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Feb 7, 2014 1:59 PM

Nov 2009
Ventris said:
Nagisa33 said:
Zetsumeisama said:
Did you guys hear Fallout 4 is coming out. Let's go vault hunting. Delta, bravo, tango, VATS!!!!! "Because War, war never changes" and neither does that quote.
But my man Solid Snake told me "War has changed." You callin' a guy with a butt that fine a liar!?

The answer is no, unless it is yes!
For real, really.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 7, 2014 3:53 PM

Apr 2012
Zetsumeisama said:
Did you guys hear Fallout 4 is coming out. Let's go vault hunting. Delta, bravo, tango, VATS!!!!! "Because War, war never changes" and neither does that quote.

I'm hoping for androids.
Feb 7, 2014 5:00 PM

Nov 2009
SamuelLJackson said:
Zetsumeisama said:
Did you guys hear Fallout 4 is coming out. Let's go vault hunting. Delta, bravo, tango, VATS!!!!! "Because War, war never changes" and neither does that quote.

I'm hoping for androids.

Hell yeah, adding more variety to the game is a plus. I'm hoping that they add my favorite melee weapon into the game again, "Ballistic Fist". I want to be able to do this again. SOOO OP!!!

Edit: Adding to this, Fallout New Vegas. The only problem I had with Fallout New Vegas was it's story, and it didn't feel like it was completed. Too many glitches. Fallout 3 felt more complete, and it was a better game imo.
makkusu29Feb 7, 2014 5:06 PM
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 7, 2014 10:01 PM

Mar 2009
dietmango said:
Lastly, what upcoming games are you guys looking forward to this year?

There's not much I can really buy out here... My PS3 is in another country, most 360 games in Japan are region locked (besides a few shmups I'm picking up), and 3DS is region locked, too. I guess I will pick up something for Vita in Japan, but I don't know what... There's nothing that I'm too excited for that I can think of in the near future.
Zetsumeisama said:
Did you guys hear Fallout 4 is coming out..

No. I didn't hear this. Where on Cthulhu's green Earth did you hear that? There hasn't been any official news, as far as I know.
Feb 8, 2014 1:32 AM

Nov 2009
AlabastreAizo said:
dietmango said:
Lastly, what upcoming games are you guys looking forward to this year?

There's not much I can really buy out here... My PS3 is in another country, most 360 games in Japan are region locked (besides a few shmups I'm picking up), and 3DS is region locked, too. I guess I will pick up something for Vita in Japan, but I don't know what... There's nothing that I'm too excited for that I can think of in the near future.
Zetsumeisama said:
Did you guys hear Fallout 4 is coming out..

No. I didn't hear this. Where on Cthulhu's green Earth did you hear that? There hasn't been any official news, as far as I know.

A man can dream can't he, lol. Here's to hoping.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 8, 2014 4:30 AM

Sep 2011
dietmango said:
Lastly, what upcoming games are you guys looking forward to this year?
Dark Souls 2 and The Witcher 3

Zetsumeisama said:
Did you guys hear Fallout 4 is coming out. Let's go vault hunting. Delta, bravo, tango, VATS!!!!! "Because War, war never changes" and neither does that quote.
Implying it's been announced to come out in the not too far away future. No information about it has been leaked or announced and official sources has said they won't be talking about Fallout 4 "for a long time"
But yes, it will come out. When is the question.
Feb 8, 2014 6:57 AM
Jul 2012
Just bought la Noire yesterday. (:
Feb 8, 2014 7:54 AM

May 2013
Gotta love those Turn 1 Argent Squire into enemy leaves Hearthstone games :3

Feb 8, 2014 12:04 PM

Nov 2009
DarknessOfEmo said:
Just bought la Noire yesterday. (:

Oh, how is that game?

Edit: Never played it before.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 8, 2014 2:21 PM
Jul 2012
Zetsumeisama said:
DarknessOfEmo said:
Just bought la Noire yesterday. (:

Oh, how is that game?

