death note" world. It would be stupid at this point to brag about "Death gods aren't real" or "In real life people don't die if their names are written on the paper". Apart from these two elements of the show, the world follows real-life rules; so if a magician were to suddenly appear in the story, throwing fireballs or perhaps traveling through time, i'm pretty sure you'd be questioning REALISM of the story and Death Note would not be rated as high as it is now because it would be taken LESS seriously, because of ABSENCE of realism. Death Note for instance is such a great story because, despite being a work of fiction, it is BELIEVABLE, and "real" nonetheless!
Dr.Stone fails to do that from the get go.
Jul 7, 2019 3:42 AM

Nov 2013
@Esquirtit [quote]
AzorAhai said:
1) Stone humans still lying around on the surface:
- No trace of mankind remains after 3700 years, which is hardly something you'd hardly doubt would happen. It's pretty much impossible even for a stone not to corrode or remain in one place for nearly 4 millennia! I'd hope the story somehow explains this in the future, but right now it's too unrealistic, even for a world where everyone magically turned into stones, to believe that all those stone people are not buried deep underground!
Most are probably dead and underground lol. I'm only confused about what others here already said, they clearly ate meat and some bats were alive. But they deliberately showed the puppy not being petrified, I'm sure it'll get expended on later in the story. Also in a flashback from before everything happened Strong MC encountered a bird turned into stone, there might be inconsistenies in the power of the green flash of light itself, for the sake of plot armor
There's a reason why i'm not complaining about birds and humans turning to stone, but not animals - I'm just certain that the story would explain that. What i'm NOT certain at, is how the story will explain stone people still lying on the surface after 3700 years. Can you even imagine the length of the time given? It's insane! What bothered me and "troubled" me, was how the story makes it OK that stone people are just lying around. Of course, if we look at the story SIMPLISTICALLY and just agree that "stone people are still there because of plot"; well this thread stops making sense and we should be ok with shutting our brains off and enjoying the circus.

2) Sanity.
- MC, his mad scientist friend and it seems several others (from ED) have been stoned for 3000 years yet they were conscious during the whole period. Considering that the person hasn't lost his mind during ANY of this time...ever, it's incredibly frustrating to see a person emerge from stone as they were imprisoned for a week or a month. It would take years for a normal person to come in grasps with reality and fully realize what happened and where they are right now. Wouldn't you question your very existence and literally EVERYTHING during that time? I can't even imagine what a person can think about for 3700 years lol, ALONE with themselves!
This is just your personal complaint, it shows the tone the story is going for. I like it and don't mind not spending time on drama that's impossible to write about because the human mind is incapable of even understanding what the hell 3700 years of being consciousness and not being able to move would be like. My nigga dr stone counted 3700 years in seconds, other dude remained sane by thinking about his crush
lol how is it my personal complaint? You're basically saying what is already obvious from what we've seen, but how realistic is it? Can you imagine counting every second for 3700 YEARS? or thinking about 1 girl, no matter how freaking HOT she might be, or how hard you'd love to BONE her, to think about her for 3700 YEARS?
Once again, if we agree that "it's because of plot"; things become very simple; but if people were to be so OPEN to everything, then how come we rate anime differently?
If we use "because of plot" as a universal EXCUSE for everything, then lets agree on being a brainless mob who's content with everything media tells us. Thinking is wrong...

as for the 3rd panel, that was exclusively my personal taste/opinion. You like these types of characters, i find them annoying, we don't have to have similar tastes and that's perfectly fine.
Sigmar-UnberogenJul 7, 2019 3:45 AM
Jul 7, 2019 3:46 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
I wonder why people are thinking that this thread is bait. Personally, I think OP's points are worth thinking about; nothing seems like bait to me.

Sure, it's fiction and not everything needs to make sense, but I think some aspects are worth to be mentioned 'cause there's always the possibility of discussing several things. I actually was a bit surprised that they were able to keep their sanity over all those years, let alone that Senkuu kept counting all the time. If it was me, I'd probably would have lost my sanity after a few weeks, if not earlier.

I'm interested in this and I enjoyed the first episode nonetheless. Looking forward to the the rest of it, especially to some more explanations.
Haptism93Jul 7, 2019 3:52 AM

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Jul 7, 2019 3:52 AM
Jun 2019

Why is one not allowed to do a review (before 3 episodes seen) and instead is allowed to rate? According to your reasoning, giving negative criticism can scare people away at the beggining of the anime ... but giving both positive and negative scores has the same effects, in this case having the series more than an 8 rating, it is attracting people (which, according to your reasoning, should not be allowed, provided many people can be attracted by mistake to an anime they wont like because of this toxic "early positivism"). As I say, I emphasize that I am against both "early positivism" and "early negativism".

In summary: rating before 3 episodes (as well as reviewing) should be not allowed?

Thank you[/quote]

I believe that discussion belongs in the below post where the thread is about why are early reviews even allowed in the first place.(I haven't looked at it myself,If you find it unsatisfactory make a new thread).Also, I agree early rating should not be allowed.

P.S Don't extrapolate my reasoning to 'early positivism'.I don't mind 'early positivism' that much but that's just my take on it.

@Black_Sheep97 That argument I made was primarily directed towards only OP.I should have mentioned that because I was interested in only OP's justification.I'm sure plenty of you feel that way but I just wanted to know if there was any consistency in OP's actions.In other words, this is not about the plot consistency of OPM and YnN.

And to anyone else, A lot of people are being upset because they are expecting this to be a science-themed show but already has a lot of strange unscientific occurrences in Ep1.In a way, that is your fault as I'm sure we have all experienced not liking shows when we go in with expectations.Give them some time to provide a setting and then feel free to hate it later.There are countless shows which start of as 'weird'/bad but end up doing really good.Steins;Gate is one example for ME.Fairy tail started off pretty poorly(Sadly it's gotten worse lately) but the middle arcs kind of grew up on me and i liked them.

Look at this post if you feel like where a guy did not like AoT because of previous expectations.

Second reason, there are some people who are harmlessly enjoying the show.But because of these posts they are being made aware and will end up hating a show they were originally supposed to like(Yes, it's their fault for reading but what do you expect when there is an episode discussion of a recent episode)All I'm asking is can you not wait a bit and then ruin it for them?(At that point If they liked it so much they won't even care about what you say) .You lose nothing if you do this after Ep 10 or something.

Third reason, Imagine you worked hard for 24/7 and you created a good anime and you are excited about it.But people started hating on it just because of the first episode.But you are like "What?! That episode is not the main focal point, Can't these people patiently wait till the main and good part comes which is the whole reason behind the show's concept?"I respect content creators and I show it by watching the full series(or until atleast where everyone gets what is going on) and then providing criticism. If I dropped a show early,I usually never talk about it that much(Even if it was so visibly horrible).I'm not asking you to be like me,just understand and respect.
Jul 7, 2019 3:54 AM

Apr 2019
AzorAhai said:
This is a work of fiction so it is meant to be unrealistic.

A criterion common to measure the quality of fantasy world is called "in-world consistency". You never compare to the real world, that is hopeless anyway. An arbitrarily weird and fantastic world using it's own premises as a logical base passes the test if no contradictions can be logically concluded from the premises - it is "realistic".

In the case of Dr. Stone, the world explicitly is the real world, which means all laws of physics, chemistry, biology as we know them apply. To emphasize this, it has a big fat label "Science" on the tin. I had the same goosebumps feeling @AzorAhai had when watching it. I don't care if they call it "radiation", and "survival in stoned form", this certainly is magic. There is no way the story's premises comply with the laws of nature of the real world, and this is in stark contradiction to the label the show emphasizes so prominently in it's synopsis - science. To me, Dr. Stone is glorified magic and isekai, not science-fiction, leave alone science.

Steins;Gate is or Death Note (which is tagged shounen in MAL) add very few premises not compatible with the laws of nature, namely time-travel and the existence of supernatural death deities. But they do it in a well defined way, and the rules they state, very literally and in written form in Death Note's case, are consistent. Dr. Stone, otoh, is full of hand waving magic and sloppy narration mislabeled as "science" and "yet to be explained". And don't get me started on the annoying 12-year old protagonist brats and their borderline retard techno babble including "skin bird disease" and "gasoline is like ethylene". This is just extremely bad writing, nothing else.

