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How did you become friends with one of your friends?

Mar 6, 2010 6:22 AM

Jan 2010
This is me and one of my best friends story. i didn't know what to get at the library (this was in grade 5,by the way) and i saw her reading a Shonen Jump magazine.I asked if it was any good and then she showed me some of the manga she liked in it.Then we just started talking about stuff. Thank you Shonen Jump! Without SJ me and her would never be friends now. She was in my class so we talked a lot since we asked the teacher if we could st beside each other in class. Also,grade five was the worst year for me because i was in a huge fight with my friends for a very long time and it was driving me crazy. So i guess we just became friends. She also introduced me to the greatest thing on the planet,Manga and ANime!!!
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Mar 6, 2010 6:30 AM

Nov 2009
My friend was a friend of my friend.
Earth gets angry after a kick in the face.
Mar 6, 2010 6:32 AM

Sep 2009
In west philidelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days, chilling out maxing, relaxing all cool and shooting some B Ball after school.

Then a couple of trolls who were up to know good starting making trouble in my neighbour hood. I got 1 little fight and my mum got scared and sent me to jail and that's how I met bubba'

Don't pick up soap in the shower room ;_ ;

I am watching you're good.
Mar 6, 2010 6:46 AM

Oct 2008
LoneTrooper said:
In west philidelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days, chilling out maxing, relaxing all cool and shooting some B Ball after school.

Then a couple of trolls who were up to know good starting making trouble in my neighbour hood. I got 1 little fight and my mum got scared and sent me to jail and that's how I met bubba'

Don't pick up soap in the shower room ;_ ;
good times........good times......
Mar 6, 2010 6:47 AM

Jan 2010
LoneTrooper said:
In west philidelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days, chilling out maxing, relaxing all cool and shooting some B Ball after school.

Then a couple of trolls who were up to know good starting making trouble in my neighbour hood. I got 1 little fight and my mum got scared and sent me to jail and that's how I met bubba'

Don't pick up soap in the shower room ;_ ;

Prince of Belair?
Mar 6, 2010 6:59 AM

Jan 2010
Mostly because most of them where my neighbour and I always met them outside. Playing fotball, cops and robbers and other fun activities. Then I just started to hang out with them, being introduced to their friends and it just kept going on.

That was many years ago though and I am now days alone with like 3-4 friends.

One of them are a cousin to my older friends, I found out that he had a playstation system and so did I, so I wanted to get to know him and we did. I showed him Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid, that sort of made him become a big fan of those series. ^^
Mar 6, 2010 7:30 AM
Jul 2018
The honest answer? I don't know how I became friends with my current friends. 3 years ago I had a completely different set of friends than I do now. How that happened? I honestly can't remember.
Mar 6, 2010 7:39 AM

Sep 2009
GuruMaddog said:
LoneTrooper said:
In west philidelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days, chilling out maxing, relaxing all cool and shooting some B Ball after school.

Then a couple of trolls who were up to know good starting making trouble in my neighbour hood. I got 1 little fight and my mum got scared and sent me to jail and that's how I met bubba'

Don't pick up soap in the shower room ;_ ;

Prince of Belair?

More like prince of Bell-end.

I am watching you're good.
Mar 6, 2010 9:16 AM

Jun 2008
You mean as in a life long friend or something?

Well I met my childhood friend back in 3rd grade I believe. He decided to transfer to our school, and for some odd reason, whenever we left one school, we seemed to transfer into each others. All a big coincidence. We were real close, always going to each others house, and doing varies activities such as fishing and hunting. We still talk too from time to time. He now works in construction the last time I heard.
Mar 6, 2010 9:41 AM

Jan 2009
Luckily last year I got an awesome room mate and we become really good friends almost immediately. I know consider him a brother. As for my other really good friend we had the same English class and as I walked in I was like "Well that kid over there is the only one who doesn't look like a douche" set next to him and the rest is history xD
Mar 6, 2010 9:51 AM
Feb 2010
most of my friends i know i become friends wit them because we go to the same school and we're like almost all neighbors XD

