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Jan 10, 2010 3:17 PM

Dec 2007
-> I don't like alcohol.

-> I can't talk to girls (apart from family)... they're an entirely different species to me.

-> I hate ketchup but I like tomato sauce (diluted)

-> I eat eat and eat but never get fat. My weight always stays at 60kg.

-> I never get scared in panic situations.

-> I'm short sighted but I'm good at finding things (even long distance objects without my glasses).

-> I don't plan ahead, I think ahead.

-> I always make a typo.

-> I've created a huge ass world in my head where if I'm bored waiting for something I drop over and hang in that world for a bit. Don't worry I'm still sane... for now =P.

BloodReign71 said:
Akito38 said:
I am a large tall broad shouldered male who loves cute things. Plush toys, dolls, cute dresses etc.

Despite my love for cute things I am pretty bitter and negative.

I secretly wish I had a smaller more feminine body so I could cross dress and look exactly like a girl.

yeah Im pretty fucked up.

i'm just like that, i like screamo and black metal but right after i'll listen to k-on music. i'll watch sweeny todd and then lucky star. and just as you said i'm a big guy who's bitter negative who loves cute things and wishes who had a smaller more femine body.

I have a feminine body and could actually pass off as a girl if I dress in girl clothes but... there is no way in hell that's going to happen!
WhaleCostumeJan 10, 2010 3:30 PM
Jan 10, 2010 3:22 PM

Nov 2009
-i don´t wear socks... ever! disgusting, how can anyone wear thous foul things.
-i cant eat raw vegetables, the sound they make is awful.
-i dont own a bed i have been sleeping on the floor for about a year.
Jan 10, 2010 3:51 PM

Aug 2009
- I love Starbursts.
- One of my thumbs is double-jointed and moves like a worm.
- I've never got anything lower than a B on my report card
- I've only kissed one girl (in 8th grade)
- I'm a sophomore in high school.
- I've been playing guitar for 8 years.
- I love hip-hop.
- I'm sort of a nerd :P
Jan 10, 2010 4:19 PM

Oct 2009
- Hates fish food
- I get pissed of looking at dogs, they just tick me off -_-"
- Lost my virginity at age 8
- One of my ribs is slightly out of place
- I use to wear glasses but no longer, Lasic is like magic
- Loves cats more than people, and imagines a world where they rule humans Planet of the Apes style
- Began watching Jaws, Alien, Nightmare On Elm Street, ect, when I was 6
- Got a license and car but does not care much for driving, I rather walk (except in snow)
- Wishes I was born in the 50's or 60's
- Wants to die by assisted suicide
Jan 10, 2010 4:36 PM

Apr 2009
- the only thing me, or my brother, has gotten seriously hurt on is a scooter.... damn, I hate those things, I broke my arm and my brother had to get 21 stiches on his shin
- I have an alergic reaction to mold that makes my nose bleed like crazy
- the only person with my last name born in Pennsylvania
- I love to cook
- I can not watch horror movies, they scare the heck out of me
- I want to die from taking a bullet for someone
Jan 10, 2010 8:03 PM

Jan 2010
-i cant read, write, or listen to lectures well unless i am listening to a song i like
-i have Raynaud's syndrome so i my hand and feet go yellow/white when I'm in 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less
-i always wonder if the world we live in is actually there and not a dream or something crazy like that.
-i love to go camping and drive the ATVs off trail and into the creeks and me & my cousins wrestle in the huge puddles
-i always cry in the shower and get terrible flashbacks
-i have never had any close friends they were always acquaintances .-.
-im super shy and have bad social skills

Jan 10, 2010 8:15 PM

Dec 2009
-i have horrible social skills, i always put on a false persona

-im incredible at lying

-i was hit by a bus while walking but survived

-i love sweets
Jan 10, 2010 8:32 PM

Oct 2008
i think like a 30 year old....maturity is an asset and a curse. just can't reflect with the younger ones nowadays.
Jan 11, 2010 8:29 AM
Jan 2010
I love Knives

I have a fascination with blood.

I've gotten away with murder.

I've had human.

I've gotten a friend to have human with me.

