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Accept or not? iPhone contract from mother to her 13-year-old son

Jan 6, 2013 5:01 PM

Dec 2009
It's quite good for parents looking for some hints in regulating kids with techs.

Dear Gregory

Merry Christmas! You are now the proud owner of an iPhone. Hot Damn! You are a good & responsible 13 year old boy and you deserve this gift. But with the acceptance of this present comes rules and regulations. Please read through the following contract. I hope that you understand it is my job to raise you into a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world and coexist with technology, not be ruled by it. Failure to comply with the following list will result in termination of your iPhone ownership.

I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.

1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest?

2. I will always know the password.

3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever.

4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.

5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.

6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared.

7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.

8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.

9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself.

10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.

11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.

12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. Don’t laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear – including a bad reputation.

13. Don’t take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.

14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO – fear of missing out.

15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.

16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.

17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.

18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.

It is my hope that you can agree to these terms. Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone, but to life. You are growing up in a fast and ever changing world. It is exciting and enticing. Keep it simple every chance you get. Trust your powerful mind and giant heart above any machine. I love you. I hope you enjoy your awesome new iPhone. Merry Christmas!



Here's another news about Teens vs parents on Internet:
Teens drugged parents to use Internet past curfew, police say

Two teenage girls (16) were arrested in Northern California this week after they used sleeping pill-laced milkshakes to drug one girl's parents because they wouldn't let her use the Internet past 10 p.m., police said.
bottleJan 8, 2013 7:57 PM
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Jan 6, 2013 5:04 PM

Oct 2012
Sounds like the necessary rules to someone spoiled rotten or heavily lacks responsibility.
If the parent feels his/her child is reckless, then I wouldn't blame them having that child adhere to those rules.
Those aren't cheap.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 6, 2013 5:05 PM
Dec 2012
Children cannot consent to or enter into a binding contract until they reach the age of majority.
Jan 6, 2013 5:05 PM

Apr 2012
I'd rather not have the iPhone then.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jan 6, 2013 5:06 PM

Nov 2011
10. No porn.

Would've shredded that contract on the spot.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jan 6, 2013 5:06 PM

Oct 2012
Not_Biased said:
Children cannot consent to or enter into a binding contract until they reach the age of majority.

They are still under the authority of their parents however, it's not really a contract, it's merely discipline.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 6, 2013 5:08 PM
Jul 2012
He doesn't have to accept the phone does he?
Jan 6, 2013 5:08 PM

Oct 2012
What this "contract" shows is that Janell thinks her son Gregory is an untrustworthy moron.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 6, 2013 5:09 PM

Jan 2011
In planet does a 13 year need an Iphone? I hate humanity.
Jan 6, 2013 5:11 PM

Dec 2009
Not_Biased said:
Children cannot consent to or enter into a binding contract until they reach the age of majority.
yes they can but it's not a legal one but a family contract. It's can be made since 6 or younger as far as the terms are understood both sided. You won't make a contract with the one you don't trust.
Jan 6, 2013 5:11 PM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
I'd say no and ask for a ps3 or something. Waaaay too many rules that a 13 year old won't be able to keep. I'd prefer getting my ps3 and play with my mom's iphone 5 xD Cause rly, at that age you won't do muuuuuch more.
Jan 6, 2013 5:13 PM

Sep 2012
BloodRequiem said:
I'd rather not have the iPhone then.

Exactly. It's different if you tell your son that he shouldn't be obsessed with his phone and should talk to people in real life, as well as guiding him to not do stupid mistakes. But this contract is retarded.

She's just controlling her son.
Jan 6, 2013 5:14 PM

Sep 2012
If I were that kid, I would be insulted.
BloodRequiem said:
I'd rather not have the iPhone then.
Jan 6, 2013 5:14 PM
Dec 2012
JonyJC said:
In planet does a 13 year need an Iphone? I hate humanity.

this planet:
Jan 6, 2013 5:17 PM

Sep 2012
JonyJC said:
In planet does a 13 year need an Iphone? I hate humanity.
On what planet does anybody need an iPhone? If it is within the family's means and interests, I see no reason as to why anybody should not be allowed to legally purchase something they want.

You hate humanity because 13 year olds are allowed to communicate and entertain themselves by means of a cell phone? That's odd.
Jan 6, 2013 5:23 PM

Aug 2012
Strict parents are strict.

Not falling for Not_Biased troll bait. You people should learn by now!
Jan 6, 2013 5:27 PM

Aug 2011
In short, he just has to do what he's supposed to do. I'm pretty sure that he'd learn to deal with it and be glad he has one.

Jan 6, 2013 5:29 PM

Dec 2012
Lmao @ "no porn". Because if a 13 y/o jacks off then the world would end. Also the whole "no privacy" thing seems really dumb to me. I mean it's fair because it's the parent's phone, but you might as well not have it with all these rules.

