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Feb 10, 2015 10:22 PM
Viktor_Otaku said: I think that the next episode's duel will play an important role in the story. Given we're approaching the mid point of the season, I think that's a fairly safe assumption. Most major conflicts from this point forward 'should' have fairly considerable ramifications, or at least one would hope so. |
Feb 10, 2015 10:29 PM
(Okay i can't seem to work out this spoiler tag thing...ugh) You’re formatting this time was less than stellar, it was hard to follow some things but the spoiler tags are helpful, our posts tend to be so bloody long. I will try to keep this short. I’m going to reply to things you said that I fine questionable only (don’t quote me on this). Yes you've stated you see flaws, but you have failed to show how they are flaws in the writing. You've shown how they affect your overall enjoyment, but enjoyment and quality are two completely different things. You can enjoy things that are low quality, just like you can hate things that are high quality. Stating these flaws IS me stating flaws in the writing. How are these different? Your next statement is accurate but my few comments relating to things being interesting or not isn’t me representing how enjoyable they are, but rather how creative. He's not siding with the martians though, he's siding with Sausbam. Sausbam was against the martians also, he wanted to conquer earth AND overthrow the system on Mars. Since the system on mars exploits it's citizens. Sharing the aldnoah power between everyone and not just the orbital knights. Slaine viewed this as a good cause, although their methods are questionable. The justification is clear, the citizens of mars suffer the same way slaine does, he wants to better their lives. Sorry buddy this is still considered siding with the Martians. If he chose a side in the war and got himself in a machine which he uses to attack the Terran side. The people he fights with the Tharsis are killed you know? Meaning he’s actively fighting them. That’s siding with the martians. Doesn’t matter if he has an ulterior motive. "There were so many other ways that convo could have went", is not a good indicator of poor character expression. The post I made above shows why the conversation makes sense, it also shows how it isn't forced. No it's not biased either, facts can be biased. Slaine didn't find her, she was already with Sausbamm. Yes she wasn't foreshadowed, but due to the events in the first season it's explainable as to why she wasn't. Character's are introduced in the story all the time, plus Lemrina hasn't really done much to affect the plot, sure she has Royal blood but it hasn't really been used for anything other than to tease slaine. God forbid I ever not say things perfectly. Yes it’s kinda implied that Slaine/Sauzbaum and this point are a joint and yes i did get that Sauzbaum was the only calling the shots (and was the one to have her) It’s not illogical that they didn’t introduced her properly. It’s simply that its poor planning. I already mentioned this, they could of briefly foreshadowed this like they’ve done with other things. They didn’t. Instead they left it as a surprise for season 2 which makes it look like just an asspull. Oooh let’s introduce a new character to keep things spicy. That’s what it seems like. If it can be explained, how is it a fault? Yes I agreed that she came out of nowhere, but it can be explained so it isn't a fault. You completely ignored my argument. Let me restate, you like to restate things too: Just because something is explained (logical) doesn’t mean it’s explained well. Again here is where choice of words makes things confusing. When I say flaw i’m referring to a WEAKNESS in the plot. Can’t u understand that? I don’t mean it’s a flaw as in its illogical or nonsensical and i’ve said this before. It’s explained, but its explained in a weak way. Stop nitpicking. I wish we could agree on something because really your constant defences make it seem like you can’t see anything flawed about this plot (again by flawed i mean weak) They’re synonymous but they have different connotations i’d hope you understand. [/quote]Cry over the princess? Slaine shot Inaho, walked to sausbamm and they left. Yuki came in while Slaine was leaving, it was a really small amount of time. Yuki also applied first aid right away, AND they have a doctor onboard the ship. There's also an explanation of where the bullet went through and if you know about the brain you know it's possible to survive damage to that area. [/quote] Not literally, internal crying. Jeez. Inko and Yuki carrying some with a head injury back to the ship isn't going to be an issue i guess? When you're that critically injured I'd image moving you can be risky. I’m not an expert on injuries okay, i’m no doctor, but considering you see characters so often dying left and right from shots in the leg, side,neck, and stuff all the time you gotta see that the REAL reason Inaho survives is because of plot armour. Here’s an excerpt from TV tropes (addicting website that probably contributes to why I find this series cliche) to demonstrate the idea of plot armour: When Superman takes a bullet to the eye and survives, that's his superhuman nature — there's an explanation, albeit a fantastic one, for how he comes out unharmed. When Indiana Jones [INAHO] survives the same thing, that's Plot Armor — the only explanation for his survival is that it's only halfway through the movie and you know he can't die yet. ^obviously in order to make the story logical the authors would have made Indiana Jones go to the doctor. But using that as an explanation is a cop out. C’mon you can’t see that? So ok its not an asspull since the definition of asspull says theres no explanation—there is an explanation: that Inaho’s the main character…oh and that Yuki gave him First Aid (wow) and he was taken to a doctor (double wow) in an emergency situation with people dying left and right. But don’t worry we’re going to make sure Inaho survives this. Show me she got shot in the head. Has that been mentioned at all? Even if you pause the episode you can't tell where she was hit. If you pause the episode the moment she gets hit the blood splatter that comes out of her looks like it came from somewhere in her face or neck. It's still pretty hard to tell. So you are only assuming she got shot in the head, and now you are calling it an asspull because of your assumptions. She went through 2 near death experiences only. Rayet choking her and that last one. OMG SOOOOO many right? The girl that was killed in episode 1 was a double, someone who took her place because she felt sick. It was never the princess in that car. Yea sorry that's not an asspull either. I wasn’t thinking of the double sir. Here your really just trying to give a response to everything. 2 near death experiences isn’t a lot? In the course of a 24 episodes series, considering she isn’t in a mecha herself so isn’t actively on the battle field? If my comment seemed exaggerated sorry, but don’t belittle the poor girls 2 near deaths. …*sigh* fine let’s wait to find out where she was shot. It seemed like it was the head but whatever. Neck is still pretty bad. I mean the way the scene exaggerated her head flip and everything made it seem like they at least want us to see it as a head shot. See most people don’t sit around analyzing these things. It happens in 3-5 seconds and the scenes progress, that you fault me for thinking she got a head shot (which many other people also probably think/thought) is unnecessary. And you wonder why i think you sound mad? "How does someone sound mad by typing?" Seriously? Are you just being annoying? One way is to type all in caps, its a common held belief that when that occurs people are yelling, and normally yelling =rage,excitement. Typing in other stylistic ways can also demonstrate different moods. Have you ever texted someone a long response and then gotten a simple “ok.” (the period is key) and then felt like someone was mad or giving you the cold shoulder? THAT’S how typing can show emotion. but of course you probably know this. You just wanna be an ass. as a side theres an interesting theory that Asylum is actually dead and the body in the tank is just an hologram and Slaine is just psychotic and using it to cope over not being able to help her. Interesting theory, probably more interesting than if she really is alive and then wakes up only to realize Slaine’s an idiot--i mean that Slaine is doing things against her true wishes =D . But this is subjective (which u don’t like, but thats ok this isn’t evidence on whether the plots good or not, just a side note) How can something be logical and not be well thought out? Do you understand what logic is? In order for something to be logical it HAS to be well thought out. Logic is what is reasonable, its what is rational, and it is in accordance to the rules of validity. If something makes more logical sense than something else, it doesn't change the fact that the other thing also makes logical sense. The ways things progress DO make logical sense. Sure ok, let’s agree to disagree. It’s logical (as in explained) but its faulty as in weak progression. Which is what you know i mean because again me saying it wasn’t logical at first wasn’t me saying its nonsensical. But i already explained this, whatever moving on. And what i’m saying is that legitimate, logical reasons do not equal GOOD, well-thought out reasons. Which is the point of this discussion and the arguments, is the show well done? Just like how character development doesn’t = GOOD character development. He's smart and that's it. How is he OP, he's only won ONE battle by himself, every single other battle was a team effort. The only thing Inaho did was come up with a good strategy. You need a backstory to why he's smart, why? The show already mentioned that he took his studies seriously. If you pay attention in school, you'll gain intelligence. Simple isn't it. The part of him being a genius or a prodigy is something people are born with, how do you even make a backstory to that? We could have a whole other debate on why Inaho IS OP. If Inaho isn’t OP who the hell is then? He doesn’t have to win battles all by himself to be OP first of all. The kid literally is fresh out of school (with the explanation of having paid attention in his studies-- whoopty so do many other characters but that doesn’t = the genius Inaho is, its fine that this plot wants to explain it off with that but only to those who are easily pleased.) But really every battle they won was BECAUSE OF Inaho. "We get Inaho riding in to save the day with instantaneous and flawless analysis of the enemy’s arsenal.” <-said like a pro by a fellow blogger. His plans really are flabbergasting. And they don’t fail either. Haha team effort, he tells Inko exactly what to do, he’s literally playing chess not rugby. You were complaining that Inaho called all the shots, now you are saying your reason was hypothetical. That doesn't work, you can't make claims without proper basis. sure because you said so. I really don’t have so much a problem with his ugly orange machine ok. And i’m not a doctor, military personnel or philosopher so i can’t give you hard facts, i can only say that from a standard viewers POV things seem forced or unrealistic to want the common folk would think. And in the end this show is geared towards normal people, not people with heavy military backgrounds so if the plot can’t even do them the courtesy of catering to us then that’s why i consider it poor writing (notice i use the pronoun I so I’m being subjective, this isn’t something you need to refute) Umm a weapon is a weapon there is no difference. You don't really understand how wars work do you? Why would buildings being damaged even matter when they are trying to survive? Financial? They were escaping from a destroyed city who gives a damn about the financial damage. They were in the middle of a war trying to escape from there enemies, surviving is the only thing that matters in that situation. Badass machinery doesn't win wars, good strategies do. It is unreasonable because you seem to believe that since they are young, there is no way they can be good. You like to throw the word convenient around a lot don't you. Come up with better criticism. You are misunderstanding the situation. She didn't try to kill the Princess out of betrayal. Rayet was a psychological mess at that moment, and attacked the princess due to her own trauma. She even showed remorse and guilt right after it, going as far as trying to kill herself. This isn't a "she's a traitor" situation. Why wouldn't she be trusted? Did she do anything against the terrans? Did she betray the people she's allied with? No she didn't, even if she had issues against the martians and the princess, the princess isn't with them anymore. Did she do anything against the terrans? How the fact she was knowledgable to the whole plan to assassinate the princess which started everything? Things didn’t go their way but she was apart of it. That’s doing something against them. and no she didn’t necessarily betray them but theres always the possibility she could, which no one seems to worry about. its already shown that being selfish is part of her personality, whose to say she won’t just steal a machine and run off. It’s a possibility never considered. i use the word convenient because its my argument. The plot uses lots of convenient stuff. Why is that bad criticism? come up with better ones? when i come up with new things you accuse me of changing my argument. As if I’m not suppose to grow from a debate. If you refute me and i can’t come up with a good remark i’ll move on. Maybe someone else can defend it better who knows, but i say what i think. When i first brought up this argument i said it was my opinion but that i believe i can still prove some thing. I believe i have. Not all my arguments were the best but many are valid points that you won’t accept. Like cliche and convenience. Valid arguments that you don’t like so you say they aren’t objective enough. I stated how it helped progress the plot, and you said well it didn't help slaine. Which one is it? You are not making sense I was saying it didn’t help Slaine because that’s why i’d assume deciding he’s not an enemy would imply. He just finished torturing him but then came to the realization is was loyal so obviously i would think this is a pro for Slaine. But he dies, so no progress can be made in that department. Cruhteo seemed just as much a culprit as sausbam, it wasn't until slaine escaped and was captured that we realized Cruhteo was on Assylums side. Now look whose not paying attention. It was pretty clear Cruhteo was loyal to the princess. i mean he tried to persuade her not to go to earth. and we see him actively investigating