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Oct 10, 2013 4:19 PM

Mar 2012
Because hentai.
Oct 10, 2013 4:29 PM

Sep 2012
OminousFlare said:
Jauregui said:
And if people want to fap to ponies and furry stuff and then call everyone a sheep because they can't undertand that shit "hurr durr I'm not a narrow-minded normal-fag".
Then they need to grow up. Leave that to rebelious highschoolers.

They call everyone a sheep because they were offended by said sheep. Yes, that doesn't make them any more righteous than the sheep, but what YOU are implicating here is that they are just immature people. Furthermore, the context of your statement is full of hostility towards such a demographic, and it's not backing up your case greatly. It just makes you look like a biased bigot, regardless of who you are inside.

I don't get why I'm the bad guy here, all I was saying is that people will judge based of the weird fanbase. It's logical they might want to take their distance to something they don't like such as weeaboo talk and the like.
People will judge you based on anything, a mature person won't call them a sheep because they have the damn right to dislike whatever they want just like you have the right to dislike what the majority approves. You judge them, they judge you, that's like society is, sadly. And the "they judge me first :c" arrgument seems pretty immature imo, that's why I said they need to grow up.
Oct 10, 2013 4:36 PM

Jul 2012
I started getting more interested in anime around junior year (before that the only subbed anime I would touch was Naruto *shudders*). I was recommended more and more shows by a friend and that all led up to where I am right now.

My school had an anime club and said friend told me to come by. I was cool with the teacher in charge so I went. Little did I know it was full of people who, hmm how do I phrase this non-arrogantly,are weirdos? There were a few that knew their shit (well as much as me, which sadly wasn't much) and had decent convos with them. Everyone else was either arguing about naruto or basically being a chuunibyo by wearing contacts and long jackets (some wore akatsuki robes) and acting like an anime character (I went to a big school so there are a lot of different people). Never went back.

But idk, watching anime honestly didn't have that big of a reaction from most of the people at my HS. I remember back when guilty crown was running I would have heated debates with a few friends saying it was good and me saying to was shit. A few other people wondered what we were talking about and asked, we said some anime and they said oh and left.

Most if not all of the bad looks I get for watching anime are from my parents, everyone else doesn't seem to really care. I even recommend some shows to some of my friends who never watch anime, they're having a field day watching AoT together. xD
Oct 10, 2013 4:40 PM

Mar 2012
Generally speaking, anime is the victim of stereotyping. It seems like the casual viewer sees one anime and thinks that all anime are like that anime in particular.

I try and tell people that anime is actually REALLY diverse. Yeah, some of it is bad and poorly written, but there are some truly great anime out there that fits your tastes if you give it the chance and find anime that caters to your interests.

Unfortunately though, we live in a society of first impressions. If the first anime you ever watch doesn't impress you, you can get really turned off by it. Luckily for me, the first anime I ever remember seeing that you can consider anime was Escaflowne. That's a pretty good anime in my book that got me attracted to anime in-general.
Oct 10, 2013 4:42 PM
Jul 2013
I don't become friends with people just because they like anime, I've never joined clubs but several of my irl friends happen to enjoy the medium as it is. They're "normal" people on the outside and to them, anime isn't a matter of heavy debate but just something for them to enjoy. Mind you, one of my closest friends has seen a lot of things I have seen from my own recommendation and ended up really enjoying it. I might be the one who has seen the most, but I'm generally chill about what my friends have seen.

That all being said, yeah we'll have some of the "one-dimensional" fans and pretentious nerds here and there but anime fans aren't certainly that way all of the time, depends on the person.

On MAL though, yeah, that doesn't exist because generally this site is close-minded outside of anime or on everything in general.
Everyone in the community is shit taste.
Oct 10, 2013 4:44 PM
May 2010
Jauregui said:
OminousFlare said:
Jauregui said:
And if people want to fap to ponies and furry stuff and then call everyone a sheep because they can't undertand that shit "hurr durr I'm not a narrow-minded normal-fag".
Then they need to grow up. Leave that to rebelious highschoolers.

