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Why don't you like this anime or why do you? and why did you give it the rating you did?

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Mar 21, 2015 10:46 AM

Apr 2014

I wish I didn't watch the last episode, the ending kind of ruined it for me. I had so much feels through this show and really didn't get bored with it even once but the ending kind of killed those feels and left me just feeling; uh that's it, wait what ??

I really liked the characters and Kousei's development was good but I wish there had been more for the other characters like Watari.

The story, I actually really enjoyed it and Kousei's past and current trauma and relationships with Kaori and his friends really made me emotional and that's always a plus because I love getting emotional haha. The story didn't loose it's main purpose which I'm glad for since I feel like that happens in many anime. However, the way he kind of went in to denial rather than overcoming his trauma was really hard to watch it just made so sad and I felt like no one really reached out and wanted to help him I mean how fucking sad is that.

Loved the art and the soundtrack.

And then there is Kaori, I really didn't like her.

I'm not good with words I don't know why I attempted this OTL.
Mar 21, 2015 10:48 AM

Aug 2014
MgMaster said:
+ Fantastic character development for Kousei with a proper closure
+ The supporting cast serves it's purpose well, to help Kousei move forward
+ Kousei's trauma is well portrayed, making for some good drama
+ Overall a well-structured story that didn't loose track of it's main purpose, a.k.a. Kousei's development
+ Good/great classical music performances
+ Good visuals when it matters the most
+ Great atmosphere overall

- Bad and random comedy that ruins the serious dramatic moments
- Show can get awfully melodramatic quite often
- Lacks subtlety when it's the type of show that'd benefit greatly from it, even in some of it's better, non-melodramatic moments
- Obvious emotional manipulation by using the sick girl trope with Kaori, instead of letting the audience decide how they should feel towards her
- Heavy usage of the manic pixie dream girl trope early on in a show that takes itself very seriously. I ended up accepting it in the end but they could've at least tone it down a notch.
- Character interactions weren't very good most of the time, the main offender here being between Kousei & Kaori, which should've been a given

For a while now I've come to embrace the fact that it comes down to how much do the pros & cons weigh for each of us. I value character interactions a lot, and Shigatsu kind of failed at that so it was a big downer for me. I also value the main character(s) development a lot, and Shigatsu did a damn good job at that, so a big plus there. I don't think I need to go on with this, you guys get where I'm coming from.

Now let's talk about teh feelz:

Shigatsu relies a lot on how much feels you'll get after all, way too much I'd say. But it's fun to get lost in the feels, IMO, so just going with it, which is what most of the MAL community did judging by how high it's ranked might not be so bad. I enjoy all teh feelz as well and have no intention of turning into a cold logic bastard - tried it, it had it's charms but then I tried the former as well, it was way more fun.

Alas, feels alone won't make a show great for me and even then, Shigatsu has the problem where the feels you get aren't really genuine in that if you don't deliberately let yourself be emotionally manipulated, you might not even get them, or not as much anyway. I did let myself be emotionally manipulated because my purpose was mainly to enjoy the show, rather than criticize it. It worked but there's a limit to how well it worked. So, it got a 7/10 from me though I was strongly debating between that or an 8 right after I watched the final episode, which I though was awesome - but I would've lowered it to a 7 a few weeks or months afterwards, so might as well do it now.

Also, rank 15? Definitely overrated. Shouldn't even be a question about it. But overrated =/= bad.

I agree completely, only instead of a 7 I gave it an 8/10. Temptation after the last episode was too great.

I especially and wholeheartedly agree with the bold, it's pretty much the matter of Shigatsu's rank in one sentence.
~||Sky of the Night Light||~
Mar 21, 2015 10:54 AM

Feb 2009
robis798 said:
I love how all of these walls of text in the first page were written by people who haven't finished the series ( hell, some didn't even watch half of it ). And of course, for the most part they have no idea what are they even talking about.
Mar 21, 2015 11:06 AM

Oct 2014
I think TYR0N3's review on the front page summarized my views on this show. It had a ton of potential and I really liked the beginning. It seemed to get worse as it neared the end. The comedy was just terribly placed, ruining the mood and confusing the audience. Am I supposed to feel sad or uplifting? Make up your mind! The monologues were a pain to watch. I don't mind it if its crucial to the plot, but flashbacks over and over and over doesn't help as well as repeating your past. Last but not least, I felt like Kaori wasn't relevant until the last few episodes. She pretty much stayed in the hospital the whole time and served as a plot device. Something goes wrong, refer to Kaori.

