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Sep 20, 2015 8:08 PM

Apr 2015
One Finger Death Punch - 9/10

Don't judge a game by it's cover, the game is surprisingly fun, way more fun that it has any right to be really. Only thing keeping it from a perfect score are the god damned outaded fucking menus, otherwise the game is perfect for what it is, a fun, fast-paced 2 button brawler.
GuilionSep 20, 2015 8:21 PM
Sep 20, 2015 8:22 PM

Sep 2015
Starbound, 9/10
amazing game, but since its still a wip, I've already played through everything there is to do so far :v
Sep 20, 2015 8:42 PM
Jul 2018
Undertale 9/10

From the fantastic if sometimes meta storytelling to the unique RPG/schmup battle system, from the brilliant soundtrack to the lovable characters, from the wonderful comedy to permanent memory of the game, from the huge amount of little details in the game to the more spooky serious parts of the game....It was a ride. A wonderful, beautiful ride. About my only gripes with the game are that the main character graphic is kind of boring to look at, there are a couple of unnecessarily long hallways, and some of the puzzles were unnecessarily dumbed down. Still a fantastic game.
Sep 21, 2015 7:51 AM

Sep 2012
The Order 1886 - 2/10

The worst game I've played on PS4 so far. Too many cutscenes, boring gameplay and very linear. It's just.... bad.
Sep 21, 2015 7:54 AM
Mar 2015
Witcher 3. 10/10 The only flaw for me was in the controls and that stupid horse. It keeps teleporting to a region that cannot be accessed and I need to run out of the minimap range and resummon it.

However it still gets a 10 because it has the most engaging story in a western RPG that I have played so far and probably has the best sidequests ever made.
Sep 21, 2015 9:39 AM

Dec 2013
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 - 7/10

An enjoyable game with a JRPG feeling to it. I liked the freedom to choose which skill to level up and the equipment that you could craft and upgrade. Hunting monsters was a lot of fun too, but you could only have four characters in your party and it didn't really have much of a story. Nonetheless, I was entertained by the gameplay.
Sep 21, 2015 10:53 AM

Jan 2013
MGS: Ground Zeroes 7/10
Great mechanics, and a decent PC version. As most people know, it's super short; hence the lower score.

Now I just have to save up for Phantom Pain.
Sep 21, 2015 11:14 AM

Jun 2015
Pharaon (8/10): Interesting strategy game for PC about Ancient Egypt. The difficulty levels are the classic "easy, normal, hard" and contingencies such as fires, famines and plagues never fail. It isn't a masterpiece but it's a fair game.

J-Star Victory Vs+ (3/10): Horrendous and obsolete fighting game, technically outrageous and also poor in content. The roster is disappointing, the combos are very limited and the characters seem to interact badly with each other. Pure fanservice game.
Sep 22, 2015 3:24 AM
Mar 2014
SOMA 9,5/10

That game was so awsome, and a almost perfect ending, great story overall if you like mindfuck story's and sci-fi/horror play it!
Lust_Sep 22, 2015 3:27 AM
Sep 22, 2015 3:31 AM

Jul 2014
Tokyo School Life 5.5/10
Adequately shows how dried up VN author's creativity is at this point, especially when it comes to character writing. I didn't expect much from this one though, so whatever.

Lumino City 9/10
Best indie game I've played this year, and a hidden gem. I can recommend it to just about anyone. It's funny, extremely artistic and feels like a throwback to times when adventure game makers actually had fresh concepts.

Sep 23, 2015 10:02 PM

Nov 2013
Spec Ops The Line


The gameplay and graphics were a bit rough as well as the AI but the characters and plot were pretty unique compared to others of it's genre. Stuck with me for a few days.
Sep 23, 2015 10:03 PM

Apr 2010
LA Noire - 8/10

Loved it, though not a fan of the plot twist and ending.
Sep 29, 2015 9:33 AM

Dec 2007
Legend of Grimrock: another strong 8/10.

A more than worthy successor to one of my formative game experiences, Dungeon Master. Quite challenging, but not frustratingly so.. although I did lose half my party during the final bit. I've already started on the second game, which on initial impression, may be even better.
Sep 29, 2015 3:23 PM

Apr 2015
Been replaying some games recently..

