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May 27, 2017 5:42 PM
Feb 2017
TheDoggoneGirl07 said:
Boys scratching or touching their balls or penis, and peeing every place where they think they can. Jesus.

i touch my penis and balls all the time. it's actually comfortable to have my hands in my pants.
May 27, 2017 6:59 PM

Jul 2016
I don't get how dicks fit in pants. Like how?????????????? How do men not have boner in front of girls????????? Please explain the pants thing.

May 27, 2017 9:47 PM

Jul 2013
ChissyCheeze said:
Why women tend to date men that treat them like shit in hopes they can "change him". Or better yet they go after assholes and when said asshole treats them nicely it makes them feel "special".

haha all those wattpad cliche of MC girl 'changing' bad boy when she becomes his girlfriend

joecool24 said:
Giving birth. How the fuck is the thought of having a living creature violently expelled from your body or having your stomach ripped open to pull a baby out not traumatizing? Having unprotected sex would take some serious justification lol

I don't get it either but this description oh my god haha, I can't see birth the same way again.
SkyFullOfStarsMay 27, 2017 10:03 PM
May 27, 2017 9:49 PM

Jul 2013
How they would rather fight others than to apologize and hug. (Of course not everyone, but I can't see those type of guys most of the time.)

ugh but apologizing is so meek! fighting is the way to go and proves that you have the stronger argument!!! jkjk

Rinar said:
Some fashion and beauty things are baffling enough, such as high heels, but since men apparently like it, it makes sense to wear them and my own gender is baffling me now.

Periods... period.


shotz said:
opposite gender?

never heard of that anime.

why have opposite genders when you can have traps, reverse traps, genderbenders, etc.

imeli said:

Woman makes minimum wage but expects that any romantic partner makes at least double, if not triple.
Woman lives at home with parents but thinks that men who live at home are bums regardless of the situation.
Woman thinks spending money on musical equipment is a waste of money but she spends more than double the amount on makeup, hair products, nail polish, etc...

-maybe that's where the idea of sugar daddies came from ahahaha
-idk, society is like that man. It's like peeps still live in time where men have to work and women stay home as housewives and cook all day or smg.
-this one is a stereotype since there are loads of female musicians who's rather spend money on musical equipments than on beauty products. I know quite a few of them.
SkyFullOfStarsMay 27, 2017 10:00 PM
May 27, 2017 10:12 PM
Feb 2017
SkyFullOfStars said:
How they would rather fight others than to apologize and hug. (Of course not everyone, but I can't see those type of guys most of the time.)

ugh but apologizing is so meek! fighting is the way to go and proves that you have the stronger argument!!! jkjk

Rinar said:
Some fashion and beauty things are baffling enough, such as high heels, but since men apparently like it, it makes sense to wear them and my own gender is baffling me now.

Periods... period.


shotz said:
opposite gender?

never heard of that anime.

why have opposite genders when you can have traps, reverse traps, genderbenders, etc.

imeli said:

Woman makes minimum wage but expects that any romantic partner makes at least double, if not triple.
Woman lives at home with parents but thinks that men who live at home are bums regardless of the situation.
Woman thinks spending money on musical equipment is a waste of money but she spends more than double the amount on makeup, hair products, nail polish, etc...

-maybe that's where the idea of sugar daddies came from ahahaha
-idk, society is like that man. It's like peeps still live in time where men have to work and women stay home as housewives and cook all day or smg.
-this one is a stereotype since there are loads of female musicians who's rather spend money on musical equipments than on beauty products. I know quite a few of them.

this is what I have experienced in the last five years. other's experiences may or may not be different.
May 27, 2017 10:17 PM

Jul 2013
imeli said:
SkyFullOfStars said:

ugh but apologizing is so meek! fighting is the way to go and proves that you have the stronger argument!!! jkjk


why have opposite genders when you can have traps, reverse traps, genderbenders, etc.[/spoiler]

-maybe that's where the idea of sugar daddies came from ahahaha
-idk, society is like that man. It's like peeps still live in time where men have to work and women stay home as housewives and cook all day or smg.
-this one is a stereotype since there are loads of female musicians who's rather spend money on musical equipments than on beauty products. I know quite a few of them.

this is what I have experienced in the last five years. other's experiences may or may not be different.