They call everyone a sheep because they were offended by said sheep. Yes, that doesn't make them any more righteous than the sheep, but what YOU are implicating here is that they are just immature people. Furthermore, the context of your statement is full of hostility towards such a demographic, and it's not backing up your case greatly. It just makes you look like a biased bigot, regardless of who you are inside.

I don't get why I'm the bad guy here, all I was saying is that people will judge based of the weird fanbase. It's logical they might want to take their distance to something they don't like such as weeaboo talk and the like.
People will judge you based on anything, a mature person won't call them a sheep because they have the damn right to dislike whatever they want just like you have the right to dislike what the majority approves. You judge them, they judge you, that's like society is, sadly. And the "they judge me first :c" arrgument seems pretty immature imo, that's why I said they need to grow up.

A mature anime fan wouldn't call another a weeaboo, if you know how much the context of that word could hurt people. Mature people don't hurt others. Well, there's evil people, but since you've claimed yourself to be good, thus I'm talking your maturity, not good or evil.

The term, "weeaboo" carries with it very hostile implications of belittlement; a derogatory term, even. When used the right way, I don't have much problem with it because I don't really like true weeaboos myself. However, the problem is that the term has been twisted into something else entirely today - non-Japanese who enjoy anime or doing Japanese stuff. This is unforgivable! True weeaboos are people who are claiming to be Japanese without knowing what the proper Japanese ethics are. Hypocritical Japanese, in a sense. A foreigner who enjoys Japanese stuff is NOT a weeaboo! That's why I feel so strongly against using such a twisted word; nothing to do with whether if you had intended to use the word in such a manner.

As for the 'immature people' who judge others, I can't blame them too much because I know what it feels like to be in the minority. It hurts a lot, especially when the majority starts judging your actions with prejudice. This can easily lead to the minority hating the majority, and while the minority is at fault, it's like blaming a victim for lashing back at his/her attacker. Victim-blaming, in a sense. That's why I try and restrain myself from judging others UNLESS they attack people with words like 'weeaboos' or 'weird.' God.
Oct 10, 2013 4:50 PM

Mar 2012
Rinshansan said:
I don't become friends with people just because they like anime, I've never joined clubs but several of my irl friends happen to enjoy the medium as it is. They're "normal" people on the outside and to them, anime isn't a matter of heavy debate but just something for them to enjoy. Mind you, one of my closest friends has seen a lot of things I have seen from my own recommendation and ended up really enjoying it. I might be the one who has seen the most, but I'm generally chill about what my friends have seen.

That all being said, yeah we'll have some of the "one-dimensional" fans and pretentious nerds here and there but anime fans aren't certainly that way all of the time, depends on the person.

On MAL though, yeah, that doesn't exist because generally this site is close-minded outside of anime or on everything in general.

That is actually a really good synopsis of anime fans. However, my experience is quite different from your own. I still remember my first experience going to my college's anime club. It was one of the most humiliating and frustrating experiences I've ever had in a club atmosphere. There were an awful lot of "one-dimensional fans" and the pretentious assholes that would argue back and forth. The sad part is they didn't even try and converse with the new members. I remember just trying to say something at the meeting and everyone just ignored me because they didn't care what sort of anime I liked or was interested in.

I say it was humiliating because I took some friends who like anime. We all left that meeting and all of us said we're never going back. I even said after that meeting that "that's the reason why I hate anime fans. They're too damn pretentious and too damn stuck-up to care about what other people like."

Still, with that being said, I agree that there are some really great anime fans out there. One of my really good friends is a diehard anime fan and has recommended some great anime to me. He's also not a pretentious dick who will mock what you like. It's a shame there aren't more anime fans out there like that because it seems like those sort of fans are hard to find.
Oct 10, 2013 4:51 PM

Aug 2013
Smooched said:
Because hentai.
Oct 10, 2013 4:56 PM

Jul 2012
Toucanbird said:

That is actually a really good synopsis of anime fans. However, my experience is quite different from your own. I still remember my first experience going to my college's anime club. It was one of the most humiliating and frustrating experiences I've ever had in a club atmosphere. There were an awful lot of "one-dimensional fans" and the pretentious assholes that would argue back and forth. The sad part is they didn't even try and converse with the new members. I remember just trying to say something at the meeting and everyone just ignored me because they didn't care what sort of anime I liked or was interested in.