As someone who enjoyed dramas such as Clannad AS, toradora, anohana (you know all the big ones), I felt at a loss how this show is rated so high. Not that its a problem, but I expected somewhere around 8.2 -8.3, but definitely not nearing a 9.
Mar 21, 2015 11:21 AM

Apr 2013
Mar 21, 2015 12:33 PM

Feb 2010
robis798 said:
I love how all of these walls of text in the first page were written by people who haven't finished the series ( hell, some didn't even watch half of it ). And of course, for the most part they have no idea what are they even talking about.

Obligatory nazi analogy:
It's like the Nazis. I wouldn't need to wait until 1945 to tell you that they are bad, it was already clear in the 1930s. Jews fleeing the country back then certainly did the right thing, same goes for me dropping the show early.

And nothing anyone ever said about the show while defending it even hinted at it suddenly making a 180 and dealing with the issues in a more reasonable way, on the contrary. If you have any arguments bring them, but simple saying 'you didn't finish the show' while not even attempting to deal with the issues pointed out is just a lazy and stupid argument. Not to mention that being THAT bad in the first half couldn't be redeemed even if it suddenly became a totally different show, with different characters and themes. Which I still doubt from all my conversations with fans and non-fans who completed the show.

Basically you don't have any counter arguments so you take the lazy way out. I'm also sure people would scream 'but if you hated it so much why did you even finish it' if I did. It's the good old 'you can't win against fanboys' situation. No matter what you do they'll always find a reason to discard your opinion without any actual arguments so it doesn't really matter one way or the other. I shouldn't even waste my time typing this since it's most likely futile, but at least I didn't waste my time watching 10+ more episodes of a show that was clearly terrible at everything that counts, from execution of its main themes to the personality of the main characters.

Also Nidhoeggr did finish the show and TripleS is still watching it so your comment should really be only directed at me.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 21, 2015 12:36 PM

Feb 2010
mattie2710 said:
People need to realise that people like different stuff. I personally love romantic dramas, but i can understand why some people dont. Dont hate on an anime having a high rating if the majority of people enjoyed it?

Implying that everyone who dislikes Shitgatsu dislikes romantic drama in general? That's bullshit, I love a lot of shows from that genre, Shigatsu was just actively offensive, that's all there is to it. It's the first and only time an anime ever offended me, and I've seen a lot so that's quite a feat in itself. It has nothing to do with the genre though.
I probably regret this post by now.
Mar 21, 2015 12:49 PM

Aug 2013

dude you are so mad right now, your signature... i can see tears and anger in your face.

ty shigatsu, i love you
Mar 21, 2015 12:51 PM

Jan 2015
I understand peoples views are different and can sympathize with them if they didn;t find the show appealing because of melodrama, dialogue, and oteher stuff.

I still don't know why some people think he was unable to play the piano because he was emotionally scarred from abuse though.
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Mar 21, 2015 1:05 PM

Jul 2014

Mediocre plot, story, execution
Very Cliche
Overall mediocre show.

And a minus for being higher rated then Nodame Canatabile on MAL.
Mar 21, 2015 2:35 PM

Jul 2009
I liked it, it was sad and beautiful, and even when Kaori died (I cried a lot, I confess) I still think it was a good end, Tsubaki made a move and I am pretty sure that in time she and Kousei will be together, and it makes me happy.
Kaori was a super special girl, that fought for her life and was able to give Kousei hope. I will always remember the 1st time she played violin, it was beautiful.
For it, I gave it a 9!
Mar 21, 2015 3:14 PM
Feb 2013
HasHash said:
I still don't know why some people think he was unable to play the piano because he was emotionally scarred from abuse though.