Edit: Never played it before.

I haven't played it yet, but if you mean what is the game about, than it's date like in 1940's the old, old days of mystery crime. It's published by Rockstar.
Feb 8, 2014 2:34 PM

Nov 2009
I'd like to add another game into the mix. Torchlight 2, it's a great PC game. I started playing it recently. It's a lot of fun and very addicting. The lush cartoon-ish visuals give it it's charm. The gameplay is similar to most point and click games, however it's in real time and fast paced. The game also has multiplayer. I highly recommend it.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 8, 2014 2:39 PM

Nov 2009
DarknessOfEmo said:
Zetsumeisama said:
DarknessOfEmo said:
Just bought la Noire yesterday. (:

Oh, how is that game?

Edit: Never played it before.

I haven't played it yet, but if you mean what is the game about, than it's date like in 1940's the old, old days of mystery crime. It's published by Rockstar.

I do know what it's about. Solving cases, basically. What I'm curious about is the gameplay, but you haven't played it yet so it's fine.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 8, 2014 5:59 PM

Apr 2012
Ventris said:
Gotta love those Turn 1 Argent Squire into enemy leaves Hearthstone games :3

Worgen Infiltrator turn 1 plays make me cry ;_;. Too much value.
Feb 8, 2014 6:06 PM

Sep 2011
Zetsumeisama said:
DarknessOfEmo said:
Zetsumeisama said:
DarknessOfEmo said:
Just bought la Noire yesterday. (:

Oh, how is that game?

Edit: Never played it before.

I haven't played it yet, but if you mean what is the game about, than it's date like in 1940's the old, old days of mystery crime. It's published by Rockstar.

I do know what it's about. Solving cases, basically. What I'm curious about is the gameplay, but you haven't played it yet so it's fine.
the gameplay is not very action heavy, It progresses by different cases that consist of different murders you unravel, you get a briefing and investigate a crime scene and find as much as you can at the scene, then you go to locations of interest, investigate and question suspects. Occasionally during the game it will throw in some fist fights, car chases, on foot chase scenes and of course gunplay, its a very variety filled game and the world is amazingly detailed, some people find it a bit too slow for their pace since you really wont be doing super much life threatening combat much but if your ok with a slower paced noire story its great and unique

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Feb 10, 2014 2:14 PM
Jul 2018
oh wow, I never saw this thread before. If any of you are available from 5:00 to 8:00 PM Pacific Time I would love to play PVK2 with you guys. The community might get really cancerous at times (to the point that you can't help but laugh at times) but it's a pretty fun game to relax with after schools. In order to play it you need a source engine game like TF2 installed.
removed-userFeb 10, 2014 2:27 PM
Feb 10, 2014 2:45 PM

Apr 2012
Zetsumeisama said:

Edit: Adding to this, Fallout New Vegas. The only problem I had with Fallout New Vegas was it's story, and it didn't feel like it was completed. Too many glitches. Fallout 3 felt more complete, and it was a better game imo.

I just hope they don't bring back the Caesar's Legion crap. I thought that was just a retarded concept, plain and simple. I mean I know nothing is going to replace the Enclave as a villain, but Romans with swords in a scifi game... come on.
Feb 10, 2014 4:34 PM

Nov 2009
SamuelLJackson said:
Zetsumeisama said:

Edit: Adding to this, Fallout New Vegas. The only problem I had with Fallout New Vegas was it's story, and it didn't feel like it was completed. Too many glitches. Fallout 3 felt more complete, and it was a better game imo.

I just hope they don't bring back the Caesar's Legion crap. I thought that was just a retarded concept, plain and simple. I mean I know nothing is going to replace the Enclave as a villain, but Romans with swords in a scifi game... come on.

I agree. It was stupid to begin with, I think they were trying to bring in more savagery to the world? or trying to intimidate the player not sure exactly. Okay you skinned a person it's not like a bandits done that already.

