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Does negative fandom play a part in you ever picking up or continuing a series
Dec 23, 2010 5:08 AM

Sep 2008
True or False?

Was just talking to a friend about a certain anime and the moment I criticized about a certain episode, he was ready to bite my head off all because he was a fan. So just wondering, do you think people's fandom can ruin your enjoyment when watching anime? Whether it be through overhyping from fans(like what happened with HOTD), or when they blaze you for ever having put a critical comment to a certain episode(like what my mate did).
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Dec 23, 2010 6:01 AM
Jul 2010
True? Most of the fans of the certain anime are too obsessive and can only see affirmative features of anime and don't see anything negative in it at all, and if your friend was like raging because you gave to certain anime some critic, what kind of idiot is he if he can't hangle healthy critic and your opinion, you know what go to tell your friend that he is an idiot.
Dec 23, 2010 7:16 AM

Dec 2010
They don't ruin my enjoyment of a show, but they do ruin my perception of them and similar fans.
Dec 23, 2010 7:55 AM

Apr 2008
"Die hard fans" aren't so much the reason I don't want to pick up a series, but the reason why I'll grow to hate a series as I'm watching it. Case in point, Code Geass. That show has probably one of the most pig-headed fanbases I've ever seen, and I didn't want to be associated with those kinds of fans as I watched the show, so I dropped it. Most of the time, a fanbase won't interrupt my enjoyment of a certain series (like H.O.T.D., which I enjoyed despite all the hate the ecchi side of the show was getting), but a show like Code Geass is one of the few exceptions where I'll drop a series because of the fanbase. From what I've read in episode and series summaries, the second season was pretty much run by the fans, anyway.
Dec 23, 2010 8:08 AM

Oct 2010
to a degree yea, but most of the time i just brush it off and am like....

"just their opinion, i can understand to a degree why they disagree"

but at the same time you can't help but feel a lil annoyed/agitated when someone says something "bad" about your favorite anime and or episode :)
I'll never say "I understand what you're going through"
Dec 23, 2010 9:45 AM

Sep 2010
Ikaros_Fan said:
to a degree yea, but most of the time i just brush it off and am like....

"just their opinion, i can understand to a degree why they disagree"

but at the same time you can't help but feel a lil annoyed/agitated when someone says something "bad" about your favorite anime and or episode :)

Pfft...You beat me to it.
Dec 23, 2010 1:07 PM
Jul 2018
Gurren Lagann fans who think it's the 2nd coming have always annoyed me a little. Not nearly enough to effect my enjoyment of the show though.
Dec 23, 2010 1:37 PM

Mar 2010
Most of the time they don't ruin my enjoyment of the anime, but I do find them being annoying sometimes.
Dec 23, 2010 2:25 PM

May 2008
People can be pretty illogical sometimes.

If a fan bites your head off for an anime episode, hate on the fan, not the anime. What does the anime have to do with anything? Why should it be blamed for a person's remarks, especially when that person has had no affiliation with the making of said anime?

As with fandom in general, why not just enjoy anime objectively? If you go into an anime with high expectations from rave reviews or fans, there's a high probability that the anime won't meet your demanding expectations, so you get let down, and probably won't enjoy the anime as much as you would have if you just gave it an open chance. I usually don't let others dictate how I feel about anything I watch or play. It's probably why my ratings for certain anime really don't go with the scoring trend on MAL.

With that said, I've found MAL's scores to be pretty reliable most of the time. A lot of people here have great taste. Those with tastes that don't agree with yours, ie the fans you speak of, why would you let them sway you?
FauxAznDec 23, 2010 2:49 PM
Dec 23, 2010 2:41 PM

Apr 2009
TheSouthAzn said:

If a fan bites your head off for an anime episode, hate on the fan, not the anime. What does the anime have to do with anything?

totally.. wtf is with this thread.. there are trolls and hardcore fanbois
it has nothing to do with the shows =)
Dec 23, 2010 2:51 PM
Feb 2010
Yeah, TTGL, CG, LotGH, One Piece, and hell, even Naruto all have people who go apeshit over anything you say negatively about a show. It's not like anything is perfect. If we were going on plot alone, I'd never give anything over a five. Fans tend to forget that a show isn't "awesome" because of being perfect, but because of being presented well. Just look at those shows I listed; all of them have an 8 or higher on my list (well, except Naruto, because COME ON), and I could easily pick out 50 things in each that I hate.