I like watching extreme videos of accidents that end in death. (I love the Internet)

and I hold no interest in Hentai, but watch it anyways.
Jan 11, 2010 9:19 AM

Sep 2009
i have no ambition to earn more to have more even if i have opportunities
i love having sex after a good fight
i love fighting too
Jan 11, 2010 12:03 PM

Aug 2009
Dunno if it counts as 'weird' but I share my birthday with Johnny Yong Bosch.
Jan 11, 2010 12:07 PM
Oct 2009
I'm a doujinshi freak when I get one I'm happy for the rest of the day.
Jan 11, 2010 1:24 PM

Jun 2008
I have extremely eclectic taste in music (ranging from black metal to electropop)
I have an intense fear of both heights and driving.
I have a less intense fear of using the telephone.
I can crack my toes endlessly.
I judge numbers and words by their appearance.
I hate soft matrices.
I hate Lord of the Rings, The Dark Knight, Star Wars and Indiana Jones (I haven't seen Avatar yet but it looks pretty bad)
I really enjoy having long hair.
It takes me hours to get to sleep and hours to get out of bed in the morning (late afternoon usually)
I don't have much sex drive.
I love Final Fantasy games but never finish them.
I listen to music on vinyl
I can watch five plus movies in a day.
Can sleep with any kind of clothes on except socks.

Well, that was kind of lame.
Jan 11, 2010 1:39 PM

Feb 2009
I'm really sensetive.
I get angry very fast.
I think I've got split personality. (-.-)
I'd rather stay home and watch movies with my friends or my parents than go out somewhere.
I really hate school and homework.
I love nights and evenings.
I am very shy to strangers and very open to friends.
I like philosophy.
I like to listen to music and daydream..
Jan 11, 2010 3:23 PM

Mar 2009
-I've gotten 358 stitches from an accident involving a swing & my face.
-I don't think babies are cute at all.
-I bit my lips till they bleed.
-When I was young I use to stick my cats in the freezer. (suprisingly they lived)
-I love my dog as much as my family.
-My friend & I wish anime chrs we like a Happy Birthday & keep track of them on our calendars.
-I'm etremely ditzy/dumb but never gotten lower than a B in school.
KandykissuuJan 11, 2010 3:29 PM
Jan 11, 2010 3:32 PM
Jun 2008
I have three very small moles on my hip that join together to look like the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda. I've got older now, and from growth, it just looks like a regular triangle with an empty spot in the middle.
Jan 11, 2010 8:19 PM
Oct 2009
358 stitches?!?!?!?!?! holy shit...thats more than what they need to make a pair of NIKEs.....
and seriously.... im not trying to single any1 out here or trying 2 be mean or anything...but how is things like "i like running" or " i hate school" weird?..its not fucking weird if its shared by 70% of the earth population....

okay back on topic...haven't deleted a single email since 2005...
that was a few weeks ago...10484 total now
Jan 11, 2010 8:28 PM

Sep 2009
i am not the smiling 24/7 person
i hate when i am dragged by my mom to BORING psties
i was bitten by a dog and now i dont even like puppies
i dont think anyone likes me
i dont socialiez that much only when i am online
i hate when i have to dive
i dont like babies
i plan to kill everyone with a single knife
i want to kill you
i always liked bands like this one
i have always had older friends
at school i had the nickname " jigokushoju14 " by friends cuz i never hang out with them
i preffer to be alone and the other things are better left alone
Welcome to my happy world now get your shit and leave

Jan 11, 2010 9:48 PM

Oct 2009
here's some more facts

- When I hear motorcycles outside I really get scared.
- My insomnia is driving me insane
- I'm addicted to Coca Cola.
Jan 12, 2010 3:45 AM

May 2008
Whenever there's a tiled floor, I try to walk each step as one tile.....sometimes working my way diagonally too.
Jan 15, 2010 11:01 AM