Caesar's Legion can be summed up in one movie scene. The scene where Indiana Jones "fights a swordsman" he decides that he's tired and doesn't feel like fighting him fairly. It'd be quicker to shoot the poor bastard and you know what? He does, logic, survival of the fittest, ANARCHY FOREVER! SMASH THE SYSTEM!!!!!! The Legion fail miserable. What I don't understand is how the Legion held up so long against the NCR. They are wimps if they couldn't stop the Rom- I mean the Legion.
makkusu29Feb 10, 2014 10:38 PM
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 10, 2014 6:04 PM

Jul 2013
I looked at many "best of" or "top" lists for PSP and Vita games. Personally, it seems like many of their great titles are either:
A) Ports or are now ported
B) Have better titles in a franchise on other systems.
C) Are available on the PS3 as well.

Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker is on the HD Edition now. (I played it on the 360 and it was fantastic) That was my main reason for wanting a PSP.
There are ports of games in the Final Fantasy series but they're on many other systems.
There are GTA games but the new one makes the older titles less desirable (also I'm not a big GTA fan).
Personal 4 Golden is one of the biggest draws for the Vita but then again it's a port of an older game.

I'm not trying to bash the systems. I'm looking to see if they're worth investing my money in. Maybe it's better spent elsewhere?
Feb 10, 2014 6:11 PM
Jul 2012
Zetsumeisama said:
DarknessOfEmo said:
Zetsumeisama said:
DarknessOfEmo said:
Just bought la Noire yesterday. (:

Oh, how is that game?

Edit: Never played it before.

I haven't played it yet, but if you mean what is the game about, than it's date like in 1940's the old, old days of mystery crime. It's published by Rockstar.

I do know what it's about. Solving cases, basically. What I'm curious about is the gameplay, but you haven't played it yet so it's fine.

Now I just play through the game. Only complete 8 cases so far. What Jizzlyhitler about the gameplay is correct.

So far, the game is cool, but sometimes right now I gotten warn out on trying to complete more cases that I get 3 star rating so far and 2 star rating I just complete lol. Also, the interviews are very challenging too. And I mostly play crime scene side quests more than the main cases because it's quite fun even though it's more easier and distracts me solving the main cases.
Feb 11, 2014 12:43 AM

Sep 2011
Neane1993_ said:
oh wow, I never saw this thread before. If any of you are available from 5:00 to 8:00 PM Pacific Time I would love to play PVK2 with you guys. The community might get really cancerous at times (to the point that you can't help but laugh at times) but it's a pretty fun game to relax with after schools. In order to play it you need a source engine game like TF2 installed.
What is PVK2?
Feb 11, 2014 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
Haakonwale said:
What is PVK2?

Uh, pirates vikings and knights 2
Feb 11, 2014 10:39 AM
Nov 2009
>Lastly, what upcoming games are you guys looking forward to this year?

Kingdom Under Fire II
Deep Down
Metal Gear Solid V
Dark Souls II
Alien: Isolation
The Division
Star Citizen
Final Fantasty XV
Watch Dogs (looks a bit meh actually)
Dragon Age Inquisition
Witcher 3
Persona 5

First I'd have to get a better PC and/or a PS4...
Feb 11, 2014 11:43 AM

Sep 2011
mugi said:
Dragon Age Inquisition
I didn't care much about Dragon Age Inquisition until I saw Morrigan in the trailer. She is without a doubt the best character in Origins and Alistair is a close second. I loved their bickering while I walked around.
Feb 11, 2014 11:05 PM

Nov 2009
mugi said:
>Lastly, what upcoming games are you guys looking forward to this year?

Kingdom Under Fire II
Deep Down
Metal Gear Solid V
Dark Souls II
Alien: Isolation
The Division
Star Citizen
Final Fantasty XV
Watch Dogs (looks a bit meh actually)
Dragon Age Inquisition
Witcher 3
Persona 5

First I'd have to get a better PC and/or a PS4...

