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Nov 9, 2013 3:53 AM
Oct 2013
wow, kengo was such a badass during that baseball-match, especially when he hited kyousuke

refrain-arc next?
Nov 9, 2013 3:56 AM

Apr 2012
^how was he badass lol

Wow... like half of Rin's route was cramped into the ED...
So here comes refrain.
@inuvivo on twitter!
Nov 9, 2013 3:56 AM

Sep 2012
Good animation back yay.
Moved at the speed of light. Totally expected since they condensed so much in 1 ep.
NEXT WEEK AND BEYOND lets hope thats where all the money is poured into.
CALLED GAME. < Kyousuke badass
Nov 9, 2013 3:57 AM

Dec 2012

Edit: Have to wait three hours more for this glorious moment :(
Nov 9, 2013 3:58 AM

Feb 2012
and, an ad has to start just as I was gonna see called game -.- fml

anyway amazing episode ^_^ think we can have high hopes for refrain now :D and so many great Kengo moments

but they ending didn't feel as suspenseful as the VN =3=

everything looked so great ^_^ time for Refrain now :3
Nov 9, 2013 3:59 AM

Sep 2012
smilewolfy said:
and, an ad has to start just as I was gonna see called game -.- fml

lol I know, I even refreshed the page at the boring bits so the ads will play there instead of the good bits but it still played at the end xD
Nov 9, 2013 4:00 AM

Feb 2012
@Egnaro, at least we have determined Lennon is really Kyube in disguise and Komari is Madoka xD
Nov 9, 2013 4:02 AM

Sep 2012
Did they really show
in this episode?
Not sure if /a/ is trolling me. They made it seem pretty bad, but I'm waiting for HD.
Nov 9, 2013 4:02 AM

Sep 2012
Vladz0r said:
Did they really show
in this episode?
Not sure if /a/ is trolling me. They made it seem pretty bad, but I'm waiting for HD.

Yeah they did
Nov 9, 2013 4:04 AM

Sep 2012
Wow, this sounds fucking terrible. There goes the 2nd best scene in the VN.
Oh well, at least Kurugaya's route got budget. That's what Refrain was about, right?
Seriously though, some of their directing ideas, and showing
and not showing
sounds pretty dumb. I hope they show the 2nd part next episode.
I just hope it's better in HD or something.
Nov 9, 2013 4:08 AM

Sep 2013
Was the episode not appealing to you guys? How was cheap tricks animated? and what about Rin and Riki running away? no house scene's or anything? boo boo :c
Nov 9, 2013 4:10 AM

Sep 2012
Yeah, I'm not really picky about this episode but I thought they would at least
I hope they rushed this episode so that Refrain will have more build up.
Nov 9, 2013 4:11 AM

Feb 2012
I thought it was directed really well except the Miyuki part...that threw off the mood for me >.>

but the art and animation seemed really good this episode~ at least to me
Nov 9, 2013 4:14 AM

Sep 2012
smilewolfy said:
I thought it was directed really well except the Miyuki part...that threw off the mood for me >.>

but the art and animation seemed really good this episode~ at least to me

Yeah props to them for the animation in this episode ( although I suspect that's where the budget for the last two episodes went). Now it's finally starting next week. The sole reason any studio will be willing to adapt the whole visual novel.
Nov 9, 2013 4:19 AM

Sep 2012
Gonna check it out for myself on Himado.
This sounds way worse than I imagined, but I can't wait 3 hours xD

The beginning seems legit so far. Let's see...
Nov 9, 2013 4:21 AM

Sep 2012
Vladz0r said:
Gonna check it out for myself on Himado.
This sounds way worse than I imagined, but I can't wait 3 hours xD

The beginning seems legit so far. Let's see...

I shall be anticipating your wall of text soon...
Nov 9, 2013 4:22 AM

Feb 2012
best not to go in think it's bad or you'll just find bad things about it >.>
Nov 9, 2013 4:24 AM

Sep 2012
smilewolfy said:
best not to go in think it's bad or you'll just find bad things about it >.>

Actually, everything went according to my expectations.
It was only
that threw us all off. lol I dont even know why I'm still tagging that since I think it's pretty obvious now.
I thought the cheap tricks/ called game was well done but it could never compete with the original CG, and the music was nice too.
Nov 9, 2013 4:26 AM

Sep 2012
Well, I won't be able to fall back asleep now, so :X
Nov 9, 2013 4:28 AM

Feb 2012
egnaro315 said:
smilewolfy said:
best not to go in think it's bad or you'll just find bad things about it >.>

Actually, everything went according to my expectations.
It was only
that threw us all off. lol I dont even know why I'm still tagging that since I think it's pretty obvious now.
I thought the cheap tricks/ called game was well done but it could never compete with the original CG, and the music was nice too.

when you tag her I feel like I should tag her too D: (anxiety intensifies)

the music was a great unexpected surprise ^_^ can't wait till the albums come out so I can add it to my anime OST collection :3
Nov 9, 2013 4:32 AM

Sep 2012
Oh wow, this baseball song sounds like something out of DBZ LOL
Oh wow and a remix of Parting of the Boys.
Well, at least the music is good.
Nov 9, 2013 4:41 AM

Dec 2012
2 Hours and 20 minutes to go.
But I'm reading all these comments...
Please dear anime god. please no. No nonono.

