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Jan 6, 2017 10:30 PM

Oct 2013
So yes, I guess we got a complete confirmation that they are ignoring all of the original anime content from the first season.

Yeah, it's nice to see everyone again. I LOLed at "Boobzilla."
Jan 6, 2017 11:10 PM
Jan 2015
I'm writing this comment as I watch :
first 5 min : I wondered at the beautiful animation and sound and hopefully waiting for an interesting story to unveil .

at 5 min : Caught hypocrisy in Okumura Rin's statement : Don't come to conclusion before trying . How can he come to conclusion himself ( that's he'll save the child for sure ) without trying ? He is contradicting himself .

at 12 min : Feels as if Yukio is MC , Not Rin LOL and may be that is true in anime . Anime diverts from manga .

at 15 min : feeling empathy for Rin , his friends are acting like some unintelligent shitty beings . They should be more mature for their age and work .

at 18 min : some Izumu(eye brow ) x rin moments . Although i don't ship them .

at 21 min : some obvious arguments . Friend circle caught up in loss of family emotion and acting like bitch accordingly , ok that's normal .

at 22 min : wow , Yukio in main light again . He is better suited for MC after all .

at 24 min : Another song added to my playlist .

Before i gave 4/5 to it to able to comment . I guess , i don't have to take it back .
Jan 6, 2017 11:22 PM

Apr 2013
I haven't watched the whole ep but hopefully that Satoshi kid died. Enough with the pokemon anime
What are you looking here for
Jan 6, 2017 11:52 PM
Aug 2015
Awesome first episode. Can't wait to watch more!
EricJLNov 11, 2021 10:49 AM
Jan 6, 2017 11:58 PM

Dec 2013
Awkward first episode with the retcon of the anime only ending which was to be expected.

Some interesting dialogue with Yukio and the demon guy.

I nearly forgot how much everyone pissed with their treatment of Rin.

Izumo was really cute in this episode!
Jan 7, 2017 12:07 AM
Oct 2007
Good to see Ao no Exorcist back after more than 5 years!
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Jan 7, 2017 1:09 AM

Jul 2014
This was the strongest first episode I've seen so far this season, but based on what happened when Rin released his flames in front of everyone else, the rationale that they're obviously using to justify their treatment of him this episode doesn't really make sense. Sure, I understand that they all associate terrible things with the blue flames, but it's entirely irrational to blame Rin for that when he saved their lives in that fight they kept flashing back to. It's been a long time since the original so I can't remember if this is right, but the flashbacks do not indicate that what Rin did hurt anyone unintentionally either, so their fear and apparent hatred of him is largely unfounded. At least one of them was willing to be rational about it, though.
Jan 7, 2017 1:28 AM

Dec 2012
I'm so happy of this first episode, the OSTs are still awesome. Seeing Yukio in action was nice, I'm proud to have one of his figures :).
Jan 7, 2017 2:30 AM
Apr 2013
I love that they got UVERworld to do another OP for this anime!!
I can't wait to see the rest of this arc animated, and i'm glad that they put those flashbacks in that indicated where in the first season this season is taking off from for all those people who haven't read the manga (and also to remind those of us who have). Good to see the Okumura boys again <3
Jan 7, 2017 2:56 AM

Sep 2014
Feels so fresh to watch this with such an improvement in art. As I finished 1st season day before I thought Anime-Exclusive arc won't matter much but this is directly feels like something's not right if someone doesn't know that this season follows Training camp. I am more fan of when original content is followed how it is and I'm happy It is finally going this way :)
Jan 7, 2017 2:56 AM
Jan 2017
I dont understand with the first episode...Why Bon and his friends still afraid of Rin eventhough in the first season they all already accepted rin? Can someone explain to me?
Jan 7, 2017 3:07 AM

Dec 2013
MuzBros said:
I dont understand with the first episode...Why Bon and his friends still afraid of Rin eventhough in the first season they all already accepted rin? Can someone explain to me?

The first season had an original ending and this new season follows the manga from where it went original which was right after the fight with Amaimon where Rin revealed his abilities to everyone.
Jan 7, 2017 3:14 AM

Oct 2011
Basically the Impure King's eyes were stolen... everything else was just a recap of what happened in the first season, having the characters literally quote the most meaningful lines they said last season

Jan 7, 2017 3:22 AM

Apr 2016
Long ago that I saw season one, hard to remember the point on which this season starts (the relationships of the characters have indeed changed, as far as I remember).