I perfectly well understand I'm not in the target demographics of this show, and it doesn't meet my taste either. But few shows with weird premises gave me that type of "omfg this is so stupid and arbitrary" moments as this show does. And on top I feel fooled by the mislabeling on the tin's label.

Jul 7, 2019 3:55 AM

Nov 2013
Haptism93 said:
I wonder why people are thinking that this thread is bait. Personally, I think OP's points are worth thinking about; nothing seems like bait to me.

Sure, it's fiction and not everything needs to make sense, but I think some aspects are always worth to be mentioned 'cause there's always the possibility of discussing several things. I actually was a bit surprised that they were able to keep their sanity over all those years, let alone that Senkuu kept counting all the time. If it was me, I'd probably would have lost my sanity after a few weeks, if not earlier.

I'm interested in this and I enjoyed the first episode nonetheless. Looking forward to the the rest of it, especially to some more explanations.

Thank you stranger for understanding. I simply like thinking about things; doesn't mean I hate/dislike things since i criticize it. I'm also looking forward to the rest of the show.
Jul 7, 2019 3:56 AM
Jun 2019
Haptism93 said:
I wonder why people are thinking that this thread is bait. Personally, I think OP's points are worth thinking about; nothing seems like bait to me.

'(not a bait)' - That is reverse psychology in operation. But yeah, the post is not a bait.
Jul 7, 2019 4:16 AM

Mar 2018
Because that's the tone of the series? Why are you being condescending over something so stupid? You think the writers weren't aware this part was complete bullshit? It's going for the absurd and playful, while retaining its theme of rebuilding civilization with science. The question you ask doesn't make sense, it's all about execution. If this series took a more serious approach no one would like how they stayed sane for 3700 years. It's similar to JoJo with how over the top it is. I do not know how you can watch the first minutes when they were in chemistry class and expect it not to be insane.

It's a personal complaint because that part was not meant to convey any sort of realism, whether you believe it's still valid criticism I don't care.
Jul 7, 2019 4:26 AM

Apr 2019
AzorAhai said:
1) Stone humans still lying around on the surface:
- No trace of mankind remains after 3700 years, which is hardly something you'd hardly doubt would happen. It's pretty much impossible even for a stone not to corrode or remain in one place for nearly 4 millennia! I'd hope the story somehow explains this in the future, but right now it's too unrealistic, even for a world where everyone magically turned into stones, to believe that all those stone people are not buried deep underground!
2) Sanity.
- MC, his mad scientist friend and it seems several others (from ED) have been stoned for 3000 years yet they were conscious during the whole period. Considering that the person hasn't lost his mind during ANY of this time...ever, it's incredibly frustrating to see a person emerge from stone as they were imprisoned for a week or a month. It would take years for a normal person to come in grasps with reality and fully realize what happened and where they are right now. Wouldn't you question your very existence and literally EVERYTHING during that time? I can't even imagine what a person can think about for 3700 years lol, ALONE with themselves!
3) Annoying parts.
- MC only thinks about boning his GF. To hell with the world, to hell with parents (unless he's the typical solo-orphan character with no one in the world), to hell with the new wild environment. "how long has it been?" "so it did happen to everyone?" - Forget all that! Gotta find mah gf i've been thinking about for the last 3000 YEARS! The power of boners man...
4. Scientist MC thinks about becoming the king of the new world. As if he's just been teleported into one of those farming/city-building simulator games. The fact that 3700 freaking years have passed and the civilization is dead - we're just gonna look over it; shit happens man, gotta move on. The characters take the new world and the time that they spend imprisoned - just too lightly! No trauma, no fear of the unknown, no grief. Just a walk in the park! One character wants to bone a girl, other wants to rule the new world. One is ridiculously smart; another is super strong. Difficulty level:Easy/very easy
P.S before shitposting, know that i don't hate the show and will keep watching it (since i'm in love with post-apocalypse theme); and maybe even read the manga (which is still ongoing...-_- how "unexpect

1) who said the stone remains in one place? also there is a special formula to the stone that would break down its atoms, so its a special kind of stone, u gotta remember this is an anime, we are in fictional territory even if it means some real science
2) you said it yourself, he is a mad scientist, he has been counting every second to keep his mind from drifting away
3) you do realize that the mad scientist is the actual MC? technically they all are, but you know.. Senku is the main character.
4) what are you saying man? senku doesn't want to rule the world, he wants to restore the world and save humanity and science
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 7, 2019 4:38 AM
Jul 2014
Lots of things doesn't makes sense in JoJo's world including it's own world's logic, not just ours. But people still loving it, including myself. Dr. Stone is one of my favorite mangas, not because it's the best written ever. But because it's so much fun, at least for me. So here's the awesomely written Hunter x Hunter, which anime's I love, and it was in my top 10 for years. But reading it is boring, especially nowadays when 3 sentences written in 40 sentences, and manga being a visual medium while looking so bad is just doesn't work for me. While Dr. Stone not being near to a masterpiece, it's just much more fun, I love the characters and their interactions, it's really funny, so yeah, it's definitely more of a comedy with some hearwarming moments than a drama. And it's just so positive and always makes me happy, like Hero Aca which is not a masterpiece also, but looks good, sounds good, and loveable. But I'm more of a person who decides what he likes by emotions not logic. Of course if something is super incosistent, mostly about the characters, like they don't act as they did, or thematically something is wrong. While yeah, the start is weird here, but gets better after they start to make things. And it's structure while similar to Shokugeki no Souma's it just works better for me. It started get really boring in the manga that we've got a cooking chapter, than a tasting chapter, and sometimes just characters talking about what they do next. And I didn't like Neverland's structure in the middle because it was one chapter they discuss what to do, and one chapter they doing it. But every second or third chapter had to have Emma worry for some pages if they can do it, then remembers what they went through and they decide to do it. It was extremely boring and irritating. On the other hand Dr. Stone has a positive force of nature that never breaks the characters and they're facing forward to the future. Which maybe not believable, but these characters are not normal people who could've been in our world, but real crazies and the manga/characters knows that and I love when the story knows what kind of story it is.
You're nitpicks are justifiable, but the good things in this manga/anime are just too many for me to care about.
Jul 7, 2019 4:41 AM

Apr 2019
Another thought on "realism", and you don't have to discuss supernatural things such as magic radiation turning everybody to stone for that.

The chemistry lab scene. In this scene Senkuu (1:20 minutes ++) says "Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron. It's just a long gasoline molecule with a few hydrocarbons chopped off." This is one cringy piece of borderline retard science babble, because even a high-schooler should know about thermodynamics and enthalpy. In this hand-waving degree of bullshit chemistry, polyethylene is also just the same as carbon dioxide glued together with a few hydrogen atoms thrown at it. More pseudo-science babble when he uses "10 billion percent", no scientist would ever do that. 100% means absolute certainty already, mathematically. Adding 9,999,999,000 extra percent is just horrific nonsense suited to impress the mathematically disabled and make scientists laugh hard in pain.

Then he drinks in a chemistry lab, and he creates open fire. Both are things which would simply get you fired in the real world, they both are 101-level no-ways in labs. The purpose of the scene is to show how special, smart and "cool" (in the pubescent sense of the word) the protagonist is, mainly by uttering borderline retard chemistry babble, and by breaking most basic safety rules which are 2nd nature to any real world chemist. Sorry, but that is the hallmark of a 13 year old writing a story he deems mature, but it’s not consistent with the real world of science.

As somebody who did work in scientific research, this is enough to spoil my enjoyment of a show labeled "science" on the tin. It is a 13-year old's power fantasy, an isekai trying to cheat by mislabeling "magic" as "science". I'm sure there are many shounen fans who can live with stuff like that, I can't.

Jul 7, 2019 5:12 AM

Oct 2013
Sushantbro said:
This is a work of fiction so it is meant to be unrealistic. I don't watch anime looking for realistic stuffs so I have no problem with this one.