her death, if he was involved he wouldn’t have done that. he is always openly upset and defensive about the royal family. Sauzbuam isn’t, plus Sauzbaum's entire demeanour kinda hinted that he wasn’t of entirely on the same page as Cruhteo. So it progressed the plot, and it surprised you... both things you said was good. How contradictory. rather than contradictory a good technique in any argument is to show both sides. Factor 1 is the good side, the fact there is a logical reason for his death. factor 2 is the less than stellar reason. doing things simply to shock or entice a specific emotion isn’t normally looked well upon. That article doesn't back up your argument at all. There is a valid reason for those "convenient" situations, none of them were coincidences nor random. Slaine didn't get the tharsis due to convenience, the narrative didn't guide him there. It was through the characters actions that we arrived there. Assylum cpr's him and indirectly gives him the Aldnoah activations, later Cruhteo captured him and tortured him, Sausbamm needed him so he went to save him, Cruhteo gets killed and sausbamm rescues him and takes the tharsis with him. Sausbamm gives him his story, and releases him, first showing him where the tharsis is. Sausbamm knew full well he'd compel slaine to join him after he heard his story. How is that coincidence? It's through a logical series of events. the article did exactly what i wanted, if you don’t wanna accept that fine. Be stubborn. Don’t summarize for me the sequences of events, that doesn’t nothing for me. Obviously things have to happen and they need to make sense. Random? Convenience is not grounded in randomness, but rather that something was specifically put there so that something else would work out. I will keep using the argument because its valid. You something else that’s convenient? The whole idea that every aldnoah mecha they’ve fought has a weakness. They need to have this fatal weakness so that Inaho will be able to figure it out, and manipulate it so that he comes out on top. Its the standard Attack the Weakness trope. Otherwise how else is he going to destroy these OP machines (and they are OP i mean c’mon a machine that can see the future, a machine with dimentional barriers?) Wasting screen time by showing a main character. Right. Good one. We all? Who is we all? You already miss important details, now you want more? I'm sorry but as stated before the majority of your issues were explained, it's you who can't figure them out. The main character? Since when was the damsel in distress (Assylum) the main character? No that right belongs to God Inaho. And yes it is wasting time, how many times do we have to see a floating body in a tank before they think we get the point? Reminds me of the goddamn Naruto anime, every second we’d see trees. trees for a full 5 minutes. One Piece may be worse with its anime. Understand that what you think is bad doesn't define what is bad. It only shows your preferences, it says nothing about the quality. Considering we have no expert here to tell us what is bad or not you can hardly blame me for using some of my own standards. yes I’m going to consider using too much cliche bad. its not like i made up that standard, i’ve heard it before, they’re always telling us not to use cliches and to be original. it seems a logical for me to conclude that when things are repetitive/unorignal/cliche there aren’t of the best quality. We did get proper explanations, you didn't pay attention. Lemrina forcibly turned it off, she has royal blood meaning that she can take and give the rights to Slaine. He can turn it on and off whenever he wants to, unless Lemrina takes his rights away by forcing it off. When she does that, he needs to ask her for the rights again. apparently we were. and i’ll be real with you i watch this anime once a week (sometimes not even on the day its released) and since its not one of my favourites i don’t hang on to every word, all my fault. although i see it as awfully convenient how the royal family is capable of all this control <—my opinion, ignore. EDIT: spoiler tag to make scrolling easier for other users. [spoiler] What are you talking about? Do you understand that what assylum turned off and what Inaho turned on are completely different things? Assylum didn't forcibly turn off the deucalion, she forcibly turned off Sausbam's landing castle. The deucalion wasn't turned off by assylum, which means she never took the rights away needed to activate it. Sausbams castle can no longer be turned on, at least not by sausbamm, we're not sure who's rights she took away from it. The deucalion turned off due to her bieng in a coma, that means it still can be activated. Inaho, who has the activation factor, can now turn it off and on whenever he pleases. Unless Lemrina, Assylum, or the old dude forcibly turn it off. i considered it as Asylum’s shutting off the deucalion as a result of her ‘death’/loss of consciousness not that she purposely did it. i didn’t miss that part, but ok, the rest makes sense. Umm that's not what cliche means at all. Im not making up definitions what do you mean. A cliche is a “trite or hackneyed plot.” If something its hackneyed its commonplace. commonplace is the same as saying unoriginal. if its unoriginal i argue it lacks depth because depth is something complex or deep. and taking common themes from existing literature means that not a lot of complex thoughts were made. I said cliches are are not original, and that it lacks depth. how is that made up? Maybe saying its not good is my own subjective thought (which is explored above), because there are cliches there are good. P.S while i didn’t predict she would kill the princess from day 1, during said episode i was thinking she’d act out towards her, and she did. Worse even than what i thought, she was more batshit crazy than even my predictions. On an end note maybe we are going about this the wrong way. Perhaps in order to properly decide whether something is good or bad you HAVE to be subjective. Because your objective arguments mainly focus on things being logical. What does poorly written really mean? Because obviously what we DON’T mean is that its nonsensical (lacking logic) otherwise it probably wouldn’t have gotten on screen in the first place, what we really mean is that it has weaknesses or doesn’t flow well, or isn’t practical. Damn and i was trying to make this post short. Damn i need to go study. |
InugirlzFeb 10, 2015 11:15 PM
Feb 10, 2015 10:31 PM
I'm glad that Inaho found himself an ally in one of the Orbital Knights. He better be trustworthy after that talking about Princess Asseylum. Slaine has been challenged for the position of being the bodyguard of the fake princess. This should be interesting enough to add to the plot. |
Feb 10, 2015 11:09 PM
I got the impression you were a fanboy because despite seeming to look at he scene logically you always cater back to Inaho because from your viewpoint everything he does is logical. "Yes it's only a theory, but it has credible evidence to support it." You're confirming here that its subjective. If its theory it isn't fact. if it isn't fact it can always be disputed. No reason to believe Slaine could be an enemy? How about the fact he's flying an enemy ship? That's a reason. The fact is, there was no internal dialogue telling us what each character was thinking. We can only infer. inferring with evidence doesn't prove you're right. as long as you're not right you can't lay the blame 100% on anyone. The end. Say what you want, i'm tried of aruging this fact with someone who doesn't wanna be creative an think outside the box. All you wanna do is state things you've already seen as evidence as if the directors really thought all these details about (an assumption i know) Funny how I never said that and you quoted the wrong person. Oh and now because YOU had a problem seeing what happened it is all of a sudden "bad writing?" WTF? No that's all on you, it's because you didn't take the time to see what happened, it's because YOU didn't pay attention. It all falls on you not the show. That's like saying a book is badly written because it's to difficult for you to read. Oh i'm sorry i quoted the wrong person. But its a valid argument either way. Something should be considered poorly done if it leaves multiple viewers confused. That is a fact. In any work in the real world, be it an essay, some blue print, or what: if it isn't clear its not well done, they will tell you to go back to the drawing board. The shooting scene is literally only a few seconds and in those few seconds considering the awkward convo that just happened and the fact the audience pretty much is currently thinking that after working together theres no reason for Inaho and Slaine to start fighting (rationale for this is because we know they pretty much have the same agenda: they both want the princess safe), how was that scene clear. At this point in time we don't even know Slaine is going to go through a downward descend into insanity. So i missed it. MANY others did too. If so many people missed it and are confused about that scene, the directors didn't do a good job executing it. Yeah some people did get it, but that so many didn't means theres a weakness somewhere. And i'm not just saying many people missed it to seem like i'm not the only one. That's pretty much a fact given how many people were wrongly reporting that it was Inaho who shot first. That's why the execution of that scene was poorly done. This is a logical explanation. Dark lighting, fast-paced, suddenly gun fire during conversation, like really? and no that's a bad analogy. |
InugirlzFeb 10, 2015 11:16 PM
Feb 11, 2015 12:19 AM
More info from interviews with VAs and Director (translators needed): Interview with Director (Aoki), about the direction intended for Inaho's character this season: Interview with the VAs of Inaho, Slaine, and Asseylum about meanings behind events, etc.: |
Feb 11, 2015 2:07 AM
Inugirlz said: So i missed it. MANY others did too. If so many people missed it and are confused about that scene, the directors didn't do a good job executing it. Yeah some people did get it, but that so many didn't means theres a weakness somewhere. And i'm not just saying many people missed it to seem like i'm not the only one. That's pretty much a fact given how many people were wrongly reporting that it was Inaho who shot first. That's why the execution of that scene was poorly done. This is a logical explanation. Dark lighting, fast-paced, suddenly gun fire during conversation, like really? and no that's a bad analogy. Just because it's easy to mistake who shot first doesn't make Slaine any less the person who shot first. And no that's a pretty accurate analogy given what you just stated right here. |
Feb 11, 2015 4:49 AM
[quote=Inugirlz] [spoiler] Sorry buddy this is still considered siding with the Martians. If he chose a side in the war and got himself in a machine which he uses to attack the Terran side. The people he fights with the Tharsis are killed you know? Meaning he’s actively fighting them. That’s siding with the martians. Doesn’t matter if he has an ulterior motive. He didn't choose a side in the war, he created his own side. Well technically sausbamm did. There are 3 parties in this war. The terrans, The vers empire, and sausbamms/slaines group. Slaine views BOTH the terrans and the vers empire as enemies. He killed sausbam, he's probably going to kill that count next episode. He's plotting to overthrow the vers empire meaning he's going to be killing martians also. You see why he isn't siding with the martians? He's fighting both sides at once. Unless you mean the exploited citizens of mars, the poor ones with little resources that are being mistreated by the vers empire. Then yes he is siding with those martians. Plotting to overthrow the government exploiting them. [spoiler] [/spoiler]God forbid I ever not say things perfectly. Yes it’s kinda implied that Slaine/Sauzbaum and this point are a joint and yes i did get that Sauzbaum was the only calling the shots (and was the one to have her) It’s not illogical that they didn’t introduced her properly. It’s simply that its poor planning. I already mentioned this, they could of briefly foreshadowed this like they’ve done with other things. They didn’t. Instead they left it as a surprise for season 2 which makes it look like just an asspull. Oooh let’s introduce a new character to keep things spicy. That’s what it seems like. Ok but her introduction at this time does make sense right? Introducing a new character to spice things up isn't necessarily a bad thing. [spoiler]You completely ignored my argument. Let me restate, you like to restate things too: Just because something is explained (logical) doesn’t mean it’s explained well. [/spoiler] In order for it to be logical, it has to be explained well. Logical doesn't mean it's that it's explained, things can be explained illogically. If it's logical then you have received a rational, reasonable, and valid explanation.