Titanfall for PC
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 11, 2014 11:43 PM
Nov 2009
I don't care for Titanfall at all. It's a shooter with tanks on two legs. Don't really know why I put The Division on that list also.
Feb 12, 2014 3:35 AM

Mar 2011
I only started caring for Titanfall when I found out it's running on the Source engine. Maybe there will finally be another shooter without crappy netcode and clunky/sluggish controls. Now hoping I get into the beta so I can see for myself; I'm not getting my hopes up, but who knows.

And Evolve looks pretty amazing, never been a fan of L4D but Evolve looks like fun. And the Cry engine isn't at all bad either, and is still the best looking engine out there.
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
Feb 12, 2014 4:05 AM

Nov 2009
mugi said:
I don't care for Titanfall at all. It's a shooter with tanks on two legs. Don't really know why I put The Division on that list also.

That's fine, I don't know either but it's Mechs man... Mechs. Tanks on two legs? I'm sorry but that just sounds wrong. Also I don't normally play first person shooter games other than Borderlands 2 and maybe Fallout 3? But Titanfall is at least trying to come up with a different mechanic than your average generic first person shooter, I mean Mechs man and Mirrors edge lol. But hey it might not be your cup of tea.

I usually play RPG's though so i'm also looking forward to the new Bioware game. Dragon Age: Inquisition. Hopefully they don't rush the game out this time, hope you learned your lesson EA. I got a feeling though, we'll see when it comes out.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 12, 2014 9:49 AM
Nov 2009
That's what I mean. Titanfall doesn't really makes anything different, you're just jumping in a vehicle and either look at your arms doing things pressing a button to move and hijack it or just jump straight into it. Then you move around like usual just less vulnerable for a few seconds. And there have been some shooters with mechs, even recently like Killzone 3. The mobility in Titanfall seems nice but we know how Brink ended up, and in the end it's still slower than Quake or Unreal games.
But I have never been interested in a shooter so maybe it's just bias..

I think Dragon Age might end up good because a high profile company like Bioware getting so much flack for recent games might change their approach and "fix" their crap. And at least some people there seemed to care at one point. On the other side, EA is one of those devil companies completely out of touch with everything..
Feb 13, 2014 11:51 AM

Jul 2013
Here's the Titanfall beta livestream if you want to get a look at it yourself. From what I've seen it looks familiar but fast-paced and fun.
Nagisa33Feb 13, 2014 12:10 PM
Feb 13, 2014 7:20 PM
Jul 2012
Don't know if this counts as western but I finally beat Bit Trip Runner 2. My goodness this was a awesome game! the game was a little easy, but some bosses are very hard to pass through especially the final boss where I almost give up by it. Felt satisfied beating it after so many failed attempts on it.
Feb 13, 2014 7:33 PM

Nov 2009
DarknessOfEmo said:
Don't know if this counts as western but I finally beat Bit Trip Runner 2. My goodness this was a awesome game! the game was a little easy, but some bosses are very hard to pass through especially the final boss where I almost give up by it. Felt satisfied beating it after so many failed attempts on it.

Sorry we got off topic, and oh another game from steam also on wii it seems. Indie games = Awesome games. I will check this out.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 13, 2014 7:56 PM

Nov 2009
Nagisa33 said:
Here's the Titanfall beta livestream if you want to get a look at it yourself. From what I've seen it looks familiar but fast-paced and fun.