Nevertheless, good episode, feels just like S1.
Jan 7, 2017 3:49 AM

Jul 2012
Seems like this series has a lot of fans and well i'm not one of them, i think it's just okay plus the "great" ending of the 1st season made the overall impression even worse. Don't remember much (don't think it's that needed), but still feels like that he transition was really weird and some dialogues sounded rather strange. I think i can to cope up with 12 episodes and hope that it gets better to mb change my view about it.
Jan 7, 2017 4:13 AM

Jan 2016
Very good first episode! Good amount of content makes the pacing perfect!
The animation is crisp and so is the music, so far so good,

I guess i still hate almost everyone from Rin's class, it's so unfair towards Rin!
If Rin was a bit more "normal" he might have gotten really upset and unleashed his blue flames just by them provoking him like that. The thing i hate most is that this is probably gonna end up like all shounens where they all become great "nakamas" and then they will team up and bla bla bla.

Don't get me wrong i like blue exorcist and really enjoyed the first episode but his classmates still bug me (Not everyone), Shiemi and the eyebrow girls are are the the ones i'm ok with.
Jan 7, 2017 4:22 AM

Dec 2014
wow...6 years has passed since its first season...loved it the same !

Jan 7, 2017 4:29 AM
Dec 2013
So after 5 years since the first season finished airing, the second season of Blue Exorcist is here! I still think this should've been a remake that should've been longer than 2 cours, because of the filler ending in season one.

So since the first season adapted up to chapter 15 of the manga, we're starting off with the adaptation of chapter 16. The thing is, in season one episode 17 (which adapted chapter 15 and is the final canon episode), they used some dialogue from chapter 16, and here, they're repeating that same dialogue but in different scenes, lol. Maybe they should've skipped it since they already said those things in season one? Anyway, as far as I can see, it's a good adaptation of chapter 16. They're on the train to Kyoto.
wildhoodJan 7, 2017 4:33 AM
Jan 7, 2017 4:36 AM

May 2016
Its kinda frustraiting to see how they dont remember things from first season. Rin's face when Bon told him what happend to his shrine ... HE TOLD HIM ABOUT IT MILLION TIMES IN SEASON 1 come on!
Jan 7, 2017 4:40 AM

Jan 2015
Jakubajk said:
Its kinda frustraiting to see how they dont remember things from first season. Rin's face when Bon told him what happend to his shrine ... HE TOLD HIM ABOUT IT MILLION TIMES IN SEASON 1 come on!
If I remember correctly this was the first time Rin learned about their losses of Blue Night in manga
Jan 7, 2017 4:59 AM
Jul 2016
Nice first episode :)

I love the direction of this ep. These are the things I like:

1. How they handle the gap between the first season and this one:

It has been a long time for a lot of people since they last watched AoEx (6 years!) (I watched and read the whole thing in like a month ago so it's still fresh in my mind lol). They added flashbacks into the ep so that we know where to continue/process.

They add character's names and stuff in the OP to refresh our memories about the cast, that's a bonus :)

2. How they handle the ss1's fillers:

It's quite confused for anime-onlys at first, but I'm glad they stick to the manga really close this time. From what I read about this arc, this should be a lit season!
They explain what happened before this arc so anime-onlys can catch which event is canon from the last ss.


I LOVE how they ask UVERworld to do the OP again. It's both nolstagic and awesome. UVERworld is like a symbol for AoEx anime :) The visual is just SO GOOD~

4. The OSTs.

I always love AoEx's OSTs. Hearing "Exorcist" again it's just so great! So far there's nothing to complain about OST.

p/s: Keep seeing people getting angry at Rin's classmates (besides Izumo). Chill, I know it's annoying, but keep an open mind. You gotta believe in Kato-sensei. (Hey, I read the manga, so I know how it goes. Maybe you guys would be more generous towards their attitudes, or maybe not, who knows? :) )

Overall - very enjoyable!
SallyAtoyotaJan 7, 2017 5:02 AM
Jan 7, 2017 5:39 AM

Oct 2012
That was quite good. I'm glad they ignored that ending.
Jan 7, 2017 5:59 AM

Jun 2013
i fucking hate kids man they're stupid
Jan 7, 2017 6:29 AM
May 2016
I didn't think Shiemi could become more annoying than the first season, but I see that I was completely mistaken.
Other than that the first episode was pretty cool.
Jan 7, 2017 7:29 AM
Apr 2014
As some people have said, the first season of the anime has fillers that this new one completely ignores. However, the last anime episode to faithfully follow the manga was actually chapter 15. Chapters 16 and 17 more or less follow the manga but change a lot, such as Rin's sword breaking (it never did) and Rin being unconscious inside a crystal during his and Mephisto's trial (he was conscious and even got his foot chopped off by Arthur "so he wouldn't get violent again"). Amaimon never invaded the trial either.

