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Jun 13, 2008 2:59 PM

Jan 2008
I really hate Nina with a passion and hope she dies in a fire. Seriously, I thought her masturbating to a picture of Euphemia was weird enough, but she rewrites the definition of crazy every time she appears on screen.

I was once an avid Lulu x C.C. fan, but now I think it would be more appropriate if he ended up with Kallen. With C.C. it seems too business like, but with Kallen, it's an innocent relationship that has developed over time, gone through hardships and is now coming to fruition.

Overall good episode, didn't expect Zero to take the Princess hostage, in fact it seems a little too extreme and will most likely only alienate the Chinese even further, but we'll see where things go from here.

Jun 13, 2008 4:15 PM

Dec 2007
ROFLMAO @ all the chess nerds popping up. "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAY CHESS!"

lmao, no shit! Were they supposed to spend the entire episode (oh, and the next) to show how an actual chess game would play out?

Anyway, fanboy whining aside (you guys should seriously start to check yourselves, the show's actually increasing in quality but you may be blinded by the misfires of the first few eps and the amazingly quickly created nostalgia you have from R1 to see it) this was an interesting episode.

I'd been wondering how Lelouch was going to take Britannia on in a real war when he was still arguing over a measly strip of land like Japan. (Before you say anything, realize that California's bigger than Japan. Compared to a kingdom that's taken over one-third of the planet, that's really NOTHING.) Now I see. If he can take control of China, he'll finally have a decent amount of power and we can kick this war off proper.

(I'm kinda wondering what everyone else was looking for...him to finally win Japan in the last two episodes and then a deus ex machina in the last ten minutes for the rest of the world? :P)

Anyhow, his game is quite obvious, but I guess this will give Suzaku something to get pissed if anyone cares.

Random extra notes:

- C.C. uses tobasco sauce on pizza? She really is weird.

- Fanservice pissing uptight/prudish fanboys off = massive laughs for me :D

- The Empress' voice was really annoying at the end

- Nina is, like other posters have said, still a racist bitch. Can we please get rid of her?

- Orange! I KNEW I'd see that bastard again. Ever since I saw him in the opening, I've been waiting on his reappearance. His last loss was way too anticlimactic. Oh well. I wonder what V.V. is doing. I wonder if Charles knows about it or if he's got his own motives. If that's the case Charles and Orange might end up fighting and Lelouch will just pick off the winner.

- Fanboys looking for "realism" in a world that already not only showed off super-robots Lancelot and Gawain in last season, but also displayed the existence of immortals and magic powers that allow you to control people, read minds, etc. etc...are retarded. That is all. :D

SageShinigamiJun 14, 2008 11:12 AM
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Jun 13, 2008 6:13 PM

Jun 2008
I'm starting to think that Lulu has veeeeeery split personalities O.O


xD I swear.... he can flatline like 50 times and still be alive... well that's Orange for you I guess >.<.... ORANGE!!!! YAY!!! ^^

StabbyPWNSJun 17, 2008 8:10 PM

Sig WILL change soon~
Jun 14, 2008 2:17 AM

Apr 2008
Past 3 days me and my friends has been going "Oya, Soukai?" and "Zenryoku de"

So yeah.
Jun 14, 2008 2:26 AM

Jun 2008
Code Geass: The Kiddy Molestation of Lelouch

I didn't know why Lelouch didn't hook up with Karen or Sherry but now I know why. He likes them young.
Jun 14, 2008 5:42 AM

Mar 2008
Nice ep.
Sunrise needs to learn how to play chess. What they did is worse than fanservice.
I myself am going to by a bag full of oranges next week.
Series still awsome.


I don't know about you guys, but I see Nina's behaviour as expected. Even given that she's a lesbian, think about it! Euphemia was Nina's "one true love", the Zero comes and kills her, right when Euphemia was about to offer peace to him. You can't argue that her death was Lelouch's fault. IMO, Nina has every right in the world to go batshit crazy when Zero is near.
DozerJun 14, 2008 5:47 AM
Jun 14, 2008 6:28 AM

Jan 2008
Maybe so, but it's annoying and nobody wants to see it. She should just die and let us live our lives.