I don't get that either. The show goes out of its way to make it clear that its the death of Arima's mother and the role he thought he played in it that pushes him over rather than the actual physical abuse. I also don't get why people think Kaori was the only person that Arima relied on to get over his issues when Hiroko had played a large role too.
Mar 21, 2015 3:38 PM

Sep 2012
5/10, very interesting ideas, an amazing start, good performances, and then a lot of intrusive subplots, horrible comedy in-between drama scenes, too many monologues and a severe lack of dialogues. Plus the sidecast was barely developed, and even when they tried (Tsubaki), it came off as annoying because it was meddling with the main plot. It's a show that failed to put everything together correctly when it tried. The ending wrapped everything pretty nicely, but it doesn't excuse all of the other issues this anime has. The show didn't take itself seriously and was dealt with in an immature way most of the time, coming off as pretensious when these 14-year olds sound like they are adults or something
Mar 21, 2015 3:45 PM

Feb 2014
Varus said:

Mediocre plot, story, execution
Very Cliche
Overall mediocre show.

And a minus for being higher rated then Nodame Canatabile on MAL.

So what you're saying is you would give an 8/10 to an average show?

There is an option for a "5/10" you know?
ddenpaMar 21, 2015 8:23 PM
Mar 21, 2015 3:47 PM

Sep 2014
7/10, read my review.
Mar 21, 2015 4:22 PM

Apr 2014
icontinuetofight said:

dude you are so mad right now, your signature... i can see tears and anger in your face.

ty shigatsu, i love you

Mar 21, 2015 4:34 PM

Apr 2014
i enjoyed it i gave it a 8/10 i can see how ppl can over and underrate this series. if u want to be critical u can find many flaws with the romance, characters unnatural behavior, a1's cutting corners with animation, and many more. but at the same time u gotta also appreciate the fact that these are kids who probably only experiences so much in life. the melodrama was there but hey anime is suppose to evoke emotion its a simple literary and visual tool.

for what its worth its a really nice series and idc where its ranked on mal cuz mal doesnt dictate my opinions what so ever.
Mar 21, 2015 4:43 PM

Apr 2014
it was a nice anime and I enjoyed it for the most part (not to mention how beautiful the art was) but I really do not think it deserves the top 20...I was actually shocked it went up so high in ranking. it was a 7/10-8/10 for me, nothing was that shocking or new. the drama was a bit too much and some things were getting repetitive. also one thing that annoyed me was that they were middle schoolers and yet they acted so knowing and clever. maybe if it was a 12 episode anime it would have been better

BUT, it wasn't bad at all so I also don't understand people who insist on rating it very low. the art alone should make it at least 7/10 lol
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Mar 22, 2015 4:23 AM

Nov 2011
It's shit because it's shit.

No other reason.
Mar 22, 2015 4:29 AM

Apr 2013
zetsu_shoren said:
It's shit because it's shit.

No other reason.

Mar 22, 2015 4:32 AM

Jul 2014
zetsu_shoren said:
It's shit because it's shit.

No other reason.
i dont recommended enter this thread if your're still in elementary school.

@topic i rate it 10(9.5)/10 bcuz of beautiful story with outstanding music + Excellent execute.
GensanMar 22, 2015 5:26 AM
Mar 22, 2015 5:30 AM

Nov 2011
i dun recomend u enter here 2
Mar 22, 2015 5:41 AM

Jul 2014
zetsu_shoren said:
i dun recomend u enter here 2
i dont like talking with unreasoning person so let just drop it here.
Mar 22, 2015 5:49 AM

Mar 2014
+ the art,animation is really good
+ really liked the soundtrack, music
+ good story but sometimes boring even thought it made me cry for a couple times.
- didn't like the ending (not bcoz it was sad. im a fan of sad ending)
cuz you fucking cant tell somebody you like them after you die, think about
the other person.
if someone i like do it to me, probably i would feel really really bad.
- Kaori was really violent towards Kousei even tho he has a mentally problem.
i mean like wtf.
- after Kaori death Kousei act so cool and calm - why why why. even if you say
its bcoz "he grew up to be adult" still, you can't just pass over it like its nothing.
- that childhood friend is stupid as fuck - i dont want even to explain why bcoz
there are so much problems in that girl. jeez.
- cliche cliche cliche everywhere.

but i gave it 8/10 bcoz a really big part of it is enjoyment so
Rin-ichiharaMar 22, 2015 6:07 AM

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Mar 22, 2015 6:16 AM

Jul 2014
HasHash said:

I still don't know why some people think he was unable to play the piano because he was emotionally scarred from abuse though.