Edit: I didn't even see the "do puzzles" and " listen to classical music" parts. Lmaooooooo. Poor kid. I mean the parents have no obligation to give him an iphone, but it's cruel to dangle it in front of him and restrict it with so many rules.
PolyphemusJan 6, 2013 5:32 PM
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jan 6, 2013 5:34 PM

Nov 2010
Not_Biased said:
Children cannot consent to or enter into a binding contract until they reach the age of majority.
Well you ruined her plan of taking him to court and taking all of his lunch money.

I wouldn't accept, I would have no need for a phone, especially if I couldn't take pictures of my private parts.
Jan 6, 2013 5:40 PM

Nov 2012
Hell no.
Relationships are built on trust not contracts, this is honestly saddening.
By accepting that phone, you also limit what type of music you listen too? So stupid. iPhone is not worth all that nonsense.

Im a Devil's advocate. Its just too fun.
Running on borrowed time.

Jan 6, 2013 6:25 PM

Jun 2012
Joke's on her. He'll forget all of that in 3 weeks.
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Jan 6, 2013 6:26 PM

Jun 2008
Seeing all those rules, the best he can do is write her back this:

Dear mother

I would have told you where to put your iphone(it's not mine after all you are just loaning it to me as you said) and your stupid rules but because you raised me to be a well rounded, healthy young man that can function in the world i would just say, no thank you.
MonadJan 6, 2013 6:31 PM
Jan 6, 2013 6:51 PM

Feb 2012
12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts.

Then what's the point of having a phone if you can't take pictures of your junk and send them to people?
Jan 6, 2013 7:02 PM

Jun 2012
lol gadgets
~"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands." (Pirsig)

Jan 6, 2013 7:09 PM

Dec 2010
Dear Gregory

I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.

Sounds like a mother with a son-complex to me.

And why would you buy an iPhone if you're restricting so much of its capabilities?

Jan 6, 2013 7:22 PM

Nov 2010
DesolateOne said:
Dear Gregory

I love you madly & look forward to sharing several million text messages with you in the days to come.

Sounds like a mother with a son-complex to me.

And why would you buy an iPhone if you're restricting so much of its capabilities?
Yeah if you get him a cheap ass phone then it wil cost way less and he wouldn't be able to do all those things. Think of looking at dirty pics with that little black and white screen, wouldn't work.
Jan 6, 2013 7:48 PM

Oct 2012
Ehh i like rule number 17. But thats it.

Its a shame most of the people on MAL didnt receive good parenting as a child/early teen. Look at them now, online 24/7 with no friends and awkward social life fapping to hentai all night.
Star_BoyJan 6, 2013 10:08 PM
Jan 6, 2013 7:48 PM

Dec 2012
4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected

*This rule would NEVER be accepted. I use my smart phone for everything. Games, Searching, Homework (i have a graphic calculator on it).

5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.

*She must of missed the story on the school shooting in Nuketown, Connecticut.
Child should always have phone with them at school in case of emergencies.

10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.

*She out of her mind!!
Masturbation reduces stress and he probably doesn't have a girlfriend to do that for him. We need to pics and vids to concentrate lol.
Schools out, No job at moment, STILL hello MAL Eh..I will try to be online
Jan 6, 2013 8:12 PM

Apr 2007
SOExclusive said:
4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected

*This rule would NEVER be accepted. I use my smart phone for everything. Games, Searching, Homework (i have a graphic calculator on it).

5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration.

*She must of missed the story on the school shooting in Nuketown, Connecticut.
Child should always have phone with them at school in case of emergencies.

10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about anything, ask a person – preferably me or your father.

*She out of her mind!!
Masturbation reduces stress and he probably doesn't have a girlfriend to do that for him. We need to pics and vids to concentrate lol.

4. I suppose she could just take the SIM card out.

5. Yes, that IS what everyone uses as an excuse to be distracted in class.

10. Hmm no opinion lol

IMO unless he's very irresponsible there isn't very much to worry about. Since the mom is paying for it conditions like these should be expected. Don't like it? Get and pay for your own.
Jan 6, 2013 8:23 PM

Sep 2012
Sucks to be him.
tuturu~!! (≧◡≦)
Jan 6, 2013 8:29 PM

Apr 2011
Eh- I saw this a while ago.

I'd just say no.
Jan 6, 2013 8:30 PM

Dec 2012
This is so wrong...
Jan 6, 2013 8:35 PM

Jun 2008
It might be a extreme case of discipline but many parents get their kids a phone and have a bunch of rules about it. Writing that much rules though is kind of counter-productive.
Jan 6, 2013 8:38 PM

Dec 2011
Would she make up this contract if it weren't a iphone?
anyway, ridiculous. Let the kid learn on his own.A lot of them are about manners/common sense stuff.. I'd be insulted if my parents handed me that list.
If he's such a bright/smart kid like she says he is, drafting those rules shouldn't have been necessary.
Jan 6, 2013 8:48 PM

Jun 2011
I'm in favor of parents having some degree of discipline with their children, but this is just ridiculous. If you can't trust your child to follow simple rules without a damn contract, then don't buy them an iPhone in the first place.

