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Do you think it's weird when guys pretend to be girls online?

Jul 10, 2015 6:06 AM

Oct 2010
I'm sure that most people who use the internet have come across guys who pretend to be a female. Some do it as a lighthearted joke, others obsessively try to keep their image up by creating as many female-sounding threads or posts as they possibly can.

What do you think of these people?
I suppose I don't mind when it's a small joke, but I find the people who try their best to come off as a girl really weird. I don't see the appeal in it, unless you're really desperate for some attention (mostly from other males at that, which makes it even weirder).
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Jul 10, 2015 6:07 AM

Mar 2015
Yeah, it's pretty weird.
Jul 10, 2015 6:09 AM

Sep 2014
What about girls who pretend to be guys online?

I personally haven't come across either, aside from guys who play as female characters in MMOs or online games, but they still very much identify with being "male".
Jul 10, 2015 6:09 AM

Apr 2015
A lot of MALers used to think I'm some pedophile pretending to be a girl;-;
Jul 10, 2015 6:09 AM

Dec 2013
It doesn't really matter? I mean on the Internet you can be a unicorn or a mahou shoujo and still come off as a dick or a cool enough person, it's all about the kokoro op.
Jul 10, 2015 6:13 AM

Aug 2009
Probly just want some free shit or attention.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Jul 10, 2015 6:14 AM

Jan 2013
But I'm Kawaii Senpai, don't you want to spread my 17 year old legs, senpai?

*goes to change profile*
Jul 10, 2015 6:15 AM

Feb 2015
What the heck?! That's just retard
Jul 10, 2015 6:16 AM
Jul 2018
It doesn't matter as long as they are not stalkers.
Jul 10, 2015 6:17 AM
Jul 2018
It's creepy af if done as more than a joke. Even then it's still weird. It's their life though.

Usually it's on MMO's to either get free stuff or attention. Seen some guys go as far as to use voice changers and fake pics, but, that's about it.
Jul 10, 2015 6:36 AM

Oct 2010
SnugglyWhuggly said:
What about girls who pretend to be guys online?

I personally haven't come across either, aside from guys who play as female characters in MMOs or online games, but they still very much identify with being "male".

In my experience, the females who pretend to be males online do it because they don't want to be bothered by desperate guys or don't want to be treated differently around the forums due to being a girl.

Guys pretending to be girls either usually do it as a joke or seem really obsessive about it. I have personally come across two of the obsessive types. One is this moderator on another forum. All of the other moderators know and guard his secret, and the few members who know are forbidden to talk about it with other members. If you do mention it, odds are that you'll get banned from the site for "spreading personal information" or something along the lines of that. The other one is this guy, who made a new account which he now acts like a girl on, and he goes around creating threads about getting asked out by guys and other "female-sounding" topics to help build up their persona.

LittleRookie said:
It's creepy af if done as more than a joke. Even then it's still weird. It's their life though.

Usually it's on MMO's to either get free stuff or attention. Seen some guys go as far as to use voice changers and fake pics, but, that's about it.

My partner used to have a female character on Runescape so that guys would give him free money.
He never claimed to be a girl, though, he just let people assume it and give him things.
Jul 10, 2015 6:38 AM
Jul 2018
Cersei said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:
What about girls who pretend to be guys online?

I personally haven't come across either, aside from guys who play as female characters in MMOs or online games, but they still very much identify with being "male".

In my experience, the females who pretend to be males online do it because they don't want to be bothered by desperate guys or don't want to be treated differently around the forums due to being a girl.

Guys pretending to be girls either usually do it as a joke or seem really obsessive about it. I have personally come across two of the obsessive types. One is this moderator on another forum. All of the other moderators know and guard his secret, and the few members who know are forbidden to talk about it with other members. If you do mention it, odds are that you'll get banned from the site for "spreading personal information" or something along the lines of that. The other one is this guy, who made a new account which he now acts like a girl on, and he goes around creating threads about getting asked out by guys and other "female-sounding" topics to help build up their persona.

LittleRookie said:
It's creepy af if done as more than a joke. Even then it's still weird. It's their life though.

Usually it's on MMO's to either get free stuff or attention. Seen some guys go as far as to use voice changers and fake pics, but, that's about it.