Also, the episode adapts chapter 14 (the equivalent of episode 16) via flashbacks, along with chapters 16 and 17. However, it stops at page 23 of chapter 17, which is where the Baryon punishment begins:
So maybe they'll just adapt the rest of the chapter in the next episode? Because they'd be skipping too much since the chapter is 45 pages long.

digritz said:
Also Shiemi seems completely out of character even if you drop the fillers off season 1. She's the one who ran up to him when he was out of control but now she's scared? Makes no sense.

That's because it wasn't Shiemi who stopped Rin's rampage, it was Mephisto. Ironically they forgot to show that scene in the flashbacks, which just adds to the inconsistency. And if you read the manga, you'd see she's just afraid of talking to Rin, not of Rin himself. She was just mad with him at first (as you can see from the flashbacks) and didn't know how to talk to him again after that.

Anyway, as for the episode, I really liked it and hope they stay consistent animation-wise, it's WAY prettier than season 1 and closer to the manga's art style. But, as I said in another topic (forgot which one and am too late to find out again), I would've preferred a remake in the style of FMA Brotherhood since this retcon is leaving too much out (but A-1 is known for leaving too much out in adaptations).

Also, this is the arc where Shiemi proves herself (Izumo's will still take a lot to come). Can't wait for it. :)

Zinzoo said:

If sales are good then probably they will begin working on Illuminati arc right of the bat. If not then well 12 episodes will hurt less than making another like 12-13

As for this, I hope not. Because if I didn't get what you said wrong, they would be skipping two arcs (the Kraken arc, even if it's easily skippable, and the School Festival arc, which leads up to the Illuminati arc). They could easily make another 25-episode season with all those chapters, however, so I'm kinda looking up to that. :)
juandmarcoJan 7, 2017 7:50 AM
Jan 7, 2017 7:37 AM

Jul 2014
This really pisses me off, they discriminate the guy that saved their asses and lumps him together with what his biological father Satan with what he did in the past, how does that make the slightest sense? eyebrow girl's the real mvp! she didnt change at all, you tell em girl, people that says stuffs like "I'll beat Satan" and "We're friends" and shuns you down when the going gets tough are scums!
Jan 7, 2017 7:55 AM
Apr 2014
Before I forget:
Zinzoo said:
The only thing that they skipped was like a 1,5 page of chapter 16 where Mephisto tells Suguro, Izumo and others in class that they are going to Kioto

It was actually 3 pages, plus the last panel of the previous page. They also skip the first 3 pages of chapter 17, where Rin is training with the candles again and then Shura tells him that they're going to Kyoto.
Jan 7, 2017 7:59 AM

Nov 2011
It's been so long since I've read this arc so it will be nice to remember some things.
Love the train scene with Izumo, hope to see her arc animated someday
Baby, daijobanai...
Jan 7, 2017 8:11 AM

Jan 2015
juandmarco said:
Before I forget:
Zinzoo said:
The only thing that they skipped was like a 1,5 page of chapter 16 where Mephisto tells Suguro, Izumo and others in class that they are going to Kioto

It was actually 3 pages, plus the last panel of the previous page. They also skip the first 3 pages of chapter 17, where Rin is training with the candles again and then Shura tells him that they're going to Kyoto.
Well they didn't actally skip training scene, they put it in the begining and changed a little cuz Shura didn't tell him about Kioto but received a call about the eye.
Jan 7, 2017 8:19 AM

Sep 2013
Glad to see this show back. Though the popular opinion is that the last half of the 1st season was bad, I enjoyed it a little on my end.

Now we're back on track and I'm excited to see everything adapted. Lots of interesting things are going to transpire and I can't wait!

4/5- Lots of tension is building up with Rin and literally every single person. Shura's cleavage is on point. I can't put my finger on it, but Shiemi looks much more mature than she did before and Yukio looks thicker. Other than that, I welcome it's return!

Jan 7, 2017 8:39 AM

Dec 2016
I was confused at first (when everyone was scared of Rin and didn't talk to him and that) cause I thought s2 continued from where it ended in s1, (I thought I had missed an episode where they started being scared of him again or something) but since the last half of s1 wasn't canon and kinda sucked, it makes more sense that they're following the manga now., so.. I'm actually excited for this new season
Jan 7, 2017 8:55 AM
Jul 2018
This episode was great as an introduction to the Kyoto Arc which was one of the best received arcs of the manga. However, because they’ve essentially retconned the last arc of the anime and decided against going the Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood route, some people will be confused. Not me, but I understand why some people would be.

