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Which do you like better?
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Mar 12, 2009 9:52 PM

Mar 2009
I like Haruka better and I felt really bad for her when she was in a coma D: her best friend like stole her bf, oh how dare she! xD .I used to hate mitsuki with a passion but now I don't because I realize that happens all the time, it's just realistic. I mostly felt bad for takayuki though, he had to choose between two people that were basicly opposites Dx haha
Apr 15, 2009 5:41 AM

Oct 2008
Good arguments. I agree with Kei. DEATH TO HAYASE MITSUKI! is damn right. I grew very frustrated with the series as her antics kept up. And the ending pissed me off the most.

Haruka is my favorite choice. Akane is my favorite character. xP

Apr 18, 2009 12:20 PM
Mar 2008
Le-senpai said:
Good arguments. I agree with Kei. DEATH TO HAYASE MITSUKI! is damn right. I grew very frustrated with the series as her antics kept up. And the ending pissed me off the most.

Haruka is my favorite choice. Akane is my favorite character. xP

you my friend smoke crack and i hope you get raped by a big black man, get aids and die a painful death. :) <3
lankanJul 23, 2009 4:50 PM
Apr 24, 2009 9:03 AM

Jan 2009
well its got to be Haruka.
mitsuki was the one who actually got her in a coma and then she goes out with her boyfriend. haruka ended up with nothing in the end :(
May 10, 2009 2:51 PM

May 2009
Mitsuki would be my choice.

She is a very strong girl/women. Her only weakness was her love for that idiot Takayuki. I hoped until the end that she wouldnt accept him back. But then every fairytale has to have a happy ending. I gues thats why i dont like this kind of stories.

Takayuki is a joke of a man, cant even call him a man he is nothing more then a weak boy.
May 24, 2009 1:54 AM

Dec 2008
Haruka all the way!!!

Tinmiriel said:
Well, if you ask me which one I like more, I would say Haruka, because she is the most honest and pure character in this anime. She knows her feelings and she behaves in compliance with them from the very beginning till the end (though there were moments in the first two episodes when she was too...umm...clumsy in showing her feelings). She's cute and frail like a child, but she's also strong and responsible like a true adult that cares for significant others (Takayuki, Mitsuki and Akane), which is shown in the final episodes.

But despite all this, I think that the end was surely the best one, because choosing Mitsuki over Haruka was really the only right decision made by that blockhead Takayuki. Why? It's obvious from the start that the person he's really in love is Mitsuki. And besides that Mitsuki is really tragicly in love with this little moron, she has no one to support her unlike Haruka that has her caring family and sister. Although she behaved at times badly, she didn't deserve so much painful moments (accusation and harsh words from Akane, Takayuki's cold and insensitive behavior). I was just waiting for the moment that she'll totally go crazy, break down or commit suicide. Instead of that her ego-defensive mechanism made her act childishly and suppress her feelings (I hated that part about her, especially when she was trying to tell the truth to Haruka and her honesty has gone to hell when she was talking about her motivation in dating Takayuki >_< She deserved that slap!)... She just needed Takayuki's love and that's why the ending was the best one for me.

Haruka was way too good for the feckless, but somehow kind slacker Takayuki...

Totally agree!

inachan said:
Just finished to watch, and wow, I never felt so FRUSTRATED with an ending. I hated Mistuki more and more from episode 2, I felt she did nothing but filthy and selfish things during the series, and definitely did not deserve the happy ending. Really, I don't get it at all!

I feel that Haruka was the most realistic one and when she understood the situation she made things easy for Takayuki instead of cornering him. She really had lot of dignity during the whole series. On the other hand, all Mistuki did was nothing but sneaky and disgusting.


It is not like he should have waited forever for her to wake up, I think it is right to move on with life. It is just how Mitsuki behaved after Haruka woke up that was bad (not counting holding Takayuki back before the accident) and so selfish. It is not like Haruka wanted to be in a coma for three years! Mistuki really acted like an undignified and desperate person.

And even if life has to go on, HOW can you go out with your best friend's boyfriend when she is in a coma, and say "when she was hospitalized, I finally tought that I could go out with you"???????????

