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Why am I not seeing a lot of people giving out 5/10 scores?

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Jan 3, 2017 11:14 PM

Jul 2014
I watch on enjoyment so 5/average isn't good and is drop worthy
Jan 3, 2017 11:21 PM

Feb 2011
mattao313 said:
I watch on enjoyment so 5/average isn't good and is drop worthy

this is kind of shit that lead to this cancerous "having an average of 5" pseudo-superiority complex
Jan 3, 2017 11:29 PM

Jul 2014
Kittenpotpie said:
mattao313 said:
I watch on enjoyment so 5/average isn't good and is drop worthy

this is kind of shit that lead to this cancerous "having an average of 5" pseudo-superiority complex

Sorry, not sure what you're trying to get at here.
Jan 3, 2017 11:30 PM

Sep 2013
Kittenpotpie said:
Toadesstern said:
how are you supposed to rate something against something you haven't seen?
I'd assume most people on here are somewhere in the tripple digit area when it comes to how many series they've seen. Far from the 10k+ anime out there... so how would you even want to put that in context?
Rating against other things I've seen is the only sensible solution for me personally

k so, when u are picking a show to watch are u doing it at random?

no, you are watching shows that you think you are going to enjoy

these shows were recommended to you, were scored highly by many others, or just looked interesting enough to you, but most importantly they were all popular enough that you even heard of them in the first place

if you have seen a decent amount of anime it is safe to assume that on average you will enjoy most shows that you havent seen less than most shows you have seen and should rate accordingly, otherwise you are terrible at picking shows

ive updated my chart slightly to make it more clear

I still don't get why you would do that though when just rating within your "range" of things you've seen seems a lot easier and easier to understand for yourself?
I've been in situations when I had a show that I thought should be a 7.5 or something like that, didn't feel like it deserved an 8, thought it was better than most of my 7's so and ended up putting a lot of shows I rated 7 down to 6, some from 6 down to 5 etc to account for that.

I don't particularly care how an anime is in the grand scheme of things, I want to know what I thought about it in relation to other things I watched so that's what I do.

Like, if I only had 7, 8 ,9 and 10 to differentiate between things I liked I'd probably not bother with it in the first place since it's wasted time, won't tell me anything if I go back to look at my list and just put it in my list marked as finished without a rating at all
ToadessternJan 3, 2017 11:36 PM
Jan 3, 2017 11:51 PM

Sep 2015
People tend to watch what they like and give scores based off that. No sense for an non-reviewer and the like to watch something they don't like (unless you're in the no-drop group /M).

I sorta do see that the school grading scales has influenced many when giving ratings. After all, everyone dreads seeing anything below a 7(C). This is maybe one of the reasons why few actually know how to use the rating scale.
Jan 4, 2017 12:02 AM
Jun 2016
its like most people have been saying. most people watch anime that pertains to their interests. if you see something that looks like boring generic average shit then you probably wont watch it.

i know i only watch stuff i care about, and im VERY picky, mainly because i have shit-tier internet and i cant afford to waste my data cap on something which i frankly couldnt give a shit about.

that being said, i use the rating system as intended, so a 5 doesnt mean bad to me, it just means average.
harpseal2Jan 4, 2017 12:06 AM
'ate gundam
Jan 4, 2017 12:09 AM

Aug 2015
Because I often don't finish stuff I'd rate 5 and below, but I also often don't rate stuff I drop.
Jan 4, 2017 2:45 AM

Mar 2012
I agree. Of course most people don't watch anime they think they'll dislike (that's why 7 is more common than 5), but you can't know whether you like an anime before watching and completing.