Same do I, unless anime's concept is to be rather realistic. If so, then I try to judge it from a realistic point of view, treating unrealistic elements as flaws. "Dr. Stone" is definitely an anime about fantastical things happening on the whole planet, so it's better not to analyze it as if it was something completely real to happen.

@inim , I noticed it as well, even though my profession is not related with chemistry. It is, as you said, a basic knowledge taught in high schools. I will give this anime a chance, since I treat it completely as a shounen with cool landscapes. However I won't deny that the elements mentioned above do not annoy me. If there are will be more cringy stuff like this, story will become boring and we will have to hear Senku constantly telling nonsense just to sound cool, then I guess I'm gonna be bored, lose my interest and eventually drop this show.

@Nakamamonogatari , ye, but bear in mind that main concept of JoJo is to be bizarre, as it's full title implies. "Dr. Stone" on the other hand was focused on scientific stuff, while as for now we have more or less 50:50 proportion to magic and logic, science.
You shouldn't be surprised that some people are skeptical about further Dr. Stone's eps.
AdnashJul 7, 2019 5:22 AM
Jul 7, 2019 5:13 AM

Apr 2019
Adnash93 said:
Sushantbro said:
This is a work of fiction so it is meant to be unrealistic. I don't watch anime looking for realistic stuffs so I have no problem with this one.

Same do I, unless anime's concept is to be rather realistic. If so, then I try to judge it from a realistic point of view, treating unrealistic elements as flaws. "Dr. Stone" is definitely an anime about fantastical things happening on the whole planet, so it's better not to analyze it as if it was something completely real to happen.
The point is not the fantastic stuff to happen, magic is everywhere in anime. The annoying part is the gross mislabeling of magic as science to make the same old stuff look more interesting.

Jul 7, 2019 5:29 AM

Oct 2013
inim said:
The point is not the fantastic stuff to happen, magic is everywhere in anime. The annoying part is the gross mislabeling of magic as science to make the same old stuff look more interesting.

That's what I meant as well. I wouldn't have problems if a strange anomaly of petrification happened once because of magic and if a main element of the story would be concentrated on several non-magic users trying to fix it with science. Quite regular situation that happened in many animes before, but maybe with less magical stuff. That's what I thought that anime would be like. What we finally got is mixing typical magical and supernatural elements with science and with an idea of critical researcher. If it was done right then whatever, but has many flaws here, like what you wrote about Senku and his babbling about "muh science".
Jul 7, 2019 5:30 AM

Mar 2010
with that thinking of yours, I will also have problem witth the show, why the f*** did Taiju cloths suddenly clean after soaked with grapes juices for instance.

but meh, this kind of mentality will degrade the enjoyment for the show.

Just let loose dude, you are thinking too much, nough say' this is JUST AN ANIME.

p/s: im surprised some people write too long to reply this. man its so simple dont exaggerate things. think simple , lol
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Jul 7, 2019 5:32 AM

Oct 2013
Sebastian333 said:
Just let loose dude, you are thinking too much, nough say' this is JUST AN ANIME.

I think you did not get inim's point right or you didn't read his post carefully.
Jul 7, 2019 5:34 AM

Apr 2019
Adnash93 said:
I noticed it as well, even though my profession is not related with chemistry. It is, as you said, a basic knowledge taught in high schools. I will give this anime a chance, since I treat it completely as a shounen with cool landscapes. However I won't deny that the elements mentioned above do not annoy me. If there are will be more cringy stuff like this, story will become boring and we will have to hear Senku constantly telling nonsense just to sound cool, then I guess I'm gonna be bored, lose my interest and eventually drop this show.
I didn't mean to ridicule people who enjoy shounen type storytelling and plots, they are perfectly normal and smart people. I'm argueably quite the opposite of the shounen demographics, and well aware my opinion is a minority position. There are good shounen (e.g. Death Note, despite the last 1/3), but a Shounen has to try harder to entertain me than most other genres because it starts with a disadvantage. You nail it with the phrasing "Senku constantly telling nonsense just to sound cool", that is what I am afraid of most. Also the "cool landscapes" (the animation is good quality, no doubt about that part) to me look like isekai.

I may return to the series after a while if reviews are still overwhelmingly good after say 6 episodes, and would watch it is a mislabeled isekai then. I'm just very sensitive to "defile" science in the heavy handed way the series tries to create the impression that it would be not from the isekai, supernatural and shounen power fantasy genres. Which have millions of fans, and very good genre entries. So I wait and see as well, but as a default I dropped it out of the "you lied about science, bastards" impulse.

Jul 7, 2019 5:35 AM

Mar 2010
Adnash93 said:
Sebastian333 said:
Just let loose dude, you are thinking too much, nough say' this is JUST AN ANIME.

I think you did not get inim's point right or you didn't read his post carefully.

You did not get my main point or you didn't read my post carefully. Think simple, let loose, problem solved.
Sebastian333Jul 7, 2019 5:38 AM
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Jul 7, 2019 5:40 AM

Oct 2013
Sebastian333 said:
You did not get my main point. Think simple, let loose, problem solved.

Yeah I got that. And I try to do it, because I know it's a work of fiction aimed for pure entertainment. That's why I gave this anime a chance, because I find its concept as interesting and I liked the visuals. But I have my worries too about how may this concept look like in further episodes, especially when I am an anime-only viewer.
Jul 7, 2019 5:44 AM

Mar 2010
Adnash93 said:
Sebastian333 said:
You did not get my main point. Think simple, let loose, problem solved.

Yeah I got that. And I try to do it, because I know it's a work of fiction aimed for pure entertainment. That's why I gave this anime a chance, because I find its concept as interesting and I liked the visuals. But I have my worries too about how may this concept look like in further episodes, especially when I am an anime-only viewer.

Thanks for understanding. haha. yeah I think i can tolerate because not all people similar as me, an anime fan like you might take things like this on another level, of which I can understand.

Anyway, back to the OP, i was merely suggesting a way to enjoy the show without thinking too much, of which work on me. the concept in particular is realistically very obnoxious (im an engineer) but the idea is really cool.
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Jul 7, 2019 5:58 AM

Apr 2019
Sebastian333 said:
with that thinking of yours, I will also have problem witth the show, why the f*** did Taiju cloths suddenly clean after soaked with grapes juices for instance. But meh, this kind of mentality will degrade the enjoyment for the show. Just let loose dude, you are thinking too much, nough say' this is JUST AN ANIME.
Well, "just an anime" is a pretty universal and by this pretty usless argument. You could just use the same approach to defend the plot of Hametsu no Mars or any other bad anime.

I'm sorry to repeat myself this argument was used already in another thread, but it is useful to understand the nature of what makes me uncomfortable with this particular anime's approach to science and logic.

Everybody's favorite loli-ecchi No Game No Life without any doubt takes place in a fantastic isekai world with a lot of very "unrealistic" plot and magic everywhere. Yet, when they talk about the math of game theory, and they do that often, they get their shit right. You do not see the actual formulas, but be assured that NGNL does not use science babble, but actual math. This is the sort of dilligence and respect for the science (math in NGNL's case, chemistry in Dr. Stone) I am missing in Dr. Stone. NGNL in that sense is in-world consistent, whereas Dr. Stone just uses cringy science babble to sound cool and while pretending to play in the real world, with real phsycis and natural laws, gives a fuck for them. And that makes all the difference for somebody with a science background. If it is magic, don't call it science. I can just not enjoy a show which constantly insults my intelligence with handwaving bullshit. Your mileage may differ.

Jul 7, 2019 6:18 AM

Mar 2018
inim said:
Another thought on "realism", and you don't have to discuss supernatural things such as magic radiation turning everybody to stone for that.

The chemistry lab scene. In this scene Senkuu (1:20 minutes ++) says "Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron. It's just a long gasoline molecule with a few hydrocarbons chopped off." This is one cringy piece of borderline retard science babble, because even a high-schooler should know about thermodynamics and enthalpy. In this hand-waving degree of bullshit chemistry, polyethylene is also just the same as carbon dioxide glued together with a few hydrogen atoms thrown at it.More pseudo-science babble when he uses "10 billion percent", no scientist would ever do that. 100% means absolute certainty already, mathematically. Adding 9,999,999,000 extra percent is just horrific nonsense suited to impress the mathematically disabled and make scientists laugh hard in pain.