[spoiler]Again here is where choice of words makes things confusing. When I say flaw i’m referring to a WEAKNESS in the plot. Can’t u understand that? I don’t mean it’s a flaw as in its illogical or nonsensical and i’ve said this before. It’s explained, but its explained in a weak way. Stop nitpicking. I wish we could agree on something because really your constant defences make it seem like you can’t see anything flawed about this plot (again by flawed i mean weak) They’re synonymous but they have different connotations i’d hope you understand. [/spoiler] I don't understand what you mean by weakness in the plot. In order for something be flawed or weak it has to be illogical. If something is illogical then it is because of faulty or in this case weak reasoning. The only way for it to be faulty or weak is for it to be illogical and nonsensical. If it's logical it has no fault, if it's logical it's well explained. Objectively speaking of course.Subjectively you can argue that this show has a lot of flaws, you can find it uninteresting, you can find it overdone, you can find it annoying, you can find it stupid. None of that means it's bad writing though. Here let me use the novel Grapes of Wrath as an example. It is considered one of the greatest works in American Literature, and pretty much a requirement in any AP course in most Highschool Lit classes. I however find it extremely boring and uninteresting. I find it slow as hell and a pain to get through. Does that mean it's badly written? No, it wouldn't be considered a great work of literature if that were the case. All it means is that I personally couldn't enjoy it. That reason I can't say it's badly written is because the things I don't like about the book are subjective. Subjectivity does not define what is good or bad. If you were to present me with a fault in the logic of the show, or a place where the logic fails, and I could not defend it logically then I would recognize it as a flaw. [spoiler]Not literally, internal crying. Jeez. Inko and Yuki carrying some with a head injury back to the ship isn't going to be an issue i guess? When you're that critically injured I'd image moving you can be risky. I’m not an expert on injuries okay, i’m no doctor, but considering you see characters so often dying left and right from shots in the leg, side,neck, and stuff all the time you gotta see that the REAL reason Inaho survives is because of plot armour. [/spoiler]Here’s an excerpt from TV tropes (addicting website that probably contributes to why I find this series cliche) to demonstrate the idea of plot armour: When Superman takes a bullet to the eye and survives, that's his superhuman nature — there's an explanation, albeit a fantastic one, for how he comes out unharmed. When Indiana Jones [INAHO] survives the same thing, that's Plot Armor — the only explanation for his survival is that it's only halfway through the movie and you know he can't die yet. We also see people surviving left and right from injuries to the leg, neck, sides, and head also. People die from injuries and people survive from injuries. Yes moving someone is dangerous if you aren't trained on how to do it. Yuki though is a military trained professional. People get injured in wars, the last thing you would want is to leave an injured soldier there when there is a possibility for him to survive. So having basic knowledge on how to get a soldier to a medic isn't unreasonable. Here's the thing about tv tropes, it just lists things. It doesn't say that something is good or bad. If you are going to continue using it you have to understand that it's not a go to manual for finding flaws. TV tropes lists EVERYTHING. You can go through any book, movie, comic, tv show and find a bunch of tropes from TV tropes. If you continue to us TV tropes, you will soon realize that every book ever written, every movie ever made, ect is cliche, generic, and unoriginal. [spoiler]^obviously in order to make the story logical the authors would have made Indiana Jones go to the doctor. But using that as an explanation is a cop out. C’mon you can’t see that? So ok its not an asspull since the definition of asspull says theres no explanation—there is an explanation: that Inaho’s the main character…oh and that Yuki gave him First Aid (wow) and he was taken to a doctor (double wow) in an emergency situation with people dying left and right. But don’t worry we’re going to make sure Inaho survives this. [/spoiler]Here's the issue with that. Why is it convenient in Inaho's case but not in Supermans? Superman is from another planet (wow), Superman is superhuman (wow), Somehow being superhuman means that bullets don't affect you, even though a body that can stop bullets would be made of different material that wasn't flesh and would be extremely thick making it extremely heavy. It's ok though, it looks just like human skin so superman can interact with humans(wow). Why can superman survive a bullet? Because he's superman that's why. Sounds like convenient plot armor in order to make superman invincible. Why is because he's superhuman a better explanation than, he survived because he got hit in the temporal lobe, you can survive if this area is damaged, he recieved first aid quickly, there was a doctor on board the ship that could give him treatment while they got to the other doctor who would be able to perform surgery. Inaho's survival is explained with a lot more than simply, they took him to a doctor. The explanation was pretty thorough. I wasn’t thinking of the double sir. Here your really just trying to give a response to everything. 2 near death experiences isn’t a lot? In the course of a 24 episodes series, considering she isn’t in a mecha herself so isn’t actively on the battle field? If my comment seemed exaggerated sorry, but don’t belittle the poor girls 2 near deaths. [spoiler]…*sigh* fine let’s wait to find out where she was shot. It seemed like it was the head but whatever. Neck is still pretty bad. I mean the way the scene exaggerated her head flip and everything made it seem like they at least want us to see it as a head shot. See most people don’t sit around analyzing these things. It happens in 3-5 seconds and the scenes progress, that you fault me for thinking she got a head shot (which many other people also probably think/thought) is unnecessary. [/spoiler] You are making a claim based off assumptions. You said it was an asspull because of those assumptions. You are at fault because you made a claim without checking the evidence. There is no evidence to show that she got shot in the head, therefore you can not claim she got shot in the head. [spoiler]And you wonder why i think you sound mad? "How does someone sound mad by typing?" Seriously? Are you just being annoying? One way is to type all in caps, its a common held belief that when that occurs people are yelling, and normally yelling =rage,excitement. Typing in other stylistic ways can also demonstrate different moods. Have you ever texted someone a long response and then gotten a simple “ok.” (the period is key) and then felt like someone was mad or giving you the cold shoulder? THAT’S how typing can show emotion. but of course you probably know this. You just wanna be an ass. [/spoiler] When I capitalize certain words it is meant to add emphasize to those words, or that i'm being sarcastic. It does not mean i'm angry. Never heard of the period after ok though, I've never received that one. Just ok by a side theres an interesting theory that Asylum is actually dead and the body in the tank is just an hologram and Slaine is just psychotic and using it to cope over not being able to help her. Interesting theory, probably more interesting than if she really is alive and then wakes up only to realize Slaine’s an idiot--i mean that Slaine is doing things against her true wishes =D . But this is subjective (which u don’t like, but thats ok this isn’t evidence on whether the plots good or not, just a side note) Let me make one thing clear. I said subjective criticism can't be used to define what is good or bad writing. I never said I don't like it, or that you can't have subjective criticism of the show. Everyone has different opinion, that's perfectly ok. [spoiler]Sure ok, let’s agree to disagree. It’s logical (as in explained) but its faulty as in weak progression. Which is what you know i mean because again me saying it wasn’t logical at first wasn’t me saying its nonsensical. But i already explained this, whatever moving on. [/spoiler] As stated before being logical doesn't mean it is explained. It means it is explained WELL, as in rationally, reasonably, and according to strict principles of validity. [spoiler]We could have a whole other debate on why Inaho IS OP. If Inaho isn’t OP who the hell is then? He doesn’t have to win battles all by himself to be OP first of all. The kid literally is fresh out of school (with the explanation of having paid attention in his studies-- whoopty so do many other characters but that doesn’t = the genius Inaho is, its fine that this plot wants to explain it off with that but only to those who are easily pleased.) [/spoiler] There are plenty of characters that are way more OP compared to Inaho. Characters that can win battles against a bunch of people all by themselves. Characters who are superhuman and can't be killed by bullets because they are superhuman.So you want an explanation as to why he is a genius besides the fact that geniuses and prodigies are for the most part born like that. You want this explanation in order to please you. Paying attention in school and him being the top of his class, which was stated in episode 1 btw, is not enough for you. I guess we can wait to see if they explain it in the remaining episodes. Although idk how you can explain someone being born a genius. Do they show what his mother ate during pregnancy? Do they show the positions they had sex in? Is there even a real life explanation as to how geniuses are born? [spoiler]But really every battle they won was BECAUSE OF Inaho. "We get Inaho riding in to save the day with instantaneous and flawless analysis of the enemy’s arsenal.” <-said like a pro by a fellow blogger. His plans really are flabbergasting. And they don’t fail either. Haha team effort, he tells Inko exactly what to do, he’s literally playing chess not rugby. [/spoiler] Yes and you need chess pieces in order to win at chess. If Inko fails, they all fail. If calm, inko, rayet and assylum weren't throwing smoke grenades against trilliam everyone would have been dead. If Assylum and Rayet didn't draw trilliam onto the bridge, and the ship with Yuki and Marito didn't fire at the bridge, Inaho would have never been able to find trilliams weakness.They win every battle because of Inaho. So what? What are you trying to argue? Inaho shouldn't be smart? Inaho shouldn't be able to win all the time? He hasn't beaten Slaine, he couldn't beat Sausbam, he almost got killed by the chick with the four arms. [spoiler]REALLLY going to have to disagree with you on this. If we’re being practical then financials is ALWAYS an issue in the real world. You were talking about real world recruitment well I’m talking about real world economics. And no a weapon is not a weapon. a knife isn’t the same as a nuclear bomb. One can kill maybe a dozen the other can kill millions and lay the environment to waste. Giving a gun to a child vs. a mecha to a child IS a big difference and shame on you for not agreeing with that. [/spoiler] Yes if the majority of the world wasn't destroyed or conquered then real world economics would make sense. In this situation however, blowing up a building in a city that they are abandoning would not hurt there financial situation at all. Why would they want to preserve buildings in a city they will probably never return to?Yes the amount of damage that can be done is different depending on the weapon. I'm not saying it isn't but a weapon is still a weapon. If you give a kid a gun he can kill people, if you give them a mech he can also kill people. Rayet didn't get a mech until after they found the deucalion, iirc, they had been on board the ship for a decent amount of time. Enough time for Magbaradge to judge her usefulness Doesn’t win the war but it tips the scales. If Inaho was not there they all would be dead. That the plot is relying on ONE character to keep everyone alive is ridiculous. It is through Inaho’s plans that everything turns out well. The show pretty much gives us a disposable orbital knight of the week who ultimately loses because of their hubris and Inaho’s smart mind. Repetitive, unoriginal, and convenient how each machine always has one fatal flaw to it that Inaho always manages to discover before its too late and everyone’s dead. Oh the orbital knight of the week statement. Let's see season 1 had a total of 4 enemies in 12 episodes. Season 2 we've had 2 enemies in 5 episodes, besides a few scrimmages with Slaine that ended without any result. You can't even say we get an new enemy every 2 weeks with these numbers, I don't know how the hell you can say we get them weekly. 4 enemies in 12 episodes, that's 8 episodes without new enemies and a whole bunch of other stuff going on in between. Repetitive? Boring? How so? You can't even form a pattern with those numbers. Let me ask you this. So are the martian mechs supposed to be perfect and have no flaws? Is Inaho not supposed to win? It's not like he wins the exact same way everytime and it's not like other people haven't bailed him out of situations when things don't go his way, but hey lets just say he's boring because he won 4 battles in 12 episodes. Let's write the story your way. The martian mech shows up with no weakness, Inaho starts to battle it but can't win, the martian cuts through Inaho's mech. Inaho dies. The end........ Great story writing right? Yea no. It's original i'll give it that but somehow that doesn't make it interesting. [spoiler]Did she do anything against the terrans? How the fact she was knowledgable to the whole plan to assassinate the princess which started everything? Things didn’t go their way but she was apart of it. That’s doing something against them. and no she didn’t necessarily betray them but theres always the possibility she could, which no one seems to worry about. its already shown that being selfish is part of her personality, whose to say she won’t just steal a machine and run off. It’s a possibility never considered. [/spoiler]They didn't know she was involved in that until a lot later in the series. They also found out at the same time that she wasn't part of the vers empire anymore and that she had nowhere to turn to or run. At this point Rayet was no longer even capable of being an enemy. What could she do against them? Kill them? Then what would she do? Die herself because she's alone? Why would you even consider the possibility of her stealing a machine and running off? Where would she run to? What would she even do? Besides die for no reason that even makes sense. What you are suggesting is COMPLETELY illogical. It wouldn't make sense at all. There is nothing she could do that wouldn't end up with her dead, she's pretty much stuck with the Terrans if she wants to survive. The characters in the show know that also. You keep trying to criticize Rayet, but you've gotten more and more illogical everytime. [spoiler]I use the word convenient because its my argument. The plot uses lots of convenient stuff. Why is that bad criticism? come up with better ones? when i come up with new things you accuse me of changing my argument. As if I’m not suppose to grow from a debate. If you refute me and i can’t come up with a good remark i’ll move on. Maybe someone else can defend it better who knows, but i say what i think. When i first brought up this argument i said it was my opinion but that i believe i can still prove some thing. I believe i have. Not all my arguments were the best but many are valid points that you won’t accept. Like cliche and convenience. Valid arguments that you don’t like so you say they aren’t objective enough. [/spoiler]It's bad criticism because everything is convenient. No matter what story you read, every event happens through convenience in one way or another. The only way to use convenience as criticism is if you can show that the convenience is logical, meaning it isn't bad convenience or if it's random and it doesn't make sense, which then would make it bad convenience. I was saying it didn’t help Slaine because that’s why i’d assume deciding he’s not an enemy would imply. He just finished torturing him but then came to the realization is was loyal so obviously i would think this is a pro for Slaine. But he dies, so no