Though the saddest part of this story is that it made it on the news.
Jan 6, 2013 8:59 PM

Sep 2012
Somebody should send him a free iphone ;(
Jan 6, 2013 9:00 PM

Sep 2012
Marza92 said:
Somebody should send him a free iphone ;(
No, somebody should not.
Jan 6, 2013 9:46 PM

Dec 2012
Marza92 said:
Somebody should send him a free iphone ;(

I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jan 6, 2013 10:06 PM

Oct 2012
Im still better than all of you otaku. Period.

And maybe even going to better off than this Gregory kid and the OP.

What kind of disgusting brats are out there that need to be coerced into basic good behaviour through an iPhone? What kind of feeble-minded parents need to stifle the natural curiosity of their pubertal teenage boys without empathizing at all that maybe, *ahem*, his parents aren't his mentors of choice when it comes to sexual questions? NEVER ignore the phone when it's from Mom and Dad no matter what? Where is jaxx lite with his laundry list of signs of a narcissist? The last one REALLY gets me and is also the reason why I did not accept a phone from my parents, for free, for many years despite no "iDumb Contract". When I am out with friends, I want to be out with friends, not tied by some digital lifeline to my parents through rain and shine, thank you. If parents trust their kid isn't lying to them about where they are and what they're doing and generally being a decent person, that demand is especially unnecessary.

Kids should be allowed to govern themselves to some extent with guidelines from their parents. They should be allowed, within reason, to try to balance responsibility and self-control with freedom and choice, which takes a bit of experimentation and the opportunity to do so. Trying to be a good parent isn't the same thing as actually being one.
Jan 6, 2013 10:31 PM

Jun 2011
Only reason he wanted that phone was for porn. I know this because that's why I bought an iPhone.
tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Jan 7, 2013 9:38 AM

Jun 2008
Needing an iPhone to make your child listen to you sounds kind of... like she failed as a parent or something.
I wouldn't accept. I haven't even really needed/wanted a "normal" (mobile) phone up until now, so why would I need/want this... ~.~
Jan 7, 2013 9:41 AM

Dec 2012
Wha... No. The kid should just tear up the contract and start saving for his own phone.


*My Profile || Signature by Jeav || I am a part οf The Invisibles. || My Anime List*
Jan 7, 2013 9:44 AM

Mar 2011
Why would you want to watch porn on a mobile anyway?

Also, I'd deny it on the grounds it was an Iphone, as it would mean my parents obviously never listened to anything I have ever said.
Jan 7, 2013 9:48 AM

Aug 2009
Pretty sure that she is the one that wanted the iphone and all these are just excuses.

I mean, if he accepts all that, he might as well leave it to her forever.
Jan 7, 2013 9:57 AM

Nov 2012
I'd do the same if i were a parent except for the 'taking away the phone from the kid thing. you know that he'd do all sorts of shit with it like watch porn and do rude shit with it but as a parent you want your kid to know that you're in charge and that you make the rules. It's a good idea to let you're kid know that "you're not okay with that" 'cause that's what parenting's about.

Jan 7, 2013 10:01 AM

Jun 2012
what a cunt.
Jan 7, 2013 1:10 PM

May 2012
Red_Keys said:
If I were that kid, I would be insulted.

^This, the parenting should have been good enough to make him notice those rules apply anyways, there shouldn't have been any need of a reminder. Unless of course his mum doesn't trust him, in which case he probably won't abide by many of them rules anyways.

Also what was the need for that to be on news, I would be embarrassed.

OnT, I wouldn't accept.
Jan 7, 2013 1:15 PM

Oct 2012
aintnoponyexpres said:
I'd do the same if i were a parent except for the 'taking away the phone from the kid thing. you know that he'd do all sorts of shit with it like watch porn and do rude shit with it but as a parent you want your kid to know that you're in charge and that you make the rules. It's a good idea to let you're kid know that "you're not okay with that" 'cause that's what parenting's about.

And make sure hes not allowed to watch any anime you rated under 7.
Jan 8, 2013 1:12 AM

Jan 2012
It's nice to see that parents know how to make an unfair deal seem encouraging.
I do think some of the mothers points are good ideas, but...

..if it were me in that situation...
"Keep your f****** iPhone. I don't want that piece of s*** anyway!"
Jan 8, 2013 1:40 AM
Oct 2010
aintnoponyexpres said:
I'd do the same if i were a parent except for the 'taking away the phone from the kid thing. you know that he'd do all sorts of shit with it like watch porn and do rude shit with it but as a parent you want your kid to know that you're in charge and that you make the rules. It's a good idea to let you're kid know that "you're not okay with that" 'cause that's what parenting's about.

That is not what parenting is about; good parenting is about providing a sense of home and belonging, nurturing values and principles through example and presence (not inane rule systems like the abomination in the OP) and reciprocal trust; a nice measure of good parenting is the degree of confidence that your child will NOT "do all sorts of shit with it" in the first place.
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