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Does negative fandom play a part in you ever picking up or continuing a series
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Dec 25, 2010 5:36 AM

Jul 2007
Why would this be anyway? I watch what i like and what I want to see, i don't care about what other think about a show.
Dec 25, 2010 6:19 AM

Jul 2009
I just disagreed on the "elitist fanboys" part - find ONE in lotgh community and I'll give you a cookie.

HF dude.
Dec 25, 2010 9:52 AM

Jan 2010
It would depend, some fanboys can be annoying and can ruin people's anime preference. I would hate it when a Naruto fanboy come up and say Bleach suck or saying any harem anime is not good enough and say Naruto's fanservice is better.
Dec 25, 2010 12:12 PM

Nov 2010
They don't ruin it for me necessarily, I mean everyone has their own opinion.
Dec 25, 2010 12:36 PM

Jan 2010
Narutards or whatever the fuck people call them, are honestly an embarrassment. When guys (or girls for that matter) wear those headbands to school.. I just can't..
Dec 25, 2010 6:04 PM

Jun 2007
I'm too lazy to read through the thread, but "fanboys" are children--mentally or otherwise. That's why the vast majority of those who display 'fanboyism' are busy defending shounen, or plain childish works. The worst cases during the internet age are probably the Naruto and TTGL ones, and the required IQ for those shows speaks volumes about just why so many idiots exist who love them to the point of insulting others simply for offering a different point of view.

Code Geass R2 is another example, also--its fanboys generally having the mental age of a mentally disabled ten-year-old abortion.

I'm well aware of my favourites' flaws, and I'm fine with people highlighting them. Then again, I'm smart, so I'm kinda the exception to the fanboy rule...
Dec 25, 2010 9:31 PM

Aug 2008
i don't have a problem with "fanboys" ruining my enjoyment of an anime. however, i do often find that they ruin my opinion of characters IN anime.
if i find i'm starting to dislike a character and then happen to read of fanboys/girls raving on and on about how awesome that character is and flaming anyone who offers a contrary opinion (even if i'm not the one posing the opinion), then i find my irritation and resentment towards the character rapidly spiralling out of control in unconscious retaliation.
i also have a problem with "fanboys" ruining my ability to express my interest/enjoyment of an anime. for example, i used to watch naruto and i still read the manga, but i often find myself embarrassed to admit it because of narutards. i don't want to be associated with that sort of fandom and so i just keep my opinions of it to myself when others are talking about it. -_-
"I'm not a nerd! I'm a specialist!"
Dec 25, 2010 9:41 PM

Feb 2010
If they're fanboys from good shows then I can have a chat with them and laugh about those impertinent fools with inferior tastes.
But if they are fanboys from shows that don't deserve it they can get annoying, though the solution is only a click away most of the times, as I don't really know any fanboys in real life.
I probably regret this post by now.
Dec 25, 2010 9:48 PM

Dec 2010
Sometimes people take these things to far. Its just anime! Getting all angry and flustered about someones tastes or opinions is dumb. Its a cartoon! enjoy dammit!
Dec 25, 2010 10:28 PM

Dec 2010
It's like anything in life. Some people will like it and some won't. However 99% percent of those very same fools that get upset when you even mention a negative aspect about their show are the very people who will turn to you and trash what you like if it isn't already what they like. Personally I can't understand the motive behind thought behavior like that other than simply being a selfish jerk. We are all united under the banner of anime and there is no reason to get upset or bash anyone or any anime. A little criticism shouldn't kill you and if it does, grow up. Even though I just joined this site I can tell you that with that kind of thinking this site would have no purpose. How could you review an anime if it always had a perfect 10.
Dec 26, 2010 3:45 AM
Nov 2009
I've heard people say before now of fandoms (and not just anime fandoms) that they are sometimes put off an anime/book/etc. because the fans are embarrassing, and they don't want to be associated with them. They don't want to be erroneously judged.

Personally I think it's a really peculiar reason not to watch something! I don't understand why it matters if you say "I like *enter anime here*", and people pass judgement on you based on their experience with other members of that anime's fanbase.
Dec 26, 2010 7:35 AM
Jul 2009
Sure, you have to ignore the fandom if it's annoying, be your own person, break the mold, etc, whatever.

