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Nov 26, 2013 2:37 AM
Jul 2013
DeathDoUsPart said:
pipeds said:
Ok guys, just to share my opinion on this. I've also read VN first FYI.
So for the VN readers, just be grateful that this was given an adaptation, there are tons of VN out there where fans are craving for an adaptation but we all know that an adaptation of VN wouldn't really be as good as VN.

Yea, but you forgetting that most Key Visual Novels get an anime adaptation, I wouldnt be surprised to see Rewrite getting an anime adaptation.

And also there are those that are not really depends on the popularity...the fans should be glad that this is key, other VN that have large popularity aren't even adapted thru an anime
Nov 26, 2013 4:19 AM

Oct 2013
Well I'm an anime-only watcher (for now) and I understand that it is frustrating for you to see your favorite VN adapted so badly. But the point is a lot of audience of the anime came to this forum to discuss the episode and not see VN players complaining non stop about how bad it was adapted. Do understand that the reason we complain is that it is also frustrating for us to see you VN players ranting about what was left out or what was their mistake. Another thing is once we anime-only watchers read your complaint, we also get the impression that the anime is bad and we won't be able to appreciate it more. That happened to me when I thought episode 4 was a good episode but you VN readers said it was poorly adapted so I thought to myself "Oh so my standards was just weren's high enough. I'm just gonna hate it instead". My point is you VN readers influence us about what we think about the anime because we know you are more knowledgeable than us when it comes to Little Busters!

I'm fine with you complaining because i know it must be really hard for you that LB! isn't getting the adaptation it deserved. But at least keep it to a minimum when your in the episode discussion threads or just go to your own tread DEDDICATED FOR YOU VN PLAYERS

And one more thing, I don't complain much about you VN readers complaining. What I complain about is when you talk or hype about scenes that are not yet shown in the anime. As I said before in ep 6 discussion, when you hype about scenes, we tend to expect what's about to happened and thus when said scene happens, the impact is lessened. The purpose of episode discussion threads is to, of course, discuss the episode itself and not for hyping or talking about things that are yet to come. One good example is the latest episode about Masato and yet VN players like Vladimir (sorry to mention you but I'm just trying to give an example) keeps on talking about the next episode which is about Kengo and how "his characterization and opposition with Kyousuke was awesome to see". Please stop doing this because your just making us anime-only watchers less appreciate this anime. And when this comes JC Staff won't be the one to blame but you VN readers who kept on hyping the story. Although we would want to enjoy it to its fullest, we won't be able to.

Sorry if I offended some of you VN players but if you want us to understand how you feel, you should also understand what we feel.
Nov 26, 2013 4:35 AM

Dec 2012
It's simple... Don't read the VN Reader's comments... World hunger has been solved. Mind = Blown.
Nov 26, 2013 5:42 AM
Jul 2013
-Riptide- said:
Well I'm an anime-only watcher (for now) and I understand that it is frustrating for you to see your favorite VN adapted so badly. But the point is a lot of audience of the anime came to this forum to discuss the episode and not see VN players c

ACtually, you are right about that. So no arguments on that one. There is a dedicated page for the VN readers so it's the fault of the VN readers if they comment on a different not dedicated for them in which they reveal some kind of spoilers.

Nov 26, 2013 5:56 AM
Jan 2013
Ourka said:
It's simple... Don't read the VN Reader's comments... World hunger has been solved. Mind = Blown.

The VN Readers are spoiling the Anime watcher and then complain when ppl tell them to "get lost" etc.
Sry but with that behavior you are asking for comments like that.

Discuss the Episodes without mentioning stuff that you know cause of the VN or go to a VN thread...

It really seems that some of you just are pissed cause it is not as good as they hoped. And now nobody should enjoy it. This "we want everybody to have the same experience" is just BS
moriandrioNov 26, 2013 6:01 AM
Nov 26, 2013 5:57 AM

Sep 2013
pipeds said:
-Riptide- said:
Well I'm an anime-only watcher (for now) and I understand that it is frustrating for you to see your favorite VN adapted so badly. But the point is a lot of audience of the anime came to this forum to discuss the episode and not see VN players c

ACtually, you are right about that. So no arguments on that one. There is a dedicated page for the VN readers so it's the fault of the VN readers if they comment on a different not dedicated for them in which they reveal some kind of spoilers.


Nigga please~ whats there for us to apologize for? We just expressing our feelings/thoughts of Refrain in this thread, its not our fault if the anime-only viewers decide "oh look a VN thread let me just spoil myself!" And the episode discussion thread is open to anyone, Also there is spoiler tags for a reason, and it is used when VN readers decide to ventilate there feelings in there.
Nov 26, 2013 6:02 AM

Sep 2011
DeathDoUsPart said:
pipeds said:
-Riptide- said:
Well I'm an anime-only watcher (for now) and I understand that it is frustrating for you to see your favorite VN adapted so badly. But the point is a lot of audience of the anime came to this forum to discuss the episode and not see VN players c

ACtually, you are right about that. So no arguments on that one. There is a dedicated page for the VN readers so it's the fault of the VN readers if they comment on a different not dedicated for them in which they reveal some kind of spoilers.


Nigga please~ whats there for us to apologize for? We just expressing our feelings/thoughts of Refrain in this thread, its not our fault if the anime-only viewers decide "oh look a VN thread let me just spoil myself!" And the episode discussion thread is open to anyone, Also there is spoiler tags for a reason, and it is used when VN readers decide to ventilate there feelings in there.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the last part of Riptide's post about the hype being gone because VN readers kept posting about what's happening next making them know what's coming next and be underwhelmed. And also actually in the episode discussion, not in the VN thread instead. ._.
"Now's the time for you to run towards the day you awaken from this dream."