Mar 6, 2010 9:53 AM

Oct 2008
Back in 5th grade I met my best friend on the play ground. He just moved from California to Missouri and wasn't the friendliest person at school. I saw him sitting on a swing set reading a Nintendo Power magazine and went over to him as asked "so you like Nintendo eh?" "Yeah Nintendo is the shit" and we've been best bros since then. All because of our common interest in Nintendo.
Mar 6, 2010 3:38 PM

Jul 2009
Lol I usually study people first. I don't really make a move or initiate conversation unless i know we have something in common. All my closest friends... in fact most my friends I have made since i was 11 was through anime.
Mar 6, 2010 3:45 PM

Jan 2010
everyday when I walk home from school, I ended up walking behind or beside the same couple of guys so I started talking to them.

These couple of chicks sit at the same table I do during lunch and I noticed they were in my geometry class so now we talk.

but normally its someones hitting on me so I hang out with them and reject them when they ask me out but me and his friends stay friends.

Mar 6, 2010 3:57 PM

Sep 2009
You know how kids sometimes get into fist fights and then the two participants become BFFs? Yeah, I got into a fight (more or less) with this kid, and a few months later, he and I were chilling all the time. Doesn't work like that anymore, huh?
Mar 6, 2010 4:03 PM

Oct 2008
LoneTrooper said:
In west philidelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days, chilling out maxing, relaxing all cool and shooting some B Ball after school.
this applies to me

see profile
Mar 6, 2010 4:32 PM

Dec 2009
I was just a funny guy, they thought I was kinda cool, and they made me laugh a bit too so we became friends.
Mar 6, 2010 4:33 PM

Mar 2010
teanut said:
My friend was a friend of my friend.
Mar 6, 2010 5:07 PM

Dec 2007
First there was this girl that was in my theorical class and, by coincidence, we both went to a workshop on parrot behaviour. Since we did not know anyone else we sticked to each other. Then she asked me to go out for a drink with her friendsa and we became friends. Through her almost all my friends appeared.

And now a different story! There was this pet forum where I participated. I was the second youngest of the forum and, consequently, the youngest member added me. I was 17 and he was 13 - or something like that. I put some ideas on his head and we met in a lunch for forum members. Did not find him any amazing. Then we found out that we'd be going to the same music festival and I arranged to meet him there. He's been my best friend since.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 6, 2010 5:47 PM

Feb 2010
My friends came from my friends :D

Mar 6, 2010 6:51 PM

Mar 2009
Well, depends on which friend you mean. A close friend I got to know was when we just happened to sit next to one another and started talking.
Mar 6, 2010 6:56 PM
Nov 2009
She's the little sister of the guy who used to sell me weed.
Mar 6, 2010 7:00 PM

Jun 2008

The friend that is like a sister to me: First in a club in 6th grade, I could never remember her name. We then became teammates on our Volleyball team in 7th grade, where she gave me the name "Bad Luck Tuck." She has an account on here, but she hasn't been on in almost a year...

The friend that is like a second mom to me: Chorus, then we started talking when I was a Freshman (she's a year older than me).

The friend that is my BROOOO: I met her...she was at my lunch table in 6th grade? IDK, I became really close to her at my one friend's sleepover, we both made references from The Soup.

The friend that is now my ex: She rode my bus in elementary school. Then when I went off to the middle school, she and one of my close friends became friends (they are both a year younger than me...she's exactly a year and a month younger than me). We became REALLY close when I was in 8th grade (they were in 7th). Then when my first friend started to get closer to her at the time boyfriend, me and her became best buds. And then I eventually developed feelings for her...and we eventually went out for 10 days....and now I think she's a freeloader and a weaboo and wants her to leave me alone and wants to get back together with her at the same time.

My gay friend: He was in my school for 5th grade, then was in my class for 6th grade. He introduced me to Neopets (GOD I USED TO LOVE THAT SITE). Then we started becoming buds in 8th grade, and in 9th grade he was my Lunch-Gym-Science buddy. He came out to me a month or so ago, and I wasn't surprised. No one was.
Mar 6, 2010 11:08 PM
Dec 2007
Oh jeez... thinking back on this is quite weird. I remember I met one group of friends because I saw a girl with a Tsubasa Omnibus edition and I randomly went up to her and asked her if I could borrow it. I didn't even know her. Surely enough, she let me and we eventually became good friends.