Also, people who aren't fans have to realize that there's a difference between something in a show being truly, actually not well-made, and complaining about something you don't like. If you're watching something set in space, or uses mechs or something, then you have to be willing to accept that, sure, FTL, AI, etc might not be possible, but it's a damn TV show. Also, it's from Japan, so you can't expect them to be up-to-date on that sort of stuff.
So, yes, TTGL has giant mechs, yes, LotGH has Zephyr particles, and yes, I KNOW THAT CODE GEASS HAS ROLLERBLADING ROBOTS.

But... uhhh... the poll. I guess I'll vote no.
Dec 23, 2010 3:18 PM
Jul 2018
well ill just say fanboys are annoying .......especially the bleach and naruto fanboys.
Dec 23, 2010 3:21 PM

May 2010
They usually don't play a big part of me choosing which anime to watch. However my grip with them is that some fanboys that are weeaboos make the rest of the anime fanbase look bad because when people outside of the fandom think of us they are looking at the fanboys.
Dec 23, 2010 3:36 PM

Jul 2010
False for me. Someone else liking or disliking a show doesn't really play into me checking out a series unless it's the opinion of someone with tastes similar to mine. Some random guy on a message board has zero impact.
Dec 23, 2010 3:45 PM

Sep 2007
No... of course not.

Becoming biased just because of how a series' big fans tend to act is pretty lame. It's something to strive to avoid.
Dec 23, 2010 4:23 PM

Feb 2010
No, they amuse me. It's fun to see them trolling around.
Dec 23, 2010 4:40 PM

Nov 2010
I'll be the first to admit that I can be a bit of a fan when it comes to a certain show and cringe when somebody doesn't like the show I like. I've learn that people have the right to their opinion(sometimes). I've toned down and learn to be a fan while not taking things seriously.

Dec 23, 2010 4:42 PM

Dec 2009
I've never let someone else's opinions or actions dictate what I do, that includes the anime I watch.

If the fanbase for an anime is bad then I ignore it. I'd be asking for it if I paid any attention to it.

And if I have friends that are die hard fans of something I let them know when they cross the line. Plus my friends are cool enough to see the bad in whatever they watch and respect my opinion if I disagree.

Dec 23, 2010 4:51 PM

Jun 2010
People have their right to their opinion, but that doesn't mean that I will listen to it. If I love a show, I love it and if I hate a show, I hate it. That's all there is too it and I'm not gonna love a show just because you say it's amazing; I might try it just to find out and if it's amazing then there you go :P
Dec 23, 2010 4:53 PM

Sep 2008
Oh you mean the people only keeping anime afloat right now and the people that anime even bothers catering to anymore?

necessary evil at best.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Dec 23, 2010 4:54 PM

Aug 2009
A couple of times I have watched a show expecting it to be "the best thing ever!" because of all the fans, and then been gravely disappointed. Raised expectations are a biatch. TTGL and Baccano were the prime examples of this for me. If these shows had been obscure, I would probably have enjoyed them more because my expectations would not have been so ridiculously high. As it was, I barely had any moments of enjoyment of either.

I don't really want to watch LotGH because I know my expectations of it would ruin it for me.

I think the main reason why I liked Code Geass so much was because when I watched it, I had not experienced contact with a crazy CG fanbase, most likely because I had never been on MAL at that point. I had basically never heard anything about it. So when I began watching it I could immediately see how well it fit with my personal tastes, without having to look at it through the lens of how popular it was.