I say it was humiliating because I took some friends who like anime. We all left that meeting and all of us said we're never going back. I even said after that meeting that "that's the reason why I hate anime fans. They're too damn pretentious and too damn stuck-up to care about what other people like."

Still, with that being said, I agree that there are some really great anime fans out there. One of my really good friends is a diehard anime fan and has recommended some great anime to me. He's also not a pretentious dick who will mock what you like. It's a shame there aren't more anime fans out there like that because it seems like those sort of fans are hard to find.

You can find those type of fans in any medium you come across. But I somewhat agree, there are a fairly large amount of dicks and weirdos who end up more vocal than the overall good majority and give us a bad name.
Oct 10, 2013 5:03 PM
May 2010
Toucanbird said:
Rinshansan said:
I don't become friends with people just because they like anime, I've never joined clubs but several of my irl friends happen to enjoy the medium as it is. They're "normal" people on the outside and to them, anime isn't a matter of heavy debate but just something for them to enjoy. Mind you, one of my closest friends has seen a lot of things I have seen from my own recommendation and ended up really enjoying it. I might be the one who has seen the most, but I'm generally chill about what my friends have seen.

That all being said, yeah we'll have some of the "one-dimensional" fans and pretentious nerds here and there but anime fans aren't certainly that way all of the time, depends on the person.

On MAL though, yeah, that doesn't exist because generally this site is close-minded outside of anime or on everything in general.

That is actually a really good synopsis of anime fans. However, my experience is quite different from your own. I still remember my first experience going to my college's anime club. It was one of the most humiliating and frustrating experiences I've ever had in a club atmosphere. There were an awful lot of "one-dimensional fans" and the pretentious assholes that would argue back and forth. The sad part is they didn't even try and converse with the new members. I remember just trying to say something at the meeting and everyone just ignored me because they didn't care what sort of anime I liked or was interested in.

I say it was humiliating because I took some friends who like anime. We all left that meeting and all of us said we're never going back. I even said after that meeting that "that's the reason why I hate anime fans. They're too damn pretentious and too damn stuck-up to care about what other people like."

Still, with that being said, I agree that there are some really great anime fans out there. One of my really good friends is a diehard anime fan and has recommended some great anime to me. He's also not a pretentious dick who will mock what you like. It's a shame there aren't more anime fans out there like that because it seems like those sort of fans are hard to find.

Being a purist of any kind isn't healthy in the first place any way. When you stop considering the feelings and emotions of others beyond the medium of anime, then you stop being human. You are just... an anime freak! lol That was a joke, by the way... the 'freak' part. Just so I don't hurt anyone.

I actually shared a similar experience with you, Toucanbird. It's not anime, though - it's movies. Exclusivity of any kind seems to make people damn arrogant of themselves. This is truth in everything, though - movies, anime, books. It's a neverending cycle where nobody's at fault. All part of something as chaotic as being human. Sigh... At least we could comfort like-minded people in desperate times. :)

Being a passionate anime fan - or a passionate fan of anything - is awesome, and I encourage it. Go crazy on your anime facts. However, just remember to keep in consideration the feelings of those non-exclusive members. Anime is a wonderful medium to be shared with the world. Be the Prometheus of anime and share the fire with humanity.

But ah, here I go again with my idealistic speeches. Sorry.
Oct 10, 2013 5:09 PM

Aug 2012

My sides hurts so bad after watching all this.
Oct 10, 2013 5:16 PM

May 2013
The people I've met in real life who watch anime fit the rough stereotype given to them so its easy to see why anime gets dragged down. Its the same for any hobby that has some form of a 'nerdy' fan attachment like gaming or war gaming.
Oct 10, 2013 5:41 PM

Oct 2013
Its hard for people to look down on me, when im 6'1 :)
Oct 10, 2013 5:49 PM

Mar 2012
MB-Ace said:
Its hard for people to look down on me, when im 6'1 :)

Not that big mate lol, I am 6" tall and I feel a little above average.

I am going to post one more time on this thread as someone who is a very atypical Anime fan. My friends aren't into Anime and I have a very good outside perspective of this.

You guys can argue all you want about these little details. There are two reasons the mass population looks down on Anime.