Nov 2009
- I can't pee if i smell cigarrets. - I hate jews even though i've never met one before. - I feel like i'm the only otaku in my country. - My brother doesn't know i watch anime eventhough we live in the same room. - One time i came into my room and caught my brother just as he was ejaculating(and his cum was dripping on the carpet). - I tried to kill my alcoholic father when he was drunk. - I hate people who post on a single thread too damn many times(yes, i'm talking about you, nigga).
Earth gets angry after a kick in the face.
Jan 15, 2010 11:47 AM
Jan 2010
i think it is great!!!
Jan 15, 2010 12:02 PM

Jan 2010
  • I'm pretty obsessed with physical appearance and basically count my calories all the time (sometimes subconsciously) which isn't that common in male population.
  • I consider myself somewhat of an otaku but am disgusted with yaoi/yuri, hentai, ecchi and don't really like any fan-servicey scenes - which as far as I've gathered is rather contradictory for an otaku lol.
  • I like every inch of my room clean and every object in its rightful place and keep the software/desktop icons/internet profiles on my PC in order and harmony.
  • I think it's really sexy when a girl/lady is wearing expensive-looking fur.
  • Cottage cheese is my #1 favorite food (srs).
  • I wake up very early almost every morning regardless of when I go to sleep.
Jan 15, 2010 2:50 PM
Jan 2010
I'm terrified of spiders

I can hit 4 keys on my keyboard for 1 hour and 53 minutes straight. If anyone is confused about this one look up Stepmania on Youtube.

I'm a WoW addict.
Jan 15, 2010 4:41 PM

Jul 2008
I like this topic. :)

-I'm a vegetarian.
-I read 2 hours minimum a day.
-I run an average of 5 miles a day, except on race days where I run only a maximum of 3.
-My voice can reach multiple octaves. It tends to get really high when I'm nervous/surprised and really low when I'm confident/calm.
-I am shy around small groups of people, yet have absolutely no trouble speaking in front of large crowds.
-I like learning about the fundamentals of government/military in fiction, yet in real life I find them quite boring.
-I like cute things, but I also love horror and gore to a point.
-I try to be nice to everyone, even if I loath them.
-I can rap.
Jan 15, 2010 6:30 PM

Jan 2010
- I think I never grow but I just gained 2 inches...
- It takes me ~2 hours to finish a meal. So yes, I cannot finish my lunch at school on time.
- I'm pretty tomboyish when it comes to my hobbies but I love clothes. A lot.
- I have a piano, one of the more modern "Stradivarius" violins, a guitar, and a flute. I can only play the piano.
Jan 15, 2010 11:26 PM

Jul 2006
I work at a college as a janitor even though I feel like I am smarter than all of the people that go there. Sometimes I see an equation written on the blackboard, like half of an equation, and I'll just figure it out.

Jan 15, 2010 11:40 PM
Dec 2009
i get excited from almost anything
Jan 16, 2010 11:37 AM

Nov 2009
Let's see:
-I can't trust people
-I like sitting in corners cuz it makes me feel safe
-afraid of clowns
-i tend to do stupid/dangerous things

Jan 16, 2010 12:11 PM

Dec 2009
I've fallen for anime/manga charchters loads of times...but never a real person.

I have a phobia of worms.

I hate pizza (most people find that really weird)

My two big toes both had and ingrown toenail infection (and is now treated :D), and they point in like different directions, away from each other instead of straight.
Its gross.

I was taller than everyone in my class until 2 years ago, and now I havent grown since. Whats the opposite of a growth spurt?

Jan 16, 2010 12:14 PM

Dec 2007
-I hate humans, including myself
-I never actually studied at home or done my homework
-Last year I stayed awake for 116 hours watching anime and playing games nonstop
-I passed out around 3 times from lack of sleep
-I usually eat only one meal a day
-I dont care about expiration dates of food.. it taste just fine as long its not changing color
-The last time I got sick was 7 years ago
-The main reason I go to school is only to get some sleep
-I cant get fat no matter how much i eat
Jan 17, 2010 7:57 AM

Feb 2008
The majority of my friends are 5 inches -1 foot shorter than me, so I slouch a lot when I'm around so they don't feel so short.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Jan 17, 2010 8:42 AM

