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May 26, 2018 11:25 AM
Jul 2018
Link to the article:

You don't have to listen to the podcast, just go to the comments section and enjoy losing whatever's left of your brain cells.

All I have to say about this is: how far disconnected from reality do you have to be to mix up and project YOUR country's politics into a god damned anime?
May 26, 2018 11:32 AM

Jan 2009
so its right wing propaganda because it wants tradition of sex and reproduction between male and female?

more like its propaganda for japan to start making more babies or they will be extinct just like the fear of far right wing groups like the alt-right about white genocide
May 26, 2018 11:34 AM

Dec 2013
This anime is the gift that keeps on giving. We used to have Jojo fridays but now we have Shitshow Saturdays.
May 26, 2018 11:47 AM

Apr 2012
Lol, I predicted a similar paranoia after episode 18. Moreover, this show already angered the feminists in the anime fandom after episode 8, when Kokoro stated that boys and girls should try to understand and respect each other, rather than boys must completely submit to the point of view of the girls.

Well, I think that I understand what they wanted to say, but I'm really starting to get annoyed by modern trends to find something offensive and toxic in any positive image of heterosexual relationship.

May 26, 2018 11:50 AM
Jul 2018
This is an issue I have with the show's criticisms nowadays. Instead of actually criticizing for what it's actually inside of the show's content, people will shove whatever moral ideology that comes from their minds and then claims it as such even though it isn't as such.

This is why I hate political stuff in general, while I wouldn't actually understand all of them, these terms shouldn't be placed in a show like this especially when the main focus isn't something related to political perceptions. It's a story about people going through a phase that everyone goes through, exploration of one's own self as well as sexual interest and love affairs.

Criticisms are fine with the show, I'm fine with it. But don't shove ideals like this and go fully disconnect mode about it.
May 26, 2018 11:54 AM
Mar 2018
Not this shit again, Jesus. Reported this shitpost.
May 26, 2018 11:57 AM

Oct 2016
>enjoy losing whatever's left of your brain cells

May 26, 2018 11:59 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Yeah, saw a couple of their reviews of Franxx on their site weeks ago. They are pretty fucking annoying shoving their political views in their criticism of Franxx.
Just stop, its a goddamn cartoon, ANN.
May 26, 2018 12:02 PM
Jul 2018
SNDT said:
Not this shit again, Jesus. Reported this shitpost.

Uh, what? What shitpost? Care to elaborate? This is very much legit and I think it's a topic worth discussing, so why call it shitpost and even report it?
May 26, 2018 12:05 PM
Jul 2018
SNDT said:
Not this shit again, Jesus. Reported this shitpost.

How is this thing a shitpost? ;;
May 26, 2018 12:05 PM

Aug 2017
They did all that for 1h and 3m?
May 26, 2018 12:08 PM
Mar 2018
Nihilistic_Boi said:
SNDT said:
Not this shit again, Jesus. Reported this shitpost.

Uh, what? What shitpost? Care to elaborate? This is very much legit and I think it's a topic worth discussing, so why call it shitpost and even report it?

As far as I remember there was similar thread already and it was deleted by mods because this shit doesn't relevant to title discussion.
May 26, 2018 12:11 PM
Jul 2018
SNDT said:
Nihilistic_Boi said:

Uh, what? What shitpost? Care to elaborate? This is very much legit and I think it's a topic worth discussing, so why call it shitpost and even report it?

As far as I remember there was similar thread already and it was deleted by mods because this shit doesn't relevant to title discussion.

Well, I'd say this is a relevant discussion because its very much related to the anime and on-going discussions about it, so I don't see a reason why mods would delete this thread or why anyone would get upset about it.
May 26, 2018 10:16 PM

Aug 2017
It doesn't surprise me that SJW gets triggered by everything.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
May 27, 2018 1:02 AM
Oct 2014
Progressists are mentally ill, more news at 11.
May 27, 2018 2:10 AM
Oct 2016
This is a huge problem with Americans. They always project their countries fucked up politics onto every piece of media they consume.

The writers of this show don't give a fuck about American Politics, and it had no influence on their writing process.

It comes down to the fact that most Americans know nothing of the world outside their borders. They don't understand that other countries can be very different, and therefore they might create something that you can't apply your fucked up world view to.

I'm frankly sick of America's ultra racial identity driven politics being applied to everyone else.