I liked how clean the animation was overall and how they've decided to get right into it.
Jan 7, 2017 11:00 AM

Apr 2016
Much more enjoyable than the 1st season. I might actually enjoy this.
Jan 7, 2017 11:49 AM

Jun 2016
Looks great, was really confused at why they decided to continue after ep 17 instead of 25. Hopefully its good.
Jan 7, 2017 12:15 PM
Jun 2015
This first episode is great 9/10! Was disappointed of the non canon episodes of the first season but now they re following the manga !!
Jan 7, 2017 12:40 PM

Sep 2010
I don't remember much of first season other than general points that were once again pointed out in this episode. Still it's more than enough and I enjoyed this episode a lot.

Generally this series is simply good so hurray.

Other than Rakugo, this is the best that I seen this season and this time I am taking on the challenge of trying out all first episodes of the whole season.

Then again, the season just started so this position will change.
Jan 7, 2017 12:46 PM

Apr 2008
I definitely like it - new episode, yeeey... But I was kind of confused, because I watched 1. season, movie and OVA this week and never read manga, sooooo :( But Rin was amazing like always :D
Jan 7, 2017 1:10 PM

Jul 2016
The Impure King is terrible... but well if later we get the Illuminati and WhiteSnake arcs I could endure this.

They even fucked up and Uverworld OP.... FUCK!!!
Jan 7, 2017 1:23 PM

Jan 2014
the art is beautiful
and music is awesome
and the story follows the manga

looks like this is gonna be good

Jan 7, 2017 1:30 PM

May 2010
It's super weird to watch it, first episode in like 5 years and no reminder of anything what happened, I'm just confused @_@ I didn't remember them not being friends and Shiemi acting like a bitch (but I've never really liked her tbh). Rin is super cute as always <3 But having some flashback to where the previous arc ended would be nice (and not in the middle of the episode).

Hopefully this arc is decent, I was pleasently surprised with Kuroshitsuji: Book Of Circus, so maybe this season will also be pretty fun.

Also, the opening is okay, but not as amazing as both from the first season :( Shaaaame.
Jan 7, 2017 3:29 PM

Jan 2011
holy crap it's been 6 years since i watched Ao No and it's been a few since i read the manga so it was a lot of refreshing my brain on what's going on i know i got close to the end of arc with "Her" which seems to be what they will be covering this season,it's just real nice to see the cast again even if they aren't on best terms atm lol

music was on point looking forward to hearing more great BGMs and wouldn't be Ao No without Uverworld
Jan 7, 2017 4:39 PM

Oct 2015
This is a real sucky way to start a second season. Retconning the first season like this; just kills the flow of the story. The flashbacks that they do provide doesn't really help any because it's been what six years? This season needed to start with a recap.
Jan 7, 2017 4:54 PM

Nov 2016
The episode was fine, I guess. As an anime only, I'm a bit confused about when this arc happens but I guess it should be around the middle of first season? Oh well, episode started like shit but it was still an entertaining episode I guess.

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♥ Credits to Shuuka
Jan 7, 2017 4:56 PM

May 2016
Zinzoo said:
Jakubajk said:
Its kinda frustraiting to see how they dont remember things from first season. Rin's face when Bon told him what happend to his shrine ... HE TOLD HIM ABOUT IT MILLION TIMES IN SEASON 1 come on!
If I remember correctly this was the first time Rin learned about their losses of Blue Night in manga
You might have right but in anime they told him about it at "PE" lesson.
Jan 7, 2017 5:25 PM
Jun 2016
Yay its back! Very nice visuals and I miss the characters!
Jan 7, 2017 7:44 PM

Dec 2012
After all these years, it's finally back! I appreciated the explanation/recap since it's been so long since I watched the first season. No more filler ending I hope.

Izumo was really nice to Rin. Not like the other douchebags.
Albi-kunJan 7, 2017 7:52 PM
Jan 7, 2017 7:51 PM

Jun 2014
Im glad they were kind enough to cater some recaps and flashbacks to those like me who didnt care enough to rewatch or remember anything from season 1 in the last 6 years. Still a lot of fuzzy spots in my memory, but this episode helped get down the main idea.
Jan 7, 2017 7:54 PM

Jun 2011
That opening is really nice (UVERworld awwwyeah) and fits the atmosphere. Or rather, the music's a 10/10, the visuals an 7.5/10.

I also loved Izumo in this episode (I think this is where I started loving her in the first place) and it was awesome how she pointed out everyone's hypocrisy, in particular Shiemi and Bon.
xpaulaJan 7, 2017 8:01 PM
Jan 7, 2017 9:38 PM

Sep 2011
I liked how there were no formalities, it just went straight into the action. I guess we're just gonna pretend that final portion of the first season never happened then, which is definitely for the best.
Jan 8, 2017 12:52 AM
Sep 2015
it was fine. I (like most of manga readers) supposed it was impossible to adapt kyoto arc when both brothers control their satan flames.
I think manga isn't better but longer than 1st anime.
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