And somehow I see more 1-3 than 5, but maybe that's because it stands out more.
Jan 4, 2017 2:53 AM

Aug 2014
A lot of anime just aren't good enough to get a 5/10
Jan 4, 2017 2:56 AM

Aug 2014
5/10 is the middle, the average thing, and as a person, you are more likely to either like a stuff or dislike it
It's pretty hard subjectively to think of something as neither liked nor disliked
Jan 4, 2017 2:59 AM
Aug 2016
I give it 5 if it's an average, of course. Look at my Profile and Animelist.. My mean score is there, and I rate it for what I think, of course.
Jan 4, 2017 3:00 AM

Apr 2016
Because not everyone likes SnK, that's why.. now you got it...
Jan 4, 2017 3:04 AM

Mar 2016
Some people use the rating system differently, for example I've seen who a guy who rates anime out of 5. He then +1 to the score if it meets a criteria.

As some people have pointed out, most just watch what they like and instead of mediocre shows which they might not enjoy. It also depends on what you consider as a lot of 5s. Out of the 191 animes I had rated, I gave 20 a 5 (which is about 10.5%). I'm not sure if you would think that is a lot or not
Jan 4, 2017 3:17 AM

May 2016
It's either that they like it or they hate it.

If the anime is boring and leaves the viewer with a "meh" feeling, chances are bigger that they'll score it lower than 5.

Jan 4, 2017 3:43 AM

Feb 2016
Mkim said:
what, but isnt like, 5, the lowest score possible?

Once again, youre right
Toadesstern said:
Kittenpotpie said:

k so, when u are picking a show to watch are u doing it at random?

no, you are watching shows that you think you are going to enjoy

these shows were recommended to you, were scored highly by many others, or just looked interesting enough to you, but most importantly they were all popular enough that you even heard of them in the first place

if you have seen a decent amount of anime it is safe to assume that on average you will enjoy most shows that you havent seen less than most shows you have seen and should rate accordingly, otherwise you are terrible at picking shows

ive updated my chart slightly to make it more clear

I still don't get why you would do that though when just rating within your "range" of things you've seen seems a lot easier and easier to understand for yourself?
I've been in situations when I had a show that I thought should be a 7.5 or something like that, didn't feel like it deserved an 8, thought it was better than most of my 7's so and ended up putting a lot of shows I rated 7 down to 6, some from 6 down to 5 etc to account for that.

I don't particularly care how an anime is in the grand scheme of things, I want to know what I thought about it in relation to other things I watched so that's what I do.

Like, if I only had 7, 8 ,9 and 10 to differentiate between things I liked I'd probably not bother with it in the first place since it's wasted time, won't tell me anything if I go back to look at my list and just put it in my list marked as finished without a rating at all

Also, thats the best post in the thread but its been explained time and time again, apparently people just arent that smart or dont care enough to make ratings relevant.
SpaghettiSpikeJan 4, 2017 3:47 AM

Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself.

That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes!

Jan 4, 2017 3:47 AM

Sep 2016
5/10 is for average boring anime like drifters

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 4, 2017 4:18 AM

Feb 2016

These are my ratings and mean score while im writing is 7,53 about 0,40 more than the averge and the avarge is still high, the reason being (WHAT I THINK) is that i havent watched 4000 animes and seen things that are horrible. i allways read about the anime first to see if i like it, if i feel intrested i watch it, if i dont i dont watch it. if its worst than 5 (my lowest ratings i dont complete it and i dont rate it) which is why i think the mean score on my anime list is about 7,1 because people watch things they like (this does not mean theres isnt stuff worth more than a 2-3 rateing or worse.
Jan 4, 2017 4:26 AM

Jun 2011
Why would you watch an anime that you only felt meh about? Why would you finish it? Why would you even bother? The only reason why I got an average below 7 is because I run an anime club so I watch things out of my taste very often. Yes, most anime would be 5 or even lower... if you watched everything out there. But why would you watch those? Why not just watch the stuff you are actually interested in and forget the rest?

And I am probably the only one here who has even liked a show with a score in the 5 range. Like... and rated it 8+. I got a strange sense of taste. I know that. I frequently don't like what is popular. So I don't watch that stuff unless I have to- for club.
Energetic-NovaJan 4, 2017 4:30 AM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Jan 4, 2017 6:32 PM

Feb 2015

Am I the only one who thinks why the fuck is Tatami Galaxy in the far left when it shouldn't exist elsewhere and replace it something like Ichigo Mashiro?