I know, I ain't judging you for it. I know girls like that too.
May 27, 2017 10:53 PM

Oct 2016
Theonewhorules said:
I don't get how dicks fit in pants. Like how?????????????? How do men not have boner in front of girls????????? Please explain the pants thing.

um, there's usually a little space in front of dicks in the pants, that's that,
by girl do u mean all girl or a specific girl like crush, it also depend on the person, not all male got a boner everytime by standing in front of girls.
May 27, 2017 11:16 PM

Feb 2011
Luxima said:
How men can sit with wide spread legs everywhere and everytime, exposing their super sensitive area to the outside world, ready to take attacks.
Why aren't they more protective of their junk? Why don't they sit with their legs at least slightly together? They're constantly just a kick aways from the worst pain known to man possible.

Some guys actually wish it would happen lol
Life is an Art
May 28, 2017 1:24 AM

Jun 2016
imeli said:
TheDoggoneGirl07 said:
Boys scratching or touching their balls or penis, and peeing every place where they think they can. Jesus.

i touch my penis and balls all the time. it's actually comfortable to have my hands in my pants.

Well, yours is a very different story unlike those boys who enlightened me beforehand. Hahaha. Ffff.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
May 28, 2017 1:35 AM

May 2013
Theonewhorules said:
I don't get how dicks fit in pants. Like how?????????????? How do men not have boner in front of girls????????? Please explain the pants thing.

guys do get caught with boners sometimes.

i mean look at robert planet. he had a boner onstage at like every Zeppelin show in history lmao

And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
May 28, 2017 3:30 AM

Mar 2014
Cjakarin said:
Theonewhorules said:
I don't get how dicks fit in pants. Like how?????????????? How do men not have boner in front of girls????????? Please explain the pants thing.

um, there's usually a little space in front of dicks in the pants, that's that,
by girl do u mean all girl or a specific girl like crush, it also depend on the person, not all male got a boner everytime by standing in front of girls.

theres something horribly wrong if you pop a boner from standing infront of a girl, even if its your crush.
May 28, 2017 4:31 AM

Mar 2014
Mostly, about how they sometimes give a headache to the opposite gender -_-
May 28, 2017 11:07 AM

Dec 2015
Theonewhorules said:
I don't get how dicks fit in pants. Like how?????????????? How do men not have boner in front of girls????????? Please explain the pants thing.

I understand your confusion as I frequently have trouble fitting my ginormous baby cannon in my pants. Sometimes you just pop a hardon and you just gotta tuck it in your waistband.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 28, 2017 11:10 AM

Oct 2013
Humans with vagina talk too much, at all ages, it upsets me sometimes
May 28, 2017 11:14 AM

Dec 2014
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Humans with vagina talk too much, at all ages, it upsets me sometimes
Trans men with vaginas sound too manly too me.
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
May 28, 2017 11:20 AM

Oct 2013
Frag- said:
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Humans with vagina talk too much, at all ages, it upsets me sometimes
Trans men with vaginas sound too manly too me.
Trans men? You mean a woman who believes she's a dude? I'm not quite up to date with all this new lingo
May 28, 2017 11:54 AM

Dec 2014
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Frag- said:
Trans men with vaginas sound too manly too me.
Trans men? You mean a woman who believes she's a dude? I'm not quite up to date with all this new lingo
About a woman who *indetifies as a dude, yeah.
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
May 28, 2017 11:58 AM

Oct 2013
Frag- said:
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Trans men? You mean a woman who believes she's a dude? I'm not quite up to date with all this new lingo
About a woman who *indetifies as a dude, yeah.
It was a joke, I get it now

By the way all identities are made up, it's all make believe, from race to nationality to sexuality
May 28, 2017 12:03 PM

Dec 2014
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Frag- said:
About a woman who *indetifies as a dude, yeah.
It was a joke, I get it now

By the way all identities are made up, it's all make believe, from race to nationality to sexuality
All make believe? I don't really know what you're talking about but being transexual is not a choice, your race is not a choice either.
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
May 28, 2017 12:26 PM

Oct 2013
Frag- said:
UnoPuntoCinco said:
It was a joke, I get it now

By the way all identities are made up, it's all make believe, from race to nationality to sexuality
All make believe? I don't really know what you're talking about but being transexual is not a choice, your race is not a choice either.
Of course the condition itself of race, sex, age, ability are objective and material, it's the thought people have about these conditions that are made up, to clarify this further: "being German" is an abstract idea as much as what a "man" or "not man" is. After all not all Germans are the same, believe the same or behave the same, but all Germans would agree that they are Germans. And there used to be a time in which they wouldn't consider themselves Germans, one would be a Prussian or a Bavarian or whatever...