But it's undeniable that fandoms do sway opinion and influence people to watch or dodge a show. The manga fandom is what will hype up the anime adaptation, and they're going to be the ones encouraging those who have not read the manga to pick the anime up--or to discard it. And disappointment with adaptations or a disappointment that a show cannot live up to the hype can be a blow to the viewers.
Though that often comes more with being involved in the sphere and watching things season by season. If you don't do that, you won't be as easily affected.

You also can't really talk on the subject.

Sometimes shows' fandoms can serve to block out viewers for other reasons as well. They can be too elitist; they make you recoil. Or they're all oldfags, and newfags will stay away. Or because the fandom is mostly oldfags, newfags will try to watch it to seem cooler. Or because it's their time. But it's still an effect.

And more to what the original poster said, yeah, that sort of involved fanboyism can ruin a show's experience. It's when people don't let other people have an opinion on a subject that shows get ruined the most.

Or shows that get lifted up on a pedestal...and if you speak against them, you get beaten down or the fans try to sway you the other way. You can never be involved in the anisphere and watch things without fan bias influencing you, but you should at least be able to speak~

Dec 26, 2010 7:41 AM
Jul 2018
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
If they're fanboys from good shows then I can have a chat with them and laugh about those impertinent fools with inferior tastes.
But if they are fanboys from shows that don't deserve it they can get annoying, though the solution is only a click away most of the times, as I don't really know any fanboys in real life.

Elitist fanboy
Coldbid said:
Sometimes people take these things to far. Its just anime! Getting all angry and flustered about someones tastes or opinions is dumb. Its a cartoon! enjoy dammit!

A post that makes scene.
Dec 26, 2010 7:50 AM

Apr 2009
I dont talk to people who watch anime anymore, unless its about something besides anime. So I never even know about the fanbase, good or bad.
Dec 26, 2010 7:55 AM

Sep 2008
pretty much agree with what people have said so far in here....a lot of elitists/fanboys/girls are usually what makes me embarrassed when watching a show....they can't seem to see the flaws of anything they like and its hard to actually input any criticism for a show if your the only one percent giving a proper constructive criticism...

every anime series has flaws...DEAL WITH IT

that's pretty much why I try to steer from conversations involving shows like LotGH and Gintama(which happen to be in my faves) as you pretty much have a big fanbase there who will flame you the moment you say something negative, pretty much like the Naruto/Bleach fanbase.....
Dec 26, 2010 8:31 AM

Jul 2007
My theory is that if enough people really like something THAT much, it's worth at least checking out. Gurren Lagann and One Piece are two of my favorite shows that I checked out solely because of the fanboyism. I didn't think they could be THAT good, but they were. Oh god, they were...

Of course this isn't always true, I checked out K-ON! for the hype and that disappointed me. S2 was much better but I still don't understand all the love it gets. Same with Bakemonogatari, which has moments of blinding excellence, but doesn't hold up the majority of the time.

Fanboyism will always be rampant in otaku culture and its something you have to learn to tolerate. The best thing you can do is listen to the voices of the people around you whose tastes coincide with your own. If people you know and trust not to recommend you utter crap tell you to watch something, at least give it a few episodes. You could surprise yourself. Hell, I don't care too much for mecha and look whats my favorite anime >_>
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Dec 26, 2010 8:35 AM

Sep 2010
Captain-Z said:
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
If they're fanboys from good shows then I can have a chat with them and laugh about those impertinent fools with inferior tastes.
But if they are fanboys from shows that don't deserve it they can get annoying, though the solution is only a click away most of the times, as I don't really know any fanboys in real life.

Elitist fanboy
Coldbid said:
Sometimes people take these things to far. Its just anime! Getting all angry and flustered about someones tastes or opinions is dumb. Its a cartoon! enjoy dammit!

A post that makes scene.

You do realize, that you just got angry and called someone elitist in the first part, while agreeing, that it is dumb in the second part?


But really, most fanboys aren't even fanboys. It all depends on how the first person voices their opinion.

Situation 1:
A: “I didn't like show X because...” *proceeds to give a reasonable explanation*
B: “Shut up, you're stupid”
--> Person B is most likely a obnoxious fanboy

A: “Show X is boring crap and worse than herpes.”
B: “Shut up, you're stupid”
--> B isn't necessary a fanboy while A is most likely a jerk.