And when people say that Mistuki did more, it is not like Haruka did not want to do anything for him, she was in a COMA!! If not, she would have done everithing for him.
Well, Haruka ending is just unbearebly sad.

Again agreed!

Kian said:
guys vote for mitsuki only for two reason:
_because shes HOT! more than haruku..yu know more seks! scenes, biggest bre** ,.....:D
_because she hardly attempt for her love,endures more pain and mitsuki-takayuki hold the pure love for each other..well thats more reasonable BUT:
all mitsukies attempts was for regaining something that she hand it over in the first place!she decide to help haruka get close to takayuki... so heres a big WHAY?? you say loyalty for haruka!!Cmon.. shes definitely not that type to prefer friendship over love.., she actually try to approach takayuki whlie her friend was waiting somewhere( that makes the first decision the most UNREALISTIC thing for mitsuki the only reason should be mitsukies unstable personality)..and while she was playing with her bestfiends boyfriend the accident happens and everyone went through disaster.......

yes she was in pain (like all characters) that is mainly result by her own mistakes!..i know the explanation: we all have flaws so shes a realistic character..but man thats a poor excuse for that much could even say she made the wrong move in her all decisions( base on her weak/unstable and selfish/childish personality). that cause sorrow,pain not for herself but all characters.

oH! and about true love beetwen takayuki/mitsuki... mitsuki is mad for the jerk but from the other side?Nah.. in the mitsuki going mad (naked) scene! takayuki even dont shake head for her confessin that makes her going***!
he never shows love feeling just consider her as a very closed (girl!) friend:D..mitsuki insist moving to one house but takayuki didnt show any interest.. someone might say his slow and not sure about anything but he was deciding for the same university as haruka just because of hands up!:D
also when mitsuki attempt to reach takayukki before the accident she was so obvious even for dumb takayuki (talking about dating,requesting rings!!..) but he never shows a trace of feeling in that!

lol i agree..

wow you guys wrote everything i was going to write (saved me from all that typing lol).. anyways i think Haruka was the best and Takayuki is just a messed up/totally clueless guy and Mitsuki *sigh* she really can't get any more realistic than that (she put up one heck of a show, i guess she and Takayuki deserve to be together cuz their both alike).. Haruka is better off with some one else who's wayyy better than Takayuki's sorry a**.. (just my opinion, feel free to agree or disagree ^_^)
Jun 6, 2009 10:08 AM

May 2007
I'm for the harem ending!

Jun 12, 2009 7:57 AM

Nov 2008
Mitsuki is my choice ^ ^
Jun 16, 2009 10:24 AM
Mar 2008
martino said:
Mitsuki-chaaaaaaaan! :)

Though I have nothing against Haruka, but in my opinion she deserved to get the ending, because sacrificed the most imo...

yep same here :)

Jun 17, 2009 10:40 PM
Forever Fearless

Apr 2007
Mitsuki for sure.
Speed is Life - 1st ID... patch on my shoulder.

Jul 5, 2009 9:13 AM

Jun 2009
Haruka she stayed loyal to the end even thought she was the emotionally and physically weakest out of all the characters.
Sep 7, 2009 2:33 AM
Aug 2008
So did takayuki end up with mitsuki or haruka?
Sep 9, 2009 10:18 PM
Apr 2009
Mitsuki FTW!
Sep 10, 2009 7:42 AM

Nov 2008
Raiden159 said:
So did takayuki end up with mitsuki or haruka?

Depending on which anime you mean. It has a TV series and an OVA. The VN had many(5 if I remember well) heroines. And amongs them maybe Mitsuki was the "true" heroine(because her ending had scenes about the new family and her kid with Takayuki).
But really who cares?
This thread is more like a character discussion thread about Mitsuki and Haruka(mainly Mitsuki because her actions were more questionable).
And secondly it's about everyone's personal opinion. 'Which one would you prefer?... or something like that.
(Note: I prefer Mitsuki because of the reasons I stated in my former posts;) )
Feb 2, 2010 6:22 PM