Race can be an abstract too, the Spanish caste system separated and classified the different results of miscegenation among Europeans, Americans and Africans, there were literally dozens of castes, after the 19th Century revolutions all along Latin america these castes were dropped because no longer were they part of the identities of these people, they became Chileans, Peruvians or Mexicans and a different line of racial thought was born

Regarding gender, if we take for granted that the mainstream idea of gender is cis I'd say that being a transgender, or transexual are identities that actually perpetuate this binary idea on sex and gender, since you'd change from being x to being y, legitimizing that x and y are the two possible categories for gender, in fact this is so subjective that some cultures have a third gender, like the Muxe people in Oaxaca.

Like I said, it's all in people's head.
May 28, 2017 2:04 PM

Jan 2009
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Of course the condition itself of race, sex, age, ability are objective and material, it's the thought people have about these conditions that are made up, to clarify this further: "being German" is an abstract idea as much as what a "man" or "not man" is. After all not all Germans are the same, believe the same or behave the same, but all Germans would agree that they are Germans. And there used to be a time in which they wouldn't consider themselves Germans, one would be a Prussian or a Bavarian or whatever...
Sorry, but that's simply wrong. Being an Identity is normally something you're born into. Just as you have your Role Models with your Gender Identity corresponding to your biological Sex, you normally have a Mother Language and Parents, that come from a certain Culture and from where you normally have your ethnic Identity as to which Nationality you are identified by yourself and/or others. I'm highlighting "normally" here, because that's the regular Case for most People here.
Also, a regional-national Identity doesn't exclude an ethnic-national Identity. Most Persons from a German-speaking Country saw themselves as both Citizens from their respective Country and as Germans, including People from German speaking Switzerland, from Austria and from Salzburg when it was independent (Mozart).
May 28, 2017 3:03 PM

Oct 2013
Noboru said:
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Of course the condition itself of race, sex, age, ability are objective and material, it's the thought people have about these conditions that are made up, to clarify this further: "being German" is an abstract idea as much as what a "man" or "not man" is. After all not all Germans are the same, believe the same or behave the same, but all Germans would agree that they are Germans. And there used to be a time in which they wouldn't consider themselves Germans, one would be a Prussian or a Bavarian or whatever...
Sorry, but that's simply wrong. Being an Identity is normally something you're born into. Just as you have your Role Models with your Gender Identity corresponding to your biological Sex, you normally have a Mother Language and Parents, that come from a certain Culture and from where you normally have your ethnic Identity as to which Nationality you are identified by yourself and/or others. I'm highlighting "normally" here, because that's the regular Case for most People here.
Also, a regional-national Identity doesn't exclude an ethnic-national Identity. Most Persons from a German-speaking Country saw themselves as both Citizens from their respective Country and as Germans, including People from German speaking Switzerland, from Austria and from Salzburg when it was independent (Mozart).
What consists as a national or racial identity is and will be manipulated for political reasons, I refer to how flexible identities will be and their political character. For example the several attempts of the Spanish empire to "cleanse" the peninsula by removing Jews, Muslims and or forcing them to convert to Christianity, denying that hispanidad to moors and jews, yet in the recent history Spain has recognized the multicultural character of iberia, of course, in line with the current ideology
May 28, 2017 3:29 PM
Feb 2014
Not the opposite gender but apparently how guys are now advocating for same-sex movie theaters of all people.
May 28, 2017 3:39 PM

Apr 2013
how ya get blood coming out that little (or big) hole between your legs xd
May 28, 2017 7:46 PM

Apr 2012
in general are female bathrooms as filthy as men's?