So, that he was not emotionally scarred (never mind the fact that he was emotionally scarred) somehow condones his mother's abuse and the show's subsequent treatment trying to justify, rationalize and even add supposed good intentions to the action? Bravo, then.

His inability to play piano stems from a combination of the abuse and his guilt. If it was solely from guilt, then he probably wouldn't have left the piano since that was after all the thing his mother would have wanted the least. He clearly states at one point that he played the piano because of his mother and he had no reason to continue onwards after her death. You must be retarded to think a psychosomatic disorder is solely the product of momentary guilt, when the underlying trauma in the first place is the only reason he has to shift all the blame to himself.

Hell, sometimes, even shows like this can't spell everything out for you; his tendency to always shift the blame around to his own person in itself is representing of trauma. His mother's treatment - abuse and subsequent trauma because of that is the only conceivable explanation for his dangerous lack of self worth. But the most cardinal sin is how the other characters treat him for it -- it's insulting, degrading, disturbing and inhumane. Instead of assuring him that he has no reason to blame himself, that he wasn't at the wrong all of the time - they tried to spill oil to flame, to debilitate his mental state and take advantage of the encumbered man to achieve their ends - be it getting him back to something he only pursued by the abuse of his mother or to get him away from it after he actually found appreciation for the art.
Mar 22, 2015 6:56 AM

Jun 2008
HasHash said:
fst said:
Most people consider being beaten to be a form of trauma but if you want to argue semantics....

Definition of trauma: "a deeply distressing or disturbing experience"
If he didn't feel deeply distressed or disturbed by it how is it trauma?

Oh and in Japan and Asian countries in general it's common to see beatings as a form of discipline. Speaking from experience.

fst said:
HasHash said:

lol read the arguments beforehand again if you didn't

Oh wow ok I see what you're saying now. The way that we was just able to go about life afterwards without having to be institutionalized or anything, go to school, hang out with friends, etc just like normal means that he didn't suffer at all from what his mother did to him. Absolutely no lasting consequences at all from any that.

I'm so sorry I didn't read your post carefully, but now that I understand, I absolutely and completely agree with you.

lol, sonny I see you have a long path in life to learn. Because, correct me if Im wrong, but if you are implying that Kousei was not traumatized by what his mother did to him, than let me tell you still have to go a LOOOOONG way in life until you learn about PAIN and suffering.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Mar 22, 2015 6:59 AM

Jul 2014
Takiya_Oomine said:
zetsu_shoren said:
It's shit because it's shit.

No other reason.
i dont recommended enter this thread if your're still in elementary school.

@topic i rate it 10(9.5)/10 bcuz of beautiful story with outstanding music + Excellent execute.
Lol, it seems elementary kids have better grammar than you then
Mar 22, 2015 7:03 AM

Mar 2014
Terapin said:
Takiya_Oomine said:
i dont recommended enter this thread if your're still in elementary school.

@topic i rate it 10(9.5)/10 bcuz of beautiful story with outstanding music + Excellent execute.
Lol, it seems elementary kids have better grammar than you then

lolololol u just got burn

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Mar 22, 2015 7:06 AM

Aug 2013
Terapin said:
Takiya_Oomine said:
i dont recommended enter this thread if your're still in elementary school.

@topic i rate it 10(9.5)/10 bcuz of beautiful story with outstanding music + Excellent execute.
Lol, it seems elementary kids have better grammar than you then

Mar 22, 2015 7:50 AM

Apr 2010
PinkSheep said:
7/10 I feel like it got rated high only because Kaori died

People are addicted to/just plain love feels. Clannad:AS doesn't really belong in the top 10 but it's so feely so it has to be ranked high by people carried away with their emotions at the time. Shiggers is getting the same treatment. It's not a bad series, but it's not good either, it's average.
Mar 22, 2015 8:05 AM

Aug 2013
antonnn said:
PinkSheep said:
7/10 I feel like it got rated high only because Kaori died

People are addicted to/just plain love feels. Clannad:AS doesn't really belong in the top 10 but it's so feely so it has to be ranked high by people carried away with their emotions at the time. Shiggers is getting the same treatment. It's not a bad series, but it's not good either, it's average.

its funny cuz you really think that your opinion is more valueable than 186277 ratings
Mar 22, 2015 8:16 AM

Nov 2008
The feels, mate, the feels.
Mar 22, 2015 8:25 AM

Apr 2011
chardsixteen said:
Most of the show is 7/10 material - great art and music, but overdone character narration and flashbacks.