Aug 2008
mitsuki's a "whoring bitch" according to akane
Feb 5, 2010 9:14 AM

Nov 2008
Mitsuki was a whore but she's not as bad as what you people make her seem to be especially when given her situation.Her self-esteem was below zero .Mitsuki took care of him .I know that it was not fair for Huraka but Mitsuki stayed with him more than Huraka ,It's not fair for Mitsuki either if he went back to Huraka after three years ...Those of you who are voting for Huraka are not making sense at all ...
foxy12Feb 5, 2010 9:19 AM
Feb 5, 2010 12:08 PM
May 1, 2010 5:02 PM

Jul 2009
How can one blame Mitsuki? You might as well blame the driver for not doing his job right. Absolutely preposterous. Also, slut? Hah. You'll be surprised at how much times a girl (OR GUY) has sex in a life time. It's part of human nature, deal with it.

As for the whole Harukai vs Mitsuki, I going to side with Mitsuki. The sheer amount of pain she puts up with and able to uplift/save one's life, is a formidable task that many cannot accomplish, or they choose to avoid.

And to give up your dreams is not easy. Kudos to whoever can; however, fantasies are VERY different from dreams. And her dreams were very attainable, until she diluted the task.
KurogashiMay 10, 2010 7:22 PM
May 4, 2010 9:29 PM

Oct 2009
Akane all the way dawg
IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 10, 2010 3:15 PM

Apr 2010
Haruka FTW!

It's very acceptable that Mitsuki dated Takayuki after the whole Haruka accident and besides she was with Takayuki for a very very short time.
Being in an indefinite coma absolutely supports that notion.

The only thing that "Pissed" me to no end was idea of Mitsuki trying and actually fucking her way out of sorrow. Some might say it's just like getting drunk or having a good smoke to relieve stress but in my book, that's just SLUTERY (if there's any word like that) of the highest degree. She turned from hero to zero after that.
May 31, 2010 11:56 PM

Apr 2009
Haruka... when she got into that accident... and the coma.. and everything else... i wanted to kill Mitsuki so bad... i hate this anime... but its so good... it made me cry >.>... DAMN YOU CREATORS
Oct 7, 2010 2:28 AM
Jan 2008
Mitsuki all the way since they have been friends longer and more outgoing. Haruka seemed more of a sex toy for him.
Oct 24, 2010 4:44 PM

May 2010
I voted Haruka.

Simply because what Mitsuki did was wrong, in my opinion.
It's a law between girls or best friends for that matter, that you just don't date/sleep with their ex/boyfriends, without talking about it first.
I know Haruka was in coma, so there weren't much to do, but also just the way Mitsuki acted towards her when she woke up. Gosh, bitch!
And then she cheated on Narumi too?! (Well, and he kissed Haruka)
Pftt, both Mitsuki and Narumi hav issues. :U

But pft, I don't care if Mitsuki ended up with Narumi, because Haruka was clearly way too good for that bastard, anyway. :/

love is such a strange thing
but with you, it doesn't matter

Oct 30, 2010 1:39 PM
Jul 2018
lightcircus said:
Kurogashi said:
How can one blame Mitsuki? You might as well blame the driver for not doing his job right. Absolutely preposterous. Also, slut? Hah. You'll be surprised at how much times a girl (OR GUY) has sex in a life time. It's part of human nature, deal with it.

What are you, retarded? She's not a slut because she likes cock, pal. She's a slut because of how hungry she was for it. And yeah, I could blame the driver, but I doubt he/she was as much of a slut as Mitsuki.

i think ur the retard actually, did u not notice that takayuki cheated as well (physically)? in addition to the fact that he put his heart with haruka for 75% of the series whiel mitsuki sat at home waiting for him

she didnt do the right thing in having sex with someone else, but she is far from a "slut."

do u live in the real world??
Dec 5, 2010 5:21 PM

Jan 2010
Mitsuki totally should of left the air long.
Dec 12, 2010 8:06 AM

Sep 2010
She's actually cared about Narumi.... But what she did to Haruka is wrong..... Hell I can't give a 100% credit for any girl in this series.... That's what made this series so good.... i guess./....
Jan 3, 2011 10:24 AM

Jul 2010
Mitsuki is my choice.