TheDoggoneGirl07 said:
Boys scratching or touching their balls or penis, and peeing every place where they think they can. Jesus.

ya know u gotta have a guide hand on your penis so you don't spray and pray

idk about scratching your balls in public. only weirdos do that

May 28, 2017 11:15 PM

Jun 2016
Zeally said:
in general are female bathrooms as filthy as men's?

TheDoggoneGirl07 said:
Boys scratching or touching their balls or penis, and peeing every place where they think they can. Jesus.

ya know u gotta have a guide hand on your penis so you don't spray and pray

idk about scratching your balls in public. only weirdos do that

The female bathrooms are cleaner than men, I'm telling you. And it doesn't smell stench or something unpleasant but perfume or cologne. Hahahaha!

Goshdarnit, I thought we're done with the scratching balls. I get it now. Your balls or your ochinchin sometimes gets in the way of your legs or something. Damnit!

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
May 29, 2017 2:24 AM

Mar 2014
Mostly, about lewd things they talks behind the opposite gender -_-
May 30, 2017 10:19 AM
Jul 2018
There are more things about my own gender I don't understand than things I don't understand about the opposite gender

Like how men always say women are complicated even though they really aren't
Or how men are so open about their hornyness
May 30, 2017 10:34 AM

Nov 2016
Theonewhorules said:
I don't get how dicks fit in pants. Like how?????????????? How do men not have boner in front of girls????????? Please explain the pants thing.

They just kinda fit into underwear and pants. Like, you just put it on and done. Also, it depends on the girl. If it's someone that's attractive or someone they have a crush on, they may get one, but conceal it. I usually think it's concealed through putting their hand in their pocket to hold it back.

As for girls, I'm baffled at how guys have to understand romantic cues from girls. At least from my perspective, that's what baffles me. I'm probably as dense as a Harem MC, most like the one from Oni Ai.
"Estamos en la mierda joder" -DJMaRiiO
May 30, 2017 11:09 AM

Jan 2009
UnoPuntoCinco said:
Noboru said:
Sorry, but that's simply wrong. Being an Identity is normally something you're born into. Just as you have your Role Models with your Gender Identity corresponding to your biological Sex, you normally have a Mother Language and Parents, that come from a certain Culture and from where you normally have your ethnic Identity as to which Nationality you are identified by yourself and/or others. I'm highlighting "normally" here, because that's the regular Case for most People here.
Also, a regional-national Identity doesn't exclude an ethnic-national Identity. Most Persons from a German-speaking Country saw themselves as both Citizens from their respective Country and as Germans, including People from German speaking Switzerland, from Austria and from Salzburg when it was independent (Mozart).
What consists as a national or racial identity is and will be manipulated for political reasons, I refer to how flexible identities will be and their political character. For example the several attempts of the Spanish empire to "cleanse" the peninsula by removing Jews, Muslims and or forcing them to convert to Christianity, denying that hispanidad to moors and jews, yet in the recent history Spain has recognized the multicultural character of iberia, of course, in line with the current ideology
That's far stretching the ethnic-national Identity, because Judaism and especially Islam requires a completely different Life Style than the usual European and/or Hispanian Culture. There have been at least partially or pretty much fully assimilated (cultural) Jews in German-speaking Central Europe.

It's hard to speak of someone as being a Part of the same People when their Names don't sound like one of them, they look completely different and they have different Customs.
May 30, 2017 11:18 AM

Jan 2009
Why don't they have to wear shirts and I do! D:
May 30, 2017 11:20 AM

Nov 2015
How insipid and passive they usually are....

Well, not like guys are any exception but generally you have better chances with guys of finding someone worthwhile. With girls?? nein...
May 30, 2017 6:19 PM

Feb 2017
Why do guys spit? Like on the ground outside. Or is that just the guys I know being weird?
May 30, 2017 9:07 PM

Jun 2016
JKKH said:
Why do guys spit? Like on the ground outside. Or is that just the guys I know being weird?

They want to be badass cowboys? Really I don't know, but whenever I spit it's usually because of a bad taste/bad smell and spitting it out is more relieving than swallowing that disgusting shit, or because I have excess mucus in my throat for some weird reason.