Another weird case is when I was on a school field trip and I was bored and I started pushing out my stomach and I looked pregnant and some people thought it was so funny and I eventually became their friends. Weird I know...
Mar 6, 2010 11:15 PM

Feb 2010
In my first class in high school theatre, we had to do one of those "Get to know another person games!" And yeah. I'm pretty sure that is the only times one of those games have worked. We're still really close.

And one of my best guy friends and I met at a party. My ringtone is the Metal Gear Solid codec noise, and when it rang, he came flying out of some crack in the wall and did a Snake impression.

I have more, but those two come to mind.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 6, 2010 11:32 PM

Aug 2009
Well, the guy sitting right in front of me (who is my friend) I met at the mall.
The lines of our "friendship" started off with "I know you, you're ****'s brother! You're so much better than her!" and then he kept following me like a lost puppy.

Then we became "friends" afterwards.

haha...don't mind me~
[insert lulz signature here]
Mar 7, 2010 11:07 AM

Dec 2009
Alright so my best friend was a new kid in 5th grade and my dad introduced us and at first I hated him because I thought he was really weird, but we started talking and eventually our parents joined this weird group together so we had to hang out a lot during their meetings and eventually we became best friends and spent just about every free day with each other.
Mar 7, 2010 11:29 AM

Jun 2008
I met my crazy super extroverted close friend in 5th grade, where she was the new girl from Detroit. She came in and the first thing she said was "what the fuck are you looking at?" and I cried, I was scared of her. She literally bitched me out in a 5th grade manner. But then I got to meet her "real" personality and not the "I will kill you" exterior, and we became close. I watched her change from her really 'mean' self, to a hyper-active sexual wonder woman. And I love her. We're still really good friends to this day, oh memories.

But I met my best friend in 6th grade, introduced by another at my locker. We've been best friends for about 5-6 years and still going<3
Mar 7, 2010 1:24 PM
Mar 2010
when I was 7 years old, a boy transferred to our class. For some odd reason i did not like him. One day I decided to beat him up, so i went to him and pushed him against a wall. I was rambling something about the games he was playing, and how they were stupid. Then he said "do you have a better suggestion?". After that we became friends and because of him i also met my other friends.
Mar 7, 2010 1:36 PM

Feb 2010
in kindergarden all the way till highschool, we were also planning to go the same college and get married at the same time and have kids at the same time so that they can be friends too *smiles* but after being friends for this long, she probably got tired of me and now hates me for whatever her reasons are. T.T

sad but this thread brings back nostalgic Feelings. Thanks

As a matter of fact, i am a very good friend.
Mar 7, 2010 3:23 PM
Feb 2010
I found her in a wheely bin.
Mar 7, 2010 3:56 PM

Sep 2009
i met my best friend playing DDR. that was 10 years ago. suffice to say, it hasn't felt that long at all.
Mar 7, 2010 4:07 PM

Dec 2008
"Hi there, my name is Cowabunga, what's yours?"
Mar 7, 2010 9:28 PM

Oct 2009
I became friends with them because they said I was their friend (I can't ever tell when I'm friends with someone though...)
Mar 7, 2010 10:31 PM

Dec 2009
Made friends with one in particular during 6th grade.
Why? I have no idea really.
We both knew each other since kindergarten but she picked on me and I chased her around the playground in response (which is funny since I was a shy little girl, but had no trouble getting angry with her). We still question how we decided to get along (well, more like how we can stand each other now ^^; )
Mar 8, 2010 2:50 AM

Oct 2008
Hmm... My best friend? I don't know. The one I trust the most and never get tired of being around is actually my sports coach... Sounds odd, even to me, but nonetheless it's a fact. I don't think he's my best friend though... Our relationship is unique, I'd rather say.

Well, I started taking up karate and had to make him aware of certain factors - he started asking about them, and now he's like my vessel for when I have things on my mind.
And he's great fun! He's 15 years older than me, but can have the mind of an 8-year old.