This is one of my favorite scenes of all time.
Now I'm not sure...If they screwed this scene up... I dont know anymore. I cry.
Nov 9, 2013 4:42 AM

Dec 2012
Damn. I'm not too sure what to say about this episode. I'm seeing people talk about the Miyuki scene as like, butchering the cheap tricks scene on the first time, which I find to be a HUGE exaggeration. All it really means is that they'll be saving same time in Episode: Kengo most likely (so we probably won't see Cheap Tricks again until episode Kyousuke). The Cheap Tricks scene was actually really great in my opinion. Kengo's scream, Kyousuke's Called Game, it was pretty well executed. The ending was a little fast and they didn't have the promise either. Of course, they could easily start of next episode with the promise and then kick into Refrain. Overall, very solid episode. Next comes Refrain :D
Nov 9, 2013 4:52 AM

Mar 2013
This episode was so epic, my goodness.
BEST EPISODE SO FAR, I want next episode now ><
Nov 9, 2013 5:06 AM

Apr 2008
Yes! A Song by Lia!!!!! :D
Nov 9, 2013 5:07 AM

Sep 2012
Anyone else laughed at the brown cat glaring at Riki and his onigiri xD
Nov 9, 2013 5:24 AM

Sep 2012
I still haven't actually seen the end part with Hanabi LOL
I was too busy making this:
Himado stream quality, but I think I was satisfied with the scene as a whole.

Hopefully there are some better shots re-drawn for Kyousuke/Kengo's arc, but I thought it alright. Could've been better, could've been worse. Let's see what others think about this episode, though. I'm glad they focused a lot on CHEAP TRICKS, but I what people will think of the runaway. (Which I still have yet to watch xD)


Well, after watching the Hanabi compilation, I thought the way they did it and the ending were pretty good.
Considering I never liked Rin, I wouldn't have cared to see it get another episode or whatever. The whole part with Riki passing out due to narcolepsy, the abrupt end, Riki and Rin not being able to hold onto each other.
The fireworks with all the Little Busters, so nice xD
It didn't really show too much of the struggle Riki and Rin were having, but it also didn't make anime watchers hate Rin like some VN viewers did, with how the VN version ended. It was a good move to change the ending, even if they did wind up cutting a lot of content.

I want to see how they plan to start the next episode, because they didn't include a scene from the VN

Vladz0rNov 9, 2013 5:34 AM
Nov 9, 2013 5:56 AM

Jan 2011
This episode was great. That Cheap Tricks!... again, like everyone else, my biggest gripe is showing Miyuki during that scene. Oh well, at least Kengo's voice acting was great as well and Kyousuke was portrayed very well.

Starting from this episode is going to be a major feels ride :(
dizzyworld2Nov 9, 2013 6:00 AM
Nov 9, 2013 6:11 AM

Aug 2010
I haven't watched yet but what's wrong with showing Miyuki?

Nov 9, 2013 6:12 AM

Dec 2011
I totally expected that they would show Miyuki in this episode, so I don't surprised by that at all.
Anyways this episode was so fucking good for me, the scene when Kengo yells at Kyousuke hyped me as hell ><

Can't wait for next week...
Nov 9, 2013 6:13 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm, sort of mixed reactions to this episode. Riki's struggling sure wasn't pleasing to watch. I love the OST during that rain scene though. Is that a new OST? I haven't heard of it yet.

Dat embrace~

egnaro315 said:
Anyone else laughed at the brown cat glaring at Riki and his onigiri xD

I did!
Nov 9, 2013 6:18 AM

Sep 2012
Stark700 said:
Hmm, sort of mixed reactions to this episode. Riki's struggling sure wasn't pleasing to watch. I love the OST during that rain scene though. Is that a new OST? I haven't heard of it yet.

Dat embrace~

egnaro315 said:
Anyone else laughed at the brown cat glaring at Riki and his onigiri xD

I did!

They used like 2 new songs during the rain, the new Hanabi song at the end, and they used the new song from the last episode again.
I thought you don't know Japanese, Stark? Do you just watch the raw now and then rewatch it subbed later? (That's what I'm doing, and then I'll edit it for Refrain Subs later)
Nov 9, 2013 6:20 AM

Sep 2012
Barion-Zara said:
I haven't watched yet but what's wrong with showing Miyuki?

Nov 9, 2013 6:24 AM
Dec 2012
It was dark, even surrealistic. I wonder why Riki didn't ask Kyosuke whether or not he tampered with Komari's phone. Also I don't understand why Riki and Kyosuke thought they had rights of making decision about Rin. And they played baseball just for the sake of it? The decision can be made by Rin or the schoolmaster only, no? In this respect, the episode felt forced.