progress can be made in that department. Now look whose not paying attention. It was pretty clear Cruhteo was loyal to the princess. i mean he tried to persuade her not to go to earth. and we see him actively investigating her death, if he was involved he wouldn’t have done that. he is always openly upset and defensive about the royal family. Sauzbuam isn’t, plus Sauzbaum's entire demeanour kinda hinted that he wasn’t of entirely on the same page as Cruhteo. I'm seriously starting to wonder if you find anything good at all, in any series. [spoiler]rather than contradictory a good technique in any argument is to show both sides. Factor 1 is the good side, the fact there is a logical reason for his death. factor 2 is the less than stellar reason. doing things simply to shock or entice a specific emotion isn’t normally looked well upon. [/spoiler]You stated earlier that in order for something to be good, it has to be surprise you, now you are saying that doing something in order to surprise you isn't good. His death served a purpose, it wasn't done to simply shock you, now you are saying that since it surprised you it wasn't good. You are contradicting yourself. [spoiler]the article did exactly what i wanted, if you don’t wanna accept that fine. Be stubborn. Don’t summarize for me the sequences of events, that doesn’t nothing for me. Obviously things have to happen and they need to make sense. Random? Convenience is not grounded in randomness, but rather that something was specifically put there so that something else would work out. I will keep using the argument because its valid. You something else that’s convenient? The whole idea that every aldnoah mecha they’ve fought has a weakness. They need to have this fatal weakness so that Inaho will be able to figure it out, and manipulate it so that he comes out on top. Its the standard Attack the Weakness trope. Otherwise how else is he going to destroy these OP machines (and they are OP i mean c’mon a machine that can see the future, a machine with dimentional barriers?) [/spoiler] Oh no I agree with the article, its you who doesn't seem to understand it. The article clearly states that the characters are supposed to move the plot, not that the plot is supposed to move the characters. It also states that plot convenience is a random event, thing or whatever that is put into the plot in order for it to progress. The key word being random. The sequence of events I posted showed how it was the characters who moved the plot, not some random event that happened. Also did you really just say that something having a weakness is now convenient? I have yet to ever see in reality something without a weakness. I've never seen something that is perfect. I've never seen something that can't be broken. Again you are for some reason stating that in order for Aldnoah to be good, the martian mechs are supposed to be perfect. Even though them not having a weakness defies logic. [spoiler]The main character? Since when was the damsel in distress (Assylum) the main character? No that right belongs to God Inaho. And yes it is wasting time, how many times do we have to see a floating body in a tank before they think we get the point? Reminds me of the goddamn Naruto anime, every second we’d see trees. trees for a full 5 minutes. One Piece may be worse with its anime. [/spoiler]Hmm lets see. It was asseylums actions that started the war. It was asseylums that powered up the deucallion. It is asseylum who the martians are trying to kill. It is asseylum who they are using to continue the war. Damsel in distress? The princess you went into the middle of a battle field in order to turn off suasbamms aldnoah drive is a damsel in distress? The princess you went into the battle against trilliam is a damsel in distress? The princess who revealed herself to Trilliam in order to make him hesitate knowing full well he could have killed her is a damsel in distress? The character who revealed herself to the terrans, who might try to kill her out of anger, is somehow a damsel in distress? WTF? I mean how do you even argue that? She's the complete oppisite. Do you understand what Main characters are? Here i'll show you. You have: 1. The protaganist: Inaho the most important character in the story 2. The deuteragonist: Slaine The second most important character in story, who can switch from being with or against the protaganist depending on his own conflict. 3. The Tritagonist/supporting protaganist: Assyelum the third most important character. A character who is not the main focus but who's actions directly influence the plot. Sometimes adding to the protaganists grief, sometimes being the reason for conflict in the story. There you go, your 3 main characters. Oh and lets not forget that every time they've shown her in that tube they've also shown slaine falling into insanity, or lemrina stating her motivations. Yea sure waste of screen time. [spoiler]Considering we have no expert here to tell us what is bad or not you can hardly blame me for using some of my own standards. yes I’m going to consider using too much cliche bad. its not like i made up that standard, i’ve heard it before, they’re always telling us not to use cliches and to be original. it seems a logical for me to conclude that when things are repetitive/unorignal/cliche there aren’t of the best quality. [/spoiler]So your standards decide whats well written and whats badly written? Ok I didn't know your opinions had so much power. I guess i'm going to have to agree with you then since your opinions get to decide. /sarcasm apparently we were. and i’ll be real with you i watch this anime once a week (sometimes not even on the day its released) and since its not one of my favourites i don’t hang on to every word, all my fault. although i see it as awfully convenient how the royal family is capable of all this control <—my opinion, ignore. Yes it is all your fault. Theres the issue, you are making criticisms without even analyzing the information. Yes it's convenient, just like superman being superhuman is convenient. Just like Spiderman being able to to use his web from building to building is convenient. Just like a kid knowing how to ride a bike so he doesn't have to walk to school is convenient. [spoiler] [/spoiler]Im not making up definitions what do you mean. A cliche is a “trite or hackneyed plot.” If something its hackneyed its commonplace. commonplace is the same as saying unoriginal. if its unoriginal i argue it lacks depth because depth is something complex or deep. and taking common themes from existing literature means that not a lot of complex thoughts were made. I said cliches are are not original, and that it lacks depth. how is that made up? Maybe saying its not good is my own subjective thought (which is explored above), because there are cliches there are good. There are only 7 ways to write narrative conflict. Man vs god/fate, Man vs self, Man vs Man, Man vs society, Man vs Nature, Man vs Supernatural, and Man vs technology. By the definition of cliche, everything must be cliche since all forms of writing fall into one of these seven. Cliche does not mean it lacks depth, cliche means it's been overused. Like you said, unoriginal. Except there is no way to be original when there is no other way write a story. You say there were no complex thoughts made, but you also said you didn't invest yourself in the dialog and you didn't pay that much attention. If you didn't pay attention, how can you say something had depth or didn't? There is also only a few certain ways to write a character, meaning that all characters will resemble other characters. Just because you've seen a story that is remotely similar to something else doesn't mean it's badly written. If you are saying that the only way for something to be well written is for it to be completely different from everything else, then sadly nothing is well written. [spoiler]On an end note maybe we are going about this the wrong way. Perhaps in order to properly decide whether something is good or bad you HAVE to be subjective. Because your objective arguments mainly focus on things being logical. What does poorly written really mean? Because obviously what we DON’T mean is that its nonsensical (lacking logic) otherwise it probably wouldn’t have gotten on screen in the first place, what we really mean is that it has weaknesses or doesn’t flow well, or isn’t practical. [/spoiler]You've been subjective the entire time, that's why we can't decide what is good or bad. Lacking logic IS poorly written, isn't practical IS lacking logic. Here i'll give you an example of something that is poorly written. In Dragon Ball Z there was this legend, that once every 1000 years there would be a super saiyan. Goku becomes that legendary super saiyan.... except vegeta also becomes a super saiyan, then gohan, goten, truncks. All of a sudden we have 5 super saiyans in under 10 years. Even though the story said there would be only 1 every 1000 years. The show never explains why this happened, the show never even mentioned the legend again. There is no logical way to explain why there are so many super saiyans in such a small amount of time. Here's another example, I used it earlier. Kira surviving in gundam seed. He was caught in a selfdestruct blast. Yet he somehow survives. They tried to explain it by saying that the cockpit was sealed and it protected him, but later they show the cockpit completly melted due to the heat of the blast. How did he not melt? How did he survive? We never get an answer. There is no logical way to explain his survival. Gundam ZZ is the worst, Leina is killed then all of a sudden appears again with no explanation at all. Once again her survival makes no logical sense. In any case we can now end this, because by stating that you didn't take the time to pay close attention to the show, you have confirmed you have no argument. You argue that this show has no depth or complexity, yet in order to find complexity and depth to a show, you must first be able to analyse it's content. If you watch a show on a superficial level, you well only get a superficial understanding of it.[/spoiler] |
KamiCityFeb 11, 2015 5:07 AM
Feb 11, 2015 8:53 AM
EDIT: oops srry i had your name copied and i just did copy/past that time. Ugh. ErenxMikasa said: Just because it's easy to mistake who shot first doesn't make Slaine any less the person who shot first. And no that's a pretty accurate analogy given what you just stated right here. That wasn't what i was saying. I wasn't disputing who shot first, i was saying that because the scene is unclear, it didn't do a good job at sharing its msg with the audience. Lots of people missed it. We're fortune we watch it online and can rewind and pause but if you were watching it on TV you wouldn't have that luxury. Slaine shooting in the middle of his response didn’t blend well into the attack, that doesn’t mean he didn’t shoot. "That's like saying a book is badly written because it's to difficult for you to read.” It’s all about context, who is the book/anime targeted to? If you decide to read a scientific journal article with all sorts of hard terms and scientific jargon then its your fault you can’t read it, doesn’t mean its bad (although the writing community does like assert that "simple is best”) If you can explain the same thing in simpler terms then that’s considered better as its more accessible to people. Writing is trying to convey a msg, if the msg is lost because of complication then it’s considered bad. Generally. An analogy compares two things that are similar and can be compared on the same dimension. The analogy you present isn’t fully accurate because here you’re discussing complexity (i.e difficulty of reading). Not being able to tell you who shot who first isn’t a matter of complexity, it’s a matter of pacing/presentation and clarity. P.S i'll try to get back to you on the other response later, I have an exam tomorrow morning. |
InugirlzFeb 11, 2015 11:14 AM
Feb 11, 2015 9:12 AM
^ you might wanna fix da quote KamiAlice wasn't the one who said that, and gl with exam. |
Feb 11, 2015 10:35 AM
Inugirlz said: KamiAlice said: Just because it's easy to mistake who shot first doesn't make Slaine any less the person who shot first. And no that's a pretty accurate analogy given what you just stated right here. That wasn't what i was saying. I wasn't disputing who shot first, i was saying that because the scene is unclear, it didn't do a good job at sharing its msg with the audience. Lots of people missed it. We're fortune we watch it online and can rewind and pause but if you were watching it on TV you wouldn't have that luxury. Slaine shooting in the middle of his response didn’t blend well into the attack, that doesn’t mean he didn’t shoot. "That's like saying a book is badly written because it's to difficult for you to read.” It’s all about context, who is the book/anime targeted to? If you decide to read a scientific journal article with all sorts of hard terms and scientific jargon then its your fault you can’t read it, doesn’t mean its bad (although the writing community does like assert that "simple is best”) If you can explain the same thing in simpler terms then that’s considered better as its more accessible to people. Writing is trying to convey a msg, if the msg is lost because of complication then it’s considered bad. Generally. An analogy compares two things that are similar and can be compared on the same dimension. The analogy you present isn’t fully accurate because here you’re discussing complexity (i.e difficulty of reading). Not being able to tell you who shot who first isn’t a matter of complexity, it’s a matter of pacing/presentation and clarity. P.S i'll try to get back to you on the other response later, I have an exam tomorrow morning. You quoted the wrong person again -_- Either way, how can you state that the scene is done wrong if there are people who can interpret it. If the scene was done wrong NO ONE would be able to make sense of it. The fact that people can make sense of it means that it can't be viewed as badly done. It's not a fault in execution. If you are going to present that the scene was executed wrongly, as a truth, that means it can never be proven false. By having one instance where it is untrue, then if makes the entire statement false. I correctly interpreted the scene, greyzone, darklight, dragon, erenxmisaka, knight, all did also. These are all different instances that make your statement false. You stated that after viewing it a few times you were able to correctly interpret here. Notice what happened at the moment. You paid closer attention, therefore you were able to correctly interpret it. The thing that changed was that you paid more attention. The scene is exactly the same. Therefore the fault cannot be in the scene, the fault is in you paying attention. Many people didn't interpret the scene correctly, that only means that many people didn't pay enough attention. Since it is a fact that other people did correctly interpret the scene, then you cannot claim that it was the scenes fault. My analogy does fit, I stated that saying the scene is poorly done because you couldn't make sense of it, is the same as saying a book is badly written because it's to difficult for you to read. In both cases i'm discussing the interpretation of the subject. You cannot call the scene badly done because you failed to interpret it, just the same as a reader can't call a book badly written because they couldn't interpret it. The issue isn't the book or show, the issue is the ability of viewer to interpret. Who the book is targeted to doesn't change anything. If a reader can't correctly interpret the content of a scientific journal, then it is not the fault of the scientific journal. It is the fault of the reading ability of the person trying to interpret it. Writing is trying to convey a message, BUT it is the readers who has to be able to decipher that message. It is up to the reader to analyse it, it is up to the reader to interpret it, it is up to the reader have the ability to do so. Failure on the reader to do so isn't the fault of the writing, it means the reader needs to gain more ability. If it were up to writers to simplify the meaning of their content in order for readers to read it, then the only book ever written should be a book like See Spot Run. Since in terms of simplicity, you can't get much simpler than that. Good luck with your exam by the way, I got a few this week also. |