And looking at most discussions, the majority starts like situation 2. So don't only judge the reaction but also what lead to it.
Dec 26, 2010 8:41 AM

Feb 2005
There's retarded fans anywhere. Whether it's the Naruto fankids with their headbands, the TTGL fanboys that cry "EPIC" all the time without knowing the meaning of the word or Clannad AS fans that make hundreds of duplicate accounts to troll the top anime list ratings.
But naturally, I won't let a bunch of immature brats ruin my enjoyment of a anime. I've spotted obnoxious NGE fans back in the day, but I still went ahead and watched it after all.

One thing I find strange though is how so many perceive there to be rabid LoGH fans. I can hardly remember seeing even one.
Dec 26, 2010 9:58 AM

Jul 2008
Baman said:
One thing I find strange though is how so many perceive there to be rabid LoGH fans. I can hardly remember seeing even one.
It probably doesn't help that you are a heavy fan yourself and might approach fans with an unconscious bias. The extreme LoGH fanboys have more of a condescending behavior rather than "rabid" one. They will question your intelligence for simply not "understanding the magnificence" that is the LoGH series.

I for one don't get too bothered by the fanboyish of a series I like. Though I will admit that ridiculous fandom for a series I already dislike only fuels my antipathy. I generally tend to avoid episode discussions and things of that sort when I'm still watching a show so I can get the most unbiased opinion I can.
Dec 26, 2010 11:07 AM

Sep 2010
I didn't put it in my other post, no a series having 'fanboys' does not effect my opinion of that series. When fanboy comments do popup I just point them out and laught like the quote below.

If they're fanboys from good shows then I can have a chat with them and laugh about those impertinent fools with inferior tastes.
But if they are fanboys from shows that don't deserve it they can get annoying, though the solution is only a click away most of the times, as I don't really know any fanboys in real life.

HAHAHAA shows that don't deserve fanatics.

Dec 26, 2010 1:14 PM

Feb 2005
Defiance said:
It probably doesn't help that you are a heavy fan yourself and might approach fans with an unconscious bias. The extreme LoGH fanboys have more of a condescending behavior rather than "rabid" one. They will question your intelligence for simply not "understanding the magnificence" that is the LoGH series.
But every time I can remember seeing LoGH fans (Myself included) acting like that, it's always been in response to brats posting "LoGH is fagshit" or similarly uneducated opinions, like in mljato's example above. At least that's the case with everyone I've seen so far, I guess I could always have overlooked some really snotty ones.
Dec 26, 2010 3:09 PM

Sep 2008
Baman said:
But every time I can remember seeing LoGH fans (Myself included) acting like that, it's always been in response to brats posting "LoGH is fagshit" or similarly uneducated opinions, like in mljato's example above. At least that's the case with everyone I've seen so far, I guess I could always have overlooked some really snotty ones.

well I have to admit, the people who introduced me to LoGH were elitist snobs from my college who couldn't see past the series and were the type to flame any other series's intelligence. At the time I was a very big DeathNote and Geass fan(still am) and most of the responses I got from them were the usual "DN and CG is shit and doesn't compare to LoGH because of so and so..." replies. It was enough for me to not want to watch LoGH. Although I'm glad I did, it doesn't change my view for DN/CG and I'd never badmouth other people for their tastes either.
Dec 26, 2010 5:05 PM

Jan 2008
They don't affect what I think of things, no.

However, they generally do tend to be rather annoying. Dedicate your life to something specific for all I care, just don't try to shove it down my throat whenever I bring up a topic that is slightly related in any minuscule way and don't rage if I disagree with you about it.
Dec 26, 2010 5:17 PM

Dec 2010
What kind of silly question is this? I'm a huge, HUGE fan of Mirai Nikki and Death Note and I will kill if you diss them. one of my gf's broke up with me because I criticized Hamtaro; yeah, sparked up a fire on that one , made a scene by arguing why it sucks so badly and went as far as to say that pokemon is preferred over an anime about hamsters. (I was only in a joking, sarcastic manner, then she took it literally and got fucking pissed and so on so forth) she relieved that she was cheating on me anyways, damn I look back at that and say to myself,"no regrets". well I do agree that fans need to take a chill pill. You don't know how it feels like to criticize Star Wars and Star Trek in a household(s) where your parents are geeks for those series. I sure learned my life lessons.