The OVA just seemed wrong to me.
Jan 11, 2011 11:47 AM
Nov 2010
Hayase Mitsuki.

She sacrificed everything she had. I didn't like the OVA because in the end Mitsuki was left with nothing. Also if it wasn't for Mistuki, Haruka wouldn't have confessed to Takayuki. A total of 3 years can change everything. In the series Mistuki fell in love with Takayuki while trying to help Haruka since Haruka was the one who was afraid to say anything.It is only natural that Mitsuki would follow her feelings since she held them in for so long.

As for Akane... I didn't like the fact that she was all into everyone business and only thought of her sisters feelings and left out Mistuki's

In the OVA Mistuki was left with nothing. While Haruka still had everything.
Jan 11, 2011 6:00 PM
Nov 2010
based on the story in the OVA.. Mistuki was USED. I mean really? Mistuki has to break up with Takayuki if Haruka wakes up.. all the pain and stress Mistuki went through helping him. and She was thrown aside like she was just a tool to replace someone until she woke up from her coma. In the end Mistuki lost eveything while Haruka still had everything... I have no problem with Haruka but without Mitsuki would Haruka have confessed to Takayuki?

I prefer the ending in the TV series. Mistuki all the way!
Jan 31, 2011 7:51 AM

Aug 2010
First of all Mitsuki is hotter than Haruka but she got fucked by another guy and that guy is a really good friend of her. That is really sad.
In the end I can't choose who is better. But I voted for Mitsuki -.-*
Feb 1, 2011 1:08 AM

Sep 2010
its hard to decide for me...theyre both really sweet girls. I dont understand why theres so much negativity towards mitsuki, she was caught in the storm with the others and was never at fault.

Im not very fond of shy girls but I really liked harukas character. I wish the OVA did a better job though, was superrr disappointed. I think fans didnt want to see drama that they were trying to create for the just wanted to see what life would be like if takayuki chose haruka and they failed to show that and ended it with a lame kiss.
Feb 16, 2011 4:50 AM

Apr 2009
kei-clone said:
well first it wasn't even three years later when she put the moves on Takayuki, it was one.

even if that's long enough, even if that was all she did, but a lot of her other actions were simply disgusting. It definitely wasn't just the fact that she took Takayuki, that's somewhat understandable, but her whole attitude when Haruka came out of the coma. Takayuki was somewhat at fault to but I say 90% of the angst that happened in what was supposed to be a happy moment of a victim coming out of her coma was because of Mitsuki.

Forbidding Takayuki to visit Haruka?! wtf?!

"Haruka's not my best friend anymore"?! wtf?!

Mitsuki intending to sleep with some random friends because she was bitching that Takayuki's visiting Haruka too much?! goddam!

And look at this, what happened to that memorable pic of all four of them, as well as the memorable night on top of the hill. This is less Mitsuki's fault and more of all three, Takayuki and Shinji. I mean wtf, at the end only Haruka was at the top of that hill, remembering the times they had together. Everyone else just didn't seem to care. tats just bad I think. That's one of the reasons I liked Haruka too, she was loyal to the end, in stark contrast to most of the other characters.

This. This. This.

Mitsuki was a backstabber from the very beginning. As soon as Haruka had the accident she (Mitsuki) got all over Narumi, and come on, tell me that it's not slutty how she just took her clothes off...
Then when Haruka woke up for the second time, Mitsuki even said that it was Narumi hitting on her. That definately made me start hating her (until then I almost felt sorry for her)
I really don't understand how she doesn't feel guilty at all and it was her fault that Haruka had an accident.
She also almost slept with a completely random guy but ended up cheating on Narumi with his childhood friend instead.

Haruka on the other hand turned out to be so strong, it really made me like her a lot. She also lost pretty much everything, all of her friends too. It's not fair.
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Mar 9, 2011 7:55 PM

Aug 2010
Id go with Mitsuki. Well Xinil already mentioned it but shes hotter, more realistic, and cooler PLUS she has already proved she would be a great wife. :)
Apr 15, 2011 3:40 PM
Jul 2018
GracefulDownfall said:
kei-clone said:
well first it wasn't even three years later when she put the moves on Takayuki, it was one.

even if that's long enough, even if that was all she did, but a lot of her other actions were simply disgusting. It definitely wasn't just the fact that she took Takayuki, that's somewhat understandable, but her whole attitude when Haruka came out of the coma. Takayuki was somewhat at fault to but I say 90% of the angst that happened in what was supposed to be a happy moment of a victim coming out of her coma was because of Mitsuki.