The point of science in this anime is which methods they will use to rebuild civilization. How does some technobabble in the introduction of a character take away from that? And really, the 10 billion percent catchphrase babbled by a 14-16 year old is enough to laugh in pain. That you have to point out that part really makes me question how sincere you are.

inim said:
Then he drinks in a chemistry lab, and he creates open fire. Both are things which would simply get you fired in the real world, they both are 101-level no-ways in labs. The purpose of the scene is to show how special, smart and "cool" (in the pubescent sense of the word) the protagonist is, mainly by uttering borderline retard chemistry babble, and by breaking most basic safety rules which are 2nd nature to any real world chemist. Sorry, but that is the hallmark of a 13 year old writing a story he deems mature, but it’s not consistent with the real world of science.

They are in school, the purpose of that scene is exactly what you say it is. Everything in the opening scenes is used to establish his character as superior in intelligence to everyone else, with clear comedic intent as well. Pointing this out and claiming it's a "hallmark of a 13 year old writing a story he deems mature" doesn't make sense, the work does not present itself as complex and mature. He literally boards a normal high school and has his own way more advanced equipment. It is NOT trying to be consistent with the "real" world of science.

inim said:
As somebody who did work in scientific research, this is enough to spoil my enjoyment of a show labeled "science" on the tin. It is a 13-year old's power fantasy, an isekai trying to cheat by mislabeling "magic" as "science". I'm sure there are many shounen fans who can live with stuff like that, I can't.

You may know more about science than the average viewer and maybe the writers, but I don't see how some silly dialogue and unrealistic portrayal of a scientific environment is enough to label it power fantasy and ?isekai?. I think it's more important to focus on how science will be used to progress the story. If you have already found faults with that can you tell me. And its genre is sci-fi, maybe calling it fantasy too will be more appropriate but it's too early to tell.
Jul 7, 2019 6:47 AM

Mar 2018
My reply was only aimed at your second paragraph about their 3700 year life being petrified sorry, I missed the first one @AzorAhai
Jul 7, 2019 6:51 AM

Apr 2019
Esquirtit said:
inim said:
Another thought on "realism", and you don't have to discuss supernatural things such as magic radiation turning everybody to stone for that.
Look, we don't really disagree. I wrote down what for me personally is a problem, with all my increased sensitivity for scientific matters, non-fitting demographic group, and general dislike of the shounen genre. I don't expect this to be widely shared by the majority of MAL users. You know, man, that's just, like, my opinion.

Esquirtit said:
The point of science in this anime is which methods they will use to rebuild civilization. How does some technobabble in the introduction of a character take away from that?
The issue I take here is that while they could have used a bazillion other ways to characterize the MC as a scientific genius and cool guy, they picked this pubescent and sloppy dialog and actions. If this is the initial introduction, one of the most important scences of a character, where will they go from there?

Esquirtit said:
inim said:
Then he drinks in a chemistry lab, and he creates open fire.
It is NOT trying to be consistent with the "real" world of science.
This is a point where we disagree. The official synopsis by Viz Media, only three sentences long, uses the word "science" twice. It is a major selling point of the show, and I feel deceived to some degree by that. I had never looked into a new shounen if it hadn't the word "science" in huge blinking letters on it. Thus higher standards on the treatment of logic and science on this particular anime apply, and it fails them harder than many anime without the labeling.

Esquirtit said:
inim said:
It is a 13-year old's power fantasy, an isekai trying to cheat by mislabeling "magic" as "science".
unrealistic portrayal of a scientific environment is enough to label it power fantasy and ?isekai?. I think it's more important to focus on how science will be used to progress the story. If you have already found faults with that can you tell me. And its genre is sci-fi, maybe calling it fantasy too will be more appropriate but it's too early to tell.
I think discussing the "realism" of particular applications of science, hand-waving or not, will be a major source of fun for those watching the show. The anime really begs for that sort of discussion. And yes, this brings some basic scientific thoughts to an audience which otherwise may not like the subject. Gamefication of science is just fine, and being hand-waving while doing it as well. It's just not my cup of tea, and I pointed out why. I prefer NGNL's approach to put "game" on the tin and deliver sound game theory math. As for "sci-fi" vs. "isekai" and "power fantasy" vs. "showing the use of science to rebuild civilization", that's only words. Half-full, half-empty applied to shounen as a genre. And yea, maybe the initial scene was false alert and from now on they treat science diligently. We'll see.

Jul 7, 2019 7:29 AM

Mar 2018
1. A flood happened during the 3700 years so it is possible they got flooded to an area that have more nature.

2. Good point, but you have never lived 3700 years being stoned so how should you know how their mental state would be in those 3700 years.

3. That's just your opinion. Personally I don't watch anime for it just to be realistic. Anime is supose to do what can't do in real life and that not only goes for stories but characters too. I am glad they made the characters fun instead of realistic.
Jul 7, 2019 7:46 AM

Mar 2018
@inim Yeah I know it's your opinion and fair enough, I can understand why you criticize certain aspects harder than others. I guess your less familiar with shounen works? They always have the tendency to express the ''most'' important trait of a character with maybe too much flair, in this case his "genius" so to someone with a scientific background it could be jarring if not done convingly enough. I thought it was funny and easily acceptable to from now on see him as a genius who will come up with whatever resolution needed. The same applies to Strong dude MC.

I watched the trailers and from the character designs to voice actors I could already sort of expect what kind of approach the story would go for in relation to science. But yeah you're not wrong for not liking it and all your problems with it are valid. Sorry I just wanted to explain why I and maybe other people didn't find it as bothersome. I'm just really intrigued by how they will use scientific methods to rebuild civilization and how much of it will be justified. I read somwhere they did have some professors help them, don't know how much influence it will have but I hope for the best.

Jul 7, 2019 7:47 AM

Jul 2015
Just read the manga if you're so curious, forehead
Read my comic pl0x :D
Rockerella meets Merman
Jul 7, 2019 7:54 AM

May 2016
It's only been 1 episode so far, and a good anime will explain everything in due course. Just be patient.
Jul 7, 2019 8:08 AM

Apr 2019
Esquirtit said:
I guess your less familiar with shounen works? They always have the tendency to express the ''most'' important trait of a character with maybe too much flair, in this case his "genius" so to someone with a scientific background it could be jarring if not done convingly enough.
That's correct, according to my Shounen fandom level is 0/6. I was simply mislead by the advertising and boarded the wrong train, which I jumped off again.

Esquirtit said:
I'm just really intrigued by how they will use scientific methods to rebuild civilization and how much of it will be justified. I read somwhere they did have some professors help them, don't know how much influence it will have
Good point, because you may find that I didn't criticize anything in the 2nd half of the show, i.e. the experimental archaeology and anthropology science part. I can only guess that that is where they had substantial scientific help. To show how it takes them a year to finally master the technology of ethanol distillation and creation of Nital from nitric acid and alcohol feels "right". For the fun of it, it is a pretty violent reaction producing toxic fumes and which has a high risk of spontaneous explosions, see

I think my main problem really is with the characters and the "cool" science babble typical for shounen. Thanks for helping me to find that out in this degree of detail, which is useful to approach that genre in a better way.

Jul 7, 2019 8:16 AM
Oct 2018
They explain everything people are complaining about int his post. The stone isn't just some regular stone, this is explained along the way.

You also didn't see the "scientist MC" wake up, you'll have an episode with that, so saying the MC doesn't care about the state of the world is kinda dumb. You also have to realize that since they were conscious they already thought about that kind of stuff. This is mentioned in the ep.

The only thing to complain is sanity, but then again if we consider what we know about the stones it can explain it altho it is never addressed if not mistaken.

There is one thing in the manga that most people complain about being unrealistic, and it's in the next episode. I expect anime people to complain about it as well.