KamiCityFeb 11, 2015 10:39 AM
Feb 11, 2015 12:34 PM
Have time before class to respond to the last thing :) It is up to the reader to analyse it, it is up to the reader to interpret it, it is up to the reader have the ability to do so. Failure on the reader to do so isn't the fault of the writing, it means the reader needs to gain more ability. Who made up this rule? You? Why is it logical to focus on one side (the readers) and ignore the other (the writer)? Both the reader and the writer have obligations. Communication is a two way street. It’s up to the writer to present details in a clear effective way so that the receivers can understand it without too much difficulty. And then yes it’s up to the receivers to interpret that. It’s a joint effort. Who the book is targeted to doesn't change anything. If a reader can't correctly interpret the content of a scientific journal, then it is not the fault of the scientific journal. It is the fault of the reading ability of the person trying to interpret it. Target audience is almost always an important fact for any writer/producer. For example: A children’s book like “I Spy" is required to think about the child and therefore use simple words. Are you telling me then that if the writing uses a word like ‘discombobulated” and the child can’t understand, it’s the child’s fault? Going on your logic that’s what you seem to be implying. But the child is consuming this piece of literature because it’s been marketed to them, no one is going to buy a book that is targeted towards children but then isn’t child friendly. This example isn’t specific to Aldnoah’s situation at all, its just an argument against you saying the target isn’t important. Either way, how can you state that the scene is done wrong if there are people who can interpret it. No, rather than not done ‘wrong’, it wasn’t done well. there is a difference. if it was wrong it wouldn’t be possible to interpret, but this is not what I’m saying (since one is able to understand after going back). But it isn’t precisely done well because many did have to go rewatch it. If something doesn’t flow well or doesn’t initally seem logical at first glance, our brains may not register things well and could even fill in things. Which yes is the fault of the viewer, but also the fault of the writer for not making it clear in the first place. Slaine’s asking a question (which one would logically expect he wants a reply to) but yet he’s shooting? (if he hits his target and they die they can’t very well answer him can they? well that isn’t a very logical turn of events) that’s why the scene doesn’t flow well. its possible for this course of events to happen but it doesn’t feel right and because it doesn’t feel right, i argue it doesn’t do a good job at communicating it’s message-- therefore isn’t done well. once again: well not wrong. As in it has weaknesses but is still feasible. For instance, better writing that flows well would of had Slaine shoot after maybe cutting off the communication radio and showing the audience his actual movements to target Inaho. Only an example. Also you mention that everyone who misunderstood the scene, did so because they weren’t paying attention. Are you familiar with those psychology studies where participants are told to watch some video and then later are asked if they noticed some particular detail? Or are asked to recall the colour of something? Studies show people are very bad at recalling such things when their eyes or minds are focused on something else, there are many things one could be attending to on the screen (we have 2 senses working). It’s not necessarily that they weren't paying attention. We’re humans not machines, and everyone functions differently. Not considering that your audience are humans and not machine doesn't make a good writer. Also, sorry again for quoting you wrong. That must be annoying. |
Feb 11, 2015 12:43 PM
Inugirlz said: It’s not necessarily that they weren't paying attention. We’re humans not machines, and everyone functions differently. Not considering that your audience are humans and not machine doesn't make a good writer. And yet myself and quite a few other people on this forums DID catch that detail. ARe you implying we're machines then? Also coincidence or not that the majority of people who did notice this detail are not the type to like Slaine. |
Feb 11, 2015 2:21 PM
Inugirlz said: Have time before class to respond to the last thing :) Who made up this rule? You? Why is it logical to focus on one side (the readers) and ignore the other (the writer)? Both the reader and the writer have obligations. Communication is a two way street. It’s up to the writer to present details in a clear effective way so that the receivers can understand it without too much difficulty. And then yes it’s up to the receivers to interpret that. It’s a joint effort. Let me ask you something, when a writer creates something, who chooses to read it? The writer or the reader? The reader/viewer correct? So it is up to the reader to interpret it. That is why they teach us in literature courses how to make intelligent, in-depth analysis of what we are reading or viewing. That's why they teach you to read between the lines. It is up to the readers to improve their reading comprehension. Target audience is almost always an important fact for any writer/producer. For example: A children’s book like “I Spy" is required to think about the child and therefore use simple words. Are you telling me then that if the writing uses a word like ‘discombobulated” and the child can’t understand, it’s the child’s fault? Going on your logic that’s what you seem to be implying. But the child is consuming this piece of literature because it’s been marketed to them, no one is going to buy a book that is targeted towards children but then isn’t child friendly. This example isn’t specific to Aldnoah’s situation at all, its just an argument against you saying the target isn’t important. If the child is able to understand it, even though he's not the intended audience, it's because the child has reached that level of understanding. No matter how you put it, it's not the writers fault if the child chooses to read the scientific journal. I'll ask you, who is the Intended audience of Aldnoah? You stated normal people, but what are normal people? This is a Mech series, that falls under the science fiction genre. No, rather than not done ‘wrong’, it wasn’t done well. there is a difference. if it was wrong it wouldn’t be possible to interpret, but this is not what I’m saying (since one is able to understand after going back). But it isn’t precisely done well because many did have to go rewatch it. If something doesn’t flow well or doesn’t initally seem logical at first glance, our brains may not register things well and could even fill in things. Which yes is the fault of the viewer, but also the fault of the writer for not making it clear in the first place. Slaine’s asking a question (which one would logically expect he wants a reply to) but yet he’s shooting? (if he hits his target and they die they can’t very well answer him can they? well that isn’t a very logical turn of events) that’s why the scene doesn’t flow well. its possible for this course of events to happen but it doesn’t feel right and because it doesn’t feel right, i argue it doesn’t do a good job at communicating it’s message-- therefore isn’t done well. once again: well not wrong. As in it has weaknesses but is still feasible. For instance, better writing that flows well would of had Slaine shoot after maybe cutting off the communication radio and showing the audience his actual movements to target Inaho. Only an example. Like I said before, If you make a claim that this isn't done well, in order for it to be true that it wasn't done well, it must be true in ALL situations. I was able to interpret what happened therefore you statement is not true. We are not talking about whether or not the characters actions are logical or not. You stated that because you and many people missed the scene then it wasn't well executed. You stated that it was pretty much a fact because many people missed the scene. Which is incorrect since people did catch the scene. If people did catch the scene, this it wasn't a fault with the scene. It was the viewers who missed it who are at fault. Oh and about Slaines actions they were done correctly by the way, given that Slaine doesn't act logically but emotionlly so shooting mid-sentence when he got pissed is something he would do. Also you mention that everyone who misunderstood the scene, did so because they weren’t paying attention. Are you familiar with those psychology studies where participants are told to watch some video and then later are asked if they noticed some particular detail? Or are asked to recall the colour of something? Studies show people are very bad at recalling such things when their eyes or minds are focused on something else, there are many things one could be attending to on the screen (we have 2 senses working). It’s not necessarily that they weren't paying attention. We’re humans not machines, and everyone functions differently. Not considering that your audience are humans and not machine doesn't make a good writer. So am I not human for catching the detail? Am I now a machine because I was able to do it? How can someone claim something is not well done if they can't even remember it? It's not like it's some minor detail like the color of Inko's shoe, it was a big detail right in the middle of the screen. It's not the stories fault that you can't remember. What about the people that can remember? If they can remember then how can it be the story that didn't do it right? |
KamiCityFeb 11, 2015 6:14 PM
Feb 11, 2015 2:21 PM
Darklight0303 said: Inugirlz said: It’s not necessarily that they weren't paying attention. We’re humans not machines, and everyone functions differently. Not considering that your audience are humans and not machine doesn't make a good writer. And yet myself and quite a few other people on this forums DID catch that detail. ARe you implying we're machines then? Also coincidence or not that the majority of people who did notice this detail are not the type to like Slaine. Hopefully this doesn't come off as pretentious, but the few people that I think you're referring have stated poor writing as their reason for disliking Inaho (which, imo, applies to Slaine as well for that matter). If they have shown to have higher standards in this area, then it only stands to reason that flaws in the way that scene was executed are also a point that they would raise. For what's its worth I agree with Inugirlz in her saying that the scene was poorly done. Logical inconsistencies aside, the sequence of events is confusing. - Slaine's realization and change in demeanour is backwards. He's calm, then all of a sudden he switches to hostile and makes a demand, then aims his turrets, then says "Wait, are you trying to exploit the princess to meet your own ends?" (or something to that effect) as if he's only just come to that conclusion (dispute 10~ seconds having past since he first made his demand). If his change in demeanour is caused by the realization of Inaho's possible intentions, then why does his surprised reaction come after that change? - The exchange of shots was also poorly done. Slaine's in the middle of asking a question, a very quick glimpse of shots are shown, we then see Slaine looking at his status screen seemingly in shock, followed him yelling "Are you my enemy?!". Both the reaction shot from Slaine and his following query as to whether they are enemies or not strongly suggests that he wasn't the one who shot first, despite the fact that frame by frame analysis says he did. Really, the fact that a significant number of people, including myself, were under the assumption that Slaine shot first and needed to see it frame by frame to show otherwise is a pretty strong indication that this scene was very ambiguous. |
Feb 11, 2015 3:13 PM
Well to be honest, quite a few key points were inserted quite subtly into this show. As almost everything else, I blame that on the short lenght of mere 2-cours for this. |
Feb 11, 2015 3:45 PM
Grey-Zone said: Well to be honest, quite a few key points were inserted quite subtly into this show. As almost everything else, I blame that on the short lenght of mere 2-cours for this. Agreed, and its honestly quite a shame that this is the case because at face value there is a lot of things to like about Aldnoah. I like KamiAlice's theory of Zero being the prequel of sorts for a larger franchise, because given more room to work with I think Aldnoah could turn into something really good. |
Feb 11, 2015 4:44 PM