~Boys be Smile
Nov 26, 2013 6:06 AM

Sep 2013
OLHearts said:
DeathDoUsPart said:
pipeds said:
-Riptide- said:
Well I'm an anime-only watcher (for now) and I understand that it is frustrating for you to see your favorite VN adapted so badly. But the point is a lot of audience of the anime came to this forum to discuss the episode and not see VN players c

ACtually, you are right about that. So no arguments on that one. There is a dedicated page for the VN readers so it's the fault of the VN readers if they comment on a different not dedicated for them in which they reveal some kind of spoilers.


Nigga please~ whats there for us to apologize for? We just expressing our feelings/thoughts of Refrain in this thread, its not our fault if the anime-only viewers decide "oh look a VN thread let me just spoil myself!" And the episode discussion thread is open to anyone, Also there is spoiler tags for a reason, and it is used when VN readers decide to ventilate there feelings in there.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the last part of Riptide's post about the hype being gone because VN readers kept posting about what's happening next making them know what's coming next and be underwhelmed. And also actually in the episode discussion, not in the VN thread instead. ._.

I don't even know, Everyone has the right to complain whether or not a show is good. I agree some VN readers like to complain in the episode discussion forum. I for one don't do that, as my hype for this show is so shit now, that all the other shows are getting my attention, I hardly post anymore on these forums.. Meh I guess anime viewers have the right to complain to [some] VN Readers to stop spoiling in the episode forum.
Nov 26, 2013 2:47 PM
Nov 2009
I'm confused as to why there aren't two discussion threads per episode: a spoiler-free discussion thread (only allowed to discuss what's happened up to and including that episode) and a spoiler discussion thread (here, series vets can discuss without having to black out every other sentence).

It really doesn't make sense at all to have everyone shoved into one thread, since we have VN veterans getting in screaming fights with each other in between confused anime viewers who don't understand the secret of the world yet. Really, there are two discussions going on, so I don't see why it can't be split into two threads.

You may think it's not a big deal to scroll past some of the really bad VN roidraging posts, but actually, it's quite intrusive. Trying to have a conversation with somebody else is quite difficult when every 3 posts someone is trying to convince you that you shouldn't have enjoyed the latest episode and that you have low standards/bad taste. Some of you have gone from understandably disappointed to completely toxic.

LB! is my favourite VN and obviously I'm not completely thrilled with all the direction choices. I still think it's enjoyable, even if I wish that a lot of the key scenes had more impact. The adaptation did do an incredible job at certain parts that the VN never could have pulled off (Kengo baseball scene, young Masato vs. the Natsume siblings, etc.), so I'm at least thankful for that.

LB! is a difficult beast to tackle in anime form. In the end, it really is best experienced as the VN, as Refrain makes a lot more sense when you realize how fitting it is for your re-playthroughs. It really makes you feel like you're growing alongside Riki as you notice more and more things as you complete more routes - little hints towards the true nature of the world.

I think the thing I'm most disappointed about is the fact that they're cutting into Refrain in order to fit in EX episodes. To me, it should be the other way around..Refrain IS the story, if you ask me. Ah well.
Nov 26, 2013 4:35 PM
Jul 2013
DeathDoUsPart said:
OLHearts said:
DeathDoUsPart said:
pipeds said:
-Riptide- said:
Well I'm an anime-only watcher (for now) and I understand that it is frustrating for you to see your favorite VN adapted so badly. But the point is a lot of audience of the anime came to this forum to discuss the episode and not see VN players c

ACtually, you are right about that. So no arguments on that one. There is a dedicated page for the VN readers so it's the fault of the VN readers if they comment on a different not dedicated for them in which they reveal some kind of spoilers.


Nigga please~ whats there for us to apologize for? We just expressing our feelings/thoughts of Refrain in this thread, its not our fault if the anime-only viewers decide "oh look a VN thread let me just spoil myself!" And the episode discussion thread is open to anyone, Also there is spoiler tags for a reason, and it is used when VN readers decide to ventilate there feelings in there.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the last part of Riptide's post about the hype being gone because VN readers kept posting about what's happening next making them know what's coming next and be underwhelmed. And also actually in the episode discussion, not in the VN thread instead. ._.

I don't even know, Everyone has the right to complain whether or not a show is good. I agree some VN readers like to complain in the episode discussion forum. I for one don't do that, as my hype for this show is so shit now, that all the other shows are getting my attention, I hardly post anymore on these forums.. Meh I guess anime viewers have the right to complain to [some] VN Readers to stop spoiling in the episode forum.

Yup, VN readers should apologize. It's clear that no spoilers should be allowed in the discussion. There's already VN readers discussion thread created for you. VN readers are ruining the anime which they should be supporting even though it sucks. I don't understand you all.
Nov 26, 2013 5:43 PM

Jan 2013
This is exactly what's gone terribly wrong here: some VN readers have talked bad about the anime and discussed things that haven't been aired yet and now it's "All VN readers should die!".

Just what the heck is wrong with you, people? Separate episode topics?
We all belong to the same fan community of LB. It's called community for a reason. Splitting it defies its fundamental purpose! And this entire conflict is just so wrong I can't even begin to describe the ridiculousness of it.
Wake up already! We're on the same team, so why the flying heck are you guys going for one another's throats?!