As a conclusion to my breakup story I always listen to Ore no Waseremono by Shiraishi Minoru :3. Wa-wa-wa-wasuremono.

EDIT: Beware of Hamtaro fans, theyre just as deadly as a Bieber fan. If you piss them off, then your a gonner. Use extreme caution and be sure to keep a level head if you are associated or dare to approach one. You have been warned.
AVmelodiesDec 26, 2010 10:48 PM
Dec 30, 2010 11:36 PM

Nov 2008
nope, because my opinion is my truth and definite (thus correct).
theirs (imo), is completely wrong and trash.
and yea sure, people have the right to have their wrong opinion.

i'm judgey, biased and stubborn.
but i don't care if/when others are wrong.
i also don't care if others diss series i like (unless its OP)
b/c if they dont like the series i like, they obviously (to me) have zero/terrible terrible taste.
Dec 31, 2010 8:55 AM

Feb 2005
Scrypt said:
well I have to admit, the people who introduced me to LoGH were elitist snobs from my college who couldn't see past the series and were the type to flame any other series's intelligence. At the time I was a very big DeathNote and Geass fan(still am) and most of the responses I got from them were the usual "DN and CG is shit and doesn't compare to LoGH because of so and so..." replies. It was enough for me to not want to watch LoGH. Although I'm glad I did, it doesn't change my view for DN/CG and I'd never badmouth other people for their tastes either.
Is it really flaming though? I mean, if we compare CG to LoGH, there's no denying that CG is a shallow actionfest with loads of contrived plot devices and sloppy character writing that bends to the whims of the plot. So long as you actually compare the series properly and don't just yell "CG sucks", I don't see how it is elitism or snobbery in the least.
And even when you point out that CG is no where as well written or deep as LoGH, that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be good. If you like flashy melodrama with cliffhangers and cheesy twists all the time, CG is obviously one of the best in the field.
Jan 1, 2011 10:15 PM

Jul 2008
Baman said:
Is it really flaming though? I mean, if we compare CG to LoGH, there's no denying that CG is a shallow actionfest with loads of contrived plot devices and sloppy character writing that bends to the whims of the plot. So long as you actually compare the series properly and don't just yell "CG sucks", I don't see how it is elitism or snobbery in the least.
And even when you point out that CG is no where as well written or deep as LoGH, that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be good. If you like flashy melodrama with cliffhangers and cheesy twists all the time, CG is obviously one of the best in the field.
Oh boy, if you can't see your own condescension in this post, then I am far from being able to help you baman lol.
Jan 2, 2011 1:07 AM
May 2010
Ah, gawd, shoulda' voted 'Sometimes.' Was so keen on voting for 'Yes' when I thought of those annoying Naruto fanboys.

No, it depends. Like I've said many times before, just as me having the same possibility of watching an anime that interests me regardless of the amount of attention it receives, I wouldn't really care how much fanboyism it receives. They are none of my anime-viewing business. And yes - business is sure good. xD

But yeah, they could get rather annoying. Naruto is not the best anime ever. Doi.

And no, CG fanboys are no worse or better than Naruto or K-On! fanboys. There are good CG fans, even though there are plenty of annoying ones (I'll admit).
Jan 2, 2011 10:16 AM

Feb 2005
Defiance said:
Oh boy, if you can't see your own condescension in this post, then I am far from being able to help you baman lol.
So what if it's condescending if it's the truth?
Bashing without proper arguments is one thing, but when you can at least explain why something is inferior to something else in the given fields, I don't see the problem.
Jan 3, 2011 7:48 AM

Jun 2010
AVmelodies said:

EDIT: Beware of Hamtaro fans, theyre just as deadly as a Bieber fan. If you piss them off, then your a gonner. Use extreme caution and be sure to keep a level head if you are associated or dare to approach one. You have been warned.

I will take this into account dude.....but really?.....just as bad as bieber fans...I mean....bieber fans...they're annoying as hell!!!! (o__0)
Jan 3, 2011 10:08 AM

Oct 2009
Scrypt said:
True or False?

