Series: Anime with 2 or more episodes, and a total runtime of more than 40 minutes (including sequels; excluding associated films).
Film: A standalone anime or an anime consisting of combined episodes, with a runtime of more than 40 minutes.
Special: All other standalone anime of which the total runtime is less than 40 minutes, or which consists of combined standalone anime of which each work has a runtime of less than 40 minutes.
Anime Reviews
I categorized the quality-aspects of anime into 10 categories. These generally cover almost all the things that require attention, and are filled in as follows:
[list][*]Setting: The setting is about three things: place, time and the situation. Place and time are obvious; is the place where it happens well thought out, well visualised and do the various re-occuring locations make sense? When the anime's historical, is the setting historically correct, and when it's sci-fi, do developments and technologies make sense? When settings are pure fiction or contain a lot of fiction elements, does this make sense and feel right (think about a historical setting where there somehow exists advanced weaponry)?
Then there's situation, which is about the situation the main character is in, and the situation the world is in. So what society looks like, and does this make sense and feel right?
[*]Plot: The plot is about what happens, and when it happens, nothing more. It's about whether events happen with a reason or it's way too random, and whether events occur at a time which makes sense. When there's made use of plot devices do these actually help the story or harm it, and whether they appear meaningful.
[*]Characters: Characters need one important thing, credibility. When watching the anime the characters should appear natural, consistent and true to themselves, so that you can always tell it's the same character. Depth or realism of a character isn't as important, but mainly depends on the anime, a slice-of-life doesn't need complicated characters.
[*]Development: This is mainly about the progression of the plot and characters mentioned above. If the plot is about the occurrence of events, the development is about how these events change the situation (or in extreme cases the setting) of the story. This is the same with characters; development is about how events change the personality of a character or how it changes the relationship between characters.
The main importance here is the same as with setting and characters; does it feel right, does it make sense and is it credible? Though also important is whether the development seems 'causally logical'; if a certain event occurs, would the resulting development be the logical effect.
[*]Immersion: This is all about how interesting and captivating the anime is; whether it manages to maintain your attention. This can be interrupted by many things, such as poor use of plot-devices or unrelateable characters, but it basically comes down to whether the anime becomes boring or uninteresting at points.
[*]Emersion: It is somewhat the opposite of immersion, it's not about whether you get caught up in the anime, but whether the anime gets caught up in you. What I mean is mainly whether it not only manages to catch your interest, but also whether it triggers a response. This can be anything from tears, laughter, thought or self-reflection, as long as it invokes something in you which is not inherent to the anime itself. Simply put, it's about whether the anime 'moves' you and whether it manages to trigger emotion or thought of any kind.
[*]Voice acting: This should be obvious, but it is about the acting-skill of the actors, their compatibility with the characters and overall whether they manage to give a certain character and personality to the cast. Dialogue is not principally a part of the acting but influences it heavily, so it is a part of this category as well as that of characters and that of immersion, but should be mainly that of plot.
[*]Art: The art concerns the art style, animation and art directing. The style used should look right for the series, whether it's unique and different or not. Main focus here is about the quality of the drawings, the colouring and the backgrounds. It is also about the animation, whether it's fluid and smooth and whether movements are (anatomically) correct. Lastly the art-directing is important, looking at chosen camera-angles, the editing and things such as scene-transitions.
[*]Sound: The sound is about sound-effects, sound-recordings and the music. Both sound-effects and music should have the correct timing, volume and duration. For sound effects it is also important which sounds were chosen and what the recordings sound like. The recording is also very important for the voice acting, and the music is generally concerned with the atmosphere of the scenes it's used in.
[*]Overall personal experience: This serves not only more as a re-cap, but also a place for all other remarks and comments, including personal ones which may be important concerning the rest of the review.
Not like we want to deliver this but we have to, baka!
This is a newsletter to notify you that a new claim period has started since new years day.
I hope you all had happy days and I wish you more fun in claiming your favorite tsundere!
Please read the rules about claiming if youre still unfamiliar with it, here:
In this same thread, you may start the fun of claiming and remember.. You claim your tsundere, we tame your tsundere... In a card!
All Comments (288) Comments
I've been back to check on some stuff cuz of the pandemic and all and I see that we got a dead convo
That and as of the time I sent this comment you haven't been on here since 2019, hit me up when you wanna chat
Hello lovely members,
Not like we want to deliver this but we have to, baka!
This is a newsletter to notify you that a new claim period has started since new years day.
I hope you all had happy days and I wish you more fun in claiming your favorite tsundere!
Please read the rules about claiming if youre still unfamiliar with it, here:
In this same thread, you may start the fun of claiming and remember.. You claim your tsundere, we tame your tsundere... In a card!
Sobanoedelsoep met paddenstoelen en ei ;)
Is vega ik weet niet of de noedels heel erg koolhydraatarm zijn maargoed
Staat ook op de allerhande ik heb em op papiee
Even 3 uitgepikt en de rest zoek je zelf maar. Inspiratie genoeg iig
Lelouch Lamperouge said:
To defeat evil, I shall become an even GREATER evil.
well, an equal me buying something I want from you... I don't think smth is that bad about it
I mean, when transacting with people and stuff... so that you know whether some deals are just or shady... things like that
but those are important factors that, without them... people will play with your lives
cuz apparently, a lot of people hate money... and math, let's not forget that. XD
done in what? life plans?
Financial Management... sounds familiar?
ME TOO, Luckily I'm not in Marketing
u know, study.. pass some projects, present some ideas in front of many people, that kind of stressful activities