Forbidding Takayuki to visit Haruka?! wtf?!

"Haruka's not my best friend anymore"?! wtf?!

Mitsuki intending to sleep with some random friends because she was bitching that Takayuki's visiting Haruka too much?! goddam!

And look at this, what happened to that memorable pic of all four of them, as well as the memorable night on top of the hill. This is less Mitsuki's fault and more of all three, Takayuki and Shinji. I mean wtf, at the end only Haruka was at the top of that hill, remembering the times they had together. Everyone else just didn't seem to care. tats just bad I think. That's one of the reasons I liked Haruka too, she was loyal to the end, in stark contrast to most of the other characters.

This. This. This.

Mitsuki was a backstabber from the very beginning. As soon as Haruka had the accident she (Mitsuki) got all over Narumi, and come on, tell me that it's not slutty how she just took her clothes off...
Then when Haruka woke up for the second time, Mitsuki even said that it was Narumi hitting on her. That definately made me start hating her (until then I almost felt sorry for her)
I really don't understand how she doesn't feel guilty at all and it was her fault that Haruka had an accident.
She also almost slept with a completely random guy but ended up cheating on Narumi with his childhood friend instead.

Haruka on the other hand turned out to be so strong, it really made me like her a lot. She also lost pretty much everything, all of her friends too. It's not fair.

uhh did u watch the series?

mitsuki took care of takayaki for an entire year without pursuing him...thats hardly jumping at the opportunity
May 15, 2011 6:14 PM

May 2011
restore said:
GracefulDownfall said:
kei-clone said:
well first it wasn't even three years later when she put the moves on Takayuki, it was one.

even if that's long enough, even if that was all she did, but a lot of her other actions were simply disgusting. It definitely wasn't just the fact that she took Takayuki, that's somewhat understandable, but her whole attitude when Haruka came out of the coma. Takayuki was somewhat at fault to but I say 90% of the angst that happened in what was supposed to be a happy moment of a victim coming out of her coma was because of Mitsuki.

Forbidding Takayuki to visit Haruka?! wtf?!

"Haruka's not my best friend anymore"?! wtf?!

Mitsuki intending to sleep with some random friends because she was bitching that Takayuki's visiting Haruka too much?! goddam!

And look at this, what happened to that memorable pic of all four of them, as well as the memorable night on top of the hill. This is less Mitsuki's fault and more of all three, Takayuki and Shinji. I mean wtf, at the end only Haruka was at the top of that hill, remembering the times they had together. Everyone else just didn't seem to care. tats just bad I think. That's one of the reasons I liked Haruka too, she was loyal to the end, in stark contrast to most of the other characters.

This. This. This.

Mitsuki was a backstabber from the very beginning. As soon as Haruka had the accident she (Mitsuki) got all over Narumi, and come on, tell me that it's not slutty how she just took her clothes off...
Then when Haruka woke up for the second time, Mitsuki even said that it was Narumi hitting on her. That definately made me start hating her (until then I almost felt sorry for her)
I really don't understand how she doesn't feel guilty at all and it was her fault that Haruka had an accident.
She also almost slept with a completely random guy but ended up cheating on Narumi with his childhood friend instead.

Haruka on the other hand turned out to be so strong, it really made me like her a lot. She also lost pretty much everything, all of her friends too. It's not fair.

uhh did u watch the series?

mitsuki took care of takayaki for an entire year without pursuing him...thats hardly jumping at the opportunity

Maybe you need to rewatch the series yourself before you accuse someone else of not watching the series.

A year without pursuing him? Are you kidding me? The whole reason she was taking care of him was because she was pursuing him. She was pursuing him even BEFORE the accident (and incidentally, her pursuing him inadvertently led to the accident). She may have waited a year to finally throw herself at him, but her obsession with him and wanting to always be with him is why she gave up swimming and her friends.