You're doing it wrong dude...
Jan 4, 2017 6:36 PM

Apr 2016
You call the usage of 5's rare? Check out the usage of the number 2. It's the rarest number of all when it comes to scoring.
Jan 4, 2017 6:50 PM
Dec 2015
The thing is that while 5 is a standard, most anime (really art in general) aren't exactly at the standard. We have 4 scores above and below a 5 rating, which means finding anime that are exactly average is pretty rare. A 5 is something I feel neutral about. Most shows tend to be have some things you feel strongly about (positive or negative), that would prevent you from feeling totally neutral about everything.
Jan 4, 2017 6:50 PM

Jun 2010
5/10 is not average. Idk what school you go to but getting a 5/10(50%) is an F on an A-F grading system. A C(79-70) or (7/10) is average.
Jan 4, 2017 7:00 PM

Feb 2011
_Ako_ said:
Am I the only one who thinks why the fuck is Tatami Galaxy in the far left when it shouldn't exist elsewhere and replace it something like Ichigo Mashiro?

(i just used well known shows that arent overly polarizing)
Jan 4, 2017 7:02 PM

Feb 2010
Ameko01 said:
5/10 is not average. Idk what school you go to but getting a 5/10(50%) is an F on an A-F grading system. A C(79-70) or (7/10) is average.

There's a difference between rating a work of art or entertainment and having to pass an exam, that much should be obvious. Don't tell me you watch anime with the mindset of a teacher correcting an exam that a show can either pass or not depending on how many points you have to deduct?

I don't get why so many people insist on comparing ratings like this to schoolwork because the two are very different things. For starters school grades have a scale with only 6 ratings, with the lowest of them meaning failure and everything else meaning passing. With that logic for the 1-10 rating scale for anime should only the lowest one be deemed a failure? No, because the two rating scales, their processes and reasoning behind them and the whole context in general are different. Comparing them is stupid and forcing the standards of the first/only rating system you encounter as a kid on everything else related to ratings for the rest of your life is ignorant, even if you're a teen who still goes to school and doesn't know any better. And if you're an adult there's no real excuse as to why you should still cling to school grades. Widen your horizon.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jan 4, 2017 7:09 PM

Dec 2016
Because 5/7 isn't possible to meme it out.
Jan 4, 2017 7:15 PM

Dec 2016
I usually don't even bother with the series that don't interest me or I drop them pretty early. So only ones left are the ones I like or 'above the average'
Jan 4, 2017 7:21 PM

May 2016
It's because 5/10 (average/mediocre) is NOT the typical/standard. Most people consider your common everyday anime to be decent or good. Mediocre is usually something that is below what is considered typical.
HyperLJan 4, 2017 7:27 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jan 4, 2017 7:24 PM

Oct 2009
I usually only score anime I find super boring with no personal enjoyment as a 5. I rate anime I find just ok or to have some redeeming qualities as 6 and anything that I like watching as a 7 or above. So, something has to be incredibly boring to me to get a 5. I end up dropping most anime that I rate at a 6 or lower though unless they are OVAs or otherwise very short series. I rarely give out 10s and even then, most of my 10s go to movies since its very hard for a full length series to be flawless. 1's only going to anime that I found so bad that I wish I never watched them and possibly never even heard of their exsistance because they were a complete waste of my time. Fortunately, 1's are also incredibly rare for me.
Exclusively female yuri community with polls, games, member cards, and more. Join today.Recruiting Staff too!
Jan 4, 2017 7:28 PM

Aug 2013
I have a really hard time deciding between 4 or 5/6 or 5, gotta admit that.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 4, 2017 8:04 PM

Dec 2012
Because if I think a show is a 5 then it's usually not very interesting to me and it's extremely hard to motivate myself to watch it and I usually end up dropping it.