And the worst part is how trolls make their way into a serious topic cause it looks like they can have some fun derailing it. It's vexing to be ridiculed this way.

pipeds said:
Yup, VN readers should apologize. It's clear that no spoilers should be allowed in the discussion. There's already VN readers discussion thread created for you. VN readers are ruining the anime which they should be supporting even though it sucks. I don't understand you all.

Right back at you. I can't even begin to comprehend your motives. Joining a fight and adding oil to the fire with ridiculous, provocative statements. Worsening a conflict just for the heck of it. Humans aren't puppets made for your amusement -_-

Once again, there is no need to fight nor is there a need to complain. If you don't like to read about what's ahead, there is a simple solution.

Ourka said:
It's simple... Don't read the VN Reader's comments... World hunger has been solved. Mind = Blown.

The episode topics are open for all and everyone has the same rights of posting there and everyone has the same rights of commenting on the anime. Don't just exclude a whole group of people just cause some representatives did something you don't like. If you don't like a post, then just don't read it! Nobody's forcing you to do that, right?
Nov 26, 2013 5:59 PM
Jul 2013
Naoki-Saten said:
This is exactly what's gone terribly wrong here: some VN readers have talked bad about the anime and discussed things that haven't been aired yet and now it's "All VN readers should die!".

Just what the heck is wrong with you, people? Separate episode topics?
We all belong to the same fan community of LB. It's called community for a reason. Splitting it defies its fundamental purpose! And this entire conflict is just so wrong I can't even begin to describe the ridiculousness of it.
Wake up already! We're on the same team, so why the flying heck are you guys going for one another's throats?!

And the worst part is how trolls make their way into a serious topic cause it looks like they can have some fun derailing it. It's vexing to be ridiculed this way.

pipeds said:
Yup, VN readers should apologize. It's clear that no spoilers should be allowed in the discussion. There's already VN readers discussion thread created for you. VN readers are ruining the anime which they should be supporting even though it sucks. I don't understand you all.

Right back at you. I can't even begin to comprehend your motives. Joining a fight and adding oil to the fire with ridiculous, provocative statements. Worsening a conflict just for the heck of it. Humans aren't puppets made for your amusement -_-

Once again, there is no need to fight nor is there a need to complain. If you don't like to read about what's ahead, there is a simple solution.

Ourka said:
It's simple... Don't read the VN Reader's comments... World hunger has been solved. Mind = Blown.

The episode topics are open for all and everyone has the same rights of posting there and everyone has the same rights of commenting on the anime. Don't just exclude a whole group of people just cause some representatives did something you don't like. If you don't like a post, then just don't read it! Nobody's forcing you to do that, right?

I think you don't get the idea. It's as simple as this, "please no spoilers in the anime-only watchers thread, that's all".
Nov 26, 2013 6:41 PM

Sep 2012
Reading some of these posts is really vexing. Not all vn readers are spoiling the anime so you cant just make a provocative statement like all vn players should apologize. Yes there are some who are excited and accidently spew some stuff but I thought this has been cleared a few episodes back. There is also the report button if you think a post contains spoilers and only a few people are using it and ironically they are mostly vn players who want anime viewers to enjoy it as well.
Go back to the episode discussion and look at the first page of vn complaints and compare it to pages of people who only read the first page and start bashing on said vn complaints l. Some of them even apologized and took back their word which I dont think they have to since they have opinions too yet people are still complaining.
Nov 26, 2013 8:31 PM

Oct 2013
I never said that "All VN readers should die" or something similar to it so I will assume that you are not referring to me.

No we can't just ignore VN reader's comments in the episode discussion because we would assume that what they are talking about is the episode itself and before we realize that it is about something that has not aired yet, it will be too late.

My point is that VN readers that keep hyping, talking, hinting, etc. about scenes that are not yet aired hinder us from enjoying the anime to its fullest capabilities. Do you really want us to enjoy the adaptation of your beloved VN? If so, then don't be the one causing all the reasons for us to expect things that will hinder our enjoyment with the anime.

Ignoring posts of VN readers is not the best solution. The best solution would be if VN readers would stop in hyping or talking about things that are yet to come. I don't want you to apologize because there is no need for that and besides, don't we all love Little Busters? Then we should be able to enjoy it all without hindering other people from enjoying it by talking about things that are yet to come.

Again, I apologize if I offended the VN readers and it was not my motive to start fighting with you. I just wanted for all of us to enjoy it all equally.
Nov 26, 2013 8:45 PM

Oct 2013
Naoki-Saten said:
The episode topics are open for all and everyone has the same rights of posting there and everyone has the same rights of commenting on the anime. Don't just exclude a whole group of people just cause some representatives did something you don't like. If you don't like a post, then just don't read it! Nobody's forcing you to do that, right?

I agree on you that everyone have the same rights when it comes to talking about the anime. That is why I said before that I don't mind VN readers complaining about how it was adapted much. But as you said, we all have the right to talk about the ANIME but that is not the only thing some VN readers are doing. They hype about scenes like Cheap tricks. They talk about the next episode's content like Kengo's opposition to Kyousuke being awesome to see. There is a reason it was called episode discussion in the first place and that is for discussing the episode itself and not for talking about future scenes. We can't just ignore your posts like it doesn't exist because you are posting on the episode discussion and when we try to discuss the episode, instead of finding a reply about our discussion, we see people saying "Cheap tricks next week!!!!!!".