For those who read this just keep in mind that altho something absurd is going to happen next ep, in the long run it makes things really interesting. The manga exaggerates a few things but it's a manga/anime, it's not 1:1 with reality, it's grounded in actual science but there's your typical shonen stuff with characters that have superhuman strength etc.
Jul 7, 2019 8:23 AM

Feb 2018
Remember kids, this is why "realistic" is not a word you should use by itself in order to critique a series (I even made a thread in regards to this). Because now people complain to OP about other shows not being realistic yet highly rated by him regardless. Others say "well, it's just an anime, so anime logic. Stop nitpicking!", and anything resembling those comments.
Use the word non-immersive, inconsistent, perhaps even non-believable to critique it. It's an anime, but does it follow through in the anime's world? Well, since it's ep 1, we'll have to see in the future.

Jul 7, 2019 9:03 AM
Mar 2018
Bunsuke said:
Hafexo said:
Just stop looking for problematic/annoying/weird things in such show - watch and enjoy

Seriously I sometimes think that people only want nitpickings

god shut up idiot some people have this thing called a brain that they use to think with, big f in the chat for you who wasn't born with one

It's better to not have one, that way , you enjoy most stuff
Jul 7, 2019 10:28 AM
Mar 2018
Doodoo_Man said:
AzorAhai said:
1) Stone humans still lying around on the surface:
- No trace of mankind remains after 3700 years, which is hardly something you'd hardly doubt would happen. It's pretty much impossible even for a stone not to corrode or remain in one place for nearly 4 millennia! I'd hope the story somehow explains this in the future, but right now it's too unrealistic, even for a world where everyone magically turned into stones, to believe that all those stone people are not buried deep underground!
2) Sanity.
- MC, his mad scientist friend and it seems several others (from ED) have been stoned for 3000 years yet they were conscious during the whole period. Considering that the person hasn't lost his mind during ANY of this time...ever, it's incredibly frustrating to see a person emerge from stone as they were imprisoned for a week or a month. It would take years for a normal person to come in grasps with reality and fully realize what happened and where they are right now. Wouldn't you question your very existence and literally EVERYTHING during that time? I can't even imagine what a person can think about for 3700 years lol, ALONE with themselves!
3) Annoying parts.
- MC only thinks about boning his GF. To hell with the world, to hell with parents (unless he's the typical solo-orphan character with no one in the world), to hell with the new wild environment. "how long has it been?" "so it did happen to everyone?" - Forget all that! Gotta find mah gf i've been thinking about for the last 3000 YEARS! The power of boners man...
- Scientist MC thinks about becoming the king of the new world. As if he's just been teleported into one of those farming/city-building simulator games. The fact that 3700 freaking years have passed and the civilization is dead - we're just gonna look over it; shit happens man, gotta move on. The characters take the new world and the time that they spend imprisoned - just too lightly! No trauma, no fear of the unknown, no grief. Just a walk in the park! One character wants to bone a girl, other wants to rule the new world. One is ridiculously smart; another is super strong. Difficulty level:Easy/very easy

P.S before shitposting, know that i don't hate the show and will keep watching it (since i'm in love with post-apocalypse theme); and maybe even read the manga (which is still ongoing...-_- how "unexpected")
how come everybody didn't notice if we are lying in a hospital bed for just 5 years, we will lost muscle function. How come they.. for a fuckin 3000+ years hatched from a stone like a fresh man come out of shower. Wtf?? I mean it is anime, it is fiction, i didn't hope for them to be paralyzed but at least... Make it like they're having a hard time for adjusting their muscle back for using it again
idk, what did Cap do when he woke up after being frozen for years again?
Jul 7, 2019 11:34 AM

Sep 2018
1. There are traces of mankind. Just that plants and wildlife sort of grew over the buildings. Buildings can break down pretty easily if plants are growing through them.
There are probably people buried in the ground... You won't see them though... because... they are buried in the ground...
2. Most people probably became unconscious.
Just that the main characters didn't because they are essential for the plot.
3. Main characters have their quirks. What do you want them to be like...?
Jul 7, 2019 12:02 PM
Jul 2019
Black_Sheep97 said:
DeathProfessor said:
Just made an account after watching the ratings of the show. After watching the first episode, it definitely doesn't deserve 8.37 (with 10k+ users), should be at most 6. Personally, I would rate it 1, so that people like me balance/average out the rating to be around 5 to 6.

1) Both of them break the stones, but how were they alive till that point? The whole outer shell is made of stone. They haven't been eating, they haven't been breathing, how is their brain functioning(one is counting numbers, other is thinking about his gf)?

2) Then we see some animals effected by the event while others not. Why are monkeys/wolves/dogs/bats unaffected by the phenomenon while some birds which aren't mammals get effected same as humans?

3) Characters are way too annoying for my taste. Maybe I am just old, but I just couldn't bare to watch, only managed to complete the first episode thinking that maybe it would make sense in the last minute. Dr. with the quirky smile after each dialogue and wearing a printed shirt E=mc^2 doesn't make someone genius, his actions/dialogues have to be written in a way to make him seem like a genius. The guy makes a hut and presents it as, he is some kind of genius. I can link a youtube video of guy making an under ground covered swimming pool with just a wooden stick(not even a shovel but a literal sharpened wooden stick), it's called survival skills. The genius says "if only I had alcohol", like he has been out of stone for 6 months and he had 0 clue how to make alcohol, till his friend.

I have read some comments trying to defend this bs by 'well it's fictions so'. These are the same people that tried to defend season 8 of GoT. You have to make the viewer believe in your story/world, every other anime which has earned the rating of 8+ does that. One punch did it, Attack on Titan did it, Code Geass did it, Death note did it, Full metal alchemist did it, One piece did it, naruto did it, bleach did it (excluding all the fillers in all of these of-course), examples are endless. The premise of the show is science, this isn't an action anime, it has an emphasis on SCIENCE with the genius Dr. character in the middle, of-course it has to make sense. When Walter white(Breaking Bad) threw mercury fulminate on the ground it made sense because SCIENCE, of-course that amount c=wouldn't blow that much, but still it was made believable. This shit show on the other hand doesn't make a bit of sense.

May be it is aimed for the kids under the age of 10 and I am probably too old for it. In my defense I have watched plenty of anime from all genre like GTO, FLCL, Overlord, ReZero, No game no life, Trigun, fist of northstar, DB, Elfen Lied, Ergo Proxy, Tokyo Ghoul and 100's more but never did I watch such an over overrated BS. Definitely doesn't deserve 8.3
1. The only thing active was their conciouse , everything else was inactive as to why that's the case lord knows, that's one of the mysteries of the anime. this isn't an inconsistency yet.

2. This is probably an inconsistency, but only birds were frozen who other animals were still active.

The guy wearing the e = mc2 thing bothers you is just a nitpick, intelligent people on average are no different than regular people in terms of how they talk,it's what they do that separates and him counting tim and maintaining his sanity is a remarkable feat of mental effeciency.

It's funny you bring up breaking bad cause the Mercury scene is implausible from a realistic scientific angle and so is alot of the other "science" in the show.

I guess you missed the point about the breaking bad comment. This was to describe how to sell fiction, that particular scene was carried out after establishing the main character WW, but here we are to assume the Dr character is genius from the start without any character build up. To be made believable, is the point. Everyone knows majority of the shows/animes are based on fiction, but its the job of the show to make it look realistic.

I don't have a problem with him wearing E=mc^2 shirt, he can wear whatever the f he wants, what I have problem is his actions and what he says. Him counting time and remaining sane? First of all its linked with mind and mind needs nourishment to perform it isn't linked with consciousness. We breathe, we eat, RBC carries hemoglobin which carries O2 and CO2, the show premise is science not magic. If the whole body/mind was made of stone by some magic casting it would have made sense, but no the show says it happened because of unknown event which only effected the outer most area to be converted into stone, its basically mummifying a person but with stone. He spends 6 months and he couldn't figure out how to make alcohol by himself and you are telling me that he is a genius because he can count time and remain sane? I can bet every one who gets cured of this stonification remain sane, because the show is just plain stupid. 3000 + years and the bird starts chirping away instantly after de-stonification. To you probably that bird is also a genius who didn't lose its flight skills after destonification.