Why do girls buy pants with small pockets or no pockets and then complain? Just buy men's pants, nobody outside of Saudi Arabia is going to care.
May 31, 2017 10:53 AM

Feb 2014
how guys follow their dick over their heart
cbf with horndog fuckbois
May 31, 2017 2:11 PM

Jan 2013
Usually not being sensitive/not wanting to show their emotions so they aren't seen as 'weak'. The stupidest and most unapealling social norm of 'masculinity', whatever you call it. I don't know why people romanticize the concept of bad boys so much, It's so unattractive.
AquaneMay 31, 2017 2:22 PM
Jun 1, 2017 6:27 AM
Jun 2016
Well, A lot of things, For starters, Why are women more into homosexual male relationships than straight relationships? I mean it's just too common to be a selective attitude, There has to be some sort of reason behind it and i just don't get it at all. xD
010110001Jun 1, 2017 6:38 AM
Jun 1, 2017 6:34 AM

Sep 2015
When they wear high heel and turn to colossal titan on me ooooh nononono
Jun 1, 2017 6:44 AM

Mar 2012
Why are most guys such perverts and enjoy watching dirty things I'd also like to ask fujoshits the same thing but the thread is about the opposite gender so never mind
Jun 1, 2017 12:25 PM

Feb 2017
LeonardoSkylar said:
Well, A lot of things, For starters, Why are women more into homosexual male relationships than straight relationships? I mean it's just too common to be a selective attitude, There has to be some sort of reason behind it and i just don't get it at all. xD

I mean I dunno don't a lot of men like lesbian relationships too? I guess for me personally I like any type of relationship. Hetero, or homo, but usually in romances the girl characters are kind of the weak link in the relationship for me. Haven't found a female character that I'd consider to be one of my favorites, so yeah just cram another dude in there and boom, problem solved. lol
Jun 1, 2017 2:43 PM

Jul 2015
I once spoke to a girl who said she liked guys who were a challenge. Why? Isn't life hard enough without making romance difficult as well. WTF! This girl also gave me her phone number, and when I called her, just to talk, she kept blowing me off. So why in the hell did she give me her phone number to begin with if she didn't want to talk to me. She just gave it to me, I didn't ask for it anyway! I stopped calling her, screw her. Girls just think weird when it comes to guys. It is baffling.
Jun 1, 2017 3:13 PM

Jan 2017

Like, y'all are real troopers for getting a massive thing out of there. Hats off to you (─‿‿─)//
Jun 1, 2017 5:46 PM
Jun 2016
JKKH said:
LeonardoSkylar said:
Well, A lot of things, For starters, Why are women more into homosexual male relationships than straight relationships? I mean it's just too common to be a selective attitude, There has to be some sort of reason behind it and i just don't get it at all. xD

I mean I dunno don't a lot of men like lesbian relationships too? I guess for me personally I like any type of relationship. Hetero, or homo, but usually in romances the girl characters are kind of the weak link in the relationship for me. Haven't found a female character that I'd consider to be one of my favorites, so yeah just cram another dude in there and boom, problem solved. lol

Well, As far as i know, Guys like sexual relationships between lesbian women for some other reason that i don't get either. xD I am not really that fond of it. As for the point about female MCs being the weak link, I actually heard that from a female friend of mine lately as well and with you bolstering the idea, I think it is a solid possibility that women just can relate better to characters in yaoi/shounen ai better than characters in hetro romance/reverse harem. My research data is lacking though, That's why i am curious. xD
Jun 3, 2017 10:38 AM

Mar 2014
Mostly, how they arguing about the opposite gender, just like this thread -_-
Jun 22, 2017 6:19 PM
Jul 2018
God bless, helion01 the alpha male. Stop tagging me.
Jun 22, 2017 7:20 PM

May 2016
boys don't catch on half the time.....
Jun 23, 2017 2:03 AM

Oct 2012
Almost nothing about women confuse me. I don't know why anyone would be confused. Just step back and take your self-centered self out of your shoes, and think about it from another perspective. There are different kinds of people in the world. lol
My subjective reviews:
Jun 23, 2017 3:01 AM

Jun 2016
Boys be like "I don't care about physical appearance". I say GRADE A BULLSHIT.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jun 23, 2017 3:02 AM

Apr 2013
Girls be like "I just want a nice man as boyfriend" and one week later run around with the biggest prick in town.
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