I think that is the main problem. Regardless of what is objectively 'better', everyone's tastes are very different, and telling someone that they will love something just because YOU loved it is quite illogical. I know that I wouldn't like Naruto, so I don't watch it. It doesn't mean that people who like it have bad taste, just different taste from mine.
Dec 23, 2010 6:37 PM

May 2010
To be fair, yes, only Code Geass so far. Everything else so far the critics have agreed with me.
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Dec 23, 2010 6:39 PM

Sep 2007
If you can't enjoy a show because of the fans, then you're an idiot

Hate the fans, not the show

But some show that has terrible fanbases is shit as well
Dec 23, 2010 8:37 PM

Feb 2009
Nope, fandoms don't effect my judgement at all. I mean, some really good series have fans that are absoloutly bat-s*** insane, but the series is still good.
Dec 23, 2010 9:17 PM

Jul 2010
People are saying the Code Geass, Naruto, and Bleach fans are pretty crazy, but I've never run across any hostile ones. Yes, they'll go on about how it's "super awesome," but I've never had one bite my head off for saying something I didn't like in the show. Maybe I'm just lucky.

Generally, fans don't affect my opinion of the show. However, there are some shows where I'm afraid to say something negative. LotGH is my example for this. "Death Note and Code Geass practically got their ideas from this show!" they tell me. And if you don't like the show then you're apparently to immature to appreciate it. If it's like DN and CG, I want to watch it, but at the same time I have not touched the show because if I drop it I'll have monkey ninjas attack me in my sleep.
Dec 23, 2010 11:17 PM

Jul 2010
The funniest thing is that the definition of fanboys here is severely limited to fans of shows that many people dislike. IMO, elitist fanboys is even worst than those. On this site, I see more attacks whenever someone says he/she dislike shows that many elitists like such as Bebop or LoGH than whenever someone bashes Naruto, Bleach, Code Geass, etc. Now, I don't care which is actually better, people are free to like what they like, no?

On topic, my answer is 'Sometimes.' When the show is something I liked, fanboys acting retarded won't make me dislike the show. When it's something that I dislike because I find it lacking in many aspects, retarded fanboys insulting me for having different view than they are will only make my view on it worse. Though, on this site, I see many reasonable fanboys that can disagree without resorting to insults.
Dec 23, 2010 11:27 PM

Apr 2010
Don't forget fangirls. You see about 30 girls cosplaying as Sephiroth (ok hes not REALLY from an anime but still), or L, or some naruto character and you'll hate it too ^^;. You girls are no better off than this guy:

I try to ignore fans where I can, and I try not to force my tastes onto other people. BUT there will always be that ONE fan that just pushes it to far. So I will vote sometimes.
Dec 24, 2010 4:09 AM

Aug 2009
The most annoying ones are those LotGH fans who refuse to hear anything against their obsession, going as far as to bash all other anime in comparison. Now that is overdoing it.

Apart from that, I haven't met any such hostile fans. However, it saddens me to say this that yaoi fangirls are worse. Many a times, they've given me absolute nightmares and made me 'see' things which don't even exist.

On another side note, sometimes 'US' can also be a pain in the ass. For example, people who think that just because a person likes Bleach, they are a fanboy/girl or have poor taste in anime. I like Bleach and I don't fangirl about it nor do I think I have poor taste in anime.
Dec 24, 2010 4:16 AM

Sep 2008
well looking at the replies, I have to admit I am part of the percentage who frown when I hear one of my faves being criticized negatively, but as long as it was constructive then I never say anything back and sometimes even go back to that particular episode that had been critiqued to see their point of view....of course if all that person says is that the show is shit with no particular reason apart from that they wanted to get a post count, then I know their trolling...
Dec 24, 2010 4:50 AM

Feb 2010
leingodf8 said:

That dude is awesome.
Dec 24, 2010 5:34 AM
Jul 2018
Yeah think?
Those fucking LOGH fan-boys are worse than the shunen fags and harhui-tard and clannad tards combined.
The worst by far are those eva fantards.
Dec 24, 2010 5:37 AM

Sep 2010
Well, I thought fanboys were pretty annoying. But now, looking at this thread, people mindlessly complaining about them doesn't seem any better.
mljatoDec 24, 2010 5:44 AM
Dec 24, 2010 6:13 AM

Apr 2009
Fans that turned me off the shows

Legend of the Galactic Heroes - most pathetic bunch of fanboys who refuse to admit any other anime is worth watching
Tengen Toppa - They think the show is some amazing spectacular landmark in anime history.
Dec 24, 2010 6:33 AM
Jul 2018
Mirraz said:

Tengen Toppa - They think the show is some amazing spectacular landmark in anime history.