I've only finished around 300 things that are rated 5 or below, most of them short ova or movies.
KruszerJan 4, 2017 8:13 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Jan 4, 2017 8:11 PM

Jan 2014
@Kittenpotpie knows what he's talking about. SAO is universally viewed as shit but it's techinically better than most anime you're never going to see. I.e. score of 5 or 6 for SAO would be reasonable even though it's probably worse than most anime you're going to see.
-Krouton-Jan 4, 2017 8:20 PM
Signature is too edgy for me.
Jan 4, 2017 8:18 PM
Jul 2016
I treat 5.5 as "Neutral: Has just enough redeeming qualities to balance out the flaws." A rating of 5 indicates something that just crosses over into the "net-bad" territory, while a rating of 6 indicates something that just crosses over into the "net-good" territory.

Most of the anime I watch have enough redeeming qualities to avoid being tossed into the "net-bad" ratings. Thus, there aren't many 5 ratings on my list.

That said, most of the ones that get a 6 and some of the ones that get a 7 only do so because I think "Yeah, not my cup of tea, but I can see other sane people liking this." I'm thinking of recalibrating treat 5.5 as an almost purely subjective "neutral enjoyment" without worrying about what others think. I'd have quite a few more 5's in that case.

Laziness is the main reason I haven't done that already.

Kmolson said:
SOA is universally viewed as shit

I get the point you're making, but I don't think the word "universally" means what you think it means.
PhendrusJan 4, 2017 8:21 PM
Important Note: I no longer - in any way, shape, or form - consider myself a moral nihilist (even in my old, convoluted definition of the term). I very much do believe there is such a thing as objective good and evil. In addition, I apologize for any of the posts I've made that are rude, aggressive, or otherwise unbecoming.

I've always striven to walk a path befitting a follower of Christ, and now recognize some of my old comments here as misguided if not outright wrong. If you happen upon them, pray do not let them darken your view of the God I serve. He is kind, even if I, at times, have not been.
Jan 4, 2017 8:26 PM

Jan 2014
Phendrus said:

Kmolson said:
SOA is universally viewed as shit

I get the point you're making, but I don't think the word "universally" means what you think it means.

Pardon my hyperbole. I mean it is socially acceptable to bash SAO. I.e. your videos won't be downvoted to hell if you make fun of SAO. At this point I think even the fans know the series isn't amazing.
Signature is too edgy for me.
Jan 4, 2017 8:35 PM

Sep 2013
HyperL said:
It's because 5/10 (average/mediocre) is NOT the typical/standard. Most people consider your common everyday anime to be decent or good. Mediocre is usually something that is below what is considered typical.

This statement is close to my thinking on this matter. The words that accompany the numbers on MAL's scoring system are unfortunately rather vague. I interpret the system as a scale of success. "Average" (5) suggests to me the midpoint between failure and success. The professional productions that one is most likely to encounter are likely to be more successful than this. I seem to give out a lot of 7s ("good"). I interpret the unfortunately vague term "good" to indicate a show that is basically successful - one that does what it needs to do and is reasonably enjoyable, but it doesn't stand out from the crowd and I'm unlikely to remember it twenty years from now. I suppose this is another sort of "average" and the scale could be interpreted to give this sort of show a 5, thereby increasing the range of numbers a viewer might give. With at least two legitimate ways of interpreting the term "average" and applying it to the numerical scale as a reference point, it is no wonder that people disagree on the rating scale. I settled on 7 as the standard for typical success long ago, and nearly everything I choose to watch at least meets this standard. It causes my scores to bunch up at the top of the scale, but I'm not going to change my interpretation now because it isn't worth my time to go back and re-score everything.