I already explained all of my concerns on my post above so please just read that so that I won't have to repeat it again.
Nov 26, 2013 9:01 PM
Nov 2013
-Riptide- said:
and when we try to discuss the episode, instead of finding a reply about our discussion, we see people saying "Cheap tricks next week!!!!!!".

Yes. This. So. F**king. Annoying.
Nov 26, 2013 9:29 PM

Nov 2013
I've been lurking a lot on this forum because I like to see people's opinions of the LB adaptation, and holy cow, you VN readers are seriously annoying and need to get over yourselves. And yes, I've played the VN. Sure, not all of you are constantly spoiling, but just having a few 'subtle' (it's not subtle) hints to future things will spoil the whole VN fanbase to others. Sorry, that's just how life works. You've got one bad apple, and it'll reflect badly on the whole bushel.

Now, passion for something is good, but there's nothing more annoying than an over passionate fanbase, and you guys are a very passionate vocal minority. Little Busters is a VN that's very hard to adapt into an anime, and I appreciate JC Staff's attempt to tackle the beast. A lot of anime viewers are pretty disappointed with the adaptation because of the first season. I don't blame them. That material in the VN wasn't exactly grade-A. Refrain was touching and fun, but not revolutionary either like you guys make it sound, but that's not the point I want to make.

My point is that even if you guys aren't blatantly or purposefully spoiling, a lot of you still hype things like crazy (hello "cheap tricks"), and that's annoying. First of all, those are called 'expectation spoilers', and second of all, it's going to make anime watcher's feel much less of an impact when they have an idea of what to expect from the next episode (no matter how vague it is). You set their expectations far too high for things, which makes the actual presentation lackluster. And mind you, there are a few comments (sometimes way more) that do this in almost every episode thread. We might all be a single fanbase, but there are too many VN-players who can't keep their often spoilerific excitement to themselves. Don't get so sentimental and depressed and over-dramatic (you seriously are getting way too worked up over this) over others telling you to discuss your pages of complaints in the VN thread. No one likes to see constant negativity based on things they don't completely know about after enjoying a pretty decent episode of Little Busters.

By the way, I think it's a pretty decent, endearing adaptation.
Nov 26, 2013 10:56 PM

Aug 2008
For people who don't understand why the VN readers complain. I would just imagine it as trying to watch your favorite anime, with a crappy dub (or a dub that was so jarring different than the sub). That's how the VN readers probably feel about this adaption.

I'm not so bad on this because I'm used to abridged adaptions (much like Steins Gate and Clannad) so it's kind of expected at this point. But yeah it's harder for others. As long as it's not like the Unlimited Blade Works movie I can't really ask for more.

The main problem is we actually had a translation way before the anime release. So it's shocking to see how abridged it is and how they handled things differently. VN readers just aren't used to that stuff. As usually people watch the anime, and then we get a VN translation.

Anyway that's probably the jist of it. I do think my fellow VN readers need to lighten up and let the anime watchers decide for themselves how they feel about the adaption when it's all over. If they didn't like it, you can try and direct them to the VN. If they liked it, you can also do the same. But otherwise just chill.

The only VN adaption I've seen that's literally a copy paste of the VN is Kanon 2006 anyway hah.
hyperknees91Nov 26, 2013 11:01 PM
Nov 27, 2013 12:34 AM

Dec 2012
Hmm maybe a "whining" thread would be useful for everyone to exhume their anger/disappointment with LB overall. I know I would want to write a wall of text.
Think this would end this all VN VS Anime war thats happening atm... lol.
Nov 27, 2013 12:50 AM

Jan 2013
Whatever you do, DON'T READ THE POST ABOVE until it's deleted or it'll spoiler you the entire series!!!

EDIT: Phew, it's gone. Damn trolls...
Naoki-SatenNov 27, 2013 12:53 AM
Nov 27, 2013 12:51 AM

Sep 2013
I reported him. Dam troll are shitty trolls~
Nov 27, 2013 12:56 AM
Jul 2013
what happened? did someone reveal the secret of the world?
Nov 27, 2013 12:57 AM

Sep 2012
Some poor souls have already seen the troll threads.
Nov 27, 2013 12:58 AM

Jan 2011
Mod note: Multiple spoiler posts are being eliminated as they are found. Please keep reporting them if you come across them.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Nov 27, 2013 1:02 AM
Jan 2013
Naoki-Saten said:
This is exactly what's gone terribly wrong here: some VN readers have talked bad about the anime and discussed things that haven't been aired yet and now it's "All VN readers should die!".

Just what the heck is wrong with you, people? Separate episode topics?
We all belong to the same fan community of LB. It's called community for a reason. Splitting it defies its fundamental purpose! And this entire conflict is just so wrong I can't even begin to describe the ridiculousness of it.
Wake up already! We're on the same team, so why the flying heck are you guys going for one another's throats?!

And the worst part is how trolls make their way into a serious topic cause it looks like they can have some fun derailing it. It's vexing to be ridiculed this way.

pipeds said:
Yup, VN readers should apologize. It's clear that no spoilers should be allowed in the discussion. There's already VN readers discussion thread created for you. VN readers are ruining the anime which they should be supporting even though it sucks. I don't understand you all.

Right back at you. I can't even begin to comprehend your motives. Joining a fight and adding oil to the fire with ridiculous, provocative statements. Worsening a conflict just for the heck of it. Humans aren't puppets made for your amusement -_-

Once again, there is no need to fight nor is there a need to complain. If you don't like to read about what's ahead, there is a simple solution.