Aug 2009
- I haven't thrown up for 11 years (most people get a little freaked by that)
- I am absolutely in love with Tseng from Final Fantasy VII
- I'm in year 11 (age 16) and I haven't gotten taller since year 7 (age 12), I think I'm stuck at 5ft1 forever, and I used to be one of the tallest.
- My feet haven't grown since I was 11 years old either.
Jan 18, 2010 3:23 AM
Nov 2009
nathanpet said:
i think it is great!!!
I think you're great!!! You joined M.A.L, this is the only post you have made, and it made entirely no sense ^_^

LoliLoverjustice said:
I work at a college as a janitor even though I feel like I am smarter than all of the people that go there. Sometimes I see an equation written on the blackboard, like half of an equation, and I'll just figure it out.
Wuhw wuhw D: That is amazing! You are interesting ^_^

♥ I get anxious when there are lots of people, and so wear ear-plugs lots of the time to block out the sound. Ironically, my name is Silence ^_^

:) ♥
Jan 18, 2010 4:47 AM

Oct 2009
I have a sentence that only i can spel it xD

My father when i was young every night told me one syllable and made me repeat the previous ones he told me the result was this never ending sentence and i can repeat it every time i want

the sentence is :"nocalgarei operineu opicolasaichortroy lollaylid robicacoiona stid"

XD i think that is the most weird thing ^-^
snaketugaJan 18, 2010 4:53 AM

Jan 18, 2010 10:41 AM
Jul 2009
Pontus said:
Yeah this is a though one, hard to determin what is wierd and what is not.

I will start with some random stuff and yeah, what ever.
I am a 25 year male.

I am a Virgin, and it can bother me some days but mostly I do not care.

I shower only every second day or less, it is rare for me to shower each day.
Though I never smell bad etc, if I do I will take a shower ofc.

I do not use perfume, just that kind that do not smell but makes you less sweaty atleast ^^ I am not allergic, to anything.

I lie in stupid situations, like when I have forgotten something and get asked I act like I remember it.

I have had a beard for 6 years more or less, I shave and trim it to keep it kinnda short. I started the Beard club to, got some pic of me there, in the forum.

I hate kids alot, they just annoy me.

I have never been in love but I am interested in girls I just never make contact.
I have never really met anyone so that could be the reason for not falling in love.
This is a subject I could write alot about but choose not to since I do not feel like it atm.

I have like 3-4 different kind of foods that I pretty much always eat all the time.
I only eta different food when someone invites me for dinner or such.

I have a really hard time saying no to people asking for my help.

I never get really angry, I can get abit angry or grumpy but never really mad.
I got mad once and got a huge rush out of it, a guy cheated and well I got mad.
No one got hurt, I have never been in a fight *Boxing practice do not count*

I am better or equally skilled in Swedish/English, my point is I bet my English is better than my Swedish, I live in Sweden.

I did not intend to write this much but shit happens.

holy "#¤!!! you're almost the same as me o.o expect for the angry part, i get really angry.. But i dont want to hurt the person im angry on. So i just push em or something xD
Jan 18, 2010 12:23 PM

Apr 2009
I'm a closet otaku. Only the internets know >:3
Jan 18, 2010 12:47 PM

Nov 2009
- If I get real sad I can begin to start laughing uncontrolably and I just cannot stop laughing it's really scary!:s Fx my mom once became scared and thought that I was on drugs even though I've never touched that stuff.

- I drink about 2 liters of Coca Cola Light everyday and I feel bad if I don't get it!?:P Like as if I was addicted to it and get abstinences GOD it's so weird!:P I MUST HAVE COLA;D :P

- Sometimes I cannot breath when teachers goes near me or just look at me!? xP

- I have a phobia for looking at the inner side of my wrists or for people to touch me there lol xP

Akito38 said:

I secretly wish I had a smaller more feminine body so I could cross dress and look exactly like a girl.

yeah Im pretty fucked up.