Jun 14, 2008 7:00 AM

Mar 2008
evangelion2727 said:
Code Geass: The Kiddy Molestation of Lelouch

I didn't know why Lelouch didn't hook up with Karen or Sherry but now I know why. He likes them young.

psh, everybody knows he has the hots for Nunnally. Else, he wouldn't have gone this far. ^^
Jun 14, 2008 11:08 AM

Dec 2007
Dozer said:
Nice ep.
Sunrise needs to learn how to play chess. What they did is worse than fanservice.

ROFL. "OMG fanservice!!!" I have yet to see the big deal and why some people seem to be allergic to a pair of panties or a skimpy outfit or whatever.

I don't know about you guys, but I see Nina's behaviour as expected. Even given that she's a lesbian, think about it! Euphemia was Nina's "one true love", the Zero comes and kills her, right when Euphemia was about to offer peace to him. You can't argue that her death was Lelouch's fault. IMO, Nina has every right in the world to go batshit crazy when Zero is near.

Its not Nina's hatred of Zero that makes people dislike her...well, mostly. Its the fact that she's a crazy racist bitch. Started out as seemingly simple ignorance back in The Order of the Black Knights ("'re just an eleven" or whatever), but its seemingly gotten much, much worse since then. (As if an Eleven could be MY friend!")

Which means two things:

A.) No matter how intellectually smart you are, you can still be morally bankrupt.

B.) She says she was in love with Euphemia, but it wasn't love, it was really idolizing her, as she never understood what Euphemia gave her life trying to do.

Oh well.
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Jun 14, 2008 2:00 PM

Mar 2008
yeah, it's like...she's a fangirl, with craziness amped to, forget eleven, it's cranked to OVER 9000

And yeah, we could do away with public display of racism, but eh...she's just being her, that is, being a quintessential Britannian.

That however, undoes what her affection really is. Euphemia loves the Japanese and wants an equal world. Her? She'd nuke her own school if it means killing Zero...
Jun 14, 2008 4:15 PM

Apr 2008
Too bad the nuke didn't work. What they should do now is to bring that girl Lelouch geass'd in S1 to draw markings on the wall in the school :D
Jun 14, 2008 10:39 PM

Mar 2008
infinite_zero said:
Too bad the nuke didn't work.

She's working on it now...
Jun 14, 2008 11:25 PM
Jan 2007
Loved this ep, the plot twists were getting out of hand :/

- Zino's exchange with Suzaku about the carrot carving was cute ♥
- I still ship LuluxC.C. D:
- series needs more C.C. ;_; every scene she's in is epic win
- aw man, I didn't really hate Nina before, but how dare she say that to Milly D:< I'm also tired of her going ZOMGELEVEN sdfsldfjlsdkfjlskdf
- Is it just me or is Lulu really stupid for kidnapping the Tian Zi? He could've joined forces with Xing Ke to take down Britannia in exchange for helping him overthrow the Eunuchs, but now everyone's his enemy >.>
- LOL at illegal chess moves :D Lulu has way too much pride.
- KanonxSchneizel is officially canon xD
- as much as I love Orange-kun, he needs to stay dead >.>

nx6 said:
Suzaku continues to show less empathy for people with his new rank in the System as he fails to see this contrived marriage for what it is.

Actually, he did question whether the Tian Zi had really consented to the marriage (rightfully so D:), but Cecile pointed out that they didn't have a choice but to believe what the Eunuchs told them.

LAH-Foton said:
lukey001 said:
I won't be surprised if they bring back Euphemia =/

No, please no...
wait, they did that already in the Nintendo DS game, and she pilots a KMF too...o_O

If they bring Euphy back, I will strangle something D:

DestinyFate said:
Guy don't blame Lelouch for pointing a gun at Tian Zi already... he had no choice but to do that otherwise Suzaku will spinkick him again.