Was just talking to a friend about a certain anime and the moment I criticized about a certain episode, he was ready to bite my head off all because he was a fan. So just wondering, do you think people's fandom can ruin your enjoyment when watching anime? Whether it be through overhyping from fans(like what happened with HOTD), or when they blaze you for ever having put a critical comment to a certain episode(like what my mate did).

I don´t really want to complain... but sometimes "fans" who hates you because you complain some episode one of theirs favorit anime.. I think its so annoying but I where a "fan" before but I did realized that there are people who dont like that anime I like. So now I dont really get angry or mad because of it.

So my answer: True but not all the time.
Jan 3, 2011 10:35 AM

Jun 2010
Deurkier said:
I will take this into account dude.....but really?.....just as bad as bieber fans...I mean....bieber fans...they're annoying as hell!!!! (o__0)

bieber looks funny in southpark with his girly voice :P

Yeah funny episode. XD
Jan 3, 2011 7:01 PM

Aug 2010
No, not at all

DB/Z,One Piece,& Naruto part I have annoying fanboys but I still like all three shows very much
Quick like the wind!! Silent like the forest!! Conquer like the fire... Immovable like the mountain!!

Jan 3, 2011 8:15 PM

Jul 2007
Why would i let the opinions of others influence what i like? Shounen shows have a lot of annoying and outspoken fans, but that doesn't stop me from being a fan of bleach, one piece, and naruto (manga more so than anime anymore though).

I'll like or dislike a show based on it's own merits.
Feb 12, 2011 7:14 PM

May 2009
Annoying fanboys or fangirls only make themselves look bad, not the actual anime.
Feb 12, 2011 7:21 PM

May 2010
No not really, because I know people who mock anime like LoGH are empty people yes?
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Feb 12, 2011 9:58 PM

Oct 2009
I can be a bit of a fanboy for a few series', but I usually just try to keep it to myself. For instance, if I see someone who's rated the ef series poorly I'm all like. Fanboys for Naruto are hilarious though.

Feb 13, 2011 12:08 AM

Jan 2010
Annoying fans wouldn't keep me from watching or enjoying a series, but I'd probably try to not associate myself with or communicate with them if a show had really bad fans.
Feb 13, 2011 8:14 AM

Jul 2009
I voted sometimes, but I should also actually give thanks to rabid and annoying fanboys/fanbases. If a series is able to attract a number of people who act as outlined in this topic, there's a good chance that the series doesn't really cater to an individual such as myself. If I'm not part of the target audience, I'm not actually expected to enjoy the series, right? (Note that this doesn't happen all the time, but it's still a general trend I've noticed.)
Feb 13, 2011 8:42 AM

Sep 2010
everyone is a fanboy/fangirl cause everyone has an anime they really love.
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Feb 13, 2011 9:29 AM

Jul 2010
fanboys can ruin the series enjoyment for some peoples. especially when it comes to over-hyped.

BrooklynBearJew said:
People have their right to their opinion, but that doesn't mean that I will listen to it. If I love a show, I love it and if I hate a show, I hate it. That's all there is too

i don't care about haters and fanboys as long as i like the show or viceversa.
Feb 13, 2011 9:43 AM

Jul 2009
Not really. It's laughable if people are diehard fans ;)

If you have such confidence in your favorite anime or manga, be willing to discuss it. If you can't take "FAIR" criticism, then you should unplug your ethernet cable. The only time I get a little bit annoyed is if someone wants to trash a favorite series of mine, and their only reason is "lol it was bad" :/
Feb 13, 2011 11:51 AM

Sep 2010
every anime has haters & lovers, so it goes with anyting that humans can have opinions about, so ye, noting you can do about it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 13, 2011 1:48 PM

Apr 2009
"Does negative fandom play a part in you ever picking up or continuing a series"

No, but it annoys the hell out of me when I consider myself a fan of some show, and yet don't feel like saying it out loud, because the large part of the fanbase is a stupid mass of fanboys/fangirls who make the rest of us casual fans look bad. TTGL is probably the worst offender.
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

Current icon:
Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Feb 13, 2011 3:51 PM

Aug 2007
Yes, I've delayed/ just plain dropped some shows because of people being raving idiots.

people ruin everything, in anything.