She said herself, the first thought in her mind when Haruka went into a coma was "now I have a chance to date Takuyuki".

Sorry, Mitsuki doesn't win any sympathy points from me.
May 20, 2011 6:07 PM
Aug 2009
1st Lt. Hayase alot better than 1st Lt. Suzumiya. Lets just look at some facts.

They failed their first Comprehensive Skills Exam because Suzumiya got injured in the field. After they finally did get commissioned, Suzumiya failed the TSF compatibilty test, and therefore was unable to pilot. Both of them Emo'ed around for a while after the guy they liked was killed by the BETA, before Captain Isumi was able to set them straight.

1st Lt. Hayase was an ace pilot, and earned the Storm Vangaurd 1 position easily. Best pilot in A-01 before Takeru was assigned. Suzumiya couldn't really contribute much beside support from the CP.

Suzumiya gets points for having the balls to go try and shut down the BETA reactor when Yokohama base was attacked. But alot of good that did lol! She ended up getting her head twisted clean off, and her body broken. Not a very good death.

Hayase on the other hand was able to slaughter tons and tons of BETA, before having to set off the S-11 in her TSF to destroy the reaction that Suzumiya failed to shut off (because she got killed). Manly tears were shed for Hayase. So Hayase wins.
Jul 27, 2011 8:32 PM

Jun 2009

[Contains a lot of spoilers, please be aware while reading]
EverBloomFeb 8, 2013 4:15 PM

Nov 22, 2011 1:42 AM
Sep 2010
Haruka melted my heart with her innocence and sheer trust towards her friend and boyfriend. I want a girl like her.♥

Gawh. I didn't like Mitsuki after the second episode because she FORCED Takayuki to buy her that ring which he reluctantly bought which caused him to be late and therefore brought on the accident. She didn't even take responsibility for CAUSING Haruka's tragedy in the first place and instead wormed her way into his life and pressured him to sleep with her. If I had caused had delayed him from seeing her for the possible LAST time then I would have thrown that stupid ring away out of guilt and let them be together after she awoke from the comma to make amends for my selfishness but that's just me.

So all-in-all, Mitsuki is a twat. END OF STORY.

Also, I wish I could play the visual novel so maybe I wouldn't think she was such a dick eating cunt. :')
hartschaoticaNov 22, 2011 2:33 AM
May 30, 2012 12:04 PM
Mar 2012

Mitsuki is selfish and wants Takayuki for herself which is very apparent and obvious turning down all the previous guys that have asked her out.

Besides I like the more shy and innocent girls, since they just seem to be more likeable and nice in my opinon
Jul 9, 2012 8:11 AM

Mar 2012
I felt Harukas pain throughout the show and it was so sorry what happen with her especially when they in the last episode showed how they all looked like for three years ago etc.
I wanted him to end up with Haruka.
Aug 4, 2012 1:30 PM

May 2010
Easy, I'd pick Haruka anyday.. I simply couldn't stand Mitsuki, And I hated the ending of the anime.. I can't believe he did that to Haruka..
I loved the OVA on the other hand. Seeing that couple together, Haruka and Takayuki...
It felt so right compared to the original anime ending.

Was so thrilled about the OVA seeing the two together that I actually made an AMV about it.
Haruka was so adorable.. And beautiful with long hair.. Mitsuki should just get lost.. >.>
Aug 12, 2012 5:05 PM

Apr 2011
I really love reading comments of Haruka fans ranting! Your tears are DELICIOUS!

@MonjaElisa - if you ever face a similar situation like Mitsuki, do watch this series once more and reflect on it. Most of the fans, always pick cutesy characters for the most bogus reasons.
vansonbeeAug 12, 2012 5:10 PM
Aug 13, 2012 4:56 PM

Jun 2012
Mistuki for life. Thank god Takayuki made the right choice in the end.

I mean, Mitsuki went through so much pain for Takayuki, who was unable to see through her struggles because of his own flaws/distractions/dilemmas. She was also the who pulled him out of his depression and helped him recover. Even before Haruka and Takayuki were dating you could see the chemistry between them (and despite this, Mitsuki still did her best to sacrifice her own love in order to help out her best friend). With Haruka out of the picture, Mitsuki just did the logical choice. Any human being would have done the same exact thing.