Jul 5, 2008 2:17 PM

May 2008
Argh,Euphy's the last thing we need -_- Nina goes crazy again just when I thought she'll be a fine and reserved young lady...nah. Of course she'll act like a bitch,people don't change. But yeah,I agree she has every right to hate Zero,after all it's his fault that Euphy died and made such a grandiose massacre before that.
Yay for chess! Lelouch: "If I win I'd like you to give me lord Kururugi " Suzaku's becoming more of an inanimate object by the minute! lmao
DarkShinesJul 5, 2008 2:24 PM
Jul 13, 2008 11:50 AM

Mar 2007
HAHA C.C. wins so much ordering a shrimp pizza >_<

And why cant kallen fall on me like that :(
i dont remember Milly looking that voluptuous *_*
One hell of a chess match :)

In the future, 30year old men dating girls from high school, teachers marrying students, arranged marriages to 12 year old girls, and lolicon is acceptable again

9 PAGES of comments >_< wow

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jul 30, 2008 3:30 PM

Jan 2008
Wasted_Life said:
In the future arranged marriages to 12 year old girls

Well I'm sure this was 'acceptable' in the past to begin with. Well, actually, its still happening today unfortunately, but anyway.

Back to more important matters: I would gladly read a fanfiction where Nina is slapped violently nonstop. I dont need a story, I just want that scenario repeated until she's bloody jello.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Aug 26, 2008 12:17 AM

May 2008
This is funny.
Jan 25, 2009 2:03 AM

Mar 2008
This episode was cool, I got to see Lelouch's awesome chess skills.

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Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan
Jan 25, 2009 1:12 PM
Sep 2008
It was okay for me. I guess because it didn't have any action.
Jan 28, 2009 9:26 AM

Jul 2008
i hope zero really doesn't marry the Chinese princess because what would happen to shirley and Kallen and the little Japanese princess

if you love any zeros from any manga or anime come join my club
Feb 7, 2009 3:54 PM

Mar 2008

Good points:
Character Development! Woo!
Nice new characters
Pace of storyline is fast - always good

Bad points:
OK, Kaguya Sumeragi really really annoys me for some reason, and seems like an unneccesary character. Get out of my beloved series you kid!!
The story isn't as good as the first season...instead of well-thought out plots (mutiple ones which combined into one and kept you thinking) it seems dumified, with TONS of action instead. Well I don't mind action, but it doesn't seem unique anymore
they even bent the rules of chess to add to more drama/tension? Ok, that's going to far and seems desperate~
sugarplumfairyFeb 7, 2009 4:01 PM
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Apr 8, 2009 6:01 PM

Jun 2008
Nice to find out why Li(Xing-Ke or w/e..) is so loyal to the empress, and wow Nina is so mean how could she say that to Milly when she's so nice to her? Well I know she's screwed in the head but... :P Gino's awesome if he could end up with Kallen he'd even be more awesome haha. Wtf Orange keeps reappearing why can't he just die?! X_X
Apr 30, 2009 12:24 AM

Jun 2008
what!! jeremiah is still alive!!!!! tian zi is such a cute empress but she needs to get a little more backbone but i get that she's still young... i just hate those no balls (literally haha) eunuchs manipulating her!... hate nina too... can't believe she said she hates shallow women to milly!! UGH!! she's a shallow woman.. obsessed with euphemia...
Aug 30, 2009 1:26 AM

Jan 2009
nice twist there.

Nov 5, 2009 5:34 AM

Oct 2009
Fai said:
So, Ep 9

FFS! ME BE HAPPY KALLEN FAN FFS FFS FFS /falls on ground from happiness.

haha schnitzel
Dec 27, 2009 9:14 PM

Jul 2009
Jan 4, 2010 1:45 PM
Nov 2009
Jan 29, 2010 10:41 PM

Nov 2008
Another twist. And apparently there is some yaoi mixed in there.
ClementIVJan 29, 2010 11:05 PM
Feb 2, 2010 3:14 PM

Jan 2010
If anyone out there loves/likes that rascist bitch Nina, I'd love to hear from you.