I don't think so x)... I think it's quite normal like wishing another hair colour exept for that you can change that more easily alas:/
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jan 18, 2010 2:23 PM

Dec 2009
Lets see, 1. I am very superstitious

2. I have to sprint out of the bathroom every time I flush due to a traumatic experience as a child- when it overflowed and I was certain that I was going to drown

3. I often find myself saying the exact opposite of what I am thinking without meaning to

4. In public areas I can't help but overhearing every conversation of the people around me at the same time which often causes sensory overload and forces me to shut out my thoughts

5. I take other peoples sadness and happiness as my own, if I see someone crying or disappointed I feel like intense sorrow for them haha and same with happiness

6. I often write short stories on all tests including math and science it goes without saying that my teachers arn't too fond of me

9. I panic if someone touches me without first warning me
maholloJan 18, 2010 5:15 PM
Jan 18, 2010 2:27 PM

Dec 2009
Dostojevskij said:
- .
- I drink about 2 liters of Coca Cola Light everyday and I feel bad if I don't get it!?:P Like as if I was addicted to it and get abstinences GOD it's so weird!:P I MUST HAVE COLA;D

There is a such thing as caffeine addiction so you could have that..
Jan 19, 2010 3:21 AM
Nov 2009
mahollo said:
9. I panic if someone touches me without first warning me
Aw, that's so sweet! D:
AliceWillJan 19, 2010 3:25 AM
Jan 19, 2010 7:45 AM
Oct 2009
I rather be stuck with an animal all day then one of my friends.
Jan 19, 2010 10:06 AM

Jan 2010
I'm an alien, came from a distant world called Chocolate factory Planet.
Jan 19, 2010 11:52 AM

Jun 2008
I can read at an amazing speed out loud. I do it even faster when am reading quietly.

I understand how other people are feeling there situation or what they try to say, very easily.

I can always find simple ways to explain things. That makes me useful during conversations where two people can't get what the other is trying to say. Am like a translator. Also it helps if you want to teach a child something complicated.

I have an obsession with germs in my personal space.

I hate doing things i don't feel like doing at the moment.

I was a medium student because i never studied much and had a huge problem on concentrating for a long time.

I have cuts around my eyes.

I have many ideas all the time but many times i don't do things because i can't make them like i want or leave things unfinished because i thought and feel doing something else or am not pleased with the progress. But when i finish doing something i do it amazingly good.

When i work i don't rush like crazy but i work like a little machine. Steady pace and non-stop.

I hate insects and most of all cockroaches. I find even butterflies disgusting. I was actually calm when a snake landed on my foot while i run out of a room like crazy when i saw a cockroach flying.

I am an amazing sniper shooter. I was the best sniper of the navy when i was in the army. Am especially good with out using a lens.

I consider logic as one of the highest principles. I can't stand illogical people.

I find my self unable to know by memory which note is where in a piano.

I am very flexible with fast reflexes. I can kick high amazingly fast.

I don't like people that invade your personal bumble by getting there face too close.

I can't write messages on my cell-phone very fast.

I don't type very fast with both hands on the keyboard but am probably the faster guy around using only one hand.

I have a very very very huge wall around me when it comes to relationships with other people.

I find many things intriguing and i always find my self not having enough time to follow them. The days always seem short to me.

I like dark chocolate.

I hate hot weather, my blood boils.

I have very strong vision and i love my eyes.

I just started wondering why the hell i wrote all this stuff.
MonadJan 20, 2010 2:54 AM
Jan 19, 2010 1:03 PM

Jan 2010
Monad said:

I just started wondering why the hell i wrote all this stuff.

Same here.

I can type really fast with pencil and/or keyboard.
Jan 20, 2010 12:45 AM

Jan 2009
I was born without a sense of smell. And yes, it does affect how I taste things.

Although not a huge inconvenience, it's more annoying than people might think. It's bad when you're always paranoid about these situations:

1. You smell bad in front of other people.
2. If the apartment has a gas leak that you can't smell and you light a fire and things blow up. Or if a building's on fire and you don't realize it until smoke's everywhere.
3. If things rot in the back of your fridge, you don't find out until months later when the neighbors worry about the smell coming from your apartment. (true story)
4. If my cat urinates somewhere I can't see, and I don't find out about it until someone comes over to my place.
5. Someone gives you candles, lotion, ect. as a present and wants to know what you think about it. (true story a million times over)
6. You have to cook for a group of people, but can't really because everything tastes different to you and you can't smell if you've burned the dish, ect. (true story)

I could go on and on. When I tell people this, they go "That's kinda cool, you can't smell farts or skunks or poop!" or other such things. That's fine, but you know what?