Besides, for all the Haruka lovers. It doesn't even matter how many reasons you can list as to why Haruka's a better choice, in the end Mitsuki won. It's as simple as that.
Oct 13, 2012 2:32 PM

Apr 2009
I dont really care for either but damn Mitsuki is a bitch.

EDIT:Okay i talked too soon id say im neutral towards both of them.
I don't really favor either of them but they didn't do anything wrong either.

vansonbee said:

@MonjaElisa - if you ever face a similar situation like Mitsuki, do watch this series once more and reflect on it. Most of the fans, always pick cutesy characters for the most bogus reasons.

Im gonna agree with this.
I bet anybody here would have handled the situation way worse than Mitsuki did lmfao.
biitchstickOct 17, 2012 10:21 AM
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Nov 2, 2012 5:28 PM
Sep 2012
vansonbee said:

@MonjaElisa - if you ever face a similar situation like Mitsuki, do watch this series once more and reflect on it. Most of the fans, always pick cutesy characters for the most bogus reasons.

Im gonna agree with this.
I bet anybody here would have handled the situation way worse than Mitsuki did lmfao.

I can't disagree more. Most of the fans (including me) pick Haruka for the best reasons: loyalty, honesty, and selflessness. These are the qualities we should be looking for in our friends, family, lovers, and our other fellow humans in general. The dumb ass reasons a lot of people give for picking Mitsuki are bogus, such as: hotter, more fun, cooler, etc. Shit like this is what's wrong with a lot of our communities today.

I don't dislike Mitsuki, but her quality as a person isn't the same as Haruka's. Many people argue that Mitsuki sacrificed a lot and worked to bring Takayuki out of his depression. Admirable but completely unnecessary, especially since no one asked her to. That type of selflessness looks great, but basing your happiness on someone else's is co-dependence. Not exactly a pillar of a great relationship. You have to love your self enough to take care of yourself first.

I don't begrudge Mitsuki for any of her mistakes. In real life others would surely handle a situation like that worse, but others would have done better too. I have been fortunate in my life to come across some extraordinary people. I have no idea how they would handle that particular circumstance, but I have seen other situations (including possible life/death) handled with brilliance.

In the end, Mitsuki is a fine choice, but Haruka is an excellent one. I'll make the OVA my ending of choice. From what I read, Haruka wins that one.
Dec 15, 2012 1:46 AM

Jun 2012
Mitsuki definitely. Was pleased with how the series ended. Though it's pretty cool to see an almost even split.
Jan 9, 2013 1:49 PM

Jul 2011
The ending is perfect, Mitsuki FTW!!!
Feb 19, 2013 10:35 AM

Nov 2009
After having marthoned this over the last day. I am on the Haruka side of the field.

Mitsuki I didnt mind but she was by far the most selfish character throughout the series. Stopping Takayuki from seeing Haruka because of her own insecurity just really irritated me. I think I would have started acting the same way he did after that. Essentially she was asking him to stop being a pillar of support for her former best friend just so she could have him to herself.

I think that's despicable personally. I understand why he went back to her at the end but the journey itself made me think Haruka would have been a better choice for him.
Feb 19, 2013 9:37 PM

Sep 2010
I don't like either but I prefer Haruka.
Mitsuki's a shit.
Feb 19, 2013 10:01 PM

Dec 2012
Riptos said:
After having marthoned this over the last day. I am on the Haruka side of the field.

Mitsuki I didnt mind but she was by far the most selfish character throughout the series. Stopping Takayuki from seeing Haruka because of her own insecurity just really irritated me. I think I would have started acting the same way he did after that. Essentially she was asking him to stop being a pillar of support for her former best friend just so she could have him to herself.

I think that's despicable personally. I understand why he went back to her at the end but the journey itself made me think Haruka would have been a better choice for him.

Why? after all she did to him she is supposed to be like '' go to your ex am ok with it'' .
maidoftime said:

Mitsuki's a shit.

No the male MC is SHIT.
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