Feb 8, 2010 5:59 AM
Jan 2010
exciting episode, I really didn't except Lelouch to be so aggresive, perharps he could use geass on some1 to that for him, mb to that man chinese itself
Feb 16, 2010 1:46 PM
Feb 2008
That little empress was adorable.

I think I need an explanation as to how Lelouch knew what XiangChe was going to do. I guess he assumed that he was dissatisfied with the Eunuchs decisions when he helped them with the asylum issue in Japan. although one would think he would ask Zero to join him in his rebellion thus establishing a partnership.
Apr 30, 2010 10:25 AM

May 2009
iUltimatum said:
If anyone out there loves/likes that rascist bitch Nina, I'd love to hear from you.
...that reminds me, I hate Nina. She's just... pathetic. Or she was in the last series.

Well, she just proved to be the same moronic person she was in the last series. I hope (Read only if you're not offended easily --->)
for all eternity. I hate her even more than May Chang X_X

Why are children always laughing? It's like a generic wedding scene in Bollywood where young girls, the friends of the bride are giggling and running around poitnlessly.

Chief of "In Vogue" lol
One thing odd was someone said, "How rather young!"
What about Empress Tianzi? O_o;

lol WTF is Lelouch doing? Abducting Empress Tianzi? O_o;

That new guy in the end didn't look so dangerous really...
Nov 12, 2010 6:22 AM
Jul 2010
The racist moron is back xD And this time it is clearly shown that she has a serious inferiority complex (not that I hadn't already understood that before). And Suzaku, despite his first instinct of stopping her, ended up letting her proceed on trying to kill Zero. Damn him.
Dec 29, 2010 5:54 PM

Jul 2010
Xingke is a pretty cool guy. It's good that he wasn't shot, and I hope he won't. But coughing up blood doesn't look good. ;[

Oh my, Orange still lives. :D

And **** you Nina. I thought I told you to kill yourself already?
JawaeseDec 29, 2010 6:03 PM
Jan 21, 2011 9:21 AM
Jun 2010
as a fan of c.c.+ lelouch, i have to say i am EXTREMLEY pissed. HE HAS TO END UP WITH C.C.!

Jun 7, 2011 2:49 PM

Feb 2010
I feel like theres more to this plan... like he make TAKE the princess... and there will be some fighting for a little... but I feel like he'll secretly try to negotiate with Xing-ke and form an alliance. He'd be a GREAT alliance.

Either way... lulu ftw!

And fuck you nina. you dumb bitch.
Jun 30, 2011 4:10 PM

Aug 2009

I could never stand those physco characters in anime.. LIKE SHES FUCKNG CRAZY!!!

And Zero, dont kill that cute little girl! D;
Sep 23, 2011 9:32 PM

Jun 2011
Something about Li Xingke reminds me of Chrono from Chrno Crusade.
Feb 23, 2012 4:04 PM

Aug 2010
God damn Nina.. worst girl in the show.

Mar 28, 2012 12:07 PM

Feb 2012
Seriously Nina, go find yourself a table and calm down. I also love how Jeremiah's eyepiece is orange, as though he's embracing his identity as Orange-kun.

Now, concerning that chess match -- I think most people here are misunderstanding its conclusion. Zero and Schneizel had both resigned themselves to a draw, recognizing that a threefold repetition would occur if they continued as is.

Zero: "Now what? You cannot advance any farther?"
Schneizel: "At this rate, we'll fall into a threefold repetition."
Zero: "I don't like it myself, but perhaps this is a draw."

Analyzing the chess game itself, and not the politics behind the chess game, both Schneizel and Zero recognized that they were about to fall into a loop and would draw each other. The game was over at that point: Zero wouldn't get Suzaku, and Schneizel wouldn't get to see Zero unmasked.