Adding to this i'll just leave this here, and hope we get back on topic. :P
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 14, 2014 10:55 AM

Jun 2011



Feb 14, 2014 11:05 AM

Nov 2009
FastnessofWheels said:




Thumbs up, Sweet! The only downside is it's doing so well it'll tell me when I get it via email. I also got fallout 1, 2, and tactics for free when it was free. Uhhh tried playing fallout for the first time and the game on normal is pretty difficult.
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 14, 2014 1:04 PM

Sep 2011
FastnessofWheels said:



Thanks for the heads up. I haven't played the original Dungeon Keeper in at least 15 years. Time to drown in nostalgia.
Feb 14, 2014 7:19 PM

Mar 2009
I heard the revamp is complete garbage. I shall pass.
Feb 15, 2014 8:42 AM

Sep 2011
AlabastreAizo said:
I heard the revamp is complete garbage. I shall pass.
It was the original 1997 Dungeon Keeper that was free. You are probably thinking of the evil mobile version, published by Satan himself; EA.

Too bad it wasn't the Canadian version of the original DK. That would've been even better.
Feb 15, 2014 9:01 AM

Mar 2009
Oh, good! I was scared for a moment. I've never played the game, though.
Feb 17, 2014 6:20 AM

Mar 2011
So, to get back on Titanfall, anyone get into the beta?

I have been playing it for a bit, and I must say it's surprisingly fun. I was skeptical at first but even controlling the titans is pretty cool. And even though it's just casual fun (for me at least) you still seem to be well-rewarded for playing 'skillfully'. I have no problems getting 1st without camping, sitting in a titan for the entire round or other cheaty tactics. Which is different from its direct comparison -- Crysis 3 -- in which run and gun, and camping was easy-mode (except in hardcore).

I don't like the 6v6 player count though, nor do I like the bots. The bots are just so useless and they keep distracting me and slowing me down. The maps are also big enough to facilitate 8v8 I think, even with titans. Without titans, 24 players will probably even be easily do-able, and I do hope they have some no-titan gamemode with more players on release. There's a couple of balancing flaws but nothing major.
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
Feb 17, 2014 6:45 AM

Mar 2009
I love mecha, and I don't get why everyone is so excited about that game. I guess I'll never understand the love for multiplayer competitive FPS. So many of them are so similar. Even with the mechs and jet packs, the game looks like Call of Duty to me.

I'm much more interested in Evolve! That looks pretty fun.
I still question multiplayer-only when it's not free, though.
Feb 17, 2014 7:21 AM

Mar 2011
Oh it's very much like CoD, though I'd say more like Crysis; not that that's such a huge difference. I think shooters just suffer from how basic they are by definition. Any shooter is about running around and shooting people, there's no escaping that, and adding too much to it will instantly make it too complicated in order to rely on those basic things. Distraction is a big gripe for FPS games; anything that takes away from the movement and aiming part basically harms the fundamental gameplay element, so I think FPS games are very limited in what you can add to it. To some, this is not at all a bad thing though.

Evolve looks great indeed; I just hope I can find some people to play with, as none of my friends even own a PC.
But why question it when it's not free? I'd sooner question it when it is free, the pay-to-win trend is pretty annoying.

EDIT: Talking about Titanfall, Evolve and shooters in general...
LazhwardFeb 17, 2014 8:16 AM
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
Feb 17, 2014 6:31 PM

Nov 2009
Lazhward said:

But why question it when it's not free? I'd sooner question it when it is free, the pay-to-win trend is pretty annoying.

EDIT: Talking about Titanfall, Evolve and shooters in general...

Wait it's not free to play? Fuuuuuuuu******
Current AMV Project: Started The Layout For Cowboy Bebop.
Feb 17, 2014 7:43 PM
Jul 2012
Almost beat L.A Noire and so fat I actually liking it way more than the last few cases. I was getting the hand of the interviews a tiny bit with the doubt answers, but I have to print all the answers for the interviews because I can't help it with not miss one wrong of the clues. That will only be my second playthrough for getting all the cases 5 stars hehehe. One thing I hate is I have to buy one case off from PSN to complete one more for all 21.):