Ourka said:
It's simple... Don't read the VN Reader's comments... World hunger has been solved. Mind = Blown.

The episode topics are open for all and everyone has the same rights of posting there and everyone has the same rights of commenting on the anime. Don't just exclude a whole group of people just cause some representatives did something you don't like. If you don't like a post, then just don't read it! Nobody's forcing you to do that, right?

On one side you complain about that the hate goes against all VN readers.

On the other side you defend the VN readers that spoil the episode discussion topics.

And everybody has the right to tell those ppl who spoil to get lost cause they just want to destroy everyones experience and there might be ppl who can enjoy the anime even if you can't.

You might not have to split the community but for episode discussions you need to leave VN topics aside. It is about the anime and not the VN. If you wish to discuss the VN you can do that in a dedicated thread.
Nov 27, 2013 1:08 AM

Jan 2013
moriandrio said:
And everybody has the right to tell those ppl who spoil to get lost cause they just want to destroy everyones experience and there might be ppl who can enjoy the anime even if you can't.

It's funny how the situation gets worse by the day.

It started with some people talking about future episodes and other people complaining about them. Then it was anime-only viewers complaining about "all VN readers".
So now "all VN readers" are downright EVIL guys who "WANT to destroy everyone's experience"?!

Think before posting.
Nov 27, 2013 1:14 AM
Jan 2013
Read and think first.

I never said that everyone is EVIL or anything like that. But you can't blame ppl getting angry if they get spoiled.

But it is how it works, a few ppl in a group do bad stuff and it will fall back on the entire group. The group will get a bad reputation really fast but it will take long time and alot of efforts to get rid of that reputation again.

All I want to say is that you should leave the VN subjects out of the anime discussions. Same as it goes for LN and Manga subjects on other shows.

And it will get worse now that someone is going mad and is spamming spoilers everywhere.
moriandrioNov 27, 2013 1:18 AM
Nov 27, 2013 2:37 AM

Sep 2011
Aaaand this is why I'm not posting and stopped going altogether to the episode discussion. I really hate how some VN players go around making minor/major/any kind of spoilers there. Even just small hints like "I thought this was gonna be adapted differently" or "why did they show this/that now?" can ruin the experience.
I'm a VN player too so of course I go to the VN only discussion thread to discuss the adaptation and whatever with the others there.
I already tried to tell everyone there to leave the fucking episode discussions, but the problem is that a lot of the people there either don't actually go to the episode discussion or just don't care.
I can understand that they would like to discuss the episode as well, but then they should just either use spoiler buttons for their whole post or just use the VN thread. I'd rather just read people's speculations in those threads, but I'm not even doing that anymore.

It's funny how those VN readers (only the ones who spoil) ruin the anime more than J.C. Staff supposedly does...
Nov 27, 2013 4:02 AM

Sep 2013
RazielZero said:
Aaaand this is why I'm not posting and stopped going altogether to the episode discussion. I really hate how some VN players go around making minor/major/any kind of spoilers there. Even just small hints like "I thought this was gonna be adapted differently" or "why did they show this/that now?" can ruin the experience.
I'm a VN player too so of course I go to the VN only discussion thread to discuss the adaptation and whatever with the others there.
I already tried to tell everyone there to leave the fucking episode discussions, but the problem is that a lot of the people there either don't actually go to the episode discussion or just don't care.
I can understand that they would like to discuss the episode as well, but then they should just either use spoiler buttons for their whole post or just use the VN thread. I'd rather just read people's speculations in those threads, but I'm not even doing that anymore.

It's funny how those VN readers (only the ones who spoil) ruin the anime more than J.C. Staff supposedly does...

Well, Im glad I lost so much hype to Refrain, or else I would've done the same thing, Thank goodness. My posts would be in the 1k region by now if I was still hyped up :P
Nov 27, 2013 5:12 PM

Aug 2013
RazielZero said:
Aaaand this is why I'm not posting and stopped going altogether to the episode discussion. I really hate how some VN players go around making minor/major/any kind of spoilers there. Even just small hints like "I thought this was gonna be adapted differently" or "why did they show this/that now?" can ruin the experience.
I'm a VN player too so of course I go to the VN only discussion thread to discuss the adaptation and whatever with the others there.
I already tried to tell everyone there to leave the fucking episode discussions, but the problem is that a lot of the people there either don't actually go to the episode discussion or just don't care.
I can understand that they would like to discuss the episode as well, but then they should just either use spoiler buttons for their whole post or just use the VN thread. I'd rather just read people's speculations in those threads, but I'm not even doing that anymore.

It's funny how those VN readers (only the ones who spoil) ruin the anime more than J.C. Staff supposedly does...
cause we can't keep our damn mouths shut.
Nov 27, 2013 8:42 PM
Nov 2009
RazielZero said:
It's funny how those VN readers (only the ones who spoil) ruin the anime more than J.C. Staff supposedly does...

This sums it up. Every time a new thread is opened, it's like a busload of vulgar, angsty manchildren gets dropped off at all one station.

And god forbid you actually enjoy a damn episode, because you'll probably have some grizzled VN vet breathing down your neck telling you how you have low standards etc.