The bittersweet but emotionally satisfying ending, however, bumped it up to 8/10 for me.

Felt the same way here.
Mar 22, 2015 9:14 AM

Apr 2010
icontinuetofight said:
its funny cuz you really think that your opinion is more valueable than 186277 ratings

I don't, not at all, but anyone with a brain on MAL knows the rankings aren't to be taken all that seriously. They aren't completely incorrect, though. Anyway I'm free to express my opinion how I want, and you're more than welcome to disagree, but there's no need to spit crap like that.

What you gonna do next? Go to my profile and find an anime you don't like that I personally rated high and then make fun of me about it like you did earlier in the thread? Go hard kid.
Mar 22, 2015 9:58 AM

Apr 2010
PinkSheep said:
At least Clannad AS wasn't this predictable There are animes better than this rated lower
I didn't get enough feels when Kaori died probably because she wasn't one of those super likeable characters

Mar 22, 2015 11:21 AM

Jan 2015
Terapin said:
HasHash said:

I still don't know why some people think he was unable to play the piano because he was emotionally scarred from abuse though.

So, that he was not emotionally scarred (never mind the fact that he was emotionally scarred) somehow condones his mother's abuse and the show's subsequent treatment trying to justify, rationalize and even add supposed good intentions to the action? Bravo, then.

His inability to play piano stems from a combination of the abuse and his guilt. If it was solely from guilt, then he probably wouldn't have left the piano since that was after all the thing his mother would have wanted the least. He clearly states at one point that he played the piano because of his mother and he had no reason to continue onwards after her death. You must be retarded to think a psychosomatic disorder is solely the product of momentary guilt, when the underlying trauma in the first place is the only reason he has to shift all the blame to himself.

Hell, sometimes, even shows like this can't spell everything out for you; his tendency to always shift the blame around to his own person in itself is representing of trauma. His mother's treatment - abuse and subsequent trauma because of that is the only conceivable explanation for his dangerous lack of self worth. But the most cardinal sin is how the other characters treat him for it -- it's insulting, degrading, disturbing and inhumane. Instead of assuring him that he has no reason to blame himself, that he wasn't at the wrong all of the time - they tried to spill oil to flame, to debilitate his mental state and take advantage of the encumbered man to achieve their ends - be it getting him back to something he only pursued by the abuse of his mother or to get him away from it after he actually found appreciation for the art.

He can't play the piano solely because of his guilt. Everything in the show points to this. His mom beating him is meant to show conflicting views between parent and child, it doesn't condone abuse.

You can say something when you watched more than 5 anime because if you don't know how expanded emotions and situations play a role in this type of media then you don't even know the basics of the foundation of anime. I'm not saying I'm a guru on the subject but you shouldn't be arguing because you don't know what you're watching.

Your "this show fails to portray this clearly" statement in other words is just saying that "yea, the anime portrays this but I can't find an example for some reason."
Orulyon said:

lol, sonny I see you have a long path in life to learn. Because, correct me if Im wrong, but if you are implying that Kousei was not traumatized by what his mother did to him, than let me tell you still have to go a LOOOOONG way in life until you learn about PAIN and suffering.

This is just hypothesizing that Kousei is traumatized because there's no proof in everything that was said.

You yourself said there are two types of traumatized people (shut-ins and people who aren't but hide it). You're just assuming that Kousei is the outgoing hide it under everything type.
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Mar 22, 2015 1:43 PM

Sep 2011
6/10. It hardly had any music for a music themed show. The main character (girl) was a really annoying character—scratch that, both girls were annoying. The ending was not satisfying at all and I felt zero emotion. Only good thing was the Music played, OST, OP and art. Oh, and a very predictable death doesn't help (Even before reading the manga, I knew it was going to happen).