Number 1: People think it is a cartoon and it is for kids.

Number 2: Many Anime fans are completely socially awkward and weird. This image has tainted Anime' in general.

This is all you have to discuss. Few people think of Hentai or the other excuses that only insiders would think of.

Whether you want to listen to me or keep arguing these miniscule and unimportant points is your right, but this should be the /thread.
Oct 10, 2013 5:52 PM
May 2010
RichtheLionheart said:
Whether you want to listen to me or keep arguing these miniscule and unimportant points is your right, but this should be the /thread.

It's scary when someone else reminds you what self-righteous posts look like.
Oct 10, 2013 5:58 PM

Jan 2012
nobody i know really looks down on anime, the only thing i get and what i hate more than anything is when they say 'all people that watch anime are socially awkward teenagers who have no social life' and when i say i watch anime they look at me gobsmacked because apparently i don't 'look' or 'act' like i watch anime D:
Oct 10, 2013 7:37 PM

Apr 2013
MajinSaga said:
Probably because of people like this:

Oh god.....
Oct 10, 2013 8:13 PM

Jul 2012
randompadley said:
nobody i know really looks down on anime, the only thing i get and what i hate more than anything is when they say 'all people that watch anime are socially awkward teenagers who have no social life' and when i say i watch anime they look at me gobsmacked because apparently i don't 'look' or 'act' like i watch anime D:

SOOO much this. I once even got flak from another anime watcher saying I don't look the type and then saying "You only watch shit like Naruto and Bleach eh". That was the day I found out just how much self-restraint I had by not hitting the guy.
Oct 10, 2013 8:16 PM

Aug 2013
Well, dude had a point with Naruto. :x
Oct 10, 2013 8:54 PM

Sep 2013
because they think that all anime are like pokemon.. meaning they think it's for kids or when they think about anime, its tentacles and 12 year old high school girls..
はじめまして。おかざきです、どうぞ よろしく。
Oct 10, 2013 9:18 PM

Jun 2013
Nagisa_Okazaki said:
because they think that all anime are like pokemon.. meaning they think it's for kids or when they think about anime, its tentacles and 12 year old high school girls..

Also that people in general seem to have some very prominent issues with anything that doesn't fit into what they consider "normal." It's on of the leading reasons people become "closet otakus." Not sure if I'm the only one, but I'm not masochistic enough to put out the fact that I'm an "Anime Watcher." Since in most people's minds, that would make me a "Childish, Cartoon-Porn Loving Pre-pubescent cum-sack, who wouldn't know a thing about 'real art'."

That's just my two cents though.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Oct 10, 2013 9:26 PM

Jul 2012
probably because they keep there dvds on the bottom shelf.
Oct 10, 2013 9:37 PM

Sep 2013
I hated anime for a long time because, much like the current aversion to video games in general (whether or not they're violent) it's simply easier to reject the unknown than to think of it as being acceptable. For example... one of my friend's (who personally got me into anime) only has wallpapers of anime girls, so I inevitably became suspicious. Also, I have an innate and radical aversion of hentai (seriously) so all the fan-service ends up becoming more common than actual quality.

So yes. People look down on anime because it's incredibly easy for it to be misunderstood.
Oct 10, 2013 9:53 PM

May 2013
because hentai
Oct 10, 2013 9:54 PM

Jul 2012
Aerea said:
Well, dude had a point with Naruto. :x

Oh I definitely didn't disagree about that, just the assumptions that I only watch that. I mean even if I don't watch a lot of anime doesn't mean they gotta stereotype me like that.
Oct 10, 2013 10:13 PM
Oct 2012
I think its because of the content of the series these days. The major factor playing here is the autistic faggots loving anime without giving any reason as to why, praising overly-popular series like Attack on Titan, and blindly reading some shiity manga or anime that came out in the current season that they watch on Crunchyroll. Fuck Crunvhyroll man, you are limiting yourself to all of the anime, torrent that shit.
Oct 10, 2013 11:54 PM
May 2010
-Jody32- said:
Anyone can complain about narrow-minded people, in fact I encourage it. All I am pointing out here is that anime isn't looked down on for nothing. Unfortunately. :(

Yeah, but prejudice isn't a very good reason to judging anime as a whole, now is it?
Oct 11, 2013 12:09 AM

Jan 2013

I think people are just jealous they can't become true men like this fellow.
Oct 11, 2013 2:37 AM

Oct 2013
They are just too simple minded, that's why.