My partner used to have a female character on Runescape so that guys would give him free money.
He never claimed to be a girl, though, he just let people assume it and give him things.

Yeah, Runescape is really bad when it comes to this thread.
Jul 10, 2015 6:39 AM

Aug 2014
Jul 10, 2015 6:39 AM
Jul 2018
Hmm...I wonder sometimes as to why Males would give free stuff to anyone that claims to be a female in an MMO or any sort of games where you can give people stuff. To make 'her' like him, I guess?

Anyway on to the topic,

Yes. I find it weird, but I'll probably wouldn't mind it that much if they told me that he was just playing a little joke about it.
Jul 10, 2015 6:47 AM

Jun 2015
People call themselves girls OL because they like talking about girly stuff and pillow fights and giggling over boyfriends.

If that's not cool with you, you have problems. No way in hell I'm changing my OL gender to fit in with societal norms.
Jul 10, 2015 6:48 AM

Jun 2011
It's nasty if they keep it up for too long. They need to consult a psychologist.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jul 10, 2015 6:53 AM

Mar 2014
It depends on the situation.
On a randon forum? Yes, weird for sure.
On a game? Not so much but while I don't judge people doing it I still find it weird.
I remember there were a couple Maplestory private servers in which I played as a female, why? Because they get better, cuter clothing, if I'm going to stare at my character for hours I want to stare at a good looking one, that was the whole idea of buying clothes with real money in that game. But I think it's exactly because I still it's weird that I'd answer with a yes if someone asked me if I was a girl (this was still 14 year old me too), I never tried to act like one and never really care about anything other than being able to play in peace. These were all shorter servers too, at most I'd play for a month or so and leave, never really having time to make any friends in it so I never really got a lasting impression on how playing as a girl changes the way you interact or get interacted with, it'd be easier, for sure but I don't know how much in the grand scheme of things.
I did have friends in official servers who were guys and played as girls and I still thought it was perfectly cool. I always played as a male unless I went dicking around with my friends in another character, and I think that's part of it, if you're with people you know then it becomes a joke, if you start doing it from the start there's a big difference.
I'm not the type of person who likes to lie and fake who they are for too long but I'm also the type of person who doesn't really like getting judge even if it's on the internet, that was back then anyway, I think I care less now.
pls don't judge
Jul 10, 2015 6:55 AM

Feb 2015
No seriously why would they even do that in the first place?
Jul 10, 2015 7:02 AM
Jul 2018
For the attention or something females put male because they don't want "gentlemen" all over them
Jul 10, 2015 7:06 AM

Oct 2011
Acceptable in a game since being a girl is a good way to get money off of horny guys.

Creepy as hell in online communities. We have one fake girl here on CD and there's another fake girl who was a News Mod here on MAL (but I won't give any names). The latter has been around for years.
Jul 10, 2015 7:07 AM

Aug 2014
I think it's fucking weird. What's so fun about doing something like that?
Jul 10, 2015 7:09 AM

Feb 2015
battosai-01 said:
Probly just want some free shit or attention.
:::|| ---A N I M E L I S T--- || ---M A N G A L I S T--- || ---S I G N A T U R E S--- || ---C A R D S--- ||:::
Jul 10, 2015 7:09 AM

Apr 2013
Perhaps some people just come off like a girl naturally?

personally if they don;t outright lie and say they are a girl I have no problem with them. I like traps.
Jul 10, 2015 7:12 AM

Mar 2014
Interrrrrpetgyu said:

How else am I gonna get dick pics from straight boys?
I think you can just google those.
Jul 10, 2015 7:22 AM

Mar 2014
Yeah, it's weird. But I also think it's weird when guys make a big deal about it when people lie all the time on the internet. You can be anything you wanna be on the internet. I can be a rich playboy who drives fancy cars and snorts coke from models' buttholes at my mansion parties.
Jul 10, 2015 7:33 AM

Oct 2014
Our profile pics affect our psychology. I actually have to put effort into not acting female online. I don't know why I care more now that I used to, but I just feel like I should start acting more male.
Jul 10, 2015 7:40 AM

Sep 2014
Cersei said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:
What about girls who pretend to be guys online?