The 8.90 rating is beyond overrated for the show. I can see it being 8.5 max, but 8.90? Hah.
TyrelMar 22, 2015 1:46 PM
Mar 22, 2015 2:07 PM

Dec 2013
Tyrel said:
6/10. It hardly had any music for a music themed show. The main character (girl) was a really annoying character—scratch that, both girls were annoying. The ending was not satisfying at all and I felt zero emotion. Only good thing was the Music played, OST, OP and art. Oh, and a very predictable death doesn't help (Even before reading the manga, I knew it was going to happen).

The 8.90 rating is beyond overrated for the show. I can see it being 8.5 max, but 8.90? Hah.

your post in the manga sub-forum says otherwise?
Tyrel said:
The feels are real. Sad and depressing end. The author really did do it nicely with that letter. 9/10.
Mar 22, 2015 2:10 PM
Feb 2014
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
mattie2710 said:
People need to realise that people like different stuff. I personally love romantic dramas, but i can understand why some people dont. Dont hate on an anime having a high rating if the majority of people enjoyed it?

Implying that everyone who dislikes Shitgatsu dislikes romantic drama in general? That's bullshit, I love a lot of shows from that genre, Shigatsu was just actively offensive, that's all there is to it. It's the first and only time an anime ever offended me, and I've seen a lot so that's quite a feat in itself. It has nothing to do with the genre though.

If this anime offended you, i really hope you can seek help for that.

Nothing in this anime is offensive lol
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Mar 22, 2015 2:11 PM

Sep 2011
YuushaEmilia90 said:
Tyrel said:
6/10. It hardly had any music for a music themed show. The main character (girl) was a really annoying character—scratch that, both girls were annoying. The ending was not satisfying at all and I felt zero emotion. Only good thing was the Music played, OST, OP and art. Oh, and a very predictable death doesn't help (Even before reading the manga, I knew it was going to happen).

The 8.90 rating is beyond overrated for the show. I can see it being 8.5 max, but 8.90? Hah.

your post in the manga sub-forum says otherwise?
Tyrel said:
The feels are real. Sad and depressing end. The author really did do it nicely with that letter. 9/10.
I enjoyed the manga—not the anime. And it's rated 8/10 on my manga, which I didn't edit my forum post. Anime was less than stellar. When you actually get to hear the voices and how snobby characters can be, lots of stuff can change between anime and manga. Add in all the flashbacks while I'm at it too. Like I said somewhere else before, the ending was nice but everything else wasn't. And just because I said 'the feels are real' doesn't mean I actually cried or felt much. It's sad, that's about it.
Mar 22, 2015 2:42 PM

Apr 2012
HasHash said:

Orulyon said:

lol, sonny I see you have a long path in life to learn. Because, correct me if Im wrong, but if you are implying that Kousei was not traumatized by what his mother did to him, than let me tell you still have to go a LOOOOONG way in life until you learn about PAIN and suffering.

This is just hypothesizing that Kousei is traumatized because there's no proof in everything that was said.

You yourself said there are two types of traumatized people (shut-ins and people who aren't but hide it). You're just assuming that Kousei is the outgoing hide it under everything type.

What do you mean this is just a hypothesis?
It's pretty obvious he was traumatized by his terrible relationship with his mother that was never resolved when she passed away. It's not just his mother, but he has extreme stage fright/ anxiety. People have huge expectations of him, which makes it even harder for him to perform under competitive pressure. This was a major theme of the show. If you didn't get this much about the show, you didn't understand the show at all.

Mar 22, 2015 2:51 PM

Apr 2012
I gave the show 7/10. It was too melodramatic for my tastes and the relationship between Kousei and Kaori wasn't well developed. I didn't like how they kept stalling their romantic progression up to the very end. Christ if you are going to die at least be honest about your feelings. Psychological trauma/ stage fright was portrayed well, but overused. Solid soundtrack

Mar 22, 2015 3:03 PM

Jan 2015
Zeally said:
HasHash said:

This is just hypothesizing that Kousei is traumatized because there's no proof in everything that was said.

You yourself said there are two types of traumatized people (shut-ins and people who aren't but hide it). You're just assuming that Kousei is the outgoing hide it under everything type.