Assassin's Creed - 7.5/10
My third time replaying this game and i finally managed to finish it after fixing the Jerusalem crash thingy..
repetitive indeed but it was fun though, the running/chase music is the best thing about it :P
i finished the second game 4 time if im not mistaken so i wont be playing that, and every game after it sucked :(

BioShock (9/10) & BioShock 2 (8.5/10)
The first had better story, characters and atmosphere where the second had a much better gameplay, using your weapons and plasmids at the same time was the best thing about it, it was much shorter though, which is sad :(
i don't feel like playing Infinite again so oh well..
Mr7BeansSep 29, 2015 3:29 PM
Sep 29, 2015 9:14 PM

Aug 2012
Skullgirls (10/10)
Incredibly balanced, fun, full of character and personality, flexible, best netcode I've ever seen and awesome art and animation. Best Fighting Game ever made hands down.
Oct 3, 2015 12:55 AM

Jul 2015
Virtue's Last Reward
I had been warned beforehand that it's not quite as good as 9 Doors, 9 Persons, 9 Hours and uh... Yea, it isn't as good. It's still a pretty good game though! It's just that the overall structure of how you're progressing in the story (and what I believe to be an oversight in the design) really starts grating on you after you've got a couple endings and start noticing what's going on. It also beats you over the head with all the philosophical and scientific theories way too much. They must've explained the Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment like 4 times. The puzzles were alright.
I think I'll give it a 6 out of 10 'cause I think 999 was an 8/10.

Crash Bandicoot
It was (actually IS, at the time of writing) on sale on the Playstation Store and I recently got a Vita, so... Well, what can you say about Crash 1. It's the first one in the series, a bit crude, could've used some polish here'n'there, but it's still a solid platformer. Definitely the hardest one if you're aiming for 100% completion, but it's not too bad if you're just nostalgia tripping through the stages.
I'ma slap a 7 outta 10 on this one.
Oct 3, 2015 1:00 AM

Nov 2013
Ghost Recon Future Soldier


Pretty generic modern military story and characters. Gameplay was great though. Really fun to play.
Oct 6, 2015 6:08 PM
Feb 2014
Got into a survival horror frenzy with a friend of mine.

Dead Space 3 - 7.5 More dead space is always good but I consider 2 to be the pinnacle of the series.

Evil Within - 8.5 Didnt like it in the beginning, loved it after the first 3 chapters.

Resident Evil 6 - 6.5 Mediocre game.
Oct 7, 2015 4:42 AM

Apr 2011
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Finally finished this. Not a huge fan of the story or the gameplay and of the dungeons, the Shadow Temple is easily the best of the lot and the others, they're alright. However, this game is just so damn fun. It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.
Oct 7, 2015 4:52 AM

Mar 2013
yhunata said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Finally finished this. Not a huge fan of the story or the gameplay and of the dungeons, the Shadow Temple is easily the best of the lot and the others, they're alright. However, this game is just so damn fun. It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.

I thought it was pretty decent for its time, but as a whole I find the lore of Zelda to be confusing and uninteresting. My favorite Zelda game would probably be either Wind Waker or Majora's Mask.
Oct 7, 2015 4:55 AM

Sep 2014
Blank Dream - 9/10

Despite its 2D graphics and jump scares. The story line was great, though i encountered few dead ends and bad endings.
Oct 7, 2015 3:30 PM

Jun 2010
yhunata said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Finally finished this. Not a huge fan of the story or the gameplay and of the dungeons, the Shadow Temple is easily the best of the lot and the others, they're alright. However, this game is just so damn fun. It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.

So the story's not amazing, the gameplay's not amazing but it's still a perfect 10/10 game. What?
Oct 7, 2015 7:08 PM

Apr 2011
CowboySam said:
yhunata said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Finally finished this. Not a huge fan of the story or the gameplay and of the dungeons, the Shadow Temple is easily the best of the lot and the others, they're alright. However, this game is just so damn fun. It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.