I have given very few 5s. I simply don't seek out shows that I would likely rate as mediocre or partial failures, and series descriptions and reviews can help me avoid such things. The few 5s I have given have been for shows that I find to be a mixed bag - shows with significant successes but balanced out by serious blunders. (I would rather watch a 1 than a 4 or a 5 - a truly impressive failure can be quite entertaining and enjoyable. Spectacular failure is a lot more fun than mediocrity.)
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Jan 4, 2017 8:50 PM
Apr 2014
Personally if i'm taking the time to watch, rate, and review a piece, then it's gotta be holding my interest, whether that means I'm gonna need to be actively liking or dislking it. Since I don't go out of my way to watch something that i think will bore me or that I won't like (because I'm not a masochist), most of my scores are either gonna be high because I went in with positive expectations and the piece met or exceeded those expectations, or they're gonna be low because I went in with positive expectations and the piece fell bellow those expectations and disappointing me. For the most part, shows that I would give a 5 just bore me so much that I just drop them without giving them a rating or even bothering to put them on my dropped list.

tl;dr i pretty much only watch shows that i assume i'm gonna like
Jan 4, 2017 8:57 PM
Jul 2016
Kmolson said:
Phendrus said:

I get the point you're making, but I don't think the word "universally" means what you think it means.

Pardon my hyperbole. I mean it is socially acceptable to bash SAO. I.e. your videos won't be downvoted to hell if you make fun of SAO. At this point I think even the fans know the series isn't amazing.

My apologies: I probably should have recognized that part of your comment as hyperbole. I'm one of the handful of people on the internet who will openly admit to thinking that the Aincrad arc was fantastic*, and I get a bit tired of the series receiving what I perceive as more hate than it deserves. As a result, I exhibit knee-jerk reactions on the subject from time to time.

Slightly off-topic: Funnily enough, I run into more people IRL who say that they really liked SAO (or at least the first arc of it) than who disliked it. I'm not talking about unintelligent neanderthals and anime neophytes, either: many of them have (or are close to obtaining) degrees in engineering, the sciences, and occasionally the liberal arts. Further, many of them are major anime fans. Online, it's like you said: SAO is (almost) universally regarded as tripe.

*Though, granted, I didn't really care for anything else in the series so far.
Important Note: I no longer - in any way, shape, or form - consider myself a moral nihilist (even in my old, convoluted definition of the term). I very much do believe there is such a thing as objective good and evil. In addition, I apologize for any of the posts I've made that are rude, aggressive, or otherwise unbecoming.

I've always striven to walk a path befitting a follower of Christ, and now recognize some of my old comments here as misguided if not outright wrong. If you happen upon them, pray do not let them darken your view of the God I serve. He is kind, even if I, at times, have not been.
Jan 4, 2017 9:02 PM
Jan 4, 2017 9:17 PM

Dec 2015
Phendrus said:
Kmolson said:

Pardon my hyperbole. I mean it is socially acceptable to bash SAO. I.e. your videos won't be downvoted to hell if you make fun of SAO. At this point I think even the fans know the series isn't amazing.

My apologies: I probably should have recognized that part of your comment as hyperbole. I'm one of the handful of people on the internet who will openly admit to thinking that the Aincrad arc was fantastic*, and I get a bit tired of the series receiving what I perceive as more hate than it deserves. As a result, I exhibit knee-jerk reactions on the subject from time to time.

Slightly off-topic: Funnily enough, I run into more people IRL who say that they really liked SAO (or at least the first arc of it) than who disliked it. I'm not talking about unintelligent neanderthals and anime neophytes, either: many of them have (or are close to obtaining) degrees in engineering, the sciences, and occasionally the liberal arts. Further, many of them are major anime fans. Online, it's like you said: SAO is (almost) universally regarded as tripe.

*Though, granted, I didn't really care for anything else in the series so far.