Since they got in a bathtub together, I wondered if they were going to sleep together on the same bed, but then they got caught. That end of the escape reminded me of Aku no Hana.
Nov 9, 2013 6:26 AM

Sep 2012
JC Staff in charge of shock factor, hah.
The 200 Secret of the World hints already covered that.
I should've expected to see Miyuki. Kinda sucks that they'd change my 2nd favorite part of the VN like that.

And @eminagnam
Yeah, when JC Staff condensed like 2 hours of content into 23 minutes, this kinda crap happens.
They kept it dramatic and interesting, but some parts lost buildup and made little sense I guess.
As to why a baseball game rather than letting Rin or the schoolmaster choose on their own:
That wouldn't be a character driven conflict, then. I guess it does kind of seem like they're fighting for control of Rin, but I don't really see what's wrong with it.
That's like, why did Tomoya have to bat against Akio to get to propose to Nagisa? Nagisa's an independent woman and can decide for herself. I didn't object to that, though.
It's intended to be a challenge of Riki's growth, but Kyousuke was able to win , and that led to Riki's rebellion of Kyousuke's plan and the runaway.
Kyousuke essentially had more control over Rin, being her older brother, than the schoolmaster people.
The people at school aren't the focus of the plot at all, and they're a essentially just another device for Kyousuke to accomplish his goals.
Vladz0rNov 9, 2013 6:34 AM
Nov 9, 2013 6:30 AM

Jan 2011
eminagnam said:
The decision can be made by Rin or the schoolmaster only, no? In this respect, the episode felt forced.

You'll realize this point is invalid once you understand the Secret of the World... And also, Rin is pretty much broken by that point.
Nov 9, 2013 6:36 AM

Sep 2012
And with what dizzyworld2 said:
Yeah, the Secret of the World explains a lot of the character logic in regards to how the school worked in the anime. It'll make sense that the point of the show isn't really the events at the face value, like Rin being sent off by schoolmaster, but the struggles between the characters.
The entire plot is essentially representative of something "greater".
Nov 9, 2013 6:47 AM
Dec 2012
@Vladz0r, dizzyworld2
Interesting, thanks. I shall keep watching.
Nov 9, 2013 6:58 AM

Sep 2012
Glad to hear ;)
I'm just still pretty upset that they straight up showed Miyuki.
I just wonder if the anime viewers will get too much from this scene.

Looking at the raw, these baseball parts seem pretty good.
Also, it's coming:
Nov 9, 2013 7:02 AM

Aug 2010
egnaro315 said:
Barion-Zara said:
I haven't watched yet but what's wrong with showing Miyuki?

Ahh...Now I get what u guys mean. Totally true.
What do u mean by u think they'll omit it though? U haven't watched it yet?
Nov 9, 2013 7:10 AM

Sep 2012
Barion-Zara said:
egnaro315 said:
Barion-Zara said:
I haven't watched yet but what's wrong with showing Miyuki?

Ahh...Now I get what u guys mean. Totally true.
What do u mean by u think they'll omit it though? U haven't watched it yet?

Nov 9, 2013 7:12 AM

Aug 2011
Cheap ass motherfucking tricks.

Refrain incoming next week, get hype.
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Nov 9, 2013 7:13 AM

Aug 2010
@Egnaro Yeah. I still think it could work. not as much impact maybe but I'll wait and see.
Time to go watch. Subs are out ^^
Nov 9, 2013 7:19 AM

May 2012

Nov 9, 2013 7:22 AM

Aug 2011
haha at least they didn't translate it differently.

still not comfortable with the "These are"
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Nov 9, 2013 7:27 AM

Feb 2013
This music <3
This pacing though... XD
Part of Refrain Subs for Little Busters!: Refrain
Recently Played/Read VNS (Most Recent to Oldest):
- Da Capo
- Grisaia no Kajitsu
- ef - a fairy tale of the two
- G-senjou no Maou
- Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo & Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo (Fan Disk)
- Rewrite
- Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a shooting star-
- Clannad
- Little Busters EX!
Nov 9, 2013 7:27 AM

Sep 2012
planetarian said:


That face says it all.

shcboomer said:
This music <3
This pacing though... XD

"No worries, lets fit 1 hour of content into 4 minutes. We got this" xD
egnaro15Nov 9, 2013 7:31 AM
Nov 9, 2013 7:30 AM
Feb 2013
I cant believe they managed to mess up cheap tricks!

As always kyouske delivered his line perfectly but showing what kengo saw was a huge misstep.

Then the pacing for this episode, it didnt feel concrete at all, and where was kengo warning riki that if he let go of rin they would fall into darkness or that the only thing waiting for them was despair.

I mean i get that JC staff probably wont do a "perspective" shift for everything like the VN but come on really? this was one of the most important parts of the damned story and of Kengo's character development. Not to mention they might as well just come out and tell everyone the secret of the world by now because if you haven't already guessed it then you haven't been paying attention at all.
Nov 9, 2013 7:30 AM

Sep 2013
Well, After getting all teared up cause I finished Kotori's route in Rewrite. Time to head onto even more feels on episode 6 on Crunchyroll :c
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