So the story's not amazing, the gameplay's not amazing but it's still a perfect 10/10 game. What?

yhunata said:
It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.
Oct 7, 2015 7:18 PM

Jun 2014
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


It took me almost a whole year to beat but I finally did it, I finally committed time to it. Some of the evidence was cheap and had to use a walkthrough at some parts, but as a visual novel it was incredible. The DS exclusive case was dragged out but picked up at the end, although some of the case features were shoehorned like blowing into the mic. Ready for the next one.
Oct 7, 2015 11:30 PM

Jan 2013
Jerkhov said:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


It took me almost a whole year to beat but I finally did it, I finally committed time to it. Some of the evidence was cheap and had to use a walkthrough at some parts, but as a visual novel it was incredible. The DS exclusive case was dragged out but picked up at the end, although some of the case features were shoehorned like blowing into the mic. Ready for the next one.

Damn, I have to play that again...
Oct 8, 2015 12:48 AM

Jun 2014
Dragon age Inquisition

I love everything about Dragon Age except for it companion. Half of them are not interesting to explore.
But I might replay it again to get into the lore.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Oct 9, 2015 12:05 PM

Jul 2015
Jerkhov said:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


It took me almost a whole year to beat but I finally did it, I finally committed time to it. Some of the evidence was cheap and had to use a walkthrough at some parts, but as a visual novel it was incredible. The DS exclusive case was dragged out but picked up at the end, although some of the case features were shoehorned like blowing into the mic. Ready for the next one.

Yea Ace Attorney is one of my favorite game series of all time, however my one gripe about it is that it has very low replay value. Once you've solved the mystery, replaying it feels very redundant.

Oct 9, 2015 1:04 PM

Nov 2012
lequack said:
Witcher 3. 10/10 The only flaw for me was in the controls and that stupid horse. It keeps teleporting to a region that cannot be accessed and I need to run out of the minimap range and resummon it.

However it still gets a 10 because it has the most engaging story in a western RPG that I have played so far and probably has the best sidequests ever made.

Yeah I'm about to finish this game this weekend probably and post a review here. I'm about to go to the final battle I think. There are so many sidequests in this game to be sure. I've done 111 quests total , played 74 hours total, and planned to do even more just before the end, but I just want to finish the thing now that invested so many hours into it already . Thus far I'd probably give it 9/10. Most certainly my favorite game of this newest gen of consoles, but then again I haven't really played too many others though.

Coming from my perspective of someone who has played mostly jrpgs with naiive teenage protagonists, its a jarring and welcome adventure to have a older and experienced protagonist. A lot of the dialogue is really witty and funny strangely enough for a character you think is uber serious all the time. Interraction with other people and diologues of the game is probably most realistic I've seen anywhere. Very busy world with people going about their lives and routines, and lots of talking and dialogue.

graphics of the game are absolutely beautiful on Ps4, and people are saying the graphics are way better on PC especially at Ultra or 4K if you're fortunate enough to have a rig and a monitor to accomplish that.

* Damn but I hate the updates for this game. If you have a shitty internet connection, ugh. Just try to turn it on now and what do you know 17 GB update (Da fuq?) .
midnightbladeOct 9, 2015 1:19 PM
Oct 9, 2015 7:53 PM

Jul 2015
long live the queen

is unexpectedly fun for what could pass as flash game
Oct 11, 2015 3:17 AM

Aug 2013
The Witcher.

Annoying combat system, one of the chapters is extremely tedious and chore to play. But it has a pretty solid story and well-developed characters. 7.5/10

Now gotta finish Witcher 2 asap.
Oct 11, 2015 2:52 PM

Jun 2010
yhunata said:
It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.

So, it's addictive despite it not being amazing and that makes it a 10/10. Sorry, that's still doesn't make much sense. I'm not so sure you get how this rating thing works
Oct 11, 2015 3:05 PM

Jan 2014
CowboySam said:
yhunata said:
It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.