Its an acquired taste but I can understand your frustration.
See TTGL is a culmination of all things mecha however if you dis-like the genre it is perfectly understandable.
Its funny cause this was over hyped upped the ass for me and it not only met but exceeded the hype for ME.
Dec 24, 2010 6:35 AM

Dec 2010
Some fanboys really annoy me, but I usually try to respect their opinion, even if they don't respect mine. I never dropped an anime just because I hated its fans
Dec 24, 2010 6:35 AM

Jul 2010
Captain-Z said:
Its an acquired taste but I can understand your frustration.
See TTGL is a culmination of all things mecha however if you dis-like the genre it is perfectly understandable.
Its funny cause this was over hyped upped the ass for me and it not only met but exceeded the hype for ME.
I like mecha as you must already know, but I dislike TTGL.
Dec 24, 2010 6:55 AM
Jul 2018
RedSuisei said:
Captain-Z said:
Its an acquired taste but I can understand your frustration.
See TTGL is a culmination of all things mecha however if you dis-like the genre it is perfectly understandable.
Its funny cause this was over hyped upped the ass for me and it not only met but exceeded the hype for ME.
I like mecha as you must already know, but I dislike TTGL.

No you like Real Robot shows
I like both real and super robot shows
Dec 24, 2010 7:00 AM

Jul 2010
Captain-Z said:
No you like Real Robot shows
I like both real and super robot shows
RahXephon, Big O, Top wo Nerae 1 & 2 counts as Real Robots? Didn't knew that, I was fairly sure they were all Super Robots.
Dec 24, 2010 8:14 AM
Aug 2010
Dec 24, 2010 9:15 AM

Aug 2009
Captain-Z said:
Mirraz said:

Tengen Toppa - They think the show is some amazing spectacular landmark in anime history.

Its an acquired taste but I can understand your frustration.
See TTGL is a culmination of all things mecha however if you dis-like the genre it is perfectly understandable.
Its funny cause this was over hyped upped the ass for me and it not only met but exceeded the hype for ME.

I don't want to get into an argument over TTGL, but I just wanted to point out one thing - some of us don't dislike it because of the mecha aspect of it. For me, mecha is sort of a neutral thing. I have nothing against mechas as a plot element, and whether I like or dislike a mecha show depends completely on the particular story and characters of that show, not the presence of mechas.

Personally, I disliked TTGL mainly because of the characters. I didn't find that I could care about them because I didn't find their personalities or actions appealing at all for the most part. That isn't to say that there AREN'T any appealing qualities in them, but they just didn't fit with my personal tastes in characters. I don't usually like the typical shounen archetypes, and since the cast of TTGL was mainly made up of those, I couldn't enjoy it. I don't think it's objectively "bad", just not my thing, and not something that everyone will like.

I don't think it means that I have bad taste or that I can't appreciate a "good" anime. I appreciate and love many "good" and "mature" animes (in fact it's the immature ones I tend to dislike). But I still did not like that series.
Dec 24, 2010 9:26 AM
Jul 2018
watch enough mecha series with whiney main characters like amuro ray and renton thurston and you'll love TTGL.
Dec 24, 2010 9:35 AM

Jul 2010
jpem said:
watch enough mecha series with whiney main characters
I have.
Dec 24, 2010 11:31 AM

Nov 2010
Sometimes I get mad but I can understand when they flame you for criticizing they're favorite show cause in their eyes it's perfect.
Dec 24, 2010 12:38 PM

Sep 2010
what kind of idiot is he if he can't hangle healthy critic and your opinion, you know what go to tell your friend that he is an idiot.

Going soley on hearsay and implying the other person is an idiot is worse than being a supposed fanboy.

I find any kind of person unable to partake in a discussion of the PLUSES and MINUSES of anime to be detrimental trolls.