My best friend could be the one I've also had the longest, though I'm not sure. I think it's difficult with friends, as I have a tendency to get tired of people if I spend a lot of time with them.
Mar 8, 2010 5:13 AM

Feb 2009
I can easily tell you how I met my best friend, in high school I brought a Sgt. Frog manga and he was all "HOLY SHIT WTF IS THIS SHIT?" and I was all "Its a manga about alien frogs!" and he was all "FTW!" then ever since I've gotten him very addicted to many many things and now we're the bestest friends ever!
Mar 8, 2010 7:34 AM
Dec 2009
CarlosHXC said:
teanut said:
My friend was a friend of my friend.
Mar 8, 2010 12:47 PM
Oct 2009
My friend said "Hello aren't you in my American Lit class?" We've been friends for a few years now.
Mar 8, 2010 3:03 PM

Dec 2009
I met my best friend at a LARP convention.

What? You wanted a serious answer? Right. I met my best mate about six years ago, way back in year 7. We got to talking while standing in line at the canteen and found out that we both shared an unhealthy interest in Street Fighter and basketball. After that, it didn't take long before the two of us started hanging out together.
Mar 12, 2010 10:20 PM

Mar 2010
because we have something in common
Mar 12, 2010 10:39 PM

Jan 2009
Miracle I Guess ~_~
it just happened like that xDD

Mar 13, 2010 3:32 AM

Jan 2008
Zack_Hikki said:
Miracle I Guess ~_~
it just happened like that xDD

same for me i guess. best friend. ^^, . met another good friend through him though - living in germany now though.

i can remember another one .. :p, me and the neighbors were picking on him. i think he recently moved here. kinda ''dorky'' christian guy etc. time went by and we're good friends now, but the people i picked on him with.. well, we just say hi from time to time when we see each other, no much talking though etc.. despite that all of us, including the guy we picked on before used to hand out a little, play lots of football and other stuff :3

yeah, i also remember a story where one of my good friends in grade 4-5 i guess became really hostile towards me etc, but then again i wasn't very popular in my class at that time ^^,

another friend transfered to our class. he was wearing glasses and was kinda dorky or smth, can't really tell, but most guys in our class were picking on him i think. we became friends somehow. and another guy transfered to our class from the opposite class.. we became friends too ^^, . can't really tell how, it just happened. he's living in england now, working.

Mar 13, 2010 4:47 AM

Jul 2007
Damn, I can't even remember how I met one of my friends. Well it was in kindergarden anyway.
Mar 13, 2010 5:02 AM

Mar 2010
I remember it we were having a fight sadly he win so the next day we fought again and again and again until we became friends ^^
Mar 13, 2010 10:48 AM

Mar 2010
Anime, pretty much.

That goes with multiple friends.
Mar 13, 2010 11:02 AM

Jan 2010
I can't remember. Then again i can't remember anything before middle school, except for 1 or 2 embarassing things that happened to me in elementary. It's weird.
They say sleep affects your memory. I say they are right.
Trolls. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Because they barge in to every thread YOU can find, that's why.
Mar 13, 2010 11:59 AM

Jun 2009
This thread reminds me of my bro Dan. I'm no recluse, but I'm also not the type of person to speak unless I'm spoken too, in most cases. I just don't talk as much as a lot of the people around me seem to. So I didn't really know how meeting new friends would go, and luckily I wound up in the same hall as this guy Dan. Maybe the second day there, he pops into our room, we say hello and all that, and not more than a day or two later I started hanging out with the dude almost everyday. Up until then, nearly all my friends were situational, basic kids stuff. Not to say they aren't important. I just think I would have met them no matter what.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines!
Mar 13, 2010 12:02 PM

Mar 2009
I didn't.
I'm pretty anti-social, IRL.
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
Mar 13, 2010 6:23 PM

Aug 2009
Usually I become friends with people just by handing out with them.Hang out smoke some weed, play some video game, go drinking, shoot birds with bb guns, watch anime(preferably dubbed) and so on.Usually I met most of my friends in middle school and high school and met some friends because they were my friends' friends.
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