There are plenty of civil people here, in fact, they're the majority. It's just that the collective negativity coming from a select handful of folks here is so overpowering. Telling people to just "scroll past" their comments when every three posts is "WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT ANIME JC STAFF" is like taking a shit in your roommate's bed and telling him to "just ignore it."
Nov 27, 2013 10:25 PM

Jun 2012
In regards to the arguments on the first page, I think that the anime adaption of Clannad and Clannad AS is infinitely better than Little Busters and LB R, but with the visual novels Refrain dominates After Story. It's sad JC Staff is screwing it up, but oh well. Worse things are happening in the world than a bad anime adaption being made.

All we can hope for is that one day Kyoto Animation will realize it's not "too hard to adapt" and just make the damn show. Until then I'm glad we have the visual novel. I think Refrain is only a 7/10 and will ultimately fail to compare with Clannad. I mean right now people talk about how Clannad AS is heartbreaking, a classic, amazing, perfect, and is the highest rated show on ANN. People connect with the show fondly whenever I talk to them because of how great it was.

Unfortunately, I don't see that happening for LB! People might say "man that was good" or "it was an alright show" but not like they do with Clannad. It has a great following and is regarded highly because of how good the adaption was, and because LB is bad enough I don't think anyone will react like that. It's kind of sad since it should be #1 on anime sites everywhere, but like I said above there are worse things in this world than a bad anime adaption.
Nov 27, 2013 10:43 PM

Sep 2012
Pretty much what KeyIsLove said.
Statistically, LB could've gone far, and Maeda's comedy and characters have always clicked with people in the past when the studios have been good, but it's whatever. I'm just hoping that I can count up maybe 6 or 7 things the do better in the anime than in the VN by the end of the show.

I don't feel like replying to the other posts. The show's almost over anyway, so there will only be a month or so more of complaints over JC Staff's incompetence, and then the show will finally be over with.
Nov 27, 2013 10:48 PM
Nov 2013
Why do some people think Kyoani will remake this show?? Give it up. Key are walking on a different path and Kyoani does as well. Don't like it? Stick to the VN or suck JC Staff's D.
Nov 28, 2013 6:00 AM
Nov 2013
moriandrio said:
Read and think first.

I never said that everyone is EVIL or anything like that. But you can't blame ppl getting angry if they get spoiled.

But it is how it works, a few ppl in a group do bad stuff and it will fall back on the entire group. The group will get a bad reputation really fast but it will take long time and alot of efforts to get rid of that reputation again.

All I want to say is that you should leave the VN subjects out of the anime discussions. Same as it goes for LN and Manga subjects on other shows.

And it will get worse now that someone is going mad and is spamming spoilers everywhere.

You might want to read and think first, because you won't want more people mistaking your (poor) justification of a potentially damaging offence as a condonation of the disturbing outbursts. Who knows, maybe you actually do.

No matter how you look at it, the director-wannabes declaring how each episode ought to be enjoyed are as equally wrong as those calling for all VN readers to GTFO.
Nov 28, 2013 6:22 AM

Sep 2012
5chan said:
Why do some people think Kyoani will remake this show?? Give it up. Key are walking on a different path and Kyoani does as well. Don't like it? Stick to the VN or suck JC Staff's D.

Yeah, unfortunately I don´t see KyoAni remaking this anytime soon, as much as I would like anyway. We just have to accept that this is the only adaptation we will get for a while ><
Nov 28, 2013 6:28 AM

Sep 2011
Maybe you mean this won't get a remake "anymore" because this adaptation is "passable enough" despite the whining of VN players because of the changes from here and there, whether those changes are minor or major.

Nov 28, 2013 7:27 AM
Jan 2013
calmerx said:
moriandrio said:
Read and think first.

I never said that everyone is EVIL or anything like that. But you can't blame ppl getting angry if they get spoiled.

But it is how it works, a few ppl in a group do bad stuff and it will fall back on the entire group. The group will get a bad reputation really fast but it will take long time and alot of efforts to get rid of that reputation again.

All I want to say is that you should leave the VN subjects out of the anime discussions. Same as it goes for LN and Manga subjects on other shows.

And it will get worse now that someone is going mad and is spamming spoilers everywhere.

You might want to read and think first, because you won't want more people mistaking your (poor) justification of a potentially damaging offence as a condonation of the disturbing outbursts. Who knows, maybe you actually do.

No matter how you look at it, the director-wannabes declaring how each episode ought to be enjoyed are as equally wrong as those calling for all VN readers to GTFO.

There might be ppl who enjoy the show it is not up to you to tell them if they are allowed to like it or not. But those who rush into the discussions and think they have the right to spoil the upcoming events cause they have read the VN are causing the troubles. But maybe you are one of them...
Nov 28, 2013 7:42 AM

Sep 2013
moriandrio said:
calmerx said:
moriandrio said:
Read and think first.

I never said that everyone is EVIL or anything like that. But you can't blame ppl getting angry if they get spoiled.

But it is how it works, a few ppl in a group do bad stuff and it will fall back on the entire group. The group will get a bad reputation really fast but it will take long time and alot of efforts to get rid of that reputation again.

All I want to say is that you should leave the VN subjects out of the anime discussions. Same as it goes for LN and Manga subjects on other shows.

And it will get worse now that someone is going mad and is spamming spoilers everywhere.

You might want to read and think first, because you won't want more people mistaking your (poor) justification of a potentially damaging offence as a condonation of the disturbing outbursts. Who knows, maybe you actually do.

No matter how you look at it, the director-wannabes declaring how each episode ought to be enjoyed are as equally wrong as those calling for all VN readers to GTFO.