When Schneizel proceeded to say, "not at all," he was then analyzing the politics behind the chess game, realizing he could spin the current board state to his "advantage" by putting Zero in a lose-lose situation (his statement, "don't underestimate the White King," was politically loaded in a very obvious way). Zero had three options: 1) capture the King, 2) make a move that doesn't capture the King, and 3) don't make a move at all. Lelouch rules out the first option himself: "To take his invitation would mean that I've surrendered to him. I will not allow myself to be humiliated here." The third option would've made Zero look like a fool who had weaseled his way out of a tricky situation.

All that was left was the second option, to retreat with his own king -- but Schneizel managed to spin that against Zero, too, with the line, "His Imperial Majesty would have taken the piece without hesitation. I think I have a better understanding of the kind of person you are, now."

Schneizel's ploy had nothing to do with chess, and it's actually even easier to understand the crowd's reactions with that in mind:

Kanon: "If Zero advances his piece..."
Kallen: "...Schneizel's..."
Suzaku: "...king will be taken."
Odysseus: "He's playing around too much."
Kaguya: "Does he intend to lose?"

Kanon, Kallen, and Suzaku get it. They fully understand the politics of the situation. Odysseus may or may not get it -- I got the impression from this episode that he's a bit dense and clearly a throwaway from the royal family if he's being married into the Chinese Federation to begin with. He understands that the chess game has finished, but may not understand the deeper implications of Schneizel's move, thinking that he's just playing around. And then Kaguya thinks that the game is still going on, lol. She probably hasn't touched a chess piece in her life.

The bottom line: Schneizel knows how to play chess. Lelouch knows how to play chess. Sunrise knows how to play chess (even if they've taken some liberties, like inconsistent board states and Lelouch using the king as an offensive piece before the endgame in every game he plays, which is beyond unorthodox). Sometimes you have to examine scenes more deeply.
CuriousThingMar 28, 2012 12:16 PM
Apr 5, 2012 7:40 AM
Apr 2012
Even before Euphemia's death, Nina's obsession with Euphemia was the worst Yuri stuff I've ever seen in any anime. And it's getting worse without Euphie.
When Kallen apologized to Nina, I coudn't stand it. I was just like,
"Oh, Kallen, why are you so nice to that crazy bitch, just kill her, it's that simple!"
She's the only flaw in this great show.
genkai456Apr 5, 2012 8:50 AM
May 22, 2012 11:24 PM

Apr 2012
-cc eats pizza, lulu is on Kallen-
-Screams out "TABASCO"-
best part hands down
Jul 10, 2012 7:07 AM

May 2012
LelouchxKallen... my... my shipper heart is happy.

That is all.
Jul 30, 2012 4:55 PM
Jul 2012
Aright episode.
Here is nina whore again. Everytime i see her i skip the scene. Attendtion seeker girl.
Lelouch x Kaillen yes. Well i think lelouchx cc coulpe ain't happen.
I don't like some of the new characters.
Aug 31, 2012 12:08 PM

Dec 2009
Holy shit! Orange never dies does he xD

And god damn Zero's badass xD


Sent with Mal Updater
Sep 27, 2012 1:43 PM

Oct 2011
Really good episode, Tianzi is adorable. Lelouch went too far in my opinion, I really wanted Xing-ke and her to visit the outside world together.
aidoruSep 27, 2012 1:46 PM
Oct 31, 2012 10:31 PM

Sep 2011
Nov 28, 2012 2:13 PM

May 2012
Am i the only one weirded out seeing a tall bearded man getting married to a little girl? I'm glad Lelouche stopped the marriage!

I don't quite know how we went from playing chess to staging a coup, it happened really sudden.
Dec 13, 2012 8:16 AM

Oct 2012
He kidnapped that princess so he might be able to take the Chinese federation to war against Brittania
-------Only God will judge me --------

Mar 2, 2013 5:46 AM

May 2012
Lol that weird crazy bitch... that chess game sure was quite epic! A slow episode but a great episode in general especially for story development!

Lol @ Loli marriage!
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