So, it's addictive despite it not being amazing and that makes it a 10/10. Sorry, that's still doesn't make much sense. I'm not so sure you get how this rating thing works

My apologies that not everyone has the same standards and uses the same rating scale that you do, the only absolute and objectively correct way to do it, that is.
Oct 11, 2015 3:07 PM

Nov 2007
Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius - 9/10

Loved every moment of the game and I'm looking forward to Liberation Day coming out. It was one of the more challenging and probably unique TRPGs I've played. I found its strong points to be the mechanics, emphasis on team formation, a pleasant soundtrack and some likable (although trope heavy) characters. The weak points were the simple combat animations (although the game is free so I can't really take much off for that) and the writing being kind of hit-or-miss. Despite that, the ending was absolutely fantastic.

I think it's something worth picking up for people who like TRPGs and maybe want something on the more challenging side or are otherwise just mecha nerds. It's currently free on steam which is also a plus.
Oct 11, 2015 6:58 PM

Apr 2011
CowboySam said:
yhunata said:
It's not amazing, I'd say, but damn is it addicting and that, by far, is a greater achievement for a video game than anything else. Easily, 10/10.

So, it's addictive despite it not being amazing and that makes it a 10/10. Sorry, that's still doesn't make much sense. I'm not so sure you get how this rating thing works

I do get how this "rating" thing works. You just need to get how "opinions" work. For me, a game can be the shittiest game ever, but if it's more addicting than anything else I've played, then that's the best game I've played. It's not really that hard to make sense of that. If you still don't understand, let me put it even simpler:
1. A game is something generally used to kill time.
2. The game is not very good story-wise or even gameplay-wise.
3. The game, however, is very addicting, i.e. you can kill a lot of time with it.
4. Therefore, it's a good game.
5. It is, however, not a good story nor is it a good example for an interactive medium.
Oct 11, 2015 9:25 PM

Apr 2011
GTA 5 - 8/10

Probably one of the best games I've ever played.
Oct 11, 2015 10:05 PM

Nov 2014
spiritedaway18 said:
GTA 5 - 8/10
Probably one of the best games I've ever played.
And only an 8/10?
Witcher 3 10/10
Phantom Pain 6/10

Oct 13, 2015 12:09 PM

Nov 2013
Uncharted Drakes Fortune


Honestly think I've came to like it more than I did when I first played it in 2011. I appreciate the the dialogue a lot more now. The banter between the characters is great. The gameplay is still just super fun as well.
Oct 13, 2015 12:49 PM

Apr 2014
Pillars of Eternity 10/10

Goodbye real life i'm leaving this world.
Oct 13, 2015 10:34 PM

Apr 2013
Trails in the Sky FC: 9/10.

This game was simply amazing. Best JRPG I've played in years.

The combat system is alright, but the dialogue, story and world building, god damn what a gem.

Can't wait for SC. And Kloe best grill with Olivier as the most fabulous character in the game.
Oct 21, 2015 7:17 AM

Sep 2011
Styx: Master of Shadows - 6/10

- Good core stealth mechanics
- Music is pretty good
- First few levels are actually enjoyable with large maps and a good variety to killing (or not killing) guards

- Bad save mechanic (reloading changes how the AI works, and you are suddenly detected by a previously sleeping guy, and so on)
- Uninteresting story after a point ("important" people dying and no one batting an eye and weird motives).
- Reused levels. One or two of them isn't a bad idea, with new areas in them and different goals and approaches, but just generally giving us the same fucking levels after the half-point-mark just seems cheap. And it's basically the same thing with 2-3x more enemies and annoying ones with really bad placement.

First half of the game was like 7-8/10, then it went pretty downhill to like 4-5/10.
Oct 21, 2015 8:22 AM

Apr 2014
If any of you know me, you would know that I'm honest and objective with my reviews so don't expect any bullshit from me. I just beat The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt last sunday and I just can't fathom why people overhyped this game and for what reason. First off, the graphics were nice and all but it had poor optimization for PC and suffered from FPS drops. Also, the game ran at 30 FPS on NEXT GEN consoles, and yes I get that it's a port from the PC but the PC still has a shit ton of bugs of its own.

The gameplay was pretty good, they actually tried this time with the combat and didn't steal the combat from the Batman Arkham games like some of the weaker titles(Mad Max, Shadow of Mordor, Amazing Spiderman) have been doing for the past couple of years. But my only complain about the gameplay was on how fucking easy it all was. I had to turn up the difficulty twice throughout my playthrough and I barely noticed a difference. Like for fuck sakes, I had a harder time trying to beat Minecraft Storymode than this shit.