Don't ruin our media just because you can't sort your own fucking shit out.
May 27, 2018 2:55 AM

Aug 2008
What else do you expect from one of the most worthless A&M related sites on the internet? Articles and comments even about non-topics there are so depressingly stupid they make you numb to the idea of mass eradication... Brain disease of marxisms and postmodernism is well in the West.
Ii tenki desu ne...
May 27, 2018 8:21 AM

Apr 2009
deg said:
so its right wing propaganda because it wants tradition of sex and reproduction between male and female?

more like its propaganda for japan to start making more babies or they will be extinct just like the fear of far right wing groups like the alt-right about white genocide

lol if anything this anime will raise otaku's (already incredibly high) expectations of women even further like all magical girlfriend shows do.

May 27, 2018 10:14 AM

Oct 2013
ANN is SJW propaganda.

All of their futher episode reviews will be shitting on the show regardless of actual quality.
May 27, 2018 1:26 PM

Apr 2012
The ann critic should stand in the middle of busy highway to do humanity a favor.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
To add users to the Ignore list: (1) Go to Account settings (2) Click Forum tab and toggle down (3) Type or paste user name on entry box (4) Click Add and you're done.
Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
May 27, 2018 1:35 PM
Jul 2018
guess Japan can't release conservative things, they are still a two party system there, including the minor. but let's face facts, in a post apocalyptic world you can't naturally reproduce with same gender, sorry, unless there's some parallel world or some freak mutation then babies aren't going to be born, unless they are officially test tube babies.

last I checked it's entertainment only, what people read into it is entirely on them. with all that nudity and ecchi not quite certain how that's conservative related, but hey, look at all the things similar folks will compare to other things from other countries, such as finding things wrong with American animation. pretty much stop reading into things, look past what the creators have provided and simply enjoy the program. nothing is going to be perfect, never. no matter how some might assure, there will always be fault with something.

May 27, 2018 2:20 PM

Jan 2009
Dr. FranXX is an atheist while majority of right wing people are religious conservatives so checkmate ANN
May 27, 2018 2:22 PM

Apr 2016
I wonder, when was it ... when ANN became total dogshit ? I dont remember them being so full of shit back then.

Wasshio said:
This is an issue I have with the show's criticisms nowadays. Instead of actually criticizing for what it's actually inside of the show's content, people will shove whatever moral ideology that comes from their minds and then claims it as such even though it isn't as such.

We call people like that selfinserts.
SwagernatorMay 27, 2018 2:27 PM
May 27, 2018 3:55 PM
Jul 2018
Swagernator said:
I wonder, when was it ... when ANN became total dogshit ? I dont remember them being so full of shit back then.

Wasshio said:
This is an issue I have with the show's criticisms nowadays. Instead of actually criticizing for what it's actually inside of the show's content, people will shove whatever moral ideology that comes from their minds and then claims it as such even though it isn't as such.

We call people like that selfinserts.

Most likely. Even then it really comes off as absolutely ridiculous to the point where it's really disconnecting between that and the people. Which is unfortunate.
May 27, 2018 4:09 PM

Sep 2016
Nihilistic_Boi said:
Link to the article:

You don't have to listen to the podcast, just go to the comments section and enjoy losing whatever's left of your brain cells.

All I have to say about this is: how far disconnected from reality do you have to be to mix up and project YOUR country's politics into a god damned anime?
typical liberal american article lol

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
May 27, 2018 4:50 PM

Jan 2014
Lol what? If anything, Darling in the Franxx is anti-capitalist with episode 19 out and has touched upon non-traditional themes. The children wanting to revolt against Papa honestly resembles a revolution. cough cough.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

May 27, 2018 4:52 PM

May 2018
Reproduction ?

The main characters will probably all die in the end
May 27, 2018 10:11 PM
Jul 2014
Whatever Darling in the Franxx may be, it's certainly not propaganda. It may contain themes that could be seen as propaganda, but unlike certain anime, such as GATE: Thus the JDSF fought there, there's no obvious effort to portray any particular known modern group as openly malicious. Moreover, he's essentially grasping at straws; at no point does darling in the franxx actually discuss the idea that non-traditional gender roles are actually negative.

Indeed, it seems all but openly accepting of the fact that Ikuno is gay, and moreover lets that character identify as both homosexual and a female at the same time.