I didn't have problem watching naruto, one piece, bleach etc, I fkin have 0 problems with fiction, but the show has to make some sense to be made believable. I know, I can not summon a god damn frog with ninjutsu, I know I wouldn't ever get my hands on deathnote dropped by a shinigami. But there is a thing called character building, shows like death note literally tells you how to present your characters to look realistically smart, see L see Light. You don't have to wear a fkin E=mc^2 shirt to look smart, but this is done if you lack character building/development and you want quick results. You look for shortcuts and what you do is you try to spoon feed the audience that hey look "its the guy who wears E=mc^2 shirt, he must be smart no?"

Jul 7, 2019 12:11 PM
Nov 2015
DeathProfessor said:
Black_Sheep97 said:
1. The only thing active was their conciouse , everything else was inactive as to why that's the case lord knows, that's one of the mysteries of the anime. this isn't an inconsistency yet.

2. This is probably an inconsistency, but only birds were frozen who other animals were still active.

The guy wearing the e = mc2 thing bothers you is just a nitpick, intelligent people on average are no different than regular people in terms of how they talk,it's what they do that separates and him counting tim and maintaining his sanity is a remarkable feat of mental effeciency.

It's funny you bring up breaking bad cause the Mercury scene is implausible from a realistic scientific angle and so is alot of the other "science" in the show.

I guess you missed the point about the breaking bad comment. This was to describe how to sell fiction, that particular scene was carried out after establishing the main character WW, but here we are to assume the Dr character is genius from the start without any character build up. To be made believable, is the point. Everyone knows majority of the shows/animes are based on fiction, but its the job of the show to make it look realistic.

I don't have a problem with him wearing E=mc^2 shirt, he can wear whatever the f he wants, what I have problem is his actions and what he says. Him counting time and remaining sane? First of all its linked with mind and mind needs nourishment to perform it isn't linked with consciousness. We breathe, we eat, RBC carries hemoglobin which carries O2 and CO2, the show premise is science not magic. If the whole body/mind was made of stone by some magic casting it would have made sense, but no the show says it happened because of unknown event which only effected the outer most area to be converted into stone, its basically mummifying a person but with stone. He spends 6 months and he couldn't figure out how to make alcohol by himself and you are telling me that he is a genius because he can count time and remain sane? I can bet every one who gets cured of this stonification remain sane, because the show is just plain stupid. 3000 + years and the bird starts chirping away instantly after de-stonification. To you probably that bird is also a genius who didn't lose its flight skills after destonification.

I didn't have problem watching naruto, one piece, bleach etc, I fkin have 0 problems with fiction, but the show has to make some sense to be made believable. I know, I can not summon a god damn frog with ninjutsu, I know I wouldn't ever get my hands on deathnote dropped by a shinigami. But there is a thing called character building, shows like death note literally tells you how to present your characters to look realistically smart, see L see Light. You don't have to wear a fkin E=mc^2 shirt to look smart, but this is done if you lack character building/development and you want quick results. You look for shortcuts and what you do is you try to spoon feed the audience that hey look "its the guy who wears E=mc^2 shirt, he must be smart no?"

the genius was him supposedly creating fuel from plastic, which someone from the comments takes great issue with. Also his feat of maintaining his sanity by simply counting and keeping track of seconds accurately is an incredible feat. Also him identifying mushrooms and a way to free people is a sigh of his intelligence, with regards to the to rocks I have no idea how they were able to maintain their conciouse and be alive, that's something that the series has yet to go into and explain. And them maintaining their sanity the doctor guy is understandable, that feat builds him up as being exceptional, the other dude is too show how he is exceptional in his own way, which is his pure heart and single simple mind.
Jul 7, 2019 12:32 PM
Jul 2019
Black_Sheep97 said:
DeathProfessor said:

I guess you missed the point about the breaking bad comment. This was to describe how to sell fiction, that particular scene was carried out after establishing the main character WW, but here we are to assume the Dr character is genius from the start without any character build up. To be made believable, is the point. Everyone knows majority of the shows/animes are based on fiction, but its the job of the show to make it look realistic.

I don't have a problem with him wearing E=mc^2 shirt, he can wear whatever the f he wants, what I have problem is his actions and what he says. Him counting time and remaining sane? First of all its linked with mind and mind needs nourishment to perform it isn't linked with consciousness. We breathe, we eat, RBC carries hemoglobin which carries O2 and CO2, the show premise is science not magic. If the whole body/mind was made of stone by some magic casting it would have made sense, but no the show says it happened because of unknown event which only effected the outer most area to be converted into stone, its basically mummifying a person but with stone. He spends 6 months and he couldn't figure out how to make alcohol by himself and you are telling me that he is a genius because he can count time and remain sane? I can bet every one who gets cured of this stonification remain sane, because the show is just plain stupid. 3000 + years and the bird starts chirping away instantly after de-stonification. To you probably that bird is also a genius who didn't lose its flight skills after destonification.

I didn't have problem watching naruto, one piece, bleach etc, I fkin have 0 problems with fiction, but the show has to make some sense to be made believable. I know, I can not summon a god damn frog with ninjutsu, I know I wouldn't ever get my hands on deathnote dropped by a shinigami. But there is a thing called character building, shows like death note literally tells you how to present your characters to look realistically smart, see L see Light. You don't have to wear a fkin E=mc^2 shirt to look smart, but this is done if you lack character building/development and you want quick results. You look for shortcuts and what you do is you try to spoon feed the audience that hey look "its the guy who wears E=mc^2 shirt, he must be smart no?"

the genius was him supposedly creating fuel from plastic, which someone from the comments takes great issue with. Also his feat of maintaining his sanity by simply counting and keeping track of seconds accurately is an incredible feat. Also him identifying mushrooms and a way to free people is a sigh of his intelligence, with regards to the to rocks I have no idea how they were able to maintain their conciouse and be alive, that's something that the series has yet to go into and explain. And them maintaining their sanity the doctor guy is understandable, that feat builds him up as being exceptional, the other dude is too show how he is exceptional in his own way, which is his pure heart and single simple mind.

Sorry but I agree with a lot of points that @inim mentioned. The series is probably not for me and I still believe that the series doesn't deserve a rating of 8.3 but I might be wrong. I will do the same as inim and give it another try after it has completed it's season. Anyways ty for the reply.
Jul 7, 2019 12:45 PM
Nov 2015
DeathProfessor said:
Black_Sheep97 said:
the genius was him supposedly creating fuel from plastic, which someone from the comments takes great issue with. Also his feat of maintaining his sanity by simply counting and keeping track of seconds accurately is an incredible feat. Also him identifying mushrooms and a way to free people is a sigh of his intelligence, with regards to the to rocks I have no idea how they were able to maintain their conciouse and be alive, that's something that the series has yet to go into and explain. And them maintaining their sanity the doctor guy is understandable, that feat builds him up as being exceptional, the other dude is too show how he is exceptional in his own way, which is his pure heart and single simple mind.

Sorry but I agree with a lot of points that @inim mentioned. The series is probably not for me and I still believe that the series doesn't deserve a rating of 8.3 but I might be wrong. I will do the same as inim and give it another try after it has completed it's season. Anyways ty for the reply.
the issue I have with his stance, it seems to stem from bias because of his occupation and his critique stems from knowledge outside of what the series presents.

But I'm confused you're issues aren't the same, you have a problem on that the MC doesn't appear to be intelligent and the story does little to characterize that and I've shown you evidence that he is exceptionally intelligent perhaps unbelievably so.

Black_Sheep97Jul 7, 2019 12:49 PM
Jul 7, 2019 1:00 PM

Jun 2019
FalcieGaiah said:
They explain everything people are complaining about int his post. The stone isn't just some regular stone, this is explained along the way.

You also didn't see the "scientist MC" wake up, you'll have an episode with that, so saying the MC doesn't care about the state of the world is kinda dumb. You also have to realize that since they were conscious they already thought about that kind of stuff. This is mentioned in the ep.