There might be ppl who enjoy the show it is not up to you to tell them if they are allowed to like it or not. But those who rush into the discussions and think they have the right to spoil the upcoming events cause they have read the VN are causing the troubles. But maybe you are one of them...

If you don't like getting spoiled, then don't come to this forum, simple as that, its like walking into 4chan and thinking that you won't get spoiled or crunchyroll, or any other freaking anime forums.
Nov 28, 2013 7:48 AM

Aug 2010

Yeah. LB Refrain had the potential to be up there with the Clannad AS anime. However the anime is no where near that level. It turned out to be just a decent anime.

But I think LB just doesn't work as an anime that well. Same goes with Rewrite which is why I hope that a Rewrite anime never happens.
Nov 28, 2013 8:43 AM

Sep 2012
LB would work well as an anime, but they'd have to be able to compensate better or the episodic format, and try not to cram things into 1 episode and have some events start between episodes.
JC Staff's rushed pacing, crap animation, bad sound directing and crappily supervised script shouldn't be an indicator of whether or not LB would work well as an anime.

It COULD be really well done.
-Fix Riki's personality and don't make his design look like a retard and actual a bit more manly so that people actually like the protagonist. Then, actually include the content from Rin 2 that makes people like Riki. This would've worked out well in the anime.
-Tone down Komari and Kud a bit throughout the series, because people find them annoying. Execute the drama the way it's supposed to be done.
-Do the comedy better and pick better comedy scenes to adapt to get people to like the characters and atmosphere as much as in other Key works. LB's common route wasn't that problematic for people in the VN, yet the show is somehow dreadful enough for Little Busters to be the most dropped anime of the year under JC Staff's helm.
-Dedicate enough episodes to Haruka and Kurugaya's arcs.
-Give people less hints on the Secret so that people actually care about the characters, rather than focusing solely on the Secret and anticipating its reveal every episode.
-Give enough episodes to the actual parts that matter more (Rin and Refrain)
-Time the music so that it properly fits the mood, instead of blindly following the VN and truncating the song all the time, or picking songs yourself, Mr. Sound Director.
-Animate the perspective shifts in actual first-person for parts so that there's more of an impact. Giving the perspective shifts closer to an episode of content by having each bro arc be more than an episode long would also make them immensely better.
-Supervise the goddamn script. When you leave out the pivotal plot point that drives the entirety of Refrain on Kyousuke and Riki's part and make the time loop more confusing than it should've been, there's obviously some incompetence in the production. Little shit like this just brings down the fidelity of the narrative for no reason.

But yeah, LB isn't a straightforward story to begin with, and when you have sharply changing levels of effort, better or worse animation directors, character designs changes, and other inconsistencies that don't make this feel like a continuous series, it turns out to feel more awkward than it should.

Fumihiko Shimo could've done it with his VN adapting experience, and KyoAni's directors actually have a clue of what the original story is supposed to be about and what the content is supposed to convey. Scenes done by KyoAni wouldn't misrepresent Key's intentions and be this badly handled. It's as simple as that.

It isn't that "LB doesn't work as an anime." It's that they're trying to adapt Little Busters with the amount of effort of the average endless romcom for most of the episodes. In other words, they're milking the fanbase with and anime while they don't truly care without caring for the execution of the original story, nor are they capable of making it a smooth experience for anime watchers.
Nov 28, 2013 10:34 AM

Jun 2011
After reading this, I noted that those poorly used CGs really create plot holes, or don't transmit the emotion it should, which is really bad for LB! since those are the most important things it have. Using only 24 minutes for Masato's Route is stupid, one of the best character route (imo) is really being taken as a joke. Before reading this thread, my opinion was "Well they had only 24 minutes so it's fine", but actually it's not fine, this should be a masterpiece, but it's all being rushed, and by doing this, it looks like JC Staff don't give a shit about what LB! really is. Why do ~After Story~ get 24 episodes and Refrain only 13, anyway? Low Budget? Come on, if they did this correctly they budget would be fine (better than fine...).
Nov 29, 2013 2:36 AM
Mar 2008
You mean those horrible and ugly CG's from the VN? Masato's route should be a master piece? Are you kidding me?

You guys way overvalue most of Refrain. It's good, but not master piece level. Masato's route, aside from the flashback, is actually rather silly.

KeyIsLove said:
Unfortunately, I don't see that happening for LB! People might say "man that was good" or "it was an alright show" but not like they do with Clannad.

You're right. I thought Clannad was crap. JC Staff has proven more competent than Kyoani on Clannad overall so far. Nice visuals only counts for so much.
Nov 29, 2013 2:49 AM
Jan 2013
DeathyZA said:
moriandrio said:
calmerx said:
moriandrio said:
Read and think first.

I never said that everyone is EVIL or anything like that. But you can't blame ppl getting angry if they get spoiled.

But it is how it works, a few ppl in a group do bad stuff and it will fall back on the entire group. The group will get a bad reputation really fast but it will take long time and alot of efforts to get rid of that reputation again.

All I want to say is that you should leave the VN subjects out of the anime discussions. Same as it goes for LN and Manga subjects on other shows.

And it will get worse now that someone is going mad and is spamming spoilers everywhere.

You might want to read and think first, because you won't want more people mistaking your (poor) justification of a potentially damaging offence as a condonation of the disturbing outbursts. Who knows, maybe you actually do.

No matter how you look at it, the director-wannabes declaring how each episode ought to be enjoyed are as equally wrong as those calling for all VN readers to GTFO.