What do you mean this is just a hypothesis?
It's pretty obvious he was traumatized by his terrible relationship with his mother that was never resolved when she passed away. It's not just his mother, but he has extreme stage fright/ anxiety. People have huge expectations of him, which makes it even harder for him to perform under competitive pressure. This was a major theme of the show. If you didn't get this much about the show, you didn't understand the show at all.

I keep asking people this but I never get a response, where does the show ever imply he was traumatized? I gave plenty of examples to support my claim, everyone who opposed this idea just shitposted in response.
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Mar 22, 2015 3:16 PM

Apr 2010
The example of his trauma comes with watching the show, nobody is giving any examples to you because you can see it plain and simple from watching it... But somehow you missed it, and I doubt anybody is going to bother pointing it out for you since it's so blatantly obvious. I definitely won't. Did you only watch from when he forgave his mother onward or something?
Mar 22, 2015 3:52 PM

Jun 2008
HasHash said:
Zeally said:

What do you mean this is just a hypothesis?
It's pretty obvious he was traumatized by his terrible relationship with his mother that was never resolved when she passed away. It's not just his mother, but he has extreme stage fright/ anxiety. People have huge expectations of him, which makes it even harder for him to perform under competitive pressure. This was a major theme of the show. If you didn't get this much about the show, you didn't understand the show at all.

I keep asking people this but I never get a response, where does the show ever imply he was traumatized? I gave plenty of examples to support my claim, everyone who opposed this idea just shitposted in response.

here´s some examples for you:
1. the fact that he could not hear the piano at all. (when you do not have a physical problem in the brain like a disease than its caused by psychological/emotional issues).
2. the visual allucinations and flashbacks with his dead mom
3. his low self esteem and self-blame/guilt.

Isnt that proof enough for a person to be traumatized? It is you that did not read my post for I explained how Kousei´s brain worked and what AVOIDING means. When you avoid something, you fear it. Surely yes if you have a nightmare or two about a bad event does not mean you are traumatized but if you have recurrent visions and thoughts of it and it makes you shake with fear and anxiety (look at his eyes open with fear, his trembling hands, his sweaty forehead=symptons of anxiety), than I would say that person is surely under a psychological trauma.

I would say he had Psychological Trauma which may lead to Ptsd (Post traumatic stress disorder).

There is so many evidences he was traumatized that I wonder if you're just trolling or joking saying he is not.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Mar 22, 2015 5:37 PM
Sep 2013
it's either 8 or 9/10 but i decided to give it 9/10

the whole story is good, and i like the 'love's sorrow' theme used here, but it's A1 and their adaptation is tends to be suck so i somehow can deal with it.

overused comedy and it's sloppy animation, seriously the way they adapt comedy part of shigatsu is terrible, and ruin the moment.

as for the feels that everyone is talking about, it's not that much tbh, Shirobako delivers it more compared to Shigatsu ending, even though it's a comedy show.
Mar 22, 2015 6:35 PM

Jul 2014
HasHash said:
Terapin said:

So, that he was not emotionally scarred (never mind the fact that he was emotionally scarred) somehow condones his mother's abuse and the show's subsequent treatment trying to justify, rationalize and even add supposed good intentions to the action? Bravo, then.

His inability to play piano stems from a combination of the abuse and his guilt. If it was solely from guilt, then he probably wouldn't have left the piano since that was after all the thing his mother would have wanted the least. He clearly states at one point that he played the piano because of his mother and he had no reason to continue onwards after her death. You must be retarded to think a psychosomatic disorder is solely the product of momentary guilt, when the underlying trauma in the first place is the only reason he has to shift all the blame to himself.

Hell, sometimes, even shows like this can't spell everything out for you; his tendency to always shift the blame around to his own person in itself is representing of trauma. His mother's treatment - abuse and subsequent trauma because of that is the only conceivable explanation for his dangerous lack of self worth. But the most cardinal sin is how the other characters treat him for it -- it's insulting, degrading, disturbing and inhumane. Instead of assuring him that he has no reason to blame himself, that he wasn't at the wrong all of the time - they tried to spill oil to flame, to debilitate his mental state and take advantage of the encumbered man to achieve their ends - be it getting him back to something he only pursued by the abuse of his mother or to get him away from it after he actually found appreciation for the art.

He can't play the piano solely because of his guilt. Everything in the show points to this. His mom beating him is meant to show conflicting views between parent and child, it doesn't condone abuse.