Feb 13, 2011 3:58 PM

Jul 2010
To be honest happened to me with Naruto, Bakuman, Death Note, Bleach and Code Gueass .

I was never interested in Bakuman and when I saw the huge fandom of " I wanna be mangakas because I saw this manga" It just turned me off more than it did because i saw them as "posers" No offense...just saying...But, even thought I haven't seen it yet, I'm almost sure it's an awesome anime/manga since it came from the same dude that made Death Note so I'll definetily give it a chance! :3

And as for Naruto have this Naruto fan at my school and if I even TELL her Naruto has gotten more boring lately she gets all mad and stuff and says Naruto is "Da best manga eva!!! " and Sasunaru is "Da best couple eva!!! " and Sasuke is the " most hottest guy eva!!! " Seriously! Personally I'm a HUGE fan of D. Gray Man and I admit it has it's flaws and errors and though I love it so much I personally say it's not the best manga ever. I can even form a conversation without killing anybody about D. Gray Man's flaws. But, at leat the Naruto fans I've met in my area,( Not generalizing, they CAN NOT hear a person say Naruto is not the best manga ever without forming a fight and proving how great Naruto is. I've seen Naruto and it's true it's a good manga, just too overrated...

And in Death Note and Code Gueass, this is a personal grudge of mine and has nothing to do with the fandom but I got SO MAD when I heard all my buddies turned into " SUPA FANS! " AFTER the anime aired in adult swim when I had already TOLD them to watch it since freaking episode 1 aired with japanese subs on the internet but as always...nobody hears me because according to their logic " Everything I recommend sucks" Then they see it in english and it's "Awesome!"...haaa. anyways that was out of topic.

In general when it comes to anime the fandom doesn't turn me off in watching the series it only turns me off on ever even mentioning I watched the anime itself. SO my resolution is to not watch anime today. Now when it comes to the fandom of video games such as final fantasy, kingdom hearts or Call of Duty I completely NEVER buy any game related with the video game just because they only remind me of the fandom and the buddies of mine back at school which I hate to the deepest of my hearts. Anyways, sorry for the long answer...and once again I AM JUST SAYING my opinion...
Feb 13, 2011 4:47 PM

Nov 2010
dunno if i'm jumping the gun here but now i'm realy kinda bummed...
watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ATM and i looked at the reviews and man did this show even get a rating under 8 from somebody? if not maybe i'll be the first i'm now on episode 15 and BORED OUT OF MY SKULL :D ok yeah there are difrent arcs yadeyade but still... nothing out of the ordinary. think this is a negative result of fanboys/girls haha
Feb 13, 2011 4:52 PM
Jul 2018
kickthebucket said:
dunno if i'm jumping the gun here but now i'm realy kinda bummed...
watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ATM and i looked at the reviews and man did this show even get a rating under 8 from somebody? if not maybe i'll be the first i'm now on episode 15 and BORED OUT OF MY SKULL :D ok yeah there are difrent arcs yadeyade but still... nothing out of the ordinary. think this is a negative result of fanboys/girls haha


im not even a fanboy i only gave the show an 8 but i dont see how it can be called nothing out of the ordinary.
Feb 13, 2011 8:39 PM

Nov 2010
jpem said:


im not even a fanboy i only gave the show an 8 but i dont see how it can be called nothing out of the ordinary.

i stand corrected now in the final arc but god i took a long time to catch my intrest haha (alltough my hunch was confermed there are still lot of things i need to figure out and see if i'm right haha)
Feb 13, 2011 8:53 PM

Aug 2010
Grimm3r said:
Not really. It's laughable if people are diehard fans ;)

If you have such confidence in your favorite anime or manga, be willing to discuss it. If you can't take "FAIR" criticism, then you should unplug your ethernet cable. The only time I get a little bit annoyed is if someone wants to trash a favorite series of mine, and their only reason is "lol it was bad" :/

If the unplug their ethernet cable how are they going to get their anime?

Haha, really though, and I don't know if I have commented here already but they don't bother me at all. Everyone is a fan of something or other, even things not anime related. I have people at my school who live by cross fit (work out regime that really works you over). If you don't do that then you aren't legit in their eyes. Oh well, I don't care. Same thing with the die hard anime fans and if I don't like their show. They can hate me if they want but I don't care.
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