The only thing to complain is sanity, but then again if we consider what we know about the stones it can explain it altho it is never addressed if not mistaken.

There is one thing in the manga that most people complain about being unrealistic, and it's in the next episode. I expect anime people to complain about it as well.

For those who read this just keep in mind that altho something absurd is going to happen next ep, in the long run it makes things really interesting. The manga exaggerates a few things but it's a manga/anime, it's not 1:1 with reality, it's grounded in actual science but there's your typical shonen stuff with characters that have superhuman strength etc.

Thanks God a fellow manga reader that know what's up, haha. One billion points for you on this one, people being way to impatient but I kind of understand it tho.
Jul 7, 2019 1:36 PM

Jun 2012
You bring up some valid criticisms, others that can be explained given time and a little bit of examination.
AzorAhai said:
1) Stone humans still lying around on the surface:
- No trace of mankind remains after 3700 years, which is hardly something you'd hardly doubt would happen. It's pretty much impossible even for a stone not to corrode or remain in one place for nearly 4 millennia! I'd hope the story somehow explains this in the future, but right now it's too unrealistic, even for a world where everyone magically turned into stones, to believe that all those stone people are not buried deep underground!
3700 years is a long time, but to say conclusively that the stone people would corrode in that time would require knowledge of their composition(how robust the stone formation is). The stones were created through magic or something heretofore unexplained, we probably shouldn't posit a guess for how durable they would be in this case. From all of the destroyed stone bodies we can tell that they aren't indestructable, even with the main characters permanent cracks have formed along their bodies(especially around the eyes). More than that we don't really know.
As to the point about them being buried under ground: sediment doesn't exactly spring up in uniform patterns. You're right to think that most of the stone bodies would be either buried or destroyed, and most of them probably are, but there are other circumstances such as the camphor tree that the girlfriend became rooted to over the millenia, or the cave that formed around the mc(caves can be shaped and rocks can be eroded by the naturally corrosive properties of bat guano, as mentioned in the show).

2) Sanity.
- MC, his mad scientist friend and it seems several others (from ED) have been stoned for 3000 years yet they were conscious during the whole period. Considering that the person hasn't lost his mind during ANY of this time...ever, it's incredibly frustrating to see a person emerge from stone as they were imprisoned for a week or a month. It would take years for a normal person to come in grasps with reality and fully realize what happened and where they are right now. Wouldn't you question your very existence and literally EVERYTHING during that time? I can't even imagine what a person can think about for 3700 years lol, ALONE with themselves!
The logic the show gives us here is pretty fragile, and I think it's only supposed to serve as a thematic support for the characters and their resolve. Although they were imprisoned within the stone for upwards of 3000 years, they were able to maintain sanity by fragmenting their minds or compartmentalizing thoughts toward only what they value most(what kept them sane or made up their individuality in the world before the stone phenomenon). They never had to question their existence because they actively stonewalled the question, they each maintained a way of thinking that protected them against any kind of personal examination. It's possible that not every character was able to do this, we've only seen two so far and there's a lot more to come. It's definitely a hand-waving in the face of science, based on the idea that philosophically we don't really have the tools to examine(maybe we do, idk) the way 3700 years can shape an active mind. The whole thing seems more like an appeal to the emotional value of storytelling, coming from, for instance, the fact mc had already waited 5 years to confess to his girlfriend. What is eternity matched up against seishun, the most important spring of your life?

3) Annoying parts.
- MC only thinks about boning his GF. To hell with the world, to hell with parents (unless he's the typical solo-orphan character with no one in the world), to hell with the new wild environment. "how long has it been?" "so it did happen to everyone?" - Forget all that! Gotta find mah gf i've been thinking about for the last 3000 YEARS! The power of boners man...
- Scientist MC thinks about becoming the king of the new world. As if he's just been teleported into one of those farming/city-building simulator games. The fact that 3700 freaking years have passed and the civilization is dead - we're just gonna look over it; shit happens man, gotta move on. The characters take the new world and the time that they spend imprisoned - just too lightly! No trauma, no fear of the unknown, no grief. Just a walk in the park! One character wants to bone a girl, other wants to rule the new world. One is ridiculously smart; another is super strong. Difficulty level:Easy/very easy
The fact they haven't really thought of their families safety is a little startling, but if mc has been thinking of his girlfriend for 3700 it does stand to reason that his investment in her safety would overrule other considerations just through sheer temporal momentum. It's definitely weird that he had a mind only for his girlfriend the entire time, but because of that it only makes sense that once he is freed from the stone he will continue to think of her, maybe even at the risk of forgetting everyone else. What's more weird to me is that he recognized the face of his childhood friend, and there was no trauma involved in coming to the grips with the fact people other than his girlfriend exist in the world.
I think the explanation for the scientist boy not really showing concern for the collapse of the world and instead gearing toward building it up from scratch is pretty serviceable. He's a child, the passing of generations has always been about letting the old fall away to shore up new potential. Adult characters who are more invested in the old world will necessarily experience a greater vertigo in the face of this phenomenon.

I was trying to sift this thread for some cogent discussion, but I couldn't really find anything else to reply to. I do think this is an interesting topic and worthy of stimulating the conversation around this series.

EpsilonX said:
I agree with the fact that staying conscious for the entire 3000 years is a bit hard to believe, and that there are almost no buildings leftover. I also am bothered by the fact that the birds turned to stone, which means animals turned as well...but the dog in the beginning didn't? And the monkeys we see later on didn't?
SleepySnowSpirit said:

I was wondering why birds and humans went to stone and not the other animals like the deer we saw and the baby boar that taiju was eating
The turning of the birds was an isolated incident that happened before the widespread phenomenon. As we saw in the show, it didn't apply to all birds either, we can see one flying far above the mc around the time he is unearthed from the stone. Wait for the story to unfold and bring clarity to these phenomena, it's pretty obviously going to be a point of examination later on.
OchimushaJul 7, 2019 2:07 PM
Jul 7, 2019 1:37 PM
Jul 2019
Black_Sheep97 said:
DeathProfessor said:

Sorry but I agree with a lot of points that @inim mentioned. The series is probably not for me and I still believe that the series doesn't deserve a rating of 8.3 but I might be wrong. I will do the same as inim and give it another try after it has completed it's season. Anyways ty for the reply.
the issue I have with his stance, it seems to stem from bias because of his occupation and his critique stems from knowledge outside of what the series presents.

But I'm confused you're issues aren't the same, you have a problem on that the MC doesn't appear to be intelligent and the story does little to characterize that and I've shown you evidence that he is exceptionally intelligent perhaps unbelievably so.

Well whatever you presented as an evidence, is not actually evidence of genius level intellect. Creating fuel from plastic is an established chemical process, its nothing as something Nobel prize worthy. And as I wrote in my first comment the rest are just survival skills, telling mushrooms being apart, building a hut, these are survival skills. here is a guy building a pool with no modern tools. Now there is a difference between a genius and just a simple intelligent person. Characters like L, Light(deathnote), WW(BB), Tyrian Lannister(GoT), Little finger(GoT) are properly portrayed to be like geniuses or highly intelligent, this character is not. The development just isn't there and this isn't an action/comedy like One punch, where the character doesn't really need a development, like it has to be explained how he magically got God-like powers. The anime portrays itself to be based on science. A group of teenagers praising every thing the character says doesn't make him a genius. He has to show something to why he is praised to much. There is literally 0 character development and that for an anime rated above 8 with this kind of premise is unacceptable. And episode one is there for setting a tone, and I didn't like one bit of it. Like the way he was portrayed just for a building a hut and constant smirking like he solved world poverty. The characters just look pretentious and this is tone isn't right for me. May be it sits fine with 10 y.o. but for me I will give it time to finish first then binge watch it, if it still holds its above 8+ score. May be I am wrong and assuming way too early, time will tell.
Jul 7, 2019 1:58 PM

Dec 2013
Idk how those guys managed to use their body so easly after 3700y in the stone. Without any rehabilitation, maybe just i take it too far :D
Jul 7, 2019 2:14 PM