Also, just within the first few NPC dialogues you get in the game I could already tell what kind of shitty story I was about to get into. Almost half of the conversations you have in the game include some sex joke to remind you that this is an M rated game, which pretty much tells you that this game is pandering to that specific demographic of awkward teens who are still going through puberty and get rock hard for titty shots and dildo jokes. I was hoping for a game with more substance to it, that is not to say that Witcher 3 didn't have a shit ton of content, because it did. The game was fucking massive but I had no interests in the story nor the characters and that was a huge fucking letdown.

I give The Witcher 3 a 5/10.
(I don't recommend you buy this game unless its on some huge sale)

Oct 27, 2015 2:49 PM

Apr 2015
Darksiders and Darksiders II - 8/10

The first has better story, characters, atmosphere and puzzles while the second has better combat, soundtracks, rpg elements, better wrath abilities, and maybe a better graphics? (because its newer, i didn't really notice any difference)
boss battles are very easy too (in both games)
while i lean a bit towards the first, both were very good.
also if you play on PC, should really download sweetfx.
Oct 27, 2015 3:07 PM

Jul 2014
Lisa the Painful RPG - 9/10

Amazing OST's
Bizarre, interesting and unique world
Simple yet well executed story
The non-linear story progression
A show, not tell story narration
A fun, addictive combat system. Nothing too simple or complex
So much side content, you'll never get bored
The characters and their background
A world full of perverts?! How could you not enjoy that...

The game was simply too short
The existence of its sequel
Oct 27, 2015 3:40 PM

Jan 2015
SOMA - 8.5/10
The story was really good, had a lot of interesting twists and had a deeper meaning. The strength of the game is the story. The graphics were great as expected. The gameplay was a bit linear at some points and it missed the good scares. The atmosphere was amazing. I only got to know most of the characters through voice files but the 'actual' main characters were great. Neither of them were good nor bad people. The ending was alright but it made me angry.
Oct 28, 2015 1:33 AM

Dec 2011
Undertale - 10/10

There's so much I can say about Undertale as a game. Aside being a pretty small indie old-school RPG that came out of nowhere on everyone's radar, you can't deny it's huge ambition as an experimental game, one that I can truthfully consider a successful one.

Clever writing, innovative gameplay, and has a simplicity that builds up for the very unexpected flawlessly. Undertale is a triumph on delivering an experience video games rarely give you nowadays and easily one of 2015's best games.
Crzy_MinusOct 28, 2015 1:43 AM
Oct 28, 2015 1:37 AM

Apr 2013
Finished the singleplayer of Magic Duels a few days ago. In my opinion this game will fail because it's free-to-play but there's no reason at all to invest any money in it.
Oct 28, 2015 2:04 AM

Apr 2011
Tomb Raider (2013). I feel like this could've been called anything other than Tomb Raider and have been far more successful than it was. While I do love this far more than any other Tomb Raider I've played, Lara just doesn't feel right without the twin pistols. That being said, who doesn't love sending arrows through people's heads? I rarely even used the shotgun and the rifle. 9/10.
Oct 28, 2015 2:06 AM
Jul 2018
Assassin's creed 3 - 8/10.It wasn't as good as the second one
Oct 28, 2015 3:36 AM

Jul 2008
Deus Ex GOTY - 8.5/10

On my 10 point scale 5 is a game that's average. Right in the middle of amazing and terrible. So I'd say that 8.5/10 is pretty high. Great environments, atmosphere, stealth gameplay and story. Lackluster gunplay, augs weren't all that fun to use and skill progression was pretty weak for an RPG. Amazing game either way especially when you consider that the game came out 15 years ago.
Oct 28, 2015 3:45 AM

Dec 2014
Recently Platinumed Bloodborne. Overall I give the game 9.5/10.

It was a very nice change from the Dark Souls gameplay most people are used to. I really have to give props to the creature design since they are some of the best I have seen in gaming.
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