Also, I bought Red Dead Redemption. :D
Feb 18, 2014 9:43 AM

May 2012
Enlightenment List:
Assassins Creed 1, 2

Club Relations List:
Assassins Creed 3 and all other sequels


Feb 18, 2014 10:08 AM

Sep 2011
moeslasher said:
Enlightenment List:
Assassins Creed 1, 2

Club Relations List:
Assassins Creed 3 and all other sequels

AssCreed 1 is repetitive and boring after the first "cycle". AssCreed 2 an improvement but it's not even close to being on a top 100 games of all time list. AssCreed 4 is the best AssCreed, with it's biggest flaw being it is an AssCreed game.
Feb 18, 2014 10:27 AM

Apr 2012
Haakonwale said:
moeslasher said:
Enlightenment List:
Assassins Creed 1, 2

Club Relations List:
Assassins Creed 3 and all other sequels

AssCreed 1 is repetitive and boring after the first "cycle". AssCreed 2 an improvement but it's not even close to being on a top 100 games of all time list. AssCreed 4 is the best AssCreed, with it's biggest flaw being it is an AssCreed game.

Funny how opinions differ. I actually love Assassin's Creed (as in all of it) because of it's amazing historical settings. Gameplay is also pretty damn good and what can I say, I dig historical stuff.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Feb 18, 2014 11:24 AM

Jun 2011
moeslasher said:
Enlightenment List:
Assassins Creed 2, Black Flag

Club Relations List:
Assassins Creed 1, 3 and all other sequels


This is how I think it should be. Ass Creed 1 was repetitive as fug with very little mission variety. In Black Flag however, you can play as a pirate. That means it's objectively the greatest ass creed ever.
Feb 18, 2014 1:10 PM
Jul 2012
I hate Asscreed so much that the game froze on me when I was trying to go to this one place I haven't went before back when I was playing 360 years ago. Don't know what to do in this game, and I get lost on where is it at way too often.
Feb 18, 2014 1:46 PM

Feb 2008
Haakonwale said:
moeslasher said:
Enlightenment List:
Assassins Creed 1, 2

Club Relations List:
Assassins Creed 3 and all other sequels

AssCreed 1 is repetitive and boring after the first "cycle". AssCreed 2 an improvement but it's not even close to being on a top 100 games of all time list. AssCreed 4 is the best AssCreed, with it's biggest flaw being it is an AssCreed game.

I remember reaching the second city or something and getting bored to death. I guess AssCreed games are more fun when you just play the main story. Finishing every single optional quest is just too repetitive.

But man, did they milk that franchise. There are like six-seven games? Aside from having a story, this is no better than Call of Duty. You are getting some minor upgrades, but still playing the same repetitive game.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Feb 18, 2014 2:18 PM

Sep 2011
sushiisawesome said:
Funny how opinions differ. I actually love Assassin's Creed (as in all of it) because of it's amazing historical settings. Gameplay is also pretty damn good and what can I say, I dig historical stuff.
I think you misunderstood me a little. What I meant by AssCreed 4's biggest weakness being an AssCreed game was that it makes no freaking sense that Edward can climb buildings, do parkour, perfectly handle the hidden blades etc etc. It ruins all immersion. Also, the combat in AssCreed is some of the worst combat in any game ever. It's just parry to win, or, R1/LMB/RB to win. Not fun. The story is also nonsensical and ridiculous. And I hate every second you are out of the animus. I don't give a shit about "real life" in that game. I just want to be Altaiir/Ezio/Edward. And as Zeta mentioned, the side quests, especially in earlier AssCreed, are boring fetch quests or simple assassination contracts.

If there's one thing I agree with you on, it's the setting. Aside from AssCreed 3, the setting has always been the best part of the series.

AssCreed 4 Black Flag is at it's best when you don't do story stuff and just sail around doing pirate stuff, harpooning Great White's, naval battles, fleeing/battling the marine fleets etc. I haven't gotten around to finishing that game yet since I got bored at around the 58% completion point and, as always (aside from maybe 1 and 2), the story is bad and uninteresting.
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