There might be ppl who enjoy the show it is not up to you to tell them if they are allowed to like it or not. But those who rush into the discussions and think they have the right to spoil the upcoming events cause they have read the VN are causing the troubles. But maybe you are one of them...

If you don't like getting spoiled, then don't come to this forum, simple as that, its like walking into 4chan and thinking that you won't get spoiled or crunchyroll, or any other freaking anime forums.

That is the attitude why ppl point a finger at the VN readers cause some of them (you probably too) act like that. There is a reason why spoilers aren't allowed but it seems that you don't understand why.
moriandrioNov 29, 2013 2:56 AM
Nov 30, 2013 12:42 AM

Oct 2012
i cant forgive JC Shit, they destroyed everything in rin route... i hope key will considered another studio for their next adaptation. dont let JC touch their work again

Nov 30, 2013 7:49 AM
Nov 2013
moriandrio said:
calmerx said:
moriandrio said:
Read and think first.

I never said that everyone is EVIL or anything like that. But you can't blame ppl getting angry if they get spoiled.

But it is how it works, a few ppl in a group do bad stuff and it will fall back on the entire group. The group will get a bad reputation really fast but it will take long time and alot of efforts to get rid of that reputation again.

All I want to say is that you should leave the VN subjects out of the anime discussions. Same as it goes for LN and Manga subjects on other shows.

And it will get worse now that someone is going mad and is spamming spoilers everywhere.

You might want to read and think first, because you won't want more people mistaking your (poor) justification of a potentially damaging offence as a condonation of the disturbing outbursts. Who knows, maybe you actually do.

No matter how you look at it, the director-wannabes declaring how each episode ought to be enjoyed are as equally wrong as those calling for all VN readers to GTFO.

There might be ppl who enjoy the show it is not up to you to tell them if they are allowed to like it or not. But those who rush into the discussions and think they have the right to spoil the upcoming events cause they have read the VN are causing the troubles. But maybe you are one of them...

Oh dear. I implore you to read and think again, because here's my post in simple English, in case it is not your native tongue (judging from your sentences I should have guessed - my sincere apologies.)

"You should not be defending the anime-only viewers' insults. Both the VN players who post spoilers and the insults against them are wrong."

Which, if you noticed, is essentially not too far off from your own point of view. I merely saw the need to reinforce the notion that this split in the community could be damaging, and splits are not usually resolved by blaming a single party alone.
polaricecapNov 30, 2013 8:25 AM
Nov 30, 2013 3:31 PM

Aug 2010
Reckoner said:
You mean those horrible and ugly CG's from the VN? Masato's route should be a master piece? Are you kidding me?

You guys way overvalue most of Refrain. It's good, but not master piece level. Masato's route, aside from the flashback, is actually rather silly.

Maybe not to you but it was a masterpiece to for the most of us. Nothing can be a masterpiece for everyone and it looks like you weren't moved by refrain the same way as the majority. And the same goes with AS. You say the anime was shit but it was overall a very successful anime.
Nov 30, 2013 4:11 PM

Sep 2012
Ragna92 said:

Maybe not to you but it was a masterpiece to for the most of us. Nothing can be a masterpiece for everyone and it looks like you weren't moved by refrain the same way as the majority. And the same goes with AS. You say the anime was shit but it was overall a very successful anime.

Inb4 someone brings in something like Shingeki and K-on to imply that popularity =/= quality. Please don't even start that argument, anyway, because it's been beaten to death.

Anyway, Masato's arc didn't feel "silly" to anyone I know in the VN. Masato hallucinating with serious and creepy music, and having to take down your best friend as he's suddenly enraged and swearing "IT'S THIS FUCKING WORLD THAT'S GONE INSANE!!!" was not as "silly" as you might think it is.
JC Staff interpreted it to make it more silly than it seemed for most people. I don't know people who read the route in the VN and found it to be as silly and hilarious as it turned out in the anime. Masato's shift in behavior was jarring and ominous, not hilarious.

I wasn't the one to bring up the whole "masterpiece" thing, and I don't consider Masato's route to be considered a masterpiece, and I don't consider anything I've ever seen to be a real "masterpiece", because that term would be subjective if I had to use it, being an inexperienced reader and viewer.

The goal of Refrain, and what should've been the goal of the Refrain anime adaptation, should've been to be ominous in its contrast from the common route episodes and character behavior, serious in its themes of friendship, and intriguing in the Secret of the World that drives the character conflicts. There's some comedy throughout, but some scenes aren't handled as well as they should.
I've calmed down a bit after Kengo's episode, since they managed not to screw that one up nearly as much.

When you have the anime audience feeling entirely different emotions than what's intended by the writer, that's a failure in my book, and that's what happened with Masato's arc in the anime that didn't happen nearly as often in the VN.

And to call the CGs horrible and ugly, I can't say the anime improved them significantly by dimming the lights and changing the colors/backgrounds, even if JC Staff can draw better proportions for the characters.
It's not even "overvaluing Refrain", but it's to keep the impact that worked in the VN, so that people don't fucking complain about watching an awkward and inconsistent adaptation that isn't what anyone could've expected, or what KEY/Jun Maeda intended for the scenes.
Nov 30, 2013 4:22 PM

Jun 2011
Vladz0r said:

Your arguments are perfect. (inb4 someone arguing over my comment)
Nov 30, 2013 4:49 PM

Aug 2010

I guess I should've been more careful with my wording... Anyways I agree with your post.
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