I personally haven't come across either, aside from guys who play as female characters in MMOs or online games, but they still very much identify with being "male".

In my experience, the females who pretend to be males online do it because they don't want to be bothered by desperate guys or don't want to be treated differently around the forums due to being a girl.

Guys pretending to be girls either usually do it as a joke or seem really obsessive about it. I have personally come across two of the obsessive types. One is this moderator on another forum. All of the other moderators know and guard his secret, and the few members who know are forbidden to talk about it with other members. If you do mention it, odds are that you'll get banned from the site for "spreading personal information" or something along the lines of that. The other one is this guy, who made a new account which he now acts like a girl on, and he goes around creating threads about getting asked out by guys and other "female-sounding" topics to help build up their persona.

LittleRookie said:
It's creepy af if done as more than a joke. Even then it's still weird. It's their life though.

Usually it's on MMO's to either get free stuff or attention. Seen some guys go as far as to use voice changers and fake pics, but, that's about it.

My partner used to have a female character on Runescape so that guys would give him free money.
He never claimed to be a girl, though, he just let people assume it and give him things.

I've never pretended to be male before, but I usually just keep my gender neutral on most gaming servers such as PSN and Xbox Live. Obviously I can't disguise my voice, but that's why I only use voice chat when playing with friends. I haven't had any problems with horny guys as a result, except for one small incident 2 years ago where some guy seemed to assume I was female based solely on the fact that I had a female avatar on PSN. He guessed correctly on that occasion, but I got a feeling he was in for some verbal abuse if he went around randomly messaging people with female avatars.

I've never met a guy who's obsessed with pretending he's female before, so that situation just sounds all the more bizarre to me. For the sake of it, I'm going to assume that these guys aren't transgender, identify themselves as male IRL, but put up a female persona online and cling to it for whatever reason. I don't know the details so I can only make baseless assumptions, but I think it's safe to say that if someone clings so desperately to a fake identity, they almost certainly have some self-image problems.

Back when I used to play some MMOs, including RuneScape, I often played as female characters. I didn't tell people I was female, I just simply played as female avatars. I got plenty of people assuming that I was indeed female in real life though, and had both funny and bizarre experiences such as some people asking me to be their "online girlfriend", or strangers giving me free items for no apparent reason.
I started playing as male characters as a result. I didn't enjoy the unwanted attention, positive or not, I don't want to be treated differently just because I have boobs, thank you kindly.
Jul 10, 2015 7:42 AM

Jan 2015
I believe you are allowed to be anyone/anything on the internet.

I think it's alright in games like MMOs since I really don't see any harm. If hormone-enraged teens want to give a guy by accident free stuff that is their problem.

However, it annoys me a little when girls(real or actual guys pretending to be girls) try to solicit themselves to me so they can get free stuff from me. I don't believe in pussy over the internet. (except porn)
UAC_DeltaCompanyJul 10, 2015 7:48 AM
the40ftbadger said:
i have palpable amounts of salt for FO4.
It's like a clown put on my dead dad's clothes and is running around my house going "LOOK I'M YOUR DAD, ISN'T THIS FUN?!?!"

Jul 10, 2015 7:50 AM

Sep 2014
One time some guy thought I was a girl online
Not sure why
Jul 10, 2015 7:51 AM

Aug 2013
This reminds me that vast majority of my RL friends have female avatar on MMO we're playing for quite some time. And when i asked them, their answers tend to be similar; because it lets them to style their avatars with bombshell bodies (huge tits, nice ass, etc), and dress them in skimpy armors. So i'd say that our male instinct plays a huge part here.
Jul 10, 2015 7:53 AM

Aug 2013
Cersei said:
The other one is this guy, who made a new account which he now acts like a girl on, and he goes around creating threads about getting asked out by guys and other "female-sounding" topics to help build up their persona.