Stark700 said: THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Looks like Inaho is pretty damn confident that the real princess is alive. Yuki has some doubts though. It also doesn't surprise me that Rayet expresses dislike towards a Martian this episode again. With what Inaho is planning, I see it as one of their risks that they have to take to find Asseylum. Episode wasn't much action heavy but the buildup is there. Hope Inaho knows what he's doing... I agree, it is building and the ending I did not see that coming or at least challenging him in the open like that. I thought maybe on the battlefield like he did the count. Inaho's plan I kinda saw that coming when he asked him who he swore allegiance too. Ryaet self hatred makes her interesting but it is too much self pity on her she need to be stronger I think. I mean she has that flawless essence about her like Inaho but I would like to really see her come into a more awesome character. Inaho's sister on the other hand, I honestly see her dying later, I don't know why, I just can see it maybe protecting her brother or Ryaet. |
Feb 11, 2015 4:47 PM
Shadzy_ said: Darklight0303 said: Inugirlz said: It’s not necessarily that they weren't paying attention. We’re humans not machines, and everyone functions differently. Not considering that your audience are humans and not machine doesn't make a good writer. And yet myself and quite a few other people on this forums DID catch that detail. ARe you implying we're machines then? Also coincidence or not that the majority of people who did notice this detail are not the type to like Slaine. Hopefully this doesn't come off as pretentious, but the few people that I think you're referring have stated poor writing as their reason for disliking Inaho (which, imo, applies to Slaine as well for that matter). If they have shown to have higher standards in this area, then it only stands to reason that flaws in the way that scene was executed are also a point that they would raise. For what's its worth I agree with Inugirlz in her saying that the scene was poorly done. Logical inconsistencies aside, the sequence of events is confusing. - Slaine's realization and change in demeanour is backwards. He's calm, then all of a sudden he switches to hostile and makes a demand, then aims his turrets, then says "Wait, are you trying to exploit the princess to meet your own ends?" (or something to that effect) as if he's only just come to that conclusion (dispute 10~ seconds having past since he first made his demand). If his change in demeanour is caused by the realization of Inaho's possible intentions, then why does his surprised reaction come after that change? - The exchange of shots was also poorly done. Slaine's in the middle of asking a question, a very quick glimpse of shots are shown, we then see Slaine looking at his status screen seemingly in shock, followed him yelling "Are you my enemy?!". Both the reaction shot from Slaine and his following query as to whether they are enemies or not strongly suggests that he wasn't the one who shot first, despite the fact that frame by frame analysis says he did. Really, the fact that a significant number of people, including myself, were under the assumption that Slaine shot first and needed to see it frame by frame to show otherwise is a pretty strong indication that this scene was very ambiguous. The scene was never ambiguous, the only people who insisted, that was Inaho who shot first was the fanboys of Slaine, many did not pay attention, mies most probably seen more his passion for Slaine, even after the facts blinded them. ie the ones who precissaram review frame by frame were the fanboys Slaine, and even after the evidence still making excuses. A lot of passion and little conclusion, If Trillram Slaine was also quiet was enough Trillram say something against Asseylum, he lost control and killed unarmed Trillram. review the scene When it comes to Asseylum he gets mad here is one of the descriptions of the character Slaine Though he generally has a timid personality, he will shoot to kill when Princess Asseylum is involved. is more than clear that fanboy of Slaine watched the anime with the famous oculus Fanboy. and continue inventing arguments, which are easily disproved by the facts usually when it is not your beloved favorite character, accuse each other of bad writing character. is so in every anime |
Feb 11, 2015 5:02 PM
[quote=Jcan2] Stark700 said: THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Looks like Inaho is pretty damn confident that the real princess is alive. Yuki has some doubts though. It also doesn't surprise me that Rayet expresses dislike towards a Martian this episode again. With what Inaho is planning, I see it as one of their risks that they have to take to find Asseylum. Episode wasn't much action heavy but the buildup is there. Hope Inaho knows what he's doing... is very easy Inaho corrected, the stupidities and nonsense, children that Slaine had taught Asseylum, (Note, even Slaine being a son of a scientist, does not even know why the sky is blue, showing that his intelligence comes down only to birds) Inaho told Asseylum on Rayleigh scattering. In episode 1 of season, even though pasado 19 months, it was shown that the development of intelligence of Slaine remains the same, he taught wrong again, now to Lemrina that during his speech in episode 1, said the bullshit that Slaine had taught her about why the sky is blue, Inaho quickly realized that is not true Asseylum, and remembers corrected Asseylum, and taught it the right way on Rayleigh scattering. This shows us that there is no development of intelligence by Slaine character. This only features the character of Slaine, is that character ever |
seujair31Feb 11, 2015 5:05 PM
Feb 11, 2015 5:32 PM
seujair31 said: The scene was never ambiguous, the only people who insisted, that was Inaho who shot first was the fanboys of Slaine, many did not pay attention, mies most probably seen more his passion for Slaine, even after the facts blinded them. ie the ones who precissaram review frame by frame were the fanboys Slaine, and even after the evidence still making excuses. A lot of passion and little conclusion, If Trillram Slaine was also quiet was enough Trillram say something against Asseylum, he lost control and killed unarmed Trillram. review the scene When it comes to Asseylum he gets mad here is one of the descriptions of the character Slaine Though he generally has a timid personality, he will shoot to kill when Princess Asseylum is involved. is more than clear that fanboy of Slaine watched the anime with the famous oculus Fanboy. and continue inventing arguments, which are easily disproved by the facts usually when it is not your beloved favorite character, accuse each other of bad writing character. is so in every anime I'm glad you keep posting despite the amount of people who ignore you. I find the challenge of deciphering anything you write and skimming over the tremendous amounts of hypocrisy and contradiction quite humorous. Keep it up. |
Feb 11, 2015 6:00 PM
Shadzy_ said: seujair31 said: The scene was never ambiguous, the only people who insisted, that was Inaho who shot first was the fanboys of Slaine, many did not pay attention, mies most probably seen more his passion for Slaine, even after the facts blinded them. ie the ones who precissaram review frame by frame were the fanboys Slaine, and even after the evidence still making excuses. A lot of passion and little conclusion, If Trillram Slaine was also quiet was enough Trillram say something against Asseylum, he lost control and killed unarmed Trillram. review the scene When it comes to Asseylum he gets mad here is one of the descriptions of the character Slaine Though he generally has a timid personality, he will shoot to kill when Princess Asseylum is involved. is more than clear that fanboy of Slaine watched the anime with the famous oculus Fanboy. and continue inventing arguments, which are easily disproved by the facts usually when it is not your beloved favorite character, accuse each other of bad writing character. is so in every anime I'm glad you keep posting despite the amount of people who ignore you. I find the challenge of deciphering anything you write and skimming over the tremendous amounts of hypocrisy and contradiction quite humorous. Keep it up. He's pretty serious about this, he might comment on your profile too like he did to me. But hey, I might get banned by talking about another person and s-senpai might talk to me again, I don't wanna get shut down .___. |
Feb 11, 2015 6:13 PM
OfficialMikoSM said: Shadzy_ said: seujair31 said: The scene was never ambiguous, the only people who insisted, that was Inaho who shot first was the fanboys of Slaine, many did not pay attention, mies most probably seen more his passion for Slaine, even after the facts blinded them. ie the ones who precissaram review frame by frame were the fanboys Slaine, and even after the evidence still making excuses. A lot of passion and little conclusion, If Trillram Slaine was also quiet was enough Trillram say something against Asseylum, he lost control and killed unarmed Trillram. review the scene When it comes to Asseylum he gets mad here is one of the descriptions of the character Slaine Though he generally has a timid personality, he will shoot to kill when Princess Asseylum is involved. is more than clear that fanboy of Slaine watched the anime with the famous oculus Fanboy. and continue inventing arguments, which are easily disproved by the facts usually when it is not your beloved favorite character, accuse each other of bad writing character. is so in every anime I'm glad you keep posting despite the amount of people who ignore you. I find the challenge of deciphering anything you write and skimming over the tremendous amounts of hypocrisy and contradiction quite humorous. Keep it up. He's pretty serious about this, he might comment on your profile too like he did to me. But hey, I might get banned by talking about another person and s-senpai might talk to me again, I don't wanna get shut down .___. OfficialMikoSM is the second Savethebestforu User account. is one of the top fanboy Slaine-Sama, who idolize Slaine as a God. |
Feb 11, 2015 6:19 PM
OfficialMikoSM said: Shadzy_ said: I'm glad you keep posting despite the amount of people who ignore you. I find the challenge of deciphering anything you write and skimming over the tremendous amounts of hypocrisy and contradiction quite humorous. Keep it up. He's pretty serious about this, he might comment on your profile too like he did to me. Were I so lucky :) |
Feb 11, 2015 6:42 PM
seujair31 said: OfficialMikoSM is the second Savethebestforu User account. is one of the top fanboy Slaine-Sama, who idolize Slaine as a God. Now, here's where you're wrong seujair... |
Feb 11, 2015 7:10 PM
Shadzy_ said: Darklight0303 said: Inugirlz said: It’s not necessarily that they weren't paying attention. We’re humans not machines, and everyone functions differently. Not considering that your audience are humans and not machine doesn't make a good writer. And yet myself and quite a few other people on this forums DID catch that detail. ARe you implying we're machines then? Also coincidence or not that the majority of people who did notice this detail are not the type to like Slaine. Hopefully this doesn't come off as pretentious, but the few people that I think you're referring have stated poor writing as their reason for disliking Inaho (which, imo, applies to Slaine as well for that matter). If they have shown to have higher standards in this area, then it only stands to reason that flaws in the way that scene was executed are also a point that they would raise. For what's its worth I agree with Inugirlz in her saying that the scene was poorly done. Logical inconsistencies aside, the sequence of events is confusing. - Slaine's realization and change in demeanour is backwards. He's calm, then all of a sudden he switches to hostile and makes a demand, then aims his turrets, then says "Wait, are you trying to exploit the princess to meet your own ends?" (or something to that effect) as if he's only just come to that conclusion (dispute 10~ seconds having past since he first made his demand). If his change in demeanour is caused by the realization of Inaho's possible intentions, then why does his surprised reaction come after that change? - The exchange of shots was also poorly done. Slaine's in the middle of asking a question, a very quick glimpse of shots are shown, we then see Slaine looking at his status screen seemingly in shock, followed him yelling "Are you my enemy?!". Both the reaction shot from Slaine and his following query as to whether they are enemies or not strongly suggests that he wasn't the one who shot first, despite the fact that frame by frame analysis says he did. Really, the fact that a significant number of people, including myself, were under the assumption that Slaine shot first and needed to see it frame by frame to show otherwise is a pretty strong indication that this scene was very ambiguous. Shouting "Are you my enemy?!" after shooting at someone or being shot is a pretty strange thing to do, honestly. It does allow Inaho to give a real signature finisher, with his cold-steel "You are my enemy." Still sounds dumb when you consider they've already shot, though. |
Feb 11, 2015 7:28 PM
Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D |
Feb 11, 2015 7:39 PM
You also do not find it strange, Slaine make friends, and help Saazbaum after Saazbaum said he would kill Asseylum, and Saazbaum was the man who planned the assinato of Asseylum, causing the beginning of the war against the land that his beloved Asseylum both loved. If some episodes he matouTrillram because he had told the plans of murder of Asseylum. It is also very stupid, someone save a person who clearly states that want to kill his beloved princess Asseylum. About 18 episode, it seems that Yuki will die, and it seems that we will see again, the power-up ridiculous, and more writing force, we will see Gary Stu Tharsis, and his fanciful ability predicts the future, and the super power-up pilot skill, invented to Slaine. clearly forced. |
seujair31Feb 11, 2015 7:45 PM
Feb 11, 2015 7:41 PM
Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? |
Feb 11, 2015 7:47 PM
Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? You mean at the beginning with the duel? I think they're like the fangs/dragoons from Gundam And plz not Yuki ;_; |
Feb 11, 2015 7:50 PM
ANGRY2011 said: Shouting "Are you my enemy?!" after shooting at someone or being shot is a pretty strange thing to do, honestly. It does allow Inaho to give a real signature finisher, with his cold-steel "You are my enemy." Still sounds dumb when you consider they've already shot, though. At first I considered the possibility that the intention of the writers had actually been for Inaho to shoot first, but the order of the shots had just been mixed up in production. That may have explained a couple of things I found odd, but still didn't seem to fit properly. I also considered the possibility that the quick succession of shots was supposed to indicate that they both firing simultaneously, given that two quick glimpses is often used in place of a split screen to imply that. But even then, it still doesn't resolve things properly. Now I'm inclined to believe that the flaws were either an oversight, something that didn't translate properly to the screen, or just that they didn't really put much thought into it beyond where they wanted both characters to stand at the end of the episode. bastek66 said: Knight-Artorias said: RIP Yuki Looks pretty sick, can't wait. |