...I will never experience the joy of anticipating freshly baked chocolate chip cookies through smell. I will never be able to just close my eyes and take in the smell of grass and flowers after the rain. These are two experiences I wouldn't mind having.

I will never be able to take in the scent of the man that I'll eventually love and keep that memory with me even if he should die before I do.

Thank goodness I can still see and hear. Never take even relatively good health for granted.

Jan 20, 2010 12:54 AM

Feb 2008
I get angry very easily. I'm composed when I'm around others, but when I'm by myself at home I just start freaking out over random shit.

A few times the past few weeks I started swearing online while forgetting about the mic at my mouth.
Shit's embarrassing.
Jan 20, 2010 6:16 AM

Feb 2008
I don't start feeling "cold" until it's about 25 degrees out or lower.

I'm tallest in all of my classes.

I'm a pessimist and see the worst in everything, but I don't complain about it.

I have trust issues

I have a girlfriend who is an entire foot shorter than me.

I've had the song "Homesick" by A Day to Remember on repeat for about an hour now.

I hate how teachers think every single student is retarded.

I get out an hour and a half early from school every day.

I work at Sonic Drive-in

I'm in a BFF trio with a girl and a bisexual male.

I live less than 200 feet from my school.

Even though I live so close to my school, I am always 10 minutes late for first period because I'm on the computer and don't pay attention to the time.

I don't get angered easily and very little things upset me.

I have a very abrupt sense of humor.

I expect to be lied to by everyone.

I'm currently in a Death Note t-shirt and blue jeans.

I'm very good at football and basketball, but I don't like to play them.

I enjoy skateboarding, but I'm not that great.

I enjoy martial arts, and I'm good at that.

Judo is the one I'm best at.

I just remembered while typing this that I have to go in to school early to pick up my bokken that I let my friend borrowed.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Jan 20, 2010 7:56 AM

Jan 2010
Yorokobu said:
I was born without a sense of smell. And yes, it does affect how I taste things.

Although not a huge inconvenience, it's more annoying than people might think. It's bad when you're always paranoid about these situations:

1. You smell bad in front of other people.
2. If the apartment has a gas leak that you can't smell and you light a fire and things blow up. Or if a building's on fire and you don't realize it until smoke's everywhere.
3. If things rot in the back of your fridge, you don't find out until months later when the neighbors worry about the smell coming from your apartment. (true story)
4. If my cat urinates somewhere I can't see, and I don't find out about it until someone comes over to my place.
5. Someone gives you candles, lotion, ect. as a present and wants to know what you think about it. (true story a million times over)
6. You have to cook for a group of people, but can't really because everything tastes different to you and you can't smell if you've burned the dish, ect. (true story)

I could go on and on. When I tell people this, they go "That's kinda cool, you can't smell farts or skunks or poop!" or other such things. That's fine, but you know what?

...I will never experience the joy of anticipating freshly baked chocolate chip cookies through smell. I will never be able to just close my eyes and take in the smell of grass and flowers after the rain. These are two experiences I wouldn't mind having.

I will never be able to take in the scent of the man that I'll eventually love and keep that memory with me even if he should die before I do.

Thank goodness I can still see and hear. Never take even relatively good health for granted.

Wow, what kind of syndrome is that? Never heard of. At least, like you said, you can see and hear. I can't imagine having that kind of syndrome though, because I really love chocolate.
Jan 20, 2010 7:59 AM

Feb 2009
I'm 19

I can't text to save my life, can't touch type either

I typo a lot, except now...

I don't like people looking over my shoulder

I'm a good 6 inches taller than most of my friends

I went 9 years without missing a day of school

I have absolutely no talent at anything I've ever done

I'm trying to think of something positive to write

My smile looks retarded

I'm an atheist

I don't like befriending people I've only just met

Nor do I like having to instigate conversations with strangers

I have size 13(UK) feet and have one pair of shoes, which were a nightmare to find in a town of small footed people
tminus31Jan 20, 2010 8:03 AM

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