Sounds like a certain few around Mal...
Jul 10, 2015 8:14 AM

Feb 2015
It's weird if it's used for more than just a joke or outside a place dedicated to role-playing.
Jul 10, 2015 8:17 AM

Oct 2011
I play as a girl on Runescape to take money off of horny guys.
Jul 10, 2015 8:25 AM

Jan 2015
Maybe they do it because they are bored and it gives them a weird sort of excitement? Or perhaps they think acting like girls will make their communications with real girls (or even better, other fake girls lol) easier.
I don't get why would anyone go out of their way to act like a guy/girl. I mean, I really don't give a damn about it and say things that are more "male" and things that are more "female" too. And it's not like being a girl gives you bonus "female-only" options while talking to other female members. You don't start talking about menstruation with another girl just because you are a girl too xD
Perhaps others find horny alpha guys (but they are usually fake personalities too) weird and they think fooling them by making them believe you are a girl is funny.
Jul 10, 2015 8:33 AM
Jul 2018
They are hopeless. You'll be fine with traps if you know that girls don't exist in the internet.
Jul 10, 2015 8:51 AM
Feb 2014
LittleRookie said:

Usually it's on MMO's to either get free stuff or attention. Seen some guys go as far as to use voice changers and fake pics, but, that's about it.

I had an interesting encounter with someone like this in a game. We started playing together at the beginning stages of the game and I knew for a fact that he was a guy because we chatted. After a year and a half or so I realize that he suddenly turns into a female and has this gang of people that give him shit. He even had pictures of an Asian girl saying it was him. It's really funny, the last thing he said to me before we cut all ties was " I was only pretending to be a guy when I was with you because I didn't want to be bothered".

I think it's really weird when people do this. Even if you're excuse is to fool stupid kids in a game.
Jul 10, 2015 9:12 AM

Jan 2014
It is indeed weird.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Jul 10, 2015 9:13 AM

May 2014
Depends on the situation. I kind of understand why a guy would pretend to be a girl while playing a game, but why would you do it anywhere else?

I'll be out ridin' my pony until it's time for candy
And I'll be naked, because I want to

Jul 10, 2015 9:16 AM

Jul 2013
_Charl said:
It doesn't matter as long as they are not stalkers.

Too late, Onii-san. *insert yandere laugh*
Jul 10, 2015 9:17 AM
Jun 2014
Yep, weirder than having an anime girl photoshopped next to you in a picture.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 10, 2015 9:17 AM

May 2009
I've had instances of both, and both times, it weirded me out. Why do people pretend to be something they're not? It boggles my mind.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 10, 2015 9:19 AM

Apr 2013
I've done it when I was younger, maybe 13 or 14 but nowadays I wouldn't even be able to imagine doing it. Yes it's weird unless you're a teenager going through puberty with all your hormones rampant.

Ahhh... Is this the blood... The blood of the Dark Soul?
Jul 10, 2015 9:20 AM

Jul 2015
Saturma said:
Depends on the situation. I kind of understand why a guy would pretend to be a girl while playing a game, but why would you do it anywhere else?

nope, its still pretty bad in a game since its basically like playing with cheat codes on
Snapchat: jt.kelbe
Jul 10, 2015 9:22 AM
Sep 2014
People do that?
Jul 10, 2015 9:22 AM
Sep 2014
People do that??
Jul 10, 2015 9:35 AM

Mar 2013
_Charl said:
It doesn't matter as long as they are not stalkers.

Jul 10, 2015 9:40 AM

May 2014
JTkelbe said:
Saturma said:
Depends on the situation. I kind of understand why a guy would pretend to be a girl while playing a game, but why would you do it anywhere else?

nope, its still pretty bad in a game since its basically like playing with cheat codes on

Maybe people shouldn't be so quick to believe every person with a female character telling you they're a girl, is telling the truth though.

I'll be out ridin' my pony until it's time for candy
And I'll be naked, because I want to

Jul 10, 2015 9:40 AM

Oct 2014
> implying you´re not one.
Jul 10, 2015 9:42 AM

Jul 2015
Saturma said:
JTkelbe said:

nope, its still pretty bad in a game since its basically like playing with cheat codes on

Maybe people shouldn't be so quick to believe every person with a female character telling you they're a girl, is telling the truth though.

so were you the perpetrator or the victim?
Snapchat: jt.kelbe
Jul 10, 2015 9:43 AM

Aug 2011
As long as they are not serial killers, I don't mind it.
I don't care about people's genders anyway.
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