The OP seems to be unable to discuss their unmentioned negatives with their friend so he has come online looking to rally the troops to his cause, without telling folks what he was lambasted for.

Dec 24, 2010 1:08 PM

Sep 2008
Anime_Name said:
The OP seems to be unable to discuss their unmentioned negatives with their friend so he has come online looking to rally the troops to his cause, without telling folks what he was lambasted for.

well if you must know which anime we were talking about, it happened to be Naruto and the topic was a certain episode and the way it was animated and directed to which I mentioned it had been inconsistent to the art I'm used to with Naruto on manga and anime. Because he didn't agree with me, he bit my head off saying I just wanted to complain about it. Reason enough for you?

I'm pretty sure if you've ever posted on a thread and gave your critique on a certain episode that may not be what a fan wants to hear, that you'd probably get trolled or be called a troll for not agreeing with that fandom.....hence why I posted topic to see other peoples views
Dec 25, 2010 2:04 AM

Jul 2009
kyoani, geass, naruto, ttgl <- zey haz ze worzt fanbazez i haz eva seen - combination of: "i cried" and "EPIC!!!1" and if you dare to disagree...

LOL @ guyz dat hav lotgh in "plan to watch" and say bs 'bout it's "elitist fanboys" - it's like fps player would spout shit on galactic civilizations/master of orion players (and play those when noone's looking). looks god damn funny srsly :D

Dec 25, 2010 3:59 AM

Jul 2010
orzel286 said:
kyoani, geass, naruto, ttgl <- zey haz ze worzt fanbazez i haz eva seen - combination of: "i cried" and "EPIC!!!1" and if you dare to disagree...

LOL @ guyz dat hav lotgh in "plan to watch" and say bs 'bout it's "elitist fanboys" - it's like fps player would spout shit on galactic civilizations/master of orion players (and play those when noone's looking). looks god damn funny srsly :D


Being a fan and a fanboy are two different things. I can hate on the fanboys all i want, but still like the anime if it's actually good, without being a fanboy myself. Or, do you actually think that when I meant 'elitist fanboys' = everyone who like LoGH? Think again. I meant people who can't accept it whenever someone said something bad about it that they felt the need to attack him/her or bashes other series in comparison.

It's pretty funny that what you said in your first paragraph applies to yourself as well; only for a different anime.
Dec 25, 2010 4:53 AM

Jul 2009
RedSuisei said:

Or, do you actually think that when I meant 'elitist fanboys' = everyone who like LoGH?

Exactly. 99% LotGH anti-fans say that. Or people who didn't even watch it but got a feeling that lotgh fans are elitist.


It's pretty funny that what you said in your first paragraph applies to yourself as well; only for a different anime.

Which one? And links to posts where I say something was "EPIC!!!1" or "i cried" (and those were the only words I said)?
Dec 25, 2010 5:04 AM

Jul 2010
orzel286 said:
RedSuisei said:

Or, do you actually think that when I meant 'elitist fanboys' = everyone who like LoGH?

Exactly. 99% LotGH anti-fans say that. Or people who didn't even watch it but got a feeling that lotgh fans are elitist.
Then I'm the remaining 1%, because I don't say that all people who like LoGH are elitist fanboys. Oh and, how do you know 99%? Any statistics that showed exactly like that?

orzel286 said:

It's pretty funny that what you said in your first paragraph applies to yourself as well; only for a different anime.

Which one? And links to posts where I say something was "EPIC!!!1" or "i cried" (and those were the only words I said)?

Not the "EPIC" or "i cried", but the "if you dare to disagree..." Heck, in this thread you just showed how you felt the need to attack someone who dare say something bad, and it's not even about LoGH itself, it's about the fanboys.

Anyway, I'll retreat for now. Arguing with rabid fanboys will never get anywhere.
RedSuiseiDec 25, 2010 5:08 AM
Dec 25, 2010 5:36 AM

Nov 2010
everybody has his/her right to their own opinion ^^
i always have such talks with a friend because he likes other genres :D most of the times it turns into a drinking game and both end up not knowing what we said at first hahahaha
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