Hell, this latest episode completely josses that critic's idea by essentially confirming that Darling in the Franxx's whole position is this:

We are who we are because of our ability to love and care for one another regardless of whom it is that we care for each other; that our sexuality is part of who we are, and should be celebrated and not suppressed; that homogenity is not necessarily a good thing. Hell, it even establishes in this episode that anti-child laws were the result of immortality, not the cause of it, particularly since the serum caused infertility in the long term.

I just cannot see how he came to this conclusion, especially given the fact that at no point is the "we want babies and the ability to decide our own fates" isn't contrasted with an explicit opposite that portrays working women, etc.

May 27, 2018 10:30 PM
Jul 2014
NiotaBunny said:
guess Japan can't release conservative things, they are still a two party system there, including the minor. but let's face facts, in a post apocalyptic world you can't naturally reproduce with same gender, sorry, unless there's some parallel world or some freak mutation then babies aren't going to be born, unless they are officially test tube babies.

last I checked it's entertainment only, what people read into it is entirely on them. with all that nudity and ecchi not quite certain how that's conservative related, but hey, look at all the things similar folks will compare to other things from other countries, such as finding things wrong with American animation. pretty much stop reading into things, look past what the creators have provided and simply enjoy the program. nothing is going to be perfect, never. no matter how some might assure, there will always be fault with something.

If you want legitimate propaganda in anime, Gate: Thus the JDSF fought there is an excellent example of very obvious and hamfisted propaganda. So, for that matter, is Kado: the Right Answer.

Gate: Thus the JDSF fought there makes the following propaganda claims:
-Japan is inherently peaceful/the most peaceful
-the media is inherently biased against the self-defense forces
-Japan can do no wrong
-Outside nations are inherently greedy and corrupt and will always act at Japan's expense
-Japanese cultural norms (in terms of science, technology, etc) are inherently superior and likeable.

Kado makes the claim, similar to Gate, that Japan is the most righteous/ peaceful / equal nation and thus most deserving of [insert technology here], politiely ignoring the raft of social issues in Japan, including ignorance of the homeless, financial troubles, the way mental health issues are treated or ignored.

And if you want the class act, there's always Shimoneta, which was literally an anime/manga made in response to a contemporary law modification in Tokyo that would have banned *any* depiction of anyone under the age of 18 engaging in sexual activity. So Shimoneta depicted that proposed ordinance taken to its extreme, where all sexual material or references were banned, thus leading to corruption, stagnation, overt suppression and corruption, etc. So, Shimoneta was essentially making the argument that banning what amounts to child pornography would lead to loss of gender norms, which equals crazy characters like Alice, and so on...
May 27, 2018 10:57 PM

Apr 2018
I could understand having criticisms for the anime (and oh boy do I have plenty) but that's just ridiculous
May 27, 2018 11:10 PM
Jul 2018
firemagnet said:

If you want legitimate propaganda in anime, Gate: Thus the JDSF fought there is an excellent example of very obvious and hamfisted propaganda. So, for that matter, is Kado: the Right Answer.

Gate: Thus the JDSF fought there makes the following propaganda claims:
-Japan is inherently peaceful/the most peaceful
-the media is inherently biased against the self-defense forces
-Japan can do no wrong
-Outside nations are inherently greedy and corrupt and will always act at Japan's expense
-Japanese cultural norms (in terms of science, technology, etc) are inherently superior and likeable.

Kado makes the claim, similar to Gate, that Japan is the most righteous/ peaceful / equal nation and thus most deserving of [insert technology here], politiely ignoring the raft of social issues in Japan, including ignorance of the homeless, financial troubles, the way mental health issues are treated or ignored.

And if you want the class act, there's always Shimoneta, which was literally an anime/manga made in response to a contemporary law modification in Tokyo that would have banned *any* depiction of anyone under the age of 18 engaging in sexual activity. So Shimoneta depicted that proposed ordinance taken to its extreme, where all sexual material or references were banned, thus leading to corruption, stagnation, overt suppression and corruption, etc. So, Shimoneta was essentially making the argument that banning what amounts to child pornography would lead to loss of gender norms, which equals crazy characters like Alice, and so on...

Just passing by to say that I loved your comments and that I wish I found more people like you in this site instead of the usual simpletons, fanboys and trolls.

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