You can say something when you watched more than 5 anime because if you don't know how expanded emotions and situations play a role in this type of media then you don't even know the basics of the foundation of anime. I'm not saying I'm a guru on the subject but you shouldn't be arguing because you don't know what you're watching.

Your "this show fails to portray this clearly" statement in other words is just saying that "yea, the anime portrays this but I can't find an example for some reason."

Yes, now thank you for affirming my doubts about your reading comprehension.
Now to introduce a new concept, why don't you try googling about 'reading between the lines'
It is a fairly understandable concept, though I have my doubts with you
Resorting to ad hominem i see; the number of anime I have watched has absolutely no bearing on the validity of my critique (although I dare say the fakeness oozes out of this account). It is unfortunate, but your reply simply seems to gloss over all my points and you complain about people not giving you proof?
I'll repeat, the only thinkable reason he has for assigning guilt to himself in all and every situation is his trauma which resulted from abuse. In his mother's abuse, all he knew was to blame himself and that is the reason he associated his mother's death with his actions, hence the guilt. I hope I've been obvious enough for you. Never mind how the show takes no punches with hiding this exceedingly self deprecating attitude.
P.S I never typed the phrase "this show failed to portray clearly"
Stop pulling conclusions from your ass, we all know you're reading with it
Mar 22, 2015 7:34 PM
Oct 2013
I gave 10/10 'cause I am a true lover of classical music, and independent of the rest I would give 10 the same way, just by the music.. And I would say that anyone who really love classical music, will do the same too.
Mar 22, 2015 7:38 PM

Jul 2014
Terapin said:
HasHash said:

He can't play the piano solely because of his guilt. Everything in the show points to this. His mom beating him is meant to show conflicting views between parent and child, it doesn't condone abuse.

You can say something when you watched more than 5 anime because if you don't know how expanded emotions and situations play a role in this type of media then you don't even know the basics of the foundation of anime. I'm not saying I'm a guru on the subject but you shouldn't be arguing because you don't know what you're watching.

Your "this show fails to portray this clearly" statement in other words is just saying that "yea, the anime portrays this but I can't find an example for some reason."

Yes, now thank you for affirming my doubts about your reading comprehension.
Now to introduce a new concept, why don't you try googling about 'reading between the lines'
It is a fairly understandable concept, though I have my doubts with you
Resorting to ad hominem i see; the number of anime I have watched has absolutely no bearing on the validity of my critique (although I dare say the fakeness oozes out of this account). It is unfortunate, but your reply simply seems to gloss over all my points and you complain about people not giving you proof?
I'll repeat, the only thinkable reason he has for assigning guilt to himself in all and every situation is his trauma which resulted from abuse. In his mother's abuse, all he knew was to blame himself and that is the reason he associated his mother's death with his actions, hence the guilt. I hope I've been obvious enough for you. Never mind how the show takes no punches with hiding this exceedingly self deprecating attitude.
P.S I never typed the phrase "this show failed to portray clearly"
Stop pulling conclusions from your ass, we all know you're reading with it

Regarding the discussion about Kousei's trauma, I believe it's obvious that his mother's abuse is a very strong factor, but maybe HasHash is trying to ask whether or not that was the ultimate cause of it (if he's not asking that, and is actually skeptical of whether or not he has trauma, then I can't really further this discussion...). As we see in the show, Kousei mentally broke down and suffered his illness only after his mother's death, so was the abuse or the guilt (the guilt of saying "I wish you'd just die" as his last words to his mom) the final push?

I mean, regardless, they're both the 2 main reasons Kousei ended up like that, but yeah, what was the ultimate cause?

Also, this has been mentioned before, but I was kinda iffy about the developers making Saki appear sympathetic during that one episode (13 maybe) where Kousei plays Love's Sorrow in dedication to her. I mean, I guess I can understand her perspective, and her illness did warp her, but that doesn't excuse how she treated Kousei. The episode, however, paints Saki in this mostly loving light, and I believe even Kousei still felt he had done something wrong, when he had not (though, understandably, he has his guilt). In the end, I was just kinda uncomfortable with Saki's portrayal.
LightBladeNovaMar 22, 2015 7:48 PM
"Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion -

Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits?"
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