Feb 11, 2015 7:54 PM
Knight-Artorias said: Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? You mean at the beginning with the duel? I think they're like the fangs/dragoons from Gundam And plz not Yuki ;_; A battle of Power Rangers in Space, Megazords struggle with can fanciful, and piloting skill given by their Morphin. I bet that one of the shots of Slaine, hit Yuki. Place your bets was the shot that hit Yuki, came from megazord Gary Stu, of Slaine-Sama |
Feb 11, 2015 8:00 PM
Sorry for taking so long with my reply, I try to do it between classes and when I have breaks but I haven't had the time. Anyway, this is probably the last long post i'm going to make. You guys are wearing me out lol ANGRY2011 said: This is where I begin to disagree. Slaine, indeed caught off guard, asks "what do you mean?" to which Inaho simply demands "Answer me." There's very little reason not to rephrase what he's said or give further context to his question. His initial question as well, is pointed directly Slaine's motives towards the princess, which while as I said not bad, wasn't great either. A better starting point would have been Slaine's identity, or even his reason for coming to aid them. Yes Inaho did say answer me, although his town of voice didn't change into anything more hostile than his initial question. Inaho's initial question was a reaction to Slaine mentioning the princess. If Slaine hadn't mentioned the princess, then Inaho's initial questions would have probably been asking his identity, or his motives. This is why I say his question is valid and a logical reaction on Inaho's part. This martian that came out of nowhere all of a sudden says he's been looking for the princess, who is supposed to be dead. Asking what he wants with the princess, is probably what would cross anyone's mind in that situation. This is yet again, a poor choice by Inaho. Do note, when I am discussing Inaho, I'm not taking any heat off Slaine, by the way. Whenever you say Slaine had an opportunity to change the flow of the conversation, you're entirely correct, he did not handle the situation well either. However, the conversation is clearly not going anywhere, so Inaho just demands Slaine answer first, again. That's a poor negotiation tactic, more likely to lead to breakdown than success. I'm not stating that Inaho couldn't have worded things better, I'm stating that it still fell onto Slaine. Slaine had more to gain from this negotiation than Inaho did. Yes Inaho could have gained a, to his knowledge, martian ally. Although since he didn't have an aldnoah powered mech, and was piloting a carrier, then he could assume that he wasn't very highly ranked. In terms on Intel, technology, or firepower Slaine wasn't that big of a priority. He would have been a good ally, but he wouldn't really lose much without him. Slaine on the other hand, had his goal right in front of him. He had everything to gain by this negotiation going right. Which is why I state it was up to him to make the conversation go right. This is the statement I disagree with the most. Inaho was not being cooperative. Neither was Slaine. Both of them refused to answer each other's questions and stonewalled each other, and then Slaine went hostile. That's not cooperative in the slightest. Asking a question first doesn't make you cooperative. If either of them had been cooperative in the slightest, I feel the situation may have played out differently. It may have ultimately still wound up without Slaine seeing the princess and them being enemies, but the chances of successful negotiation would be higher. I disagree that Inaho acted logically and analytically. A more logical approach would have been to respond in a way that smoothed over the negotiation, perhaps by answering or half answering one of Slaine's questions, or even just mentioning the assassination plot (since if Slaine IS an assassin it doesn't matter and if Slaine isn't then there may be ground for further discussion). I'd even say a more logical approach would be to trick Slaine into a situation where he is able to be captured by the much larger martial force the Terrans have at the moment, at which point his identity and motives can be easily discerned. Inaho took an illogical path instead that lead quickly to a break down of negotiations and creation of an enemy, which he then shoots down but for some reason they don't pursue and capture. This later becomes a problem, obviously. A better resolution would be cooperation or capture, no matter how you look at it. The questions he asked were logical questions, but do to his character not being able to be social his wording wasn't that great. I'll use his conversations with magbaredge when they found out about Assyelum for an example: Magbaredge: You two were aware of this, and you neglected to inform me. Rayet: I'm not a soldier. I'm not obligated to report to you. Magbaredge: And you, Junior? Inaho: I didn't neglect to inform you. I deliberately didn't VC: Watch what you say! You're putting yourself on very thin ice. Assyelum: I asked him not to. That is clearly something Inaho shouldn't say in that situation, and it prompted Asseylum to intervene for Inaho. Earlier in the series, he's even worse when it comes to having conversations. So him not being able to communicate properly with slaine is in character for Inaho. This is just semantics, sorry. Slaine did fight at their side, during the whole fight. If he would have been cooperative (or if Slaine would have been cooperative) I'm pretty sure they would have been fighting at each other's sides for the duration of the show. If that is how Inaho truly viewed things, than it is poor judgment in Slaine's situation. Semantics? Isn't that just the study of meaning and expression through language? Anyway No no your misunderstanding something. Rayet has been a comrade for a good while before this happened. She was no longer some stranger to them. She kept the princesses secret, she was the one who went out to get Inaho after the battle with the plasma sword dude, she's been on the same ship with everyone, she's ate with everyone. She's fought along side them all. If this had happened in episode 3 then yea the situation would be the same as Slaines. Rayet would be just some stranger that helped them out. There is a bond of trust that is formed when you coexist with someone the way Rayet and Inaho did. Slaine fought with them yes, but he did not form any trust with Inaho. He was just some stranger that helped him win a battle. It's easy to see why Inaho would say you've fought at my side and that's all that matters. He already has trust in her, at least enough to know she's not an enemy. Both Rayet and Slaine fought battles on the same side as Inaho. Further, Rayet initiated a hostile action towards the Terrans before the conversation, Slaine did not. I don't believe that this works in favor of Inaho's judgment being good. Rayet explained herself, Slaine did not. You are correct here. Explanation from Slaine would have definitely let the conversation play out differently. Slaine didn't get a chance to have the Princess identify him. Negotiations stalled out beforehand due to the lack of both parties' better judgment. Once again, Rayet has coexisted with them for a while at this point, it's easy to see why Inaho can make a better judgement when it comes to Rayet, especially after her explanation. Also, in both cases, it wasn't until the end that Inaho made judgement. The situations are different in the end, you're right. What I'm most surprised about upon refreshing is that Inaho had less of a role in the Rayet encounter than I remembered, with most of the meat of the situation being between Rayet and the Princess. I still think his choice to handle the Rayet situation by "letting them work it out" and then capturing her is a path that seems inconsistent with his "stonewall Slaine until negotiations break down then just shoot him down and leave him." About leaving slaine, they had no time to capture him. The ship was already in flight and a landing castle had just gone offline. If they took the time to look for Slaine, someone else my show up. Perhaps the reason it strikes me is because it is one of the only situations where Inaho misjudges something so poorly. He makes the "correct" decision when it comes to most other serious encounters, including the Princess, Rayet, and even new good guy count. Yet he allows things to just go completely South with Slaine, in a situation that was easy to remedy. It's a poor choice in a negotiation to simply say "it is all up to you" while not supplying anything yourself. Inaho and Slaine both didn't answer each other in the slightest, both stonewalling each other. I think our conversation has further clarified to me what it really was that got me about the scene. Inaho "acted consistently" in a way, as you pointed out, but to me he "acted inconsistently." The reason it felt this way to me was because of the way he often makes the "correct" choice to fit a situation, and seems to present himself as an adaptable character, yet he chose a "poor" method of negotiation that didn't really fit the scenario in my opinion. |
KamiCityFeb 11, 2015 8:06 PM
Feb 11, 2015 8:07 PM
TBH I don't know that the fuss is all about about Slaine not knowing that why the sky is blue. Sure he is the son of a scientist but remember his dad was dead at least before he hit the age of 10 (They did imply/or mention that he was orphaned at a relatively young age) so I doubt he had much time to learn from him. Furthermore being a scientist does not mean that you are automatically a know-it-all. Scientist tends to specialize in specific areas , just like how Slaine's father specialized in the Aldnoah Tech which honestly defies common sense. And why is it that not knowing why the sky is blue makes Slaine a bad character ? To me it is at least more believable than a very scientific explanation from Inaho, it is not a knowledge that many people know. And Slaine having a mech which can predict the future is not OP or bad, considering how Inaho is capable of scientific deduction that requires professor level knowledge in all 3 fields of science while in the heat of combat. And Slaine had made good use of this ability as well, firing bullets to circle the globe after calculating their trajectory did not came along with the Tharsis pilot manual now did it? So did using hacking skills to figure out the flight plan of the resupply shuttles to the space base. To me it shows how Slaine can make the best out of what he was given. Just like how Inaho can make do with unorthodox equipments and tactics. |
Viktor_OtakuFeb 11, 2015 8:20 PM
Feb 11, 2015 8:11 PM
seujair31 said: You also do not find it strange, Slaine make friends, and help Saazbaum after Saazbaum said he would kill Asseylum, and Saazbaum was the man who planned the assinato of Asseylum, causing the beginning of the war against the land that his beloved Asseylum both loved. If some episodes he matouTrillram because he had told the plans of murder of Asseylum. It is also very stupid, someone save a person who clearly states that want to kill his beloved princess Asseylum. About 18 episode, it seems that Yuki will die, and it seems that we will see again, the power-up ridiculous, and more writing force, we will see Gary Stu Tharsis, and his fanciful ability predicts the future, and the super power-up pilot skill, invented to Slaine. clearly forced. I think Slaine rescued Saazbaum because he knows that with his current power and ability, he can do little to protect the Princess in times of need. So he needed Saazbaum to help propel him up the ladder of nobility. And the relationship between them both looks somewhat frosty to me. I don't think Saazbaum actually thought that Slaine would be 100% loyal to him. His very last words somewhat confirms this. He took Slaine in because he knows that he at the very least can understand his point of view and ideas. Not because he would be loyal to him. In the last season, Slaine wears his heart on his sleeves somewhat. But now he has at least know how to temper his emotions. To me it is actually enjoyable to watch this transition. |
Viktor_OtakuFeb 11, 2015 8:21 PM
Feb 11, 2015 8:45 PM
Knight-Artorias said: Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? You mean at the beginning with the duel? I think they're like the fangs/dragoons from Gundam And plz not Yuki ;_; After watching the pv a again, those are funnels/dragoons. Red Suit, funnels..........if only we had a mask. I am actually hoping for Inaho to save Yuki and mend their relationship. Well let's see what happens....... |
Feb 11, 2015 9:04 PM
Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? You mean at the beginning with the duel? I think they're like the fangs/dragoons from Gundam And plz not Yuki ;_; After watching the pv a again, those are funnels/dragoons. Red Suit, funnels..........if only we had a mask. I am actually hoping for Inaho to save Yuki and mend their relationship. Well let's see what happens....... I'm hoping for that also. I'm also hoping there isn't people already expecting her to die and then complaining later if she does survive. |
Feb 11, 2015 9:09 PM
KamiAlice said: Dragon_Slayer_X said: I am actually hoping for Inaho to save Yuki and mend their relationship. Well let's see what happens....... I'm hoping for that also. I'm also hoping there isn't people already expecting her to die and then complaining later if she does survive. Honestly I'm expecting her to live based on how obviously grim the preview makes it look. I'm fine either way as long it fits though. |
Feb 11, 2015 9:22 PM
Her death might enrage Inaho and motivate him further to kill the martians, thus Slaine and then Asseylum might wake up by then and three confrontations will happen, who knows. |
Feb 11, 2015 9:57 PM