Whoever like it, maybe because they just dont read the light novel yet? Some people that I know saying that SAO anime adaptation is Bad cause they read the light novel before the anime. Same case like me hating Psychic Detective Yakumo eventho its rated at 7.47 (atm) at MAL which consider good or almost very good but I do hate the anime adaptation cause I read the novel and they do change a lot of stuff in the anime, MC personality even the plot and some stories inside it.
EufieJan 4, 2017 9:20 PM
Jan 4, 2017 9:32 PM

Jun 2012
It feels impossible to use the entire 1-10 scale.
Jan 4, 2017 9:35 PM
Sep 2013
Isn't 5 the worst thing you could give a show hypethically. Most of the time you'll remember a good show and a bad show would leave an impression because it was that bad. So wouldn't a 5 be bad because you're more likely to forget an average show? Btw I'm all for giving out 5's because it sets the foundation on how you rate shows but maybe thats just me.
Jan 4, 2017 9:36 PM

Mar 2014
Eufie said:
Cause I rate 1-5 using 6-10 .. so I cant rate 5/10

5/10 will be 0/5 for me, and with that case I dont rate anime that I dropped.

Basically, how I pretty much rate things, but I admit now that there are some anime that if I went back and rated them again I would probably rate them lower. Will I do that now? No. Why? Well, that is frankly because I don't care enough to do that.

If I think I'm not going to enjoy something I won't watch it unless a friend recommends it to me. I mean there are very few anime that had an average score of less than 7 that I have ever felt I would enjoy. Some I did, but others definitely no. To me if something is rated that low obviously people don't have a very high opinion of it since most people rate based off enjoyment and once you go below a 7 usually that means people wouldn't really recommend it.
"Did you really think I wouldn’t cheat just because I was already winning?" - Dread Emperor Terribilis II

"I chose glory and success. The box did not contain what was written on the lid." - Sand dan Glokta
Jan 4, 2017 9:37 PM

Nov 2013
I give 5/10 score to approximatle 40 anime, so I'm not your typical user..
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Jan 4, 2017 10:00 PM

Feb 2011
hey guys my somewhat related suggestion thread could use some of your shitposting

come find some dumb reasons why my obviously beneficial suggestion is bad
Jan 4, 2017 10:33 PM

Oct 2012
I used to have anime scored all over the spectrum back when I watched whatever anime interested me. Nowadays, I pretty much stick to whatever anime I know I will enjoy, so I rarely find myself giving lower scores anymore.
Jan 4, 2017 11:20 PM

Nov 2012
People don't exactly go actively seeking mediocrity.
kingcity20 said:
Oh for the love of
-_- nvm gotta love MAL
Jan 4, 2017 11:23 PM

Jan 2014
I tend to give out a lot of 4s and 5s following the MAL rating scores. Nowadays I'm pleasantly surprised by a 7 which inbetween shows nowadays is far and few I feel like.
Jan 5, 2017 12:02 AM

Apr 2016
Well I guess it is because either an Anime is goo, hence more than 5, or simply trash, which would result in scores below 5/10 points.
The dearer you hold a memory the more painful it becomes.

Jan 5, 2017 12:18 AM

Jul 2014
Alot of animes are either great of terrible.....those average animes are over....those were back in the old days...its gone now....
Jan 5, 2017 12:39 AM

Sep 2015
Cause the rating system has been labelled. People don't want to admit that the shows they like are bad because that would require a level of self-reflection and humility. Also, some people don't think it's possible to like a bad show or for a show to be both bad and entertaining.

On a side note, if I was able to choose how the show was rated, it would go as:
(10) Flawless
(9) Nearly a masterpiece
(8) Solid show
(7) Has flaws but it's good in most categories
(6) Fine but lacked flair or cohesion
(5) Meh or deeply flawed but not bad
(4) Boring or bad
(3) Very bad
(2) Trashy
(1) Should not have been made

fear me, wretched nobs and clods alike, for i am fabulous - nyan.
Jan 5, 2017 12:55 AM

Jul 2016
My profile said:
What the scores mean in my list: (never below 4)

4=multiple characters annoying af | 5=too short or MC annoying af
6=bad ending or trouble immersing| 7=needed even more Foe Yay
8=I find this easy to masturbate to| 9=even easier to masturbate
10=outlier with amazing characters, skin or no skin
This is how anyone with a healthy sex drive should score anime.
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