They think that watching anime is immature, even though there's nothing wrong with that.

Growing up has nothing to do with what you watch or you enjoy.
Oct 11, 2013 2:49 AM

Oct 2013
I dunno but don't listen to those people because they have probably never given anime a chance. I remember talking to a girl at work about heavy metal music. She thinks metal bands drink each others blood. How dumb is that?
Oct 11, 2013 4:13 AM

Feb 2012
Zarbel said:
I dunno but don't listen to those people because they have probably never given anime a chance. I remember talking to a girl at work about heavy metal music. She thinks metal bands drink each others blood. How dumb is that?

I think that sounds very metal.
Oct 11, 2013 6:00 AM

Jan 2013
mecharobot said:
Zarbel said:
I dunno but don't listen to those people because they have probably never given anime a chance. I remember talking to a girl at work about heavy metal music. She thinks metal bands drink each others blood. How dumb is that?

I think that sounds very metal.
And accurate.
Makomonogatari said:
lupadim said:
And the best part is that no one can prove it wrong
The best part is that you somehow actually exist.
Oct 11, 2013 6:08 AM

Oct 2010
mecharobot said:
Zarbel said:
I dunno but don't listen to those people because they have probably never given anime a chance. I remember talking to a girl at work about heavy metal music. She thinks metal bands drink each others blood. How dumb is that?

I think that sounds very metal.

They would sure get a huge amount of iron through this.
Oct 11, 2013 6:16 AM

Oct 2013
jal90 said:
mecharobot said:
Zarbel said:
I dunno but don't listen to those people because they have probably never given anime a chance. I remember talking to a girl at work about heavy metal music. She thinks metal bands drink each others blood. How dumb is that?

I think that sounds very metal.

They would sure get a huge amount of iron through this.

Haha dat chemistry
Oct 11, 2013 6:30 AM
Dec 2011
Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of people are hesitant to share their like towards anime because they can easily be labeled as an "otaku", which quickly paints an awkward profile for them. So when you do find some people who share your interests in anime, it's almost finding a member of a secret society.

Generally speaking, anime is notorious and infamous for its "big-boobness" and seemingly pointless, childish tendencies (even though not all anime are definitely not within this category) So it can be kind of off-putting to a lot of people, especially if they start to associate you with those kinds of anime.

Honestly though, I don't find it to be much of a problem as long as I don't flaunt my anime-watching activities. If someone asks, I'll tell them I watch anime. It's just something I enjoy... so meh. Screw what other people think.
Oct 11, 2013 9:33 AM

Jul 2013
I don't care, people look down on it because they associate it with kid shows like Doraemon or Sailor Moon. They obviously aren't aware of more mature anime. It doesn't even have to be on both extremes (kiddy and adult). There are TONS of comedy or romance anime that would make great stories regardless of the medium. In the end anime is just that, a medium. Not something that's inferior to books, TV, or movies.

Heck I even brag to my girlfriend that I watch anime and will often tell her to watch some of the anime that I like.
Oct 11, 2013 12:19 PM

Jun 2010
some people are embarrassed because people around the age of 16+ are expected to have already grown out of watching cartoons.
Oct 11, 2013 12:50 PM

Feb 2008
Fans are horrible. They're weeaboos, smelly, dirty, talk about nothing but their waifu/husbando etc. And then you get the other part of the anime fandom, the crazy rabid fangirls with their bl fantasies.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Oct 11, 2013 1:01 PM

Oct 2012
If i say i watch animes --> they think i watch cartoons
If i say animes aren't cartoons --> they think i'm watching hentai
If i say anime isn't hentai --> they say what's the difference? (mostly)

Oct 11, 2013 1:02 PM

Oct 2012
MaceTheDon said:
some people are embarrassed because people around the age of 16+ are expected to have already grown out of watching cartoons.

Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu
Oct 11, 2013 1:17 PM

Feb 2008
Shiniela said:

Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu

Anime *is* cartoons. -__-

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Oct 11, 2013 1:22 PM

Oct 2012
Midori-tan said:
Shiniela said:

Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu

Anime *is* cartoons. -__-

There's a difference. Cartoons are just mindless comedy mostly with poor artwork, sound, no plot. Purely for entertainment purpose for kids.

Anime has plot, detailed background, plot, sound, well drawn characters.
Oct 11, 2013 1:25 PM

Aug 2012
Shiniela said:
Midori-tan said:
Shiniela said:
Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu
Anime *is* cartoons. -__-
There's a difference. Cartoons are just mindless comedy mostly with poor artwork, sound, no plot. Purely for entertainment purpose for kids.

Anime has plot, detailed background, plot, sound, well drawn characters.
"They see me trollin', they hatin'..."
Oct 11, 2013 1:29 PM

Feb 2012
Shiniela said:
Midori-tan said:
Shiniela said:

Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu

Anime *is* cartoons. -__-

There's a difference. Cartoons are just mindless comedy mostly with poor artwork, sound, no plot. Purely for entertainment purpose for kids.

Anime has plot, detailed background, plot, sound, well drawn characters.
Ya nice try bud.
Oct 11, 2013 1:37 PM

Jan 2012
Because the first thing most people think about when they hear anime is Tentacles, and Cartoon Porn. And if they start googling the word "Anime" it starts building up into a similar situation like Bronies (except anime is actually interesting) because all they will see is a bunch of underage cute girls flashing the cutest outfits in the worlds most cutest areas full of cute flowers while being held by handsome casablancas. First impression is everything, and trying to find out about anime usually doesn't leave a good first impression because you have no idea what's good and what's bad. And theres allot of bad.

Shiniela said:
Midori-tan said:
Shiniela said:

Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu

Anime *is* cartoons. -__-

There's a difference. Cartoons are just mindless comedy mostly with poor artwork, sound, no plot. Purely for entertainment purpose for kids.

Anime has plot, detailed background, plot, sound, well drawn characters.

So Disney movies are anime too? Because they're basically made the exact same way. Anime just has more room for Storytelling because they dont get the luxury of running as long as western cartoons, They have a deadline, and the best way to end a series is to conclude it with a story. but that doesn't change the fact that its a cartoon. Theres plenty of Animes like the "cartoon" style you described, like doraemon, shin chan, hell even Gintama falls in that category.
CaptainMahoganyOct 11, 2013 1:46 PM
Oct 11, 2013 1:40 PM

Jun 2013
It is because probably all of them at some point watched anime, but now they think they grew up and that anime is childish.My best friend is always picking on me for watching anime and he is like "I drink alchohol etc." and "You're still watching that shit you'll never get a girlfriend etc.".

I don't think we should care about them badmouthing us watching anime,ne?
Oct 11, 2013 1:57 PM

Apr 2013
ZappaBappa said:
Because the first thing most people think about when they hear anime is Tentacles, and Cartoon Porn. And if they start googling the word "Anime" it starts building up into a similar situation like Bronies (except anime is actually interesting) because all they will see is a bunch of underage cute girls flashing the cutest outfits in the worlds most cutest areas full of cute flowers while being held by handsome casablancas. First impression is everything, and trying to find out about anime usually doesn't leave a good first impression because you have no idea what's good and what's bad. And theres allot of bad.

Shiniela said:
Midori-tan said:
Shiniela said:

Anime isn't cartoons. There's a motherfu**ing difference stfu

Anime *is* cartoons. -__-

There's a difference. Cartoons are just mindless comedy mostly with poor artwork, sound, no plot. Purely for entertainment purpose for kids.

Anime has plot, detailed background, plot, sound, well drawn characters.

So Disney movies are anime too? Because they're basically made the exact same way. Anime just has more room for Storytelling because they dont get the luxury of running as long as western cartoons, They have a deadline, and the best way to end a series is to conclude it with a story. but that doesn't change the fact that its a cartoon. Theres plenty of Animes like the "cartoon" style you described, like doraemon, shin chan, hell even Gintama falls in that category.
If avatar isn't considered 'anime' I doubt Disney movies are. Lel.
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