Viktor_Otaku said: TBH I don't know that the fuss is all about about Slaine not knowing that why the sky is blue. Sure he is the son of a scientist but remember his dad was dead at least before he hit the age of 10 (They did imply/or mention that he was orphaned at a relatively young age) so I doubt he had much time to learn from him. Furthermore being a scientist does not mean that you are automatically a know-it-all. Scientist tends to specialize in specific areas , just like how Slaine's father specialized in the Aldnoah Tech which honestly defies common sense. And why is it that not knowing why the sky is blue makes Slaine a bad character ? To me it is at least more believable than a very scientific explanation from Inaho, it is not a knowledge that many people know. And Slaine having a mech which can predict the future is not OP or bad, considering how Inaho is capable of scientific deduction that requires professor level knowledge in all 3 fields of science while in the heat of combat. And Slaine had made good use of this ability as well, firing bullets to circle the globe after calculating their trajectory did not came along with the Tharsis pilot manual now did it? So did using hacking skills to figure out the flight plan of the resupply shuttles to the space base. To me it shows how Slaine can make the best out of what he was given. Just like how Inaho can make do with unorthodox equipments and tactics. guy you ta joke, if he can see the future, he knows the movements of the opponent with atecedencia, is a super habilade that's a huge advantage. about And Slaine had made good use of this ability as well, firing bullets to circle the globe after calculating its trajectory did not come along with the pilot's manual Tharsis now did it? So did using hacking skills to discover the flight plan of refueling bus to the spaceport. Yes servant came in the manual, is Harklight Who makes the tactics of combat and calculations. If it were not Harklight, Slaine with these so-called skills that you described, would have one of the most ridiculous upgrades Gary Stu in history. You are seeing the first tempora, Slaine take hasty decisions, does not think before acting, does not judge situations, shows little intelligence. You cites Slaine has you skills, this only proves that gave an update Gary Stu for him. If you say that is not important to know why the sky is blue, so why Slaine insists teach others, when you have no knowledge on the subject. If he does not know why his is so blue does not teach what we do not know for others Viktor_Otaku said: seujair31 said: You also do not find it strange, Slaine make friends, and help Saazbaum after Saazbaum said he would kill Asseylum, and Saazbaum was the man who planned the assinato of Asseylum, causing the beginning of the war against the land that his beloved Asseylum both loved. If some episodes he matouTrillram because he had told the plans of murder of Asseylum. It is also very stupid, someone save a person who clearly states that want to kill his beloved princess Asseylum. About 18 episode, it seems that Yuki will die, and it seems that we will see again, the power-up ridiculous, and more writing force, we will see Gary Stu Tharsis, and his fanciful ability predicts the future, and the super power-up pilot skill, invented to Slaine. clearly forced. I think Slaine rescued Saazbaum because he knows that with his current power and ability, he can do little to protect the Princess in times of need. So he needed Saazbaum to help propel him up the ladder of nobility. And the relationship between them both looks somewhat frosty to me. I don't think Saazbaum actually thought that Slaine would be 100% loyal to him. His very last words somewhat confirms this. He took Slaine in because he knows that he at the very least can understand his point of view and ideas. Not because he would be loyal to him. In the last season, Slaine wears his heart on his sleeves somewhat. But now he has at least know how to temper his emotions. To me it is actually enjoyable to watch this transition. episode 8 because he did not stop, Saazbaum, if he had stopped, and had not saved Saazbaum in fighting Inaho, his beloved princess Saazbaum would not have happened nothing to his beloved princess. Take actions after the disgrace ta made. Yes we saw he moderates his emotions, becoming a monster cold, before he killed by disispero now kills for pleasure, and worst of all accused Inaho to use the princess when Asseylum worked with Inaho, and now he uses the name and picture Asseylum to promote death and war, even after Saazbaum Saazbaum's death, even gave a speech promoting war anymore, we saw how he moderated his emotions to kill Saazbaum, we note that his intelligence that comes down to birds, can not understand that Saazbaum is respected and idolized and feared by other counts, and that kept things in order, and could be very useful, more for his sick obsession Asseylum, prevents you from seeing things. Asseylum, whom Slaine keeps rushing in a tube, sedated, as one passes engailodao because she's pretty, and knows that if she wakes up would be against all estupides that Slaine is committing, and flee to Earth to help the Terrans, and Slaine want Asseylum only for him as a pet, it must take to destroy everything and kill everyone. I do not see anything nice, because not long ago we had a character like him, Bizon tou tired of these duentes with mental disorders |
Feb 11, 2015 10:23 PM
seujair31 said: Knight-Artorias said: Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? You mean at the beginning with the duel? I think they're like the fangs/dragoons from Gundam And plz not Yuki ;_; A battle of Power Rangers in Space, Megazords struggle with can fanciful, and piloting skill given by their Morphin. I bet that one of the shots of Slaine, hit Yuki. Place your bets was the shot that hit Yuki, came from megazord Gary Stu, of Slaine-Sama Slaine is in space Yuki is on Earth him hitting her is impossible |
Feb 11, 2015 10:35 PM
here's the dialogue, to take place in episode 24. -Slaine: Connect Asseylum-hime (Slaine, normal mode) -Asseylum: Not -Slaine: Connect, Conectar, Conectar Asseylum-hime (Slaine, pre-order Yandere) -Asseylum: Not -Slaine: Connect, Conectar, Conectar, Conectar Asseylum-hime (Slaine, Yandere mode) -Asseylum: Not -Slaine: Why not? Why not? I committed genocide, killed several people shot at his friend, destroy things, betrays everyone, all using his image and his name, do not you think it is to be a developed character. -Asseylum: Not -Slaine: More gave me several power-up Gary Stu, the escritodes made me a super skilled pilot, I even won a super mecha that predicts the future, we can win the lottery several times. I won several title as a knight, and earl, for convenience of writers, so I could be characterized as a mech character, a. (Slaine, super mode Yandere) -Asseylum: Not only did you crap all the anime, and only because it won power-up Gary Stu, and a super briquedo that predicts the future, think matured and had development. -Slaine: Chegei to keep you hurry, sedated, a tube, like a bird engailado, the best animal style pet, to contemplate its beauty. (Slaine, so Super Yander 2) -Asseylum: You are obsessed with these children's stories birds, the only thing you have in mind and can think about is birds. -Asseylum: Not only did you crap all the anime, and only because it won power-up Gary Stu, and a super briquedo that predicts the future, think matured and had development. -Slaine: Chegei to keep you hurry, sedated, a tube, like a bird engailado, the best animal style pet, to contemplate its beauty. (Slaine, so Super Yandere 2) -Asseylum: You are obsessed with these children's stories birds, the only thing you have in mind and can think about is birds. -Slaine: I beg le Connect Asseylum-hime, I even taught you, why the sky is blue (Slaine, so Super Yandere 2). -Asseylum: Uahuahauhauhauha, you're kidding me, you lied to me, you do not even know why the sky is blue, Inaho told me the truth about why the sky is blue. -Slaine: Inahooooooooooooo, Inahoooooooooo where this cursed, then he discovered my secret that my KI is - 200, and so have knowledge about bird, damn. (Slaine, so Super Yandere 3) -Slaine: Connect Asseylum-hime, Connect Asseylum-hime-hime Connect Connect Asseylum Asseylum-hime (Slaine, Super Yandeer mode 4) -Asseylum: Not -Inaho: Connect Asseylum -Asseylum: Accepted -Slaine: Cursed kill everyone, knew I should not have let Asseylum-hime left you his cage, now kill everyone. (Slaine, Super Yandere mode 5) continues after the commercials |
Feb 11, 2015 10:50 PM
Knight-Artorias said: seujair31 said: Knight-Artorias said: Dragon_Slayer_X said: Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D I was wondering when we were going to see him too. Now i am getting worried about Yuki. Btw are those some type of funnel like things i saw or just regular shots? You mean at the beginning with the duel? I think they're like the fangs/dragoons from Gundam And plz not Yuki ;_; A battle of Power Rangers in Space, Megazords struggle with can fanciful, and piloting skill given by their Morphin. I bet that one of the shots of Slaine, hit Yuki. Place your bets was the shot that hit Yuki, came from megazord Gary Stu, of Slaine-Sama Slaine is in space Yuki is on Earth him hitting her is impossible This is Aldnoah.Zero, forgot that Deucalion was in space hit a shot in Mazuurek that was on earth. Did you see the scope of weapon used by Slaine, to kill Saazbaun, she gave full turn around the earth, as this battle is fuses with ridiculous powers, imagine the distance that every stray bullet, can achieve. |
Feb 12, 2015 12:03 AM
no action this week and we all know that Tharsis will win that fight anyway |
Feb 12, 2015 1:01 AM
Knight-Artorias said: Oh shit Laser-kun is here was looking forward to him :D OMG, Yuki-nee |
Feb 12, 2015 1:41 AM
I for once would be fine with Yuki dead. I liked her as a character, but she hasn't developped in any meaningful way and taking any sie character away is welcome, preferrably on the Earth side - the turnaround on the Vers side has been, on the contrary, too fast. Actually the Earth cast characters are too long-lived already for a war setting. Usually someone from the main cast would have been killed by now. The explosion of the Trident base was a perfect opportunity to kill Calm, for example, and give to the terran protags additional motivation. It's not that he adds anything to the show any way. Speaking about the side characters, I hoped to see Harklight developped, but, sadly, he is neglected as well. |
Feb 12, 2015 2:52 AM
definitely cant wait for episode 6 inaho will know where is seylum now |
Feb 12, 2015 2:54 AM
deadoptimist said: I for once would be fine with Yuki dead. I liked her as a character, but she hasn't developped in any meaningful way and taking any sie character away is welcome, preferrably on the Earth side - the turnaround on the Vers side has been, on the contrary, too fast. Actually the Earth cast characters are too long-lived already for a war setting. Usually someone from the main cast would have been killed by now. The explosion of the Trident base was a perfect opportunity to kill Calm, for example, and give to the terran protags additional motivation. It's not that he adds anything to the show any way. Speaking about the side characters, I hoped to see Harklight developped, but, sadly, he is neglected as well. Funny is not it, All the complaints about the character Inaho in the first season, fit perfectly with Slaine. Inaho accuse Gary Stu, he never lost a battle, obscuring the cast of the earth. And what is happening in the second season, Appears Slaine Gary Stu, with super piloting skills, with a super mecha Gary Stu Tharsis, Which Provides for the future, and from the first episode, never lost a battle with his friend Tharsis, idestroyed an entire base, which counts several Martians, tried for years and not even managed to make a scratch, in just 5 seconds, now Slaine Gary Stu can fight in the level of Inaho equal to Peer, Slaine this overshadowing the list of Martians, inclussive his servant Harklight . The funniest thing que fanboys Slaine calls this development, of course with the glasses fans there is always two weights and two Measures, When was Inaho is because it is a Gary Stu, now When it happens These upgrade with Slaine call development. Clearly this casette Gary Stu upgrades to Slaine, because the season is focused on the struggle between InahoXSlaine, and for convenience had to make the Rival Inaho a Gary Stu Mecha, to force a battle, and convenient for the script. Most users think development in accordance with their favorite son in law, and not the main genre of anime that is mecha. Most fanboys Slaine are fans of shojo and fantasy, rather than judge the character development just think like it's cheek characters shojo |
seujair31Feb 12, 2015 2:59 AM
Feb 12, 2015 2:57 AM
[quote=seujair31] Viktor_Otaku said: -snip- Actually Slaine does shows intelligence. He initially keeps the secret of the Princess being alive from everyone because he does not know who to trust and that because his word hold less value than those of the Orbital Knights which is rightfully proven. And Slaine could have been more dismissive about Harklight and treat him like dirt, yet he does not do so. Instead using his suggestion goes to show that he knows people skills, in that he is able to adapt and take other people into consideration. It would be terribly boring to have another super computer brain adversary pitted against Inaho (who's abilities quite honestly borders on the improbable here). Slaine have the prediction system while Inaho has improbable analysis skills, so it evens it out here. If the dev staff wanted to they could have just give Slaine a super computer brain as well, but that would be boring. Saazbaum never expected Slaine to be loyal, he shot Slaine's princess and did some horrible things to Slaine. Despite the fact that they are both very similar (they both have similar political views and undying devotion to the woman they love) and that they could had been good friends if the circumstances were different, he already knew that this was one of the possible decisions Slaine would make and he accepted it. Saazbaum never particularly cared about how the other nobles view him, his discussion with Slaine about the social and his dismissive attitude about Cruhteo made that clear. And the other Counts never hold Saazbaum in any particular regard in return beyond that of being the Princess's guardian. If they do they would have respected Saazbaum decision to make Slaine a Knight even though they despised him . Slaine went along with Saazbaum because he understands that Saazbaum plans if modified could potentially help break the terrible circumstances surrounding Asselyum (being treated like a tool and trophy) and change Vers society for the better. His original ambush was meant for Inaho, but he readily adapts it to get rid of Saazbaum as he knows that Saazbaums original plan was to kill the Princess and that he could revert to it anytime soon. The whole bird cage discussion also fits here, in Slaine's eyes the Royal Family is being view partially as trophies and tools. So no, based on what I see . Slaine is way beyond Bizon in terms of character depth, development |
Viktor_OtakuFeb 12, 2015 3:00 AM
Feb 12, 2015 3:02 AM
Portraying Slaine as having to rely upon other while gathering their support is not wrong. Inaho from time to time have to rely on others like Inko to help save his own skin. |
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