Jan 2017
AzorAhai said:
1) Stone humans still lying around on the surface:
- No trace of mankind remains after 3700 years, which is hardly something you'd hardly doubt would happen. It's pretty much impossible even for a stone not to corrode or remain in one place for nearly 4 millennia! I'd hope the story somehow explains this in the future, but right now it's too unrealistic, even for a world where everyone magically turned into stones, to believe that all those stone people are not buried deep underground!
2) Sanity.
- MC, his mad scientist friend and it seems several others (from ED) have been stoned for 3000 years yet they were conscious during the whole period. Considering that the person hasn't lost his mind during ANY of this time...ever, it's incredibly frustrating to see a person emerge from stone as they were imprisoned for a week or a month. It would take years for a normal person to come in grasps with reality and fully realize what happened and where they are right now. Wouldn't you question your very existence and literally EVERYTHING during that time? I can't even imagine what a person can think about for 3700 years lol, ALONE with themselves!
3) Annoying parts.
- MC only thinks about boning his GF. To hell with the world, to hell with parents (unless he's the typical solo-orphan character with no one in the world), to hell with the new wild environment. "how long has it been?" "so it did happen to everyone?" - Forget all that! Gotta find mah gf i've been thinking about for the last 3000 YEARS! The power of boners man...
- Scientist MC thinks about becoming the king of the new world. As if he's just been teleported into one of those farming/city-building simulator games. The fact that 3700 freaking years have passed and the civilization is dead - we're just gonna look over it; shit happens man, gotta move on. The characters take the new world and the time that they spend imprisoned - just too lightly! No trauma, no fear of the unknown, no grief. Just a walk in the park! One character wants to bone a girl, other wants to rule the new world. One is ridiculously smart; another is super strong. Difficulty level:Easy/very easy

P.S before shitposting, know that i don't hate the show and will keep watching it (since i'm in love with post-apocalypse theme); and maybe even read the manga (which is still ongoing...-_- how "unexpected")
i agree with everything you mentioned and was thinking about all of these things too while watching the anime. it's kinda crazy that so many people reacted to this so harshly. even in sci-fi anime where the plot is entirely made up and unrealistic there has to be some common sense kind of or a backbone that everything can refer to. it just gives off a chaotic vibe i guess.
Jul 7, 2019 2:55 PM

Jan 2013
i agree 100%
i get that its anime , and its not supposed to be realistic
they could have just been in come but the writer was like nah lets make them conscious for almost 4k years
Jul 7, 2019 3:02 PM
Feb 2017
AzorAhai said:
1) Stone humans still lying around on the surface:
- No trace of mankind remains after 3700 years, which is hardly something you'd hardly doubt would happen. It's pretty much impossible even for a stone not to corrode or remain in one place for nearly 4 millennia! I'd hope the story somehow explains this in the future, but right now it's too unrealistic, even for a world where everyone magically turned into stones, to believe that all those stone people are not buried deep underground!
2) Sanity.
- MC, his mad scientist friend and it seems several others (from ED) have been stoned for 3000 years yet they were conscious during the whole period. Considering that the person hasn't lost his mind during ANY of this time...ever, it's incredibly frustrating to see a person emerge from stone as they were imprisoned for a week or a month. It would take years for a normal person to come in grasps with reality and fully realize what happened and where they are right now. Wouldn't you question your very existence and literally EVERYTHING during that time? I can't even imagine what a person can think about for 3700 years lol, ALONE with themselves!
3) Annoying parts.
- MC only thinks about boning his GF. To hell with the world, to hell with parents (unless he's the typical solo-orphan character with no one in the world), to hell with the new wild environment. "how long has it been?" "so it did happen to everyone?" - Forget all that! Gotta find mah gf i've been thinking about for the last 3000 YEARS! The power of boners man...
- Scientist MC thinks about becoming the king of the new world. As if he's just been teleported into one of those farming/city-building simulator games. The fact that 3700 freaking years have passed and the civilization is dead - we're just gonna look over it; shit happens man, gotta move on. The characters take the new world and the time that they spend imprisoned - just too lightly! No trauma, no fear of the unknown, no grief. Just a walk in the park! One character wants to bone a girl, other wants to rule the new world. One is ridiculously smart; another is super strong. Difficulty level:Easy/very easy

P.S before shitposting, know that i don't hate the show and will keep watching it (since i'm in love with post-apocalypse theme); and maybe even read the manga (which is still ongoing...-_- how "unexpected")
the scientist is the mc bro ...
Jul 7, 2019 3:37 PM

Dec 2016
It's pretty entertaining, but I definitely noticed a few potential plot holes here and there. Also, the episode felt super rushed? I'm about to read the first few chapters of the manga to compare, maybe it wasn't, but it felt it.

Overall I think it's one of those cases where it sounds really damn cool in concept, but so far falls flat in terms of execution. I'll have to wait and see.
Jul 7, 2019 3:51 PM

Dec 2016
Also, to name a few nitpicks and tiny inconsistencies (excluding what you already mentioned with the ridiculous amount of passed time);

- Only some animals are turned to stone? Dogs and deer were completely fine, yet other animals like birds became stone. Whether this is something that will be explained or nah, I guess we'll find out. Maybe some types of genes or whatever are resistant to this petrifying power, or birds could have some specific relevance here. It did look like the show was putting heavy emphasis on birds as a whole, they were the only animal I saw that was stone actually...

- Clothes aren't affected and don't turn to stone, yet the girl's headphones do? I guess it's part of her character design lol, can't have them corroding (even though even as stone they DEFINITELY would have by now, just saying -- unless it's a special type of stone that doesn't wear over time and blah blah plot armor, the show might elaborate).

- We clearly see that people are TURNED into stone, completely, inside and out, yet when a human or animal breaks out of the stone it's like a stone layer is covering their body... not like they actually became stone.

I think the show is looking to be weaker than what it was hyped up to be (for me at least), and while usually I'd dismiss all this as "anime logic", most of it is way too obvious to just ignore and overlook. Really looking forward to see what direction this takes though.
Jul 7, 2019 4:03 PM
Mar 2016
Honestly had the same questions
Why are they still sane after 3700 years and why does Taiju only think of a girl for 3700 years?
Hopefully it gets explained. Not everything in shounen should be explained, but it feels more complete imo if it is.
Jul 7, 2019 4:24 PM

Apr 2019
DeathProfessor said:
Creating fuel from plastic is an established chemical process, its nothing as something Nobel prize worthy.
Dammit, now this discussion spreads to here as well. Damn the torpedoes, but: Pyrolysis of plastic into kerosin and diesel is a chemically well understood process, but nowhere near established. You basically need a reactor with several 100C long-term constant temperature, oxygen free athmosphere of a defined pressure, a catalyst (which may be as simple as active coal, but it depends). You also need to take a lot of care to not produce toxines such as dioxin in the process, which happens easily when temperature is wrong or too much halogen plastics (e.g. PVC) are in your mix. You also need a working system to get rid of the toxic waste and fumes. And the biggest problem: you want a positive energy balance, the key to economic feasbility.

While university and industrial research level prototype reactors exist, nobody so far managed find a robust combination for all the loose ends and parameters which would allow large scale, economically feasible processing. The energy balance is the worst problem, it's indeed a process engineer's nightmare - and far from being solved at scale.

That said: I still doubt that the Dr. Stone MC using only ressources and funds accessible to a highschool, or even a mediocre university, can produce liquid fuel in a substantial amount from PET bottles. The chemistry isn't his problem, the process engineering, energy balance, and the reactor parameters are.
inimJul 7, 2019 4:59 PM

Jul 7, 2019 4:43 PM
Nov 2015
This first episode also left me with a bunch of questions like:

Why the birds got in stone but the dogs didnt?
When the light appeared the mc was in a building but when he was showed counting time it looked like an open space.
How did he kept sane while counting seconds?
Why didn't they look for other living humans and quickly established a camp without considering the fact that maybe others got lucky and ressurrected too.

I didnt enjoy the episode as I had hoped for because everything was superficial and ridiculous in a way.
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